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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Water-retentive polymers increase nodulation of actinorhizal plants inoculated with Frankia Article in Plant and Soil · August 1999 DOI: 10.1023/A:1004634804354 CITATIONS READS 25 54 4 authors, including: Dwight Baker Jeffrey Dawson 66 PUBLICATIONS 1,638 CITATIONS 114 PUBLICATIONS 2,155 CITATIONS Texas A&M University SEE PROFILE University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Dwight Baker on 05 January 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Plant and Soil 214: 105–115, 1999. © 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 105 Water-retentive polymers increase nodulation of actinorhizal plants inoculated with Frankia Steven J. Kohls1, Dwight D. Baker2 , Douglas A. Kremer3 and Jeffrey O. Dawson1,∗ 1 Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, W-503 Turner Hall, 1102 S. Goodwin, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA; 2 New Chemical Entities, Inc., 11804 North Creek Parkway South, Bothell, Washington 98011-8805, USA and 3 MiTech Research and Development Inc, 3522 Labore Rd., St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, USA Key words: Actinorhiza, Alnus, Casuarina, Frankia, Nodulation, Water-retentive polymers Abstract Actinorhizal plants form a nodular, nitrogen-fixing root symbiosis with the actinomycete Frankia and are economically and ecologically important due to their ability to improve the nitrogen fertility of disturbed and infertile substrates. In this study, water-retentive polymer inoculum carriers were applied as a root dip. This treatment significantly increased nodulation and in some cases early growth of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Casuarina equisetifolia var. equisetifolia Forst. & Forst. in a controlled environment and also of A. glutinosa under field conditions. Nodule number and nodule dry weight per plant were at least two to three times greater after 56 to 140 days for plants inoculated with Frankia carried in a water-retentive polymer base compared with plants inoculated with Frankia in water. Nodules on the roots of the plants that were inoculated with Frankia in a polymer slurry were distributed throughout the entire root system, rather than concentrated near the root collar. When amended with water-retentive polymers, actinorhizal plants inoculated with 5- to 10-fold lower titers of Frankia exhibited early growth and nodule numbers equal to or greater than those plants inoculated with standard titers without polymers. The water-retentive, superabsorbent polymers clearly increased the nodulation of two actinorhizal plant species. Introduction Actinorhizal plants are unique in their ability to establish root nodules with the nitrogen-fixing actinomycete Frankia, a widespread soil actinomycete that is symbiotic with at least 8 families, 25 genera and over 200 species of primarily woody angiospermous plants (Baker, 1988; Baker and Schwintzer, 1990; Moiroud and Gianinazzi-Pearson, 1984; Torrey, 1988). A number of actinorhizal plants are noted for their ability to fix ecologically significant quantities of nitrogen (Bormann and Gordon, 1989). The infectious population of Frankia, or of an effective Frankia microsymbiont, is often low or absent in certain soils (Dawson et al., 1989; Houwers and Akkermans, 1981; Kohls et al., 1994; Smolander and Sundman, 1987; Visser et al., 1990). Thus, inoculation with a desired microsymbiont may be necessary ∗ FAX No: +1 217 244 3219. E-mail: to insure or to optimize the nitrogen fixing capabilities of these species. Inoculation methods have included crushed nodule suspensions, substrate injection with the microsymbiont, large scale spraying of cultured Frankia, seed inoculation, rhizospheric soil inoculation, dry inoculum, alginate beads, peat carriers or, most frequently, aqueous suspensions of Frankia at 0.01–0.05 µL packed cell volume (PCV) per plant (Akkermans and Howers, 1979; Berry and Torrey, 1985; Burleigh and Dawson, 1994; Diem et al., 1988; Martin et al., 1991; Perinet et al., 1985; Stowers and Smith, 1985; Thomas, 1986; Wheeler et al., 1991). Carriers for Rhizobium and mycorrhizal organisms are known to improve the degree of infection and to reduce competition from indigenous strains of the microorganism for inoculated woody host plants (Torrey, 1988). However less is known about methods to improve nodulation and growth or to reduce microbial competition in the inoculation of actinorhizal plants (Benoit and Berry, 1990). The autecology of Frankia 106 and many of the factors influencing infection by the microsymbiont remain poorly understood (Baker, 1988). In contrast to Rhizobium and their leguminous host species, commercial inoculation methods using Frankia and its host plants have yet