Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 176
Isolation of Flavobacterium-like bacteria from
diseased salmonids cultured in Chile
P. Ilardi and R. Avendaño-Herrera*
Laboratorio de Veterquímica, Camino Melipilla 5641, Cerrillos, Santiago, Chile.
The biochemical, serological and molecular characteristics of 8-pigmented isolates phenotypically
related to Flavobacterium psychrophilum were determined. The bacteria were isolated in 2006 from
diseased Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cultured in the
South of Chile. The F. psychrophilum type strain ATCC 49418T and isolate B97026, obtained from
rainbow trout in UK, were included in the study as a comparison. Their potential to cause
pathology in Atlantic salmon was also investigated. The 8 isolates were biochemically identical,
however were completely different to F. psychrophilum. Slide agglutination and Dot blot allowed
us to confirm that the isolates constituted a homogeneous, but distinctive serological group to
the F. psychrophilum isolates. Similar homogeneity was observed using RAPD-PCR with identical
DNA patterns obtained, regardless of the source of isolation or geographic origin. Therefore,
any of the above tests can be used to discriminate these pigmented bacteria from F. psychrophilum.
Virulence studies suggest that these isolates could be considered as a potential pathogen for
salmonids, mainly in mixed cultures with F. psychrophilum. These fish showed typical signs of
flavobacteriosis. Recent studies on the sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, together with the
phenotypic and biochemical properties obtained in this study permitted us classify these 8 isolates
in the genus Chryseobacterium. Further molecular studies are in progress in order to know the
species of these pigmented bacteria and determine the real risk for the salmonid culture.
Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative
agent of bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD)
and rainbow trout fry syndrome (RTFS), an
important disease that is thought to affect all
haemorrhaging in exposed dermal tissue, and
sometimes necrosis on the gills and eyes (see
reviews Dalsgaard, 1993; Nematollahi et al.,
species of salmonid fish worldwide (see
review Nematollahi et al., 2003). However,
Detection of F. psychrophilum can be performed
using molecular-based methods like
less severe losses associated with this disease
have also been reported in several non-
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (Bader &
Shotts, 1998; Urdaci et al., 1998; Izumi et al.,
salmonid fish (Lehmann et al., 1991; Iida &
Mizokami, 1996). The clinical signs in affected
2000; Wiklund et al., 2000), although definitive
diagnosis must be supported by the isolation
fish are characteristic gross lesions on the
body surface in the form of ulcers, skin and
of the bacterium on agar which characteristic
yellow-pigmented colonies are produced. We
muscle lesions on the flank or in peduncle
area, loss of the epithelial surface and
have recently isolated other yellowpigmented bacteria associated with diseases
* Corresponding author’s E-mail: reavendano@yahoo.com
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 177
in the fingerling stages of Atlantic salmon
salmon (n = 3) and rainbow trout (n = 5) in
(Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss). These microorganisms were often
different farms located in X Region of Chile,
were used in the present study (Table 1).
isolated from mixed cultures of F.
psychrophilum, being all of them initially
Flavobacterium psychrophilum type strain ATCC
49418 T (serotype Fp T) and isolate B97026
diagnosed as member of the F. psychrophilum
species. The aims of the present study were
obtained from rainbow trout in UK (Faruk et
al. 2002) were used as a comparison. Other
to examine the biochemical, serological and
molecular characteristics of these bacteria
isolate, VQ-Au1, recently obtained from the
skin of infected and dead fish was chosen only
compared with those of the F. psychrophilum
type strain, as well as their pathogenic
for the pathogenicity studies. The bacteria
were grown on Anacker Ordal (AOA; 0.5%
potential in freshwater-farmed fish.
tryptone, 0.05% yeast extract, 0.02% beef
extract, 0.02% sodium acetate, pH 7.2)
Material and methods
Biochemical characterization of the isolates
supplemented with 1.5% agar and incubated
aerobically at 15ºC for 3–5 days. Stock cultures
Eight isolates obtained in pure and mixed
cultures from external ulcers and lesions, from
were maintained frozen at – 80°C in Criobilles
tubes (AES Laboratory).
severe outbreaks of mortalities in Atlantic
Flavobacterium psychrophilum strains
Isolates present study
Cells form
(n = 3)
(n = 5)
ATCC 49418T
Salmo salar
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Osorno (Osorno)
Chapo lake
Long filamentous rods
Long filamentous rods
Colony colour
Congo red adsorption
Flexirubin pigments
Citrate Simmons
Arginine decarboxylase
Lisine decarboxylase
Ornithine decarboxylase
Table 1 continued.
