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International Review of Chemical Engineering (I.RE.CH.E.), Vol. 4, N. 6 ISSN 2035-1755 November 2012 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum A Facile Solvent-Free Skraup Cyclization Reaction for Synthesis of 2, 2, 4-trimethyl-1, 2-dihydroquinoline Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder Abstract – An optimized and efficient process has been found to synthesize 2, 2, 4-Trimethyl-1, 2dihydroquinoline from an acid- catalyzed Skraup Cyclization of acetone and aniline. Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane functionalized with sulfonic acid group [POSS-SO3H] used as an acid catalyst, synthesized by self-assembly of silane precursor was used. Different characterization of POSS-SO3H using TPD, SEM, XRD, TGA and FT-IR was carried out. The comparative study of the effect of reaction parameters such as speed of agitation, mole ratio, catalyst loading and temperature was analyzed to obtain maximum conversion. Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved. Keywords: Solid Acid Catalyst, POSS, Skraup Cyclization, 2, 2, 4-Trimethyl-1, 2Dihydroquinoline, Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson Mechanism years due to its widespread availability and enhanced biological activity [2]-[4]. Many derivatives of 2,2,4trisubstituted-1,2-dihydroquinolines are known to exhibit a wide range of pharmacological properties such as bactericidal[5], anti-diabetic[6], anti-inflammatory[7], anti-malarial[8], lipid per-oxidation inhibitors[9], progesterone-agonists[10] and antagonists[11]. Furthermore, the utility of 2, 2, 4-trimethyl-1, 2dihydroquinolines as antioxidants for rubber and polyolefins, feed additives, dyes, and pharmaceuticals is also well-recognized [12]-[19]. Its polymeric form i.e. Rubber Anti-oxidant RD is mainly used for natural rubber and chloroprene rubber etc. It has stronger restrained effect to the metallic catalysis and oxidation. It has a longer-time remaining of protective effect, because it has a higher molecular weight and has little diffusive loss [20]. Silica [21] is commonly used as a catalyst support since it can withstand extensive 3D network structures. One class of silicones is silsesquioxanes [22] i.e. silicones with a Si: O ratio of 1:1.5. These structures are called polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes or POSS with a general formula of [RSiO1.5]n (see Fig. 1). Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) are thermally robust cages consisting of a silicon–oxygen core framework possessing alkyl functionality on the periphery [22]-[29]; they are used for the development of high performance materials in medical, aerospace, and commercial applications [30]. POSS molecules can be functionally tuned, are easily synthesized with inherent functionality, are discreetly nano-sized, and are often commercially available. In this system, POSS crystals have been effectively synthesized by the process of self-assembly. Functionalization of POSS [31]-[35] was carried out so as to impregnate acidic sites, and was then characterized by several techniques including Temperature Nomenclature A B C CA CB CC Cs Ct CW Ea K k K’ KA KB KC KW M rA W w X Acetone Aniline 2, 2, 4-Trimethyl-1, 2-dihydroquinoline Concentration of acetone (mol/cm3) Concentration of aniline (mol/cm3) Concentration of 2, 2, 4-Trimethyl-1, 2dihydroquinoline (mol/cm3) Concentration of vacant sites (mol/ g catalyst) Total concentration of sites (mol/ g catalyst) Concentration of water (mol/cm3) Activation energy (kcal/mol) Forward rate constant for cyclization reaction Effective rate constant for cyclization reaction Backward rate constant for cyclization reaction Adsorption equilibrium constant for A Adsorption equilibrium constant for B Adsorption equilibrium constant for C Adsorption equilibrium constant for W Molar ratio of acetone to aniline Rate of reaction w. r. t. A (mol/cm3 min g catalyst) Water Catalyst loading (g/cm3) Fractional conversion I. Introduction The increasing chemical pollution in the recent decades has escalated the demand for extensive and effective implementation of green chemistry. Catalysis plays a pivotal role in green chemistry and waste minimization [1]. The synthesis of dihydroquinolines and their derivatives have been the focus of prolonged interest among organic and medicinal chemists for many Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved 597 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder Programmable Desorption (TPD), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). II.2. II.2.1. Synthesis of mercaptopropyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS-SH) Silane precursor (3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxy silane) was hydrolyzed using aqueous ammonia