to be fully developed or tested, though some research has been done on methods for developing economic techniques for large-scale inoculation of actinorhizal plants (Martin et al., 1991). Rapid growth and the increased soil nitrogen fertility characteristic of many actinorhizal plants are often dependent on the establishment of a symbiotic partnership with the microsymbiont (Wheeler and Miller, 1990). Standard inoculation procedures have often been ineffective in the field for reclamation and amenity plantings of actinorhizal species (Reddell et al., 1991), and no commercial Frankia inoculants are readily available (Benoit and Berry, 1990). Water-retentive polymers have been available to tree growers for some time. They are generally used as a dip to reduce moisture stress and to increase nutrient availability in newly transplanted seedlings (Adams and Lockaby, 1987). Water-retentive polymers include either starch-based agents or polyacrylamide combinations. These materials have the ability to adsorb moisture up to 400 times their dry weight, allowing them to capture water normally lost to gravitational forces or to evaporation in the rhizosphere of the plant (Magnusen, 1986). Without intervention, substantial losses of plants are often incurred in transplanting tree seedlings on harsh sites resulting from root desiccation and subsequent lack of root establishment in outplants (Adams and Lockaby, 1987). Superabsorbent, water-retentive polymers have been proposed widely as a tool for mine-spoil reclamation and tree and shrub transplantation, to minimize moisture stress in young transplants. A number of experiments employing superabsorbent polymer root treatments have resulted in increased tree seedling survival rates in comparison with control plants when treated trees were transplanted under harsh environmental conditions (Pritchard, 1984). Positive results led us to explore the use of superabsorbent polymer root treatments together with Frankia inocula in increasing nodulation of actinorhizal plants. We chose two species of actinorhizal plants for our experiments, Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. and Casuarina equisetifolia var. equisetifolia Forst. & Forst. A. glutinosa and other Alnus spp. have been widely used as nurse trees, for biomass production and for reclamation purposes, most notably on coal mine spoils (Dawson, 1986; Dawson, 1990; Dawson et al., 1983; Fessenden, 1979; Heilman and Ekuan, 1982; Silvester, 1977). A. glutinosa tolerates soil pH extremes which can pose a problem in revegetating mine spoils (Vogel, 1981). Casuarina spp. are used in arid or semiarid landscapes for the reclamation of disturbed land, as amenity plantings, in agroforestry and to stabilize desert, riparian, and coastal soils. A number of the casuarinas have been widely planted throughout tropical and warm temperate regions in Egypt, India, southeastern China, Australia, Mexico, the mild, subtropical fringes of the United States, and throughout the Pacific. Casuarinas outside their native range usually must be inoculated when first planted in order to obtain nodulation (Diem and Dommergues, 1990). Some of the casuarinas are also found to lack nodules even in their native habitats such as Australia (Dawson et al., 1989; Lawrie, 1982). Species of Casuarina have been noted for their salt and drought tolerance and have been used extensively on dry and sodic soils for fuelwood and agroforestry purposes. Moreover, the caloric value of the wood (5000 kcal/kg) is higher than for most other tree species (Reddell et al., 1991; U.S. National Research Council, 1984). In an effort to evaluate the potential of superabsorbant polymers as a carrier for symbiotic microorganisms, we incorporated Frankia into superabsorbants which were used as an inoculant for Alnus and Casuarina plants. We hypothesized that the polymer-Frankia delivery system would allow for increased infection, nodule development and growth of actinorhizal plants compared to standard inoculation methods. Materials and methods Experiment I In this experiment polymer-amended Frankia inoculum was compared with Frankia inoculated in a standard aqueous suspension for resulting nodulation of A. glutinosa under controlled conditions. Seeds of A. glutinosa (F. W. Schumacher, Inc., Sandwich, Mass.) were soaked in warm sterile water for 12 h, surface sterilized in 30% (v/v H2 O2 for five minutes, washed in sterile water, and germinated in sterile sand. Seedlings 3–4 weeks old were subsequently treated as described below, transferred to sterile perlite in 15×20 cm white plastic pots and watered immediately with sterile deionized water. 