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 178
Flavobacterium psychrophilum strains
Isolates present study
(n = 3)
(n = 5)
ATCC 49418T
Salmo salar
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Osorno (Osorno)
Chapo lake
Growth at (°C)
Growth with NaCl (%)
Growth on
Trypticase soy agar
Nutrient agar
Marine agar 2216
Tryptone yeast extract agar
Columbia blood agar
Tween 80
MacConkey agar
Enzyme activities
Hydrolysis of
, VQ– 2206s; VQ–4836s and VQ–6316s
, VQ–106r; VQ–5916r; VQ–5926r; VQ–5946r and VQ–5966r
Table 1. Differential phenotypic characteristic of Flavobacterium-like isolates from known F. psychrophilum
strains included in this study. Number of isolates are show in parenthesis; +, Positive; –, Negative; w, weakly
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 179
xazole (1.25/23.75), enrofloxacin (5),
bacteriological tests (MacFaddin, 1984), and
florfenicol (30) and oxytetracycline (30). The
diameter of each zone inhibition was
other biochemical tests (Bernardet et al., 2002;
Avendaño-Herrera et al., 2004a). Biochemical
determined after 48, and, if necessary, 72 h of
incubation at 15°C. Reference strain Aeromonas
reactions tested included: colony morphology
and pigmentation, cell morphology, gliding
salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658T
was used as a control.
motility, Gram-staining, cytochrome oxidase,
catalase reaction (3% H 2 O 2 ), oxidation/
Identification of the isolates by PCR
fermentation reactions, Voges-Proskauer test,
lysine descarboxylase, ornhitine descarboxylase, arginine descarboxylase, presence of
cell wall-associated flexirubin type pigments
and absorption of Congo red. Hydrolysis of
the following substrates was determined
using AOA as basal medium: gelatin, agar,
starch, Tween 80, casein, DNA, blood and
tyrosine. The growth temperature range was
tested from 0 to 42°C on AOA. Growth in the
presence of 0 to 10% (w/v) NaCl was also
determined. Growth was detected on
MacConkey agar, Simmons’ citrate agar,
blood agar, R2A agar, Marine agar 2216,
Nutrient agar, Trypticase Soy Agar and
Triptone yeast extract agar. Further
biochemical analysis were carried out using
API 20E and API ZYM (bioMérieux) strips,
according to the manufacturer’s instruction
with the exception of the incubation
temperature, which was fixed at 15°C.
Antimicrobial tests were applied by disc
diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar
(MHA) with 1% NaCl, as well as the dilute
versions of MHA medium, as recommended
by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards
Institute (CLSI 2006) for use with F.
psychrophilum. The chemotherapeutic reagents
used (Oxoid, (micrograms per disc)) were:
amoxicillin (25), trimethoprim-sulfametho-
Chromosomal DNA was extracted using
Insta-Gene Matrix (Bio-Rad) for pure bacterial
cultures according to the manufacturer ’s
instructions. All PCR amplifications were
done using the species-specific primer
designed by Urdaci et al. (1998) and the
commercial kit Ready-To-GoTM PCR beads
(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech), which
included all the reagents needed for the PCR
reaction (buffer, nucleotides and Taq DNA
polymerase), except the specific primers and
DNA template. All amplifications were
carried out in a PXE 0.5 Thermalcycler
(Thermo Electron Corporation), and the
products were electrophoresed in a 1.5% (w/
v) agarose gel visualized with ethidium
bromide (Bio-Rad) and photographed under
UV light. A 100-bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen)
was used as a molecular mass marker. The
presence of a single band of 1088 base pair
(bp) was considered to be positive for
identification of F. psychrophilum.
