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The Reception Industry, or the Commodification of the Reception of Asylum Seekers

The paper contributes to recent debates on the migration industry by exploring the increasing commodification of the reception of asylum seekers. This process of commodification is premised upon the growing relevance of economic interests in the management of asylum seekers, which is well encapsulated by the involvement of profit-seeking actors in the running of reception facilities. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with reception actors, which were collected in multiple contexts in Italy and in Sweden between 2015 and 2016, the paper shows how the commodification of reception paves the way to the creation of a reception industry in which profits prevail over humanitarian assistance. Two key dimensions of the reception industry are discussed. The first and core dimension of the industry concerns the management of reception facilities. The second dimension relates to reception’s linked activities and all the network of suppliers that are needed to ensure the functioning and maintenance of reception systems. The analysis of these two dimensions of the reception industry is used to make two arguments. The first concerns the gradual advancement of a market logic in the management of asylum seekers, according to which the final purpose of reception measures becomes profit instead of the support to the guests of accommodation centres. The second argument concerns the influence that private profit-making actors may exert on the design and implementation of reception measures, and the effects this has on the rights and treatment of asylum seekers.

RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Tuesday, 24 August 13:40 14:00 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 General Making the most of the annual conference Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Peter Kraftl Tuesday, 31 August 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 1 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 2 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 3 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 08:40 09:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Oral : CCRG3 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1060 Delivering place-based climate action (1) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Alice Hague and Candice Howarth ##conf1060 (Paper 1.1) Thinking about ‘place’ in place-based climate action » Matt Lane (University of Edinburgh) 09:00 Oral ##conf1138 Contemporary Elites and Global Inequalities (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Laura Clancy and Katie Higgins ##conf1060 (Paper 1.2) Urban Climate Governance Beyond the State? Exploring the emerging role and influence of the Leeds Climate Commission » Andy Gouldson (University of Leeds), Millie Duncan (University of Leeds), Andrew Sudmant (University of Leeds) Elementary structures of kinship and capital in Britain: Toward an old, new theory of class and ‘old blood ties’ in British society » Daniel Smith (Car) ##conf1060 (Paper 1.4) Who represents the city as a ‘place’? Reflections on setting-up the Edinburgh Climate Commission. » Rosanna Harvey-Crawford (University of Edinburgh), Alice Creasy (University of Edinburgh) Neoliberalism Made Visible: Sanctioning the Return of the Elite. » Karen Wilkes (Birmingham City University) The city of the super-rich: Art-based philanthropies and urban development in the contemporary city. » Pablo Fuentenebro (University of Melbourne) Educating the 0.1%: The rise in international primary schooling among local elites in South China » Heidi Haugen (University of Oslo) 09:00 General How to use the programme Venue - Information about the conference (please note these are not live sessions) How to use the programme » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : DGRG1##conf1063 Geographies of Smart Urban Experimentation: Promises, Perils and Pitfalls (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Adam Packer and Jennie Day ##conf1063 1 Smart City Experimentation and Emergent Forms of Smart Citizenry » Ville Santala (University of Wollongong) ##conf1063 2 Sofia’s ‘Future City’ Vision Seen Through the Lenses of its Young People » Simeon Shtebunaev (Birmingham City University), Silvia Gullino (Birmingham City University), Peter Larkham (Birmingham City University) Page 4 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August ##conf1116 (5) Caring across borders and generations in the time of COVID-19: shifting responsibilities among transnational families in Europe » Ruth Evans (University of Reading), Virginie Baby-Collin (University of Aix Marseille), Tony Capstick (University of Reading), Assaf Dahdah (CNRS), Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy (Malmö University), Sally Lloyd-Evans (University of Reading), Rosa Mas Giralt (University of Leeds), Paloma Moré (University of A Coruña (UDC)), Laura Oso Casas (University of A Coruña (UDC)), Polina Palash (University of Aix Marseille), James Simpson (University of Leeds), Laura Suárez-Grimalt (University of A Coruña (UDC)), Brigitte Suter (Malmö University), Grady Walker (University of Reading) ##conf1063 3 Creating a Socially Smart City: Interactions Between Social Sustainability and ‘Smart’ Urban Developments in Bhubaneswar, India » Arunima Ghoshal (University College London), Ola Söderström (University of Neuchâtel), Ayona Datta (University College London) ##conf1063 4 Translating Big Data Circulation in Santiago de Chile’s Public Transport » Ignacio Perez (University of Oxford) 09:00 Oral : DevGRG1##conf1116 Intergenerational boundaries and migratory borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Tanja Bastia and Matthew Walsham 09:00 Oral ##conf1317 Health and wellbeing (1): landscape and nature engagement Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Hester Parr ##conf1116 (1) I felt their absence – it’s as if I had lost a part of myself: diverse transnational care practices and older parents’ emotional responses to their children’s migrations » Tanja Bastia (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester) A geo-spatial analysis of wellbeing: The importance of capabilities, safety, community and relaxation in constituting places for nature in Sydney, Australia. » Isabelle Wolf (University of Wollongong), Gordon Waitt (University of Wollongong) ##conf1116 (2) Silence as boundary-making: on what is not said and why in intergenerational transnational family exchange » Dora Sampaio (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity) Coastal change and health: Is coastal risk management reinforcing or alleviating disadvantage? » Sari Kovats (London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Rachel Brisley (JBA Consulting), Grace Turner (London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Owen Landeg (Public Health England), Sally Brown (Bournemouth University) ##conf1116 (3) Paradoxes of care: (im)mobility and presence in the context of normalized migration » Elena Borisova (University of Manchester) ##conf1116 (4) Multidimensional positioning of the migrantagent: an intersectional and intergenerational interrogation of im/mobility experiences » Paula Medina García (Complutense University of Madrid) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Nature engagement and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative photo elicitation study » Caroline Scarles (University of Surrey), Sarah Golding (University of Surrey), Beth Brockett (Natural England), Birgitta Gatersleben (University of Surrey), George Murrell (University of Surrey), Emma White (University of Surrey), Cheryl Willis (Natural England), Kayleigh Wyles (University of Plymouth), Tracy Xu (University of Surrey) Page 5 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Ocean Governance Beyond (and Against) Borders » Kimberley Peters (University of Oldenburg), Jennifer Turner (University of Oldenburg) Thorstein Veblen and Radical Turn: Are the Capitalist Systems of Health and Social Care Truly Self-Organising? » Mu-Jeong Kho (University College London) 09:00 Pathways towards integration in marine planning and management of contested shared waters » Joseph Ansong (Ulster University), Linda McElduff (Ulster University), Heather Ritchie (Ulster University) Oral : RGRG1; SSQRG1 ##conf1145 LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Stefanie Boulila Ignorant Climate: from challenges of governing marine protected areas » Yvonne Kunz (German Development Institute (DIE) Bonn,) LBT women’s political subjectivity in the Israeli periphery (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 1) » Gilly Hartal (The Gender Studies Programme, Bar-Ilan University) Adapting to Fisheries Redistribution under Climate Change: The Role of Regional Fisheries Management Organisations » Mitchell Lennan (University of Strathclyde) Trans in Thuringia - Living Conditions of trans Persons in Thuringia, Germany (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 1 ##conf1145) » Caspar Rehlinger (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) Typically Valais? Community-based Participatory Action Research with Rainbow Families in Alpine Switzerland (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 1 ) » Stefanie Boulila (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts), Christiane Carri (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland) “I don't think I belong there”. Rural young gay men feeling uncomfortable in urban gay communities (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 1 ##conf1145) » Tommaso Eynard (VUB/ULB Brussels) 09:00 Oral : CMRG1##conf1038 Ocean Governance Beyond (and Against) Borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Kimberley Peters and Jennifer Turner Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Developing a beach management model using beach users' and stakeholders' perceptions: the case of the Maltese Islands » Marie Louise Zammit (University of Portsmouth), Jonathan Potts (University of Portsmouth), Caroline Day (University of Portsmouth) 09:00 Oral : GeogEd1##conf1141 Mind the gap! Possibilities across the ‘borderland’ between geography as an academic discipline and school subject (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Lauren Hammond and Grace Healy A level Geography: actors and agency in curriculum development » Emma Rawlings Smith (University of Leicester), Simon Oakes (Geography and assessment consultant and author) Peer Mentoring as Transition Strategy: Observations from a Russell Group Geography Department » Andrew Cook (University of Nottingham) Page 6 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Engaging rural knowledges for sustainable futures: Spatial justice and rural schooling » Philip Roberts (Canberra University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Introducing Place-based Education to Rural Geography Education in China: Why and How » Xin Ai (East China Normal University), Yushan Duan (East China Normal University) Values and ethics in planning law and policy: a review of European planning systems in times of deregulation. » Stefanie Dühr (University of South Australia) Unsettled Geographies: the gap between popular and academic presentations of national space in Aotearoa New Zealand » John Morgan (University of Auckland) 09:00 Oral ##conf1148 Police Dreams: In/Security Politics in the Digital Age (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Silvana Pedrozo and Dennis Pauschinger ##conf1148 Paper No 1 #instacops - Image, aesthetics and (self)representation of policing in the digital space: The Case of the Lower Saxony State Police on Instagram. » Tabea Louis (Universität Hamburg), Alexa Agoropoulos (Universität Hamburg), Ben Hundertmark (Universität Hamburg), Jasper Janssen (Universität Hamburg) ##conf1148 Paper No 2 Empowering Change in the Dutch National Police » Sarah Young (Erasmus University Rotterdam) ##conf1148 Paper No 4 Human-centric AI and the Police – Germany’s National AI Strategy and its Imagination of Security » Jens Hälterlein (Univesität Freiburg) 09:00 Oral : GJRG1##conf1031 Researching spatial injustice - 'making a difference' (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Marie Mahon and Maura Farrell and Michael Woods and Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins and Apostolos Papadopoulos and Ana Vinuela Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Spatial injustice in forgotten new towns. The case of the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt » Mohamed Sadek (University of Greenwich), Guido Conaldi (University of Greenwich), Debbi Bartlett (University of Greenwich) 09:00 Oral : DGRG3 ##conf1027 Robot spatialities: technologies, affordances, affects (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Shanti Sumartojo and Sam Kinsley Robots in public space: understanding and designing for future shared environments » Shanti Sumartojo (Monash University) Machinic Farms: Space, Welfare, and Ecology in Robotic Dairy Farming » Victor Munoz Sanz (TU Delft) Subversive Submersives: the so-called ‘good drones’ of the Southern Ocean » Charity Edwards (Monash University) Mobile robots in public space from a cross-cultural perspective through Korean and Australian cases » Naoke Abe (University of Sydney), Justine Humphry (University of Sydney), Chris Chesher (University of Sydney), Chihyung Jeon (KAIST) Between Public and Private: The Potential for New Mobile Spaces through Sharing Automated Vehicles » Graham Parkhurst (University of the West of England) Page 7 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Situating consumption in agri-food transformation: emerging lessons from the H3 Consortium ##conf1193 [1/8] » Jonathan Beacham (University of Bristol), David Evans (University of Bristol) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 09:00 Oral : GHWRG2 ##conf1010 The Geographies of Digital Health (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Maddy Thompson Navigating diverse ‘sustainability directionalities’ in translocal food systems ##conf1193 [2/8] » Aniek HEBINCK (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Timo von Wirth (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Mental coaching through crisis: Digital technologies and psychological governance during COVID-19 » Neil Lindsay (University of Auckland), Tom Baker (University of Auckland), Octavia Calder-Dawe (Victoria University of Wellington) When Alternative Food Networks meet the Global Production Networks: Livelihood strategies of export-oriented Taiwanese fish farmers ##conf1193 [3/8] » Wei-Ju HUANG (National Cheng-Kung University) “Improving women’s health and wellness, improves everyone’s health and wellness*”: The Femtech Industry and Communicative Biocapitalism » Laura Shipp (Royal Holloway, University of London) Digital diagnostics, the borders of the clinic and the boundaries of disease » Richard Milne (Society and Ethics Research, Wellcome Genome Campus), Alessia Costa (Society and Ethics Research, Wellcome Genome Campus) Sustainable food production – really? How Swiss farmer organizations navigate the challenging tension between ecology and social justice ##conf1193 [4/8] » Johanna HUBER (University of Geneva) 09:00 Home as Riskscape: exploring Technology Enabled Care » Louise Reid (University of St Andrews) The politics of terminology within resistance geographies » Sarah Hughes (Northumbria University), Amber Murrey (University of Oxford), Mel Nowicki (Oxford), Karolien van Teijlingen (Radboud), Maria Fannin (University of Bristol), Julie Macleavy (University of Bristol), Patricia Daley (Oxf) Digital health for global health? Barriers and possibilities for global digital health initiatives » Maddy Thompson (Keele University) 09:00 Oral : FGRG4 ##conf1193 Transformational food geographies? Exploring new markets, ‘consumers’ and food systems (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Jonathan Beacham and David Evans Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1270 The politics of terminology within resistance geographies: Revisiting Cindi Katz’ distinctions between resistance, resilience and reworking Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Amber Murrey and Sarah Hughes 09:00 Oral ##conf1282 Of migration and markets: economic geographies of mobility and migration (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Parvati Raghuram and Gunjan Sondhi and Margaret WaltonRoberts Page 8 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Institutional innovation in times of abrupt changes: the model of the value chain governor in Zhejiang, China (##conf1021) » Huiwen Gong (Eawag), Cassandra Wang (Zhejiang University), Robert Hassink (Department of Geography, Kiel University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Choose France! Containment, Circulation and Postcolonial (Dis)Continuities in Transnational Education » Alice Bobee (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS)), Jana Kleibert (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS)) Transnational migration and inheritance practices » Jennie Doyle (Queen Mary University of London) Student Guides and ‘insider knowledge’: A shift in the industry facilitating transnational student migration from India » Sazana Jayadeva (University of Cambridge) Oral : GLTRG8 ##conf1154 Tourism Scholarship and Knowledge Co-creation on Southeast Asia Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Jaeyeon Choe and Noel B. Salazar and Pham Hong Long Lagos private secondary schools and multiple transnational education markets » Ruth Judge (UCL) Amplifying Asian voices in tourism » Faith Ong (The University of Queensland), Elaine Yang (Griffith University) From farm worker to self-employed : when migrants renew an agricultural labour market in crisis. The case of Moroccans in the Comtat » Anne Lascaux (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3) 09:00 Brokering across borders: Strategic coupling of high-tech start-ups in South China’s Greater Bay Area (##conf1021) » Olivia Yijian Liu (University of Oslo) Oral ##conf1021 Globalisation in Reverse? Reconfiguring the Geographies of Value Chains and Production Networks (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Robert Hassink and Huiwen Gong and Christopher Foster and Martin Hess Whither (de)globalized electronics production in the 2020s? Current trajectories and future agendas (##conf1021) » Henry Yeung (National University of Singapore) Domesticalization of production networks? Rise of emerging domestic market-driven industrial robot manufacturing production networks in China (##conf1021) » Tianlan Fu (Sun Yat-sen University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Experimental approaches: Do all methods lead to citizen participation? » Rafael MARTINEZ (Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities), Irna Masron (Birkbeck, University of London) Co-creating Knowledge for Tourism and Development in Southeast Asia: Methodological Insights from Researching Foreign versus Familiar Fields » Claudia Dolezal (IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems), Alexander Trupp (Sunway University), Prasit Leepreecha (Chiang Mai University) Knowledge Co-creation – Cross Cultural Collaboration for success and impactful research » Stroma Cole (University of Westminster), Wiwik D (Universitas Udayana) Is There a Dearth of Research by Local Scholars? » Michael Hitchcock (Goldsmiths, University of London) Page 9 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ‘Legendary psychasthenia’ and other assimilations to space – problems for geographical research? » Carl Olsson (Newcastle University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 09:00 Oral : EGRG8 ##conf1100 A ‘cultural catastrophe’? The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and cultural sectors and possible pathways to recovery (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Andrew Leyshon and Allan Watson Immediate Ethics » Anna Secor (Durham University) Articulating 'us' » Paul Simpson (University of Plymouth) Paper 1: Precarity, connectivity and urban lives: the impact of Covid-19 on Milan creative and cultural workers » Jessica Tanghetti (NABA Milano), Roberta Comunian (King’s College London), Tamsyn Dent (King’s College London) Paper 2: Exacerbating Precarity and Inequalities in Creative Industries: The Uneven Impacts of COVID-19 on Freelancers in Television » Jennifer Johns (University of Bristol), Jon Swords (University of York) Paper 3: Precarity and the Dance Industry in Chicago and Toronto Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic » Lauren Gerlowski (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Paper 4: Don’t forget the little guy; Impacts of COVID-19 on smallscale, independent cultural venues » Charlotte Campbell (University of Southampton) Paper 5: Understanding digital transformation in times of crisis: the case of Uppsala city theater » Johan Jansson (Uppsala University), Ylva Ekstrom (Uppsala University) 09:00 Oral : GHWRG8 ##conf1080 Disarticulated subjects (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: David Bissell and Paul Simpson Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. No more ‘worlds to come’: on geography and hope » Thomas Dekeyser (Royal Holloway, University of London) Compulsive humanity; disrupted subjects and human exceptionalism » Diana Beljaars (Swansea University) 09:00 Oral : HPGRG21 ##conf1273 EURODAC, hotspots, repatriation routes: (trans)formations of socio-technical assemblages of the European border regime Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Jacopo Anderlini and Silvan Pollozek Hotspot, but no Hotspot: Genealogies, infrastructures and pushbacks in the Euro-Greek border regime of Evros » Lena Karamanidou (Glasgow Caledonian University), Bernd Kasparek ( Antagonists, Associates, Accomplices: Humanitarian INGOs’ Influence and Scope of Action on the Greek hotspot islands » Sebastian Weishaupt (Independent researcher) Calculating migration: towards a multi-sited ethnography of migration algorithms in Europe » Fredy Mora-Gamez (Linköping University), Karin Krifors (Linköping University) Page 10 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Residential mobility in the UK during the coronavirus pandemic » Vivian So (University of St Andrews), Nissa Finney (University of St Andrews), David McCollum (University of St Andrews), Hill Kulu (University of St Andrews) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Passing the test. Turning unknowns into processable subjects at the Registration and Identification Center in Moria » Silvan Pollozek (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)) Switching cars with militsiya and other ways the Finnish-Russian borderland is lived by people in their everyday lives » Virpi Kaisto (University of Eastern Finland), Olga Brednikova (Centre for Independent Social Research, Saint-Petersburg), Kristiina KorjonenKuusipuro (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences) The liminality of the hotspot: between circulation and containment » Jacopo Anderlini (University of Genoa) 09:00 ##conf1109 Towards a systematic understanding of land use change in the world’s mining regions » Tim Werner (University of Melbourne), Laura Sonter (University of Queensland), Victor Maus (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Gavin Mudd (RMIT University), Juliana Siqueira (Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (USP)), Luis Enrique Sanchez (Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (USP)), Aurora Torres (Université catholique de Louvain), Ana Carballo (University of Melbourne), Gillian Gregory Ames (University of Melbourne), William Hayes (University of Kent) 09:00 To move or not to move: The role of social capital and habitus in inter-borough relocation in London (U.K.) » Lois Liao (London School of Economics and Political Science) Panel : GIScRG1; PERG7 ##conf1109 Towards a systematic understanding of land use change in the world’s mining regions (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Tim Werner and Laura Sonter and Victor Maus Oral ##conf1323 Mobility and cultural capital Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Ed Armston-Sheret Cultural Capital Transmission and Sticky Intergenerational Mobility » Annie Tubadji (Swansea University), Balaussa Shaimakhanova (Swansea University), Wayne Thomas (Swansea University), Frederic Boy (Swansea University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. USING TRANSBORDER CULTURAL CAPITAL FOR ACCULTURATION » KY Connie MAK (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Jing (Bill) Xu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 09:00 Oral : PopGRG6 ##conf1161 Frontiers in Residential Segregation Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Gwilym Pryce Life at the (Social) Frontier: Re-conceptualisation, Synthesis, Past and Future Applications » Aneta Piekut (Sheffield Methods Institute), Gwilym Pryce (University of Sheffield) Conflicting Geographies: Exploring the asymmetric impacts of social frontiers on household mobility in Rotterdam » Gwilym Pryce (University of Sheffield), Dan Olner (University of Sheffield), Maarten van Ham (TU Delft) Social diversity, well-being and allostatic load among people across neighbourhoods in England. » Matthew Bennett (University of Sheffield), Danying Li (University of Birmingham), Miguel Ramos (University of Birmingham) Page 11 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Addressing the hunger of the hands that fed - case of returning Migrants of Bihar (India) » Ratna Amrit (A. N. College, Patliputra University, Patna, Bihar, India) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 09:00 Oral : UGRG1 ##conf1009 Urban dimensions of far-right mobilisations (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Daniel Mullis and Valentin Domann Embodied encounters with organic food in Beijing, China » Xiaoru Xie (KU Leuven) Fencing off Autonomy: Mechanisms of Control in a Charity-hosted Community Garden in the UK » Sebastian Prost (Newcastle University) 1.0 Introduction » Daniel Mullis (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)), Valentin Domann (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) Including farmers’ food practices in food politics » Magali Hulot (LAVUE(UMR7218)-EquipeMosaïques; CEMCA (CNRSUSR3337AmericaLatina) 1.1 Urban fears and the rise of right-wing populism. An Empirical Analysis of Social, Cultural & Economic Approaches to the Voting Decision for the AfD » Saskia Kretschmer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) 09:00 1.3 A micropolitical discussion on researching authoritarian divisions » Leon Rosa Reichle (Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA), De Montfort University) 1.4 “This lockdown is a farce:” The gym as an (anti)urban dimension of right-wing mobilisations » Jason Luger (Northumbria University, School of Geography and Environmental Sciences), Nick Gibbs (Northumbria University, Department of Criminology) 09:00 Oral ##conf1322 Migration (1): bordering practices Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Ronan Lee Moreh and Border Trade on the India-Myanmar Border » Vibha Arora (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi), Raile Rocky Ziipao (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) Sticky borders: Senegalese migrant navigation of every day’s bordering practices in Oujda, Morocco » Imane Bendra (University of Antwerp) 1.5 Zones of Insecurity – Everyday Nationalism and the Politics of Public Space in Vienna » Elina Kränzle (Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, TU Wien) The Reception Industry, or the Commodification of the Reception of Asylum Seekers » Lorenzo Vianelli (University of Luxembourg) Oral ##conf1315 Food security and food systems (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Lewis Holloway “Make them invisible… and then they actually disappear”: The impact of border(ed) visibility on young refugees’ post-15 education » Lucy Hunt (University of Oxford) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 12 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST “I have an official address on the footpath”: circumvention, appropriation and every solidarities of belonging in Mumbai » Paroj BANNERJEE (London School of Economics) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 09:00 Oral ##conf1332 Urban governance and planning Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Darren Smith Seeking a different kind of state: sovereignty, self-determination and the quest to un-belong after global war in the Indo-Burmese border-worlds. » Aditya Kiran Kakati (The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland and , The Kohima Institute, Nagaland, India) Border topologies and bordering processes: Looking through glass to explore socio-material relations in a new neighbourhood » Wiktoria Glad (Linköping University), Maria Eidenskog (Linköping University) Eviction and dispossession as acts of un-belonging: a case study of a Pashtun settlement in Islamabad » Sobia Kaker (Goldsmiths, University of London), Ammar Rashid (Alliance for Urban Rights), Sibte Hassan Turi (Alliance for Urban Rights) Glocal Urbanism: (In)Visible Politics of Global Dynamics and Local Contexts » Mennatullah Hendawy (TU Berlin and) Forging Identities: A Note on Belonging and Citizenship in India » Nasreen Chowdhory (University of Delhi), Shamna Thacham Poyil (University of Delhi) Governance and Urban Shrinkage: Lessons from China’s North East » Zixuan Han (Harbin Institute of Technology), Vlad Mykhnenko (University of Oxford), Jianing Mi (Harbin Institute of Technology) Power borders between mayor and councilors - divided government paradox in strong mayor system. Case of Poland. » Martyna Zawadzka (Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw) Supervised geodemographic classification approach using neural networks: a case study of Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya » Takashi Kirimura (Kogakkan University) After Being Left Behind: Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of Europe » Vlad Mykhnenko (University of Oxford) 09:00 Oral ##conf1272 Belonging and un-belonging in South Asia (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Romola Sanyal and Sobia Kaker Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Discussion 1 » Malini Sur (Western Sydney University) 09:00 Oral ##conf1251 Financial Sector Power and Democracy (1): Theory & Rich-Country Evidence Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Ewa Karwowski and Andreas Nölke Housing restructuring, financial power relations and social resistance- challenging local democracies in Athens and Barcelonan » Georgia Alexandri (University of Leeds), Michael Janoschka (Universität Leipzig) Legalising negligence: financialisation and the apartment boom » Nicole Cook (Australian Centre for Environment, Culture, Society and Space, University of Wollongong) Page 13 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August PolGRG Book Prize Panel: Reading Sara Fregonese's 'War and the City' ##conf1213 » Aya Nassar (Durham University), Alan Ingram (University College London), Estella Carpi (University College London), Mona Fawaz (American University of Beirut), Sara Fregonese (University of Birmingham) Financialization and the Crisis of Democracy: A systematic approach » Andreas Nölke (Goet) 09:00 Oral ##conf1043 The Border as Speculative Infrastructure: Between probabilities and possibilities (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Nishat Awan and Ishita Sharma A1. The Speculative Machine of Categorization » Mahmoud Keshavarz (University of Gothenburg), Pedro Oliveira (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies) A2. Floating Asylums and Detention Islands: Speculating Post Brexit Britain and the Carceral Genealogies of Border Architecture » Helen Brewer (Goldsmiths, University of London) A3. Transposing Borders: Mapping the securitisation practices of China and the U.S. » Naoise Boyle (Goldsmiths, University of London), Mark Nieto (Goldsmiths, University of London) A4. Geocoded border: intelligence and raids in housing enforcement » Theodor Barry Born (Que) A5. Everyday Legalities as probabilistic modes for the coproduction of labour and borders » Nishat Awan (TU Delft) 09:00 Panel : PolGRG18 ##conf1213 PolGRG Book Prize Panel: Reading Sara Fregonese's 'War and the City' Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: James Sidaway Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : EnGRG9 ##conf1245 Energy Geographies: Governance, Policies and Institutions in Transition (1): The roles of place, space and scale in energy innovations Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Alice Garvey Making Space for Place in Innovation Studies’ Heuristics: A Comparative German-UK Case Study of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Innovation and Diffusion » Nick Hacking (Cardiff University) An energy transition to gas? The multi-scalar reconfiguration of energy systems and the rise of natural gas » Ker-hsuan Chien (National Tsing Hua University) Energy geography in East Africa: spatial dimensions of renewable energy transitions and sociotechnical change » Sylvere Hategekimana (Chalmers University of Technology), Helene Ahlborg (Chalmers University of Technology), Innocent Ndahiriwe (University of Rwanda) What is ‘local’ about Smart Local Energy Systems? Project stakeholders’ geographies of decentralised energy » Chad Walker (University of Exeter), Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter), Melanie Rohse (Anglia Ruskin University), Luke Gooding (University of Strathclyde), Hannah Devine-Wright (Trinity College Dublin), Rajat Gupta (Oxford Brookes University) Page 14 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Wiley » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August A survey-based investigation of greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions from household energy consumption in the QinghaiTibet Plateau of China » Lu Jiang (University College London), Bing Xue (Chinese Academy of Sciences) 09:00 Bristol University Press » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) The Geographical Association » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Oral ##conf1212 Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane Land » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Liverpool University Press » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Introducing Global Urbanism » Michele Lancione (Polytechnic of Turin), Colin McFarlane (Durham University) The MIT Press » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Global urbanism: Urban governance innovation in/for a world of cities » Pauline McGuirk (Professor - School of Geography and Sustainable Communities) Theorising from where? Reflections on de-centring global (southern) urbanism » Hyun Bang Shin (LONDON S) Still Construction and Already Ruin: towards an anthropology of city making » Mariana Cavalcanti (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) Palgrave Macmillan » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 A counter-dominant global urbanism? Experiments from Lebanon » Mona Harb (Arican University of Beirut) 10:00 General Exhibitors at the conference Venue - Information about the conference (please note these are not live sessions) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 15 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 16 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 17 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 11:00 Oral ##conf1138 Contemporary Elites and Global Inequalities (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Laura Clancy and Katie Higgins General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 ‘Investment migration’ in the UK, global inequalities and new geographies belonging » Sarah Kunz (University of Bristol) 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 The making of a transnational elite. An intersectional analysis of everyday practices and subjectivities of female expatriates in Luxembourg » Karine Duplan (University of Geneva & University of Neuchâtel) A feminist intervention in elite studies » Katie Higgins (University of Sheffield), Laura Clancy (Lancaster University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 18 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1060 (Paper 2.1) What next for local government climate emergency declarations? The gap between rhetoric and action » Candice Howarth (London School of Economics), Matt Lane (University of Edinburgh) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 General About the Society Venue - Information about the conference (please note these are not live sessions) ##conf1060 (Paper 2.2) Climate adaptation where urban and rural meet: climate action in the north-east of Scotland. » Alice Hague (The James Hutton Institute) About the Society's Grants Programme » Julian Martin (RGS-IBG) ##conf1060 (Paper 2.3) Towards a participatory and place-based economy » Lina Brand Correa (University of Leeds) Supporting advocacy and impact » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Supporting education in schools » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Supporting professionals » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Supporting public engagement » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Supporting students » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Recognising achievement » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) Join us and support our work » Sarah Evans (RGS-IBG Annual Conference Team) 11:00 Oral : CCRG4 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1060 Delivering place-based climate action (2) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Alice Hague and Candice Howarth Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral : DGRG9 ##conf1063 Geographies of Smart Urban Experimentation: Promises, Perils and Pitfalls (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Adam Packer and Jennie Day ##conf1063 5 Transient Urbanisms in Southeast Asia: Experimentation from Above, In-between and Below » Simon Peth (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Tabea Bork-Hüffer (University of Innsbruck, Austria) ##conf1063 6 Experimenting with Smartness: The Case of India’s Smart City Mission » Morgan Campbell (University of Leeds), Greg Marsden (University of Leeds, UK), Louise Reardon (University of Birmingham) ##conf1063 7 Situating Platforms in Urban Experimentation: Adapting, Opening Up and Positioning Municipalities » Lina Berglund-Snodgrass (Lund University), Dalia Mukhtar Landgren (Blekinge Institute of Technology SE) ##conf1063 8 Living Lab Experiments as Anticipatory Action Towards Smart Urban Futures » Adam Packer (University of Oxford) Page 19 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST “Farming is a lonely old world”. Exploring stories of loneliness, social isolation and poor mental health in the agricultural community » Rebecca Wheeler (University of Exeter) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Oral : DevGRG4 ##conf1116 Intergenerational boundaries and migratory borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Tanja Bastia and Matthew Walsham A health geography of contaminated sites, slow violence and mental health » Rupert Legg (University of Technology Sydney) ##conf1116 (6) Spectrums of intergenerational interdependence: translocal households involving older people in Uganda » Matthew Walsham (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester) ##conf1116 (7) Intergenerational responsibility and the anticipatory geographies of Rwanda’s diaspora engagement » Jen Dickinson (University of Winchester) The emotional geographies of men’s stories of the Kaikōura/Waiau earthquake » Ashleigh Rushton (The Joint Centre for Disaster Research, Massey University) 11:00 ##conf1116 (8) The impact of forced displacement on older refugees’ families in Uganda » Evelyn Avalos (University of Dundee) Rural Gay Educators: Real and Virtual Worlds (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 2 ##conf1145) » Ben Weikert (The State University of New York- Cobleskill) ##conf1116 (9) Uncertain choices of Chinese-foreign children’s citizenship in the PRC » Elena Barabantseva (University of Manchester), Michaela Pelican (University of Cologne), Caroline Grillot (Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies) ##conf1116 (10) Population ageing and family change: Older People's perceptions on current changes of family arrangements in rural Nepal » Sarah Speck (University of Zurich), Ulrike Müller-Böker (University of Zurich) 11:00 Oral ##conf1317 Health and wellbeing (2): mental health and recovery Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Denise Hewlett Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : RGRG16; SSQRG3 ##conf1145 LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Stefanie Boulila Queer Farmers and Well-Being in the USDA Census of Agriculture (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 2 ) » Katherine Dentzman (University of Idaho) From rural spaces to rainbow cities: a survey on Italian LGBT Millennials (LGBTQ Liveability in Rural Spaces 2 ##conf1145) » Salvatore Monaco (Free University of Bozen) 11:00 Oral : CMRG1 ##conf1038 Ocean Governance Beyond (and Against) Borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Kimberley Peters and Jennifer Turner Beyond the container: materiality, temporality, and the ocean » Christopher McAteer (York University) Page 20 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Assembling ocean governance: Satellites and subjectivities in the UK Overseas Territories » Jasper Montana (School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford) ##conf1148 Paper No 5 Selling an Imaginary: The Fantasy of Machine Guardians » Yung Au (University of Oxford) (Un)claiming rights, resources, and ocean spaces: marine genetic resources and area-based management tools in high seas governance negotiations » Emily Melvin (University of Southern Mississippi), Leslie Acton (University of Southern Mississippi), Lisa M. Campbell (Duke University Marine Lab) ##conf1148 Paper No 6 Policing imaginaries: the governance of police practices through geographical interfaces » Pedro Maia (The Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) ##conf1148 Paper No 7 Policing, Drones, and Big Data: An exploration of the mundane challenges posed by new governance techniques » Ciara Bracken-Roche (Maynooth University) Ocean borders: A morphology of oscillating margins » Nancy Couling (Bergen School of Architecture) 11:00 Oral : GeogEd7 ##conf1141 Mind the gap! Possibilities across the ‘borderland’ between geography as an academic discipline and school subject (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Lauren Hammond and Grace Healy Valuing children’s geographies in geography education » Lauren Hammond (UCL) Can geography didactics contribute to society? » Victor Salina-Silva (UCL) Powerful disciplinary knowledge amongst A Level geographers: an inferentialist approach to the study of concept formation » Daniel Whittall (Trinity Sixth Form Academy) Knowledge-exchange across the ‘borderland’ between academic and school geography: What does Bolivia teach us about sustainable development? » Grace Healy (UCL), Jessica Hope (University of St Andrews) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1148 Police Dreams: In/Security Politics in the Digital Age (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Silvana Pedrozo and Dennis Pauschinger ##conf1148 Paper No 8 Police Dreams: Imaginaries of Drones as In/Security Technologies » Dennis Pauschinger (Université de Neuchâtel), Silvana Pedrozo (Université de Genève) 11:00 Oral : GJRG8 ##conf1031 Researching spatial injustice - 'making a difference' (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Marie Mahon and Maura Farrell and Michael Woods and Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins and Apostolos Papadopoulos and Ana Vinuela Migration and territorial inequalities in the (post-) crisis period in Greece: Policies and issues of socio-spatial (in)justice » Apostolos Papadopoulos (Harokopio University of Athens), Loukia Fratsea (Harokopio University of Athens) Seeking for potential in the periphery: Policy analysis of redistributive principles in the Netherlands » Bram van Vulpen (University of Groningen) Page 21 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Is EU cohesion policy spatially just? New perspectives on territorial inequalities » Michael Woods (Aberystwyth University) Personal spaces and communal consequences: navigating geographical tensions with the Socially Responsible Behaviour through Embodied Thinking (SORBET) Project » Kenneth Y T Lim (National Institute of Education), Samuel Li (National Institute of Education) Connectivity in the Scottish Islands » Fleur Ward (University of the Highlands and Islands) 11:00 Oral : GHWRG3 ##conf1010 The Geographies of Digital Health (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Maddy Thompson Disability, special educational needs, class, capitals, and segregation in schools » Louise Holt (Loughborough University, UK), Sophie Bowlby (University of Reading), Jennifer Lea (University of Exeter) Just Public Algorithms in UK Healthcare » Helen Pallett (University of East Anglia), Catherine Price (University of Reading), Simon Burall (Involve), Jason Chilvers (University of East Anglia) Oral : EGRG1 ##conf1011 New horizons in retail geography Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Jennifer Ferreira and Alexandra Dales The Digital Geographies of Ecotherapy » Rosie Knowles (Royal Holloway, University of London) How is AI being used in Guangzhou to improve the healthcare sector » Zongtian Guo (Trinity College Dublin) Revitalising High Streets: challenges, solutions and the national policy response » Steve Millington (Manchester Metropolitan University) Making Space: The Geographies of Minimalist Practices and Sustainable Consumption » Amber Martin-Woodhead (Coventry University) Co-constituting a vibrant local street through shopping » Devrim Umut Aslan (Lund University) From Back Street to Side Street to High Street to Where Exactly? The Changing Geographies of Betting Shops in the Twenty First Century » Tim Hall (University of Winchester), Peter Jones (University of Gloucestershire), Grace Nash-Williams (University of Winchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. The Role of Digital Platforms to Sustain Therapeutic Social Networks during the COVID19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong » Fikriyah Winata (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 11:00 Oral : FGRG5 ##conf1193 Transformational food geographies? Exploring new markets, ‘consumers’ and food systems (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Jonathan Beacham and David Evans Dynamic purchasing systems and experimental governance: notes from a public procurement experiment in Gloucestershire ##conf1193 [5/8] » Damian Maye (University of Gloucestershire), Dan Keech (University of Gloucestershire), Matt REED (University of Gloucestershire) Page 22 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Childcare and Academia – an intervention » Jessica Hope (University of St Andrews), Charlotte Lemanski (University of Cambridge), Tanja Bastia (University of Manchester), Nina Moeller (University of Manchester), Paula Meth (University of Sheffield), Glyn Williams (University of Nottingham) Zero waste: Material and discursive devices for experimenting with sustainable living ##conf1193 [6/8] » Mara Miele (Cardiff University), Jack PICKERING (Cardiff University) Terroir and the capacity for building up alternative valuations of place: Insights from the world of wine ##conf1193 [7/8] » Jennifer Smith Maguire (Sheffield Hallam University) Food Consumption Values in Guangzhou and the Shifting Geographies of Conventional and Alternative Food Networks ##conf1193 [8/8] » Shuru Zhong (Sun Yat-sen University), Alex Hughes (Newcastle University), Mike Crang (Durham University), Guojun ZENG (Sun Yatsen University) 11:00 Oral : GFGRG14 ##conf1208 The borderlands of motherhood and academia Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Karen Horwood and Bronwen Edwards 11:00 Oral ##conf1282 Of migration and markets: economic geographies of mobility and migration (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Parvati Raghuram and Gunjan Sondhi and Margaret WaltonRoberts Making ways for ‘better education’: placing the Shenzhen-Hong Kong mobility industry » Maggi.W.H. Leung (Utrecht University, Department of human geography and planning.), Johanna Waters (UCL) From holidays to homeless: representing tourism, transnationalism and economic mobility in post-Windrush Jamaica » Susan Mains (University of Dundee) Flexible Schedules: the Burden and Benefit of this Luxury » Kandice Kreamer Fults (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Navigating the borderlands between academia and motherhood as a enriching practice. » Caroline Newton (TU Delft Department of Urbanism) Oversharing and undersharing: writing pregnancy when you’re a shoddy diarist » Nadia von Benzon (Lancaster University) Minecraft and planning » Karen Horwood (Leeds Beckett University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Markets and policy in the geographical agglomeration of African migrants » Omolola Olarinde (Elizade University) Cross border trade and the new Geography of Labour in Mozambique » Ines Raimundo (Eduardo Mondlane University) Discussant » Sarah Hall (University of Nottingham) Page 23 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Children’s Futures and the Geopolitics of Colonialism: Criminalised Families in Nineteenth Century North India » Jessica Hinchy (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Oral ##conf1021 Globalisation in Reverse? Reconfiguring the Geographies of Value Chains and Production Networks (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Robert Hassink and Huiwen Gong and Christopher Foster and Martin Hess Digital Transformations and Deglobalisation: Reshoring and the role of Additive Manufacturing (##conf1021) » Jennifer Johns (University of Bristol) Agency, temporalities, and the responses of firms and the region to COVID (##conf1021) » Crispian Fuller (Cardiff University) Dynamic strategic coupling in global production networks: The case of United Technology Corporation and the Polish aviation industry (##conf1021) » Grzegorz Micek (Jagiellonian University in Krakow), Lech Suwala (Technical University in Berlin), Arkadiusz Kocaj (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) Conservation in the eye of the storm? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on regional resilience in the Zambezi region, Namibia (##conf1021) » Carolin Hulke (University of Cologne), Linus Kalvelage (University of Cologne), Javier Javier Revilla Diez (University of Cologne) 11:00 ‘Humanity United’: Children as Geopolitical Envoys » Annie McCarthy (University of Canberra) Becoming young: Understanding the creation of borderland geographies in the center » Shivangi Kaushik (University of Oxford) 11:00 Oral : EGRG9 ##conf1100 A ‘cultural catastrophe’? The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and cultural sectors and possible pathways to recovery (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Andrew Leyshon and Allan Watson Paper 6: Measuring the impact of Covid-19 on UK Live Music – sustainability and post-Covid-19 return » Adam Behr (Newcastle University), Craig Hamilton (Birmingham City University), Patrycja Rozbicka (Aston University) Paper 7: Music in the cloud, money from the crowd: platform reintermediation and live music in the time of COVID-19 » Andrew Leyshon (University of Nottingham), Allan Watson (Loughborough University), Lou Tompkins (Loughborough University) Uneven impacts of the US-Mexico automotive industrial complex under USMCA (##conf1021) » MATEO CROSSA (Mora Institute) Paper 8: Precarity, creative justice and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Victorian music industries » Catherine Strong (RMIT University), Fabian Cannizzo (Monash University) Oral ##conf1277 Empire, Geopolitics and Childhood/Youth in South Asia Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Negar-Elodie Behzadi Paper 9: A Life in the Year of COVID: the loss of sociality’s impact on Liverpool’s music scene » Richard Anderson (university of liverpool), Mathew Flynn (university of liverpool) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 24 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 11:00 Oral : GHWRG9 ##conf1080 Disarticulated subjects (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: David Bissell and Paul Simpson ##conf1109 Towards a systematic understanding of land use change in the world’s mining regions » Tim Werner (University of Melbourne), Laura Sonter (University of Queensland), Victor Maus (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Gavin Mudd (RMIT University), Juliana Siqueira (Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (USP)), Luis Enrique Sanchez (Escola Politécnica at University of São Paulo (USP)), Aurora Torres (Université catholique de Louvain), Ana Carballo (University of Melbourne), Gillian Gregory Ames (University of Melbourne), William Hayes (University of Kent) The transformative potential of desire: expending excess, explicating worlds » Vickie Zhang (University of Melbourne) Unfeeling impotentialies, relinquishing relations » David Bissell (University of Melbourne) Crash: Disarticulations of a cycling collision » Simon Cook (Birmingham City University) Labouring (dis)individuations and the politics of self-fashioning in contemporary China » Sam Berlin (University of Plymouth) Discussant » Mitch Rose (Aberystwyth University) 11:00 Panel : HPGRG8 ##conf1062 Transgressing disciplinary borders in the production of knowledge: Exploring the power of pragmatism Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Jane Wills and Robert W Lake Transgressing disciplinary borders in the production of knowledge: Exploring the power of pragmatism » Jane Wills (University of Exeter, UK), Robert W Lake (Rutgers University), Ihnji Jon (University of Melbourne), Klaus Geiselhart (Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg), Gary Bridge (Cardiff University), Meg Holden (Simon Fraser University), Jonathan Pugh (Newcastle University), Jamie Doucette (University of Manchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel : GIScRG2; PERG8 ##conf1109 Towards a systematic understanding of land use change in the world’s mining regions (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Tim Werner and Laura Sonter and Victor Maus 11:00 Oral : RGRG17 ##conf1146 Virtual Ruralities - (Re)presenting and exploring the rural in a virtual world Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Mark Riley and Lee-Ann Sutherland and Daniel Bos and Bethany Robertson Far away from the rural idyll. Media narratives in virtual space. Evidence from the Polish countryside » Marcin Wojcik (Department of Regional and Social Geography, University of Lodz, Poland), Paulina Tobiasz-Lis (Department of Regional and Social Geography, University of Lodz, Poland), Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek (Department of Regional and Social Geography, University of Lodz, Poland) Alone / together?: Examining rural isolation and loneliness using remote technologies » Mark Holton (University of Plymouth), Mark Riley (university of liverpool), Gina Kallis (University of Plymouth) Page 25 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 2.1 Mobilizing against the Nordic Resistance Movement » Linda Sandberg (Umeå Centre for Gender Studies, Umeå University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August #farming365: exploring farmers’ use of social media and its role in sharing and developing notions of good farming » Mark Riley (university of liverpool), Bethany Robertson (University of Leeds, UK) 2.3 Neoliberal countersolidarities: Containing militant urban subaltern struggle for a right to the city in the Philippines » Chester Antonino C. Arcilla (College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines-Manila) An Anatomy of Delight: Mobilising the rural idyll to create affective landscapes in a computer game » Lee-Ann Sutherland (The James Hutton Institute) 11:00 Oral : PolGRG23 ##conf1268 ‘Curzonic’ geographies/reading Frontiers Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Matthew Tillotson and Richard Schofield Curzonic geographies/reading 'Frontiers' » Matthew Tillotson (University of Southampton), Richard Schofield (King's College London), Majed Akhter (King's College London), Hannah Fitzpatrick (University of Edinburgh), Tom Simpson (University of Cambridge) Beyond ‘Frontiers’. Law, geopolitical order and Curzonic spatial theory » Matthew Tillotson (University of Southampton) Determinism and opportunism: Curzon’s territorial strategies in the Persian Gulf and Mesopotamia, 1902-1918 » Richard Schofield (King's College London) 11:00 2.4 A Madrilenian district targeted by VOX’s mobilization » Ana Santamarina (University of Glasgow) 2.5 Ad hoc response » Rosie Carter (HOPE not Hate) 11:00 Oral ##conf1315 Food security and food systems (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Mags Adams More-than-human third spaces for the Anthropocene » Rachael Walshe (James Cook University) Planning for sustainable food systems and land use » Salvor Jonsdottir (University of Iceland), Gudrun Gisladottir (University of Iceland) Curzon on the edge; or, the significance of the Indian frontier in British imperial geography » Tom Simpson (University of Cambridge) Planning policies for the relocation of agriculture : insights from a panel of intercommunal master plans in France » TIANZHU LIU (SADAPT, INRAE French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), Université Paris Saclay), Romain Melot (INRAE, SADAPT, Université Paris Saclay), Frederic Wallet (INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse, AGIR) Oral : UGRG2 ##conf1009 Urban dimensions of far-right mobilisations (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Daniel Mullis and Valentin Domann The intersection of structure, agency and resiliency for community food programs in an era of COVID 19 (Toronto, Canada) » Jenelle Regnier-Davies (Ryerson University), Sara Edge (Ryerson Universty) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 26 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Preferences for rural brownfield regeneration of large premises of collectivized agriculture in Eastern Europe » Josef Navrátil (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences), Stanislav Martinat (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences), Petr Klusáček (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences) Oral ##conf1322 Migration (2): law and citizenship Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Nissa Finney Understanding local land use conflicts through planning decision sequences » Pavel Raška (J. E. Purkyně University), Stanislav Martinat (Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Vladan Hruška (J. E. Purkyně University), Bohumil Frantál (Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Barbora Duží (Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Ivan Andráško (Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Lenka Slavíková (J. E. Purkyně University), Daniel Tříska (J. E. Purkyně University) A Border from Nerchinsk 1689 to Beijing 2004: The forming of China’s subject on the basis of eastern Sino-Russian border » Tianshu Liu (School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester) Legal geography and spatial justice: critical approaches to crossborder insolvency and l » isolde de villiers (University of the Free State), Princess Diya (University of the Free State) Who should deliver public goods in the UK? A case for new land managers and a need to engage them better. » Hermann Kam (Imperial College London), Clive Potter (Imperial College London) Myanmar's Citizenship Law and Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: A Case for the International Criminal Court » Ronan Lee (Queen Mary University of London) 11:00 Remaking citizenship? German Business sector engagement and refugee belonging » Tanja R. Müller (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester) 11:00 Oral ##conf1316 Geographies of land use and ownership Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Felipe da Silva Machado Abandon or regenerate? What is the future of derelict farm premises » Stanislav Martinat (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences), Josef Navrátil (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences), Petr Klusáček (Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1272 Belonging and un-belonging in South Asia (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Romola Sanyal and Sobia Kaker Fashioning Subjects: From Farmer, to Soldier, to Patriot » Thiruni Kelegama (University of Zurich) Variations on Displacement: Politics of Poverty and Refugees in Post Partition India » Romola Sanyal (London School of Economics) Making Heritage in the Ethnic State. Identity Politics and Urban Change in Varanasi, India. » Giuditta Soccali (Politecnico and Università di Torino) Page 27 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST B3. Crossing over: bordering and infrastructure regimes in amphibious geographies of Kutch » Ishita Sharma (TU Delft) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Can the social and political infrastructure for belonging be created: Examples from Nepal and Bangladesh » Pallavi Roy (SOAS) B4. In-Between Typologies: Examining Belfast's Emergent PostConflict Architectures » Maria McLintock (University of Limerick) Discussion 2 » Malini Sur (Western Sydney University) 11:00 Oral ##conf1251 Financial Sector Power and Democracy (2): The View from the Periphery Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Ewa Karwowski and Andreas Nölke The role of finance in (dis)integration: the Yugoslav 1980s debt crisis experience » Ana Podvrsic (Univesity of Graz) Technologies of Authoritarian Neoliberalism: The financialization of weather in Ethiopia » Nikodemus Solitander (Hanken School of Economics) The impact of financialization on democratic processes: Lessons from South Africa » Ewa Karwowski (University of Hertfordshire) 11:00 Oral ##conf1043 The Border as Speculative Infrastructure: Between probabilities and possibilities (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Nishat Awan B1. Speculative object(s): contested infrastructural imaginaries in the Mediterranean region » Eric Snodgrass (Linköping University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. B5. Fully deterritorialized, automated and assembled borders: The Spanish border as a spatial testing ground of speculative bordering technologies » Antonio Giraldez López ('Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) 11:00 Oral ##conf1281 Sustainable Transitions and Regional Development Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Julian Schwabe Back to the (grass)roots? Participation, professionalisation and member preferences in community energy initiatives » Emily Drewing (University of Siegen), Jörg Radtke (University of Siegen) Civic engagement in rural areas: community-led energy cooperatives as pioneers? » Valerie Holzner (University of Marburg) Mind the gap: a multi-level analysis for the implementation of ‘Smart Mobility’ in rural areas - the case of Heinsberg, Germany” » Sophia Groß-Fengels (MHP Management- und IT-Beratung GmbH) Sustainability Transitions and the (unexploited) potentials in the market for home energy storage systems in Germany: new entrants and institutional dynamics » Andrea Käsbohrer (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) The evolution of cooperative electric carsharing in Germany and the role of intermediaries » Julian Schwabe (Philipps-University of Marburg) Page 28 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Decarbonising the UK energy system: an integrated place-based approach to maximise subsurface potential » James Van Alstine (University of Leeds), Clare Richardson-Barlow (University of Leeds), Sandra Piazolo (University of Leeds) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 11:00 Oral ##conf1142 The Politics of Refusal and Border Struggles Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Isabel Meier and Aila Spathopoulou An analysis of energy transitions for building at the sub-national level in Japan » Jun Yamashita (Kyushu University) ##conf1142 3. (Incomplete) ‘Translation’ as a form of ethnographic refusal against the hotspot regime » Aila Spathopoulou (Goldsmiths, University of London. Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research) Climate change mitigation: Learning from the past to unlock the hydropower potential of the Derbyshire Derwent Catchment (DDC) » Ian Jackson (University of Nottingham) The Orkney Islands energy geography, insights from understanding the embedded complex nature of energy in this innovative frontrunner » Luke Gooding (University of Strathclyde), Rebecca Ford (University of Strathclyde) 4. ##conf1142 ‘We don’t want their aid’: Refusing and renarrating the story of refuge in Denmark » Malene H Jacobsen (Maynooth University) ##conf1142 5. Emotional borderwork: Situating emotional labour in the context of affective border(ing)s » Isabel Meier (Northa), Jessica Potter (Queen Mary University of London) 6. Refusing legal temporariness ##conf1142 » Olivia Maury (University of Helsinki) 7. ##conf1142 Refusal to speak for/without/around/about. Cases from contemporary Greece » Vita Zelenska (Leibniz ScienceCampus Regensburg) 11:00 Oral : EnGRG10 ##conf1245 Energy Geographies: Governance, Policies and Institutions in Transition (2): Governing transitions in energy infrastructures Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Alice Garvey Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral ##conf1212 Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Michele Lancione and Colin McFarlane Tiwa’s morning: Everyday urbanism through storytelling » Linda Peake (York University), Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin (Queen's University) Globalizing postsocialist urbanism » Liviu Chelcea (University of Bucharest) Out there/In Here/Out here/In there » AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield) On the deployment of scientific knowledge for the new urbanism of the Anthropocene » Vanesa Castan Broto (University of Sheffield) Page 29 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Discussing Global Urbanism » Colin McFarlane (Durham University), Michele Lancione (Polytechnic of Turin) 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 30 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 31 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 13:00 Oral : HGRG2 ##conf1037 Historical geographies of environmental futures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda and Martin Mahony General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 32 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 13:00 2.2. Aurelio Peccei, The Limits to Growth, and the labor history of world futures, ##conf1037, » Sara Nelson (University of British Columbia) Performing Virtual Borders and Acts of Intersubjectivity: interrogating Station House Opera’s telematic performance At Home In London and Gaza (2018) ##conf1264 (Paper 2 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 1) » Jem Kelly (Buckinghamshire New University) 2.3. The Cene Scene: Modernization myths, Indigenous temporalities, and Black futures, ##conf1037 » Andrew Curley (University of Arizona), Sara Smith (University of North Carolina) Time and Performance at the Border ##conf1264 (Paper 3 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 1) » Emilia Weber (University College London) 2.4. An anthropology of the otherwise: Imagining karst futures in southwest China, ##conf1037 » David Edwards (University of Glasgow) Refugee Feedback: Audible Activisms and Anti-Border Performance in Athens ##conf1264 (Paper 5 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 1) » Tom Western (University College London) 2.5. Terroir of the Unknown: Exploring Environmental Geographies in Scenarios of European Inequality, ##conf1037 » Matthew Finch (University of Southern Queensland), Marie Mahon (National University of Ireland), David Robertson (Monash University) 13:00 Oral : EGRG17 ##conf1243 Labour, Work-Life and the Urban (1) Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Raktim Ray and Aditya Ray Becoming less than human: forced migration, infrastructural labour and processes of dehumanisation in the platform economy. » Aidan Mosselson (University of Edinburgh) The death of the proper job? Aspiration, class, and labour in urban Brazil and Egypt » Mara Nogueira (Birkbeck, University of London), Harry Pettit (University of Reading) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1264 Borders, Performance and Performativity (1) Venue - RGS-IBG Education Centre Chaired by: Tariq Jazeel and Emilia Weber Performing the Picket Line: Britain, 1970-1985 ##conf1264 (Paper 1 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 2) » Diarmaid Kelliher (University of Glasgow) 13:00 Panel ZOOM SESSION - Sharing experiences of being a PhD/ECR in the Academy. PolGRG Panel Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Olivia Mason Sharing experiences of being a PhD/ECR in the Academy. PolGRG Panel. » Rachael Squire (Royal Holloway, University of London), Anna Jackman (University of Reading), Aya Nassar (Durham University), Annabel Evans (Loughborough University), Alice Cree (Newcastle University), Sarah Hughes (Northumbria University) Page 33 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 13:00 The prevalence of ‘environmental bullies’ in governing a climate emergency? ‘Climate extremism’ and the geopolitics of bullying in UK climate politics » Andrew Telford (University of Amsterdam) Oral : DGRG10 ##conf1133 Innovative Digital Geographies: Pushing against quantitative and qualitative boundaries (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Zoe Gardner and Stefano De Sabbata and Katy Bennett and Tess Osborne Delivering rapid climate action: views from the inside » David Tyfield (Lancaster University), Rebecca Willis (Lancaster University), Andy Yuille (Lancaster University) Immersion in mixed methods: the use of VR in research » Tess Osborne (University of Groningen), Phil Jones (University of Birmingham) Experimenting with Citizens’ Assemblies: exploring stakeholder and public perceptions of deliberative public engagement on climate change » Rebecca Sandover (University of Exeter, UK), Alice Moseley (University of Exeter, UK), Patrick Devine-Wright (Exeter University) The Buzz: Landscape, memory, and the challenges of drone videography of Marawi City post-siege » Aaron Vicencio (Ateneo de Manila University) Spatial Video Geonarratives (SVG) for insights in Humanitarian Placemaking in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Malawi » Philip Nicholson (University of Exeter, UK), Lazaros Karaliotas (University of Glasgow) Digital game design as geographical method: platforming place narratives » Jack Lowe (Royal Holloway) 13:00 Oral : CCRG11 ##conf1182 Governing in a climate emergency: putting #climateemergency declarations into practice (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Kirstie ONeill Re-evaluating the changing geographies of climate activism and the state in the post-climate emergency era: lessons for climate policy and COP 26 » Andrew Kythreotis (University of Lincoln), Candice Howarth (London School of Economics), Theresa Mercer (University of Lincoln), Hannah Awcock (University of Edinburgh), Andrew EG Jonas (University of Hull) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Discussant » David Gibbs (University of Hull) 13:00 Oral ##conf1317 Health and wellbeing (3): transborder health systems and Covid-19 Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Maddy Thompson COVID-19 susceptibility: an inter and intra urban analysis of the metropolises of Lisbon and Porto » Teresa Sá Marques (University of Porto / CEGOT-Geography and Spatial Planning Research Centre), Helder Santos (University of Porto / CEGOT-Geography and Spatial Planning Research Centre), Gonçalo Santinha (Universidade de Aveiro - GOVCOPP), Fernando Honório (Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Letras) Cuba in the Pacific: traversing and negotiating borders in health and development » Sharon McLennan (Massey University) Page 34 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Following urban conflicts as a methodological approach » deniz kimyon tuna (Universite Paris Dauphine PSL) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Measuring the health of people in places: a scoping review of OECD member countries » Emily Murray (University College London), Nicola Shelton (University College London), Paul Norman (University of Le), Jenny Head (University College London) 13:00 13:00 Oral : CMRG7 ##conf1258 Rethinking borders in terms of absences (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Maarja Kaaristo and Francesco Visentin Nationalism in scientific discussion of a virus: Sars-Cov-2 in Greek public discourse » Giannis Gkolfinopoulos (National an), Alexandra Halkias (Department of Sociology, Panteion University) The Absent Border and the Durative Present? Exploring the (in)tangibility and contestation of local bordering in German and Dutch municipalities » Sara Miellet (Utrecht University) The Role of Digital Platforms to Sustain Therapeutic Social Networks during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong » Fikriyah Winata (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The Taste of (Be)Longing: Food, memory and the national imaginary among Palestinians in Britain » Lucy Barkley (University of Exeter) Oral : HPGRG3 ##conf1044 On Methods of Thing-Following (1): What to Follow? Boundaries, Connections, Multiplicities Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Peter J Forman and Angeliki Balayannis What’s missing from legal bordering practices? Absence and the assembling of asylum appeal hearings in Europe » Nicole Hoellerer (University of Exeter), Nick Gill (University of Exeter), Andrew Burridge (Macquarie University), Jessica Hambly (Australian National University), Rebecca Rotter (University of Edinburgh) Presences and absences in the Kurdish region: the democratic confederalist solution » Federico Venturini (University of Udine), Charlotte Grace (University of West London Royal College of Art) Follow the Money: On Tracking the ‘God of Commodities’ » Sarah Hughes-McLure (University of Cambridge) Following the Migration Category: Expatriate » Sophie Cranston (Loughborough University, UK) Following Across » Ralitsa Hiteva (University of Sussex) Oral : PolGRG22 ##conf1266 The Disorders of Bordering Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Kathryn Cassidy and Jacob Miller How to Follow an Eel: Reflections on thing-following in an era of mass extinction » Seth Gustafson (UCL) The Disorders of Bordering » Kathryn Cassidy (Northumbria University (UK)), Jacob Miller (Northumbria University (UK)) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 13:00 Page 35 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Economic Geography and aviation: assessing the wider benefits of air connectivity (##conf1083) » Bert Lenaerts (UHasselt), Florian ALLROGGEN (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Robert MALINA (UHasselt & Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Everyday struggles around migrants' arrival and reception in Palermo vis-à-vis the structural disorder of Europe's Border Regime in Southern Italy » Karl Heyer (University of Osnabrück) Regional airports: runways to regional economic growth? » Felix Pot (University of Groningen), Sierdjan KOSTER (University of Groningen) 'Madmen, womanizers, and thieves': Moral disorder and the cultural text of refugee encampment in Kenya » Hanno Brankamp (University of Oxford) 13:00 From Border to Urban Disorder: A Southeastern Perspective » Oren Yiftachel (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) The Disorders of Bordering » georgie wemyss (University of East London) 13:00 Oral : TGRG4 ##conf1083 New directions in aviation, distance and the environment (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Frédéric Dobruszkes and Xavier FAGEDA Airport readiness for regional long-haul traffic: The case of south England (##conf1083) » Pavlos ARVANITIS (Solent University) The role of low-cost airlines in the French airport hierarchy (##conf1083) » Youssef FADEL (University of Angers (UMR CNRS ESO 6590-Angers) & Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB-IGEAT)) A disaggregated analysis of airlines and airports serving the Chinese market before and since the Covid-19 pandemic (##conf1083) » David WARNOCK-SMITH (Buckinghamshire New University), Anne GRAHAM (University of Westminster), John Frankie O'CONNELL (University of Surrey), Marina Efthymiou (Dublin City University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : FGRG7 ##conf1221 Public food procurement – defining and working within borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Mark Stein and Urszula Ala-Karvia Paper 1 Public procurement in Denmark as a driver for food systems transformation – the role of local governments » Bent Egberg Mikkelsen (Copenhagen University) Paper 2 Sustainability dynamics in the Baltic Sea Region: public procurement and catering services moving from nutritional to environmental policies » Minna Mikkola (University of Helsinki - Ruralia Institute), Regine Berges (agrathaer GmbH), Karen Hamann (IFAU), Ewa Rembiałkowska (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Harri Moora (Stockholm Environment Institute Talinn), Anna Post (University of Gothenburg), Ekaterina Filippova (The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia), Urszula Ala-Karvia (University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute) Paper 3 Kantine Zukunft – new approaches for sustainable communal catering in Berlin » Dinah Hoffmann (Kantine Zukunft), Philipp Stierand (Kantine Zukunft) Paper 4 Co-distribution and procurement of food in Swedish municipalities » Olof Moen (Eco First Logistics) Page 36 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 13:00 Paper 18 Public procurement as an instigator of the greening of local farming? » Esther Sanz Sanz (ZALF (Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany), Claude Napoleone (INRA, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food & Environment), Valérie Angeon (INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment)n) 13:00 Re-thinking Distance Between the “Overly Connected” and the “Overly Isolated” World » Ayham Dalal (Technische Universität Berlin) Distant Gods? Mobility, Migration, and Divinity » Eric Trinka (James Madison University) Oral : TGRG13 ##conf1234 The New Boundaries and Borders of Electrified ‘Motoring’ Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Billy Clayton and Graham Parkhurst The spatial patterns of demand on an Electric Vehicle infrastructure network: Segmenting chargepoints through cluster analysis (##conf1234) » Fredrik Monsuur (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom), Craig Morton (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom) Becoming an Electric Car Owner (##conf1234) » Billy Clayton (Centre for Transport and Society, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK) e-Automobility: e is for Emotion? (##conf1234) » Graham Parkhurst (University of the West of England) The New Boundaries and Borders of Electrified ‘Motoring’ - Panel session (##conf1234) » Billy Clayton (Centre for Transport and Society, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK), Graham Parkhurst (University of the West of England), Craig Morton (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom), Fredrik Monsuur (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : HPGRG9 ##conf1084 Rethinking Distance (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Tauri Tuvikene and Louise Sträuli and Aleksandra Ianchenko Walking towards a distance turn » Elena Trubina (Ural Federal University) Re-Thinking Presence and Distance within Ethnography: Lessons from Fieldwork and Teaching » Soledad Martínez (Universidad de Los Lagos), Gerardo Mora Rivera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) 13:00 Oral ##conf1082 Tactical urbanism, active mobilities and public space in the Covid pandemic (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Nathalie Ortar and Patrick Rerat Official strategies for tactical responses: School Street closures in London before and during Covid-19 ##conf1082 » Asa Thomas (University of Westminster) Adapting to covid-19 by adapting the city. Are we talking about big or small innovations in urban planning? ##conf1082 » Sebastien Lord (University of Montréal), Alessia Gendron (University of Montréal), Louis Caudron (University of Montréal), Chantelle L'Heureux (University of Montréal), Julie Gaillet (University of Montréal), Athanasios Boutas (University of Montréal) Page 37 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 1. Re-framing energy access: insights from The Gambia » Anne Schiffer (Leeds Beckett University) Making Space: street reallocation as adaptive resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic ##conf1082 » Kara Martin (McGill University) 13:00 Oral : GJRG12 ##conf1136 Beyond environmental inequalities: expanding urban environmental justice research (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Thomas Verbeek and Nicola Da Schio 3. The role of Non-Governmental Organisations in facilitating gender equality in energy in India » Giulia M Mininni (Keele University) More environmental justice through transdisciplinarity? Discussing promises and challenges using the example of cooperative green space development in Leipzig, Germany » Anika Schmidt (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research), Annegret Haase (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research) 4. Extending energy access assessment: the added value of taking a gender perspective » Annemarije Kooijman (CSTM/University of Twente), Joy Clancy (CSTM/University of Twente), Jon Cloke (LCEDN, Durham Energy Institute (DEI)) Dynamics of urban greening. Distribution and production of urban green space in Milan » Oscar Azzimonti (University of Milan-Bicocca) 5. TIME to Change: Rethinking Sustainable Rural Energy Access » Ben Robinson (University of Nottingham) Green vs. Inequality: Competing Ideals and the Promise of Localised Environment Politics (Cleveland and Cape Town) » Ihnji Jon (University of Melbourne) Just climate adaptation planning: a role for participation » Margherita Gori Nocentini (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa), Chiara Certoma (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa) The Uses of Crises: Communal Land Tenure after Disasters » Line Algoed (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) 13:00 2. Gender and energy access in Pakistan’s domestic energy sector: Lessons for improved equity and sustainability » Rihab Khalid (University of Cambridge) Oral : DevGRG1; EnGRG1 ##conf1072 Rethinking barriers to sustainable rural energy access (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Natalie Boyd Williams and Hannah Mottram Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 13:00 Oral : EGRG4 ##conf1056 Rethinking institutions and institutional change in economic geography (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Huiwen Gong and Johannes Glückler and Robert Hassink Institutional Void: A Neglected Concept in Economic Geography with Great Potential (##conf1056) » Huiwen Gong (Eawag), Robert Hassink (Department of Geography, Kiel University) Institutional complementarities in the co-evolution of property and credit institutions. (##conf1056) » Erica Pani (London School of Economics and Political Science), Martina Manara (London School of Economics and Political Science) Page 38 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Understanding Regional Value Chain evolution in peripheral areas through governance interactions – an institutional layering approach (##conf1056) » Carolin Hulke (University of Cologne), Javier Javier Revilla Diez (University of Cologne) From policy to institution: a descriptive norm of tenure formalisation in Dar es Salaam’s informal settlements (##conf1056) » Martina Manara (London School of Economics and Political Science) 13:00 Oral ##conf1313 Environmental knowledge and policy Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Stewart Barr Debordering policy: strengthening linkages between environmental and cultural policy to engage communities on environmental issues » Trish Morgan (Dublin City University) Developing a Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) Valuation Framework for Enhanced Natural Resource Conservation at the Forests of Bangladesh » Raisa Bashar (University of Surrey), Ian Christie (University of Surrey), Stephen Morse (University of Surrey) Ecological key-bearing and ecopedagogy in times of climate emergency » Ria Dunkley (University of Glasgow) Microbes, soil and ecology – science and internal colonisation in 20th century Hungary » Noémi Ujházy (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Geographical Institute) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. The Sky is Falling: Barriers to Land Ownership in Heavily Polluted Areas in New Orleans, the River Parishes and Baton Rouge » Angelle Bradford (Tulane University School of Medicine), Shawn "Pepper" Roussel (Green Pepper Consulting) 13:00 Oral : GCYFRG1 ##conf1089 In the Borderlands: Feminist Geopolitical approaches to Childhood and Youth (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Negar-Elodie Behzadi Disciplined within borders: Im/possibilities of Youthful Geopolitical Engagement » Tracey Skelton (University of Singapore) 'Safe spaces' generative of political solidarities fro trans and queer youth: Gendered Intelligence as a space of resilience, resistance and restoration » James D. Todd (The University of Stirling), Finn D. Greig (Gendered Intelligence) Resisting (post)colonial power within the urban everyday: Intersectional perspectives on young refugees’ and asylum seekers’ negotiations of arrival and belonging in Western European city-spaces » Elisabeth Kirndörfer (University of Bonn), Kathrin Hörschelmann (University of Bonn), Matthew Benwell (Newcastle University), Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University), Robin Finlay (Newcastle University), Mattias De Backer (Institute of Criminology, KU Leuven and Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, University of Liège, Belgium) Call me by my name: Childhood memories, citizenship, and the intimate geopolitics of assimilation in postcolonial France » Negar-Elodie Behzadi (University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences) Page 39 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 13:00 Oral : GJRG3 ##conf1026 The Borders of Citizenship and Citizenship of/in the Border (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood Illiberal governance and post-pandemic regulation of night time economy and tourism – weak local sovereignty and lack of political representation in post-socialist Budapest » Gergely Olt (Social Sciences Research Center), Adrienne Csizmady (Centre for Social Sciences), Melanie Smith (Metropolitan University) 13:00 Brexit, national citizens and ‘citizens of nowhere’ » Jim Butcher (Canterbury Christ Church University) Druze in the Jewish State – frustration and transformation among Israel’s ‘favorite minority’ in the wake of the Nationality Bill » Doron Eldar (Uppsala University) Paradise lost or created? How higher-education staff perceive the impact of policy on students » Sazana Jayadeva (University of Cambridge), Rachel Brooks (Department of Sociology, University of Surrey) Truth as State Servant in Asylum Court: The Difference Between Citizenship and Hospitality » Isabel Arce Zelada (University of Hull) ‘Educational Underachievement’ in Northern Ireland – a political economy perspective » Jonathan Harris (Centre for Research in Educational Underachievement, Stranmillis University College) ‘Illegal’ Integration – Illegalised migrants’ construction of citizenship through exception » Claudia Wilopo (University of Basel) 13:00 Oral : GeogEd2 ##conf1014 Neoliberalization and marketization of education and alternative narratives or practices (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Itta Bauer and Matt Finn and Sara Landolt The hegemony of the Invisible Hand: Economic theories in school curricula in the face of climate change » Sarah Kessler (Department of Geography, LMU Munich), Henrike Rau (Department of Geography, LMU Munich) Oral : GLTRG3 ##conf1106 Covid-19 and ‘the night’ in the Tourist City: Present and Future (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Manuel García-Ruiz and Jordi Nofre Current Status and Challenges for the Recovery of the Nighttime Music Economy in Post-COVID-19 » Mariko Ikeda (University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Art and Design, Assistant Professor (Heritage Studies Degree Program)), Christian Morgner (University of Leicester, Media and Communication) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. The marketisation of education and marginalised children’s geography of schooling » Ee-Seul Yoon (Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg) 13:00 Oral ##conf1280 Inequalities in the Cities of Global South (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Sohail Ahmad and Ramjee Bhandari and Gideon Baffoe Page 40 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Analysis of Support Far-right and Far-left Parties in Selected Rural Areas in the Czech Republic and Slovakia » Dominik Kevický (Masaryk University), Barbora Tomečková (Masaryk University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Inequalities in the Cities of Global South » Sohail Ahmad (University of Glasgow), Ramjee Bhandari (University of Glasgow), Gideon Baffoe (University of Glasgow) Segregated by neighbourhoods? A portrait of water and sanitary facility differentials in Wa, Ghana » Samuel Twumasi Amoah (University for Development Studies), Anthony Tampah-Naah (University for Development Studies) 13:00 13:00 Oral ##conf1307 Economic geographies (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Phil Emmerson Development Discourse and Urban Poor: A Study of Slums in Islamabad » Arslan WAHEED (Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany) Deal-breaker of Decentralisation? Risk of Automation at the Peripheral Regions » Maik Huettinger (ISM - University of Management and Economics), Aras Zirgulis (ISM - University of Management and Economics), Tom Hashimoto (ISM - University of Management and Economics & Oxford University) The road to sustainable Kigali: Integrated and inclusive governance » Ramjee Bhandari (University of Glasgow), Sohail Ahmad (University of Glasgow), Gideon Baffoe (University of Glasgow) Determinants of store choice in a multi-channel environment: A micro-econometric approach » Thomas Wieland (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Oral : RGRG13 ##conf1144 Rural Populism: New Emerging Political Geographies of the Rural (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Matthias Naumann and Michael Woods Is a Municipal Boundary a Good Stratification Variable? » Aviad Tur-Sinai (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College) Identity, Belonging and the Role of the Media in Brexit Britain: Some Reflections from Boston » Joshua Blamire (Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, University of Exeter) The Accuracy of Self-Reported Dwelling Valuation » Aviad Tur-Sinai (The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College), Larisa Fleishman (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics), Dmitri Romanov (Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics) “We're out, so wtf do we do now?”: Brexit and rural identity in the era of online agricultural communities » Eliot Jones (University of Nottingham) The impact of globalisation and regional identity on the establishment of microbreweries in Czech and Polish regions » Jiří Hasman (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University), Martin Lepic (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University), Kryštof Materna (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Spatial imaginaries and the populist radical right in small municipalities » Valentin Domann (Humboldt University of Berlin) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Retail change, retail geography and Covid-19 » David McEvoy (Liverpool John Moores University) Page 41 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Built Cultural Heritage and Urban Quality of Life in a Peripheral Cross-Border Context » Bettina Knoop (TU Dresden (IHI Zittau)), Eva Battis-Schinker ((formerly) Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR)), Robert Knippschild (Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung (IÖR) / TU Dresden (IHI Zittau)) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 13:00 Oral ##conf1322 Migration (3): narratives, perception and experiences Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Emma Mawdsley Desert Dreams and Urban Ruins: The Globalisation of the New Administrative Capital and the Fragmentation of Cairo’s Inner City Districts » Wael Fahmi (Helwan University) A review of displaced children’s experience of places » Matluba Khan (Lecturer in Urban Design, Cardiff University), Holly Weir (PhD student, Westminster University), Alexi Marmot (Professor Emerita, University College London) The city-island-state, wounding cascade and multi-level vulnerability explored through the lens of Malta. » Geoff Main (University of Exeter and University of Chester), John Schembri (University of Malta), Janet Speake (Liverpool Hope University), Ritienne Gauci (University of Malta), David Chester (university of liverpool) Active immobility in a Southern European shantytown: on migrants’ social protection in the borderland of regularity » Beatriz González-Martín (University of Almeria), Dominique Jolivet (University of Amsterdam) Caught between Pity and Ungrievability: The role of humanitarian organizations in representations of women who cross borders » Sara Riva (Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC)) Oral ##conf1022 Airbnb and platform real estate: exploring the supplyside and organisation of the short-term rental market (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Agustín Cocola-Gant and Michael Clancy Perceptions and narratives of the EU and its borders. Challenges and first outcomes of the H2020 project PERCEPTIONS » Diotima BERTEL (Synyo), Viktoria Adler (Synyo) Platform rent gaps: Datafied professionalization, optimization and gentrification on Airbnb » Jelke Bosma (University of Amsterdam, Department of Media Studies) Oral ##conf1334 Urban transformations and development (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Paul Rooney The promise of profitability: using short-term rental market data to attract real estate investors » Agustín Cocola-Gant (Universidade de Lisboa, Centre of Geographical Studies), Jaime Jover (The Graduate Center, City University of New York) A permanent (re)construction site? Changing Urban Form and Resident Value of Urban Amenities » Elisabetta Pietrostefani (University College London) STRs class strategies and discourses facing the COVID-19 crisis: insights from Seville » María Barrero (Universidad de Sevilla), Ibán Díaz-Parra (Universidad de Sevilla) 13:00 13:00 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 42 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Labour relations, modes of exploitation and transformation of capacities in the everyday operation of the short term rental market: Findings from Athens and Berlin » Dimitris Pettas (Institute for Urban and Regional Planning, Technische Universität Berlin), Lech Suwala (Institute for Urban and Regional Planning, Technische Universität Berlin) 13:00 Oral ##conf1143 Global urban frontiers (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Tom Gillespie and Claire Mercer Melaka, Malaysia and the New Frontiers of Global Urbanization Under China’s Belt and Road Initiative » Creighton Connolly (University of Lincoln) Deficits and surfeits: the 'infrastructure gap' and African real estate » Tom Goodfellow (University of Sheffield) Extended urbanisation, commodification and dispossession: Contested indigenous territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon » Manuel Bayón (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Michael Janoschka (Universität Leipzig), Gustavo Durán (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales) 13:00 Oral ##conf1210 Horizons – The Good, Bad and Ugly of Extreme Geographical Borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: James Nicholas Furze and El Hassan Mayad Harmonics, Evolutionary Generators, DANCE and HEAR – functional dimensions » James Nicholas Furze (Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University) Integrated control of Botrytis cinerea using bacteria and Moroccan plants » Khadija Basaid (Ibn Zohr University), Bouchra Chebli (Ibn Zohr University), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Rachid Bouharroud (National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA)), James Nicholas Furze (Royal) New ecological strategies for management of phytonematodes in Moroccan olives » Mohamed Ait Hamza (Ibn Zohr University), Nadine Ali (University of Montpellier), Hafssa Tazi (Ibn Zohr University), Zahra Ferji (Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences), Abdelmajid Moukhli (National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA)), Hicham Lakhtar (Ibn Zohr University), Lucie Miche (Aix-), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Sevastianos Roussos (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université), Hassan Boubaker (Ibn Zohr University), Abdelhamid El Moussadik (Ibn Zohr University), Thierry Mateille (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) Coastal sands: ecological frontiers on an urban shoreline » Niranjana Ramesh (London School of Economics) A retreating urban frontier? Urbanization and the local state in crisis- ridden Spain » Diego Garcia-Mejuto (Newcas) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Monitoring regulatory bioagressors using novel biophysical tracking in Egypt » Dina Ibrahim (Agricultural Research Center (ARC)), Aya Abdellatif (Agricultural Research Center (ARC)), James Nicholas Furze (Royal) Page 43 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Local knowledge and place-based development – policy mobilities and networks of deep learning » Thomas Borén (Department of Human Geography Stockholm University), Peter Schmitt (Department of Human Geography Stockholm University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Nematological diversity and threats to aromatic and medicinal plants » Amine Idhmida (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), Ilyass Filali Alaoui (Ibn Zohr University), Mohamed Ait Hamza (Ibn Zohr University), Zahra Ferji (Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences), Abdelhamid El Moussadik (Ibn Zohr University), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University) 13:00 Management of phytoparasitic nematodes with botanicals in Moroccan saffron corms » Hinde Benjlil (Ibn Zohr University), Ayoub Hallouti (Ibn Zohr University), Hafssa Tazi (Ibn Zohr University), Mohamed Ait Hamza (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Zahra Ferji (Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences), Khalil Cherifi (Ibn Zohr University) Object, Potentiality and the Possibilities of Re-imagination – a playful exploration of the derelict through the re-making of found objects ##conf1269 » Clare Lane (Leeds Arts University) Scavenger capital: Homelessness, dumpsters, and self-made housing in the United States » Jessie Speer (Department of Geography and Environment, London School of Economics) Biodiversity and biogeography of west-central Morocco » Fouad Msanda (Ibn Zohr University), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal) 13:00 Alternative Value Regimes: « Dumpster Diving » by the young French population to mitigate excessive production of food waste ##conf1269 » Gayatri Rathore (Centre de recherches internationales (CERI), Sciences Po Paris) Oral ##conf1216 Spatially Just Place-Based Development: Is its Achievement Contextually Determined? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: James Scott and Estelle Evrard Foraging plants within the urban margins: on the possibilities of living with nature in the Greater Paris ##conf1269 » Fabien Roussel (University of Artois), Flaminia Paddeu (Sorbonne University Paris Nord) Local autonomy under the magnifying glass: how the locale seizes greater responsibilities » Cyril Blondel (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne), Estelle Evrard (University of Luxembourg) The role of locality: institutional embeddedness and diverse effects of the place-based approach » Tünde Virág (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence)), Judit Keller (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence)) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1269 Geographies of collecting, gleaning and rummaging Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Silvia Hassouna and Mitch Rose 13:00 Oral ##conf1057 The EU Hotspot Approach in the Mediterranean Borderscape: Infrastructural Violence, Deterrence and the necropolitics of border control Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Bilgin Ayata Page 44 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Feeling SAD (session code ##conf1085, paper number 3) » Hayden Lorimer (University of Edinburgh), Hester Parr (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August ##conf1057 The violent spatiality of the hotspot approach in Italy and beyond: the necropoltics of Central Mediterranean borderscaping between invisibilizasion and mobilisation » Chiara Pagano (University of Pavia) The divisive atmosphere of e-cigarettes: research, practice and policy (Session code ##conf1085, paper number 4) » Mark Lucherini (Keele University) ##conf1057 The Hotspot Approach in Greece: The infrastructure space of filtering at the EU Border » Artemis Fyssa (University of Basel) ##conf1057 The Role of Infrastructure in EU Migration Management: An Architectural Perspective on the Implementation of the EU Hotspot Approach in Greece » Alaa Dia (University of Basel) ##conf1057 Before, At, and After the Mediterranean Frontier: Understanding the EU’s Practices of Bordering and (Non)Assistance across Land and Sea » Charles Heller (Graduate Institute Geneva) Exploring atmospheric songscapes and breath in the singing-forbreathing group (session code ##conf1085, paper number 5) » Sophie Boyd (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 ##conf1057 Discussant for the Panel » Bilgin Ayata (University of Graz), Bernd Kasparek (Georg-August University of Göttingen) 13:00 Oral : GHWRG10 ##conf1085 Atmospheres of health and illhealth (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Chloe Asker and Jennifer Lea Atmospheric encounters: exercise during social distancing » Simon Cook (Birmingham City University), Samuel Hayes (University of Salford) Doing atmospheric labour: generating atmospheres in yoga teaching (session code ##conf1085, paper number 2) » Jennifer Lea (University of Exeter) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 45 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 46 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 47 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 15:00 Oral : HPGRG1 ##conf1004 Unknowing Geographies: Situating ignorance, inattention and erasure (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Jeremy Brice General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 ##conf1004 8) Corporate Cartography and Geographies of Knowing and Unknowing in the Extractive Industries » Karolien van Teijlingen (Radboud University Nijmegen) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 ##conf1004 2) The Predatory Power of Ignorance in Canada » Melissa A. Forcione (Queen's University), Kim Buitenhuis (Queen's University), Anne Godlewksa (Queen's University), Christopher Lamb (Queen's University) ##conf1004 7) Neglected places: The city and ecology » Silvia Flaminio (University of Lausanne), Joëlle Salomon Cavin (University of Lausanne), Céline Granjou (University of GrenobleAlpes), Maud Chalmandrier (Université de Lausanne) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 48 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 ##conf1004 6) Unlearning Europe’s Future: Scenario Planning with the IMA JINE Project » Marie Mahon (National University of Ireland, Galway), Matthew Finch (University of Southern Queensland) Researching the Entanglements of People, Materialities and Technologies: Insights from an Interdisciplinary Mixed Methods Project Using Mobile Eye-Tracking » Katja Kaufmann (University of Innsbruck), Tabea Bork-Hüffer (University of Innsbruck, Austria) ##conf1004 4) Politics of non-knowing in smart cities » Anna Nikolaeva (University of Amsterdam) 15:00 Oral : DGRG11 ##conf1133 Innovative Digital Geographies: Pushing against quantitative and qualitative boundaries (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Zoe Gardner and Stefano De Sabbata and Katy Bennett and Tess Osborne Oral ##conf1264 Borders, Performance and Performativity (2) Venue - RGS-IBG Education Centre Chaired by: Tariq Jazeel and Emilia Weber Enhancing flood resilience in marginalised communities through dialogical participatory mapping: The case of Sao Paulo and Rio Branco, Brazil » Vangelis Pitidis (University of Warwick), João Porto de Albuquerque (University of Warwick) Alternative Arrangements ##conf1264 (Paper 2 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 2) » Thomas Keeley (University College London) Mapping multiculture: using ‘big’ data, ‘small’ data and virtual reality to represent people’s experiences of Leicester » Zoe Gardner (University of Leicester), Katy Bennett (University of Leicester), Stefano De Sabbata (University of Leicester) ‘This is not the sound of the Asian Underground’: on the borders of Britain’s New Asian Kool, 1997-2006 ##conf1264 (Paper 3 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 2) » Tariq Jazeel (University College London) Hacking the Hackathon: adventures in interdisciplinary digital mapping » Kate Smith (University of Hull) 15:00 Choreopolitics at the Border: Dancing Security, Performing Insecurity on the US-Mexico Border ##conf1264 (Paper 4 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 2) » Charlotte Veal (Newcastle University) Discussant ##conf1264 (Paper 5 of Borders, Performance and Performativity 2) » Sophie Nield (Royal Holloway, University of London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : CCRG12 ##conf1182 Governing in a climate emergency: putting #climateemergency declarations into practice (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Kirstie ONeill What is an urban just transition? Perspectives on priorities and possibilities in a metropolitan region. » Will Eadson (Sheffield Hallam University), Álvaro Castaño Garcia (Sheffield Hallam University), Stephen PARKES (Sheffield Hallam University) Page 49 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Collective organising and the work in/of social infrastructures in the informal city » Adam Fishwick (De Montfort University), Valeria Guarneros-Meza (De Montfort University), Maurizio Atzeni (Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales CONICET) Climate Emergency, Materialism and Forms of Capital Exploring the influence of sociability on attitudes towards Climate Change » Francois Kabriti (Department of Work and Pensions, UK Govt) Show me the money – income inequality and segregation in UK cities » Jenni Cauvain (Nottingham Trent University), Gavin Long (N/A), Tim Whiteley (N/A), Etienne Farcot (University of Nottingham) Retrofitting Existing Housing to Tackle with Climate Emergency: A Comparative Research on Turkey and Scotland » Bilge Serin, (University of Glasgow), Ender Peker (Istanbul Policy Centre, Sabanci Üniversitesi) Universities, sustainability, and neoliberalism: contradictions of the climate emergency declarations » Kirstie ONeill (Cardiff University), Charlotte Sinden (Cardiff University) Discussant » David Gibbs (University of Hull) 15:00 Oral ##conf1333 Urban inequalities Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Nihan Akyelken (Im)possible selves and experiences of place from young people growing up in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in The Netherlands. » Janine Venema (University of Groningen), Louise Meijering (University of Groningen), Billie de Haas (University of Groningen), Ant Lettinga (UMCG) Enduring importance of urban geographies in a digital age: a case study in embedding improved health outcomes in the urban fabric » Pam Turton (Portsmouth City Council) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Transgressing theoretical borders in urban analysis » Geraldo Costa (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Heloisa Costa (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais) 15:00 Oral : HPGRG4 ##conf1044 On Methods of Following (2): Where to Follow? Scales, Paths, Positionalities Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Peter J Forman and Angeliki Balayannis ‘Following-the-Digital’ as a Method of Re-construction Biography and Use of Mobile Application » Olga Usachova (University of Padua) In Search of Design: Ethnographies of mass-produced consumer products » Elise Hodson (Aalto University) On Starting from the Wrong Place » Carley-Jane Stanton (University of Oxford) Follow the paperwork: Bureaucratization and illusions in the African logistics industry » Hélène Blaszkiewicz (University of Geneva) Page 50 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 2. Women organisational vulnerability: Sloterdijk in Tijuana (Mexico) – San Diego (US)##conf1028 » Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California), Hugo Gaggiotti (University of the West of England) Oral : CMRG8 ##conf1258 Rethinking borders in terms of absences (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Maarja Kaaristo and Francesco Visentin Liminality of beach encounters: the case of tourists and locals at Bačvice Beach, Croatia » Vedrana Premuž Đipalo (Ethnographic Museum Split), Ana Perinić Lewis (Institute for Anthropological Research), Ingeborg Matečić (University of Zagreb) 3. Deconstructing Borders, Reconstructing Political Subjectivities: Ethics and Care in Turkey's Peace Activism ##conf1028 » Guldem Ozatagan (University of Newcastle) Porous absences and re-urbanity appearing within shrinking towns » Tarmo Pikner (Tallinn University) 4. "(Un)making borders through learning: knowledge production and sharing in a housing movement of Barcelona." ##conf1028 » Mateus Lira (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) Playing in liminality: between presence & concealment and presence » DIANA CAROLINA BEJARANO COCA (Pompeu Fabra University) 5. Negotiating borders with ‘no borders activism’: Building migrant solidarity politics in Glasgow (UK) ##conf1028 » Ana Santamarina (University of Glasgow) Inland waters as borderlands of presence and absence » Francesco Visentin (University of Udine), Maarja Kaaristo (Manchester Metropolitan University) 15:00 Oral : PGF1 ##conf1028 Negotiating racialised, gendered and classed borders within urban political movements Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Matina Kapsali and Maria Karagianni 1. Collective responses to sexual violence and abuse in activist space ##conf1028 » Nina Fraeser (ZIFG TU Berlin) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 6. Beyond the understanding of communities of urban commoning as a black box: reflections on grassroots commoning initiatives in Thessaloniki ##conf1028 » Maria Karagianni (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) 15:00 Oral : TGRG5 ##conf1083 New directions in aviation, distance and the environment (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Frédéric Dobruszkes and Xavier FAGEDA Page 51 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Paper 9 Using urban governance to drive institutional healthy food procurement for cities in low- and middle-income countries » Julian Xie (Duke University School of Medicine, Sanford School of Public Policy), Laura Platenkamp (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), Kathrin Demmler (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition), Kelly Brownell (Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Climate and Air Quality Costs of Aviation Market Trends (##conf1083) » Carla Grobler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Philip J. WOLFE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kingshuk DASADHIKARI (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Irene C. DEDOUSSI (Massachusetts Institute of Technology & Delft University of Technology), Florian ALLROGGEN (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Raymond L. SPETH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Sebastian D. EASTHAM (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Akshat AGARWAL (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Mark D. STAPLES (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jayant SABNIS (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Steven R. H. BARRETT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Paper 10 Public Food Procurement in the context of local food policy: the intermediary role of a public meal center in agri-food systems of Korea » Seungha Baek (Aarhus University), Agnieszka RADZIWON (UC Berkeley & Aarhus University), Chris Kjeldsen (Aarhus University) Paper 5 Sustainable procurement in Public Kitchens – comparing UK with Sweden and Denmark » Mark Stein (University of Salford) “High fuel-efficiency is good for the environment”: Balancing gains in fuel efficiency against trends in total consumption in the aviation sector (##conf1083) » Frédéric Dobruszkes (Brussels Free Universty (ULB)), Charbel IBRAHIM (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE)) The dynamic evolutions of urban networks in China based on the high-speed railway and airline networks (##conf1083) » Haoran YANG (East China Normal University), Wang Xiaomeng (East China Normal University), Jiaoe WANG (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Regional or interregional integration? Investigating countries’ internationalisation through the lens of air services (##conf1083) » Xavier FAGEDA (University of Barcelona), Frédéric Dobruszkes (Brussels Free Universty (ULB)), Christian VANDERMOTTEN (Brussels Free Universty (ULB)) 15:00 Oral : FGRG8 ##conf1221 Public food procurement – defining and working within borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Minna Mikkola and Urszula Ala-Karvia and Mark Stein Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Pushing and Pulling – Setting the sights on sustainability in the foodservice sector » Carola Strassner (Münster University of Applied Sciences), Rainer Roehl (a’verdis sustainable foodservice solutions) 15:00 Oral : DGRG4 ##conf1027 Robot spatialities: technologies, affordances, affects (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Shanti Sumartojo and Sam Kinsley Public robots, robot publics: automation and feeling (the loss of) control » Sam Kinsley (University of Exeter) Emerging Automations of Dementia Care » Geraldine Pratt (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), Caleb Johnston (Newcastle University), Kelsey Johnson (University of British Columbia) Spatializing Robotic Intelligence: Artificial Embodiments and the Techno-Logics of Sensing, Thinking, and Acting » Casey Lynch (University of Nevada) Page 52 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Discussant » Pip Thornton (University of Edinburgh) Exploring the potential of tactical urbanism to leverage the Covid19 crisis for a sustainability transition in urban mobility ##conf1082 » Franziska Meinherz (EPFL), Mariana Fernandes Mendes (EPFL), Livia Fritz (EPFL), Maria Anna Hecher (EPFL) Oral : HPGRG10 ##conf1084 Rethinking Distance (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Tauri Tuvikene and Louise Sträuli and Aleksandra Ianchenko Missed connections? Everyday mobility experiences and the sociability of public transport in Amsterdam during COVID-19 » Monik Kokkola (University of Amsterdam), Marco te Brömmelstroet (University of Amsterdam), Anna Nikolaeva (University of Amsterdam) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 Meaningful distance: Living within warm-soup proximity in hyperaged Japanese society » Xiao Bo Shen (Roskilde University) SOCIAL-SPATIAL INTERACTION, PROXIMITY AND DISTANCE: From face-to-face to virtual communications » Aharon Kellerman (University of Haifa) Air miles: evoking a sense of distance via airport architecture and artworks » Menno Hubregtse (University of Victoria) It's about time to make the space to consider distance » Jenny Angelikie Papasotiriou (Heritage Services) 15:00 Oral ##conf1082 Tactical urbanism, active mobilities and public space in the Covid pandemic (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Nathalie Ortar and Patrick Rerat Cycling in time of tactical urbanism: First lessons of a crosscultural project analyzing the creation of Corona cycle-ways ##conf1082 » Nathalie Ortar (Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’État (ENTPE)), Patrick Rerat (University of Lausanne), Maelle Lucas (University of Rennes II), Florence Paulhiac (University of Quebec in Montreal) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral ##conf1113 Unfinished Infrastructures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Purva Dewoolkar and Cecilia ALDA VIDAL and Nate Millington Carbon Storage, Enduring Ecologies, and the “Green” Transformation of Ireland’s Peat Bogs » Patrick Bresnihan (Maynooth University), Patrick Brodie (McGill University) Challenging infrastructural orthodoxies: Political and economic geographies of a Himalayan road » Phurwa Gurung (University of Colorado Boulder) Tinkering (infra)structures: a feminist analysis of a wastewaterscape in Maharashtra, India » Irene Leonardelli (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education) When is an infrastructure finished? » Charlotte Lemanski (University of Cambridge), Jiska de Groot (University of Cape Town), Anika Haque (University of Kent) “Sydney’s Subterranean Hydrostructures - abandoned train tunnels and the eels of Lake St James Station” » Taylor Coyne (The University of New South Wales), Marilu Melo Zurita (The University of New South Wales) Page 53 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 15:00 Oral : DevGRG2; EnGRG2 ##conf1072 Rethinking barriers to sustainable rural energy access (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Natalie Boyd Williams and Hannah Mottram Practice transfer in MNEs spurring institutional change? Rethinking institutions from a practice theoretical perspective (##conf1056) » Judith Wiemann (Ruhr-University Bochum) 6. Exploring household energy transitions in rural Africa from the user perspective » Fiona Lambe (Stockholm Environment Institute), Oliver Johnson (Stockholm Environment Institute) Does Academic Inbreeding Affect Scientific Success? (##conf1056) » Giovanna Capponi (Utrecht University), Koen Frenken (Utrecht University) 7. Electricity and Justice as negotiated outcomes in a context of rural change » Meera S (National Institute of Advanced Studies) Illicit innovation and institutional folding: From purity to naturalness in the Bavarian brewing industry (##conf1056) » Johannes Glückler (University of Heidelberg) 8. Pioneering off-grid solar photovoltaics in the Global South – leveraging innovation capabilities for transformative change » Joni Karjalainen (University of Turku) 9. Decentralised energy governance: the key to sustainable and equitable rural energy access? » Richard Sieff (University of Loughborough) 10. Migration, Land Policy and Electricity Access in Rwanda » Muez Ali (University College London) 11. Towards a geographical political economy of energy justice: Examining the politics of off-grid renewable deployment for rural electrification in Indonesia » Hilman Fathoni (Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and the Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia), Abidah Setyowati (1. School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2.Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : EGRG5 ##conf1056 Rethinking institutions and institutional change in economic geography (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Huiwen Gong and Johannes Glückler and Robert Hassink Two Foundations for the Study of Economic Institutions (##conf1056) » Alan Paul (Giant Angstrom Partners) 15:00 Oral : GFGRG13; PGF9 ##conf1201 New and emerging research in gender and feminist geographies Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Olivia Engle Sonic Art-vism and Gender in Electroacoustic Music: Intention, Expression and Identity as a female urban Kenyan feminist composer » Esther Kiburi (University of Kent) Abortion utilisation: does travel distance matter? An updated perspective » Olivia Engle (Birkbeck, University of London) Page 54 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Governing through opacity. Epistemic disorienting, deceitful refugees and debit cards » Martina Tazzioli (Goldsmiths, University of London) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August The study of female skateboarders’ mobile practices in urban space with the use of mobile-video ethnography » Yuliya Kulynych (University of Manchester) 15:00 Panel : GCYFRG2 ##conf1089 In the Borderlands: Feminist Geopolitical approaches to Childhood and Youth (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Negar-Elodie Behzadi Gates and Doors: the ways and means of passages in irregular migration » Heather Johnson (Queen's University Belfast) 15:00 In the Borderlands: Feminist Geopolitical approaches to Childhood and Youth » Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University), Tracey Skelton (University of Singapore), Kathrin Hörschelmann (University of Bonn), Sara Smith (University of North Carolina), Sneha Krishnan (University of Oxford), Negar-Elodie Behzadi (University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences) 15:00 Revanchism via Pedestrianism: Mundane Policing Rationalities in the Production of Internal Borders and Punitive Landscapes of Homelessness » Joshua Levy (Stockholm University) (Im)Mobility, Citizenship and Boarders: The Case of Canal boat living in the UK » Agatha Herman (Cardiff University), Richard Yarwood (University of Plymouth) Oral ##conf1283 Bordering through affect and epistemics – emerging conceptualizations in migration research Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Leonie Ansems de Vries and Nadine Voelkner and Nora Stel Driving across troubled water: The re-bordering, re-categorizing, and re-territorialization of Taiwanese drivers in China » Ling-I Chu (National Taiwan University) Affective economies and epistemic politics in migration research » Leonie Ansems de Vries (Kin), Nadine Voelkner (University of Groningen), Nora Stel (Radboud University Nijmegen) Families first? The Mobilisation of Family Norms in Selection Practices of Refugee Resettlement » Saskia Bonjour (University of Amsterdam), Natalie Welfens (University of Amsterdam) Behrouz Boochani and the Manus Prison narratives » Omid Tofighian (University of Sydney) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : GJRG4 ##conf1026 The Borders of Citizenship and Citizenship of/in the Border (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Agatha Herman and Richard Yarwood and Sarah Mills Active citizenship and volunteering: young refugees in Uganda » Sarah Mills (Loughborough University), Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University), Cuthbert Tukandane (Uganda Martyrs University), Moses Okech (Uganda Martyrs University) 15:00 Oral : GLTRG4 ##conf1106 Covid-19 and ‘the night’ in the Tourist City: Present and Future (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Manuel García-Ruiz and Jordi Nofre Page 55 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Neoliberal entanglements of private and public actors at the marketplace of education in Zurich » Itta Bauer (Dpartartment of Geograpy, UZH), Sara Landolt (Department of Geograpy, UZH) Beyond COVID-19: Re-purposing tourism: Engaging our radical in a Northern English Tourist-Historic City » Brendan Paddison (York St John University), Jenny Hall (York St John University) Neoliberalization and marketization of education and alternative narratives or practices - Discussion » Itta Bauer (Department of Geograpy, UZH), Matt Finn (University of Exeter), Sara Landolt (Department of Geograpy, UZH) Airbnb’s evolution in Palermo during the pandemic » Federico Prestileo (Ph. D. candidate, URBEUR Ph. D. program, Department of Sociology, Milano Bicocca University) 15:00 ‘Good omens’ for Krakow (Poland): how to develop the night-time economy (NTE) and tourism in the city after COVID-19? » Robert Pawlusinski (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management. Jagiellonian University), Magdalena Kubal-Czerwińska (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management. Jagiellonian University), Marek Grochowicz (Institute of Geography and Spatial Management. Jagiellonian University) 15:00 Oral : GeogEd1 ##conf1014 Neoliberalization and marketization of education and alternative narratives or practices (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Itta Bauer and Matt Finn and Sara Landolt Entrepreneurial education: the role of internships in higher education in North America » Daniel Cockayne (Department of Geography and Environmental Management University of Waterloo, Ontario) Neoliberal landscapes, education markets: concerted cultivation, class and race in families’ use of private tuition in England » Sarah Holloway (Geography and Environment, Loughborough University), Helena Pimlott-Wilson (Geography and Environment, Loughborough University), Sam Whewall (Geography and Environment, Loughborough University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1280 Inequalities in the Cities of Global South (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Sohail Ahmad and Ramjee Bhandari and Gideon Baffoe “You should have just left me at home to die” Older peoples' views and experiences in accessing free healthcare services in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania » Irene Moshi (Ifakara Health Institute), Ibrahim Msuya (Ifakara Health Institute), Josephine Shabani (Ifakara Health Institute), Robert Tillya (Ifakara Health Institute) Neighborhood Typologies » Ibrahim Msuya (Ifakara Health Institute) How equitable is the distribution of green spaces in Mexico City? Lessons after the COVID-19 outbreak » Carolina Mayen Huerta (University of Melbourne, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences) Understanding housing inequalities in urban Pakistan: An intersectionality perspective of ethnicity, income and education » Faisal Munir (University of Gujrat), Sohail Ahmad (University of Glasgow), Sami Ullaha (University of Gujrat), Ya Ping Wang (University of Glasgow) Page 56 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism (and back?): the (Potentially Reversible) Transformation of Urban Governance in (Even) Late(r) Capitalism » Graham Gill (University of York) Oral : RGRG14 ##conf1144 Rural Populism: New Emerging Political Geographies of the Rural (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Matthias Naumann and Michael Woods 'Not my task': Roles and role perceptions among shop stewards in the Norwegian petroleum industry » Camilla Houeland (Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO), David Jordhus-Lier (Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO) Narratives of rurality, abandonment, and discontent: Is there a new rural-urban divide feeding populism in Europe or is populism creating the divide? » Diana Valero (The James Hutton Institute) Winners and losers of the global beer market: European competition in the view of product life-cycle » David Hána (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University), Kryštof Materna (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University), Jiří Hasman (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Political Societies on the Countryside: The Everyday Politics of Populism in Rural Austria » Stephan Hochleithner (Department of Geography, University of Zurich) Populism and Rural Indebtedness in India—Approaches, and Limitations » Sandeep Kandikuppa (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) Workers or Subjects? Populist discourse(s) in the French Industrial Belt and South Africa’s Platinum Belt » Simphiwe Stewart (University of Oxford) 15:00 Oral ##conf1307 Economic geographies (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Phil Emmerson From Local to Cross-border Entrepreneurship: South Asian entrepreneurship » Sunita Dewitt (Coventry University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Working across dual boundaries: Japanese social entrepreneurs » Yukimi Shimoda (Waseda University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1318 Historical geographies: mapping borders and borderlines Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Peter R. Martin Borders are function of Man as historical and philosophical hypothesis » Mohammadreza Shahidipak (Dpartement of humanity Islamic Azad University Cntral Tehran Branch) BORDERS OF THE MIND: THE CALCUTTA METROPOLIS, POST-1947 » SUBHASRI GHOSH (ASUTOSH COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA) Page 57 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Lines of Power: The eighteenth Century Power Struggle for a Norwegian-Swedish national Border » Anne Christine Lien (University of Bergen), Anders Lundberg (University of Bergen) Urban transformations in a Mediterranean island-state: the case of Malta » Andrea Pace (University of Malta), Maria Attard (University of Malta) 15:00 Rethinking Frontiers as spaces of opportunity: The LibyanTunisian Borderland in historical perspective » Chiara Pagano (University of Pavia) 15:00 Oral ##conf1022 Airbnb and platform real estate: exploring the supplyside and organisation of the short-term rental market (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Agustín Cocola-Gant and Michael Clancy Oral ##conf1334 Urban transformations and development (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Ed Armston-Sheret Who controls the short-term rental market? Insights from Rome, Milan, and Naples » Guido Anselmi (Università Statale di Milano), Veronica Conte (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) Assessing Vulnerability of Stone Built Heritage Damaged by Armed Warfare » Oscar Gilbert (University of the West of England), Lisa Mol (University of the West of England), Thomas Blenkinsop (Cardiff University), Oliver Campbell (Cardiff University) How egalitarian is the sharing economy? Evidence from Airbnb in 98 cities » Petter Törnberg (Urban Geographies, University of Amsterdam) Socio-economic (in)equalities in the Sharing Economy? An analysis of who profits from Airbnb in selected districts of Porto and Lisbon, Portugal » Benjamin Konstant (University of Leipzig), Alejandro Armas-Díaz (University of Leipzig) Lion’s Head to Snake’s Mouth: How Japan introduced and transformed British Water Hydrants into their Context » Masaaki OKADA (Kindai University, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering) Mapping the borders of Catholic life (literally): researching ministries in the Archdiocese of Liverpool » Paul Rooney (Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Liverpool Hope University), Peter McGrail (Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies, School of Humanities, Liverpool Hope University), Alessandra Lotteri (Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Liverpool Hope University), Rebecca Wood (Department of Geography and Environmental Science, Liverpool Hope University) The Strengths and Problems of Urban Planning in China: A Reflection on the Rise and Fall of Yujiapu CBD in Tianjin » Weikai Wang (University of Glasgow) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. The spatial distribution of professional and non-professional Airbnbs in Brussels Different drivers for different types of hosts? » Marek Endrich (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Rafael Costa (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Sylvie Gadeyne (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Lena Imeraj (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) 15:00 Oral ##conf1143 Global urban frontiers (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Tom Gillespie and Claire Mercer Page 58 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Synergistic activities of essential oils of Moroccan wild plants » Bouchra Chebli (Ibn Zohr University), Safaa Bounimi (Ibn Zohr University), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Khadija Basaid (Ibn Zohr University), Asmaa Mziouid (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August Law at the frontiers of urbanism: Spaces of exception and contestation in Istanbul and in London » Ayse Gumec Karamuk (University College London) Antinematode potential of nematophagous fungi against Meloidogyne spp. on tomato » Hafssa Tazi (Ibn Zohr University), Mohamed Ait Hamza (Ibn Zohr University), Ayoub Hallouti (Ibn Zohr University), Hinde Benjlil (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Hassan Boubaker (Ibn Zohr University), Abdelhamid El Moussadik (Ibn Zohr University) Anxious edges: sand, security and sustainability at Accra’s urban limits » Kate Dawson (London School of Economics) Tracing the Granular Frontier » William Jamieson (Royal Holloway University of London) Optimal-doseage of botanicals targetting Meloidogyne javanica predating Melon » El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University), Khadija Basaid (Ibn Zohr University), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), Bouchra Chebli (Ibn Zohr University), Niama Heimeur (Ibn Zohr University), Lalla Mina Iddrissi Hassani (Ibn Zohr University), Zahra Ferji (Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences) Betting on land expropriation: Everyday accumulation and dispossession at China’s urban frontier » Karita Kan (Polytechnic University of Hong Kong) The impact of Mexico’s neoliberal land reform on periurban expansion: creating new urban frontiers? » Ann VArley (University College London), Clara Salazar (Colegio De Mexico) 15:00 Competitive bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Ceratopyllum demursum L. » Amir Parnian (National Salinity Research Center (NSRC)), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), Mostafa Chorom (Shahid Chamran University), Neemat Jaafarzadeh (Environmental Technologies Research Centre, Ahvaz Junidishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz) Oral ##conf1210 Horizons – The Good, Bad and Ugly of Extreme Geographical Borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: James Nicholas Furze and El Hassan Mayad Nematofauna community patterns in organic vegetable soils (Southern Morocco) » Ilyass Filali Alaoui (Ibn Zohr University), Amine Idhmida (Ibn Zohr University), Khadija Basaid (Ibn Zohr University), Zahra Ferji (Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Sciences), James Nicholas Furze (Royal), El Hassan Mayad (Ibn Zohr University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Establishing water purification plantations - connotations on socioeconomic and ecosystem structure » Amir Parnian (National Salinity Research Center (NSRC)), James Nicholas Furze (Royal) 15:00 Oral ##conf1216 Spatially Just Place-Based Development: Is its Achievement Contextually Determined? (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: James Scott and Estelle Evrard Page 59 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Technological Vulnerabilities: Modulating an Incorporeality of Sense » Thomas Keating (Linköping University) Continued from Tuesday, 31 August The discretion of social initiatives in cohesion policy: An overlooked premise for place-based strategies » Daniel Rauhut (University of Eastern Finland), Eduarda Marques da Costa (University of Lisbon) ##conf1126 An industrial town, a strike, a union, workers, and labour: between life and politics » Cheshta Arora (National Institute of Advanced Studies) The Struggle against Territorial Disadvantage in a Peripheral Finnish Town: Balancing between Effectiveness and Accountability in Local Government » Matti Fritsch (Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland), Sarolta Németh (Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland), Petri Kahila (Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland) ##conf1126 Precarity and vulnerability in/out of tune: the politics of material deprivation » Saska Petrova (University of Manchester) ##conf1126 The vulnerability-deservingness nexus: precarity, legibility, and hierarchies of subjecthood » Banu Gokariksel (University of North Carolina), Suad Jabr (University of North Carolina), Michelle Padley (University of North Carolina), Deanna Corin (University of North Carolina) Do community buy-outs of private land(scapes) lead to spatial justice? The case of Lewis, Scotland » Mags Currie (Social Economic and Geographical Sciences, The James Hutton Institute), Annabel Pinker (Social Economic and Geographical Sciences, The James Hutton Institute), Annie McKee (Social Economic and Geographical Sciences Department, The James Hutton Institute) 15:00 Panel ##conf1192 Geography listening lounge: how does podcasting serve the discipline? Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Celia Robbins and Nicola Thomas Geography listening lounge: how does podcasting serve the discipline? » Celia Robbins (University of Exeter), Nicola Thomas (University of Exeter), Rosie Cox (Birkbeck, University of London), Harri Hegarty (RGS), Michael Umney (Resonance FM) 15:00 Oral ##conf1126 The vulnerability of/to power: ontology, incapacity and politics Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: mitch rose and Mikko Joronen and Thomas Dekeyser Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1126 Discussant » Anna Secor (Durham University) 15:00 Oral : GHWRG11 ##conf1085 Atmospheres of health and illhealth (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Chloe Asker and Jennifer Lea A weather of prickly dread: the Santa Ana wind and geosensitivity in Los Angeles, California. (session code ##conf1085, paper number 7) » Gareth Hoskins (Aberystwyth University) Mapping women’s embodied experiences of reproductive health in ‘toxic atmospheres’ (Taranto, Italy) (session ##conf1085, paper number 10) » Maaret Jokela-Pansini (University of Oxford) Running About the Place: exploring physical activity in green spaces (session code ##conf1085, paper number 11 » Samuel Hayes (University of Salford) Page 60 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Tuesday, 31 August 15:00 Oral ##conf1157 Renewable capitalism? Energy-capital relations in a lowcarbon world Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: James Angel 06:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Energy Justice and the Temporalities of Power Production » Nikki Luke (University of Tennessee) 07:00 Oral : GeogEd4 ##conf1059 Navigating, negotiating and contesting borders in higher education Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Vivienne Anderson and Sara Kindon Renewable energy and land: Two stories of wind grabbing, socioecological fixes and double movements from rural Denmark and Scotland » David Rudolph (Technical University of Denmark), Laura Tolnov Clausen (University of Agder) 1. Borders, pandemics and inequities: A case study of HE in the global south » Tiffany Cone (Asian University for Women) Feminist visions of renewable energy transitions in Pennsylvania: a comparative perspective » Stephanie Buechler (Pennsylvania State University), Christopher Scott (Pennsylvania State University) 17:00 2. Affective nationalism, citizenship and hyper-diverse neighbourhoods in Aotearoa New Zealand » Bronwyn Wood (Victoria University of Wellington) 3. Navigating education borders: Insights from refugeebackground students in Southern Aotearoa New Zealand » Vivienne Anderson (University of Otago), Sayedali (Ali) Mostolizadeh (University of Otago) Keynote Chair's welcome event Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari 4. Finding ways through university: Lessons from the bordering experiences of students from refugee background students in Aotearoa New Zealand » Sarah Willette (Victoria University of Wellington), Sara Kindon (Victoria University of Wellington) Welcome to the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 Wednesday, 06:40 1 September General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 07:00 Oral : FGRG2; GLTRG1 ##conf1008 Geographies of food tourism: intersecting travel and sustainable food futures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Anna de Jong and Gordon Waitt Page 61 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 1. What makes things food? Contributions of an emergent literature on the role of travel in what makes things food » Anna de Jong (University of Glasgow) 2.A slice of ‘Pai’...Insights into the sustainability of food tourism and cooking schools in the small town of Pai, Thailand » Navrishka Seebaluk (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal) 3. Entomophagy Tourism » Bianca Mkhize-Simelane (Central University of Technology), Petrus Van der Merwe (North West University), Luiza de Sousa (North-West University) 4. Influences, challenges, and connections between food tourism, sustainable tourism and protected natural areas » Vicky Mellon (Sheffield Hallam University), Anna Stalmirska (Sheffield Hallam University), Jennifer Frost (La Trobe University), Warwick Frost (La Trobe University) 5. Instagramming the #kitchenquarantine: Future food in everyday enactments » Anna Irimias (Corvinus University of Budapest), Serena Volo (Free University of Bozen) 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 62 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 63 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 09:00 Panel ##conf1295 Working with the spoken word: Learning together from empirical instances (1) Sponsored by Area Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Alan Latham and Russell Hitchings General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 ##conf1295: Excerpt from an interview with a rideshare driver as part of a project exploring the the gig economy in Australia » David Bissell (University of Melbourne) ##conf1295: Understanding garden waste and gardeners practices » Francesca Bajada (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 64 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 09:00 ##conf1295: 'I agree with her, but I don't agree with him': thinking about social positioning in online focus groups about smartphone use with young people » Russell Hitchings (University College London) Marine and Coastal Geography for the Marine Super Year and Beyond » Emma McKinley (Cardiff University), Rebecca Shellock (Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University), Frances Ryfield (University of Cumbria) ##conf1295: A conversation from an ethnography of older people » Amy Barron (University of Manchester) 09:00 Oral : HPGRG2 ##conf1004 Unknowing Geographies: Situating ignorance, inattention and erasure (2) Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Jeremy Brice Panel : CMRG4 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1181 Marine and Coastal Geography for the Marine Super Year and Beyond Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Emma McKinley and Rebecca Shellock and Frances Ryfield 09:00 Oral : EnGRG13 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1286 Energy advice: inequalities, spatialities, transformations (1) Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Neil Simcock and Danielle Butler and Stefan Bouzarovski ##conf1004 1) Which Occupation? The Reshaping of Israel’s Epistemic Geography » Merav Amir (Queen's University Belfast) 1. Coping with energy advice: a diversity of strategies implemented by precarious people » Coralie ROBERT (Université Paris Nanterre) ##conf1004 3) Base built in the middle of ‘rice fields’: A politics of ignorance in Okinawa » Hidefumi Nishiyama (University of Oulu) 2. ‘Local, trusted and for the community’: Lessons from the Gluasad Còmhla (Moving Together) on energy advice and support in the Outer Hebrides » Graeme Sherriff (University of Salford), Danielle Butler (National Energy Action), Margaret Probin (University of Salford), Cormac Lawler (University of Salford), Philip Brown (University of Huddersfield) ##conf1004 5) ‘Homegrown’ Smart Cities: empowering or deregulating Indian municipal government? » Persis Taraporevala (King's College London) ##conf1004 9) THE SHIFTY ADVANTAGE OF NONKNOWLEDGE: Gaps Between Rhetorical and Material Mapping (1) » Imani Jacqueline Brown (Goldsmiths University of London) ##conf1004 10) THE SHIFTY ADVANTAGE OF NONKNOWLEDGE: Gaps Between Rhetorical and Material Mapping (2) » Kenneth Pietrobono (Uncertainty Labs) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 3. “That’s what gets them through the front door”: Examining the professional experiences of energy advisors, opportunism, and tensions between policy-pushes and presenting-problems » Danielle Butler (National Energy Action) 09:00 Oral : FGRG3; GLTRG2 ##conf1008 Geographies of food tourism: intersecting travel and sustainable food futures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Anna de Jong and Gordon Waitt Page 65 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 1.3. New Shores: A Socio-Environmental Imaginary for Thanet, ##conf1037 » Sarah Craske (SPACER), Charlotte Sleigh (University College London) 6. Food tourism and gentrification: a case study on distinction and perception of consumers » Petra Lütke (University of Münster) 7.“The question is always: how do you reconcile your guilt with ‘Just taste the pinotage’?” Abivalent spaces of everyday wine tourism in the Western Cape, South Africa » Zara Babakordi (Newcastle University) 1.4. Speculative fiction and unsettling temporalities of climate change: reading Annihilation, ##conf1037 » Miranda Iossifidis (Newcastle University), Lisa Garforth (Newcastle University) 09:00 8. Tourism, food events and Welsh authenticity » Rebecca Jones (Bangor University), Eifiona Thomas Lane (Bangor University) 09:00 Oral : SCGRG8 ##conf1115 Imagined, imaginative, and imaginary geographies (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: James Riding and Olivia Mason 9. Forming an image about the food at a destination: a case study of London » Barbora Cherifi (Middlesex University) Wet perspective of the Black Mediterranean: Imagine Bodies in Maps ##conf1115 » Giulia de Spuches (University of Palermo), Gabriella Palermo (University of Palermo) 10. Feeding (and eating) a tourist boom: Geographies of food and development in Hoi An, Vietnam » Arve Hansen (University of Oslo), Binh Nguyen (McGill University), Outi Pitkanen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Castley castles? Rethinking assumptions about ‘militarised’ heritage landscapes at Tattershall Castle ##conf1115 » Dave McLaughlin (Coventry University), Lynsey Coombs (University of Lincoln) Oral : HGRG3 ##conf1037 Historical geographies of environmental futures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda and Martin Mahony Pride, shame, and the Hull civic imaginary: UK City of Culture and Brexit ##conf1115 » Michael Howcroft (University of Hull) Aerial policing of the Mediterranean: colonial imaginaries and contemporary bordering practices ##conf1115 » Angela Smith (University of New South Wales) 1.1. The borderland of knowledge: challenges of environmental change. ##conf1037 » Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda (University of East Anglia) 09:00 1.2. Geoengineering and the development of Soviet climate science, ##conf1037 » Jon Oldfield (University of Bir) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1276 Geographies of war-care (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Craig Jones and Neve Gordon Page 66 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST How to Follow Gases: On the roles of sensations, research 'gaps', and communities of concern » Peter J Forman (Northu) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Healthcare in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Slow Violence of Border Regimes » Andreas Papamichail (Queen Mary University of London), Dean Moull (University of Sussex), Weeam Hammoudeh (Birzeit University) 09:00 Health systems without borders, re-thinking health system frameworks in times of forced migration » Fouad Fouad (University of Beirut) 09:00 Oral ##conf1110 Working in/like a state: border positionalities and practices in the everyday state Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Sarah A. Radcliffe and Ellen Gordon Down to the Bone: Suffering with Charles Bell » Deborah Dixon (University of Glasgow) “It’s our grain of sand”: Indigenous bureaucrats and extractivist state-formation in Tarija Department, Bolivia » Penelope Anthias (Department of Geography, University of Durham) Patterns of participation and practice: Grassroots medical involvement in protests and uprisings » Sophie Roborgh (Manchester University) Estudios Nacionales and the everyday state: the uneven geographies of public sector work in Ecuador » Ellen Gordon (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge) Oral : HPGRG5 ##conf1044 On Methods of Following (3): How to Follow? ‘Gaps’, Traces, Abstractions Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Peter J Forman and Angeliki Balayannis Amazonian Indigenous interventions in the everyday provincial state: occupying and re-working multiple borders » Sarah A. Radcliffe (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge) Epistemic Consequences of Following Data from the Global South » Azadeh Akbari (University of Münster, Institute for Geography) Following caviar and chitosan: Methodological reflections on the circulating political ecologies of marine commodities » Hannah Dickinson (Department of Geography, Durham University) 09:00 Oral : GeogEd5 ##conf1124 Assessment, Feedback and Academic Standards in Geography Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Jennifer Hill and Harry West and Derek France Following Cleanliness and Dirt, Entering Urban Metabolisms » Clément Dillenseger (Université de Lyon) Creating Pivotal Moments in Undergraduate Learning through Assessment Dialogue » Jennifer Hill (University of Gloucestershire), Harry West (University of the West of England) Trails of Money? Following (suspicious) transactions in the realm of financial security » Carola Westermeier (University of Amsterdam) Producing Story Maps for Fieldwork Assessment » Derek France (University of Chester), Jane Bevan (University of Chester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 67 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Playing our way out of hegemony: a card game to create possible futures » Kieran Cutting (Newcastle University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Assessment beyond course units: Implementing Progress Testing to assess students’ achieved programme learning outcomes in human geography » Sander van Lanen (University of Groningen), Peter Groote (University of Groningen), Erik Meijles (University of Groningen) 09:00 Reflections of a curious academic: crossing disciplinary borders with practice-orientated assessment and feedback » Aida Abzhaparova (University of the West of England) Cities after Covid-19: infrastructure, space, and politics » Colin McFarlane (Durham University), Simon Marvin (University of Sheffield, UK), Pauline McGuirk (Professor - School of Geography and Sustainable Communities), AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield), Alan Wiig (University of Massachusetts), Catalina Ortiz (University College London), Prince Guma (British Institute in Eastern Africa) Degree outcomes and national calibration: Debating academic standards in UK Geography » Stephanie Wyse (RGS-IBG), Ben Page (University College London), Helen Walkington (Oxford Brookes University), Jennifer Hill (University of Gloucestershire) 09:00 Oral : HPGRG16 ##conf1131 Speculative Thinking (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Thomas Keating Neo Rural Futures – speculative modes of thinking, sensing and making sustainable futures » Vera Fearns (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Taking a leap of faith: Three speculative dispositions after Deleuze and James » Eugenia Carlota de La Herran Iriarte (UNSW Canberra) Panel ##conf1211 Cities after Covid-19: infrastructure, space, and politics Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Simon Marvin and Colin McFarlane 09:00 Oral : RGRG3 ##conf1012 Reconfiguring farmed animal health and welfare: exploring and transcending borders between spaces, times, species and knowledges (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Lewis Holloway and Niamh Mahon and Amy Proctor and Beth Clark Food Supply Chains and the Antimicrobial Resistance Challenge: On the Framing, Accomplishments, and Limitations of Corporate Responsibility » Emma Roe (University of Southampton), Alex Hughes (Newcastle University), Suzanne Hocknell (Newcastle University) Jennifer Walshe’s speculative machine learning compositions: Intensive individuality, expression, ethics » George Burdon (UNSW Canberra) Antibiotic stewardship and its implications for agricultural animal-human relationships: stakeholder perspectives » Carol Morris (University of Nottingham), Richard Helliwell (Ruralis) Speculating with, and after, plastics and childhoods » Peter Kraftl (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Birmingham) Marginal biosecurities and the gendered ecologies of calf-care » Gareth Enticott (Cardiff University), Kieran O'Mahony (Cardiff University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 68 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Enacting and resisting biosecurity citizenship: More-than-human geographies of enrolment in a disease eradication scheme in Scotland » Orla Shortall (The James Hutton Institute), Katrina Brown (The James Hutton Institute) [Paper 5] In Praise of Shutters: Hidden activity within Neepsend, Sheffield » Charlene Cross (Sheffield Hallam University) 09:00 Exploring pig breeders’ views of ‘Good Farming’ in Shanghai China: analysis of biosecure ‘care’ and ‘vaccination’ practices in pig production. » Ray Chan (University of Exeter), Gareth Enticott (Cardiff University), Damian Maye (University of Gloucestershire) 09:00 Introduction: Carcerality of and/or on the border » Anna Schliehe (University of Cambridge), Jennifer Turner (University of Oldenburg) The Boundaries of Prison and the Figure of Escape: Incarceration and Fugitivity in Brazil » David Thompson (Simon Fraser University) Oral ##conf1090 What’s behind the fence? Exploring dead land and empty buildings (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Luke Bennett and Carolyn Gibbeson and Charlene Cross Bodies, bones and borders at the Gaza fence » Annie Pfingst (Goldsmiths University) [Paper 2] Ruins of (Post) Soviet Arctic: perceiving, coping with and commemorating abandoned sites » Maria Gunko (Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences / National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)), Alla Bolotova (Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)), Elena Batunova (Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)) Hi(story)cal Carceral Geography: crossing the boundaries between Carceral Geography and GeoHumanities through creative nonfiction from the Birkenhead Union Workhouse » Ella Bytheway-Jackson (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool) [Paper 3] What’s the use? Rethinking urban vacancy amidst Dublin’s housing crisis » Kathleen Stokes (Trinity College Dublin), Cian O'Callaghan (Trinity College Dublin) Everyday carcerality of trafficking borders » Ayushman Bhagat (Tel Aviv University) 09:00 [Paper 4] Empty buildings in the re-making: The case of the Hochhausscheiben A-E in Halle-Neustadt, Germany » Hendrikje Alpermann (Université de Lausanne) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : CGWG3 ##conf1191 Carcerality of and/or on the Border (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Anna Schliehe and Jennifer Turner Oral : CCRG9; GCYFRG7 ##conf1175 In it together! Intergenerational, creative responses to a climate of uncertainty (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Tracy Ann Hayes and Katie Parsons and Catherine Walker Page 69 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 09:00 Session1, Paper 1: At a crossroads? Cross-cultural and intergenerational conversations about the climate crisis in immigrant homes » Catherine Walker (University of Manchester) Exploring the role of key network actors in fostering regional resilience (##conf1055) » Dima Yankova (Universitat Politècnica de València) Session 1, paper 2: Ethnography of youth environmental activism in the UK: A critical examination of the challenges and opportunities presented by the COVID pandemic to researchers and the researched » Dena Arya (Nottingham Trent University), Matt HENN (Nottingham Trent University), Oliver Harrison (Nottingham Trent University), Christine Huebner (Nottingham Trent University) The Effects of regional banks on regional resilience in the COVID19 pandemic – A cross-country comparison of the European nations (##conf1055) » Franz Flögel (Institut für Arbeit und Technik, Gelsenkirchen), Tereza Hejnová (Institut für Arbeit und Technik, Gelsenkirchen) Session 1, paper 3: Walking a mile in their shoes - Using deep qualitative methods to investigate young people’s experiences of politics and power in the UN Climate Change negotiations » Harriet Thew (University of Leeds), Lucie Middlemiss (University of Leeds), Jouni PAAVOLA (University of Leeds) Explaining local variation in the resistance of unemployment to COVID-19 mitigation policies across Great Britain (##conf1055) » Donald Houston (University of Portsmouth) Session 1, paper 4: In it together: Intergenerational dialogues on the climate emergency » Raichael Lock (University of Manchester) Changes in self-employment in UK regions during the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for regional resilience (##conf1055) » Darja Reuschke (University of Southampton), Victoria Price (University of Southampton), Andrew Henley (Cardiff Business School), Elizabeth Daniel (The Open University Business School) Session 1, paper 5: Creative plenary activity for In it together! Intergenerational, creative responses to a climate of uncertainty (1) » Tracy Ann Hayes (University of Cumbria), Katie Parsons (The University of Hull), Catherine Walker (University of Manchester) 09:00 Workshop RGS-IBG Book Series: Meet the editors Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Ruth Craggs and Chih Yuan Woon Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : EGRG2 ##conf1055 COVID-19 and Regional Resilience: Bouncing Back or Transforming Regional Economic Structures? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Gill Bristow and Robert Hassink and Erik Stam and Huiwen Gong 09:00 Workshop Meet Land: An Open Access Journal of MDPI Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Agata Kolomanska Page 70 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Citizen cooperative primary care centres in rural areas: the challenges of operating in the borderland between public and private for-profit healthcare » Desirée Enlund (Linköping University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 09:00 Oral : GFGRG9 ##conf1051 Breaking the Borders of Home: Transformations of Care & Reproductive Work (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Rosie Cox and Karin Schwiter and Lexter Woodley Geographical variation in the growth of private provision in Irish home care: patterns and explanations » Nicholas O'Neill (Univerity College Dublin), Julien Mercille (Univerity College Dublin) New intimacies of dementia care beyond the familiar » Caleb Johnston (Newcastle University), Geraldine Pratt (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) Using the Care Landscape framework to identify possibilities for greater justice in the city: the case of aged care for migrants in Nijmegen and The Hague, the Netherlands » Hanna Carlsson (Radboud University) Giving and receiving care: child domestic worker’s perspectives on living with their employing families » Jonathan Blagbrough (University of Dundee) The Elastic Woman: Gendering ‘Flexibility’ in the Indian Information Technology Industry » S. Shakthi (Indian Institute of Technology Madras) She brings home the bacon, but should he cook it? An exploration of how high-status breadwinning women and their man handle their home lives in the Netherlands » Lexter Woodley (Birkbeck, University of London) 09:00 Oral : GHWRG5 ##conf1068 Inequalities in Landscapes of Care: What does a spatial perspective offer? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Hanna Carlsson and Dara Ivanova Transbordering assemblages: Power, agency and autonomy (re)producing health infrastructures in the South East of England » Carlos J. Moreno-Leguizamon (University of Greenwich), Marcela Tovar-Restrepo (Columbia Univerity) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Andrew Power » Andrew Power (University of Southampton) 09:00 Oral : PyGyRG3 ##conf1075 Reflexive realities – thinking critically about the dynamics of long-term participatory action research Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Elisa Bignante and Jay Mistry and Jacqueline Shaw Rethinking PAR through lay understandings of mobility-related economic inequalities » Nihan Akyelken (University of Oxford), Gulin Goksu Basaran (Technical University of Denmark) The Promises We Make: Researcher precarity in insider field-work through the lens of “Patchwork ethnography” » Anne Marie Carty (University of Westminster) Reflecting on the complexities of PAR: Peer research-led mobility studies in sub-Saharan Africa » Gina Porter (Durham University), Claire Elisabeth Dungey (Durham University) Page 71 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 09:00 Unsolvable power asymmetries » Mattias De Backer (Institute of Criminology, KU Leuven and Centre for Ethnic and Migration Studies, University of Liège, Belgium) Author meets readers: The Geographies of International Student Mobility » Sophie Cranston (Loughborough University, UK), Suzanne Beech (Ulster University), Yunting Qi (Royal Holloway University of London), Johanna Waters (UCL) Money Talks: The price of participation » Geraud Deville (Barking and Dagenham Giving), Cameron Bray (Barking and Dagenham Giving) 09:00 Oral ##conf1302 Community participation and engagement Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: James Kendall Borders at the Breakfast Table » rachele shamouni-naghde (Queen Mary University of London) CLASSIFICATION OF POLISH MUNICIPALITIES IN TERMS OF PARTICIPATION IN THE ELECTIONS OF THE INHABITANTS » Magdalena Skorupska (Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw) Local action on the SDG’s: existing contributions to SDG 14 and 15 within the community development sector in rural Ireland. » Eleanor Turner (University College Dublin) Natural Flood Management and Community Engagement » Gabrielle Powell (University of Reading), Joanna Clark (University of Reading), Tom Nisbet (Forest Research), Hilary Geoghegan (University of Reading) Queering the Pitch: Unfolding the micro-geographies of Cricket in Delhi, India » Arnav Anshuman (Department of Geography, University of Delhi) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel : PopGRG7 ##conf1238 Author meets readers: The Geographies of International Student Mobility Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Sophie Cranston and Katherine Botterill 09:00 Oral : TGRG7 ##conf1197 The politics of mobility futures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Anna Nikolaeva and Marco te Brömmelstroet Self-driving between Socio-technical Imaginaries and the Anarchist Cookbook? Provocative challenges for governance of emerging mobility technologies » Milos Mladenovic (Aalto University), Kate Pangbourne (University of Leeds, UK) Is the strategy for sustainable transition of automobility through electric shared automated vehicles realistic? An analysis of key actors’ purposes and motivations. » Dimitris Milakis (Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center), Stefan Mueller (Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center), Dennis Seibert (Institute of Transport Research, German Aerospace Center) Driving cars out of neighbourhoods: autonomous vehicles as a means to rethink urban mobility » Elisabetta Vitale Brovarone (Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino), Luca Staricco (Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, Politecnico di Torino) Page 72 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST (Mis)reading the signals: Vehicle automation, driver monitoring and the economy of intervention ##conf1122 » Brendan Doody (University of Oxford) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Planning cities and mobilities beyond digital colonization? Critical insights from the periphery » Antonio Ferreira (University of Porto), Fernanda Paula de Oliveira (University of Coimbra), Kim von Schönfeld (Wageningen University) 09:00 The role of alternative mobility narratives in the politics of our urban mobility futures » Marco te Brömmelstroet (University of Amsterdam), Anna Nikolaeva (University of Amsterdam) 09:00 Sovereignty, Ruination and Infrastructure in Tel Aviv-Jaffa » Joel Hart (University of Oxford) Oral ##conf1122 Geographies of Autonomous Urban Transport (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Federico Cugurullo and Ransford Acheampong Avoiding Technocentrism: Framing Expectations of Automation in the Context of Alternative Solutions ##conf1122 » Debbie Hopkins (University of Oxford, UK), Tim Schwanen (University of Oxford, UK) Models for shared ownership and use of driverless cars in Edinburgh ##conf1122 » Sayed FARUQUE (Edinburgh Napier University) Can autonomous vehicles shape sustainable urban mobility futures? Insights from modelling preferences for public transport, sharing and ownership of driverless vehicles ##conf1122 » Ransford Acheampong (University of Manchester) How will autonomous vehicles impact upon the mobility and accessibility levels of older people? An interview study with older people in Greater Manchester ##conf1122 » Lamprini Papafoti (University of Leeds), Karen LUCAS (University of Manchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1099 Lost cities: ruins, ruination and the settler-colonial city (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: Moriel Ram and Daniel Monterescu Colonization, loss and internal fragmentation in Ramallah » Mariangela Gasparotto (Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes.) Living with ruins: Hebron and the politics of settler-colonial urban ruination » Hadeel Mustafa (Bezalel Academy of Arts), Ariel Handel (Tel Aviv University) 09:00 Oral ##conf1203 Negotiating home and the border (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Elizabeth Mavroudi and Aija Lulle and Annabel Evans 1.Resettlement in the home: The gendered experiences of Sri Lankan refugee women in Australia ##conf1203 » Charishma RATNAM (Monash University) 2.Performing transnational and classed identities in metropolitan high-rise apartments ##conf1203 » Louise Dorignon (RMIT University) 3.Uneven structural possibilities of home: young male migrants negotiating intersectional bordering and home ##conf1203 » Mastoureh Fathi (University College Dublin), Caitriona Ni Laoire (University College Cork) Page 73 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 1227 Occupations and the More-Than-Human World: An Ethnographic Exploration of Multi-Species Occupations Involving Horses and Humans » Heather Pugh (Towson University) 4.Growing up in diasporic homes: young people negotiating identity and politics ##conf1203 » Elizabeth Mavroudi (Loughborough University) 09:00 Workshop Books Publishing with Palgrave Macmillan Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Rachael Ballard and Josh Pitt Oral ##conf1227 Multispecies Methods for More-than-human Worlds (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Harriet Smith and Mara Miele and Nickie Charles and Rebekah Fox 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 1227 De-centring the human: Multi-species research as embodied practice » Rebekah Fox (University of Warwick), Nickie Charles (University of Warwick), Mara Miele (Cardiff University), Harriet Smith (Cardiff University) 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 5.72 years of Homemaking in Waiting Zones: Lebanon’s “Permanently Temporary” Palestinian Refugee Camps ##conf1203 » Yafa El Masri (University of Padua) 09:00 1227 Performing multispecies studies with trail cameras » Myung-Ae Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Technology and Science), Buhm Soon Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Technology and Science) 1227 Sculpture as a space for human-moth encounter: developing multispecies artwork with conservation practitioners at RSPB Loch Lomond » Hannah Imlach (University of Edinbugh) 1227 The Chicken City: Researching (with) domestic chickens during multispecies pandemics » Catherine Oliver (University of Cambridge) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 74 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 75 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 76 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 11:00 Keynote : HPGRG13; PyGyRG7; PERG3 ##conf1086 Geography and public policy: The past and present borders of applied geography (1): Space and Polity Keynote Lecture Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Mark Boyle and Tim Hall and Shaun Lin and James Sidaway and Michiel Van Meeteren General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Going public: Activism and the public agenda for geographers » Audrey Kobayashi (Queen's University), Jane Wills (University of Exeter), Pauline McGuirk (Professor - School of Geography and Sustainable Communities) 11:00 Oral ##conf1074 ‘The Limits of my World’: Where geographies and philosophies of language meet Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Pip Thornton and Ingrid A. Medby Language and Geopolitics in the Arctic: The Potential of an Articulation Otherwise » Ingrid A. Medby (Newcastle University) 'Getting your eye in’: the language-practice of seeing landforms in geomorphology fieldwork » Pauline Couper (York St John University, UK) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 77 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 11:00 Slums of hope: Sanitising silences within township tour reviews » Monique Huysamen (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) Pop Up Gaeltacht – New Speakers of Irish and emerging language regimes » Osian Elias (Swansea University, UK) The Ecology of Language: Concept Conservation and Control in a World of ‘Climate Catastrophe’ » Jamie Mcphie (The University of Cumbria, UK.), David CLARKE (University of Edinburgh, U), Lisa FENTON (The University of Cumbria, UK.) 11:00 Oral : EnGRG14 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1286 Energy advice: inequalities, spatialities, transformations (2) Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Neil Simcock and Danielle Butler and Stefan Bouzarovski 5. Energy advice for Traveller Communities in the context of ethnic and spatial premiums » Natalie Forster (Northumbria University), Philip Hodgson (Northumbria University), Catherine Bailey (Northumbria University) 6. (Re)making the city: The synergies, structures and limitations of energy advice to vulnerable households » Neil Simcock (Liverpool John Moores University), Stefan Bouzarovski (University of Manchester) 7. Retrofit disasters and Energy Advice » Tom Wooley (Rachel Bevan Architects / Anglia Ruskin University, UK) 8. Open Discussion » William Baker (Citizens Advice) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1224 Geographies of philanthropy: Disaggregating the philanthropic complex Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Pablo Fuentenebro and Michele Acuto Geographies of philanthropy: Disaggregating the philanthropic complex » Michele Acuto (University of Melbourne), Rachel Bok (University of British Columbia), Pablo Fuentenebro (University of Melbourne), Emily Rosenman (Penn State University), Laura Clancy (Lancaster University), Jessa Loomis (Newcastle University) 11:00 Oral : LAGWG4 ##conf1240 Contested democracy in Latin American cities: Emerging trends and concepts (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Sam Halvorsen and Matthew Aaron Richmond Participatory politics, municipalism and the state. The Participatory Budgeting in Argentina. » Emilia Arpini (University of Glasgow) The urban citizenship in question: A spatial reading of the project of Citizen Coexistence Code (CCC) of the city of La Plata- Argentina » Fernanda Valeria Torres (Universidad Nacional de la Plata / CONICET) The left in the city: Challenges of progressive party building in Buenos Aires » Sam Halvorsen (Queen Mary University of London), Sebastián Mauro (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Governmental peripheralization in Brazil: From the donos da terra to Jair Bolsonaro » Jan Hutta (Technical University of Dresden; University of Bayreuth) Page 78 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 11:00 Spatial Video Geo-narratives: Digitising indigenous folklores in urban flooding lived experiences » Josephine Zimba (School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow) Oral : DevGRG9; DGRG13 ##conf1150 Digitising Geographies of Indigenous Folklore in the Global South: Colonial and Decolonial Praxis Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Dumisani Moyo, and Deborah Dixon Introduction to the session » Dumisani Moyo, (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow) Discussant » Deborah Dixon (University of Glasgow) 11:00 Documenting spiritual ecologies and customary governance in post-conflict East Timor » Lisa Palmer (University of Melbourne), Susana BARNES (University of Saskatchewan), Josh TRINDADE (Independent Researcher, TimorLeste) Oral ##conf1276 Geographies of war-care (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Craig Jones and Neve Gordon Bringing Death to Life » Nisha Shah (University of Ottawa) Iraqibacter and the Biology of History » Omar Dewachi (Rutgers University) Contours of Body, Spirits and Soil: Ecofeminist Reading of Yoruba Translated Female Legend » Tayo Olufolabi (Ajayi Crowther University, Nigeria), Stephen O. Solanke (Ajayi Crowther University, Nigeria), Ayokunmi O. Ojebode (Ajayi Crowther University, Nigeria) Homemade Media Economies and the Politics of Care » Laliv Melamed (Goethe University) Malawi Folktales and Folksongs Digitization Projects 2012- 2020 » Christopher J. MAGOMELO (Malawi National Commission for UNESCO, Malawi), Shizuka Arao (Rei Foundation) Destruction, Fragmentation, and Rebuilding of Syria’s Healthcare System in Areas Under Different Territorial Control » Samer Jabbour (American University of Beirut) Agricultural education and folklore digitization praxis in Malawi: a decolonial interrogation » Dumisani Moyo, (University of Glas) Creating the most dangerous space: Siege and collective torture in contemporary geopolitics » Ron J Smith (Bucknell University) The Native Land Information System: Fighting historical epistemicide and empowering land sovereignty on US indigenous territories » Aude Chesnais (Village Earth/School of Global Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral : HPGRG6 ##conf1044 On Methods of Following (4): Why Follow? Politics, Ethics, Dangers Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Peter J Forman and Angeliki Balayannis Page 79 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September A collaborative, multimedia web-book to read, watch, listen to the austere multicultural city » Licia Cianetti (Royal Holloway), Farwa Moledina (Artist), Alexandre 'Diaphra' Francisco (Artist), Andrejs Strokins (Artist), Galas Mbengue (Artist) Researching Through Things and Contesting Thingness: Following cotton in the context of historical transatlantic slavery and its legacies » Susanne Seymour (University of Nottingham) Exploring the social geographies of state family support in austerity » Tom Disney (Northumbria University), Ian Robson (Northumbria University) Follow the Policy Controversy: Models, myths and the politics of exposure » Rhys Machold (University of Glasgow) A Cultural Geography of Trade in 60 Objects: Creating a handbook for follow-the-thing activism » Ian Cook (Exeter University) Beyond the pale: the legacies of austerity for London’s municipal parks » Andrew Smith (University of Westminster), Goran Vodicka (Sheffield Hallam University) Following Big Conservation Ideas in the Anthropocene » Kate Massarella (University of Wageningen) Discussant » Sander van Lanen (University of Groningen) Canning the container: de-fetishizing the ‘box’ in understandings of global flows » Kimberley Peters (University of Oldenburg) 11:00 Oral : EGRG22; PyGyRG12; SCGRG23 ##conf1275 Legacies of austerity: Creative explorations of lingering austerity Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Sander van Lanen and Sarah Marie Hall Austerity: ending or never ending? » Julie Macleavy (University of Bristol) Alienation as a legacy of austerity: the temporal and affective politics of austere ‘slow violence’ in deindustrializing towns » Jay Emery (University of Sheffield) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral : TGRG6 ##conf1184 Transport Planning and Governance in Times of Crisis Changing Practices and Effects on Sustainable Transport Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Kerstin Stark and Julia Schuppan Planning for Sustainable Mobility in Times of Crisis » Kerstin Stark (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transport Research), Julia Schuppan (German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Transport Research), Ariane Kehlbacher (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Laura Gebhardt (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Julia Jarass (German Aerospace Center (DLR)) Doublethink: Policy contradictions revealed in the transport sector response to the Coronavirus pandemic » Greg Marsden (University of Leeds, UK), Ian Docherty (University of Stirling) Page 80 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 11:00 Automobility and the challenge for transport planning in the post-COVID-19 global South » Yogi JOSEPH (Concordia University, Montreal), Govind Gopakumar (Concordia University, Montreal) Corporately owned shared housing for young adults: A solution to affordability concerns for whom? (##conf1029 - Paper 1)) » Eleonora Ignatovich (School of Planning, University of Waterloo), Markus Moos (School of Planning, University of Waterloo) Digitally co-developed urban politics and policies: Bringing sustainable mobility to life » Alexandra Bensler (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Michael Ortgiese (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Mandy Dotzauer (German Aerospace Center (DLR)) 11:00 Oral : GJRG5; UGRG3 ##conf1029 Young People and Housing (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Alice Reynolds and Nick Revington “Fathers will pay more for their daughters than their sons”: Gendered dimensions of studentification in Canada (##conf1029 Paper 2) » Nick Revington (Institut national de la recherche scientifique) Oral : HPGRG17 ##conf1131 Speculative Thinking (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Thomas Keating Hacking Housing: technologies and processes of alternative housing models (##conf1029 - Paper 3) » Sophia Maalsen (The University of Sydney) The ecosophic act of feeling: Poetry, animism, and speculative thought » Oliver Dawson (University of Bristol) Turning tenants into subscribers? » Tim White (London School of Economics and Political Science) How to séance a satellite: speculating on the embodiment of weather forecasting » Sasha Engelmann (Royal Holloway, University of London) Sex-for-rent: Discussions of Gender, Sex, Production and Power (##conf1029 - Paper 5) » Melissa Fielding (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge) Digital geographies of the event: time, power and intensities of presence » James Ash (Newcastle University), Rachel Gordon (Newcastle University), Sarah Mills (Loughborough University) Speculative Anthropocene futures: everyday readers of Butler’s Parable series, ambiguous hopefulness and living-with climate change » Miranda Iossifidis (Newcastle University) Deterritorialize This: towards a geophilosophical theory-fiction » William Jamieson (Royal Holloway University of London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral : EGRG12 ##conf1179 Carbonscapes at a Critical Conjuncture? Networks, Territories and Transformation in Oil and Gas (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Gavin Bridge and Alexander Dodge and Nana de Graaff and James Marriott and William Otchere-Darko and Gisa Weszkalnys and Tiago Teixeira ##conf1179 [Paper 1]: Evolution of the UK Oil Complex: intersections of networks and territory in UK oil over time » Gavin Bridge (Durham University), James Marriott (PlatformLondon) Page 81 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Snouts on the road: More-than-human nationalism, animal welfare, and the Catalan pig industry » Guillem Rubio Ramon (University of Edinbugh) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September ##conf1179 [Paper 2]: Carbon Autocracy: The Global Oil And Gas Extraction Network, State-Firm Relationships And Inter-Firm Dependencies, 2014-2018 » Sonya Ahamed (Michigan Technological University) Improving farmed animal health in contexts of industrializing farming systems: a circular economy approach » Bettina Bluemling (University of Stavanger), Tu Qin (Beijing Normal University), Hua Pu (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Wei Qu (Beijing Normal University) ##conf1179 [Paper 3]: Mapping Firm-Territory Relations: Unpacking the embeddedness of institutional and elite social networks of lead oil firms in the UK » Alexander Dodge (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Nana de Graaff (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) ##conf1179 [Paper 4]: Moving East: Strategic (de-)coupling and the changing economic geographies of (financialized) global oil trade » Wouter Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Cyril Widdershoven (Payne Institute, Colorado School of Mines, University of Colorado) ##conf1179 [Paper 5]: Fracking moratorium: Induced seismicity and the temporal politics of deferral in UK shale gas exploration » Owen King (University of Birmingham), Kärg Kama (University of Birmingham) 11:00 Oral : RGRG4 ##conf1012 Reconfiguring farmed animal health and welfare: exploring and transcending borders between spaces, times, species and knowledges (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Lewis Holloway and Niamh Mahon and Amy Proctor and Beth Clark Documenting farm and animal borders: using documentary film to explore the nature and functioning of borders in a UK farm context » Mark Jones (Independent artist) 11:00 Oral ##conf1090 What’s behind the fence? Exploring dead land and empty buildings (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Luke Bennett and Carolyn Gibbeson and Charlene Cross [Paper 7] Rethinking Utopia: The Search for ‘Topias’ in the Paris Catacombs » Kevin Bingham (Sheffield Hallam University) [Paper 8] “The dead are tugging at our backs”: migrant life among the headstones of an abandoned Tangier cemetery » Maria Hagan (University of Cambridge) I live alone with my animals family. Visions of farm animals welfare in border remote rural areas. » angel paniagua (Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC)) [Paper 9] Fortifying the empty ruin: the nightwatchman, the artists, the trespassers and their antagonisms » Luke Bennett (Sheffield Hallam University), Hayden Lorimer (University of Edinburgh), Edward Hollis (University of Edinburgh), Ruth Olden (University of Glasgow) The Hydro-Social Life of Experimental Shrimp: Water, Labs, and Biosecurity » Yu-Kai Liao (Durham University) [Paper 10] The elephant in the room?: a facilitated discussion about absent owners » Carolyn Gibbeson (Sheffield Hallam University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 82 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 11:00 Session 2, paper 2: We can make a change: Supporting intergenerational action on environmental degradation and the climate crisis in North East England » Sean Peacock (Open Lab, Newcastle University) Oral : CGWG4 ##conf1191 Carcerality of and/or on the Border (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Anna Schliehe and Jennifer Turner Session 2, paper 3: Joy to the People: a participatory LEGO workshop about climate activism » Benjamin BOWMAN (Manchester Metropolitan University) On not being a detention centre - Remoteness, racism and ephemeral carcerality in the Canary Islands » Lorena Gazzotti (University of Cambridge) Session 2, paper 4: Intergenerational solidarity on the streets of London. Exploring Extinction Rebellion’s creative actions, that despite difference, bound activists together for common cause. » Stephen Langford (The University of Sheffield) Place making Under Occupation: a response to Segregation and Carcerality - Two West Bank case studies » Elisa Ferrato (Oxford Brookes University) Session 2, paper 5: Creative plenary activity for In it together! Intergenerational, creative responses to a climate of uncertainty (2) » Tracy Ann Hayes (University of Cumbria), Katie Parsons (The University of Hull, UK), Catherine Walker (University of Manchester) The Carceral City: Thinking through carceral assemblages in urban space by exploring Kowloon Walled City » Anna Schliehe (University of Cambridge), Alistair Fraser (University of Glasgow) Punishment Beyond the Prison: Electronic Monitoring as Carceral Territory » James Gacek (University of Regina) Conclusion: Carcerality of and/or on the border » Jennifer Turner (University of Oldenburg), Anna Schliehe (University of Cambridge) 11:00 Oral : CCRG10; GCYFRG8 ##conf1175 In it together! Intergenerational, creative responses to a climate of uncertainty (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Tracy Ann Hayes and Katie Parsons and Catherine Walker Session 2, paper 1: INtergenerational Stories of Erosion and Coastal community Understanding of REsilience (‘INSECURE’) » Katie Parsons (The University of Hull, UK), Florence Halstead (University of Hull), Lisa Jones (University of Hull) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral ##conf1321 Infrastructural geographies Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Alex Jeffrey Infrastructures of Waste and Value » Jason Baskin (University of Exeter, UK) Producing Another Bosphorus: Kanal Istanbul Project and Contested Geographies » Hikmet KURAN (Cappadocia University), Sabriye Ak Kuran (Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University) The Making of Mega-Projects and the Contingencies of Urbanism » Ebru TekinBilbil (Ozyegin University) Page 83 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Transforming Regional Economies in New Zealand ? Resilience and change in regions dependent on international tourism in response to COVID-19 (##conf1055) » Etienne Nel (University of Otago), Sean Connelly (University of Otago) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Towards a modest infrastructural imaginary? Sanitation in Kampala beyond the modern infrastructure ideal » Mary Lawhon (University of Edinbugh), Gloria Nsangi Nakyagaba (University of Oklahoma), Timos Karpouzoglou (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) When and where? Time and space in infrastructure decisionmaking » Katy Roelich (University of Leeds), Lina Brand Correa (University of Leeds) 11:00 Oral : EGRG3 ##conf1055 COVID-19 and Regional Resilience: Bouncing Back or Transforming Regional Economic Structures? (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Gill Bristow and Robert Hassink and Erik Stam and Huiwen Gong COVID-19 boosts the trend for working-from-home: which parts of a metropolitan region benefit most? A spatial assessment of the Munich Metropolitan Region (##conf1055) » Johannes Moser (Technical University of Munich), Fabian Wenner (Technical University of Munich), Alain Thierstein (TUM Technical University Munich) COVID-19 AND AFRICA’S AVIATION AND TOURISM SECTORS: A NEW AGENDA FOR THE FUTURE? (##conf1055) » David Ayiine-Etigo (University of Aberdeen), Amankwah-Amoah Joseph (Kent Business School (KBS), the University of Kent.) Bouncing forward or bouncing back? The uneven resilience of tourism in Danish regions during the COVID-19 pandemic (##conf1055) » Laura James (Aalborg University), Henrik Halkier (Aalborg University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Oral ##conf1226 (Dis)connecting across borders during Covid-19: Migrants transnational practices of care giving and receiving Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Kavita Datta and Laura Hammond and Anna Lindley and Elaine Chase Sustaining remittances as practices of care during COVID-19 » Elaine Chase (UCL Institute of Education), Kavita Datta (Department of Geography, Queen Mary University London), Anna Lindley (SOAS), Saliha Majeed-Hajaj (Department of Geography, Queen Mary University London), Gabriela Silva Loureiro (Department of Geography, Queen Mary University London), Farah Hassan (Department of Geography, Queen Mary University London) COVID-19 and well-being of Ethiopian and Eritrean migrants in Nairobi » Tanja R. Müller (University of Manchester) Civil Society Organisations, migrants, and the practice of care during COVID-19 » Marcia Vera Espinoza (School of Geography, Queen Mary University London) Giving Here and There: The Engagement of British-Somali Health Workers in COVID-19 Response in the UK and Somaliland » Laura Hammond (SOAS) Remittances and the Practice of Care during COVID Times: Nepali Migrant Workers in Malaysia » Sharmini Nathan (Monash University), Yvonne Khor (Monash University), Nadiah Ahmad (Monash University) Page 84 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Landscapes of care and despair for rural youth – a qualitative study in northern Sweden » Frida Jonsson (Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University), Isabel Goicolea (Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University), Monica Christianson (Deparment of Nursing, Umeå University), Dean Carson (Centre for Tourism and Regional Opportunities, CQUniversity Australia), Maria Wiklund (Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Unit of Physiotherapy, Umeå University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 11:00 Oral : GFGRG10 ##conf1051 Breaking the Borders of Home: Transformations of Care & Reproductive Work (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Rosie Cox and Karin Schwiter and Lexter Woodley The effect of migration on care work and reproductive labour in households left behind: insights from adolescent girls’ lives as part of a longitudinal study » Jenny Rivett (Plan International), Lilli Loveday (Plan International), Jasmine Gideon (Birkbeck, University of London), Olivia Engle (Birkbeck, University of London) Proper and Improper Knowledge: Councils, commissioning and racial capitalism » Ed Kiely (University of Cambridge) The commodification of pre-loved children’s things: problematising borders of productive and reproductive labour » Emma Waight (Coventry University) Ontological (in)security of domestic care workers in Singapore: The meaning of visibility and belonging » Janina Dobrusskin (Humboldt University of Berlin) “I don’t have time.” Uncover privileged irresponsibility in social innovation processes in the context of new welfare arrangements » Petra De Braal (University of Antwerp) Mapping the Care Continuum: Care in the context of temporary work migration » Dara Ivanova (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Everyday mobilities and ‘care on the move’ » Jennie Middleton (University of Oxford) Social reproduction in the shadows: Migrant mothers and children with “no recourse to public funds” » Eve Dickson (University College London), Rachel Rosen (University College London) 11:00 Oral : GHWRG6 ##conf1068 Inequalities in Landscapes of Care: What does a spatial perspective offer? (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Hanna Carlsson and Dara Ivanova Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Discussant » Eleanor Jupp (University of Kent) 11:00 Oral : HGRG1 ##conf1007 Bordering Bodies, Bordering Empires: Historical Geographies of Science, Exploration and Imperialism. Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Ed Armston-Sheret Exploring Bodies: Bordering the Body in Histories of Exploration, 1856-1913. » Ed Armston-Sheret (Royal Holloway University of London) Page 85 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1036 - 8. Urban Food Policies in times of crisis. Lessons from Brussels and Toronto » Alessandra Manganelli (HafenCity University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September “Dead or alive”: Analyzing how Stanley found Livingstone under the scope of the bodies » mathilde leduc (Royal Museum for Central Africa) ##conf1036 - 9. The resilience of UK local food actors during the first wave of COVID-19 » Stephen Jones (University of Sheffield), Anna Krzywoszynska (University of Sheffield), Damian Maye (University of Gloucestershire) Masculinity, empire and tropical science: the correspondence of Arthur C Clarke and J B S Haldane » Oliver Dunnett (Queen's University Belfast) Documenting difference and racializing landscapes: unofficial ethnographies in late colonial India, c.1900-1945 » Mobeen Hussain (University of Cambridge) “Because they are dead”: Victorian Exhibitions, Bodily Endurance, and Death in the Arctic » Alexa Price (Independent researcher) 11:00 Oral : RGRG8 ##conf1036 Where do we go to eat (now)? Rethinking food systems in disruptive times (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Stephen Jones and Anna Krzywoszynska and Damian Maye ##conf1036 - 6. European food systems in a regional perspective: A comparative study of the effect of Covid-19 on households and city-region food systems » Jeremy Millard (Third Millennium Governance and the Danish Technological Institute), Jan Vávra (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Budějovice, Czechia) ##conf1036 - 7. (Re)Ordering local food online » Ulrich Ermann (Department of Geography and Regional Studies), Sabine Hostniker (Department of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Graz), Danko Simic (Department of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Graz) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1036 - 3. Disruptions that deepen our food crises: The case of chicken industries in Japan under Covid-19 and avian influenza » Benjamin Schrager (Kyoto University) 11:00 Oral : PopGRG3 ##conf1102 Re-turning to the complexities of ‘return’ migration Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Chidinma Okorie and Darren Smith and James Esson Return mobilities in transgenerational and transnational perspective: problematising official discourses of return migration » Caitriona Ni Laoire (University College Cork) ‘Return’ or ‘(r)e-turn’ migration? The (post-)scholarship migration trajectories of UK–educated Commonwealth Scholars from Nigeria » Chidinma Okorie (Loughborough University) Indefinite capacities, hospitality work and return migration » Peter Lugosi (Oxford Brookes University), Ann Ndiuini (Oxford Brookes University) Post-Labour Trajectories of ‘Failed’ Migrant Workers: Mapping Constrained Mobilities » SALLIE YEA (La Trobe University) Discussant » James Esson (Loughborough University, UK) Page 86 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Climate change adaptation, environmental justice and managed retreat: from transformative approaches to a ‘relocation fix’ » Fiadh Tubridy (University College Dublin), Michael Lennon (University College Dublin), Mark Scott (University College Dublin) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Discussant » Darren Smith (Loughborough University, UK) 11:00 Coordination and capacity issues in polycentric governance of sargassum in the Caribbean » Sien Van Der Plank (University of Southampton), Bethia Thomas (University of the West Indies), Shelly-Ann Cox (University of the West Indies), Janice Cumberbatch (University of the West Indies), Jack Corbett (University of Southampton), Emma Tompkins (University of Southampton) Oral : TGRG8 ##conf1197 The politics of mobility futures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Anna Nikolaeva and Marco te Brömmelstroet The governance of smart mobility in Seattle, Greater Manchester and Stockholm » Ioanna Moscholidou (University of Leeds) Justice of U.S. Climate Adaptation Allocation in Theory and Practice » A.R. Siders (University of Delaware) Digitalisation, infrastructure and the future of mobility: studying Mobility as a Service platforms » Karol Kurnicki (Leibniz-ifl) The pragmatic holism of social-ecological systems theory: explaining adaptive capacity in a changing climate » Sophie Adams (University of New South Wales) Working around the algorithm – The everyday mobilities and moorings of taxi driving in Mumbai » Tobias Kuttler (Technical University of Munich) Contemporary urban cycling policy as neoliberal sustainable development fantasy: the myth of decoupling in the context of enabling commuting » Justin Spinney (Cardiff University) 11:00 Can India go nuclear energy free?—the pathways and aftermaths » Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan (Institute of Rural Management Anand) 11:00 Oral ##conf1122 Geographies of Autonomous Urban Transport (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Federico Cugurullo and Ransford Acheampong Visual perception of mobility cultures: the case of cycle lanes » Miguel Loyola (University of Sydney), David Levinson (University of Sydney), Geoffrey Clifton (University of Sydney), John Nelson (University of Sydney) Rewriting the rules of the road: Self-driving cars and a digital highway code. ##conf1122 » Jack STILGOE (University College London) Oral ##conf1300 Climate change: vulnerability and adaptation Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Alice Hague Accommodating Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: Insights from a global review ##conf1122 » Stephen PARKES (Sheffield Hallam University), Ed FERRARI (Sheffield Hallam University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 87 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Institutional expectations to 'complex' reality: insight from attempting to realise a multi-stakeholder future mobility vision in London ##conf1122 » Danial Naqvi (Universities of Manchester & Melbourne) Political ecologies of the everyday in the in-between geographies of chars (riverine islands) in the Brahmaputra River, Assam » Mitul Baruah (Sociology/Anthropology Ashoka University) 11:00 Insuring future automobility: A qualitative discussion of UK and Dutch vehicle insurance approaches to connected and automated vehicles ##conf1122 » Johannes Kester (University of Oxford) Phantoms: Journeys following Relics of the Past » Dana Arieli (Holon Technological Institute) Autonomous cars, sustainability and the redesign of the built environment ##conf1122 » Federico Cugurullo (Trinity College Dublin) 11:00 New Territories of Occupation: Lakefill, Artificial Islands and the Problem of Jurisdiction » Desiree Valadares (University of California, Berkeley) Oral ##conf1112 FUZZY BOUNDARIES Threshold between Water and Land Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Francesca Dal Cin and Joana de Mesquita Lima A Politic of Shared Neglect: How Federal and Provincial Coinciding Carelessness Ruined Uashat’s Reserve and Favored Its Replacement by a Settler-Colonial City on the North-Coast, Quebec (Canada) » Mathieu Boivin (University of Montréal) The seashore thickness. An assemblage of city and sea » Sérgio Barreiros Proença (formaurbis LAB, CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa) The ecological and social benefits of Urban and Environment Waterfront requalification: The Polis Programme, Portugal » karin potter (URBinLAB, CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa), Maria Matos Silva (URBinLAB, CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa) Oral ##conf1099 Lost cities: ruins, ruination and the settler-colonial city (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: Moriel Ram and Daniel Monterescu International workers between Jerusalem and Ramallah » Liora Sion (University of Copenhagen) Along the edge of the flooding Mithi, an Urban River » Anushri Tiwari (Consultant at IWMI - Tata Water Policy Programme) Oral ##conf1203 Negotiating home and the border (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Elizabeth Mavroudi and Aija Lulle and Annabel Evans River Basin Flood Adaptation for Urban Slums. Case: Mithi River Basin, Dharavi Slum » Anubhav Goyal (formaurbis LAB, CIAUD, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa) 6.Shelter Space as Home or Detainment? How the border moves into a refuge ##conf1203 » Laura Antona (Oxford University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Page 88 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 4. Learning from Corona – Density, community and social infrastructure in Danish housing areas » Marie Stender (Aalborg University), Lene Weill Nordberg (Aalborg University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 7.Individual Mobility and Collective Immobility – Border Politics and the conception of belonging of Palestinian refugees from Syria ##conf1203 » Jasmin Fritzsche-El-Shewy (Ruhr-University Bochum) 5. ‘Institutional fringes’ – locating strategies and spatial dimensions in supported housing in a post-deinstitutional era » Maria Fjellfeldt (Dalarna University) 8.Men, masculinities and forced migration: Plural identities in the context of home ##conf1203 » Rik P. Huizinga (University of Groningen) 9.Border Temporalities and Navigating Home: Palestinian Christians in Jordan ##conf1203 » Annabel Evans (Loughborough University, UK) 11:00 6. From resources to capabilities: Towards a human-based approach to social sustainability in urban development practices » Céline Janssen (Delft University of Technology), Tom Daamen (Delft University of Technology), Co Verdaas (Delft University of Technology) 11:00 Oral ##conf1159 Localising social infrastructures. Welfare, equity and community building Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Lina Berglund-Snodgrass and Maria Fjellfeldt and Ebba Högström 1. Governance of welfare between fragilities and possibilities: insights from a territory at the edges of Naples » Lorenzo De Vidovich (Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Trieste & Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano) 2. Locating ageing. The contested old age home in an African context. » Catharina Nord (Blekinge Institute of Technology) 3. Social Infrastructures in Northern Swedish Mining Communities » Ann Maudsley (Blekinge Institute of Technology), Andrea Luciani (Luleå University of Technology) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Workshop ##conf1035 Lived Experiences of State Bordering Technologies Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Iris Lim and Karen Iversen Lived Experiences of State Bordering Technologies ##conf1035 » Iris Lim (SOAS), Hassan Ould Moctar (SOAS), Hiba Sha'ath (York University), Roluah Puia (Indian Instit), Karen Iversen (SOAS) 11:00 Oral ##conf1227 Multispecies Methods for More-than-human Worlds (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Harriet Smith and Mara Miele and Nickie Charles and Rebekah Fox 1227 Multispecies Methods: Seeing encounters and levelling the gaze » Harriet Smith (Cardiff University), Mara Miele (Cardiff University), Rebekah Fox (University of Warwick), Nickie Charles (University of Warwick) 1227 Ethnomethodology: Creating Graphic Transcripts of Humanassistance-animal Training Practices » Jamie Arathoon (University of Glasgow) Page 89 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 1227 Minibeasts, mark-making and me: Contemporary embodied drawing as a multispecies ethnographic research method for investigating invertebrate encounters. » Kay McCrann (Portsmouth University) 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 13:00 Workshop : CMRG5 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1244 Geographies across boundaries: Connecting the spaces between us (1) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Pamela Buchan and Sarah Percival 1227 Accessing Animal Infrastructures » E.A. Welden (University of Oxford) 1227 The Good Life? An etho-phenomenological exploration of sustainability in the English speaking horse industry » Debbie Busby (Manchester Metropolitan University) 11:00 Workshop Getting published in academic journals: Wiley’s tools and resources for authors. Sponsored by Wiley Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Grace Ong 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Geographies across boundaries: Connecting the spaces between us » Pamela Buchan (University of Exeter), Sarah Percival (Liverpool John Moores University) Page 90 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Mexican By Birth, Californian By Name, Pacific North-western By Residence: Tracking ENP Gray Whales [##conf1196] » Anna Guasco (University of Cambridge) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 13:00 Oral : GFGRG7; UGRG9 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1048 Urban geography otherwise? Decentering academic knowledge production in praxis (1) Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Anke Schwarz and Monika Streule 13:00 The Great Chocó, borderlands, and the imagination of an urban space ##conf1048, paper nr. 1 » María Antonia Carcelen Estrada (Universidad San Francisco de Quito) Paper 1. Unsettling boundaries through practice: Contestations over urban/ fishing commons in Mumbai » Lalitha Kamath (School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences), Gopal Dubey (Independent researcher) Lifting the marginal: From a position of privileged marginality: challenges and opportunities ##conf1048, paper nr. 2 » William Ackah (Birkbeck University of London) Paper 2. Lines in the Mud: Contesting Eri Boundaries in Chennai » Karen Coelho (Madras Institute of Development Studies) Peripheral vision: Researching the tacit aspects of Southern urbanisms ##conf1048, paper nr. 3 » Lindsay Sawyer (University of Sheffield) Paper 3. Persistent Boundaries: The case of Resettlement Colonies in Mumbai » Amita Bhide (School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences) Outlaw Science vs Colonial Nairobi » Wangui Kimari (University of Cape Town) 13:00 Paper 4. Negotiating boundaries, resisting marginality: Reflections from Delhi’s resettlement colonies » Eesha Kunduri (University of Minnesota), Mukta Naik (Centre for Policy Research), Sunil Kumar (Centre for Policy Research), Sharonee Dasgupta (Centre for Policy Research) Oral : PGF7; SCGRG15 ##conf1196 Animal Mobilities: Reconsidering Animal Geography and Mobility Studies (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Anna Guasco Paper 5. Emotions, Planning and Coproduction – Distrust, Anger and Fear at Participatory Boundaries in Bangalore » Jayaraj Sundaresan (London School of Economics), Benjamin John (National Institute of Urban Affairs) Everyday Mobilities: Bovine Geographies in Delhi [##conf1196] » Shruti Ragavan (National Institute of Advanced Studies & The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology) 13:00 Handle with Care: how laboratory mice and their germinal products move for research [##conf1196] » Sara Peres (University of Southampton), Emma Roe (University of Southampton) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1263 Boundary Politics in Projects of Urban Transformation in India Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Lalitha Kamath and Karen Coelho and Glyn Williams Oral : EGRG20; PyGyRG10; SCGRG18 ##conf1254 Legacies of austerity: what, who, and when does it leave behind? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Sander van Lanen and Sarah Marie Hall Page 91 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September ##conf1189 5G infrastructural borders and the political economy of public telecommunications » James Meese (RMIT University), Rowan Wilken (RMIT University), Catherine Middleton (Ryerson Universty) Recovering in Austerity: exploring the changing geographies of alcohol treatment and religious conversion » Andrew Williams (Cardiff University) ##conf1189 ‘A weapon’ and ‘the holy grail’: bordering the future of 5G technology » Daisy Curtis (University of Exeter) '[There is] a selfish culture... all everyone's interested in is what they can get for their child': burdens of responsibility and choice for parents seeking SEND support » Rosalie Warnock (Queen Mary University of London) ##conf1189 Borderlands between science, propaganda and conspiracy: A content analysis of mainstream media coverage on 5G and health concerns during the COVID- 19 pandemic in USA, UK and France » Kevin Bardosh (University of Washington) From responding to austerity to shaping park futures: the transformation-by-third-sectorisation of the UK’s urban park sector. » Marion Ernwein (The Open University) ##conf1189 'First to Real-Time'? Network Anticipations, Anxieties, and Aesthetics » Harrison Smith (University of Sheffield) Finding space for fun - playing and austerity in the time of COVID 19. » Mary Brenda Herbert (Goldsmiths, University of London) ‘Are You Ready For Independent Living?’ Care, Control and Material Practices in Women’s Temporary Housing » Melissa Fielding (University of Cambridge) The affective atmospheres of austerity: three foodbanks in a decade of austerity » Stephanie Denning (Coventry University) 13:00 13:00 Oral : GJRG6; UGRG4 ##conf1029 Young People and Housing (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Alice Reynolds and Nick Revington The Green Belt and Young People: Widening Participation in Planning and the Green Belt Debate (##conf1029 - Paper 6) » Charles Goode (University of Birmingham) Oral : DGRG14 ##conf1189 Bordering 5G Futures: Geographies of Infrastructure, Data, and Media Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Harrison Smith and Daisy Curtis The hyperfinancialisation of student housing in Dublin: Rising quality or rising inequality? (##conf1029 - Paper 7) » Alice Reynolds (Department of Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London) ##conf1189 Examining Stasis, Exuding Performance: The role of the Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre (HCSEC) in the performative securities of 5G » Andrew Dwyer (Durham University) Housing and related struggles of young professionals in Cape Town, South Africa (##conf1029 - Paper 8) » alicia fortuin (African Centre for Citie) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 92 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST The B-Side: slowness and the subaltern » Johny Pitts Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Youth housing in a context of socio-economic insecurity: insights from Greece (##conf1029 - Paper 9) » Dimitra Siatitsa (Department of Sociology, University of Crete) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Discussant (##conf1029 - Paper 10) » Nancy Worth (University of Waterloo) 13:00 Oral : EGRG13 ##conf1179 Carbonscapes at a Critical Conjuncture? Networks, Territories and Transformation in Oil and Gas (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Gavin Bridge and Alexander Dodge and Nana de Graaff and James Marriott and William Otchere-Darko and Gisa Weszkalnys and Tiago Teixeira ##conf1179 [Paper 6]: Shifting connectivities in the oil and gas corporate city networks, 2019-2021 » Julia Loginova (The University of Queensland) ##conf1179 [Paper 7]: Who Controls the North Sea? The changing composition of the UK’s offshore oil sector » Gavin Bridge (Durham University), Alexander Dodge (NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) ##conf1179 [Paper 8]: Planetary Portfolio » Cameron Hu (Konrad Lorenz Institute) ##conf1179 [Paper 9]: Territorial exemptions: petroleum licensing regimes in the UKCS » Gisa Weszkalnys (London School of Economics), William OtchereDarko (Durham University) 13:15 Keynote Chair's plenary - Johny Pitts Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari and Parvati Raghuram Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 93 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 94 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 95 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 14:40 15:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Panel : GeogEd10; RACE4 ##conf1188Supervising black PhD students in Geography: a roundtable discussion Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Patricia Noxolo Supervising black PhD students in Geography: a roundtable discussion » Patricia Noxolo (University of Birm) 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 15:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Oral ##conf1276 Geographies of war-care (3) Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Craig Jones and Neve Gordon War wounds and slow violence » Craig Jones (Newcastle University) Healthcare as Torture’s Infrastructure: The Israeli Case » Hagar Kotef (SOAS), Merav Amir (Queen's University) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Legal Exceptions and the Killability of the Wounded and Sick » Neve Gordon (Queen Mary University of London) Humanitarian Forensic Action » Emily Mayhew (Imperial College London) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 15:00 Workshop ##conf1271 Mental health in the academy - a conversation (inperson) Venue - RGS-IBG Education Centre Chaired by: Maddy Thompson Mental health in the academy - a conversation (in person) » Maddy Thompson (Keele University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 96 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Curating and imagining infrastructures: travelling the Oxford to Cambridge Arc » Miguel Valdez (Open University), Matthew Cook (Open University), Allan Cochrane (Open University), Stephen Potter (Open University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 15:00 Workshop : CMRG6 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1244 Geographies across boundaries: Connecting the spaces between us (2) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Pamela Buchan and Sarah Percival The creative powers of hazardous roads, geo-climatic extremes, and international borders in a Himalayan valley » Abhimanyu Pandey (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) Understanding the dynamics of the built environment in a new metro line: a TOD perspective » YI GUO (Hong Kong Baptist University) Geographies across boundaries: Connecting the spaces between us » Pamela Buchan (University of Exeter), Sarah Percival (Liverpool John Moores University) 15:00 15:00 Panel : GFGRG8; UGRG10 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1048 Urban geography otherwise? Decentering academic knowledge production in praxis (2) Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Anke Schwarz and Monika Streule Tracking wolves in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone: from keystone to mutant [##conf1196] » Jonathon Turnbull (University of Cambridge) Panel session: Urban geography otherwise? Decentering academic knowledge production in praxis ##conf1048 » Monika Streule (ETH Zurich), Anke Schwarz (Technical University of Dresden), Gabriela Ruales (Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador), Manuela Silveira (Colectivo de Geografía Crítica del Ecuador; Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Noa K. Ha (DeZIM-Institut) 15:00 Oral ##conf1331 Transport and connectivity Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Joe Smith Border Highways and Himalayan Borderlands in North-east India » Vibha Arora (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi), Rahul Ganguly (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : PGF8; SCGRG16 ##conf1196 Animal Mobilities: Reconsidering Animal Geography and Mobility Studies (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Anna Guasco Demobilising the herd. Or how luck keeps cattle moving [##conf1196] » Gareth Enticott (Cardiff University), Ruth Little (University of Sheffield) Producing the ecology of fear: wolf deterrence as spatial conservation biopolitics [##conf1196] » Robert M. Anderson (University of Washington) 15:00 Oral ##conf1005 Land and Sea Borders: lived experiences of environmental changes of global coastal populations Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Sian Davies-Vollum and Debadayita Raha and Daniel Koomson Page 97 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September The impact that geomorphological development of managed realignment sites has on fish habitat » Heidi Burgess (University of Brighton), Kathryn Nelson (Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), Steve Colclough (Colclough and Coates SC2 Aquatic Consultants), Jonathan Dale (School of Energy, Construction and Environment, Coventry University) Inhabiting the northern Peruvian coast in the face of climate change: The case of the Piura region » edith aranda (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Lima, Peru), Patricia Caldas Torres (Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria in Lima, Peru,) Environmental Change Impacts In the Volta Delta in Ghana, The way forward » Kwasi Appeaning Addo (Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies, University of Ghana,), Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah (Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, University of Ghana,) Education for resilient development in Pacific Small Island Developing States » Sarah Hemstock (Independent researcher) Evolution of the Coastline of Benin's Coast from 2011 to 2014 » Zacharie Sohou (Benin Institute Halieutic and Oceanographic Research), C. Georges E Degbe (Benin Institute Halieutic and Oceanographic Research), Rafael Almar (Research Institute for Development of France), Marc L. Oyede (The Research Institute for Development, France), Christian Adje (The Research Institute for Development), Yves Du Penhoat (The Research Institute for Development), Bernard Bourles (The Research Institute for Development), Rémi Chuchla (The Research Institute for Development) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Climate change impact in the context of multiple socioeconomic challenges for fishing livelihoods in coastal Ghana » Daniel Koomson (Environmental Sus), Sian Davies-Vollum (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby, UK), Debadayita Raha (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby) 15:00 Oral : DevGRG10; GCYFRG5; LAGWG1 ##conf1160 Crisis in Latin America: symptoms and consequences for urban Children and Youth (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Maria Jesus Alfaro-Simmonds and Natan Waintrub [##conf1160 - sub-session A - contribution 1] Unrest, Rest and Colonial Legacies for Young People: Reflections from Research in Chile and Brazil » Stuart Aitken (Department of Geography, San Diego State University) [##conf1160 - sub-session A - contribution 2] To what extent conflict and spatial inequality is associated with children’s agency? » Victor Salinas-Silva (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso), Paloma Miranda-Arredondo (Universidad de Santiago), Andoni Arenas-Martija (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) [##conf1160 - sub-session A - contribution 3] Stories of teacher's resistance in situation of violence in Brazil » ANA ANGELITA COSTA NEVES ROCHA (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) [##conf1160 - sub-session A - contribution 4] Children's social participation in public spaces: Analysis of Children's Councils, during the social explosion in Chile » Diana Cornejo (Universidad de las Américas), Julián Reyes (Universidad de las Américas) Page 98 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September [##conf1160 - sub-session A - contribution 5] “If you don’t have an education, you are no one”: Understanding the school experiences of youth involved in drug-related crime in Mexico and Colombia » Cirenia Chávez Villegas (University of Cambridge), Elena Butti (University of Oxford) 15:00 Oral ##conf1247 Stay home stories: rethinking the domestic in the COVID-19 pandemic Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Alison Blunt Stay Home stories: an introduction » Alison Blunt (Queen Mary) Documenting home: the Stay Home rapid response digital collecting project at the Museum of the Home » Eithne Nightingale (Queen Mary University of London), Danielle Patten (Museum of the Home), Veronique Belinga (Museum of the Home) Migrant home-making without the city: re-configuring home-city geographies during COVID-19 » Olivia Sheringham (Birkbeck University of London), Kathy Burrell (university of liverpool), Annabelle Wilkins (Queen Mary University of London) Home, faith leaders and religious practice during the COVID-19 pandemic » Miri Lawrence (Queen Mary University of London), Alastair Owens (Queen Mary University of London), David Geiringer (Queen Mary University of London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Mapping home: children and young people’s conceptualisations of home at a time of crisis » Georgina Endfield (university of liverpool), Jacqueline Waldock (university of liverpool), Steve Brace (Royal Geographical Society with IBG), Kate Johnson (National Museums Liverpool) 15:00 Oral : EGRG21; PyGyRG11; SCGRG19 ##conf1254 Legacies of austerity: what, who, and when does it leave behind? (2): Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Sander van Lanen and Sarah Marie Hall Encountering the legacies of austerity in Greece: Utilities-based indebtedness and its impacts on the social relations sustaining our daily existence » Aliki Koutlou (University of Manchester) Reproductive Rights in Times of Austerity: Insights from Oral Histories and Futures in the UK » Sarah Marie Hall (University of Manchester) Freelancing as a new normal: bringing insecure work home » Nancy Worth (University of Waterloo) Half full or half empty? Contradictory impacts of austerity on London’s urban green space » Meredith Whitten (London School of Economics and Political Science) ‘Austerity Assets’: co-opted and/or emergent spaces of resistance and care? » Neil Turnbull (Cardif University) Fabricating infrastructures of urban commoning in the context of austerity urbanism » Matina Kapsali (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Page 99 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Paper 13 How a Transformation towards Sustainable Community Catering Can Succeed » Jenny Teufel (Oeko-Institut Freiburg), Viviana Lopez (Oeko-Institut Freiburg), Carl-Otto Gensch (Oeko Institut - Freiburg) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 15:00 Oral : EGRG18 ##conf1243 Labour, Work-Life and the Urban (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Raktim Ray and Aditya Ray and Katarzyna Cieslik Paper 14 Green public procurement for a sustainable food system: An exploratory study of Portuguese public schools » Sofia Bizarro (DINÂMIA’CET-IUL - Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies), Maria de Fatima (ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute), Isabel Salavisa (ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute) The Reconfiguration of urban places of production and reproduction: The Case of Airbnb in Berlin » Rabea Berfelde (Goldsmiths, University of London) Trucking life: Exhausting the boundaries of labour, automation & the city » AC DAVIDSON (University of Huddersfield), Debbie Hopkins (University of Oxford, UK) Mobility as a neutral concept, workers as seperate agents: Working 'through' urban transformations » Nihan Akyelken (University of Oxford) Swept under the rug: Can the gig economy challenge paternalism and dependence in South African domestic work? » Kelle Howson (University of Oxford), Funda Ustek-Spilda (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford), Mark Graham (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford) 15:00 Paper 15 An Emerging Food Politics of Institutional Public Food Procurement: Government intervention and grassroots strategies » Seulgi Son (University of Michigan) 15:00 Oral ##conf1113 Unfinished Infrastructures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Purva Dewoolkar and Cecilia ALDA VIDAL and Nate Millington Tracing the origins of the ‘infrastructure gap’ » Mia Bennett (The University of Hong Kong) Managing the unknown: ignorance and the everyday operation of fragmented and incomplete infrastructures in Mexico City » Alejandro De Coss Corzo (The university of Bath) Oral : FGRG9 ##conf1221 Public food procurement – defining and working within borders (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Minna Mikkola and Mark Stein and Urszula Ala-Karvia Fluid Infrastructures: From Self-Construction to Disconnection (and Back) – Examining Water (In)Security in São Paulo, Dhaka and Cairo » Luciana Nicolau Ferrara (Federal University of ABC), Noura Wahby (American University), Sally Cawood (University of Sheffield, UK) Paper 11 Scottish Local Authorities – delivering the Good Food Nation » Claire Perier (University of Edinburgh) Truncated ‘infrastructuring’: The case of port infrastructure plans and projects in Durban, South Africa. » Glen Robbins (University of Pretoria) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 100 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 15:00 15:00 Oral : RGRG5 ##conf1012 Reconfiguring farmed animal health and welfare: exploring and transcending borders between spaces, times, species and knowledges (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Lewis Holloway and Niamh Mahon and Amy Proctor and Beth Clark Livestock out of place: performing care outside the farm » Kate Goldie (University of Southampton) HOW MUCH DO WE ACTUALLY CARE? A STUDY ON UK CONSUMER PREFERENCES FOR FARM ANIMAL HEALTH AND WELFARE » Maria Rodrigues (University of Glasgow), Nicholas Hanley (University of Glasgow) Border-crossing care: veterinary practices in intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands » Else Vogel (University of Amsterdam) Farmer, adviser and public constructions of the ‘good (livestock) farmer’ in UK farming: sharing and contesting concerns for animal health and welfare. » Lewis Holloway (Geography, University of Hull), Niamh Mahon (Geography, University of Hull), Amy Proctor (Newcastle University), Beth Clark (Newcastle University) Farmers’ perceptions of public concern: reducing lameness in sheep to safeguard farmers’ social licence to farm. » Caroline Best (Harper Adams University), Alison Pyatt (Hartpury University), Janet Roden (Harper Adams University), Kate Phillips (Harper Adams University), Malgorzata Behnke (Harper Adams University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Keynote ##conf1117 Antipode Lecture: Taking Renewables to Market: Prospects for the After-Subsidy Energy Transition Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Andy Kent and Stefan Ouma Antipode Lecture: Taking Renewables to Market: Prospects for the After-Subsidy Energy Transition » Brett Christophers (Uppsala University) 15:00 Oral : DevGRG5; GJRG11 ##conf1127 Interrogating the dynamic relationship between trafficking, anti-trafficking, borders, and borderings, and their implications Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Ayushman Bhagat and SALLIE YEA and Nina Laurie Interrogating the dynamic relationship between trafficking, antitrafficking, borders, and borderings, and their implications » Ayushman Bhagat (Tel Aviv University), SALLIE YEA (La Trobe University) Not free enough: anti-trafficking, bordering and the free movement of people in the EU » Jonathan MENDEL (University of Dundee), Kiril SHARAPOV (Edinburgh Napier Universit) From indenture to good governance: colonial legacies of unfreedom across the India-Gulf migration corridor » Michele Buckley (University of Toronto), Paula Chakravartty (The Gallatin School of Individualized Study, NYU), Sahiba Gill (NYU School of Law) Faith responses to trafficking: The 'good' victim and the strengthening of border regimes? » Louise Waite (University of Leeds, UK), Emma TOMALIN (University of Leeds, UK), Hannah LEWIS (University of Sheffield, UK), Rebecca Murray (University of Sheffield, UK) Page 101 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Bristol University Press: Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 15:00 Oral : SCGRG9 ##conf1115 Imagined, imaginative, and imaginary geographies (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: James Riding and Olivia Mason 15:00 Constructions and consequences of power-full Svalbard imaginaries ##conf1115 » Sam Saville (Scott Polar Research Institute/Department of Geography, University of Cambridge), Eva La Cour (University of Gothenburg), Dina Brode-Roger (KU Leuven), Lisbeth Iverson (Oslo School of Architecture & Design (AHO), NIBR/OsloMet,), Mathias Albert (Universität Bielefeld) ‘What colours are at the top of the world? ’ – the role of cinematography during early Everest expeditions ##conf1065 » Jan Faull (None) Mountain, Tourist, Labor in View: The Visual Hierarchy of Mount Everest (##conf1065) » Kayci Merritte (Brown University) Fracturing Places and Contested Cultural Regions on the Roof of the World ##conf1115 » Mike Crang (Durham University), Zahra Hussain (Delft University) Tourism in the Death Zone (##conf1065) » Jase Wilson (Leeds Beckett University) Climate imaginaries: The mattering of the medium ##conf1115 » Ruth Machen (Newcastle University), Simin Davoudi (Newcastle University) GENDER, AFFECT AND SENSORY POLITICS IN ADVENTURE TOURISM: LESSONS FROM THE EXPERIENCES OF PROFESSIONAL FEMALE MOUNTAINEERS (##conf1065) » Jenny Hall (York St. John University), Katrina Brown (The James Hutton Institute) Liminality and imagined outdoor adventure space by Mexican pregnant women ##conf1115 » Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California), Paolo Vizcaino (Bournemouth University), Hugo Gaggiotti (University of the West of England) Confronting and Contesting Urban Landscapes through Speculative Fiction: N.K. Jemison's "The City We Became" ##conf1115 » Keavy McFadden (University of Minnesota) 15:00 Panel Bristol University Press: Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Emily Watt Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : HGRG4 ##conf1065 Everest as a space of exception: globalization, bordering and adventure Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Jonathan Westaway and Paul Gilchrist ‘If it were not for Everest, probably, we would not have reached the summit’: Polish first ascents of Sagarmatha (##conf1065) » Agnieszka Kaczmarek (University of Applied Sciences, Nysa) 15:00 Oral ##conf1304 Digital geographies: media mapping and storytelling Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Dorothea Kleine A Suitable Sexuality: The Public-Digital Secret of Dating Apps in Urban Mumbai » Kavita Dattani (Queen Mary University of London) Page 102 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 'Loosening Space', and Remaking Urban Places: A Feminist Reinterpretation of 'Lefebvre's Right to the City' » Amy Holmes (University of York) Experiencing the places through mobile media – digital placemaking practices in Digital Era » Maciej Główczyński (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan) Redrawing boundaries: Exploring the situated, contested and interconnected re-production of bodies, spaces and moralities in cities through a case study of the transformation of Kamathipura neighbourhood, Mumbai » shivani satija (Independent researcher), Ratoola Kundu (Assistant Professor at Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Mumbai) Racial Orders and Neoliberal borders: Digital media and Racialized citizenship during Covid in India » Anirban Mukhopadhyay (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Using digital storytelling to explore climate futures with youth » Bill Finnegan (University of Oxford) 15:00 Panel : SCGRG17 ##conf1217 Borders and Contemporary Social and Cultural Geography Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Ben Anderson and Tara Woodyer and Will Andrews and Osian Elias Right to the city and to nature: dissolving knowledge and engagement borders in informal areas in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. » Heloisa Costa (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais), Geraldo Costa (UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais) 15:00 Borders and Contemporary Social and Cultural Geography » Kimberley Peters (University of Oldenburg / Alfred Wegener Institute / HIFMB), David Bissell (University of Melbourne), Mitch Rose (Aberystwyth University), Helen Wilson (Durham University), Kezia Barker (Birkbeck, University of London), Ben Anderson (Durham University) 15:00 Understanding Transitions to Sustainable Urban Mobility in Global South Cities ##conf1267 » Clemence Cavoli (University College London), Daniel Oviedo (University College London), Maria Attard (University of Malta), Luis GUZMAN (Universidad de los Andes), Alphonse NKURUNZIZA (University of Rwanda), Fred MUGISHA (Kigali City Council), Michelle Defreese (Global Green Growth Institute), Lake Sagaris (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Oral ##conf1327 Right to the city Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Colin McFarlane 15:00 Cairo’s ‘Wasted’ Wastes in the time of Corona: The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Zabaleen’s Resilience and the Right to the City » Wael Fahmi (Helwan University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1267 Understanding Transitions to Sustainable Urban Mobility in Global South Cities Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Daniel Oviedo and Clemence Cavoli Oral : RGRG7 ##conf1036 Where do we go to eat (now)? Rethinking food systems in disruptive times (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Stephen Jones and Anna Krzywoszynska and Damian Maye Page 103 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Energy and Rhythm: engaging with rhythmanalysis in energy geographies » Gordon Walker (Lancaster University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September ##conf1036 - 1. Exploring the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the adaptive measures taken by businesses in the UK seafood sector » Rebecca St. Clair (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester), Maria Sharmina (University of Manchester) Navigating Messy Histories of Urban Energy » Timothy Moss (Humboldt University of Berlin) Earth, wind and fire. The emerging energy landscapes of the Anthropocene » Edward Huijbens (University of Wageningen), Karl Benediktsson (University of Iceland) ##conf1036 - 2. A critical examination of the practice and sustainability potential of foraging in Ireland. » Jean Williams (Trinity College Dublin) ##conf1036 - 4. The future of tacos: Understanding the potential of traditional agricultural systems in a changing climate in Mexico and Belize. » Karla Hernandez-Aguilar (School of Geography, University of Nottingham), Sarah Metcalfe (School of Geography, University of Nottingham, UK), Franziska Schrodt (School of Geography, University of Nottingham, UK), Zinnia Gonzalez-Carranza (School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham), Roger Medina-Gonzalez (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan), Birgit Schmook (El Colegio de la Frontera SurChetumal) ##conf1036 - 5. Conceptualising food disruptions in the beef and sheep meat value chains after the COVID19 crisis » Sophie Payne-Gifford (University of Hertfordshire), Louise Whatford (Royal Veterinary College), Barbara Haesler (Royal Veterinary College), Steven Van Winden (Royal Veterinary College), David Barling (University of Hertfordshire) 15:00 Oral : EnGRG5 ##conf1237 Energy Geographies: Conceptual Frontiers Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Peter J Forman Energy futures and geographical futures: elaborating the spatial dimensions of energy transition imaginaries » Zoé Chateau (Exeter University), Patrick Devine-Wright (Exeter University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral ##conf1328 Sensory geographies Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Tim Edensor Art-activism and gentrification in the Global South: A South African case study » Delia Ah Goo (North-West University) Breathing in the Street with anti-urban Sentiments » Laçin Tutalar (TED University) Radical Practices for Borderlands » freya zinovieff (Simon Fraser University), prOphecy sun (Simon Fraser University) Sensing Sugaropolis: Transnational Geographies of Sugar in Greenock, Scotland » Marisa Wilson (University of Edinburgh) Sonifying the air: the experience of sonic atmospheric studies for air quality education in Medellin, Colombia » Polina Golovatina-Mora (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana), Jorge Barco (Modern Art Museum of Medellin), Pablo García (EartSense Systems Limited), Hernando Blandón Gómez (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana) Page 104 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 15:00 Chernobyl dreams: mapping the cultural co-production of atomic heritage and nuclear landscapes. » Veera Ojala (University of Turku) Oral ##conf1325 Narratives of water and water security Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Alison Browne Environmental conflicts and the role of tourism: a comparative case study in Chilean Patagonia. » Gabriel Inostroza (Universidad Austral de Chile) An Integrated Assessment of water Security in Dry land Area for a comprehensive Rural Development: Case Specific Study in Purulia District of West Bengal, India. » surajit kar (PhD research fellow from University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India), Subham Mukherjee (DAAD-PhD Research Scholar, Freie Universität Berlin) Imaginaries of fossil fuel free futures and tourism in peripheral areas of post-conflict Colombia » Gordon Wilmsmeier (Universidad de los Andes), Diana Trujillo (Universidad de los Andes) Volunteer tourism as a borderland » Weronika Lis (Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of Social Sciences Academia Rerum Socialium, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń), Mirek Dymitrow (Lund University Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Human Geography), Elżbieta Grzelak-Kostulska (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Department of Urban Studies and Regional Development) Constructed wetlands as infrastructural habitat » Elliot Hurst (University of Sti) Neoliberal and neocolonial influence on water issue in Ambos Nogales » Chunyang Xu (University of Michigan) Sugar geographies and watery geopoetics in Hawai‘i » Kate Lewis Hood (Queen Mary University of London) The clash of water memory narratives: democracy, capitalism and Barcelona as hydraulic city » Lucia Alexandra Popartan (LEQUIA - University of Girona), Camil Ungureanu (Pompeu Fabra University) 15:00 15:00 Oral ##conf1235 Utilising cultural boundaries: The Indian film industry as a driver of new socio-economic connections between India and Europe Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Krzysztof Stachowiak Oral ##conf1330 Tourism, travel and environment Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Maarja Kaaristo Factors attracting Indian film crews to Poland and mutual expectations of foreign and local producers in the process of shooting the film » Krzysztof Stachowiak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan), Marcin Adamczak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan), Malwina Balcerak (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan) “Exploring” Mungo Park’s Literary Legacies: Geocritical Approaches to Travelled Space » neil cliff (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) Toward a Sustainable Film Tourism » Veena Hariharan (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 105 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 2) Researching pride and shame in a ‘Crap town’ » Michael Howcroft (University of Hull) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September The honeymoon’s over: The changing socio-economic relations between Switzerland and the Bollywood film industry » Hanna Janta (University of Basel), Metka Hercog (University of Basel) 3) What remains? Exploring dementia friendly communities through a cut-up method. » Aelwyn Williams (Swansea University) Portraying Europe through the lens of Indian films » Jani Kozina (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Mimi Urbanc (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Primož Gašperič (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) 15:00 5) Spatial Storytelling in the University: Space, Place and Gender » Kate Carruthers Thomas (Birmingham City University) Panel ##conf1178 Author meets critics: Ashok Kumar’s Monopsony Capitalism: Power and Production in the Twilight of the Sweatshop Age Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: Ashok Kumar and Sabina Lawreniuk Author meets critics: Ashok Kumar’s Monopsony Capitalism: Power and Production in the Twilight of the Sweatshop Age » Ashok Kumar (Birkbeck, University of London), Henry Yeung (National University of Singapore), David Featherstone (University of Glasgow), H Schling (Queen Mary University of London), Tom Cowan (University College London), Sabina Lawreniuk (Royal Holloway, University of London) 15:00 4) Using Performance to Assemble Lifecourse Narratives » Aled Singleton (Swansea University) 6) Panel with presenters and guest discussant » Paul Simpson (University of Plymouth), Kate Carruthers Thomas (Birmingham City University), Aled Singleton (Swansea University), Aelwyn Williams (Swansea University), Michael Howcroft (University of Hull), Amy Barron (University of Manchester), Andrew Maclaren (University of Aberdeen) 15:00 Memory, Conflicts, and Disaster in a Displacement Context – A Multidisciplinary Perspective » Clara Rachel Eybalin Casseus (Independent researcher), Amal Adel Abdrabo (Alexandria University), Stevens Aguto Odongoh (Makerere University) Oral : HPGRG20; SCGRG14 ##conf1190 Non-representational geographies: approaches, methods and practices Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Amy Barron and Andrew Maclaren 15:00 1) Non-representational geographies: contemporary approaches, methods and practices » Amy Barron (University of Manchester), Andrew Maclaren (University of Aberdeen) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1278 Memory, Conflicts, and Disaster in a Displacement Context – A Multidisciplinary Perspective Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Clara Rachel Eybalin Casseus and Stevens Aguto Odongoh and Amal Adel Abdrabo Oral : GFGRG11 ##conf1114 Working at the edge: Performative and material bodies in mobile lives Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Karine Duplan and Ailie Tam and Sophie Cranston Page 106 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST «Negotiating with power in magical spaces: Nation and gender in the Irish Celtic Spirituality movement» » Sophie Kratidou (Department of Sociology, Panteion University), Alexandra Halkias (Department of Sociology, Panteion University) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September Young Bodies, ‘Homeland’ Education in the Nigerian diaspora, and the Navigation of Uneven Global Geographies » Ruth Cheung Judge (university of liverpool) Politicized resilience and depoliticized subjects: Reflections on urban resilience assemblage and treatment of difference » Ritwika Basu (Durham University) (I’m) Going back-to-the-land: a more-than-representational journey into environmental activism » Carlotta MOLFESE (University of Plymouth) Doing Family on the Move: Exploring Young People’s Experiences of Mobility in Post-Separation Families » Amy Walker (University of Birmingham) ‘Trans Happiness is Real’: Street Media and Trans Mobilities in Oxford » Mhari Montgomery (University of Oxford; Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) Posing questions – theorising the relation between the researcher-body and the body of the research » Maja de Neergaard (Aalborg University), Hanne Louise Jensen (Aalborg University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1320 Identity and citizenship Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Laura Hammond Between two worlds: exploring geographies of cultural dispossession on the Mongolian steppe » Nick Johnston (University of New South Wales) Internal boundaries, decentralized manifestations, and spatial polarization of the regional nationalist movements in southern Europe » Martin Lepic (Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Urban redevelopment and remaking ‘good’ citizens » Oznur Yardimci (University of York) 15:00 Oral ##conf1303 Creative spaces: art and culture Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Steve Millington CoDesRes: CoDesigning for resilience in rural development through Peer-2-Peer net-works and STEAM place-based learning interventions » Anita McKeown (University College Dublin) Diversity beyond capitalism in makerspaces » Olga Koretskaya (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Mapping ecologies of care in creative hubs during Covid-19 » katherine champion (University of Stirling), Maria A. Velez Serna (University of Stirling), Susan Berridge (University of Stirling) Recent Theatre Which Has Engaged With the Theme of Borders » Claire Frampton (Oxford University Gardens, Libraries and Museums) The COVID effect: Re-bordering Art and Life in Heathrow's Suburbs » Nicholas Ferguson (Kingston University) Page 107 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 16:40 17:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Oral : PolGRG2 ##conf1054 The ‘New Cold War’ and the Return of Geopolitics Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Jeffrey Whyte and Vera Smirnova From MH17 to Mueller: forensic geopolitics and the ‘new Cold War’ ##conf1054 » Alan Ingram (University College London) 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Spatiality of commoning, mestorazvitie, and ordering: Territory in Russia’s political and geographic thought » Vera Smirnova (Kansas State University) "Between Gandhi and Ford": Race and modernity in André Siegried's imperial geopolitics » António Ferraz de Oliveira (University of Cambr) Geography as geopolitical resource: Trans-Himalayan development and the Nepali conjuncture » Galen Murton (James Madison University) Becoming-political: The popular geopolitics of Russian instagram influencers » Sven Daniel Wolfe (University of Lausanne) 17:00 Keynote Chair's plenary - Alison Mountz Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari and Nina Laurie Asylum’s Afterlives » Alison Mountz (Wilfrid Laurier University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 108 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Understanding Different Levels of Segregation in Urban China_a comparative study among 21 cities in Guangdong province » Qiong He (University of Amsterdam, AISSR, Urban Geography group), Sako Musterd (University of Amsterdam - Urban Geographies/Urban Studies), Willem Boterman (University of Amsterdam - Urban Geographies/Urban Studies) Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 17:00 Panel : GHWRG14 ##conf1177 Panel discussion on Jamie Lorimer's 'Probiotic Planet: Using life to manage life' Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Beth Greenhough and Rich Gorman and Alistair Anderson Beyond the walls: Do gated communities affect the distribution of fear of crime on the outside?. The Costa Rican case » Karla Barrantes Chaves (Bartlett School of Planning - University College London) Panel discussion of Jamie Lorimer's 'Probiotic Planet: Using life to manage life' » Beth Greenhough (University of Oxford), Rich Gorman (Brighton and Sussex Medical School), Alistair Anderson (University of Nottingham), Jamie Lorimer (University of Oxford, UK), Steve Hinchliffe (University of Exeter, UK), Julie Guthman (University of California, Santa Cruz), Roberta Raffaetà (Cà Foscari Venice University) 17:00 Oral ##conf1094 Gated Communities: Making and Unmaking Physical and Symbolic Boundaries Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Simone Pekelsma and Basak Tanulku Negotiating difference. The contemporary mixed-use gated community in Istanbul as a transient hotel. » Simone Pekelsma (PhD Candidate, Radboud University Nijmegen / Knowledge Broker, Utrecht University) The Rise of Exclusive and Exclusionary Student Accommodation » Therese Kenna (Department of Geography, University College Cork), Ailish Murphy (Department of Geography University College Cork) Neoliberal Femininities: Ethnographic Analysis of the Construction of Gender within Chilean Gated Communities » Micaela Lois (MA, Gender Studies Institute of the University of Geneva) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Gating Tegucigalpa, Honduras: The paradoxical effects of “Safer Barrios” » Cristina Handal (The New School), Clara Irazabal (University of Maryland) 17:00 Oral : GJRG1 ##conf1018 Good Work for Good Food (1): Papers Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Hannah Pitt and Ana Moragues-Faus and Susanna Klassen and Poppy Nicol ##conf1018 Sharing the Struggle for Fairness: Exploring the Possibilities for Solidarity & Just Labour in Organic Agriculture » Susanna Klassen (University of British Columbia), Fuerza Migrante (Fuerza Migrante), Hannah Wittman (University of British Columbia) ##conf1018 Vital Signs: Corner Shops, Covid Foodwork, and Contact Zones » Elaine Swan (University of Sussex), Divya Sharma (University of Sussex) ##conf1018 From the pensioner to the prisoner. An exploration of proposed strategies to increase the domestic farming workforce in the UK » Caroline Nye (Centre for Rural Policy Research (CRPR), University of Exeter), Matt Lobley (Centre for Rural Policy Research (CRPR), University of Exeter) Page 109 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September [##conf1160 - sub-session B - contribution 5] Discussant » Tracey Skelton (National University of Singapore) ##conf1018 EU Agro-industrial Labour and Border regimes in a Pandemic Scenario » Cecilia Vergnano (University of Amsterdam) 18:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Oral : DevGRG11; GCYFRG6; LAGWG2 ##conf1160 Crisis in Latin America: symptoms and consequences for urban Children and Youth (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Maria Jesus Alfaro-Simmonds and Natan Waintrub 18:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 [##conf1160 - sub-session B - contribution 1] A decolonial analysis of the narratives of ‘crisis’ of Latin American migrant children in urban schools in Chile » Sara Joiko (Instituto de Estudios Internacionales (INTE), Universidad Arturo Prat) 18:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 19:00 Panel : RACE3 ##conf1187 Embodying Global Black Geographies: Living, Thinking and Writing in Today’s World Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Rita Gayle and Agostinho M Pinnock ##conf1018 'We Juggle with Legality´Peasant Labor, Affect and Seed Commoning » Irina Velicu (Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra), Andreea Ogrezeanu (Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra) 17:00 [##conf1160 - sub-session B - contribution 2] Spatiality production of children living in a high-rise building in the commune of Estación Central » Julián Reyes (Universidad de las Américas), Diana Cornejo (Universidad de las Américas) [##conf1160 - sub-session B - contribution 3] Accessible Urban Happiness: Children’s and adolescents´ accessible and available places for experiencing happiness in Lima, Peru » Maria Jesus Alfaro-Simmonds (University of Birmingham) [##conf1160 - sub-session B - contribution 4] Being a citizen from an urban flood prone area in Amazonian Peru » Karina Padilla (The University of Edinburgh) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Embodying Global Black Geographies: Living, Thinking and Writing in Today’s World » Rita Gayle (University of Birmingham), Agostinho M Pinnock (Loughborough University), Lombe Mwambwa (Independent researcher), Billy Ndengeyingoma (London School of Economics) Page 110 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Wednesday, 1 September 19:00 Living Memories and Food Heritage: Foodways and Memoryways of Paul Robeson, Stephen Biko, and Red Cloud » Mark Rhodes (Michigan Technological University), Emma Wuepper (Michigan Technological University) Oral : FGRG1 ##conf1006 The Role of Radical Food Geography Praxis in Food Studies Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Charles Levkoe Toward a radical food geography praxis: integrating theory, action, and geographic analysis in pursuit of more equitable and sustainable food systems » Charles Levkoe (Lakehead Unversity), Colleen Hammelman (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Kristin Reynolds (Independent Scholar) 19:00 ##conf1018 Good Work for Good Food: Roundtable » Hannah Pitt (Cardiff University), Ana Moragues-Faus (University of Barcelona), Susanna Klassen (University of British Columbia), Poppy Nicol (Cardiff University) (Un)making food systems beyond capitalism: the case of Territorios Campesinos Agroalimentarios » Giuseppe Feola (Utrecht University) What is radical about grassroots agrifood collectives? The foundations, operation and reproduction of democratic praxis in two agrifood collectives » Jacob Smessaert (Utrecht University), Giuseppe Feola (Utrecht University) Resisting, Learning, Growing: Co-creating spaces of agroecological learning and movement-building » Alice Taherzadeh (Cardiff University) Radical (Re)Connection: Enacting Indigenous Food Sovereignty by renewing kinship ties to Land through learning and unlearning at the Senden Sustainable Agriculture Resource Centre in Gitksan territories » Christine Anonuevo (University of Northern British Columbia), Katya Korol (University of Northern British Columbia), Monika Krzywania (University of Northern British Columbia), Sarah de Leeuw (University of Northern British Columbia) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : GJRG2 ##conf1018 Good Work for Good Food (2): Roundtable Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Hannah Pitt and Ana Moragues-Faus and Susanna Klassen and Poppy Nicol Thursday, 2 September 06:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 07:00 Panel ##conf1225 Silk Road Urbanization: China’s Belt and Road Initiative, urban transformation and the shifting geographies of everyday lives Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Elia Apostolopoulou and Jon Silver and Alan Wiig Page 111 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September Silk Road Urbanization: China’s Belt and Road Initiative, urban transformation and the shifting geographies of everyday lives » Tim Summers (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Charis Enns (University of Manchester), Andrea Pollio (Politecnico di Torino), Evelina Gambino (University College London), Alan Wiig (University of Massachusetts), Jon Silver (University of Sheffield), Elia Apostolopoulou (University of Cambridge) 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 112 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 113 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 08:40 09:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Oral : PolGRG11 ##conf1139 Existing In-Between – The Borders and Bordering of Political Geographic Research Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Eleanor Cotterill and Giselle Eugenia O'Connell ##conf1139 - (Un-)Bordering Ethics: Negotiating Ethical Fieldwork in Revolutionary Lebanon » Shannon Oates (University of Birmingham) 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 ##conf1139 - Bodyscapes - Embodied Reseach in the CzechGerman Borderland » Lea Spahn (Brno University of Technology) ##conf1139 - On being “a nosy white boy”: navigating researcher privilege across borders of intimate inequality » Sam Strong (University of Cam) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 ##conf1139 - Lovers in the Field: Sex, Space and Intimacy on the DRC-Rwanda Border » Giselle Eugenia O'Connell (Durham University) ##conf1139 - The Bordering power of "Research" » Eleanor Cotterill (Swansea University) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 09:00 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Oral : LAGWG3 ##conf1240 Contested democracy in Latin American cities: Emerging trends and concepts (2) Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Sam Halvorsen and Matthew Aaron Richmond Political origins of spatial patterns in urbanization » Melissa Rogers (Claremont Graduate University), Soha Hammam (Claremont Graduate University) Revolutionising the urban in Caracas: Lefebvrean experiments in the shadow of Havana and Managua » Ryan Centner (London School of Economics) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 114 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September Local networks, distant decisions: Crisis and political articulation in Brazil’s urban peripheries » Matthew Aaron Richmond (London School of Economics) Immigration Policies: Enforcing Borders, Driving Hunger and Destitution » Jasber Singh (Coventry University) 09:00 Collective action and urban planning strategies in the informal housing co-production: learning from peripheral urbanization in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan area » Francesca Ferlicca (University of Venice), Ricardo Apaolaza (Universidade de Buenos Aires), Juan Pablo Venturini (Universidade de Buenos Aires) 09:00 Workshop : GeogEd11 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1236 Writing Successfully for the Journal of Geography in Higher Education Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Derek France and sonja Rewhorn ##conf1236 Writing Successfully for the Journal of Geography in Higher Education » Derek France (University of Chester), sonja Rewhorn (The Open University) 09:00 Oral : FGRG13; GJRG15 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1291 Boundaries, Borders and Decolonising Food Geographies? (1): Papers Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Moya Kneafsey and Eifiona Thomas Lane and Imogen Bellwood-Howard and Rebecca Sandover and Agatha Herman Visionaries or pragmatists? How borders and boundaries influence our ability to imagine better food futures » Martha Cross (University of Reading) Saving seed for food sovereignty: learning from the agroresistance in Occupied Palestine » Kim Ward (University of Plymouth) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1222 Rethinking Darkness: Borders, Landscapes, Practices (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Nick Dunn and Tim Edensor Rethinking Darkness - Borders, Landscapes, Practices (1) » Nick Dunn (Lancaster), Nina Morris (University of Edinburgh), Simon Robinson (Suffolk One, Ipswich), Taylor Stone (TU Delft), Casper Ebbensgaard (University of East Anglia) 09:00 Oral : GFGRG12; GCYFRG4 ##conf1156 Bordering Parenthood/Bordering Family: on the beings, becomings and absences of doing contemporary family Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Amy Walker and Alison Briggs and Jo Hickman-Dunne Lived geographies of fertility treatment: New technologies, parenting hopes and potential futures » Josie Hamper (Queen Mary University of London) “The Only Thing Missing Now is Her Being on the Outside” – Bodily Borders/Boundaries within Father-Foetal Interactions. » Alice Menzel (University of Birmingham) This is my truth, tell me yours: exploring the role of the birth story in the transition to parenthood » Rebecca Whittle (Lancaster University) Familial cultural heritage as a border between parents and their adult children: immigrant-background young adult’s accounts of their sense of belonging in the UK » Anna Gruszczynska (Durham University) Page 115 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September Maps and Machines: Using Computer Vision to Analyze the Geography of Industrialization (1780-1920) » Kasra Hosseini (The Alan Turing Institute), Katherine McDonough (The Alan Turing Institute), Daniel van Strien (The British Library), Olivia Vane (The British Library), Kaspar Beelen (The Alan Turing Institute), Daniel Wilson (The Alan Turing Institute) Youth migrating in Ethiopia and Nepal: Editing social norms while still wanting to belong and be respected in families and communities » Vicky Johnson (University of the Highlands and Islands) 09:00 Using Computer Vision to Improve Cycle Safety » Mohamed Ibrahim (University College London), James Haworth (University College London), Nicola Christie (University College London), Tao Cheng (University College London) Oral : TGRG9 ##conf1209 Current and Emerging Research in Transport (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Zhengyue Wan and Franziska Kirschner and Suzanne Maas A deep learning approach towards identify unhealthy advertisements in street view images » Gregory Palmer (Leibniz University), Mark Green (university of liverpool), Alex Singleton (university of liverpool), Rahul Savani (university of liverpool), Yales Stefano Rios Vasconcelos (university of liverpool), Emma Boyland (university of liverpool) Current and Emerging Research in Transport I » Clifford Koranteng (Uni of Cape Coast), Heike Marquart (Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt), Karyn Scerri (University of Malta), Sina Selzer (Goethe University Frankfurt), Zhengyue Wan (UCL) Discussant » Craig Morton (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom) 09:00 Oral : GIScRG3 ##conf1132 Deep learning approaches in GIScience (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Stefano De Sabbata and Andrea Ballatore and James Haworth and Godwin Yeboah Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Continuous Output Neural Models » Rita Ramos (IST and INESC-ID, University of Lisbon), Bruno Martins (Universidade de Lisboa) Deep Learning for Population Mapping in Informal Settlements with High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Equitable GroundTruth » Konstantin Klemmer (University of Warwick), Godwin Yeboah (University of Warwick), João Porto de Albuquerque (University of Warwick), Stephen A. Jarvis (University of Warwick) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : EGRG6 ##conf1098 Fashion Futures: creative economies, global networks and local development in the Global South (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Lauren England and Ekaette Ikpe and Roberta Comunian Defining the fashion: The geographical inequalities of global fashion weeks » Tong Chen (Wuhan University of Technology), Xu Zhang (Wuhan University of Technology) Sinicization of global fashion » Wessie Ling (London Metropolitan University) Africa Fashion Futures: fashion designers as nascent leaders in value creation » Lauren England (University of Dundee), Roberta Comunian (King’s College London), Ekaette Ikpe (King's College London) Page 116 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Displacement of the Researcher: Scholar-activism under COVID ##conf1078 » Solange Munoz (University of Tennessee), Jeremy Auerbach (Colorado State University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Instruments of Power? Modern Slavery Legislation and Fashion’s Transparency Industry » Harriette Richards (University of Melbourne) 09:00 Continuity and change in co-produced research under COVID: scholar-activism across borders ##conf1078 » Beth Perry (University of Sheffield), Rike Sitas (African Centre for Cities, School of Architecture, Planning, and Geomatics, University of Cape Town) Oral ##conf1170 Making a return on development: for-profit logics, actors and finance in a 'post-aid world' (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Sarah Hughes-McLure and Emma Mawdsley COVID-19 reveals value of early local ownership of international development research ##conf1078 » Manoj Roy (Lancaster University) Innovative finance for development? The case of vaccine bonds for global health and development » Sarah Hughes-McLure (University of Cambridge), Emma Mawdsley (University of Cambridge), Claire Waddington (University of Cambridge) An issue of time and distance: scholar-activism in a pandemic ##conf1078 » Elise Lecomte (University of Leicester) Export promotion by other means: Regressive Energy Transitions & Public-Private Financing of Energy Infrastructures in East/Southeast Asia » Pon Souvannaseng (Bentley University) ‘It’s definitely not a subsidy’: Public-Private Competition and the De-Risking of Private Sector Development » Paul Gilbert (University of Sussex) Fixing fictions through blended finance: The entrepreneurial ensemble and risk interpretation in the Blue Economy » Jens Christiansen (Lancaster University) 09:00 Oral : PyGyRG4 ##conf1078 Displacement of the Researcher: Scholar-activism under COVID Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Solange Munoz and Jeremy Auerbach Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Mapping for Regeneration and the Displacement of the Researcher under COVID-19 ##conf1078 » Jeremy Auerbach (Colorado State University), Solange Munoz (University of Tennessee) 09:00 Oral : RACE1 ##conf1176 Mobile racism(s): thinking through the relationship of (im)mobility and the making of ‘race’ (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Sarah Kunz and Lioba Hirsch and Nabeela Ahmed Governing mobilites: diasporic-centred development and the reproduction of race ##conf1176 1/10 » Sarah Peck (Northumbria University) Reflections on the hierarchies of citizenship and mobility deservingness ##conf1176 2/10 » Sin Yee Koh (Monash University Malaysia) Page 117 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 09:00 "A Better Way To Go" – British Railways and the Transformation of Racial Mobility ##conf1176 3/10 » Jon Cloke (LCEDN) ##conf1204 - Paper 1 - Climate of Finance Introduction » Chris Muellerleile (Swansea University), Marcus Doel (Swansea University) Mobilities within citizenship: labourers in urban India ##conf1176 4/10 » Nabeela Ahmed (Sheffield Hallam University) ##conf1204 - Paper 2 - It takes two to dance: Institutional dynamics and climate-related financial policies » Jérôme Deyris (University Paris Nanterre), Moritz Baer (Oxford University), Emanuele Campiglio (University of Bologna) Reflections on racism and migration ##conf1176 5/10 » Parvati Raghuram (Open University) 09:00 ##conf1204 – Paper 3 - China’s battle for greenpower and the searching for a global green financial taxonomy across borders » Giulia Dal Maso (University of Bologna) Oral : GLTRG7 ##conf1153 Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism Development in Southeast Asia Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Jaeyeon Choe and Jarkko Saarinen and Pham Hong Long “Same–same but different”: Sustaining Buddhist heritage and Buddhist tourism in Asia » Kiran Shinde (La Trobe University) COVID-19: A catalyst for innovation in ASEAN domestic tourism? » Hannah Pearson (Pear Anderson) Will Asian Consumers Demand a Green Revolution in Travel Experiences? » Gary Bowerman (Check-in Asia) Feasibility of a responsible tourist framework within urban wildlife tourism » Sharmini Paramasivam (University of Surrey) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : EGRG14 ##conf1204 The Climate of Finance (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Chris Muellerleile and Marcus Doel and Matthew Kelly ##conf1204 – Paper 4 - Climate Finance in Hong Kong: A vignette of post-handover market development » Felicia Liu (Department of Geography, King’s College London, UK /National University of Singapore) 09:00 Oral : CCRG8 ##conf1120 Locating climate action and policy in urban and regional geography Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Andrew Kythreotis and Candice Howarth and Andrew EG Jonas Moving beyond the ‘physical’: towards a new urban and regional research agenda on the ‘new civil politics of climate change' » Andrew Kythreotis (University of Lincoln) Contesting justice and responsibilities in climate changed cities: perspectives from the Asia Pacific » Sara Fuller (Macquarie University) Page 118 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Risk networks: An analysis of Mexico’s City social networks impacts on disaster vulnerability. » Mara Torres Pinedo (University College London) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Scaling Down Power » Constanza Concetti (University of Durham) 09:00 The New Civil Politics of Climate Action in Structurally Disadvantaged European Maritime Port Cities » Andrew EG Jonas (University of Hull), Rudiger K Wurzel (University of Hull) 09:00 Oral ##conf1305 Disasters: hazard assessment and risk management Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Nina Laurie Nature goes Digital: Covid-19, Instagram and Gardens in Everyday Enactment ##conf1199 » Serena Volo (Free University of Bozen), Anna Irimias (Corvinus University of Budapest) Borderless Heat Hazards with bordered impacts » Chloe Brimicombe (University of Reading), Claudia Di Napoli (University of Reading), Rosalind Cornforth (Walker Institute), Florian Pappenberger (ECMWF), Celia Petty (Walker Institute), Hannah Cloke (University of Reading) #Springwatch #WildMorningswithChris: Engaging with Nature via Social Media and Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown ##conf1199 » Tracy Xu (University of Surrey), George Murrell (University of Surrey), Sarah Golding (University of Surrey), Beth Brockett (Natural England), Birgitta Gatersleben (University of Surrey), Caroline Scarles (University of Surrey), Emma White (University of Surrey), Cheryl Willis (Natural England), Kayleigh Wyles (University of Plymouth) Characterising the risk of the traditional residential infrastructure of Madagascar to changing cyclonic wind conditions using the IPCC conceptual approach » Alexandre Gagnon (Liverpool John Moores University), Malalatiana Rakotoarivony (Conservation International Madagascar), Rafik Taleb (University of Edinburgh), Ilaidama Ramanantoanina (UMAGIS) Using social media to explore people’s interactions with nature during COVID-19 ##conf1199 » Katherine Burgess (Natural England), Cheryl Willis (Natural England) Deployable Real-time Satellite-based Remote Sensing for Natural Disaster Relief » Thomas Chen (Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering) Hazard assessment focusing on periodicity of large-scale debris flow: a case study in the Cretaceous granite area of southwest Japan » Kyoko Kagohara (Faculty of Education, Yamaguchi University), Motoyuki Suzuki (Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University), Hiroaki Matsugi (Fukken Co., Ltd.), Kazuyuki Sakaguchi (Public Works Research Center) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : DGRG15; GLTRG9 ##conf1199 Nature, Health and Digital in Times of Crisis: Transcending Borders of Exclusion into Nature Through Innovation in Digital and Immersive Solutions (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Tabea Bork-Hüffer and Caroline Scarles and David Sheffield Rethinking Wild Cities Through Digital Ecologies ##conf1199 » Adam Searle (University of Cambridge), Jonathon Turnbull (University of Cambridge) 09:00 Oral : EnGRG7 ##conf1242 Energy Geographies: Power, Conflict, and (In)Justice (1): Dispossession, Domination, & Energy (In)Justices Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Philippa Winship Page 119 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST On the Materiality of Refugee Camps » Ayham Dalal (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 1. Resisting Indian ‘green gold’: dispossession and domination, a run for space in the name of wind energy » David Singh (University of East Anglia/Copenhagen University) Border Cards: Determining the state’s affective reach through pocket bordering technologies. » Dan Fisher (University of Glasgow) 2. Oppressive Energopolitics in Africa’s last colony: renewable energy and renewed war in Western Sahara » Joanna Allan (Northumbria University), Mahmoud Lemaadel (Independent researcher), Hamza Lakhal (Durham University) 3. Renewable energy infrastructures through the lens of energy justice in rural Mexico » Sandra Jazmin Barragan Contreras (University of Sheffield) 09:00 Oral : GFGRG16; PolGRG24 ##conf1287 Minorities in South Asia: Contesting bordering processes (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Neloufer de Mel and Christine Schenk and Shermal Wijewardene #1: Negotiating belonging and citizenship: everyday contestations of space in Mumbai, India » Tanvi Bhatkal (Department of Geograpy, University of Cambridge) #2: Detention as Protection: Girls’ Experiences of Child Protection Laws in Delhi » Sujatha Subramanian (The Ohio State University) #3: Naming as boundary making in the margin » Thamali Kithsiri (Department of Geograpy, University of Zurich) 09:00 Oral : CGWG1 ##conf1066 The Material Politics of Migration (1): (de)constructing confinement Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Daniel Fisher and Sarah Hughes Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Still waiting? The lived experiences of refugees with Leave to Remain » Sarah Hughes (Northumbria University, UK) 09:00 Oral : HGRG6; HPGRG18 ##conf1183 Drawing the line. Theories and Practices of Boundary Delimitation (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Federico Ferretti and Jacobo García-Álvarez and Paloma Puente-Lozano How bogs made for borderlands: the eastern Low Countries, c. 670 – c. 1900 CE » Maurice Paulissen (Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University) Geographies of Scottish 'improvement': Mapping the Scottish Highlands, 1752-1784 (Paper 2) » juliette Desportes (University of Glasgow) The Bidasoa line adrift. Reflexions on bordering an international river between France and Spain at the end of the 19th century (Paper 3) » Benjamin Duinat (PSL Research University (France) & University Complutense of Madrid (Spain)) From a line on a map to the realities on the ground. The FrenchGerman boundary commission at work (1871-1877). (Paper 4) » Benoit Vaillot (Université de Strasbourg / European University Institute) Page 120 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 09:00 The ultimate delimitation of the Spanish-Portuguese boundary: controversies and resolutions (Paper 5). » Cristina Santos-Sanchez (Carlos III University of Madrid) 09:00 Oral : RGRG1 ##conf1001 New and Emerging Rural Researchers: Rural Research in the 2020s (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Aimee Morse ‘Do you ask what constitutes the Sea? It is History’ - Cartography and chronography in the eighteenth century. (Paper 6) » Stephen Boyd Davis (Royal College of Art, London) ##conf1001, Session 1, Paper 1: Net-zero futures for UK agriculture: a critical analysis of scenarios, targets & temporalities » Rob Booth (University of Birmingham) Oral ##conf1228 Geographies of displacement (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Malene H Jacobsen and Olivia Mason ##conf1001, Session 1, Paper 2: North-West Wales upland farming in focus: Modelled farms economic performance show that future policies are unlikely to change current evolution trends. » Theo Lenormand (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire) Displacement and its geographies ##conf1228 » Olivia Mason (Newcastle University), Malene H Jacobsen (Maynooth University) ##conf1001, Session 1, Paper 3: Private sector certification programme “powers” local agrarian change in Ghana’s cocoa sector. A contribution to the debate on supply chain governance and new peasantries. » David Amuzu (Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne) Volunteering and displacement: situating the voluntary labour of young refugees within humanitarian and development spaces in Uganda ##conf1228 » Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University), Frank Ahimbisibwe (Mbarara University of Science and Technology), Robert Turyamureeba (Northumbria University), Bianca Fadel (Northumbria University) ##conf1001, Session 1, Paper 4: 'You don't look like farmers': A study of Women in Agriculture in the Scottish and Canadian Islands. » Hannah Budge (Newcastle University) Geographies of dis/placement and subaltern urbanism in Mumbai ##conf1228 » Himanshu Burte (Indian Institute of Technology) ‘’The government is creating the mental health crisis of the future’: The long-term impacts of eviction, homelessness and temporary accommodation on families in London and Dublin ##conf1228 » Mel Nowicki (Oxford Brookes University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1001, Session 1, Paper 5: Ethnography of Moral Economies in Cooperative Relations between Farmers » Mateja Slovenc (Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) 09:00 Oral : SCGRG4 ##conf1096 At home with Bourdieu (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Adriana Mihaela Soaita and Lois Liao and Chris Foye Page 121 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST From government-led behaviour change to bottom-up understanding: the transition to low-carbon transport on motorcycles in Taipei, Taiwan » Yi-Chen Huang (Robert Gordon University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September ‘Stuck in Place’: A Study on Youth Lives and Their Strategies of Mobility in Informal Settlements of New Delhi, India » Naomi Hazarika (University of Colorado, Boulder) India’s energy security at macro and micro levels: A novel assessment, dilemma between renewable and non-renewable, and possible trade-offs » Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan (Institute of Rural Management Anand) The Social Structure of the Creation and Consumption of Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) in Sheffield since 2000 » Carl Lee (University of Sheffield) Multispecies mending: microbial factories, circular bioeconomies, and fermentation to fix (the) carbon (cycle) » Eleanor Hadley Kershaw (University of Nottingham) Building Bias, Building Bourdieu: Distinction, Classification and Class in UK Planning Policy » Tony Manzi (Sheffield Hallam University) Cultural Segmentation within the Workplace: A Qualitative Study Based on the Chinese Traditional Handicraft Production of Longquan Celadon » Yiming Zhang (Bielefeld University) 09:00 Social Mixing and the London East Village: Exclusion, Habitus and Belonging in a Post-Olympics Neighbourhood » Piero Corcillo (Birkbeck, University of London) 09:00 At the borders of disciplines: Thinking historically with nonrepresentational geographies » Lena Ferriday (University of Bristol) Oral ##conf1311 Energy, environment and sustainability (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Neil Simcock B/ordering structural change in post-mining regions » Antje Matern (Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecological and Revitalizing Urban Transformation (IZS)), Jessica Theuner (Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecological and Revitalizing Urban Transformation (IZS)) Cross-Border Electricity Trade & Interconnections Progress in East Asia: A Case Study Analysis of BIMP-EAGA » Clare Richardson-Barlow (University of Leeds, UK) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1314 Fieldwork practices and disciplinary borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Lynda Yorke Doing fieldwork the Ghanaian way: The dilemma of conducting research in rural Ghana » Benjamin Dosu (University of Lethbridge) Working across science-policy boundaries to contribute to evidence-informed policy » Alice Milner (Royal Holloway University of London), Gary Kass (Natural England) 09:00 Oral ##conf1130 Beyond displacement: alternative agendas in urban redevelopment (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Shaun Teo and Zheng Wang Page 122 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 2. All economies are moral economies: on value, (use) values, and cultural forms » Luis Andueza (University of St Andrews) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Traumatised Ecologies and Gendered Spatiality of Infrastructural (Re)Developments. Everyday Experiences on Forced Displacement and Resettlement in Hasankeyf Town, Batman City, Turkey » Cansu Sonmez (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)) Visceral Value: nature-based recreation and embodied more than capitalist practices with/in USFS trail places. » Solana Kline (University of Nevada) Journeys from, to and around – Narrating everyday practices in a Mumbai slum » Min TANG (KU Leuven, department of Architecture & Université Paris 1, Institut de Géographie), Viviana d'Auria (KU Leuven, Department of Architecture) 4. Values, Dreams, and Conflicts. Towards a Moral Economy of Tea Cooperatives in South Asia » Miriam Wenner (University of Goettingen) 5. Why land ownership matters: Land ownership, land reform and new entrant access to land in Scotland » Annie McKee (Social Economic and Geographical Sciences Department, The James Hutton Institute), Lee-Ann Sutherland (The James Hutton Institute) Remaking a Place Called Home Following Displacement: A ‘Journey’ of a Lifetime » Luis Eduardo Perez Murcia (Honorary Research Fellow, GDI, University of Manchester; Post-Doc Researcher, HOMInG Project, University of Trento) 09:00 Learning from Successful Slum Upgrading Practices for a displacement-sensitive urban development » Anthony Boanada-Fuchs (St. Gallen Institute of Management in Latin America (GIMLA), University of St. Gallen) The ‘value’ of inter/sub disciplinary thinking in critical conceptualizations of displacement » Asa Roast (School of Geography, University of Leeds), Deirdre Conlon (University of Leeds), Glenda Garelli (University of Leeds), Louise Waite (University of Leeds, UK) 09:00 Oral ##conf1152 Value/s, space and place in geography (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Cameron McAuliffe and Dallas Rogers 1. Reconceptualizing Value & Space: Learning from the Slumdwellers of Delhi » Susmita Rishi (Kansas State University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : PolGRG4; SCGRG6 ##conf1105 Elemental borderscapes: materialities, politics, and encounters (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: James Riding and Carl Dahlman Maritime Entanglements and the Governing of Human Mobility at Sea » Andonea Dickson (Queen Mary University of London) Elemental Exposures: “Thence North to the Glacier”- the frozen struggles of Siachen » Harriet Hawkins (Royal Holloway, University of London) Creative engagements with borders: representing the border » Maica Gugolati (IMAF, Institut of African Worlds) Encounters with memory, practice and change in the Bay of Fundy’s tidal borderscapes » Aurora Fredriksen (University of Manchester) Page 123 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 124 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 125 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 126 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST From Climate Justice to Flood Justice » Juliet de Little (University of Sheffield) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Panel : HPGRG11; PyGyRG5; PERG1 ##conf1086 Geography and public policy: The past and present borders of applied geography (2): Panel Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Mark Boyle and Tim Hall and Shaun Lin and James Sidaway and Michiel Van Meeteren Geography and public policy: The past and present borders of applied geography » Mark Boyle (Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, University of Liverpool), Tim Hall (University of Winchester), Shaun Lin (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), James Sidaway (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), Michiel Van Meeteren (Department of Geography and Environment, Loughborough University), Stewart Barr (Department of Geography, University of Exeter), Gill Bristow (School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University), Winston Chow (School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University), John Harrison (Department of Geography, Loughborough University), Loretta Lees (Department of Geography, University of Leicester), Niamh Moore-Cherry (School of Geography, University College Dublin), Hester Parr (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow), Arrianna Marie Planey (Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Judith Verweijen (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield), Yi-Chen Wang (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), Cecilia Wong (School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester) 11:00 Oral : GJRG13 ##conf1136 Beyond environmental inequalities: expanding urban environmental justice research (2) Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Thomas Verbeek and Nicola Da Schio The many faces of social disadvantage – examining the distribution of mobility options and environmental bads in Berlin » Jan Peter Glock (Technische Universität Dresden), Julia Gerlach (Technische Universität Dresden) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. An interdisciplinary perspective on environmental justice: integrating subjective beliefs and perceptions » Stefanie Baasch (University of Bremen) Just environments: a study of justice discourses around air pollution and urban green in Brussels » Thomas Verbeek (University of Sheffield), Nicola da Schio (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) 11:00 Workshop : FGRG14; GJRG16 ZOOM SESSION - ##conf1291 Boundaries, Borders and Decolonising Food Geographies? (2): Workshop Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Moya Kneafsey and Eifiona Thomas Lane and Imogen Bellwood-Howard and Rebecca Sandover and Agatha Herman Boundaries, Borders and De-colonising Food Geographies: Workshop » Moya Kneafsey (Coventry University), Eifiona Thomas Lane (Bangor University), Imogen Bellwood-Howard (Institute of Development Studies), Rebecca Sandover (University of Exeter), Agatha Herman (Cardiff University) 11:00 Oral ##conf1319 Housing and homelessness Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Sarah Marie Hall Beyond the revanchist city, which management of homelessness? » Antonin Margier (University of Rennes) Borders of Community – Co-Living during the Pandemic: Resource or Source of Conflict? » Floris Bernhardt (Universität Kassel) Page 127 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Framing the housing crisis: how think-tanks frame politics and science to legitimise policy agendas » Chris Foye (University of Glagow) Current and Emerging Research in Transport II » Caroline Rozynek (Goethe University Frankfurt), Hannah Hook (Ghent University), Hannah Gumble (UCL), Richa Maheshwari (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)), Zhengyue Wan (UCL) Spatializing the collective: the spatial practices of two collective houses in Berlin » Josefina Jaureguiberry (University of Oxford) 11:00 Oral : GHWRG4 ##conf1064 Multispecies Health Geographies Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Rich Gorman and Beth Greenhough Discussant » Craig Morton (School of Architecture, Building, and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University, United Kingdom) 11:00 Carers and companions: care work and emotional support of assistance and community dogs ##conf1064 » Mara Miele (Cardiff University), Harriet Smith (Cardiff University), Nickie Charles (University of Warwick), Rebekah Fox (University of Warwick) Traversing the Borders of Human and Animal Healthcare: The Reception and Shaping of Veterinary Expertise ##conf1064 » Alistair Anderson (University of Nottingham) Mapping Farm Biosecurity Practices: Materiality, Spatial Imaginations and Farming Scripts in Animal Health Management in Hong Kong ##conf1064 » Ray Chan (University of Exeter) Human-Animal-Geos assemblages and multispecies health geographies in the risk zones of Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico ##conf1064 » Mihaiela Swift (King’s College London), Amy Donovan (University of Cambridge), Chiara Maria Petrone (Natural History Museum) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : TGRG10 ##conf1209 Current and Emerging Research in Transport (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Zhengyue Wan and Franziska Kirschner and Suzanne Maas Oral : GIScRG4 ##conf1132 Deep learning approaches in GIScience (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Stefano De Sabbata and Andrea Ballatore and James Haworth and Godwin Yeboah Geospatial Data Disaggregation With Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural networks » João Monteiro (Universidade de Lisboa), Bruno Martins (Universidade de Lisboa), Miguel Costa (Vodafone), João Moura Pires (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) Creating a geodemographic classification for Greater London through spatial graph neural network » Pengyuan Liu (University of Leicester), Stefano De Sabbata (University of Leicester) Understanding how aerial image features extracted using CNNs capture socioeconomic characteristics » Melanie Green (university of liverpool), Daniel Arribas-Bel (university of liverpool) Page 128 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 4. Contrasted Narratives of Sustainability in the Media Coverage of Palm Oil Agriculture on Tropical Peatlands in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore » Felicia Liu (Department of Geography, King’s College London, UK /National University of Singapore), Vignaa Ganesan (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur), Thomas SMITH (Department of Geography and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science) Deep learning for mapping and understanding urban scapes » Karin Pfeffer (University Of Twente), Alireza Ajami (HERE Technologies), Henri Debray (German Aerospace Center - Center for Earth Observation), Christien Klaufus (University of Amsterdam), Monika Kuffer (University Of Twente), Claudio Persello (University Of Twente), Robbin-Jan Van Duijne (University of Amsterdam), Xujiayi Yang (University Of Twente) A deep learning approach based on multisensory data for the official swiss land use/cover statistics » Adrian F Meyer (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW), Natalie Lack (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW), Denis Jordan (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW) 11:00 5. Kobade and kabaddi: Decolonial spaces of activism in India and Australia » Michele Lobo (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne) 11:00 Third sector? Procurement, private suppliers and Aidland’s relations » Brendan Whitty (University of East Anglia) Oral : CCRG6; GJRG9 ##conf1091 Earth Unbound: Climate change, activism and ecological justice (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Michele Lobo and Andrew Baldwin Impact investment in a 'post-philanthropy' world: Private donors in the development marketplace » Jessica Sklair (University of Cambridge) 1. Socio-Ecological Justice in a More-Than-Human World » Özge Yaka (Centre for Citizenship, Social Pluralism and Religious Diversity University of Potsdam) ##conf1170 Discussant » Sally Brooks (York St John University) 11:00 2.From Green to Black: Towards a Political Ecology of Atmospheres » Ariadne Collins (School of International Relations, University of St Andrews) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1170 Making a return on development: for-profit logics, actors and finance in a 'post-aid world' (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Sarah Hughes-McLure and Emma Mawdsley Oral ##conf1206 Coastal development and its conceived border(ing) in geography: challenges from global trends to local deficit and social inequality Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Paula Duffy and Peiwen Lu Page 129 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Migrant activism and the Detention Reform Sector: resistances and reproductions of hegemonic notions of citizenship, nationhood and belonging ##conf1176 7/10 » Anish Chhibber (Northumbria University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Different travel: Policy mobility of the Dutch delta approach in Taiwan » Peiwen Lu (National Changhua University of Education) Anti-racism Muslim mobilities in the San Francisco Bay Area ##conf1176 8/10 » Rhonda Itaoui (Western sydn), Rae Dufty-Jones (Western Sydney University), Kevin Dunn (Western Sydney University) Challenges of offshore wind power development in Taiwan: a planning perspective » Sheng-Yu Yang (National Changhua University of Education), Peiwen Lu (National Changhua University of Education) Framing Black Experiences On The White City Estate ##conf1176 9/10 » Nathaniel de Telemaque (UCL) Resilient policymaking for flood risk management: lessons learned from the WRA-NBS research project » Chen-Min Kuo (National Cheng Kung University), Peiwen Lu (National Changhua University of Education), Pao-Shan Yu (National Cheng Kung University) Where is the coast? Creating boundaries in transitional spaces towards a working definition for socio-demographic analysis in Scotland . » Paula Duffy (UoA) Effect of industrial development on the alga reefs ecosystem, settlement morphology, and community structure along coastal areas of Taoyuan » Wei-Kuang Liu (Chung Yuan Christian University) 11:00 Oral : RACE2 ##conf1176 Mobile racism(s): thinking through the relationship of (im)mobility and the making of ‘race’ (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Sarah Kunz and Lioba Hirsch and Nabeela Ahmed (Im)mobility in the post-colonial West Indies: The Repression of the West Indian Black Power Movement ##conf1176 6/10 » Ben Gowland (University of Glasgow) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Racialised routines: organisational policies as mobility infrastructures ##conf1176 10/10 » Lioba Hirsch (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool), Sarah Kunz (University of Bristol) 11:00 Oral : GFGRG5 ##conf1033 Depletion and Appreciation through Social Reproduction (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Vincent Guermond and Kavita Dattani and Nithya Natarajan and Katherine Brickell 1. Running on Empty: Depletion and Social Reproduction in Myanmar and Sri Lanka (##conf1033 ) » Jayanthi Lingham (University of Warwick), Melissa Johnston (University of