solution which performs as a catalyst, in the presence of ethanol as solvent. The reaction mixture was stirred at room temperature (30oC) for 48 h [23]. Initially, the reaction concoction was transparent indicating complete dissolution of silane monomers. After 2 hours of the reaction as the hydrolysis and condensation reaction proceeded, the mixture became opaque indicating the formation of colloidal particles. The product started to precipitate from the suspension in duration of stirring. Finally, the reaction concoction with almost clear supernatant was obtained after 48 hour. The precipitate obtained was filtered, washed and dried in an oven for 4 h at 60oC. Fig. 1. Basic structure of POSS, R-hydrogen/alkyl/alkylene/aryl/arylene Among the most general approaches for the synthesis of such dihydroquinolines is Skraup cyclization which involves the heating a mixture of nitro-ethane, aniline, and glycerol with concentrated sulfuric acid [36]. Doebner and Von Miller modified this procedure by using an alpha and beta unsaturated ketone with an aromatic amine by heating in the presence of acid catalyst or iodine [37]. Over the last century, a number of other methods have been made to improve the yields and reproducibility of Skraup cyclization involving a variety of catalysts [38]. However, in spite of the potential utility, some of these methods suffer from drawbacks including the use of unavailable and costly reagents, higher temperature, longer reaction times, lower yields and the use of hazardous solvents. Another important issue is that most of these procedures involve either conventional heating or microwave-irradiation On studying the various solvent-free reactions, [39][45], we would like to put forward a POSS-SO3H acidcatalysed reaction for the synthesis of 2, 2, 4trisubstituted-1, 2-dihydroquinolines at different temperature under solvent-free conditions. It involves the formation of a self-aldol condensation product which attacks aniline to form the desired quinoline. In this study, the reaction kinetics of POSS-SO3H catalyzed Skraup cyclization reaction (Fig. 1) of aniline with propan-2-one has been examined to synthesize 2, 2, 4trimethyll-1, 2 di-hydroquinoline. II. II.2.2. Oxidation of POSS-SH to sulfonic acid POSS (POSS-SO3H) Excess amount of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution, required for complete oxidation were added to the precipitate with methanol as solvent, stirred in a magnetic stirrer for 4 h [46]-[50]. The final product was filter out using methanol solvent and dried. In order to ensure that all the sulfonic groups were protonated, the solid was suspended in a 10 wt% H2SO4 (~100 ml) solution for 1 h. The solid was then filtered off and washed with water and it was then dried in an oven for 4 at 60oC. II.3. Catalyst Characterization For characterization of catalyst, the Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy was done on Perkin Elmer Spectrum GX, in the scan range of 4000 cm-1 and 600 cm-1. XRD was obtained by a Rigaku Miniflex X-Ray Diffractometer and was used to confirm the crystalline structure. Thermal stability was determined by DSCTGA using a Perkin Elmer Pyris Diamond TG/DTA. The surface morphology was studied by using JEOL JSM 6380LA analytical Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and elemental analysis was done by using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) (JEOL JSM 6380LA Analytical scanning Microscope). To determine the acidic/basic character, Temperature Programmable Desorption (TPD) was done on a Micromeritics 2920 TPD/TPR Analyzer Experimental II.1. Catalyst Preparation Materials II.4. 3-mercaptoproyl trimethoxy silane (3-MPTS) precursor were obtained from Fluka, USA; sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, methanol, ethanol, aniline, acetone , toluene, n-dodecane, aqueous ammonia solution, were obtained from M/s. S. D. Fine Chemicals, Mumbai, India and use of analytical grade. Reaction Procedure The reaction as depicted in the scheme 1 was carried out at different reaction conditions in a laboratory autoclave. The reaction parameters were optimized to determine the optimum speed of agitation, molar ratio of reactants, catalyst loading and temperature. Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 598 Ganapatii D. Yadav, Raahul P. Kumbh har, Saumydeeep Helder II.5. all the MPTMS--functionalizeed materials. The sampless with hout pore direecting agent shhowed no refl flection peaks,, indiicating (see Fig. F 3) no loong range ord dering of thee messopores in theese materials bby the templaate-free route.. Thiss is in contraast to functionnalized SBA-- 15 samples,, which have onee intense peaak and two weak peaks,, m withh indeexed to diffraactions, charaacteristic of materials ordeered hexagonnal arrays of one dimensiional channell stru ucture [61]. Metthod of Analyssis The analyysis was carrieed out by GC C (Chemito model m 1000, FID detector) d usinng a BPX50 capillary collumn (0.22 mm ×330 m). The product p conforrmation was done d by using GC C–MS (QP20010 GCMS, Shimadzu reestek, phase: Rtxwaax, length 30 m, m 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm). IIII. Resultt and Discu ussion I III.1. Catalysst Characterizzation III.1.1. Fourier Traansform Infrarred (FT-IR) S Spectroscopy Qualitativve identificatiion of the organic o functiional groups in the materialls was perfoormed by FTIR F spectroscopyy. IR spectraa of the silanne monomer and silane-based cubic crystals, two peaks at 2942 and 2927 2 cm-1 are obseerved (see Figg. 2), which can c be assigneed to C–H stretchhing vibrationns from proppyl and methhoxy groups in thee silane monom mer, respectivvely. Fig. 3. XRD result r after functioonalization (POS SS-SO3H) XRD X pattern showed sharrp crystalline peaks at 2θθ =10 0° and 25°, which w are in close agreem ment with thee literrature resultss for POSS structures [6 62]-[65] Thee resu ulting crystallline and am morphous ph hases in thee syntthesize mateerials are deenoted as su ulfonic acid-funcctionalized paartially crystaalline POSS material m [66].. Thee X-ray powdder pattern of POSS show ws two mainn charracteristic difffraction peakks at 10o and 25o (2θ), thee peak ks at 10o (2θ),, is for the sizee of POSS mo olecule. Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra before (P POSS-SH) and affter functionalizattion (PO OSS-SO3H) III.1.3. Thhermo Gravimetric Analysiss (TGA) For merrcaptopropyl-ttrimethoxysilaane-based cubic c crystals, thee asymmetric Si–O–Si strretching vibraation bands were observed att 1128 cm-1 [51]-[53]. For a work structuree, the Si–O–S Si absorption peak random netw usually appears around 1050 to 1000 cm-1. More M evidence forr the cage strructure of cubbic crystals iss the existence off a symmetricc Si–O–Si strretching vibraation peak at 551 cm-1, which is i the characteeristic feature of a double ring from the cagge structure [51]. In addiition, peaks at 693 cm-1 and 8433 cm-1 can bee assigned to Si–C S stretching vibrational v annd Si–(CH2)3 rocking moodes, respectively [51]-[53]. Thhe spectrum clearly c showss the symmetric sttretching’s off Si–O–Si peak at 770–1100 cm-1 which correspondss to the silssesquioxane cage structure [544]-[59]. The small s peak at 2942 cm-1 caan be attributed to the [(C–H)]] deformationn mode [60]. The i assigned too the wide and strrong band at 3450 cm-1 is OH deformattion due to H2O. Thermo T Gravim metric Analyssis (TGA) rev vealed that thee cataalyst was theermally stablee up to a teemperature off 250oC, and the overlay of thhe plots befo ore and afterr funcctionalization indicates (seee Fig. 4) thee addition off oxy ygen atoms due to a reductioon in the therm mal stability. Itt is reasonable to concludde that the crrystallinity off pseu udo cubic pow wders is slighttly lower than n that of cubicc crysstals [65]-[666]. The TGA A curve for the sphericall partticles from thee sol–gel proccess shows a quite q differentt deco omposition beehavior. The ssublimed cubic crystals lostt their cubic morphhologies resultting in amorphous powder-like materials. III.1.4. Scanning Eleectron Microsccopy (SEM) and Ennergy Dispersiive X-Ray Speectroscopy (ED DXS) Scanning S Elecctron Microsscopy (SEM) divulge thee SEM M images of sulfonic aacid functionalized POSS S materials, presennce of regular cubic shaped d crystals afterr funcctionalization,, whereas before fun nctionalizationn glob bular aggregattes were preseent (see Figs. 5). 5 I III.1.2. X-rayy Diffraction (XRD) (X Powder X-ray X diffractioon analyses were w performeed on Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthyy Prize S.r.l. - Alll rights reserved International Review of C Chemical Engineeering, Vol. 4, N. 6 S Special Section onn 4th CEAM 2012 2 - Virtual Forum m 599 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder were related to non acid-functionalized material. See Fig. 6(b), show NH3-TPD profile of POSS-SO3H, which is functionalized material and two desorption peaks were observed. The desorption peaks at 140oC –200oC represent increase in the acid strength. Fig. 4. XRD result after functionalization (POSS-SO3H) (a) Figs. 5. SEM images before (a) and after functionalization (b) of POSS EDXS was done to confirm composition of sulphur, silicon and oxygen in synthesized catalyst. Table I shows sulfur (S), Silicon (Si) and Oxygen (O) contents in the sulfonic acid-functionalized POSS samples obtained from elemental analysis. The amount of S, Si and O present in the un-functionalized POSS samples was relatively low as compared to functionalized POSS (b) Figs. 6. TPD analysis of POSS before (a) and after functionalization (b) TABLE I ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION III.1.6. Application of Catalyst for Skraup Cyclization Reaction Composition% Element Before functionalization Our catalyst is acidic nature so we choose the reaction as depicted below (see Scheme 1) was carried out at different reaction conditions in a laboratory autoclave. The reaction parameters were optimized to determine the optimum speed of agitation, molar ratio of reactants, catalyst loading and temperature After functionalization O 21.47 48.45 Si 45.66 35.63 S 32.87 15.92 III.1.5. Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) CH3 Temperature Programmable Desorption (NH3-TPD) performed on the catalyst divulges it to be acidic as depicted by the adsorption of ammonia gas as well as the distribution of surface and strength of acid sites. See Fig. 6(a), show NH3-TPD profile of POSS-SH, which is not functionalized material and two desorption peaks were observed. The peak at temperature lower than 100oC was attributed to the physically adsorbed NH3 [67]-[68], and other one desorption peaks in the range of 170oC –200oC O NH2 + 2 H C 3 CH3 ∆ = 140°C to 170°C N H Acid Catalyst aniline propan-2-one CH3 CH3 2,2,4 trimethyl 1,2 dihydroquinoline Scheme 1. Skraup Cyclization reaction Parameters, Temperatures were varied from 140oC to 170oC, rotation speeds from 800 rpm to 1400 rpm, molar Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 600 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder ratio was varied from 1:3 to 1:9 and catalyst loading was varied from 0.01 g/cm3 to 0.03 g/cm3. external mass transfer resistance. Greater the agitation speed, lesser will be the resistance due to external mass transfer and hence it will not be the rate-determining step in the reaction. The effect of the speed of agitation (see Fig. 7) was studied by varying from 800 to 1400 rpm, under analogous reaction conditions. The conversion of aniline, the limiting reactant, at different intervals of time is shown in Fig. 7. It was observed that the conversion of aniline was practically the same beyond 1000 rpm, which ensure that external mass-transfer effects did not persuade the reaction rate. To be on secure region, all further experiments were conducted at 1000 rpm. III.2. Proposed Reaction Mechanism Both the alcohol and acid get adsorbed on the catalyst sites and the reaction proceeds though cyclization reaction of aniline and acetone as shown in plausible mechanism (see Scheme 2). III.3. Kinetic Study III.3.1. Effect of Speed of Agitation The speed of agitation determines the relative effect of Scheme 2. Plausible cyclization reaction mechanism III.3.2. Development of Mechanistic Model and Kinetics of the Reaction . (1) This step is assumed to be fast; hence it is taken to be at equilibrium. Therefore, we have: In the absence of both external mass transfer and intraparticle diffusion resistances, it is possible to develop a kinetic model. It is assumed that 2naphthol (A) and dimethyl carbonate (B) adsorb on catalytic site, so we propose the Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) Model for the reaction mechanism. Scheme 2 depicts the catalytic cycle. This model has been found to work well for initial rate data for reactions carried out on solid acid catalysts where surface adsorption and desorption are weak [69]-[75]. The steps involved in the mechanism are: 1. Adsorption of Aniline (A) on a vacant acidic site (S) (2) . 2. Adsorption of Acetone (B) on a vacant acidic site (S) . (3) This step is assumed to be fast; hence it is taken to be at equilibrium. Therefore, we have: . Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved (4) International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 601 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder 100 90 (12) . or: Conversion (%)) 80 Now, we have: 60 (13) . 70 50 . 40 30 . (14) From the equations of adsorption of both the reactants we have: 20 10 0 (15) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Time (min) 800 rpm 1000 rpm 1200 rpm 1400 rpm (16) The number of available active sites changes during the progression of the reaction. So, we can relate amount of catalyst in terms of total catalytic sites only. Thus, we have: Fig. 7. Aniline: Acetone (1:5), n-decane 2 µl, Temperature 160°C, Catalyst loading 0.03 g/cm3 3. Surface reaction of A.S with B.S in the vicinity of the site leading to formation of the intermediate I which reacts with another adsorbed species AS . . . . . . . . (5) . . . . . . . . (17) (18) (6) (19) The steps involving the surface reactions are assumed to be the rate determining step for the overall reaction and initially we assume these reactions to be irreversible. Also, by steady state approximation, we assume the rate of change of concentration of intermediate I as zero. Therefore, we have: . . . Hence: (20) (7) (8) Substituting the expression for Cs into that for the rate equation: If step 6 is assumed to be rate determining, the all other steps are in quasi-equilibrium. (21) . 