Serological characterization
Antisera against two representative isolates
obtained from rainbow trout and Atlantic
salmon, codified as VQ-5926r and VQ-6316s
respectively, were prepared by intravenous
injections of rabbits with formalin-killed cells
(10 9 cells ml -1 ) according to Sørensen and
Larsen (1986). To evaluate the antigenic crossreactivity among the Flavobacterium-like
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 180
bacteria and F. psychrophilum species, all
(Dice 1945). A dendrogram was produced on
serological tests included polyclonal
antiserum raised against ATCC 49418T and
the basis of the unweighted average pair
group method (UPGMA).
strain B97026, which were also prepared in
this study. Serological assays were carried out
Virulence tests in fish
according to Avendaño-Herrera et al. (2004a),
using whole cell preparation and heat stable
O-antigens of each isolate as well as the F.
psychrophilum type strain ATCC 49418T, and
B97026. The serological relationship between
isolates was determined using agglutination
(Toranzo et al., 1987), with strong and rapid
agglutination considered positive. Dot blot
analysis was also conducted as denoted by
Cipriano et al. (1985). Controls were made
with PBS and serum from non-immunised
rabbits. Only a reaction similar to that
exhibited by the homologous strain was
scored as positive.
Infectivity trials were conducted using
healthy Atlantic salmon (average weight 8–
10 g) obtained from a hatchery with no history
of flavobacteriosis located in the central of
Chile. To make sure that they were free from
F. psychrophilum and other freshwater
pathogens, the fish samples (gills, mucus, skin
and kidney) were subjected to standard
microscopical and bacteriological examination, and also analysed by PCR (Urdaci et
al., 1998). Fish were allocated at a rate of 15
fish per 10-L tank with freshwater, aerated
and acclimatized for 72 h prior to bacterial
challenge. Representative Flavobacterium-like
RAPD-PCR analysis
VQ-6316s and F. psychrophilum VQ-au1 were
chosen for the trial. Virulence assays were
The RAPD reactions were performed using
Ready-To-Go TM RAPD analysis beads
performed by immersion challenge according
to Avendaño-Herrera et al. (2006). Three types
(Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) following the
protocol described by Avendaño-Herrera et
of trials were conducted by direct inoculation
with a bacterial suspension of 5 x 106 cells ml-1
al. (2004b). These commercial beads have been
optimised for RAPD-PCR reactions and, as
into sterile freshwater: a) isolate VQ-6316s; b)
F. psychrophilum VQ-au1 and c) bacterial
with the PCR beads above, contained buffer,
nucleotides and Taq DNA polymerase; the
mixtures of the both microorganisms (2.5 x
106 cells ml-1 of each strain). Fish without
only reagents added to the reaction were
template DNA (1 μl), 100 pmol of respective
bacterial challenge were included as control.
All trials were maintained in closed system
RAPD primers (supplied in the kit) and water
to make the reaction up to a volume of 25 μl.
at 15 ± 1°C with a pH ranging from 7.6 to 7.8,
and oxygen 7.8 mg L-1 using a 24L:0D light
Amplification products were separated by
horizontal electrophoresis and photographed
regime. The fish were fed daily at 1.5% body
weight and the water in each tank was
under UV light. Data analysis on the resulting
RAPD profiles was performed using
changed once every-other-day to remove the
faecal matter.
GelCompar II software (Applied Maths). The
computed similarities among strains were
estimated by means of the Dice coefficient (Sd)
Dead fish were removed from tanks daily for
a 28 days period and subjected to microbiological analysis to confirm re-isolation of
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 181
ATCC 49418
% Similarity
Figure 1. (A) Amplification fingerprints obtained for the isolates using RAPD with primer 5 (supplied with
the kit). Lanes: MW, AmpliSize Molecular Ruler (100-bp DNA ladder, Invitrogen); 1 to 7, Flavobacterium-like
pigmented bacteria and 8, Flavobacterium psychrophilum type strain. (B) Dendogram obtained using Dice
similarity coefficient and unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) analysis on the basis of RAPD
profiles. Number along branches: % similarity.
the inoculated strains. Once pure cultures of
the pigmented isolates were obtained, were
analysed and identified by slide agglutination
MacConkey agar or Simmon’s citrate medium,
while the F. psychrophilum strains did not grow
assay and RAPD method as described above.
on any of these media. The isolates did not
produce acetoin (Voges–Proskauer test).