Melbourne) 2. Depleted by Debt? Focusing a Gendered Lens on Climate Resilience, Credit, and Nutrition in Cambodia (##conf1033) » Vincent Guermond (Royal Holloway, University of London), Nithya Natarajan (King's College London), Katherine Brickell (Royal Holloway, University of London) 3. Depletion Through Food Processing and Packaging (##conf1033) » Sara Stevano (University of London) Page 130 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Beyond Borders and Borderlines: Teaching Sexualities Online » Kiran Bhairannavar (Department of Geography, University of Delhi) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 4. With and beyond labour: the governmentality of social reproduction (##conf1033) » Faith MacNeil Taylor (Royal Holloway, University of London) Crossing the border to online learning: does digital connectivity impact the student experience? » Vicky Johnson (The Open University), sonja Rewhorn (The Open University) 5. Social Reproduction and Public Debt in the Covid Crisis (##conf1033) » Adrienne Roberts (University of Manchester) 11:00 Oral : EGRG15 ##conf1204 The Climate of Finance (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Chris Muellerleile and Marcus Doel and Matthew Kelly ##conf1204 – Paper 6 - Uncertain Futures for Evolving Disaster Risk Reduction Finance » Renard Teipelke (AECOM) ##conf1204 – Paper 8 - Financing Reparative Climate Infrastructures » Patrick Bigger (Lancaster University), Gareth Bryant (University of Sydney), Nate Millington (University of Manchester), Sophie Webber (University of Sydney), Sara Nelson (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) ##conf1204 – Paper 5 - Spatial Finance: Geo Fintech and Green Finance » Matthew Kelly (Swansea University) ##conf1204 – Paper 9 - Climate of Finance Discussant » Brett Christophers (Uppsala University) 11:00 Oral ##conf1310 Education: virtual and online training Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Derek France Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. The ViPs project: a palaeoscience response to the challenges of virtual teaching or a pedagogy that’s here to stay? » Simon Hutchinson (University of Salford) 11:00 Oral ##conf1297 Bordering practices: policing, governance and control Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Peter Kraftl (De)Securitization, Crisis and Humanitarianism? Mapping the Field of EU(uropean) Border Management and the (Re)Production of Borders » Eline Waerp (Malmö University) Datafied Code-Body, Borders and EU’s migration system » Azadeh Akbari (University of Münster, Institute for Geography) Bordering as order producing practice: State restructuring in civil war Greece » Giannis Gkolfinopoulos (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), ACHILLEAS FOTAKIS (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) 'Dressing up decoded flows' - the double movement of territories and their borders » Zayn Meghji (Independent researcher) The army of hope: Anticipating border militarization and sovereign statehood in Kosovo » Rozafa Berisha (University of Manchester) Page 131 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 4. Controversies of justification in Norwegian wind power policies– legitimizing “the right” concerns for climate, nature and society » Mikaela Vasstrøm (University of Agder), Hans Kjetil Lysgård (University of Agder) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Oral : DGRG16; GLTRG10 ##conf1199 Nature, Health and Digital in Times of Crisis: Transcending Borders of Exclusion into Nature Through Innovation in Digital and Immersive Solutions (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Tabea Bork-Hüffer and Caroline Scarles and David Sheffield 11:00 Creating Urban Nature Experiences with Geotechnologies, Urban Design and the Arts ##conf1199 » Daniel Paiva (Universidade de Lisboa), Ana Matilde Sousa (Independent artist), Ana Luísa Sousa (Universidade de Lisboa), Sónia Talhé Azambuja (Universidade de Lisboa) #4: Negotiating borders within Muslim feminist activism in Sri Lanka after the Easter attacks » Neloufer de Mel (Deparment of English, Universit of Colombo), Christine Schenk (University of Zurich), Shermal Wijewardene (Department of English, University of Colombo) Immersive Engagements in Digital Worlds of Static Cycling » Paul Barratt (Staffordshire University), Jenny Hall (York St. John University) #5: Muslim women in Akhand Bharat: Hindu majoritarianism and the geopolitics of saving » Pallavi Gupta (Department of Geography, University of North Carolina) Nature Experience, Smartphones and Everyday Life for Young People in the UK ##conf1199 » Russell Hitchings (University College London) 11:00 Oral : EnGRG8 ##conf1242 Energy Geographies: Power, Conflict, and (In)Justice (2): Politics, Discourse Conflict and Resistance Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Philippa Winship 1. Place Disruption & Competing Socio-technical Imaginaries: Anticipating & Resisting Shale Gas Exploration in the UK » Stacia Ryder (University of Exeter), Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter, UK) 3. Assembling a legitimate energy transition in South Africa: the role of documents » Jonathan Barnes (London School of Economics) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : GFGRG18; PolGRG25 ##conf1287 Minorities in South Asia: Contesting bordering processes (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Neloufer de Mel and Christine Schenk and Shermal Wijewardene #6: Migration, gender and border struggle in the Bangladeshi enclaves of India-Bangladesh borderland » Anamika Roy (Jawaharlal Nehru University) 11:00 Oral : CGWG2 ##conf1066 The Material Politics of Migration: (2) liveliness and excess Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Daniel Fisher and Sarah Hughes Preceding and exceeding material borders: Fences, flyways, mudflats, and avian migrations » Kaya Barry (Griffin University, Australia), Samid Suliman (Griffin University, Australia) Page 132 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST “Behave as if you’re in the room...even though you’re not!”: Videolink technology and changing court materialities » Jo Hynes (University of Exeter, UK) Oral : HGRG7; HPGRG19 ##conf1183 Drawing the line. Theories and Practices of Boundary Delimitation (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Federico Ferretti and Jacobo García-Álvarez and Paloma Puente-Lozano Managing a Migrant Sense of Place: Encountering Indonesian Domestic Workers in Singapore’s Public Spaces » Junjia Ye (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Geography beyond borders: Elisée Reclus and the Hexagon (Paper 7) » Federico Ferretti (University College Dublin, School of Geography) Oral ##conf1274 Exchange and twinning in an age of borders: (inter)nationalism, mobility, encounter, and participation Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins and Rhys Dafydd Jones Drawing the line at the top of an international crisis: General Gamelin, René Massigli and the project of a new GermanCzechoslovak frontier, September 1938 (Paper 8) » Simon Catros (Sorbonne Identités, Relations internationales et Civilisations de l’Europe (SIRICE)) Troubled Twinning: Civil Society and Wales in the World in an Age of Borders » Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins (University of Gloucestershire), Rhys Dafydd Jones (Prifysgol Aberystwyth) Mapping the ‘non-Muslim’: geographies of identity and the Punjab Boundary Commission (Paper 9) » Hannah Fitzpatrick (University of Edinburgh) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 11:00 The 1947 Partition of Punjab: Lines, Nations, and the Representation of Space (Paper 10) » Anne-Christine HABBARD (University of Lille) Migrants, borders and competing narratives in the Western Balkans: A Serbian perspective » Danica Šantić (University of Belgrade), Rebecca Murray (University of Sheffield), Nataljia Perišić (University of Belgrade), Aneta Piekut (University of Sheffield), Ryan Powell (University of Sheffield) Doing the histories of territory. The role of conceptual history in reshaping the categories of state, sovereignty and border. » Paloma Puente-Lozano (Carlos III University of Madrid), Jacobo García-Álvarez (Carlos III University of Madrid) Twinning and Development: a genealogical exploration of their relation over the last 50 years » Caterina Mazzilli (Queen Mary University of London), Holly Eva Ryan (Queen Mary University of London) 11:00 Discussant » Suzanne Beech (Ulster University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1228 Geographies of displacement (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Malene H Jacobsen and Olivia Mason Page 133 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1001, Session 2, Paper 4: The latest driving force of rural gentrification? How Digital Marketing is Influencing Processes of Rural Gentrification » Niamh McHugh (University of Leicester and Loughborough University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Gardens Can Grow Here? Humanitarian place-making, Citizen Science and the making of livelihoods in protracted displacement ##conf1228 » Lazaros Karaliotas (University of Glasgow), Katherine Botterill (University of Glasgow), Emma Cardwell (University of Glasgow), Deborah Dixon (University of Glasgow), Philip Nicholson (University of Glasgow) From climate justice to mobility justice? Re-thinking the relation between climate change and displacement ##conf1228 » Dr Leonie Tuitjer (Leibniz University) The everyday erosion of refugee claims: Representations of the Rohingya in Thailand ##conf1228 » Kate Coddington (University of Albany, SUNY) 11:00 Oral : RGRG2 ##conf1001 New and Emerging Rural Researchers: Rural Research in the 2020s (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Aimee Morse ##conf1001, Session 2, Paper 1: Resonances of civic engagement in everyday village life » Jens Reda (Department of Geography, Kiel University), Marcus Heinz (Institute for the Scientific Study of Culture, Leipzig University) ##conf1001, Session 2, Paper 5: Land commodification and rural gentrification: blurring the rural-urban boundary in Chengdu, China » Renhao Yang (Division of Geography and Tourism, KU Leuven), Maarten Loopmans (Divsion of Geography and Tourism, KU Leuven) 11:00 Oral : SCGRG5 ##conf1096 At home with Bourdieu (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Adriana Mihaela Soaita and Lois Liao and Chris Foye Spatial Struggles and the Home. Bourdieusian Perspectives on Social Housing Construction and the Search for Housing in Vienna » Carina Altreiter (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Susanna Azevedo (University of Vienna), Raphaela Kohout (University of Vienna), Katharina Litschauer (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Ana Rogojanu (University of Vienna), Georg Wolfmayr (University of Vienna) Theories of Cultural Values in Urban Conservation » Ruxandra-Iulia Stoica (The University of Edinburgh) Bourdieu, Social Housing Estates and Regeneration in London » Paul Watt (Birkbeck, University of London) ##conf1001, Session 2, Paper 2: The construction of a Swedish rural planning agenda - A study of the rural as a ‘planning problem’ » Ida Nilsson (Swedish School of Planning) Young People’s Housing Aspirations: Social Capital, Networks and Inequality » Trudi Tokarczyk (The University of Stirling) ##conf1001, Session 2, Paper 3: The Governance of Rural Economic Restructuring in Bancroft, Ontario » William Bedford (Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University) Cultural Capital and Income Inequality across Italian Regions » Annie Tubadji (Swansea University), Masood Gheasi (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)), Alessandro Crociata (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)), Iacopo Odoardi (University of Chieti-Pescara) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 134 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Evaluating fossil-free mobilities futures in remote areas on the Colombian Pacific Coast » Gordon Wilmsmeier (Universidad de los Andes), Diana Trujillo (Universidad de los Andes) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Oral : UGRG5 ##conf1046 Nightlife Recoveries: Where do we go from here? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Alicia Souter and Robert Shaw The geographic trajectory of wave energy technology in the formative phase » Margarida Fontes (LNEG – National Laboratory of Energy and Geology), Helder Santos (University of Porto / CEGOT-Geography and Spatial Planning Research Centre), Teresa Sá Marques (University of Porto / CEGOT-Geography and Spatial Planning Research Centre) Introducing the Global Night-Time Recovery Plan » Lutz Leichsenring (VibeLab), Mirik Milan (VibeLab) Spotting, Understanding and fostering diverse Night-Time Economies » Riccardo Ramello (Nottingham Trent University), James Hunter (Nottingham Trent University), Andromachi Tseloni (Nottingham Trent University), Andy Newton (Nottingham Trent University) A new taste of nightlife or the curfew paradox » Luc Gwiazdzinski (ENSA Toulouse) A Nocturnal Cultural Programme » Pia Steinhardt (Royal College of Art) Nightlife governance modes: clarification and discussion for nightlife recovery » Alessia Cibin (University of Technology, Sydney) 11:00 Oral ##conf1311 Energy, environment and sustainability (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Neil Simcock Energy Poverty and Environmental Priority in Rural India » Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan (Institute of Rural Management Anand), Lakshmikanth Hari (Centre for Sustainable Development; K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (SIMSR), Somaiya University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Drawing the multi-dimensional portrait of the invisible: a comparative perspective of wind variability in space and time » Cristian Suteanu (Saint Mary's University, Halifax) 11:00 Oral ##conf1314 Fieldwork practices and disciplinary borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Lynda Yorke EPSRC’s Responsible Innovation Framework: What Impact Is It Having? » David Christian Rose (University of Reading), Faye Shortland (University of Reading), Rachel Smith (University of Reading), Juliette Schillings (University of Reading) Reflections on Geography Programme Leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and into the future. » Joanne Maddern (Swansea University) Travelling Cuerpo-Territorios: A decolonial feminist methodology for researching migrant women’s multi-scalar embodiment of violence and resistance » Rosa dos Ventos Heimer (King's College London) Developing a Code of Conduct for ethical and anti-racist fieldwork practices » Laura Picot (University of Oxford), Catherine Grasham (University of Oxford) Page 135 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 6. The value of attention: towards a theory of care in housing » Lauren Wagner (Maastricht University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Oral ##conf1130 Beyond displacement: alternative agendas in urban redevelopment (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Shaun Teo and Zheng Wang 7. Rescaling belonging: ‘glocal’ values and active immobility in times of crisis » Daniel Robins (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge) 8. The value of difference: super-diversity and urban learning in a London neighbourhood » Katherine Stansfeld (Queen Mary University of London) Indirect displacement: Interpreting invisible gentrification through new urban regeneration projects in Guangzhou, China » Liu Cao (School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University) DECLINE MACHINES AND COUNTER RESPONSE: TOWARD A REVISED SCENARIO OF CURRENT REDEVELOPMENT IN GLOBAL NORTH CITIES » David Wilson (Department of Geography & Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) The restructuring of home and sense of home: Examining community outcomes of urban redevelopment and micro-renewal in China » Yushu Zhu (Urban Studies and Public Policy, Simon Fraser University), Changdong YE (South China Agricultural University) Domesticating the urban village » Shaun Teo (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore) Post-displacement – Exploring the variegated social impacts of urban redevelopment » Zheng Wang (University of Sheffield, Department of Urban Studies and Planning) 11:00 Oral ##conf1152 Value/s, space and place in geography (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Dallas Rogers and Cameron McAuliffe Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 9. Housing’s values » Cameron McAuliffe (Western Sydney University), Dallas Rogers (University of Sydney) 11:00 Oral ##conf1252 Marginal Development: Conflict and Change at the Edge of the State Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: Jonathan Goodhand Integrating the margins: The making of boom towns in conflictaffected frontier spaces on the Myanmar-China border » Patrick Meehan (SOAS, University of London) Entangled Lives: Drug Assemblages in Afghanistan's Badakhshan » Jonathan Goodhand (SOAS, University of London), Adam Pain (Swedish) Social struggle and mobilization in the Colombian coca frontier: the case of Tumaco and Puerto Asís » Diana Machuca (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Camilo Acero (Univeridad Nacional de Col) Frontier NGOs: Conservancies, Control, and Violence in Northern Kenya » Conrad Schetter (Bonn International Center for Conversion), Kennedy Mkutu (United States International University, Nairobi) Page 136 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST “Follow the Thing”: Abortion Pills » Sydney Calkin (Queen Mary University of London) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 11:00 Workshop : PopGRG8 ##conf1255 (Hi)Stories of Population Geography: reflections from PopGRG’s Archiving Project Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Nissa Finney and Sophie Cranston and Katherine Botterill and Sergei Shubin and Fran Darlington-Pollock and David McCollum (Hi)Stories of Population Geography: reflections from PopGRG’s Archiving Project » Nissa Finney (University of St Andrews), Sophie Cranston (Loughborough University, UK), David McCollum (University of St Andrews), Katherine Botterill (University of Glasgow), Sergei Shubin (Swansea University), Fran Darlington-Pollock (university of liverpool) 11:00 11:00 Workshop Meet the Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Katy Crossan 11:00 Oral : PolGRG5; SCGRG7 ##conf1105 Elemental borderscapes: materialities, politics, and encounters (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: James Riding and Carl Dahlman Panel : GHWRG7 ##conf1070 Pharmaceutical Border-Crossings Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Gavin Brown and Sydney Calkin The permeable border and geographies of minor differences: The Popular Geopolitics of The Bridge/Bron/Broen » Patrick Weir (Independent researcher) PrEP Mobilities and Border Crossings » Gavin Brown (University of Sheffield) Contested riverine borderscapes: the case of Gornja Siga » James Riding (Newcastle University) Medical globalization and antibiotic geographies: Tracing the role of India’s pharmaceutical industry » Lise Bjerke (Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo) Elements of Division in the Accursed Mountains » Carl Dahlman (Miami University, Ohio) 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Heritage as a marker of quality assurance in the clandestine sharing of medications and health strategies within cross-border informal networks of domestic and international patients in South China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA) » Lai Sze Tso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Pharmaceutical globalisation and COVID-19 » Rory Horner (University of Manchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 137 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 13:00 Oral : EnGRG3 ##conf1079 Embodying sustainable cooling practices: Negotiating green cooling practices between material culture, governance and people’s lived experiences (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Antonella Mazzone and Komali Yenneti and Radhika Khosla 1. Water Cools: Hydro Practices, Infrastructures and Technologies in Sustainable Cooling » Jamie Cross (University of Ed), Elspeth Oppermann (Rachel Carson Centre) 7. Responsive climatic design for contemporary open spaces » Mariana Pereira Guimaraes (Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)), Valentina Dessì (Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 6. Occupants’ thermal history and building design strategies: the Brazilian cooling addiction experience » Renata De Vecchi (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Maria Andrea Triana Montes (Federal University of Santa Catarina), Roberto Lamberts (Federal University of Santa Catarina) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 8. Self-Affirmed to Cool: Willingness to Adopt Energy-Efficient Cooling Behaviour » Catherine Chen (The Ohio State University), Cazilia Loibl (The Ohio State University), Stephanie Moulton (The Ohio State University), Hongtao Yi (The Ohio State University) 10. Green roofs for whom? Advancements in evaluating the equity in green roof cooling for urban communities. » Lino Sanchez (University of Michigan) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 138 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1077 Tashlikh and the Fish King: A study of the multispecies relationality between religious observance and fish life in the Venetian lagoon » Ifor Duncan (Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Environmental Humanities Center for Humanities and Social Change Ca' Foscari University of Venice) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 13:00 Oral : CCRG7; GJRG10 ##conf1091 Earth Unbound: Climate change, activism and ecological justice (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Michele Lobo and Andrew Baldwin ##conf1077 From Mud To Outer Space » Christina Gruber (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) 6. Racial geontopower: climate change, migration and the geological turn » Andrew Baldwin (Department of Geography, Durham University) Future Climates: Cli-fi Architectures Ecopedagogies » Pablo DeSoto (Federal University of Paraíba) 7. Just transitions, racial capitalism and the undeserving Global South: White workers, Caribbean refugees and the political economy of climate justice » Keston Perry (University of the West of England) ##conf1077 Casting Tidal TimeSpaces. Collaborative Creative Practices in Bahía Adair, Sonora, Mexico and the Severn Estuary, UK. » Owain Jones (Bath Spa University), Heather Green (Arizona State University) 8. A liberation for the Earth? Rage, Faith and Climate Justice » Anupama Ranawana (Independent Researcher/Christian Aid) 9. Contested performances of climate action: the case of the Museum of Tomorrow in Brazil » Mariana Reyes (School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London) 10. Discussant: Earth Unbound: Climate change, activism and ecological justice » Jonathan Pugh (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University) 13:00 Oral : CMRG3 ##conf1077 Ecopedagogies from the Intertidal Zone Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Margarida Mendes Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1077 Wet Ontologies » Laura Denning (Bath Spa University), Deepta Sateesh (Design Environment Law Laboratory, Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology) 13:00 Oral ##conf1104 Militias, frontiers, and frontiersmen (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Patrick Meehan and Nicholas Pope Militarized borders of rebel rule: The margins are central ##conf1104 » Francesco Buscemi (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies) Brokered rule: Militias, drugs, and borderland governance in the Myanmar-China borderlands ##conf1104 » Patrick Meehan (SOAS, University of London), Dan Seng Lawn (Kachinland Research Centre, Myanmar) Page 139 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September The military as a ‘state-within-a-state’: Can ‘governance fixes’ in Southeast Asia’s borderlands be reformed? ##conf1104 » Eric Gutierrez (SOAS, University of London), Carmel Abao (Ateneo de Manila University), Glena Gloria (Rappler), Alma Salvador (Ateneo de Manila University) 13:00 Oral ##conf1087 Co-producing Britain’s Post-Brexit Agri-Environment Policy – Overcoming Borders, Boundaries and Other Challenges (1): Scaling-up / Scaling-down Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Judith Tsouvalis and Ruth Little and David Christian Rose ##conf1087 1 Addressing tree health issues through policy codesign with rural and urban managers of trees and woodlands » Bianca Ambrose-Oji (Forest Research), Berling Karlsdottir (Forest Research), Julie Urquhart (University of Gloucestershire), Liz O'Brien (Forest Research), Gabriel Hemery (Sylva Foundation), Gillian Petrokofsky (Sylva) ##conf1087 2 Co-producing agricultural policy with beekeepers: epistemological obstacles and political barriers » Siobhan Maderson (University of Aberystwyth) ##conf1087 3 Agri-environment scheme uptake, engagement and context: a mixed methods inquiry » Jen Clements (University of Exeter) ##conf1087 4 Perceived legitimacy of agricultural transitions and implications for governance. A case study of England’s post-Brexit agricultural transition » Auvikki de Boon (University of Reading), Camilla Sandström (Umeå University), David Christian Rose (University of Reading) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1087 5 Innovating for change across the nexus: Transforming complex public policy through co-production » Amy Proctor (University of Newcastle), Adam Hejnowicz (University of York), Jeremy Phillipson (University of Newcastle), Frances Rowe (University of Newcastle) 13:00 Oral : GFGRG6 ##conf1033 Depletion and Appreciation through Social Reproduction (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Vincent Guermond and Kavita Dattani and Nithya Natarajan and Katherine Brickell 1. Dormitories, depletion, and ‘disposable’ workers: situating social reproduction within labour regimes (##conf1033) » H Schling (Queen Mary University of London) 2. Reversing depletion through social reproduction: what role for the private sector? (##conf1033) » Catia Gregoratti (Lund University), Sofie Tornhill (Linnaeus University) 3. ‘Worn out’: Debt discipline, hunger and the gendered contingencies of COVID19 amongst Cambodian garment workers » Katherine Brickell (Royal Holloway, University of London), Sabina Lawreniuk (University of Nottingham) 4. Household as a carceral space (##conf1033) » Mouzayian Khalil-Babatunde (University of Warwick) 5. Climate Adaptation Labor: Depletion, debt, and socioecological reproduction (##conf1033) » Leigh Johnson (University of Oregon) Page 140 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Governing post-pandemic nightlife: Nighttime governance in times of COVID-19 » Andreina Seijas (Harvard University), Nandor Petrovics (Corvinus University of Budapest), Shelby Bassett (University of Melbourne), Michele Acuto (University of Melbourne) Continued from Thursday, 2 September 13:00 Oral ##conf1230The political ecology of social-environmental extreme events (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Maria Rusca and Filippo Menga and Gregory Simon and Raven Cretney Night Governance in Mexico City: Between Polarization and Organization » Michaël Spanu (CISAN-UNAM), Alejandro Mercado-Celis (CISANUNAM), Yolanda Macias (UAM Cuajimalpa) Tracing Unnatural Disasters: An environmental history of wildfires and radioactive contamination » Christine Eriksen (Center for Security Studies, ETH Zürich) 2. Liquid deterritorialisations: philantrocapitalism and the quest to solve the global water crisis (Session code: ##conf1230) » Filippo Menga (University of Bergamo), Maria Rusca (Uppsala University) The Stuff of Night Mayors: Nocturnal governance and the pandemic’ » Alicia Souter (Newcastle University) 13:15 3. Extreme events and collective problems at a distance: preparing for and responding to small-scale disasters in Northern Sweden and Finland (Session code: ##conf1230) » Eija Meriläinen (University College London) TBC 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 3 4. The power of connection: navigating the constraints of community engagement for disaster risk reduction (Session code: ##conf1230) » Paula Satizábal (University of Melbourne), Isabel Cornes (University of Melbourne), Marilu Melo Zurita (The University of New South Wales), Brian R. Cook (University of Melbourne) 13:00 Oral : UGRG6 ##conf1046 Nightlife Recoveries: Where do we go from here? (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Alicia Souter and Robert Shaw Night planning: How can urban planning deal with the dark? » Mark Adam Harold (Vilnius Night Alliance), David Netherwood (Night Planner) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Keynote Chair's plenary - Achille Mbembe Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari and Tom Gillespie Page 141 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Continued from Thursday, 2 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 142 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 143 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 34 15:00 Panel : HPGRG12; PyGyRG6; PERG2 ##conf1086 Geography and public policy: The past and present borders of applied geography (3): Panel Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Mark Boyle and Tim Hall and Shaun Lin and James Sidaway and Michiel Van Meeteren General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 29 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 144 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Rethinking Darkness - Borders, Landscapes, Practices (2) » Casper Ebbensgaard (University of East Anglia), Andy Flack (University of Bristol), Leni Schwendinger (London School of Economics and Political Science), Martin Welton (Queen Mary University of London), Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan University) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Geography and public policy: The past and present borders of applied geography » Mark Boyle (Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, University of Liverpool), Tim Hall (University of Winchester), Shaun Lin (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), James Sidaway (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), Michiel Van Meeteren (Department of Geography and Environment, Loughborough University), Stewart Barr (Department of Geography, University of Exeter), Gill Bristow (School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University), Winston Chow (School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University), John Harrison (Department of Geography, Loughborough University), Loretta Lees (Department of Geography, University of Leicester), Niamh Moore-Cherry (School of Geography, University College Dublin), Hester Parr (School of Geographical & Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow), Arrianna Marie Planey (Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Judith Verweijen (Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Sheffield), Yi-Chen Wang (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore), Cecilia Wong (School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester) 15:00 15:00 Participatory video from a distance: co-producing knowledge during COVID-19 using smartphones » Sonja Marzi (Department of Methodology, London School of Economics and Political Science) “What’s your project about?” Expectations, adaptability and potential; reflections on undertaking an ethnographic and participatory research project with young activists » Elizabeth Ackerley (University of Manchester) Keynote : TGRG12 ##conf1231 The Brian Hoyle Lecture on Transport Geography Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Helena Titheridge and John Austin and Craig Morton Participatory youth action research in university extension: new forms of knowledge (co-) production » Susanne Börner (University of Birmingham) Researchers perspectives on conducting remote research in both the global North and global South » Nancy Breton (London School of Economics and Political Science), Nancy MUKUPA Mukupa (University of Johannesburg.), Mazuba Mafwenko (University of Missouri) Recent Advances in Transport Geography, with a focus on accessibility and travel behaviour » Bert van Wee (TU Delft) 15:00 Panel ##conf1222 Rethinking Darkness: Borders, Landscapes, Practices (2) Venue - RGS-IBG Education Centre Chaired by: Nick Dunn and Tim Edensor Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : PyGyRG1 ##conf1025 Un-bordering ‘knowledge exchange and impact’; Reinvigorating participatory methodologies of scholar-activism (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Sonja Marzi and Flora Cornish 15:00 Oral : EnGRG11 ##conf1253 Energy Geographies: Users and Communities in Energy Transitions Stage - Virtual Stage 3 Chaired by: Komali Yenneti Page 145 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Framing transport justice through the eyes of fare-free public transport activism » Christine Milchram (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Fabio Hirschhorn (TU Delft) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Investigating the role of symbolic violence in understanding public disengagement from planning for energy infrastructure » Catherine Queen (Exeter University) The diversity and potential of virtual transport space(s) » Louise Sträuli (Tallinn University & Université Libre de Bruxelles) Place-based power production deliberations in Saskatchewan: engaging future sustainability » Margot Hurlbert (University of Regina) Gender and Travel Time Use in the Ladies’ Compartments of Mumbai Local Trains » Arundhathi -- (Christ University, Bengaluru) Comparative study of the design and set-up of seven distinct Energy Communities throughout Europe using the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis » Maria Lode (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Shary Heuninckx (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Geert te Boveldt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) “Bottom-up” Mobility Services: Experiences with Community Transport in Germany » Martin Schiefelbusch (Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg) Beyond everyday interpretations of energy conservation. Revealing the spatial limits set by official knowledge through experiences with commercial buildings » Sergi Moles Grueso (Central European University) Zero Carbon Rugeley – embedding user-centric design in the cocreation of a Smart Local Energy System » Adam Peacock (Keele University), Zoe Robinson (Keele University), Philip Catney (Keele University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1165 Mobilising, producing and contesting transport and mobility from below: collectors, enthusiasts, activists, revolutionaries (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Wojciech Kębłowski and Wladimir Sgibnev Commoning Public Transit? A Framework for Mobility Justice » Theresa Enright (University of Toronto) Framing public transport revolts and mobility policies in Brazil under a historical perspective » André Veloso (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. (Im)mobilities in the age of instant deliveries. Exploring the hypermobile lives of precarious gig workers » Cosmin Popan (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) 15:00 Oral : SCGRG1 ##conf1034 Navigating, disrupting and re-working the borders of multiple citizenships (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Kahina Meziant and John Clayton Rescaling belonging: active immobility in times of crisis » Daniel Robins (Department of Geography, University of Cambridge) The impossibility of citizenship for racialized inhabitants of marginalized neighborhoods in France » Claske Dijkema (University of Basel) ‘You can’t do anything if you don't have a personal number’: precarious mobile EU citizenship and everyday borders in Sweden » Kathy Burrell (university of liverpool), Mateus Schweyher (VID) Page 146 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 Showcase citizens: Experiences in the border enclaves of Bangladesh and India. » Md Azmeary Ferdoush (University of Oulu) 15:00 On speculative terrain: Militias’ meandering milieus in Rio de Janeiro ##conf1104 » Frank Müller (University of Amsterdam) Panel ##conf1185 Anthropocene Islands (1) : Entangled Worlds - panel discussion Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler Recycling and reinvesting: Militias, frontier brokerage, and centreperiphery dynamics in Rio de Janeiro ##conf1104 » Nicholas Pope (SOAS, University of London) Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds - panel discussion » Jonathan Pugh (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University), David Chandler (University of Westminster), Amina Ghezal (University of Exeter), Delilah Griswold (Cornell University), Jamie Lorimer (University of Oxford, UK), Kevin Grove (Florida International University), Stephanie Wakefield (Life University), Michele Lobo (School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne) Militias and coercive brokerage in the Afghan borderlands: The ambivalent roles of local commanders ##conf1104 » Jan Koehler (SOAS, University of London) 15:00 15:00 Oral ##conf1032 Borders in the Twenty First century (1): Contemporary research Issues Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: David Newman ##conf1032 Thirty Years on from the "Borderless" World: Making Sense of our Contested Border Narratives » David Newman (Ben-Gurion University) ##conf1032 Beyond ‘Borderism’. Overcoming discriminative b/ordering and othering » Henk Van Houtum (Radboud University) ##conf1032 - At war with the coronavirus. Symbolism, borders and the pandemic. » Elisabeth Vallet (CMR-St Jean and UQAM), Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1104 Militias, frontiers, and frontiersmen (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Patrick Meehan and Nicholas Pope Oral ##conf1087 Co-producing Britain’s Post-Brexit Agri-Environment Policy – Overcoming Borders, Boundaries and Other Challenges (2): Challenges and Opportunities Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Judith Tsouvalis and Ruth Little and David Christian Rose ##conf1087 6 Co-designing policy and co-producing social evidence: Examples from tree health and fisheries » Julie Urquhart (University of Gloucestershire), Bianca Ambrose-Oji (Forest Research), Paul Courtney (University of Gloucestershire), John Powell (University of Gloucestershire), Matt REED (University of Gloucestershire), Chris Williams (New Economics Foundation) ##conf1087 7 The long road to policy co-production: a case study of agri-food policy making in the context of Brexit Britain » Chris Maughan (University of Coventry), Colin R. Anderson (University of Coventry), Moya Kneafsey (University of Coventry) Page 147 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Networks of Care: Learning About Cybersecurity from Tech Abuse Advocates » Julia Slupska (University of Oxford) Continued from Thursday, 2 September ##conf1087 8 Social learning theory in farmer discussion groups: building trust, fostering critical self-reflexivity and facilitating change » Elizabeth Dooley (University of Exeter) ##conf1087 9 Co-production between information asymmetry and stakeholder fatigue » Katrin Prager (University of Aberdeen) ##conf1087 10 Voices from the margins: looking for the ‘hard-toreach’ affected by England’s new agri-environmental policy and enabling them to participate in co-design » Jess E. Lyon (University of Sheffield), Ruth Little (University of Sheffield), David Christian Rose (University of Reading), Judith Tsouvalis (University of Sheffield), Paul Hurley (University of Southampton), Jilly Hall (SPSN: Supporting the People who Support Nature) 15:00 Oral : DGRG1; GFGRG1 ##conf1002 Everyday Digital Technologies of Surveillance, Harassment and Abuse (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Dana Cuomo and Katherine Brickell and Anna Jackman Biometrics "at-a-distance": Facial recognition, touchlessness, and environmental governance » Mark Andrejevic (Monash), Chris O'Neill (Monash University), Gavin Smith (Australia National University), Neil Selwyn (Monash University) Living Under Surveillance: Well-being, Trust and Protest » Jeremy Crampton (Newcastle University) Code, screens, and the everyday racialization of platform real estate » Ian Spangler (University of Kentucky) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Everyday drone harms: A feminist geopolitics of the domestic(ated) drone » Anna Jackman (University of Reading), Katherine Brickell (Royal Holloway, University of London) 15:00 Oral ##conf1230 The political ecology of social-environmental extreme events (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Maria Rusca and Filippo Menga and Gregory Simon and Raven Cretney 6. Anticipating “The Big One”: Origins, Expressions and Strategies of an Elusive Extreme (Session code: ##conf1230) » Gregory Simon (University of Colorado Denver) 7. Disproportionality in loss and damage from climate extremes (Session code: ##conf1230) » Kelly Dorkenoo (Lund University), Murray Scown (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University), Emily Boyd (Lund University) 8. Speculative Political Ecologies: modelling utopian and dystopian futures shaped by hydroclimatic extremes (Session code: ##conf1230) » Maria Rusca (Uppsala University), Maurizio Mazzoleni (Uppsala University), Elisa Savelli (Uppsala University), Giuliano Di Baldassarre (Uppsala University), Gabriele Messori (Uppsala University) 9. Emergency decrees as instruments of the political power game: the Brazilian case (Session code: ##conf1230) » Norma Valencio (Federal University of São Carlos-UFSCar), Arthur Valencio (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), Murilo da Silva Baptista (University of Aberdeen-UoA) Page 148 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September A More-Than-Human Environmental Politics: Indigenous Communities and the State in Nepal (##conf1257) » Nadine Plachta (University of Fribourg) 10. Patchworks of Safety: Governing Disaster Risks and Anticipation in the Margins of Santiago, Chile (Session code: ##conf1230) » Ricardo Fuentealba (University of Amsterdam) 15:00 Oral : CCRG1 ##conf1050 The Battle for the Borders of Climate Science: Agnotology, Epistemology and the Contested Politics of Environmental Ignorance (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Laurie Parsons Cosmopolitical ecologies of COVID-19 in Bhutan: Repurposing Ritual and Representing Realities (##conf1257) » Riam Kuyakanon (CAm), Dorji Gyeltshen (Royal University of Bhutan) Mountain Deities and Divine Rulers in Local Cosmologies and Ecologies of East Tibet (##conf1257) » Anna Sehnalova (The University of Oxford) 15:00 Knowledge, ignorance and climate change: who claims what in the Maldives? » Alex Arnall (University of Reading) ##conf1220 Urban farming & growing- beyond physical and productive landscapes to the richness of social space » Chris Blythe (Social Farms & Gardens, Bristol), Veronica Barry (Birmingham City University), Silvio Caputo (University of Kent, Canterbury), Victoria Schoen (University of Kent, Canterbury) Climate change denial in Brazil: the struggles for the regime of truth » Jean Miguel (Federal University of São Paulo) Climate Migration Myths » Ingrid Boas (University of Wageningen) ##conf1220 Urban horticulture and public/private spaces » Dan Keech (University of Gloucestershire), Marc Redepenning (OttoFriedrich University, Bamberg) Holistic approaches to environmental risk: flat epistemologies? » Amy Donovan (University of Cambridge) 15:00 Oral : DevGRG12 ##conf1257 Cosmopolitical ecologies: Breaching the bounds of the visible, puncturing the political Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Alexander Cullen and Riam Kuyakanon A cosmopolitical ecologies of climate change in Timor-Leste » Alexander Cullen (University of Cambridge) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : FGRG6 ##conf1220 Landscapes of exchange, interaction and attachment Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Claudia Rojas Bernal and Monica Rivera-Muñoz Urban Food Book. Sheffield » Claudia Rojas Bernal (Universidad de la Costa), Monica Rivera-Muñoz (Programa Urban Andes) 15:00 Oral : GCYFRG9 ##conf1180 Families on the edge: experiences of location and marginalisation Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Tracy Ann Hayes and Ivana Lessner Listiakova Page 149 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September Livelihood-Environment Tensions, Agroextractivism and Pastoralism: campesino farmers of the Boyacá páramos ##conf1040 » Lauren Blake (University of Bristol, UK), Jaskiran Kaur Chohan (University of Bristol, UK), Mark Eisler (University of Bristol, UK), Maria Paula Escobar-Tello (University of Bristol, UK) 1) Children on the move: forced migration in England due to domestic violence » Janet C. Bowstead (Royal Holloway, University of London) 2) Wandering on the margins: supporting young people to experience nature through the companionship of a responsive adult » Tracy Ann Hayes (University of Cumbria) Social Dynamics of Climate Change Vulnerability: Insights from a Rural Fishing Community in Ghana ##conf1040 » Daniel Koomson (University of Derby, UK), Sian Davies-Vollum (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby, UK), Debadayita Raha (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby) 3) Living with autism in rural coastal areas of England » Ivana Lessner Listiakova (University of Suffolk), David Preece (Northamptonshire) Creating sustainable rural spaces: understanding citizens’ perspectives of grassland landscapes and ‘ecosystem services’ across Europe ##conf1040 » Sophie Tindale (University of Newcastle, UK), John Elliott (ADAS), Rosa Gallardo (University of Cordoba), Erik Hunter (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Simona Miškolci (Mendel University), Victoria Vicario Modroño (University of Cordoba), Paul Newell Price (ADAS), Samantha Outhwaite (ADAS), Pedro Sanchez (University of Cordoba), Martijn Sonnevelt (ETH Zurich), Marjolein Elings (University of Wageningen), Lynn Frewer (University of Newcastle, UK) 4) Tip-toes around neighbourhood politics: Schooling access for waste picker children and youth in Delhi » Loritta CHAN (University of Edinburgh) 5) The Uneven Topographies of Indigenous Families ‘at’ the Edge » Pallawi Sinha (University of Suffolk) 6) Living on the margins: Travellers and Gypsies construct of homeplace, identity and belonging » Carolyn Leader (University of Suffolk) 15:00 Rural sustainable futures: Engaging with the CHASE model to enhance community wellbeing ##conf1040 » Jean Ross (College of Health, Otago Polytechnic), Keith Whiddon (Community resident Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire), Samuel Mann (Otago Polytechnic), Daphne Page (Community resident Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire) Oral : RGRG9 ##conf1040 Beyond the Borderlands – exploring sustainable rural futures Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Eifiona Thomas Lane and Lois Mansfield and Rebecca Jones Working together towards ‘good farming’ - ##conf1040 » Sharon Flanigan (Social, Economic, and Geographical Sciences (SEGS), The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen), Claire Hardy (Social, Economic, and Geographical Sciences (SEGS), The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral : GeogEd3 ##conf1041 Evolving the ‘Higher Education Research Group’ to the ‘Geography & Education Research Group’ Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Ruth Healey and Harry West Page 150 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 The History of the Higher Education Research Group » Ruth Healey (University of Chester), Derek France (University of Chester), Jennifer Hill (University of Gloucestershire), Harry West (University of the West of England) ##conf1295: Exploring a dispute: Planning, NIMBY-ism, and informal spaces of religious practice » Giuseppe Carta (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)) Geographies of Education: A Journey » Peter Kraftl (University of Birmingham), Will Andrews (University of Central Lancashire), Suzanne Beech (Ulster University), Giulia Chiara Ceresa (University of Birmingham), Sarah Holloway (Loughborough University), Vicky Johnson (University of the Highlands and Islands), Cath White (Northumbria University) Living in displacement with faith: A conversation with a young Syrian man in Lebanon » Hannah Sender (University College London) Formalising the Relationship between Geography Education & Geographies of Education as GeogEd » Harry West (University of the West of England), Jennifer Hill (University of Gloucestershire), Matt Finn (University of Exeter), Ruth Healey (University of Chester), Alan Marvell (University of Gloucestershire), Natalie Tebbett (Loughborough University) Looking ahead to the future of GeogEd: creating spaces of exchange between communities of practice » Matt Finn (University of Exeter), Lauren Hammond (UCL), Grace Healy (UCL), James D. Todd (The University of Stirling), Alan Marvell (University of Gloucestershire), John McKendrick (University of Glasgow), Lynda Yorke (Bangor University) 15:00 Panel : PolGRG13 ##conf1164 Transnational Dimensions of the Far Right Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Jan Hutta and Anke Schwarz Panel session: Transnational Dimensions of the Far Right ##conf1164 » Anke Schwarz (Technical University of Dresden), Jan Hutta (Technical University of Dresden; University of Bayreuth), Lisa Santosa (University of Minnesota), Jason Luger (Northumbria University), Johann Braun (University of Erlangen), Bethan Johnson (Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ##conf1295 Working with the spoken word: Learning together from empirical instances (2) Sponsored by Area Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Alan Latham and Russell Hitchings ##conf1295: Exploring naturally occurring conversation: Bargaining and being positioned as 'outsider' in a Moroccan market place » Lauren Wagner (Maastricht University) ##conf1295: Which spoken words ‘count’: working with accents and the interpersonal dynamics of language-use in research » Ingrid A. Medby (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, UK) 15:00 Oral : HGRG5; HPGRG22 ##conf1111 Bound by Craft: Material Culture and Bordering within Histories of Geography Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Peter R. Martin and André Novaes 1. Anthropogeography in the Arctic: Hans Peder Steensby, Material Culture and the Search for the ‘Origins of the Inuit’ » Peter R. Martin (University of Cambridge) 2. Bordering Practices in Amazonian rivers: Cartographic Encounters in Percy Harrison Fawcett's Explorations » André Novaes (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) Page 151 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 3. Negotiating Materiality in South Asian Museums: Emergence of Indian Independence at the Periphery of Colonial Memory » Diti Bhattacharya (Griffith University) Where Exactly are You from?: A Socio-Geographical Exploration of the Cross-Cultural Identities of Young Anglo-Indians in India (##conf1076) » Maria Anne Fitzgerald (University of Delhi) 4. Photographs of field trips circulated in the Revista Brasileira de Geografia: three case studies » Lara Santos (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) The New "Global Village" in the Knowledge-Based Economy: Mobility, Bordering, and the Startups in Transnational Incubators (##conf1076) » June Wang (City University of Hong Kong), Yujing Tan (Universiteit Leiden) 5. Instruments as Signifiers of Civilisation » Jane Wess (Independent researcher) 15:00 Oral : SCGRG3 ##conf1076 From Identity to Identification: Vernacularization of Asian Borders Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Po-Yi Hung and June Wang Oral ##conf1228 Geographies of displacement (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Malene H Jacobsen and Olivia Mason Practising the Identity of Tibetan Medicine: Cross-Himalayans Herb Pickers (##conf1076) » Arjun Chapagain (City University of Hong Kong), June Wang (City University of Hong Kong) Rethinking the impacts of new extractivism: The case of natural gas-induced displacement and resettlement in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province ##conf1228 » Emilinah Namaganda (Utrecht University), Kei Otsuki (Utrecht University) Reassembling the Border: Water Politics between Kinmen,Taiwan, and China (##conf1076) » Shu-Wei Huang (National Taiwan University) Interlacing PRC (China) and ROC (Taiwan): Tea Production, Kuomintang Descendants, and the Territorial Politics at North Thai Borderlands (##conf1076) » Po-Yi Hung (National Taiwan University) Community sponsorship of refugees in Canada: will it continue and why (not)? ##conf1228 » Jennifer Hyndman (York University), Biftu Yousuf (York University), Dawit Demoz (York University), Anna Purkey (University of Waterloo), Kathy Sherrell (York University), Johanna Reynolds (York University) Remoteness and Power in Energy Extraction Frontiers ##conf1228 » Ana Watson (University of Calgary), Conny Davidsen (University of Calgary) Oral ##conf1308 Education: Race, ethnicity and curriculum development Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Nicola Thomas Discussant ##conf1228 » Jen Bagelman (Newcastle University) A local lens on global issues: Muinín Catalyst project » Rebecca White (Smartlab Skelligs) 15:00 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 152 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 BEYOND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TRADITIONAL LEARNING SPACE. THREE ALTERNATIVE EXPERIMENTATIONS IN ITALIAN PUBLIC SCHOOL » Giulia Chiara Ceresa (University of Birmingham) Agro-environmental projects in Colombia’s Amazon: the institutional organisation of multi-species borders » Maria Paula Escobar-Tello (University of Bristol, UK), Adriana SuárezDelucchi (University of Bristol) Transgressing the obstinate white borders of school Geography in England » Christine Winter (The University of Sheffield) 15:00 CONSTRAINTS TO LIVELIHOOD OPTIONS AMONG PASTOTALISTS IN YUSUFARI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF YOBE STATE NIGERIA » Ibrahim Jajere (Department of Geography, Federal University Gashua. Yobe State, Nigeria) Oral ##conf1113 Unfinished Infrastructures (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Purva Dewoolkar and Cecilia ALDA VIDAL and Nate Millington Ecological Frontiers: Farming, foraging, and ecological symbiosis in Southern-Central Africa » Jeremy Farr (University of Queensland) The Networked City: How Blanka extended beyond its boundaries » Demetra Kourri (The University of Manchester) Encouraging farmers across Europe to uptake soil-improving cropping systems: Policy shortcomings and recommendations » Jane Mills (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire), Julie Ingram (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire), Melanie Muro (Milieu), Hedwig van Delden (Research Institute for Knowledge Systems), Charlotte Chivers (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire), Rudi Hessel (University of Wageningen) Role of Tacit Knowledges in Vitalising Water Infrastructures : Catching the Nerve of the Pipe and Do-ing Informal Craftsmanship » Vanshika Singh (National University of Singapore) First-class but not for long: heterogeneous infrastructure and water bricolage in Accra’s kiosk compounds » Rossella Alba (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Antje Bruns (Trier University) Belonging and Connecting : The value of social and cultural capital with in UK Hill farming communities. » Owen Morgan (University of Cumbria) Advancing a notion of 'radical repair': The case of the Cissie Gool House building occupation, Cape Town » Suraya Scheba (University of Cape Town) 15:00 Understanding multiple completions and failures: The case of Mumbai sewage disposal project » Purva Dewoolkar (University of Manchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1326 Political ecologies: farming and agriculture Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Felipe da Silva Machado Oral ##conf1312 Environment and climate change Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Andrew Baldwin Page 153 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 Climate, conflict and land disputes in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan » Muhammad Rafay Muzamil (The University of Western Australia), Petra Tschakert (The University of Western Australia), Bryan Boruff (The University of Western Australia), Babar Shahbaz (University of Agriculture Faisalabad) EcoSol-agroecology networks respond to the Covid-19 crisis in Brazil’s Baixada Santista region » Les Levidow (Open University), Davis Sansolo (UNESP), Monica Schiavinatto (UNESP) Fragments of sovereignty: building new territorial orders through the challenge of climate change » Constantina Theodorou (National Technical University of Athens) Internal tensions in solidarity economy: an ethnographic perspective » Raquel Alquézar Crusellas (University of Barcelona) Land-based negative emissions technologies (NETs), integrated assessment models (IAMs), and the role of critical geography » Pam McElwee (Rutgers University) Solidarity in 'coopitalism': patient cooperation for housing and profit in Kigali » Billy Ndengeyingoma (LSE) The Shippee-Johnson Peruvian Expedition of 1931: A treasure trove for analyzing glacial change using historical oblique aerial photographs » Ulrich Kamp (University of Michigan-Dearborn), Karina Yager (Stonybrook University), Elise Arnett (University of MichiganDearborn), Anton Seimon (Bard College), Tracie Seimon (Wildlife Conservation Society), Alvaro Ivanoff (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Julio Postigo (Indiana University) 15:00 Panel : DGRG17 ##conf1232 Digital Geographies – International experiences, intellectual traditions and institutional approaches Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Dorothea Kleine and Tabea Bork-Hüffer Digital Geographies – International experiences, intellectual traditions and institutional approaches » Dorothea Kleine (University of Sheffield), Tabea Bork-Hüffer (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Matthew Zook (University of Kentucky), Prince Guma (British Institute in Eastern Africa), Henning Fueller (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Phil Jones (University of Birmingham) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : EGRG23 ##conf1279 Solidarity Economies: prefiguring a post-capitalist future? Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Les Levidow and Peter North Diverse critiques: praxes of rethinking at capitalist/post-capitalist borderlands » Kiri Langmead (Nottingham Trent University), Daniel King (Nottingham Trent University) 15:00 Panel : PolGRG17 ##conf1202 Celebrating Lynn Staeheli: Feminist political geographer, mentor and leader Stage - Virtual Stage 29 Chaired by: Daniel Hammett and Rachel Pain and Alex Jeffrey ##conf1202. Celebrating Lynn Staeheli: Feminist political geographer, mentor and leader » Daniel Hammett (University of Sheffield), Alex Jeffrey (University of Cambridge), Rachel Pain (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, UK), Yesenia Andrade (The University of Arizona), Dino Kadich (University of Cambridge), Vanja Celebicic (Migration Yorkshire) Page 154 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 15:00 Workshop ##conf1271 Mental health in the academy - a conversation (online) Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Maddy Thompson Paper #6: Repurposing the Urban Sensorium: Affect, History, and Highway De/Construction in the Wake of U.S. Empire ##conf1207 » Michael Vine (Aarhus University) 15:00 Mental health in the academy - a conversation (online) » Maddy Thompson (Keele University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1207 Repairing, Repurposing, Retreating: The Materialities of Climate Response Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Noel Cass Paper #1: The politics of the conditions of life within the Anthropocene: retreating from logistical spaces ##conf1207 » Nicholas Beuret (Essex) Paper #2: Urban climate intermediaries as agents of everyday energy transformation ##conf1207 » Stefan Bouzarovski (University of Manchester) Paper #3: Re-engineering the street: low-carbon pavements? ##conf1207 » Noel Cass (University of Leeds, UK) Panel : EGRG19 ##conf1248 Theorizing in Economic Geography Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Huiwen Gong and Robert Hassink Theorizing in Economic Geography (##conf1248) » Ron Martin (University of Cambridge, UK), Henry Yeung (National University of Singapore), Julie Macleavy (University of Bristol), Roel Rutten (Tilburg University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1289 Developing Posthuman Sensibilities through Multispecies Ethnographies Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Harriet Smith and Mara Miele and Nickie Charles and Rebekah Fox 'They’re working sheep, you know I feel quite proud of my girls’: Making sense of human-animal relations and multispecies encounters on a conservation grazing programme » Matthew Adams (University of Brighton) "show me where the bats are?" » Angelica Caiza Villegas (University of Groningen the Netherlands) Paper #4: Repurposing Riverscapes: Spaces of Distribution at the Des Plaines-Kankakee Confluence ##conf1207 » Julie Cidell (Department of Geography & Geographic Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Mosquitopia and Starlingrad: Wetlands as spaces of multi-species heterotopic encounters » Mary Gearey (University of Brighton) Paper #5: Encountering terrains of de-carbonisation and related b/orderings ##conf1207 » Tarmo Pikner (Tallinn University) Neither “Pet" nor "Pest": Attending to Free-ranging Dogs and Their Usage of Space in the Nepal Himalayas » Sese Ma (Kyoto University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 155 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 17:00 Oral ##conf1061 Exploring borders with Zoom and Co.? The new virtuality of border research Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Kristine Beurskens and Judith Miggelbrink and Nona Renner Researching buffalo–human relations in the Southern Italian ‘mozzarella landscape’ » Laszlo Cseke (University of Naples Federico II) Engage in disentanglement: Multispecies encounters, elephant conservation, and human-made boundaries in Sumatra, Indonesia » Muhammad Lubabun Ni'am (Wageningen University) 15:00 Panel ##conf1172 Digital Urban Borderlands – How data technologies (will) shape migrant cities Stage - Virtual Stage 34 Chaired by: Fran Meissner Digital Urban Borderlands – How data technologies (will) shape migrant cities » Fran Meissner (ITC - University of Twente), Myria Georgiou (Department of Media and Communications - London School of Economics and Political Science), Ilia Antenucci (Institute for Culture and Society - University of Western Sydney), Nishat Awan (Faculty of Architecture - TU Delft), Emma Carmel (Department of Social & Policies Sciences - University of Bath), Alejandro De Coss Corzo (The university of Bath) 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1061 (2) The blurred virtual? Experiences from a sensitive border research context » Nona Renner (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography), Kristine Beurskens (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography), Judith Miggelbrink (Technical University of Dresden) Page 156 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 17:00 ##conf1061 (3) Networking, investigating and comparing borders from home. Local and global experiences in digital transdisciplinary exchange » Peter Ulrich (Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space) 17:00 Politicising the public: Towards a theory of citizen-led transport planning » Crystal Legacy (The University of Melbourne) Keynote Chair's plenary - Kathryn Yusoff Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari and Alexander Cullen Masterplanning public transportation in Uzbekistan ‐ the impact of the foreign know‐how on the local expert and public discourse. » Mariya Petrova (IfL — Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography) Colonialism Now: Unearthing Geologies of Race » Kathryn Yusoff (Queen Mary University of London) 17:00 Rethinking sustainable and just mobility on the ground: An investigation of everyday mobility practices and spaces for participation in Brazil » Aline Fernandes Barata (Oxford Brookes University) Oral : PyGyRG2 ##conf1025 Un-bordering ‘knowledge exchange and impact’; Reinvigorating participatory methodologies of scholar-activism (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Sonja Marzi and Flora Cornish “La bicicleta tiene sentido y razón” [The bicycle makes sense and is correct]: mobilising knowledge in Latin American cycling movements » Paola Castañeda (University of Oxford, School of Geography and the Environment) How a student and an activist navigated the participatory design of a research project about Malawi’s disability rights movement » Sarah Huque (University of St Andrews), Action AMOS (Pan African Network for Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities, Malawi) The role of the collective in photovoice based research with black and ethnic minority postgraduate students » Akile Ahmet (London School of Economics and Political Science), Amena Amer (University of Greenwich) Participatory research in and against time » Rachel Rosen (University College London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1165 Mobilising, producing and contesting transport and mobility from below: collectors, enthusiasts, activists, revolutionaries (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Wojciech Kębłowski and Wladimir Sgibnev Illegality and bottom up enthusiasm in Russian gliding » Egor Muleev (IfL — Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography) The Paradoxical Place-Attachments of Road Enthusiasts » Lynne Pearce (Lancaster University) 17:00 Oral : SCGRG2 ##conf1034 Navigating, disrupting and re-working the borders of multiple citizenships (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Kahina Meziant and John Clayton Page 157 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1185: Rifts, Shifts and Fetishes in the Energy Islandscapes of the Anthropocene » Steven Harry (King's College London) Continued from Thursday, 2 September Migrant activism and the Detention Reform Sector: resistances and reproductions of hegemonic notions of citizenship, nationhood and belonging » Anish Chhibber (Northumbria University) Beyond Binaries of Belonging and Exclusion: Understanding Citizen and Resident Dynamics in Dubai » Rana Almutawa (University of Oxford) ##conf1185: Antinomies of Mangroves: The politics of landlessness and nature-based climate adaptation in Fiji » Delilah Griswold (Cornell University) 17:00 Anadromous Frontiers: reframing citizenship in extractive regions. The case of the salmon industry in the Los Lagos region of Chile » Beatriz Bustos Gallardo (Universidad de Chile) ##conf1032 Are borders back? But what if they never left? Implications of “RE-bordering” for border theory. » Anne-Laure AMILHAT SZARY (Universite Grenoble) Contested citizenship – Irishness and Brexit » Niamh Lear (Newcastle University) 17:00 ##conf1032 Unintended consequences of the Hardening of the Border: Impact on vulnerable populations » Irasema Coronado (Arizona State University -) Oral ##conf1185 Anthropocene Islands (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler ##conf1185: The story of the moving island: the island and migration debate in the age of the Anthropocene » Amina Ghezal (University of Exeter) ##CONF1185 Riding the private wave: The Caribbean post-disaster anthropocene » Ian Bennett (University of Bahamas) ##conf1185: Sea Level Rise and the Temporalities of Islands in the Anthropocene: The Sinking/Growing/Artificial Islands of Tuvalu » Liam Saddington (University of Oxford) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1032 Borders in the Twenty First century (2): Future Research Agendas Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: David Newman ##conf1032 Covid and EU borders – What the Covid health pandemic taught us about borders’ » Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly (University of Victoria) 18:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 18:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Page 158 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Thursday, 2 September 19:00 Un-bordering ‘knowledge exchange and impact’; Reinvigorating participatory methodologies of scholar-activism » Sonja Marzi (Department of Methodology, London School of Economics and Political Science), Flora Cornish (Department of Methodology, London School of Economics and Political Science), Diana Mitlin (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester), Sam Halvorsen (School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London), Sara Kindon (Victoria University of Wellington), Caitlin Cahill (Pratt Institute), Rachel Pain (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, UK) Oral ##conf1081 Film, geography, practice, politics: navigating the borderlands of film production (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Polly Stupples and Maja Zonjić and Jessica Jacobs ##conf1081 Paper 1: Carceral Documentary – Making Media in a Pennsylvania Jail » Nandini Sikand (Lafayette College) ##conf1081 Paper 2: Identity, intersectionality, and interdisciplinarity: unpacking positionality and research processes in Utila, Honduras » Maja Zonjić (Victoria University of Wellington), Paola Díaz (Universidad de Costa Rica) 20:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 21:00 Panel ##conf1081 Film, geography, practice, politics: navigating the borderlands of film production (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Polly Stupples and Maja Zonjić and Jessica Jacobs ##conf1081 Paper 3: Storying geographies with moving images: more-than-human collaborative filmmaking for cultivating response-ability » Katrina Brown (The James Hutton Institute), Petra Lackova (James Hutton Institute) ##conf1081 Panel Discussion: Framing filmic geographies: Definitions, demarcations, and disputes » Polly Stupples (Victoria University of Wellington), Maja Zonjić (Victoria University of Wellington), Jessica Jacobs (School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London), Katrina Brown (The James Hutton Institute), Nandini Sikand (Lafayette College) ##conf1081 Paper 4: Stretching the ‘celluloid ceiling’: women’s creative agency in the emerging Pacific film industry » Polly Stupples (Vic), Katerina Teaiwa (Australia National University) ##conf1081 Paper 5: What is the use of film? » Jessica Jacobs (School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London) 19:00 Panel : PyGyRG0 ##conf1025 Un-bordering ‘knowledge exchange and impact’; Reinvigorating participatory methodologies of scholar-activism (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Sonja Marzi and Flora Cornish Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Friday, 08:40 3 September General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Page 159 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Continued from Friday, 3 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 160 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 161 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 08:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 09:00 Keynote ##conf1293 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Lecture Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: James Sidaway General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography lecture: Contemporary African Geographies and Defiant Scholarship » Patricia Daley (University of Oxford, UK), Amber Murrey (University of Oxford) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 ##conf1293 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Lecture: Discussants » Maano Ramutsindela (University of Cape Town), AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield), Christine Noe (University of Dar es Salaam), Stefan Ouma (University of Bayreuth), James Sidaway (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore) General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 09:00 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : GeogEd8 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1169 Teaching and Learning in Geography: inspiring courage and compassion in the pedagogic borderlands Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Helen Walkington and Jennifer Hill and Sarah Dyer Page 162 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1020 Paper 3. A queer conference in the neoliberal university: The academic conference as a safe space. » Gilly Hartal (The Gender Studies Programme, Bar-Ilan University) Continued from Friday, 3 September Student podcasting as disruptive pedagogy: enhancing empathy through listening and storytelling » Chris McMorran (Department of Geography, National University of Singapore) A more human geography: Slow teaching in a massified world » Bradley Rink (University of the Western Cape) Taking a Pedagogic Chance with Psychogeography » Taylor Butler-Eldridge (University of Exeter, UK) Higher education pedagogy and the practice of teaching controversial topics in human geography » Laxmi Pant (University of Greenwick) Inclusive teaching and learning practices in Geography » Annie Hughes (Kingston University), Danielle Chavrimootoo (Kingston University) 09:00 Oral : GFGRG3 ##conf1020 (Re-)thinking the academic conference space (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Catherine Oliver ##conf1020 Paper 1. Introduction: Re-thinking the academic conference space » Catherine Oliver (University of Cambridge) ##conf1020 Paper 2. 2.Developing a sense of belonging – understanding academic conferences as spaces of identity development from the perspectives of school students and teachers. » Elizabeth Rushton (King's College London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1020 Paper 4. Academic conferences as spaces of gendered, neo-colonial violence » Jenny K Rodriguez (Work & Equalities Institute, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester), Sadhvi Dar (Queen Mary University of London), Angela Dy (Loughborough University London) 09:00 Oral : EGRG7 ##conf1098 Fashion Futures: creative economies, global networks and local development in the Global South (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Lauren England and Ekaette Ikpe and Roberta Comunian Masterjis and the Local Fashion Landscape » Megha Chauhan (Indian Institute of Art and Design) Creative industries micro-enterprises, intellectual property and informality: A Case Study of the Shweshwe Sewing Industry in South Africa » Jen Snowball (South African Cultural Observatory), Aviwe Mapuma (Rhodes University) Africa Fashion Futures: cultural heritage, global networks and local development » Lauren England (University of Dundee), Roberta Comunian (King’s College London), Ekaette Ikpe (King's College London) Cultural sustainability and mobility in post-Covid fashion enterprise » Rimi Khan (RMIT University Vietnam) Disrupting the status quo in fashion: transition pathways to a sustainable fashion system » Mariangela Lavanga (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Sophie Buchel (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Aniek HEBINCK (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Derk Loorbach (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Page 163 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Rural Livelihood and Climate Change Vulnerability in Indian subHimalaya: Spatial Patterns, Determinants, and Suitable Policies » Manoranjan Ghosh (Doctoral Fellow at Centre for Rural Development and Innovative Sustainable Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur), Somnath Ghosal (Centre for Rural Development and Innovative Sustainable Technology, Indian Institute of Technology) Continued from Friday, 3 September 09:00 Oral : PolGRG3 ##conf1092 The Relational North: Regional identities and political aspirations Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Mia Bennett and Ingrid A. Medby Societal Infrastructure and Climate Sensitive Infections: The Complexity of Climate Change Adaptation in Pastoralism » Barbara Baczynska (Nord University), Grete Hovelsrud (Nord University), Camilla Risvoll (Nordland Research Institute) Cosmographical renderings of Arctic regional identities, past and present (##conf1092; Presentation 1) » Michael Bravo (University of Cambridge) Looking North: creative mapping practices of the Anthropocene in Atlas of Productivity and The Deep Wealth of this Nation, Scotland (##conf1092; Presentation 3) » Inge Panneels (Edinburgh Napier University) The Lake District: Ambivalence between North and South (##conf1092; Presentation 4) » Basak Tanulku (Independent researcher) ‘Welcome to the North’: Public art, place-marketing and the Northern imaginary (##conf1092; Presentation 5) » Rebecca Farley (Newcastle University) 09:00 Oral : RGRG10 ##conf1042 Peripheral Regions and the Big Challenges for the 21st Century Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Megan Palmer Abbs and Camilla Risvoll Out-migration as a coping and adaptation strategy to coastal erosion and flooding in Keta and Ada, along the south-eastern coast of Ghana. The role of translocal networks. » Sule Ayannor Issaka (Institute of Geography, University of Cologne) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Coping with darkening peaks » Halvor Dannevig (Western Norway Research Institute), Tone Rusdal (Western Norway Research Institute) 09:00 Oral : LAGWG5 ##conf1296 Exploring the Geographies of Social MovementGovernment Relations Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Bernardo Fernandes and Sam Halvorsen ##conf1296 Urban Policy-Making in Post-Revolutionary Context: Case of Yerevan, Armenia » Armine Bagiyan (University of Oslo) ##conf1296 Illusive peacebuilding: social movements and the state in Colombia » Krisna Ruette-Orihuela (Loughborough University), Katherine Gough (Loughborough University, UK) ##conf1296 Local socialism in the post-Corbyn Labour city? » Peter North (university of liverpool) ##conf1296 Socioterritorial movements, violence and political alliances in Eastern Amazon: a case study of the political networks in agrarian context » Jose Sobreiro Filho (Federal University of Para) Page 164 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September ##conf1158 Enclaved riverine heritages: Memory and politics on the banks of the Hugli » Andrew Davies (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool) ##conf1296 Movements and Governments in Latin America: a socioterritorial analysis » Bernardo Fernandes (Sao Paolo State University) 09:00 ##conf1158 The Jordan River as border: a tale of misrecognition and plunder » Muna Dajani (Middle East Centre, London School of Economics) Oral : PGF10 ##conf1246 Crossing the boundary between academia and activism: Postgraduates stories and practices of resistance Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Carlotta MOLFESE and Emily Westwell ##conf1158 FLUVIAL FRONTIER » Ifor Duncan (Ca' Foscari, University of Venice), Stefanos Levidis (Forensic Architecture) Leveraging alternative resources: What can reciprocity look like for the postgraduate scholar-activist? » Alice Taherzadeh (Cardiff University) Systemic constraints on researchers and educationalists as activists » Raichael Lock (University of Manchester) ##Conf1246 Merci Beauco-op: Co-operative research in Belfast » Eleonore Perrin (Liverpool University) Oral : UGRG13 ##conf1215 Staying at Home?: Housing Struggles during the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Alex Baker and Elsa Noterman ##Conf1246 A scholar activist’s story in pictures - Extinction Rebellion’s first year on the streets of London. » Stephen Langford (The University of Sheffield) Staying at home when home isn’t safe: homelessness in a time of crisis » Leah Chan (Newcastle University) Living with Airbnb: Everyday activism against gentrification in Kensington » Sharda Rozena (University of Leicester) 09:00 ##conf1158 Seeing like a Riverborder: rethinking liquid boundaries along the Moselle River » Rebekka Kanesu (Trier University) Oral ##conf1158 Rivers as Borders? (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Rebekka Kanesu and Eva McGrath Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Join the union + raised fist emoji: Ireland’s Community Action Tenants Union and digital/material organising in a disorganised setting » Maedhbh Nic Lochlainn (Trinity College Dublin) Discussant » Fiadh Tubridy (University College Dublin) Page 165 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 09:00 Oral : EGRG10 ##conf1107Sustainability Risks in Global Production, Distribution, and Consumption (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Nora Lanari and David Bek and Jill Timms 1) A resilience and gender lens to examine sustainability risks in seaweed value chains - ##conf1107 » Virginie LE MASSON (Overseas Development Institute), Jee Suyo (University of the Philippines Visayas), Adibi NOR (The International Institute of Public Policy and Management), Azam Ari (The International Institute of Public Policy and Management), Ivy Matoju (University of Dar es Salaam), Louise CHAXSON (Overseas Development Institute) 2) Risks in the Global Production Networks – insights from meat production in Germany - ##conf1107 » Kim Philip SCHUMACHER (University of Osnabrück), Martin Franz (University of Osnabrück), Philip VERFÜRTH (University of Osnabrück), Philip Völlers (University of Osnabrück) 3) Talking about coffee: examining sustainability risks through stakeholder dialogue in Indonesia-UK coffee supply chains ##conf1107 » Jennifer Ferreira (Coventry University), Benny TJAHJONO (Coventry University), Jordon Lazell (Coventry University), David Bek (Coventry University) 4) Global decisions vs. local realities: Sustainability standards, priorities and upgrading dynamics in agricultural global production networks - ##conf1107 » Judith Krauss (University of Sheffield), Aarti Krishnan (University of Manchester) 5) The Limits to Environmental Upgrading - ##conf1107 » Nora Lanari (Victoria University of Wellington), David Bek (Coventry University), Jill Timms (Coventry University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : GLTRG5 ##conf1108 Tourism-dependent islands and the pandemic: grey clouds but also silver linings (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Apisalome Movono and Regina Scheyvens Silver linings around dark clouds: Tourism, Covid-19 and a return to kinship and the Vanua (Session 1, Presentation 1) » Apisalome Movono (Massey University), Regina Scheyvens (Massey University) The importance of ‘collective’: A coastal community’s response to the COVID-19 induced international tourism collapse in Vanuatu (Session 1, Presentation 2) » Dirk Steenbergen (University of Wollongong), Pita Neihapi (The Pacific Community) Mauritius – Negative and Positive Impacts of Covid-19 and PostPandemic Challenges (Session 1, Presentation 3) » Srilekha Bhattacharjee (Hassaram Rijhumal College of Commerce and Economics) Exploring the Effectiveness and Resilience of Integrated Conservation and Development Projects to Global Disruptions: a comparative case study in the Cook Islands and Tonga (Session 1, Presentation 4) » Roxane de Waegh (Auckland University of Technology), Mark Orams (Auckland University of Technology), Michael Lueck (Auckland University of Technology) ‘We have a moat and we are not afraid to use it’: resilience and adaptation in tourism in Tasmania (Session 1, Presentation 5) » Anne Hardy (University of Tasmania), Can Seng Ooi (University of Tasmania) COVID-19 and virtual voluntourism in Fiji: Questioning virtual volunteers’ contribution to sustainable development (Session 1, Presentation 6) » Cristina Alexandra Trifan (University of Westminster), Claudia Dolezal (IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems) Page 166 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Paper no: 1: ##conf1128: From Campus to Community, from Community to Campus – some lessons from the south for a dialogical (joined-up) reworking of northern public space » Robert Brown (University of Plymouth, UK) Continued from Friday, 3 September 09:00 Oral : GHWRG12; PyGyRG8 ##conf1101 Blurred Boundaries: Caring Institutions in Pandemic Times (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Sam Strong and Ed Kiely and Rosalie Warnock Do I deserve to die? Emotional encounters at the complaint department of a Dutch health insurer. ##conf1101 » Nikkie Buskermolen (Leiden University) Paper no: 4: ##conf1128: Reporting from the front: How socioeconomic non-conformities revolutionise architecture as a political act » Aliki-Myrto Perysinaki (Liverpool John Moores University) Private Equity in Spaces of Care: Chronic Illness and the Provisioning of Dialysis in the United States ##conf1101 » Jessa Loomis (Newcastle University), Caitlin Henry (University of Manchester) Paper no: 8: ##conf1128: Outside the Therapy Room: Exploring geographical concepts and methods to support early psychosis recovery » Mark Batterham (Bath &North-East Somerset Early Intervention in Psychosis Service), Aled Singleton (Swansea University), Alpana Bose (South Gloucestershire Psychological Therapies Service), Pamela Jacobsen (University of Bath) Presentations of the ageing self: the role of healthcare smart homes in (re)producing notions of ageing ##conf1101 » Rachel Creaney (The James Hutton Institute) Boundary work – the emotional dimension of the clinical encounter ##conf1101 » Louise Younie (Queen Mary University of London) Discussant ##conf1101 » Ed Kiely (University of Cambridge) 09:00 Paper no: 3: ##conf1128: Urban Informality in the Making: Spatial Strategies in Gimpo, South Korea » Sangwon Chae (Seoul National University), HaeRan Shin (Seoul National University) Oral : DevGRG6 ##conf1128 Reframing Urban Informalities as a planning and development paradigm for resilient futures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Lakshmi Priya Rajendran and Aysegul Can and Nezhapi Delle Odeleye Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : DGRG5; EGRG26; GFGRG18 ##conf1052 Digital Labour Geographies: Gig Work Futures (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Al James and Karin Schwiter and Christian Berndt Working 5 to 9: Rhythm and the construction of everyday labour geographies in London’s gig-economy » Adam Badger (Royal Holloway University of London) The discursive politics and contested emergence of on-demand digital platform labour in Singapore » Rohini Anant (National University of Singapore), Neil Coe (National University of Singapore) Surviving platform-work: spaces of sociality and support amongst ‘gig’ workers in Bangalore » Kaveri Medappa (University of Sussex) Page 167 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ‘How can we help our coasts to be free from plastics?’ Exploring activist responses, environmental citizenship and Wales’ Future Wellbeing Goals. » Kinga NIEDZINSKA (Bangor University), Eifiona Thomas Lane (Bangor University), Rebecca Jones (Bangor University) Continued from Friday, 3 September Between digital platforms and the deep sea: Gig-work at the margins » Shyam Krishna (Royal Holloway, University of London) Urban Initiatives to Ban the Use of Plastics in Israel – Will the New Local Buzz Lead to a Global Change? » Yonat Rein Sapir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Discussant » Al James (Newcastle University) 09:00 Oral : PolGRG14 ##conf1200 Infrastructures of Solidarity: The spatial politics of political organising (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Rosie Hampton and Lazaros Karaliotas and Diarmaid Kelliher (##conf1200) Unemployed Workers’ Centres: historical geographies of an unemployed presence » Paul Griffin (Northumbria University) ‘Unflushables’: Establishing a global agenda for action on everyday practices associated with sewer blockages, water quality, and plastic pollution » Alison Browne (University of Manchester), Cecilia ALDA VIDAL (University of Manchester), Claire Hoolohan (University of Manchester) (##conf1200) “Te dico fermate, qui non si sgombera, Roma si barrica, noi rimaniamo qua!” For a radical theory of housing squats in Rome as autonomous infrastructures » Margherita Grazioli (Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila University) Plastic boundaries: geographies for decolonising research with the majority world » Deirdre McKay (Keele University), Elyse STAYNES (University of Wollongong) (##conf1200) Spatialities of Protest: Reflections on the making of University ‘Space’ in India » Sheela Prasad (University of Hyderabad) (##conf1200) “The Free Republic of Wendland” – Tangible Resistance » Viktoria Noka (University of Glasgow) 09:00 Living with plastics: Some insights from a Mass Observation study » David Evans (University of Bristol), Peter JACKSON (University of Sheffield), Rorie Parsons (University of Sheffield) Oral : GCYFRG10; PERG4 ##conf1198 Plastic Geographies (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Alison Browne and Peter Kraftl Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : HGRG8 ##conf1229 New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Ruth Quinn and Jenna Kirk and Ed Armston-Sheret People, Place and the North Coast 500: A collaborative engagement with the contested landscapes of tourism » Julian Grant (University of the Highlands and Islands) Mobilising the (im)material: deathscapes and the historical geographies of territory » Cameron Byron (university of liverpool) Page 168 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September Barry Lopez’s imaginal geographies ##conf1115 » Richard Scriven (University College Cork) London, Local City: the emergence of the local in the work of the Greater London Council, 1977-86. » Tessa Pinto (Royal Holloway, University of London) Out of Home, in to Homeland: Dis-placement and Everydayness of Partition in This is Not that Dawn ##conf1115 » Chayanika Saxena (National University of Singapore) Genealogies of vitalism and the resurgence of eco-fascism in Germany » Matthew Varco (University of Manchester) The dual imagination of multiple geographical belongings: A political and cultural geographical reading of bilingualism, dual citizenship and multiple territorial identities in Double nationalité (Nina Yargekov 2016) ##conf1115 » Virginie Mamadouh (Universiteit Van Amsterdam) Re-Placing Landscapes Remembered » Adam Lundberg (Uppsala University) 09:00 Oral : HPGRG14 ##conf1097 Worlds of wisdom: ontologies of geography, philosophy and geosophy (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Emily Hayes Reimagining Maps, Making Space for the Future: Geographic Counter-Stories for Palestinian and Singaporean Resistance ##conf1115 » Amelia Hassoun (University of Oxford) Imagined Geographies of North Korea: Myth, Transformation and Kim Jong Suk ##conf1115 » Robert Winstanley-Chesters (University of Leeds, UK) Geography, geosophy and ontological turns » Emily Hayes (Oxford Brookes University) Comparative wisdom? » Matt Candea (CAm) Space and happiness: some notes on the dialogue between geography and ethics » Stefania Bonfiglioli (University of Bologna) Matters between Life and Death » Steve Pile (Open University) 09:00 Oral : SCGRG10 ##conf1115 Imagined, imaginative, and imaginary geographies (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: James Riding and Olivia Mason Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : PopGRG5 ##conf1118 Lost in translation: beyond the bounds of language and migration Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Sergei Shubin and Marcus Doel Am I a local or am I a stranger? The role of language is shaping UK’s immigrant-background young adult’s positioning and belonging in the UK and in their parents’ countries of origin » Anna Gruszczynska (Durham University) The role of language in the regional integration of migrants from new European Union Member states in France and in the UK » Mila Sanchez (Paris) Page 169 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September conf1137 - Contested urban boundaries: measuring urban structure using several urban definitions » Thomas Statham (University of Bristol), Sean Fox (University of Bristol), Levi John Wolf (University of Bristol) Picture Postcard Conversations: expressions of mobility, migration, rurality and welcome from rural Wales » Sarah Foster (Swansea University) conf1137 - The effect of long term air pollution exposure on selfreported limiting long-term illness in the United Kingdom: A multi-ethnicity census-based study » Mary Abed Al Ahad (University of St Andrews), Frank Sullivan (University of St Andrews), Urška Demšar (University of St Andrews), Hill Kulu (University of St Andrews) The temporal-emotional journeys of young Congolese and Somali refugees in Uganda: impacts on arrival and everyday futures » Lorraine Van Blerk (University of Dundee) Language in motion: beyond unity, coherence, and stability » Marcus Doel (Swansea University), Sergei Shubin (Swansea University) Discussant » Osian Elias (Swansea University, UK) 09:00 Oral : QMRG1 ##conf1137 The Future of Quantitative Geography: Critical Engagements, Conceptual Borders (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Alistair Anderson and Nick Dorward and Lenka Hasova and Thomas Statham and Isabelle Bi conf1137 - Transportation Mode Detection within the San Francisco Bay Area using GPS Data » Sian Teesdale (university of liverpool), Alex Singleton (university of liverpool), Alessia Calafiore (university of liverpool) conf1137 - American Retail Centre Geographies: Centres, Characteristics and Catchments » Patrick Ballantyne (university of liverpool) conf1137 - Life, Liberty and Home in the 21st Century: using big data and text mining to critically engage with the American Dream » Andrew Renninger (Penn State University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : RGRG6 ##conf1023 The water pollution blame game: governance and power relations in managing diffuse water pollution from agriculture Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Adrienne Attorp and Alison Caffyn and Charlotte Chivers 1023-1 Agricultural pollution and waterways on the island of Ireland: Towards effective policy solutions » Adrienne Attorp (Newcastle University) 1023-2 Mismanaging nutrients: the rationalities of displacement and denial in the River Wye catchment » Alison Caffyn (Cardiff University) 1023-3 The credibility and relevance of agricultural advice surrounding diffuse water pollution: exploring the perspectives of livestock farmers » Charlotte Chivers (University of Gloucestershire) 1023-4 Discussion panel: the water pollution blame game » Julie Ingram (University of Gloucestershire), Adrienne Attorp (Newcastle University), Alison Caffyn (Cardiff University), Charlotte Chivers (University of Gloucestershire), Donnacha Doody (Agrifood and Biosciences Institute), Paul Withers (Lancaster University) Page 170 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Beastly Places and Borderlands: A Visual Methods Approach » Catherine Price (University of Reading) Continued from Friday, 3 September 09:00 Oral : TGRG1 ##conf1024 Coworking spaces: a tool to reduce commuting and enhance well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Thérèse Bajada and Dr Bernadine Satariano and Ilaria Mariotti #1. Coworking in 15-minutes cities. The cases of Lisbon and Oslo » Mina Di Marino (Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Landscape and Society), Elisabete Tomaz (Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies, ISCTE - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa), Cristina Henriques (Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon), Hossein Chavoshi (Department of Geomatics, Faculty of Science and Technology) #2. The attractiveness of the Milan neighborhoods towards remote workers and city users: evidence before and during the Covid-19 pandemic » Ilaria Mariotti (DAStU-Politecnico di Milano), Dante Di Matteo (DAStU-Politecnico di Milano), Federica Rossi (DAStU-Politecnico di Milano) #5. Coworking spaces in relation to Public Transport location: experience from the UK and lessons for potential Mobility Hubs » John Austin (University of Plymouth, UK), Andrew Seedhouse (University of Plymouth, UK) #6. Using Coworking spaces and the timed city concept as a policy package for sustainable mobility. The Case Study of Malta: experiences, perceptions and reality. » Thérèse Bajada (Univerity of Malta), Dr Bernadine Satariano (University of Malta, Junior College) 09:00 Oral ##conf1324 More than human: interactions and relations (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Jamie Lorimer Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Conservation borders: to feed or not to feed » Ginny Thomas (University of Exeter, UK) The B1416 – ‘A gateway through time’ in a contested landscape, the North York Moors National Park » Tom Ratcliffe (Northumbria University) 09:00 Oral ##conf1298 Cities: public spaces and social spaces Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Joe Smith Belonging, borders, and beer: Exploring the ambient power of places through urban craft beer festivals » Chloe Steadman (Manchester Metropolitan University), Anna de Jong (University of Glasgow) Commoning Intergenerational Borderlands as Affective Urban Geographies » Ana Gonçalves (Centre for Geographical Studies, IGOT-ULisboa / Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies / CiTUR - Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation) La Boqueria: ‘the mirror of what Barcelona represents’. Public policy and the commodification of food markets » Maria Lindmäe (Pompeu Fabra University) Linking Urban Public Space and Migrant Integration in China: The Struggle for and the Magic of Time » Chen Qu (Cambridge) Marketplaces, Local Governance and Social Justice Attainment in Cities: Exploring connections in a comparative study between Belo Horizonte and Birmingham public markets » Patricia Schappo (University of She) Page 171 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 09:00 Using urban square - what factors affect on our spatial behaviour? » Adam Wronkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan) 09:00 Oral ##conf1019 From Privatopias to Urban Commoning: Commodification and Decommodification of/in Urban Space (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Bilge Serin, (1) Against all odds: The Construction of Mumbai’s Land Market ##conf1019 » Anitra Baliga (London School of Economics) Oral ##conf1259 Bordering inland waterscapes: materialities, mobilities and politics (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Maarja Kaaristo and Mathew Varghese and Francesco Visentin (2) Right to the city and transport by bus in Brazil: an historical commodification process ##conf1019 » Rafael Sales (Federal University of Paraíba) (3) Commodification of Space: Urban Planning and Development of a Model City ##conf1019 » Arslan WAHEED (University of Bonn) White guys in the borderlands: water, whiteness and environmental change in the Nile Valley and at Lake Rudolf/Turkana, 1899-1905 » Matthew Tillotson (University of Southampton) (4) The real estate frontier ##conf1019 » Tom Gillespie (University of Manchester) The Tagliamento river, the water course as border and as an identity maker » Andrea Guaran (University of Udine), Federico Venturini (University of Udine) Finding the city by water: a walk along the Irwell » Sarah Jasmon (Manchester Metropolitan University) Entanglements in Ecology: From an Island and along a River-Bank in Kerala » Mathew Varghese (Mahatma Gandhi University) Beating the Bounds on ‘Barge Day’: Civic Ritual and Riparian Rights on the River Tyne » Paul Gilchrist (University of Brighton) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 09:00 Oral : EnGRG6 ##conf1239 Energy Geographies: Poverty, Vulnerabilities & Insecurities Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Joe Lawley Geographies of energy insecurity and community resilience: The case of Bedouin Arabs in Israel » Naama Teschner (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Stav Shapira (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev), Haneen Shibli (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) Energy Poverty is not only a Matter of Income and Inequality. ��The Role of Socio-Political Factors for Alleviating Energy Needs in European Countries » Chiara Certoma' (Università of Turin), Filippo Corsini (IdM, Sant’Anna School, Pisa), Marco Guerrazzi (University of Genoa) Page 172 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September Climate change has a race problem » Andrew Baldwin (Durham University) The water-energy nexus in Algeria: the government water discourse and its interrelation with the hydrocarbon sector » Selma Benyovszky (University of Reading) ##conf1239 Three types of cross-sector and inter-organisational initiatives tackling energy vulnerability in Melbourne, Australia » Nicola Willand (RMIT University), Nooshin Torabi (RMIT University), Ralph HORNE (RMIT) 09:00 09:00 Workshop GEO – bridging the chasm, sponsored by the Geographical Association Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Alan Kinder Oral : CCRG2 ##conf1050 The Battle for the Borders of Climate Science: Agnotology, Epistemology and the Contested Politics of Environmental Ignorance (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Laurie Parsons An Outlook Multiple: The Communication of the UK Met Office’s 3Month Outlook » Chris Manktelow (University of Exeter) Dam Nation: Hydropower and the Unspeakable Anti-politics of Climate Change in Cambodia » Laurie Parsons (Royal Holloway, University of London) What Can an Accountant do? Repoliticisation and Autoethnoaccounting for Carbon » Joe Blakey (University of Manchester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Page 173 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 174 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 10:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 175 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Dark Skies - Borderlands, Cultures, Practices » Ada Blair (University of Edinburgh), Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan University), Ellen Jeffrey (Lancaster University), Natalie Marr (University of Glasgow), Nick Dunn (Lancaster University) Continued from Friday, 3 September 10:40 10:40 10:40 11:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 11:00 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Courageous and Compassionate pedagogy » Helen Walkington (Oxford Brookes University), Sarah Dyer (University of Exeter, UK), Jennifer Hill (University of Gloucestershire) 11:00 Keynote ##conf1292 Political Geography Lecture: The Deep Border Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Kevin Grove Panel ##conf1223 Dark Skies: Borderlands, Cultures, Practices Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Nick Dunn and Tim Edensor Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : GFGRG4 ##conf1020 (Re-)thinking the academic conference space (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Catherine Oliver ##conf1020 Paper 5. Online Academic Conferences and the Virtual Realities of Diversity and Inclusion » Rita Gayle (University of Birmingham) ##conf1020 Paper 6. Is the online possible to decolonise? » Asia Della Rosa (REMESO, Linköping University) ##conf1020 Paper 7. Is the online conference space a just space? Reflections of three young female researchers from the Middle East. » Deyala Tarawneh (University of Jordan), Ghayda Al Sona (Freelance Researcher and Communication Officer), Hadeel AlQatamin (University of Jordan) Political Geography Lecture: The Deep Border » Louise Amoore (Durham University), Arshad Isakjee (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool), Sam Kinsley (University of Exeter), Martina Tazzioli (Goldsmiths, University of London) 11:00 Panel : GeogEd9 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1171 Courage and compassion in the pedagogic borderlands Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Helen Walkington and Sarah Dyer and Jennifer Hill 11:00 Oral : SCGRG12 ##conf1134 “I’m a Geographer”: Stories of academic identity Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Emma Waight and Becky Alexis-Martin and Gail Skelly Page 176 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST The ‘sticky campus’: Dominant pathways of food provisioning and consumption in an inner urban university ##conf1250 » Bhavna Middha (RMIT University) Continued from Friday, 3 September “Just get over it”: being geographers in criminology ##conf1134 » Mary Laing (Northumbria University), Ian Cook (Northumbria University) ‘I’m a Youth Geographer who studies Youth Mobilities’: Finding an Academic Identity ##conf1134 » Siti Mazidah Mohamad (Universiti Brunei Darussalam) Fish out of Water? Impostor Syndrome/Phenomenon in Academia ##conf1134 » Morag Rose (Department of Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool), Rob Inkpen (University of Portsmouth), Brian Baily (University of Portsmouth) A Geographer on the Move: International learning, professional identity, and personal story ##conf1134 » Thiago Bogossian (University of Surrey) The undergraduate dissertation as rite of passage: a twofold narrative on becoming-a-geographer ##conf1134 » Mette Bruinsma (University of Glasgow) 11:00 Oral : FGRG11; PGF12 ##conf1250 Developing Food Geographies (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Helen Traill and Barbora Adlerova and Rebecca St. Clair Local food systems’ dynamics: who has power and influence? » Tanya Zerbian (University of Central Lancashire) A circular food system in Brussels: imaginaries, policies and practices in the making of the Babylone beer. ##conf1250 » deborah lambert (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ‘Plastic-less’ food: Unpacking practices engaged with food ##conf1250 » Rorie Parsons (University of Sheffield) 11:00 Oral : EnGRG4 ##conf1079 Embodying sustainable cooling practices: Negotiating green cooling practices between material culture, governance and people’s lived experiences (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Antonella Mazzone and Komali Yenneti and Radhika Khosla 3. Tracing the sociomaterialities of summer heat, energy poverty and household retrofit for just low carbon transitions » Sarah Robertson (RMIT University) 4. ‘I never look at a temperature device, I just feel it’: Practical knowledge, smart technologies, and heating and cooling practices between Denmark and Australia » Simon Larsen (Aalborg University), Rex Martin (Monash University) 2. Metro Manila during quarantine: on the changing material arrangements and meanings of keeping cool in everyday life » Marlyne Sahakian (University of Geneva), Czarina Saloma (Ateneo de Manila University), Abigail Marie Favis (Ateneo de Manila University), Cherie Audrey Alfiler (Ateneo de Manila University) 5. Hot Property » Audrey Verma (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University, UK) 11. Nordic datacentre development: The production and extraction of lower carbon digital space » Paul Upham (University of Sussex), Benjamin Sovacool (University of Sussex), Chukwuka Monyei (University of Sussex) Page 177 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Land and Sea borders: Case study analysis of interconnected challenges faced by coastal communities to climate change and resource management: A multidisciplinary perspective of Akosua, Ghana » Debadayita Raha (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby), Sian Davies-Vollum (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, University of Derby, UK) Continued from Friday, 3 September 11:00 Oral : EGRG24; RACE5 ##conf1290 Geographies of racial capitalism (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Dalia Gebrial and James Esson and Adam Elliott-Cooper Social networks for wildfire risk governance as a key factor for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Sierra Santa Martha, Mexico » Christoph Neger (Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico) GEOGRAPHIES OF RACIAL CAPITALISM » Dalia Gebrial (London Schoo), Adam Elliott-Cooper (University of Greenwich), Maegan Miller (Graduate Center, City University of New York), AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield), Ashok Kumar (Birkbeck, University of London), Maya Goodfellow (University of Sheffield, UK), Austin Zeiderman (London School of Economics), Gargi Bhattacharyya (University of East London) 11:00 Oral : CCRG5 ##conf1069 Developing Climate Resilient Pathways through Adaptation and Mitigation Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Rhosanna Jenkins A Trillion Trees Where? – The positive and negative trade-offs between climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. » Jeff Price (University of East Anglia), Rachel Warren (University of East Anglia), Nicole Forstenhaeusler (University of East Anglia) Integrating ecosystem-based approaches with climate change resilience in the Lake Victoria Basin: Synergies and trade-offs » Dorice Agol (International Consultant, Environment and Development), Hannah Reid (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)), Florence Crick (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)), Hausner Wendo (ADA Consortium) The Transformational Potential and Practical Insufficiency of NonMotorized Urban Infrastructure Interventions » Renard Teipelke (AECOM), Ozkan Hayta (GREEN Engineering), Gamze Iseri (GREEN Engineering) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Discussion » Rhosanna Jenkins (University of East Anglia) 11:00 Oral ##conf1158 Rivers as Borders? (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Rebekka Kanesu and Eva McGrath ##conf1158 Riverborderscape: a perspective from in-between » Eva McGrath (University of Plymouth, UK) ##conf1158 Awakening hydro-femin(ist) livelihoods on the Colombian Pacific Coast » Gordon Wilmsmeier (Universidad de los Andes), Diana Trujillo (Universidad de los Andes), Natalia Atuesta (Independent researcher) ##conf1158 Boundaries in the ‘liquid pampas’: the confluence of Argentina and Uruguay in the La Plata River » Fernando Williams (CONICET) ##conf1158 Rivers as Borders? A dialogue. Discussant: Dr Vanessa Lamb » Vanessa Lamb (University of Melbourne) Page 178 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 8) Ethical Value Networks – An Agenda for EVeN Development ##conf1107 » Kelle Howson (University of Oxford), Warwick Murray (Victoria University of Wellington) Continued from Friday, 3 September 11:00 Oral : UGRG14 ##conf1215 Staying at Home?: Housing Struggles during the Coronavirus Pandemic and Beyond (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Alex Baker and Elsa Noterman Building public-cooperative responses to recurrent housing crises » Lorenzo Vidal (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Mara Ferreri (Northumbria University School of Geography and Environmental Sciences) Redefining Housing in Cape Town for a Post-Pandemic World » Nobukhosi Ngwenya (African Centre for Cities, School of Architecture, Planning, and Geomatics, University of Cape Town) Response and Discussion » Alex Baker (Sheffield), Elsa Noterman (Queens' College, University of Cambridge) 11:00 Oral : EGRG11 ##conf1107 Sustainability Risks in Global Production, Distribution, and Consumption (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Nora Lanari and David Bek and Jill Timms 6) Sustainability risks, voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) and business enablers: Experiences of transition in the case of Coca-Cola - ##conf1107 » Jill Timms (Coventry University), Nick Brown (Coca-Cola European Partners) 7) Private governance of overlapping global, regional and domestic value chains: the case of South African apples ##conf1107 » Matthew Alford (University of Manchester), Margareet Visser (University of Cape Town) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 9) DISCUSSANT - ##conf1107 » John Overton (Victoria University of Wellington) 11:00 Oral : GLTRG6 ##conf1108 Tourism-dependent islands and the pandemic: grey clouds but also silver linings (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Apisalome Movono and Regina Scheyvens Gender, Tourism and Resilience: Building Forward Better on Small Islands (Session 2, Presentation 1) » Stroma Cole (University of Westminster) The complex impacts of border closure in the Northern Mariana Islands in a post-COVID world (Session 2, Presentation 2) » Yunzi Zhang (Northern Marianas College) Te Kaitiaki i te Whenua o Waitangi- Resilience and Adaptation of Indigenous peoples in Waitangi, Aotearoa New Zealand in the wake of Covid-19. (Session 2, Presentation 3) » Suzanne Hepi (Massey University), Sophie Auckram (Massey University), Jason Paul Mika (Massey University) Does the Covid-19 Pandemic Drive Small Island Destinations’ Shift Towards a Circular Economy? An Initial Understanding from the Orkney Islands, Scotland. (Session 2, Presentation 4) » Angelo Sciacca (Edinburgh), Constantia Anastasiadou (Edinburgh Napier University), Gavin Urie (Edinburgh Napier University) Caribbean Tourism After the Pandemic: Bending Anthropocene Riskscapes Toward Mobility Justice (Session 2, Presentation 5) » Mimi Sheller (Drexel University) Page 179 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Paper no: 6: ##conf1128: Mapping counter-hegemonic practices toward and Insurgent Urbanism in the Post-pandemic cities through the lens of a Brazilian experience » Juliana Canedo (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany) Continued from Friday, 3 September Tourism and emerging from the pandemic: The case of the Republic of Ireland (Session 2, Presentation 6) » Michael Clancy (University of Hartford) 11:00 Paper no: 7: ##conf1128: Messy Maps: Qualitative GIS for Urban Resilience Planning » Faith Taylor (King's College London), Vera Bukachi (Kounkuey Design Initiative), Joseph Mulligan (Kounkuey Design Initiative), Amos Wandera (Kounkuey Design Initiative), Manshur Talib (Kounkuey Design Initiative), Bruce Malamud (King's College London), Mark Pelling (King's College London) Oral : GHWRG13; PyGyRG9 ##conf1101 Blurred Boundaries: Caring Institutions in Pandemic Times Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Sam Strong and Ed Kiely and Rosalie Warnock Paper no: 9: ##conf1128: Inequalities, social resilience and pandemics: the resistance of Paraisopolis slum, in São Paulo » Higor Carvalho (Universidade de Sao Paulo), Luciana Royer (Universidade de Sao Paulo), Beatriz Kara José (Centro Universitário SENAC), Roberto Rocco (Delft University of Technology) ‘I do actually care’: Frontline worker resisting and subverting commodified affect within the newly conditionalised Welsh homelessness system. ##conf1101 » Edith England (Cardiff Metropolitan University) Paper no: 10: ##conf1128: Urban resilience and Public Health in informal settlements: New approaches of duality among Proximity and Density » Elkin Vargas López (BuroDAP), Raul Marino (University of Melbourne), Arunava Dasgupta (School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi), Mariana Flores (University of Seville) Support services in England for young fathers during COVIDtimes. ##conf1101 » Chloe Cottrell (University of Poitiers) ‘Our riddiculous micro-managed existence’: Borders, extraction, and infection control in the pandemic university town ##conf1101 » Lorena Gazzotti (University of Cambridge) Discussant ##conf1101 » Sam Strong (University of Cambridge) 11:00 Oral : DevGRG7 ##conf1128 Reframing Urban Informalities as a planning and development paradigm for resilient futures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Lakshmi Priya Rajendran and Aysegul Can and Nezhapi Delle Odeleye Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Paper no: 5: ##conf1128: Design research as a means to unveil the spatial co-production in Brazilian cities » Marcos Leite Rosa (University of São Paulo), Bruna Ferreira Montuori (Royal College of Art) 11:00 Oral : DGRG6; EGRG27; GFGRG19 ##conf1052 Digital Labour Geographies: Gig Work Futures (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Al James and Karin Schwiter and Christian Berndt Aligning relations - work and life in seamful spaces » Anna Oechslen (Leibniz-Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner/Berlin) Page 180 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 11:00 On-demand domestic work in the Brazilian platform economy » Ana Serta (Birkbeck, University of London) 11:00 Oral : GCYFRG11; PERG5 ##conf1198 Plastic Geographies (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Alison Browne and Peter Kraftl Who gets the gigs? Exploring access to platform labour in Switzerland from a feminist digital geography perspective » Marisol Keller (University of Zurich) High rise plastic – negotiating material sustainabilities in apartments » Ralph HORNE (RMIT), Louise Dorignon (RMIT University), Bhavna Middha (RMIT University) Care for a gig job? Research strategies for investigating reproductive labour in the platform economy » Barbara Orth (Free University of Berlin) “Plastics Litigation”: Could Children’s Environmental Human Rights protect against Marine Plastic Pollution? » Kate warnock-Smith (University of Hull) Discussant » Karin Schwiter (University of Zurich) Engendering Young People’s Environmental Agency using Citizen Inquiry and Digital Technology » Kevin BURDEN (University of Hull), Charlotte DEAN (University of Hull), Fiona JAMES (University of Hull), Rudi WURZEL (University of Hull) Oral : PolGRG15 ##conf1200 Infrastructures of Solidarity: The spatial politics of political organising (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Rosie Hampton and Lazaros Karaliotas and Diarmaid Kelliher (##conf1200) Energy democracy and the right to the city: rethinking the state for infrastructures of solidarity » Sören Becker (University of Bonn) (##conf1200) Care and solidarity in emergent gift economies under austerity » Eleanor Jupp (University of Kent) (##conf1200) Reinterpreting knowledge commons and sociospatial strategies of community-led publishing in times of transition » Christoph Schimmel (University of Innsbruck) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Avoiding Plastic: spatial and temporal dimensions of responses to a political material » David Reynolds (Monash University) 11:00 Oral : HGRG9 ##conf1229 New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Ruth Quinn and Jenna Kirk and Ed Armston-Sheret Danish radical geography and the controversy over the concept of territorial structure » Peter Jakobsen (Uppsala University) Government Railways in Cape Town in the 1900s. A Resource for Resistance. » Viviana Pupeza (University of Cambridge) Page 181 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST The Role of Rhythmical Pattern Body Movement in ANZAC Commemoration and Site Connotations ##conf1115 » Stephanie Parker (Australian National University) Continued from Friday, 3 September “A better life we thought, well I, thought we were moving to”: Space, Aspiration and Gender in 1970s East Kilbride » Rosie Hampton (University of Glasgow) Security, travel, passports: governing Cold War travel through the US Passport Office » Catriona Gold (University College London) 11:00 Oral : HPGRG15 ##conf1097 Worlds of wisdom: ontologies of geography, philosophy and geosophy (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Emily Hayes Peripatetic approaches and the Impact of Emotional Geography in Higher Education » Fotios Vasileiou (University of Sunderland) 11:00 From fantasy space to geographic imaginary: Researching desire through photo-elicitation ##conf1115 » Lucas Pohl (Humboldt University of Berlin) 11:00 Oral : PopGRG1; PGF2; UGRG7 ##conf1047 The Bordering Process of Transnational Migrants in Urban Spaces with/without the pandemic of COVID-19 (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Yunting Qi and Dennis Tam ##conf1047 1. (Im)mobility, Bordering and Parenting: Transnational Migrant Families in Post-COVID China » Jin Li (Department of Geography, University College London) Phenomenological climates. Knowing and/or experiencing climate(-change) » Maximilian Gregor Hepach (University of Cambridge) ##conf1047 2. “Stuckness” in the COVID-19 pandemic and the daily life strategies of immigrants » JingHua Yang (School of Social and Behavioral Science, Nanjing University), Xu Huang (School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University), Jingyuan Xiao (International Department, High School Attached to Guangxi Normal University), YuXin Shi (School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University) Discussion: Worlds of wisdom: ontologies of geography, philosophy and geosophy » Roger Crisp (University of Cambridge) ##conf1047 3. The bordering process and cultural logic in Southwest border region of China after COVID-19 » Xuefeng Hou (School of Geography, South China Normal University), Wei Tao (School of Geography, South China Normal University) Oral : SCGRG11 ##conf1115 Imagined, imaginative, and imaginary geographies (4) Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: James Riding and Olivia Mason ##conf1047 4. Rethinking Bordering: The Employment(Im)mobility Nexus in the Life of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Macau Under COVID-19 » Tammie Wong (School of Geography, University of Melbourne) #Kalasatama Digital Visual Representations and the (Re)Making of Urban Publics ##conf1115 » David Flood (University of Helsinki) ##conf1047 5. A blurring border between Shanghainese and nonShanghainese among overseas returned students in Shanghai: hukou, shared experience and self-identity » Yunting Qi (Royal Holloway University of London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 182 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 1. Comparing agri-food policy regimes in the UK and Japan: comparative ruralism or lost in translation? » Steven McGreevy (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto University), Damian Maye (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire), Norie Tamura (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto University), Jasmine Black (Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire) Continued from Friday, 3 September 11:00 Oral : QMRG2 ##conf1137 The Future of Quantitative Geography: Critical Engagements, Conceptual Borders (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Alistair Anderson and Nick Dorward and Lenka Hasova and Thomas Statham conf1137 - Gendering the Research Pipeline: Using the British Library's EThOS data to examine the diversity of doctoral students and the future of academia » Laura Sheppard (University College London) 2. Life satisfaction and settlement desire of residents in small towns in China from the perspective of urban-rural relationship change: a study in Guangdong Province » Yuanlin Zhang (South China University of Technology), Yuting Liu (South China University of Technology), Martin Phillips (University of Leicester) conf1137 - Natural Language Processing...the new quantitative geographer’s dream? » Giulia Occhini (University of Bristol - The Alan Turing Institute) 3. Re-recognition of rurality in the borderlands: a case of the Westhoek region, Belgium and France » Ryo Iizuka (Teikyo University) conf1137 - Exploring the use of Network Science in Spatial Interaction Models to Measure Spatial Structure » Lenka Hasova (University of Bristol) 8. Tracing gentrification talk across urban and rural borders » Martin Phillips (University of Leicester), Darren Smith (Loughborough University, UK) Mapping rural (education) fields » Philip Roberts (University of Canberra), Natalie Downes (University of Canberra) conf1137 - ‘Violent trajectories’: A space-time analysis of organised violence in Nigeria, 1997-2018 » Nick Dorward (University of Bristol), Levi John Wolf (University of Bristol) 11:00 conf1137 - Time-Series Clustering: A City-Scale Application on Pedestrian Mobility During Covid-19 » Danial Owen (university of liverpool) 11:00 Oral : RGRG11 ##conf1088 Tracing, Traversing and Transgressing Borders in Rural Geography (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Martin Phillips and Felipe da Silva Machado Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : TGRG2 ##conf1024 Coworking spaces: a tool to reduce commuting and enhance well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Thérèse Bajada and Dr Bernadine Satariano and Ilaria Mariotti #7. Rethinking commuting: how the future of coworking is reshaping everyday mobilities » Elisabetta Crovara (School of Geography, University of Melbourne), David Bissell (University of Melbourne) Page 183 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 11:00 #8. Impact of coworking spaces on the vividness of their surrounding public space » Marco Hölzel (TUM Technical University Munich), Walter Timo de Vries (TUM Technical University Munich) At the borderlands of activism and design: a comparative investigation into how practices of political activism transform urban space » Juan Usubillaga (Cardiff University) #9. Joining a co-working space during the Covid-19 pandemic » Francesca Chiara Ciccarelli (DAStU-Politecnico di Milano) Charity shops as welfare borderlands under austerity » Alida Payson (Cardiff University) #10. Telecommuting amidst Covid-19: The Governmobility of Working-from-home Employees in Hong Kong » Grace Hiu-Ling Yeung (Hong Kong Baptist University) 11:00 Opportunity or threat – the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on neighborhood communities » Tomasz Sowada (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań) Oral ##conf1324 More than human: interactions and relations (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Beth Greenhough (Re)bodying waste, nature and the human in the lawscape of natural burial: A legal geography of jurisgenerative, antinomian corporealities » Joshua Shaw (York University) Oral ##conf1299 Cities: social movements and collective action Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: David Featherstone Spaces of populism: the urban spatial dimension of Golden Dawn and Barcelona en Comú » Lucia Alexandra Popartan (LEQUIA), Sofia Tipaldou (University of Manchester) Pandemic bodies in dire digital times: Re-mappings, Athens 20202021 » Alexandra Halkias (Department of Sociology, Panteion University) Oral ##conf1259 Bordering inland waterscapes: materialities, mobilities and politics (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Maarja Kaaristo and Mathew Varghese and Francesco Visentin Urban Oceans » Jesse Rodenbiker (Cornell University, Department of Natural Resources and the Environmet) The Spectre of the Bridge: Infrastructural Hope and Everyday Cross-River Mobility in Southeastern Poland » Nikolaos Olma (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient) Making Space for Wild Pollinators: the Socio-Ecology of Pollination » Jennifer Marshman (Wilfrid Laurier University), Susan Willis Chan (University of Guelph) A historical political ecology of the Rhone’s spatialities in Switzerland » Alexis Metzger (University of Lausanne) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 11:00 Page 184 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST The future of comparative urbanism » Shaun Teo (National University of Singapore), Samantha Lim (National University of Singapore), Julie Ren (University of Zurich), Colin McFarlane (Durham University), Jennifer Robinson (University College London) Continued from Friday, 3 September Char lands: Fluid spaces as Geopolitical sites » Anamika Roy (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Loktak eesha-mapan: Thinking territory with deities in fluidity » Manimala Chanu Asem (University of Bergen) 11:00 11:00 Oral ##conf1019 From Privatopias to Urban Commoning: Commodification and Decommodification of/in Urban Space (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Bilge Serin, Tiocfaidh ár lol: Subversion, Memory, and Digital Media in Northern Ireland » Hattie Induni (University of Leeds, UK) Antifascist Memories: Lost struggles and a silver lining » Felicitas Kuebler (Alpen-Adria-University) (1) Cancel the debt and take back the grid: Narratives of utility justice in re-municipalisation movements in the USA ##conf1019 » Grace Brown (University of Glasgow) Dancing in a Museum: Missy Elliott’s Ghosts and the Politics of Para-Monumentality » Friederike Landau (Radboud University) (2) (Re)ordering public space through BIDs? Reconceptualising the privatisation of public space through inclusive place-making ##conf1019 » Wenn Er Tan (National University of Singapore) Keeping Pace with the Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia » Neda Genova (Goldsmiths) (3) The commodification of intermediate housing, subsidies for the wealthy and community-led alternatives ##conf1019 » Debbie Humphry (Oxford Brookes University), Penny Bernstock (University of West London) The Memorial Site in Mümliswil (Switzerland): Memorialisation, Empathy and Regret » Mairena Hirschberg (Université de Lausanne) (4) Re-inventing the commodification of home ownership rights with blockchain ##conf1019 » Anetta Proskurovska (University of Luxembourg) 11:00 Panel ##conf1168 The future of comparative urbanism: methodological and tactical innovation Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Shaun Teo Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : SCGRG13; SSQRG1 ##conf1135 Monuments, Memory, #Memes Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Martin Zebracki and Jason Luger Teaching Queer Memorials: Remediating Normative Spaces » Martin Zebracki (University of Leeds, UK) 11:00 Workshop Automated Text Recognition (ATR) : a new era of handwritten manuscript research. Sponsored by Wiley Digital Archives Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Simon Bell and Ray Abruzzi Page 185 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 12:40 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 12:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 13:00 Oral : GCYFRG3 ##conf1147 Crossing Lines, Blurring Edges: Youthful Border Transgressions, Transpositions, Transformations Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Rebecca Collins Hard borders, blurred lines and transgressions among unaccompanied young migrants in the UK » Katie Willis (Royal Holloway, University of London) Free Bodies, Segmented Selves: Paradoxical Spaces of Dancehall Culture in Singapore » orlando woods (Singapore Management University) A Lively Boundary: Children’s Perspectives on Technology and Nature » Alexis Peirce Caudell (Indiana University) Refugee youth, migration and public space: negotiating multiple borders » Peter Hopkins (Newcastle University), Robin Finlay (Newcastle University) Nested, emergent and uneven boundaries in young people’s attempts to ‘grow up green ’ » Rebecca Collins (University of Chester) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 186 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 13:00 Panel ZOOM SESSION ##conf1073 Challenging Borders in Cultural Landscapes Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Amy Van Allen and Megan Todman and Simge ErdoganO'Connor ##conf1073 SESSION DETAILS: Challenging Borders in Cultural Landscapes » Amy Van Allen (University of Leicester), Megan Todman (University of Newcastle, UK), Simge Erdogan-O'Connor (Queen's University) 13:00 13:00 Oral ##conf1256 Critical Geopolitics of the Belt and Road Initiative: Discourses, Practices and Theories (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Allen Xiao and Majed Akhter Comprehensive Sustainability of BRI projects: Politics of Infrastructures in Kenya, Sri Lanka and Cambodia » May Tan-Mullins (University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China) The Discursive Field of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Japanese Newspaper: Understanding the discursive practices under Abe Doctrine » YANYIN ZI (Rikkyo University), Allen Xiao (University of WisconsinMadison) Oral : EGRG25; RACE6 ##conf1290 Geographies of racial capitalism (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Dalia Gebrial and James Esson and Adam Elliott-Cooper GEOGRAPHIES OF RACIAL CAPITALISM » Dalia Gebrial (London Schoo), Adam Elliott-Cooper (University of Greenwich), Maegan Miller (Graduate Center, City University of New York), AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield), Ashok Kumar (Birkbeck, University of London), Maya Goodfellow (University of Sheffield, UK), Austin Zeiderman (London School of Economics), Gargi Bhattacharyya (University of East London) 13:00 Oral ##conf1125 Geographies of Nuclear Energy (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Alicia Gutting and Per Högselius Uranium geopolitics: an international perspective on the origins of the infamous uranium cartel » Michiel Bron (Maastricht University) Who is concerned? Defining nuclear territories and their borders: a historical perspective on the nuclearization of the Rhone River, 1970s-1990s » Louis Fagon (EHESS-CIRED) The creation of the EURATOM research centre in Ispra, Italy: the first effort to achieve a European nuclear community » Matteo Gerlini (Sapienza University of Rome) The Pivot Eastwards: The Belt and the Road Initiative and the Shifting Geopolitical Paradigms of Eurasia » Tom Harper (University of Surre) Thermal Pollution – An Overlooked Risk of Nuclear Power Plants? » Alicia Gutting (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Below the belt? Territory and development in China’s international rise » Giles Mohan (Open University) Africa’s Last Colony: British Imperialism and the Political Ecology of Uranium in Namibia » Christopher Hill (University of South Wales) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 187 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST City resilience: An investigation and discussion framework from experiences from Istanbul » Ediz Akcay (Bournemouth University) Continued from Friday, 3 September Rules never made: How the European Communities failed to regulate nuclear installations at the border (1975-1980) » Jan-Henrik Meyer (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory) 13:00 A discussion from our experiences of earthquakes and tsunami in Japan: How to enhance preparedness to mitigate influences of natural disasters » Hiroko OE (Bournemouth University), Sachiyo Kawakami (University of Fukui) Oral ##conf1155 Literary Geography Session: Literary Borders and Bordering (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Milena Morozova Discussing the Global need to rethink ageing and how to ensure a good quality of health and wellbeing in later life. » Holly Crossen-White (Bournemouth University), Ann HEMINGWAY (Bournemouth University), Adele Ladkin (Bournemouth University) 1. The Role of Borders in Literary Region Development » Milena Morozova (Moscow State University) Well-being in the urban settings: A Discussion on Forest Bathing (shinrin-yoku) in towns » Angela Turner-Wilson (Bournemouth University), Holly CrossenWhite (Bournemouth University) 2. Borderland Identities in Post-Soviet Estonian Literature and Landscapes » Mari Arold (The University of Oxford) A scope of content tourism with immersive experiences: Sustainable and regenerative solutions in the era with COVID-19 » Danni Liang (Bournemouth University), Hiroko OE (Bournemouth University), Yasuyuki Yamaoka (The Open University of Japan) 3. The Importance of Borders for Thomas Mann’s Idea of Europe » Fabian Bauer (The University of Oxford) 4. Literary Borders – a Culinary Perspective of Food, Culture, Class and Gender » Paul Cleave (University of Exeter) 13:00 13:15 Oral : DGRG18 ##conf1285 Expanding Borders through the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): New scope in the immersive tourism context Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Hiroko OE and Angela Turner-Wilson The compact city: an experimental discussion based on the project in Utsunomiya city, Japan » Shunsuke Kurihara (Utsunomiya University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Keynote Chair's plenary - Kimberley Peters Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari and Rachael Squire A Line in the Ocean, 30 by 30: Ocean Borders and Geography’s Limits » Kimberley Peters (Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity in Germany) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Page 188 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 8 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 9 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 4 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 5 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 11 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 12 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 7 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Continued from Friday, 3 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 189 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 19 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 20 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 21 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 22 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 23 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 24 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 14 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 15 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 16 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 17 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 190 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 31 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 32 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 33 15:00 Panel ##conf1295 Working with the spoken word: Learning together from empirical instances (3) Sponsored by Area Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Alan Latham and Russell Hitchings General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 25 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 26 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 27 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 28 ##conf1295:Surprising the interviewer: Discussing the 'problematic' nature of transnational education » Johanna Waters (UCL) 14:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 30 ##conf1295: An ethnographic account on how and why people in Seoul frequent 24-hour cafés late at night » Jonghee Lee-Caldararo (University of Kentucky) ##conf1295: How should others use the road? Talking about a disputed action » Alan Latham (University College London), Michael Nattrass (University College London) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 191 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST 4. Autoethnography: The opportunities for authentic festival sustainability and the challenges of relational ethics for the feminist researcher » Seonaid Lafferty (University of Cumbria) Continued from Friday, 3 September ##conf1295: Speaking of the unknown: Empirical instances of talk about absent knowledges (and their uses) » Jeremy Brice (University of Oxford) 15:00 Keynote Geoforum Annual Lecture Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Sarah Hall and Robert Fletcher ##conf1284: ‘Thick time’: Experiments with feminist urban futures in community podcasts » Sarah Hall (University of Nottingham), Robert Fletcher (Wageningen University), Ayona Datta (University College London), Cathy McIlwaine (King’s College London), Gillian Rose (University of Oxford), Anu Sabhlok (IISER Mohali) 15:00 15:00 Oral : PGF4 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1049 Blurring the borders between researcher and participant: The role of autoethnography within geographical research (1) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Sarah Huque and Rachel Creaney 1. Shifting power in rural Scotland? An autoethnographic lens on questions of land, community, and power » Annie McKee (Social Economic and Geographical Sciences Department, The James Hutton Institute) 2. Soup for Our PhD: on poetic autoethnographic research method » Daniel Jones (Newcastle University), Leah Chan (Newcastle University) 3. Autoethnography: empowerment and/or privilege personified? » Richard Scriven (University College Cork) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Panel ZOOM SESSION ##conf1249 Radical Housing Journal: Expanding radical housing geographies Venue - Workshop Sessions 2 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Mara Ferreri and Michele Lancione Radical Housing Journal: Expanding radical housing geographies » Mara Ferreri (Northumbria University School of Geography and Environmental Sciences), Michele Lancione (Polytechnic of Turin), Solange Munoz (University of Tennessee) 15:00 Oral : GHWRG1 ##conf1003 Biotic Geographies: Microbial Worlds in Health, Hygiene and Environmental Spaces Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Alice Beck and Alistair Anderson 1) A recent history of pregnancy and microbial life: the ‘discovery’ and ‘de-discovery’ of the human placental microbiome. » Maria Fannin (University of Bristol) 2) (Anti-)Biotic Spores of Circulation: Governing Mould in the Shadow of Leprosy , Plague and Smallpox in Foucault. » Christoph Schemann (University of Bayreuth) 3) Responding to microbial agency: enrolling microbes as participants in the research process. » Aaron Bradshaw (UCL) 4) Political Ecologies of Surveillance: the history and contemporary politics of wastewater epidemiology. » Rafi Arefin (University of British Columbia) Page 192 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST The relationship between participative justice and experiential authority ##conf1250 » Barbora Adlerova (Cardiff University) Continued from Friday, 3 September 5) Peripheral embodiments and individualised post/socialist microbiotic lives. » Tereza Stockelova (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences), katerina kolarova (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Lukas Senft (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences) 15:00 Distancing death: welfare, slaughter and consumption in the British halal meat industry ##conf1250 » Hibba Mazhary (University of Oxford) Oral ##conf1256 Critical Geopolitics of the Belt and Road Initiative: Discourses, Practices and Theories (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 4 Chaired by: Allen Xiao and Majed Akhter Situating the Special Economic Zones in the transnational infrastructural power network: the case of Cambodia, 1991-2021 » Chao Yao (City University of Hong Kong), June Wang (City University of Hong Kong) Between Russia and China: Imagined and Lived Geographies of Female Cross-Border Traders in Kyrgyzstan » Claudia Eggart (University of Manchester) The Georgian New Silk Road and logistical geopolitics » Evelina Gambino (University College London) Critical Geopolitics of the Belt and Road Initiative: Discourses, Practices and Theories » Majed Akhter (King's College London), Joe Williams (University of Bristol) 15:00 When the marginalised speak out: the fight of urban agriculture groups to belong in a neoliberal society ##conf1250 » Ruth Sepulveda (UCL) Oral : FGRG12; PGF13 ##conf1250 Developing Food Geographies (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 5 Chaired by: Helen Traill and Barbora Adlerova and Rebecca St. Clair Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. “You don’t put mushrooms in a scouse!” Building communities through diverse food practices in Liverpool ##conf1250 » Oliver McDowell (university of liverpool) 15:00 Oral ##conf1163 Dismantling the borders between mobility and immobility in rural space (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Tialda Haartsen and Annett Steinführer The differences of physical and social mobilities between urban and rural population——A case study of Taizhou,China » Liyuan Fei (Shanghai University), Fengqing Li (Shanghai University) Typologies of (im)mobility at the urban-rural interface: revealing the characteristics of socio-spatial segregation for HuangyanTaizhou’s floating population » Ava Lynam (Technische Universität Berlin), Huang Huang (Tongji University Shanghai), Fengqing Li (Shanghai University) Between ”I don’t want to get stuck here” and ”I have always liked living here”: young people’s perspectives on (im)mobility in the rural North » Marika Kettunen (University of Oulu) Mobile stabilities in rural communities: Biographical perspectives » Raili Nugin (Tallinn University), Kadri Kasemets (Tallinn University) Page 193 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Cross-border flows in the nuclear industry, information and metabolism » Romain Garcier (Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon) Continued from Friday, 3 September 15:00 Oral : DGRG2; GFGRG2 ##conf1002 Everyday Digital Technologies of Surveillance, Harassment and Abuse (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 7 Chaired by: Dana Cuomo and Katherine Brickell and Anna Jackman What is the data driving “data driven criminal justice”? An analysis of the Pennsylvania Additive Classification Tool » Vanessa Massaro (Bucknell University), Darakhshan Mir (Bucknell University), Nathan Ryan (Bucknell University) Governing Nuclear Waste in the Long-Term: On the Role of Place » Melanie Mbah (Institute for Applied Ecology), Sophie Kuppler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) From the Hijab to the Hoodie: Digital Surveillance in the Schoolhouse » Aja Reynolds (Wayne State University), Nicole Nguyen (University of Illinois-Chicago) Bordering nuclearity: very low-level radioactive wastes’ clearance and the production of spatial nuclearities in Germany » Teva Meyer (Université de Haute-Alsace) Beyond a Discourse of Fear: Recognizing Children’s Casual Refusals to Surveillance Regimes » Emily Kaufman (University of Kentucky) Deciphering thresholds in the nuclear landscape of La Hague » agnes villette (University of Southampton) Leaky bodies, leaking data: period-tracking apps and the (in)securities of bodies » Laura Shipp (Royal Holloway, University of London) New Tools, old abuse: Technology-enabled coercive control » Dana Cuomo (Lafayette College), Natalie Dolci (University of Washington) 15:00 ‘Did I ever tell you about the seal in the forebay?’: (Extra)ordinary histories of the wet nuclear spaces of Hunterston-B Nuclear Power station » Jenna Kirk (University of Glasgow) Oral ##conf1125 Geographies of Nuclear Energy (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 8 Chaired by: Alicia Gutting and Per Högselius Monuments to Eternity: The Funerary Complex of Djoser and The Onkalo Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository » Isaiah Bertagnolli (University of Pittsburgh) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral ##conf1155 Literary Geography Session: Literary Borders and Bordering (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 9 Chaired by: Milena Morozova 5. Sarah E. Farro and Global-Intimate Black Literary Geographies » lindsey Holmes (The University of Texas at Austin) 6. The Knot of the In-between: Marcel Proust’s Generic Borders » Eleanor Lischka (Oxford University) 7. Border of Fiction, Border of Text, Border of Space and Time: Early Modern British and Russian Descriptions of the Unknown and the Post-Truth Epoch » Victoria Musvik (University of Oxford) Page 194 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 8. The Numinous Borders of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan; or, A Literary Geography of Folklore » James Thurgill (The University of Tokyo) 15:00 Oral ##conf1260 Urban Borderlands: Conditions, Processes and Implications (1) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Deljana Iossifova and David Kostenwein (Infra)structuring the City: Urban Borderlands in the Global East and South » Deljana Iossifova (University of Manchester) The Colonial History of the Spanish Enclave of Ceuta and Its Impact on the Urban Structure: How the multiscalar agents negotiating the urban structure of a city impact the region and the border district of Benzú and Principe » Maria Paz AGÚNDEZ (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany) Cognitive Bordering as Everyday Urban Geographies » James Scott (University of Easte) In-between Space and Social Interaction in three dissimilar urban morphologies of Izmir » Işın Can Traunmüller (Izmir Institute of Technology) Interlinked dynamics of sanitation and regional development: the case of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil » Norma Valencio (Federal University of São Carlos-UFSCar), Arthur Valencio (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), Murilo da Silva Baptista (University of Aberdeen-UoA) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral : FGRG10 ##conf1221 Public food procurement – defining and working within borders (4) Stage - Virtual Stage 11 Chaired by: Mark Stein and Urszula Ala-Karvia Paper 16 Anchor institutions and sustainable food procurement: a case study of food and the ‘Preston Model’ in the academy » Mags Adams (University of Central Lancashire), Julian Manley (University of Central Lancashire), Mark Dooris (University of Central Lancashire) Paper 17 Publicly procuring local food to meet the goals of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act. » Luke Prosser (Bangor University), Eifiona Thomas Lane (Bangor University) Paper 19 The construction of alternative food systems and the governance of peri-urban spaces. What relationship » Clara Craviotti (CONICET, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Buenos Aires) Paper 6 Public food procurement for sustainable diets and food systems: A policy instrument that benefits all » Luana Swensson (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)), Florence Tartanac (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO)), Danny Hunter (Bioversity International), Sergio Schneider (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) Paper 7 Using crop diversity for improved public food procurement sustainability, livelihood options and healthy school feedings: a decision-support tool » Adam Drucker (Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, Rome), Danny Hunter (Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, Rome), Marleni Ramirez (Alliance of Bioversity International & CIAT, Rome), Sarah Watts (Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre,, National University of Ireland Galway,), Peter McKeown (Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway,), Charles Spillane (Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre, National University of Ireland Galway) Page 195 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 15:00 Oral ##conf1166 Photography and the city: New approaches, methodologies and practices Stage - Virtual Stage 12 Chaired by: Geoffrey DeVerteuil and Brian Doucet Photography and the city: New approaches, methodologies and practices » Geoffrey DeVerteuil (Cardiff University), Garance Marechal (university of liverpool), Anita Strasser (Goldsmiths), Giada Casarin (Bristol University), Brian Doucet (University of Waterloo) Urban juxtaposition as visual practice ##conf1166. » Geoffrey DeVerteuil (Cardiff University) Unpicking the untagged urban: Critiquing photographic decontextualization of the performance of graffiti art » Garance Marechal (university of liverpool) Documentary photography as radical urban practice: recording as a form of resistance to uneven urban change » Anita Strasser (Goldsmiths) Building internal reputation in deprived and ethnically segregated neighbourhoods: the use of remote Participatory Photomapping » Giada Casarin (Bristol University) 15:00 ##conf1119 Building upon 'Labouring Urban Infrastructures' » Alejandro De Coss Corzo (University of Bath), Aidan Mosselson (University of Edinburgh), Niranjana Ramesh (London School of Economics), Hanna Ruszczyk (Durham University), Omar Jabary Salamanca (Ghent University), AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield), Kathleen Stokes (Trinity College Dublin), Yaffa Truelove (University of Colorado Boulder) 15:00 Oral : PERG6 ##conf1294 The food-energy-water nexus: boundaries, processes, and the circular economy Stage - Virtual Stage 14 Chaired by: Susanne Charlesworth The food-energy-water nexus: boundaries, processes, and the circular economy » Susanne Charlesworth (Coventry University) Urban Living Labs in the Food, Energy Water Nexus. Immanence and Transgressions, or Mission Drift? » Richard Nunes (Reading University), Jana Fried (Coventry University), maria ester dal poz (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), Erika Fransisco (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), Alessandro Piolli (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), Kevin Winter (University of Cape Town), Timo von Wirth (Erasmus University Rotterdam, DRIFT) Visualising the frontiers of gentrification in Toronto and Hamilton » Brian Doucet (University of Waterloo) Modelling the urban FEW-nexus : approaches, problems and possibilities » Marco Van De Wiel (Coventry University), Ali Parsa (Coventry University), Matt Johnston (Coventry University), Erika Fransisco (University of Campinas-UNICAMP), maria ester dal poz (University of Campinas-UNICAMP) Panel ##conf1119 Building upon 'Labouring Urban Infrastructures' Stage - Virtual Stage 13 Chaired by: Alejandro De Coss Corzo and Hanna Ruszczyk and Kathleen Stokes Residues from biomass thermal treatment and wastewater treatment plants as agricultural fertiliser: Nutrient harvesting from waste » Anna Bogush (Coventry University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Page 196 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 15:00 Valuation of inefficiencies in the food cycle – crossing the actor boundaries » Ian Roderick (The Schumacher Institute), Daniel Black (Daniel Black + Associates | db+a), Taoyuan Wei (CICERO Center for International Climate Research) (##conf1200) Maritime Infrastructures, the Construction of Solidarities and the Spatial Politics of Decolonisation » David Featherstone (University of Glasgow) Does nexus have a future, or is it just part of throwaway fashion? » Susanne Charlesworth (Coventry University), Kevin Winter (University of Cape Town), Timo von Wirth (Erasmus University Rotterdam, DRIFT), Ester Dal Poz (University of Campinas-UNICAMP) 15:00 (##conf1200) Seizing the Means of Circulation: Choke Points and Logistical Resistance in Coco Solo, Panama » Martin Danyluk (University of Nottingham) Oral : DGRG7; EGRG28; GFGRG20 ##conf1052 Digital Labour Geographies: Gig Work Futures (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 15 Chaired by: Al James and Karin Schwiter and Christian Berndt Performing a Collaborative Economy: Modes of Hospitality Amongst Airbnb Hosts » Mathilde Dissing Christensen (Cardiff University) Commitment issues? The (im)possibility of worker cooperatives in the gig economy » Damion Bunders (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Agnes Akkerman (Radboud University Nijmegen) Off-line contexts of online jobs: policy challenges for gig economy to create decent work in Sub-Saharan Africa » Katarzyna Cieslik (University of Cambridge), Roland Banya (Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion, Cape Town), Bhaskar Vira (University of Cambridge) The Hybrid-City: Platforms Impact on Labour Process in Urban Spaces » Maurilio Pirone (University of Bologna) Discussant » Christian Berndt (University of Zurich) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : PolGRG16 ##conf1200 Infrastructures of Solidarity: The spatial politics of political organising (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 16 Chaired by: Rosie Hampton and Lazaros Karaliotas and Diarmaid Kelliher (##conf1200) Stacked infrastructures of migrant solidarity after 2015 » Álvaro Ramírez March (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) 15:00 Oral : PolGRG19 ##conf1218 Governing the Covid-19 pandemic Stage - Virtual Stage 17 Chaired by: Nick Clarke and Clive Barnett ##conf1218, 2, Contactless payments and the near field governance of Covid-19: Sterilisation, security, and space » Shaun French (University of Nottingham) ##conf1218, 3, Managing Covid-19 in India's cities: Reshaping people's everyday lives in poorer urban neighbourhoods » Glyn Williams (University of Nottingham), Binitha Thampi (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), Karen Coelho (Madras Institute of Development Studies), Darshini Mahadevia (Ahmedabad University) ##conf1218, 4, Compliance and beyond: Governing the Covid-19 pandemic » Nick Clarke (University of Southampton), Clive Barnett (University of Exeter, UK) Page 197 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1058: Revisiting Engels’ ‘Housing Question’: Work and Housing Conditions of Immigrant Platform-Delivery Riders in Barcelona » Prachi Metawala (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona), Kathrin Golda-Pongratz (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), Barcelona), Clara Irazábal-Zurita (University of Maryland) Continued from Friday, 3 September ##conf1218, 5, Governing the pandemic in Brexit-Covid-19-Britain » Joshua Blamire (Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, University of Exeter), Katharine Tyler (University of Exeter, UK) 15:00 Oral : HGRG10 ##conf1229 New and Emerging Research in Historical Geography (3) Stage - Virtual Stage 18 Chaired by: Ruth Quinn and Jenna Kirk and Ed Armston-Sheret ##conf1058: Challenging the housing question through everyday tenant activism » Adriana Mihaela Soaita (University of Glasgow) ##conf1058: The Double Return of Friedrich Engels: Towards a Dialectics of the Trace » Steve Hanson (Independent researcher), Mark Rainey (National University of Ireland, Galway) A cultural geography of via Francigena: landscape, heritage, pilgrimage » Leonardo Porcelloni (University of Nottingham) Botanical biopolitics: the socio-political lives of flowers in Victorian Britain » Anna Lawrence (University of Cambridge) Instruments of scientific governance? Historical geographies of Halley Bay, Antarctica » Alice Oates (University of Cambridge) 15:00 Oral : HPGRG7 ##conf1058 Friedrich Engels and Geography Stage - Virtual Stage 19 Chaired by: Camilla Royle ##conf1058: How to make a city into a firetrap: land, property and social murder in the UK’s cladding scandal » Frances Brill (University of Cambridge), Callum Ward (UCL) ##conf1058: Engels’ ‘Proletarisation’ and ‘Great Towns’ vis-à-vis Dispossession, and Gendered Work in Era of Financialised Capitalism » TANYA CHAUDHARY (Ambedkar University Delhi) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. ##conf1058: Discussant » Terrell Carver (Bristol University) 15:00 Oral ##conf1016 Bordering the Middle East: actors, conflicts and migrations Stage - Virtual Stage 20 Chaired by: Daniel Meier and Richard Schofield ##conf1016 1.Security issues on the border between Turkey and Iran » Johanna Ollier (Sciences Po Grenoble) ##conf1016 3. Illicit trafficking in Libya: understanding the impact of illicit trafficking on borderland communities in Western Libya » Sara Merabti Elgvin (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs) ##conf1016 4.The changing Middle Eastern borderland? » Richard Schofield (King's College London) Page 198 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Optimising police deployment to meet proactive and reactive demand (1 - ##conf1149) » Natacha Chenevoy (School of Law, University of Leeds), Daniel Birks (School of Law, University of Leeds), Nick Malleson (School of Geography, University of Leeds) Continued from Friday, 3 September Temporalities and actors of the externalization of border control in the Syrian-Lebanese borderlands » Daniel Meier (PACTE-Sciences Po Grenoble) 15:00 Impact of Response to Incidents on Response Time: An Analysis of Police Vehicle GPS Data (3 - ##conf1149) » Stijn Ruiter (Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement), Toby Davies (Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London) Oral : PopGRG2; PGF3; UGRG8 ##conf1047 The Bordering Process of Transnational Migrants in Urban Spaces with/without the pandemic of COVID-19 (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 21 Chaired by: Yunting Qi and Dennis Tam Understanding the Deterrent Effect of Police Patrol in Micro Hotspots (4 - ##conf1149) » Oli Hutt (Crest Advisory) ##conf1047 6. Cared/Un-cared Care Migrants: The (Everyday) Making of Caring and Uncaring Migration Infrastructures in the Global City Hong Kong » Henry Hin-Yan Chan (Lingnan University) Unravelling Spatiotemporal Patterns of Everyday Police Patrol in Antwerp (5 - ##conf1149) » Maite Dewinter (Department of Geography, Ghent University), Philipp M. Dau (Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University), Christophe Vandeviver (Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University), Tom Vander Beken (Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University), Frank Witlox (Department of Geography, Ghent University) ##conf1047 7. Superkilen as Border Technology: Re-colonization of ‘Migrants’ by Public Space Design » Burcu Yigit Turan (Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ##conf1047 8. Change the Beat: Young asylum seekers' music consumption practices and the negotiation of public and private spaces and places » Eileen Hogan (School of Applied Social Studies and ISS21, University College Cork), Caitriona Ni Laoire (University College Cork) ##conf1047 9. Creating Home in Celebrations: A Case Study on the Religious lives of Filipino Migrant Workers in Macau » Dennis Tam (Royal Holloway, University of London) 15:00 Oral : QMRG3 ##conf1149 Spatiotemporal Patterns of Everyday Police Patrol Stage - Virtual Stage 22 Chaired by: Frank Witlox and Christophe Vandeviver and Maite Dewinter and Philipp M. Dau Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 15:00 Oral : RGRG12 ##conf1088 Tracing, Traversing and Transgressing Borders in Rural Geography (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 23 Chaired by: Martin Phillips and Felipe da Silva Machado 6. Bordering and in between spaces: working within and beyond the rural-urban fringe? » Adam Peacock (Keele University), Simon Pemberton (Keele University) 7. Rural proofing: negating the rural – urban boundar(y)ies where is it now? » sonja Rewhorn (The Open University) Page 199 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST ##conf1039 Land and sea boundaries: Opportunities and challenges for accessibility in Malta’s Harbour Region » Maria Attard (University of Malta) Continued from Friday, 3 September 4. Resisting environmental injustice and social exclusion of small farmers with socio-ecological networks in Brazil » Ana Bicalho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Scott Hoefle (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) ##conf1039 Airport classification in Chinese multi-airport regions: An interaction network perspective between aviation and highspeed rail » Yuting Chen (Ghent University), Kurt Fuellhart (Shippensburg University), Tony Grubesic (University of Texas at Austin), Shengrun Zhang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Frank Witlox (Ghent University) 5. Relational rural geographies in the metropolitan countryside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil » Felipe da Silva Machado (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) 15:00 Oral : TGRG3 ##conf1039 The presence and impact of spatial boundaries in transport geography Stage - Virtual Stage 24 Chaired by: Craig Morton and Esther Anaya Boig and Roger Beacham and Robin Lovelace 15:00 Local community as a site of resilience during a global pandemic: An exploration of the role of Covid-19 mutual aid groups in England. » Tracey Coates (Kingston University) ##conf1039 Opening up new avenues for cycling? A before and after study of the impact of new cycling infrastructure on shared bicycle use » Suzanne Maas (University of Malta), Maria Attard (University of Malta), Loukas Dimitriou (University of Cyprus) Neo-liberalizing risks: earthquake retrofitting in Israel » Eran Feitelson (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) ##conf1039 A MaaS of boundaries » Ian Philips (University of Leeds) Risk, Speculation and Contingency: The case of humanitarian risk pooling and disaster risk finance » Olivia Taylor (University of Sussex) ##conf1039 Borders within everyday urban mobility practices in Tehran: Dynamic process of producing structures, meanings, and practices through blurring, displacing, and defining borders » Sara Mesgarpour Tousi (Center for Technology and Society (ZTG), Technical University of Berlin) Talking about volcanoes: Institutional narratives, the nature of risk, and Mount Mayon in the Philippines » Greg Bankoff (University of Hull) 15:00 #conf1039 Some impacts of national spatial boundaries in transport geography: The Danish/Swedish border since the 1990s » Richard Knowles (University of Salford) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1306 Disasters: relief and response Stage - Virtual Stage 25 Chaired by: Nina Laurie Oral ##conf1309 Education: segregation and transitions Stage - Virtual Stage 26 Chaired by: Matt Finn Page 200 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September An ambivalent boundary between school and private life: the experiences of LGBT teachers in Chilean schools. » Pablo Astudillo (Universidad Alberto Hurtado) Squatting the margins: Fragmented mobilization and narrowed autonomy of illegalized migrants » Louis Vuilleumier (University of Fribourg, Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines) 15:00 Crafting space for self-care practices within Higher Education » Tamsin Fisher (Keele University) Educational desegregation and boundary change in Northern Ireland » Rebecca Loader (Queen's University Belfast) ##conf1121 The production of concentrated resettlement communities for landless farmers in China's unbalanced urbanization: the case of Hangzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone » Chen Yang (School of Planning, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada), Zhu Qian (School of Planning, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada) Transition to more sustainable lives?: the impact of university infrastructure and services on students’ habitual behaviours » Rachel Howell (University of Edinbugh) 15:00 ##conf1121 Motivations and Barriers of Rural Migrants Living in Public Rental Housing: A Case Study of Chongqing, China » WEIJIE HU (The University of Sydney, Australia) Oral ##conf1173 Post-Pandemic Urbanism: Reconceptualizing the nexus between vacancy, occupancy and the right to housing Stage - Virtual Stage 27 Chaired by: Viviana d'Auria and Elisabetta Rosa and Jeroen Stevens ##conf1121 Perceptions towards improving the participatory urban planning in Alexandria, Egypt » Pakinam Hassan (The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.) Representing Occupation Practices in Cape Town, South Africa: An Initial Reflection » Nobukhosi Ngwenya (African Centre for Cities, School of Architecture, Planning, and Geomatics, University of Cape Town) ##conf1121 Gaining Access, Losing Ground: Complexities of Displacement and Resettlement around the Construction of Bangladesh’s Padma Bridge. » Annemiek Prins (Radboud University Nijmegen) Housing Surplus? » Elsa Noterman (Queens' College, University of Cambridge) 15:00 After the oil boom: southern Sudanese reclaiming their right to the city in times of national and global crises » Griet Steel (Utrecht University, Department of human geography and planning.) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1121 Displacement crisis and conflict narratives in the urban peripheries of the Global South Stage - Virtual Stage 28 Chaired by: Tara Saharan and Lakshmi Priya Rajendran Oral ##conf1241 Scales of socio-spatial fragmentation: New perspectives in theory and research Stage - Virtual Stage 30 Chaired by: Matthew Aaron Richmond and Márcio Catelan Page 201 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 15:00 The connections between planning policies and socio-spatial fragmentation: The normalisation of gated communities in the Metropolitan area of Puebla, Mexico » Emma Morales (Universidad Iberoamericana) Intra-state Borders and Protected Areas: a Critical Analysis to three Biosphere Reserves in North-west Spain » Juan-Manuel Trillo-Santamaría (University of Santiago de Compostela), Roberto Vila-Lage (University of Santiago de Compostela), Valerià Paül (University of Santiago de Compostela) Scales of socio-spatial fragmentation in everyday routes around the metropolis » Márcio Catelan (Universidade Estadual Paulista), Maria Encarnação Sposito (Universidade Estadual Paulista) Sargassum and the Blue Economy » Yanna Fidai (University of Southampton), Jadu Dash (University of Southampton), Emma Tompkins (University of Southampton), Bob Marsh (University of Southampton), Kwasi Appeaning Addo (University of Ghana) Mass production of housing and the socio-spatial fragmentation of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico » Luis Alberto Salinas Arreortua (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Insurgent planning and the elusive right to the city: Critical in/re flections from Belo Horizonte » Gabriel Silvestre (Newcastle University) 15:00 Transformational adaptation opportunities from emergent transboundary environmental risks: the case of Sargassum seaweed in the Tropical Atlantic » Emma Tompkins (University of Southampton), Sien Van Der Plank (University of Southampton), Jack Corbett (University of Southampton), Janice Cumberbatch (University of the West Indies), Bethia Thomas (University of the West Indies), Thierry Tonon (University of York), Mona Webber (University of the West Indies) Oral ##conf1301 Coastal geographies: land-sea borders Stage - Virtual Stage 31 Chaired by: Emma McKinley 15:00 Historical Maps provide insight into a century and a half of habitat change in Fijian coasts » Katherine Lawson (SUNY-ESF), Haleigh Letendre (SUNY-ESF), Joshua Drew (SUNY-ESF) Mapping The Safety of Navigation in UK Waters » Andrew Rawson (University of Southampton) On Queerer Tides: Rethinking Shoreline Subjectivity through Byron’s Turkish Tales » Rebekah Musk (Lancaster University) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral ##conf1329 Sustainable development, environmental risk and conservation Stage - Virtual Stage 32 Chaired by: Jennifer Hill Oral : EGRG16; GJRG14 ##conf1205 Manufacturing precarity? Repression and resistance in the global sweatshop Stage - Virtual Stage 33 Chaired by: Sabina Lawreniuk Failure to leverage: Urban-level social dialogue around precarious work and the challenges of scale » Jamie Doucette (University of Manchester) The end of the sweatshop or a new race to the bottom? » Ashok Kumar (Birkbeck, University of London) Page 202 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 10 17:00 Oral : TGRG11 ##conf1219 Challenges and opportunities for reducing car dependence in urban neighbourhoods Stage - Virtual Stage 1 Chaired by: Esther Anaya Boig and Franziska Kirschner Fear and clothing in Phnom Penh: Economies of affect in global production networks » Sabina Lawreniuk (University of Nottingham) Subcontracted capitalism, worker mobilisation and new avenues of transnational bargaining: examples from the garment and electronics industry » Jeroen Merk (University of Edinburgh) Regulating industrial relations institutions in Cambodia and Vietnam: State, labour and international pressure » Bill Taylor (City University of Hong Kong), Stella Wong (City University of Hong Kong) 16:40 16:40 16:40 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 1 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 2 General Doors open and technical check Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 01 - Neighbourhood Parking Practices and Electric Vehicle Adoption » Hannah Budnitz (University of Oxford), Toon Meelen (University of Utrecht), Sivapriya Mothilal Bhagavathy (University of Oxford), Tim Schwanen (University of Oxford, UK) 03 - Walker's Paradise for everyone? Enhanced instruments to assess urban walkability » Kerstin Conrad (ILS - Institute for Regional an Urban Development gGmbH), Noriko Otsuka (ILS - Institute for Regional an Urban Development gGmbH,), Janina Welsch (ILS - Institute for Regional an Urban Development gGmbH) 04 - Urban space: exploring the potential for active travel to reduce car dependence » Alistair Bogaars (University of Greenwich), Yuliya Yurchenko (University of Greenwich), Petros Ieromonachou (University of Greenwich) 05 - Parking in urban neighbourhoods: Residents’ perspective on on-street parking policies » Franziska Kirschner (Goethe University Frankfurt / Planersocietaet) 06 - Built and social environment factors associated with Stages of Change of cycling for transport. Case studies from the EU PASTA project. » Esther Anaya Boig (Imperial C) Page 203 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September 17:00 17:00 Keynote Chair's plenary - David Olusoga Venue - RGS-IBG Ondaatje Theatre Chaired by: Uma Kothari ##conf1017 Literature review of the climate change perception – actors, methods, and the underlying concepts of perception » Susann Schäfer (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena), Anika Zorn (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena) History's Borders - Selective Memory and Britain's Empire of Amnesia 17:00 Oral : PGF5 ZOOM SESSION ##conf1049 Blurring the borders between researcher and participant: The role of autoethnography within geographical research (2) Venue - Workshop Sessions 1 (hosted on Zoom - see session details for link) Chaired by: Sarah Huque and Rachel Creaney 5. Mapping in-betweenness through autoethnography: a mixed media approach for a decolonial feminist praxis in urban geography » Mantha Katsikana (York University) 6. Trans Autoethnography: Experimentation, Discomfort and Vulnerability » Mel Jones (University of Leicester) 7. How does autoethnography challenge the boundaries between researcher, participant, and our personal lives within research? » Ellen Bishop (University of Leicester) 8. Experimental Making: A more-than-human autoethnography » Eliott Rooke (University of Exeter) Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. Oral : CCRG0 ##conf1017 Exploring Climate Change Perceptions: From awareness to efficacy Stage - Virtual Stage 2 Chaired by: Dr Leonie Tuitjer and Peter Dirksmeier and Lars Mewes ##conf1017 Denial and Acceptance? Exploring U.S. Conservatives’ Contradictory Climate Change Perceptions » Michael Athay (Clark University), Yuko Aoyama (Clark University) B/ordering climate mobilities: Perceptions of mobility (in)justice in Senegal » Sarah Walker (University of Bologna) 17:00 Oral ##conf1163 Dismantling the borders between mobility and immobility in rural space (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 6 Chaired by: Tialda Haartsen and Annett Steinführer Work-related multi-local Incomings in rural areas as a planning challenge » Lena Greinke (Institute of Environmental Planning, Leibniz University Hannover) Mobility versus immobility. A study in inner rural areas: limits, strategies and opportunities through the study of a regional case, the Inner Area of the Monti Dauni in Apulia (Italy) » Marilena Labianca (University of Foggia) (Im)mobilities in protected areas of England » Marie Metenier (University of Limoges) Page 204 RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021 31 Aug - 10 Sep 2021 All times in BST Continued from Friday, 3 September The diversity of rural mobilities and the changing lives of rural gentrifiers » Martin Phillips (University of Leicester), Darren Smith (Loughborough University, UK) From return migration to staying: towards a better understanding of rural (im)mobilities » Annett Steinführer (Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, Braunschweig), Tialda Haartsen (University of Groningen), Aileen Stockdale (Queen's University Belfast: School of Natural & Built Environment) 17:00 10 August Bundle: 1 Sessions released on-demand 10:00 Training materials to watch on demand ahead of the conferenc 1 of 1 General Training materials to watch on demand 26 August Bundle: 1 Sessions released on-demand 15:00 Making the most of the annual conference 1 of 1 General Making the most of the annual conference Chaired by: Peter Kraftl Oral ##conf1260 Urban Borderlands: Conditions, Processes and Implications (2) Stage - Virtual Stage 10 Chaired by: Deljana Iossifova and David Kostenwein Transformation of a fluid border: the case of the Beirut River » Christine Mady (Notre Dame University – Louaize) Between Walls and Fences - How gated communities in Bogotá threaten democratic access and security for all in the streets outside the gates » David Kostenwein (ETH) Negotiating Fenced Streets » Federico Ruiz Carvajal (TU Delft) Walking through City Neighborhoods: Crossing Borders as seen in Vernacular Landscapes. » Jerome Krase (Brooklyn College CUNY) On Demand Powered by Ex Ordo, your online conference platform. 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