107 Cells of Frankia strain ArI4 (DDB01310210) isolated by D. Baker from Alnus rubra root nodules were used in this experiment. Frankia strain ArI4 is in the same cross-infectivity group as most other isolates from Alnus root nodules and studies including that of Baker (1987) have shown this strain to be a viable inoculant for A. glutinosa. Strain ArI4 was grown in the dark in an incubator at 27 ◦ C and at pH 6.5 in ‘Frankia Broth’ (Baker and O’Keefe, 1984). Actively growing strains that had been subcultured biweekly were washed twice via centrifugation for 5 min at 2000×g in sterile distilled water, homogenized manually using a glass tissue grinder, then centrifuged for 10 min at 2000×g in graduated centrifuge tubes to determine packed cell volume (PCV). Then 100:1 v:v dilutions were aseptically prepared by mixing 100 parts sterile water or polymer slurry with one mL Frankia PCV according to Berry and Torrey (1985). The polymer slurry consisted of 0.35 grams of cross-linked potassium polyacrylate/polyacrylamide copolymer (MiTech Research and Development, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota) per 100 mL of sterile water. The three treatments consisted of (1) control plants the roots of which were dipped for 5 s in sterile water, (2) seedlings dipped in a sterile water suspension of Frankia, and (3) seedlings dipped in the polymer – Frankia slurry. Neither brief suspension in distilled water prior to inoculation into a soil substrate nor immersion in the water-retentive polymers used in this study have exhibited a reduction in infectious capacity suggestive of osmotic stress. The macromolecules of water retentive polymers form gels that do not possess the negative water potentials of low molecular weight solutes, allowing plants and microorganisms to avail themselves of the adsorbed water without suffering osmotic stress under our experimental conditions. There were 3 pots per treatment with 3 seedlings in each pot resulting in 9 seedlings per treatment. Within each treatment group, the remainder of the water or inoculum not absorbed onto the roots after dipping was applied in equal aliquots to the base of each plant, so that each plant received 1 mL of treatment solution by dipping or substrate application. The plants were grown in a growth chamber and were irrigated 5 times weekly with 250 mL of 1/4 strength Hoagland’s nitrogen-free solution (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950) at pH 5.5 supplemented with 0.05 mM KNO3 , a beneficial low level of nitrogen that prevents chlorosis prior to establishment of the symbiois but does not affect nodulation (Baker, 1987). Twice weekly plants were flushed with 400 mL of deionized water. Treated trans- plants were grown for a total of 8 weeks. The growth chamber was illuminated by 1000-Watt High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide Lamps in GE Duraglow fixtures in an alternating array. Photosynthetic photon flux density at plant level was determined to be 700– 800 µmoles m−2 s−1 with a light:dark cycle of 14:10 h and a day:night temperature cycle of 27:22 ◦ C. Treatments were completely randomized by pot in the growth room. At 8 weeks, plants were harvested and shoot length, root length, and nodule number per plant were determined. Dry weights of shoots, roots and nodules were determined after drying for 24 h at 70 ◦ C. Experiment II A second experiment was performed with A. glutinosa to ascertain the effectiveness of two different polymer formulations and the use of reduced Frankia titers in the polymer slurries. The same methods for plant propagation, inoculation, and controlling environmental conditions used in the first experiment were also employed in the second experiment. Immediately upon transfer from the sand germination medium to perlite, plants were subjected to seven different treatments. The treatments, with three plants per pot, consisted of corn-starch based copolymer slurry (MiTech Research and Development, Inc., St. Paul, MN) with the 100:1 dilution PCV in aqueous solution and another treatment consisting of one fifth of this Frankia concentration (0.01 mL PCV/plant) with a five-fold (5×) reduction in titer (0.002 mL PCV/plant) plus the corn-starch based copolymer slurry. The remaining treatments consisted of the same concentrations of the polyacrylate/polyacrylamide copolymer with standard and reduced concentrations of Frankia inoculum and control plants without polymers containing no Frankia, standard inoculum density or a 5× reduced Frankia titer. Seed of A. glutinosa was germinated as described previously before transferring to the 15×20 cm pots. Plants were randomized on a greenhouse bench and grown using the same regime as described in Experiment I. Plants were harvested 10 weeks after inoculation and evaluated for growth and nodulation parameters as in Experiment I. Experiment III A field trial was performed with outplanted A. glutinosa to complement laboratory studies. Seeds were germinated as