Results and discussion
Gelatin, aesculin and DNA were hydrolysed,
but Tween 20, tyrosine, agar, starch and casein
the isolates recovered from the diseased fish
regardless of the host of isolation, and was
very different to the F. psychrophilum isolates
used as a comparison (Table 1). They were
all Gram negative, rod-shaped, non-gliding
and non-motile bacteria, catalase and
cytochrome oxidase positive and were non
fermentative. Colonies were smooth, shiny,
circular with regular edges and yellow in
colour. Growth occurred at 4–28°C and with
0–3% NaCl (this growth pattern is not typical
for F. psychrophilum). All isolates contained a
cell-wall-associated flexirubin-type pigment,
but did not absorb Congo red. Growth on
Columbia blood agar (a-haemolytic) and
trypticase soy agar was observed, but not on
were not. The results of the API 20E test were
the same for all strains, including both F.
Cumulative mortality (%)
Biochemical homogeneity was seen among
Figure 2. Percentage cumulative mortalities of
Atlantic salmon challenged immersion with a
bacterial suspension of 5 x 106 cells ml-1 into sterile
freshwater of a) isolate VQ-6316s; b) F.
psychrophilum VQ-au1 and c) bacterial mixtures of
the both microorganisms (2.5 x 106 cells ml-1 of each
strain). Fish without bacterial challenge were
included as control.
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 182
psychrophilum strains (code 0006024). It is
The ATCC 49418T and Scottish isolates gave a
important to point out that the API 20E
rendered false positive for glucose
clear product of the expected 1088 bp when
PCR analysis was carried out, while products
fermentation/oxidation when compared with
results from traditional tube test. This
of a lower molecular size were observed for
all of the disease isolates (data not shown).
difference might be due to the influence of
the culture medium and/or initial inocula
These results imply that the 8 isolates
obtained from diseased fish do not belong to
density (Ravelo et al., 2001).
the species F. psychrophilum.
On the other hand, results from the API ZYM
test also showed complete homogeneity
Serological characterization of the isolates by
slide agglutination and Dot blot assays
among all the disease isolates. Activity was
not detected for melibiase, lactase,
showed only a strong reaction with the
antisera raised against rainbow trout and
hyaluronidase, cellulose, alpha-mannosidase
and alpha-fucosidase. As expected, for the F.
Atlantic salmon isolates (VQ-5926r and VQ6316s), demonstrating that they belong to a
psychrophilum strains, negative results were
found for all the enzymes involved in
same serological group (data not shown).
However there was no cross–reaction with the
carbohydrate metabolism (reactions 13 to 20
in API ZYM galleries). Therefore, the two F.
antisera raised against the two F.
psychrophilum isolates. The strains ATCC
psychrophilum strains showed classical
biochemical patterns for the bacterium, as
49418T and B97026 only reacted with their
homologous antiserum, confirming that the
detailed in the literature (Bernardet &
Grimont, 1989; Lorenzen et al., 1997).
pigmented isolates are antigenically distinct
compared to F. psychrophilum. As expected no
The antibiotic sensitivities of the isolates were
the same, regardless of the media used, and
reaction with the pre-immune serum was
48 h was required before the results could be
read. All isolates were resistant to
PCR-based typing is an effective approach in
the epidemiological study of diseases caused
oxytetracycline and highly sensitive to the
other drugs tested. This pattern of
by various Gram-negative bacteria. In this
study, RAPD analysis was applied to obtain
antimicrobial sensitivity could possibly be
explained by the common use of these drugs
genetic fingerprints of the eight isolates, and
to discriminate them from the F. psychrophilum
in fish farms to control disease. In contrast,
all F. psychrophilum strains were totally
isolates. Initially RAPD analysis was
performed using each of the six primers
resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
and highly susceptible to the remained
provided in the kit. However, only one of the
six primers, oligonucleotide P5, generated
chemotherapeutic agents tested. Moreover,
scant growth occurred in 48 h, but before 72
reproducible patterns with an appropriate
number of amplified bands. The analysis of
h clear and well-defined zones of inhibition
were displayed in concordance with the
the putative Flavobacterium isolates showed an
identical profile among all strains with
recommended by the CLSI (2006).
amplification bands ranging from 500 to 2000
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 183
bp, indicating genetic homogeneity between
to the fastidious nature of this microorganism,
the isolates (Figure 1A). The type strain ATCC
49418T and Scottish isolate yielded a different
as previously reported for F. psychrophilum
(Michel et al., 1999). None of the control fish
fingerprint ranging in size from 200 to 1300
bp, and were grouped within other cluster,
died during the experiment.
with a similarity level of 22.6% (Figure 1B).
RAPD fingerprinting has previously been
used to distinguish between F. psychrophilum
and numerous other closely related bacteria
found in diseased salmonid fish (Crump et
al., 2001).
Mechanisms of virulence and condition that
influence virulence of the Flavobacterium-like
species studied are unknown, while the
pathogenicity of F. psychrophilum infections is
not yet understood, and only scant data on
virulence factor are available (Nematollahi et
The results of the virulence testing with
al., 2003). We speculate that the degree of
pathogenicity or expression of the pathogenic
Flavobacterium-like isolate (VQ-6316s) and
VQ-au1 gave no mortalities and did not
potential of disease-producing microorganisms is increased when both isolates are
induce disease when fish were infected with
the bacterium by bath. In contrast, prolonged
mixed, since the isolates alone did not kill fish
even when high concentrations were applied
immersion (18h) of fish with a mixture of both
isolates produced the first incidence of dead
(data not shown). In fact, mixed infections of
certain viral, bacterial, fungus or parasitic fish
fish 11 days and cumulative mortalities of
100%, 23 days after the exposure to VQ-6316s–
pathogens and F. psychrophilum are frequently
observed in various salmonids fish species
VQ-au1 (Figure 2). It is important to denote
that the timing of immersion of fish (18 h) was
(see review Cipriano & Holt, 2005). However,
so far unknown whether the attachment,
chosen based on our previous experience with
challenge model for external pathogens
colonization or subsequent protease and/or
toxin released and penetration by the bacteria
(Avendaño-Herrera et al., 2006), being the
most similar to the natural route of infection.
are triggered (Nematollahi et al., 2003).
Possibly fish tissue is altered (in some way
Gross external lesions were seen in all fish,
typical of those seen in flavobacteriosis.
by bacteria), which facilitates bacterial
infection and further invasion.
Microscopic examination of wet mount
smears from the external lesions of dead fish
revealed the presence of high quantities of
long F. psychrophilum rods and shorter rods
from Flavobacterium-like. A mixed culture of
the two isolates was recovered from the
lesions of only a few moribund fish. Based on
the RAPD-PCR and confirmed by serological
tests, all pure isolates obtained from the
infected fish were identified as those used for
the challenge. Failure to recover the bacterium
on AOA from the other fish is probably due
In summary, the pigmented bacteria isolated
from the diseased rainbow trout and Atlantic
salmon may be a potential pathogen for
salmonid culture in Chile, mainly in mixed
cultures with other fish pathogen such as F.
psychrophilum. These isolates were
biochemical, serological and genetically
homogeneous, but were totally different to F.
psychrophilum. Recent studies on the
sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, together
with the phenotypic and biochemical
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol., 28(5) 2008, 184
properties obtained in this study permits us
classify these 8 isolates in the genus
Chryseobacterium. In this genus there are
species known to be pathogen to fish
(Mudarris et al., 1994; de Beer et al., 2006), as
well as other isolates not yet identified at
species level, but still causing mortalities to
aquatic organisms (Bernardet et al., 2005).
Further molecular studies are in progress in
order to know the species of these pigmented
bacteria and determine the real risk for the
salmonid culture.
This work was supported by grant IPC 019
from the Program Bicentenario Ciencia y
Tecnología, CONICYT– Chile. Thanks are
expressed to the fish laboratories for sending
the isolates. A special thanks is expressed to
Dr. K. Thompson (Institute of Aquaculture,
Stirling University, Stirling, UK) for kindly
providing the strain B97026.
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