described previously and 3–4 week old 108 seedlings were transferred to 15×20 cm pots containing autoclaved perlite. Plants were grown for 24 weeks under the same conditions as in the previous experiments. The roots were then washed with sterile water to remove the substrate after which plants were transferred from the laboratory to the field with roots immersed in sterile distilled water. The planting site was an old pasture dominated by grasses, including Agropyron repens and some remnant native Andropogon spp., in a xeric oak-savanna vegetation zone directly adjacent to the Anoka Sand Plain in Minnesota (45◦ , 35′ N, 93◦ , 10′ W). The climate of the area is characterized by short, warm summers and long, cold winters. Annual precipitation in the area averages 660 mm, with a mean annual temperature of 22 ◦ C (Baker et al., 1967). The soil at this site is a well-drained sandy loam classified as a Mollisol in the Zimmerman series. The soil has a pH of 5.5–6.0 and less than 0.5% total N in the surficial meter of the soil. Plant growth on these soils is considered to be nitrogen limited (Grigal et al., 1974). The alder seedlings were planted in a completely randomized design with two replicates of each of four treatments. Each of the eight randomized plots was 5×5m with even spacing of 4–5 plants per treatment plot and a one meter buffer zone between each plot. The four treatments consisted of a control group, plants that were treated with only a cross-linked potassiumpolyacrylate/polyacrylamide copolymer, a group receiving 0.01 mL PCV of Frankia per plant, and a treatment combining this same inoculum titer with the cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide coploymer. The treatments were applied by dipping individual root systems in sterile water (the control group), polymer only, Frankia in sterile water, or the polymer-Frankia slurry as previously described. The seedlings were planted in mid-June in soil tilled to approximately 40 cm in depth, heeled-in, and each was watered with 100 mL of deionized water. The plants were grown for 4 months with no fertilizer, watering, or weed control. The small trees were carefully excavated so that the entire root systems were removed and all soil was gently washed from the root systems. Growth and nodulation parameters were determined as described previously. Experiment IV This experiment was designed to evaluate the potential of a water-retentive polymer inoculum carrier to enhance nodulation, nodule development and growth of C. equisetifolia under controlled conditions. Two different polymer formulations with both a standard and a 10-fold (10×) reduction in Frankia inoculum (0.001 mL PCV/plant) were used. Seeds were obtained from a plantation of C. equisetifolia located in Hawaii. Seedlings (3–4 weeks after germination on sterile sand) were transplanted to premoistened sterile perlite, with nine plants per treatment and 3 plants per pot. Casuarina seedlings were inoculated (root dipped) with either 1 mL each of a 100:1 PCV dilution or a further 10× dilution of washed and homogenized cells as described in Experiment I, but using Frankia strain Cc13 (HFP020203) (Zhang et al., 1984) grown in defined propionate medium (Baker and O’Keefe, 1984) at 30 ◦ C. Cells of Frankia strain CcI3 used in this experiment readily and effectively nodulate C. equisetifolia, which has the broadest microsymbiont affinity of all Casuarina and Allocasuarina spp., and studies including that of Baker (1987) have shown this strain to be a viable inoculant for C. equisetifolia. There were 9 seedlings per treatment and treatments consisted of untreated controls; polymer only (using both the polyacrylate/polyacrylamide copolymer or the cornstarch based copolymer individually); and one treatment each of Frankia only at the standard titer (0.01 mL PCV plant) and a 10× dilution (0.001 cc PCV) of treatments with each polymer and the reduced inoculum density. Plant culture was the same as in previous experiments except that day temperature for plant growth was 30 ◦ C instead of 27 ◦ C. The same plant nutrient solution was used as in the preceeding inoculation experiments, however, at 8 weeks the application of the nutrient solution was reduced to once weekly for the remainder of the 12-week growth period. Casuarina spp. are slower to nodulate than many other actinorhizal species (Kohls and Baker, 1989), and this longer, reduced nitrogen regime was employed to promote nodulation of the plants. The plants were harvested at 12 weeks, and the nodulation and growth patterns were evaluated as previously described. Statistical analyses Data were analyzed using ANOVA and a protected Fisher’s Least Square Differences method to detect statistically significant (p ≤ 0.05) differences among individual treatment means. Unless noted in the tables, ANOVA indicated significant overall treatment effects (P ≤ 0.05). 109 Results Nodules appeared 10–12 days after inoculation for Alnus and 21–28 days after inoculation for Casuarina. The time required for nodule initiation in the alder field trial was not determined to avoid damaging the plants. In all experiments, nodules of the polymerFrankia treated plants were distributed throughout the entire root system. In these treatments, nodules on the lower and distal regions of the tap and lateral roots were smaller than those on the upper portions of the root system. In contrast, the majority of nodules on plants inoculated with Frankia alone were confined to the upper sections of the tap and lateral roots. Few, if any, nodules were present on the distal portions of these root systems. This pattern was the same for both Alnus and Casuarina. Experiment I Nodulation The number of nodules per plant, nodule dry weight per plant and nodule weight as a percentage of whole plant dry weight were all significantly greater, with a 2-fold increase in the polymer-Frankia treatments compared to the Frankia treatments without polymer (Table 1). In this controlled study with young seedlings, the total number and percentage of nodule mass relative to whole plant mass were quite high in the early stages of nodule development. The nodule mass proportion decreases with plant development. Plant growth The control plants were not nodulated and were chlorotic as is common for nitrogen deficient plants. Their growth was significantly less than that of the two other treatments. No statistically significant differences were found between the plants treated with polymer-Frankia and those treated with Frankia alone with respect to the biomass of the plant components. However, there was a significant difference in the root/shoot ratios (Table 1). Experiment II Nodulation Nodule number per plant was highest in the polymerFrankia standard concentration treatment and lowest in the 5× dilution with Frankia alone (Table 2). Among the various inoculum titers employed, approximately 2-fold increases were observed for nodule number and nodule weight per plant for the polymerFrankia inoculated outplants compared with plants inoculated with Frankia alone. Irrespective of the inoculum titer, the percentage of nodule weight per plant was equal to or significantly greater for plants inoculated with the polymer-Frankia treatments than for plants inoculated with Frankia alone (Table 2). As in Experiment I, the total number and percentage of nodule mass relative to whole plant mass were quite high in the early stages of nodule development. Plant growth Initial alder growth increased dramatically as a result of the combined polymer-Frankia treatments (Table 3). There was a 2–3-fold increase in plant shoot weight compared with the controls for the polymerFrankia treated plants. The use of Frankia alone increased shoot, root, and whole plant weights when compared to the controls. However, the shoot/root ratio was not significantly altered (Table 3). The use of standard and reduced titers of the polymerFrankia slurries resulted in significantly greater shoot and whole plant dry weights than the use of Frankia alone. In addition, lower root:shoot ratios were observed in the polymer-Frankia treated plants compared with the other treatments (Table 3). Moreover, the mean shoot length of plants inoculated with both polymer and Frankia exceeded that of plants inoculated with Frankia alone, which in turn exceeded the mean shoot length of control plants (Table 2). As in Experiment I, with heavily inoculated young seedlings, the total number and percentage of nodule mass relative to whole plant mass were quite high in the early stages of nodule development. The nodule mass proportion decreases with plant development. Experiment III Nodulation The presence of a few nodules on upper portions of the root systems of the controls and of the alder treated with polymer alone indicate that an indigenous population able to nodulate Alnus glutinosa was present at the Minnesota planting locale. The nodule number and degree of nodule development apparently induced by the indigenous microsymbiont were significantly lower when compared to nodulation of the inoculated plants (Table 4). After one full growing season, plants treated with the polymer-Frankia inoculum had significantly greater mean nodule numbers and nodule weight than did the other treatments. Furthermore, 110 Table 1. Experiment I: Mean shoot length, mass, mass ratios and nodulation values of Alnus glutinosa seedlings with Frankia inoculum or Frankia plus polymer inoculation Treatment1 n Shoot length2 (cm) Nod. #/Plant Nod. Weight (g) Nod. wt./Plant wt. (%) Controls Frankia alone Frankia+Polymer 9 9 9 10.4a 12.2b 13.1b 0 203.9a 489.7b 0 0.07a 0.13b N/A 13.1a 23.6b Treatment1 n Shoot2 (g) Root3 (g) Whole Plant (g) Root/Shoot Controls Frankia alone Frankia+Polymer 9 9 9 0.20a 0.30b 0.33b 0.22a 0.24a 0.21a 0.42a 0.54b 0.54b 1.13a 0.87b 0.67c 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; Frankia alone, standard inoculum titer without polymer; Frankia+Polymer, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) if they share a lower case letter. 3 No significant differences for treatments according to ANOVA (P ≤ 0.05). Table 2. Experiment II: Mean shoot length and nodulation values for Alnus glutinosa seedlings differing in Frankia inoculum density and copolymer treatment Treatment1 n Shoot length2 (cm) Nod. #/Plant Nod. Weight (g) Nod. wt./Plant wt. (%) Controls FR F FRP1 FRP2 FP1 FP2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6.36a 8.02b 8.61b 9.50c 10.80c 10.20c 10.50c 0 43.0a 93.0b 110.0c 129.0c 272.0d 266.0d 0 0.017a 0.022b 0.033c 0.041d 0.058e 0.060e N/A 9.9a 13.9b 17.9c 13.2b 18.4c 21.2c 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; FR, 5× reduction in inoculum titer without polymer; F, standard inoculum titer without polymer; FRP1, 5× reduction in inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FRP2, 5× reduction in inoculum titer with starch-based polymer; FP1, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FP2, standard inoculum titer with starch-based polymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P ≤0.05) if they share a lower case letter. Table 3. Experiment II: Mean mass or mass ratios of Alnus glutinosa seedlings differing in Frankia inoculum density and copolymer treatment Treatment1 n Shoot2 (g) Root (g) Whole Plant (g) Root/Shoot Controls FR F FRP1 FRP2 FP1 FP2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0.077a 0.111a 0.096a 0.134b 0.207c 0.179c 0.230c 0.058a 0.084b 0.062a 0.083b 0.108c 0.095b 0.066a 0.136a 0.195b 0.158c 0.217d 0.315e 0.274e 0.296e 0.74a 0.75a 0.68a 0.60a 0.53b 0.52b 0.37b 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; FR, 5× reduction in inoculum titer without polymer; F, standard inoculum titer without polymer; FRP1, 5× reduction in inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FRP2, 5× reduction in inoculum titer with starch-based polymer; FP1, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FP2, standard inoculum titer with starch-based polymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P ≤0.05) if they share a lower case letter. 111 Table 4. Experiment III: Mean shoot length and nodulation values of Alnus glutinosa seedlings grown in the field after Frankia inoculation and copolymer root treatments Treatment1 n Shoot length2 (cm) Nod. #/Plant Nod. Weight (g) Nod. wt./Plant wt. (%) Controls Polymer alone Frankia alone Frankia+Polymer 8 7 9 9 18.6a 21.3a 20.5a 24.9b 7.0a 8.8a 46.0b 131.0a 0.038a 0.046a 0.070b 0.160c 0.96a 0.95a 1.20a 3.82b 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; Polymer alone, cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer without inoculum; Frankia alone, standard inoculum titer without polymer; Frankia+Polymer, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P ≤0.05) if they share a lower case letter. nodule weight as a percentage of whole plant weight was increased more than 3-fold over other treatments in the polymer-Frankia treatments (Table 4). was a significant difference in shoot length between the inoculated and control plants (Table 6). Plant growth Following one growing season in the field, alder shoot dry weight and shoot length for plants treated with the polymer Frankia slurry were significantly greater than those of all other treatments (Tables 4 and 5). A decrease in the root dry weights and corresponding significant decrease in the root:shoot ratios for the polymer-Frankia treatment group accounts for the lack of a significant difference in whole plant dry weight. There was a significant increase in shoot length for inoculated compared with control plants (Table 4). Discussion Experiment IV Nodulation For each Frankia inoculum concentration, the polymer treatment resulted in a 2 to 3 fold increase in nodule number and weight for C. equisetifolia plants compared with treatments of Frankia inoculum alone (Table 6). The increase in the number of nodules for the polymer treated plants (Table 6) indicated that the polymer treatment definitely enhanced nodulation of C. equisetifolia just as polymer root treatments had enhanced nodulation of A. glutinosa. Plant growth Shoot weights and whole plant weights were significantly greater for the polymer-Frankia treatments than for treatments using Frankia alone irrespective of inoculum concentration (Table 7). Root:shoot ratios for standard and reduced titers of polymer-Frankia treatments were found to be significantly lower than for the standard Frankia titer alone (Table 7). Also, there The results of all experiments indicate that greater nodulation and, in some cases, early growth of actinorhizal plants are obtained by inoculating with water retentive, superabsorbent polymer slurries used as a carrier for cultured Frankia. The number of nodules per plant is the best measure of microsymbiont infection (Streeter, 1988). On this basis, our data support the premise that polymer-Frankia formulations promote increased infection. Our data are consistent with the concept that overall nodule weight corresponds to plant productivity in nitrogen limited environments (Hielman and Ekuan, 1982). Lower root:shoot ratios for plants inoculated with the polymer-Frankia slurries indicates a shift in dry weight allocation towards shoot growth (Arnone et al., 1994). Hydrated polymer amended with reduced Frankia inoculum concentrations induced equal or greater nodulation and growth of the host plant than did polymer-free standard titer inoculation methods for Alnus and Casuarina. We observed the polymer slurry to migrate with and adhere to the developing roots. Apparently as the polymerFrankia slurry migrated with the developing root system, it permitted the nodulation of roots away from the root collar. This nodulation pattern is unusual and did not occur in the polymer-free plants. Moisture deficits can adversely affect Frankia growth (Shipton and Burgraff, 1982), so perhaps rhizosphere moisture conditions are ameliorated by the water retaining capacity of the polymer. Alnus treated with the Frankia polymer slurry in the first experiment did not exhibit the relative growth increases for shoots observed in the other experiments. 112 Table 5. Experiment III: Mean mass or mass ratios of Alnus glutinosa seedlings grown in the field after Frankia inoculation and copolymer root treatment Treatment1 n Shoot2 (g) Root (g) Whole Plant3 (g) Root/Shoot Controls Polymer alone Frankia alone Frankia+Polymer 8 7 9 9 1.31a 2.02b 2.35b 2.90c 2.83a 3.22a 2.90a 1.74b 4.14a 5.24a 5.25a 4.64a 2.41a 1.96a 1.37a 0.60b 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; Polymer alone, cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer without inoculum; Frankia alone, standard inoculum titer without polymer; Frankia+Polymer, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) if they share a lower case letter. 3 No significant difference for treatments according to ANOVA (p ≤ 0.05). Table 6. Experiment IV: Mean shoot length and nodulation value for Casurarina equisetifolia seedlings differing in Frankia inoculum density and copolymer treatment Treatment1 n Shoot length2 (cm) Nod. #/Plant Nod. Weight (g) Nod. wt./Plant wt. (%) Controls P1 P2 FR FR1 FR2 F F1 F2 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 12.2a 14.5b 14.7b 15.8b 17.4c 17.2c 17.6c 22.2d 22.6d 0 0 0 3a 8b 6b 4a 24c 28c 0 0 0 0.009a 0.022b 0.020b 0.019b 0.051c 0.048d N/A N/A N/A 1.47a 3.27b 3.28b 1.88c 3.96d 4.31d 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; P1, cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer without inoculum; P2, starch-based polymer without inoculum; FR, 10× reduction in inoculum titer without polymer; FR1, 10× reduction in inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FR2, 10× reduction in inoculum titer with starch-based polymer; F, standard inoculum titer without polymer; F1, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; F2, standard inoculum titer with starch-based polymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P <0.05) if they share a lower case letter. Table 7. Experiment IV: Mean mass or mass ratios of Casurarina equisetifiolia seedlings differing in Frankia inoculum density and copolymer treatment Treatment1 n Shoot2 (g) Root (g) Whole Plant (g) Root/Shoot Controls P1 P2 FR FR1 FR2 F F1 F2 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 9 9 0.184a 0.287b 0.241b 0.286b 0.368c 0.391c 0.433c 0.783d 0.666d 0.306a 0.369a 0.321a 0.395a 0.332a 0.269b 0.502c 0.576c 0.469c 0.490a 0.657b 0.563b 0.682b 0.700b 0.661b 0.935c 1.359d 1.135d 1.68a 1.23b 1.34c 1.57a 0.93d 0.73e 1.15b 0.73e 0.75e 1 Definitions of treatments: Controls, no inoculum or polymer; P1, cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer without inoculum; P2, starch-based polymer without inoculum; FR, reduction in inoculum titer without polymer; FR1, 10× reduction in inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; FR2, reduction in inoculum titer with starch-based polymer; F, standard inoculum titer without polymer; F1, standard inoculum titer with cross-linked potassium polyacrylamide/polyacrylate copolymer; F2, standard inoculum titer with starch-based polymer. 2 Values within a column are not significantly different (P <0.05) if they share a lower case letter. 113 It is likely that relative increases in shoot growth would have been observed if the plants had been allowed to grow for longer periods as in subsequent experiments. Abundant nodulation in the treated plants in the first experiment may have caused an initial shift, not noted in the longer experiments, in the allocation of photosynthates away from the shoots to the numerous developing nodules, subsequently inhibiting an early phase of shoot growth. The high proportional mass of nodules in Experiments I and II would also be expected to decrease with subsequent plant growth. The results of Experiment III indicated that significant increases in nodulation can be obtained with the polymer-Frankia treatments under field conditions. The difference in mean shoot weights between treatments was statistically significant, though overall biomass did not differ significantly among treatments owing to a shift in growth allocation of polymerFrankia treated plants from roots to shoots. The results of inoculation studies at this site indicate that the polymer-Frankia treated plants had greatly increased nodulation numbers over those induced by the indigenous Frankia population alone. The relative contributions of the polymer-Frankia slurry to both nodulation and growth in Casuarina indicate that the polymers are superior to standard inoculation techniques in a controlled environment. A field trial using these same treatments will be necessary to assess the practical benefits of this inoculum formulation for Casuarina seedlings. We obtained increased nodulation with polymer carriers as was previously obtained in studies using Frankia entrapped in alginate beads and supplied to Casuarina seedlings (Sougoufara et al., 1989). The lower cost of the superabsorbant formulation, high moisture retention capability benefitting both Frankia and seedling host, and adherence of the polymer to the root system are advantages not afforded by the alginate bead technique. However alginate beads are easier to store and deliver to remote field sites. Though the use of superabsorbant polymers has been proposed as a means for increasing transplant survival (Callaghan et al., 1988), we did not observe significant differences in survival rates between plants with and without polymer treatment. Plants in the laboratory experiments were grown under favorable conditions and early survival of transplants was not problematic. Plants treated with polymer alone in Experiments III and IV showed significantly greater shoot growth and correspondingly lower root/shoot ratios. This suggests that the polymer itself may serve to facilitate the uptake of water and associated nutrients. Furthermore, we did not observe any significant differences between the effectiveness of the varied starch based and polyacrylate polymer formulations used. In summary, we have demonstrated that (1) infection, nodule development, and in some cases, early actinorhizal plant growth can be enhanced by the use of superabsorbent polymers amended with Frankia, (2) for Alnus and Casuarina, superabsorbent polymers amended with reduced titers of Frankia inocula are at least as effective as the higher tiers used with standard inoculation techniques, and (3) alder seedlings grown in the field exhibited increased infection, nodule development, and a higher shoot to root mass ratio when inoculated with the combination of Frankia and polymer. The development of these Frankia-polymer formulations could further the use of actinorhizal species for the reclamation of disturbed landscapes, amenity plantings, and at locales where indigenous populations of Frankia are absent by increasing nodulation and thereby enhancing the survival and growth of actinorhizal plants. Acknowledgements Appreciation is expressed to the late Prof D. B. Lawrence of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN for critical evaluation of the manuscript. We are indebted to the family of the late J. Arthur Holm for the use of their farmstead for the field experiment. Finally, we wish to thank Carolyn K. Curti, Douglas Harbrect, and Vicki L. Raffle, for editorial assistance. The delivery system is part of U.S. Patent #4,975,105. References Adams J C and Lockaby B J 1987 Commercially produced superabsorbant material increases water-holding capacity of soil medium. Tree planters notes Winter: 24–25. Akkermans A D L and Houwers A 1979 Symbiotic nitrogen fixers available for use in temperate forestry. In Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in the Management of Temperate Forests. Eds. J C Gorgon, C T Wheeler and D A Perry. pp 23–45. Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis, OR, USA. Arnone J A III Kohls S J and Baker D D 1994 Nitrate effects on nodulation and nitrogenase activity of actinorhizal Casuarina studied in a split-root system. Soil Biol. 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