4. Desorption of products from catalyst site . / / (22) (9) (10) When adsorption and desorption constants are small, the LHHW model converts itself into a power law model: Again, these steps are assumed to be fast, and thus we have: (11) . (23) . Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 602 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder This implies: 100 (24) 90 80 Conversion (%) Since the total number of sites is proportional to the catalyst loading, : (25) We can define an effective rate constant : (26) , 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Now, due to very high mole ratio 1:7 (Aniline: Acetone), we can safely assume that concentration of acetone (CB) remains constant. When all adsorption equilibrium constants are very small, and for CB0>>CA0, hence, effective rate constant k can be defined as: 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.01 g/cc Time (min) 0.02 g/cc 0.03 g/cc (27) , Fig. 8. Speed of agitation = 1000 rpm, Aniline: Acetone (1:5), n-decane 2 µl, Temperature 160°C Therefore it is a pseudo first order reaction. Let A be the fractional conversion of the limiting reagent A. Then: This conversion increases with increasing catalyst loading, which can be attributed to the proportional increase in the number of active sites available. However, beyond loading of 0.02 g/cm3, there was not any significant increase in the conversion observed. (28) (29) III.3.4. Effect of Mole Ratio(Aniline:Acetone) Under solvent-less conditions, the effect of mole ratio of aniline to acetone was studied from 1:3 to 1:9. The catalyst loading was kept at 0.02g/cm3 and speed of agitation at 1000 rpm. The most suitable mole ratio was found to be 1:7 with aniline as the limiting reagent as shown in Figure 9. (30) By integrating the above equation: (31) 100 90 We get: ln Conversion (%) 80 (32) Hence, if it follows the LHHW model (see Fig. 11), the graph of –ln(1-XA) versus t should give a straight line. Fig. 11 represents the aforementioned quantities for different temperatures. 70 60 50 40 30 20 III.3.3. Effect of Catalyst Loading 10 In the absence of external mass transfer resistance, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to catalyst loading based on the entire liquid phase volume, which is due to the proportional increase in the number of active sites. Further reactions were carried out with 0.024 g/cm3 catalyst loading. The catalyst loading was varied over a range of 0.01 – 0.03 g/cm3 under similar reaction conditions (see Fig. 8 ). 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1:03 Time (min) 1:05 1:07 1:09 Fig. 9. Speed of agitation = 1000 rpm, n-decane 2 µl, Catalyst loading 0.02 g/cm3, Temperature 160°C Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 603 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder As the concentration of acetone increases, the number of available sites for adsorption of aniline decreases, and there is not any considerable increase in conversion and yield above a mole ratio of 1:7 3 2,5 y = 0,09x R² = 0,986 2 y = 0.076x R² = 0.994 1,5 y = 0.057x R² = 0.992 III.3.5. Effect of Temperature ln (1-X) The effect of temperature (see Fig. 10) was studied at four different temperatures in the range 140–170oC under similar reaction conditions as shown in Fig 10. For a specific conversion of aniline, the reaction rate increases with temperature rise. Therefore, it was found that the conversion increased significantly with increase in temperature. There was marginal increase in conversion at 170oC to that of 160oC; this would suggest a kinetically controlled mechanism. Hence the optimum temperature was determined to be 160oC. 1 y = 0.036x R² = 0.985 0,5 0 0 10 III.3.6. Arrhenius Plot In order to determine the energy of activation, ln(k) is plotted against the inverse of temperature in accordance with Arrhenius’ Law: 20 30 Time (min) 140 Deg C 150 Deg C 160 Deg C 170 Deg C 40 50 Fig. 11. Validation of LHHW model (33) -2,25 (34) y = -5582,x + 10,25 R² = 0,964 100 90 -2,75 ln k 80 70 Conversion (%) 60 -3,25 50 40 30 -3,75 0,0022 20 10 0,0023 0,0024 0,0025 1/T (K-1) 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 12. Arrhenius plot Time (min) III.3.7. Stability of Catalyst 140 Deg C 160 Deg C 150 Deg C 170 Deg C The reusability of the catalyst was studied, after completion of reaction the catalyst was recovered and washed with methanol for two to three times by refluxing the used catalyst in ethanol for 30 min in order to remove any adsorbed materials, like product, remaining reactants from within the pores. It was separated and dried at 373 K overnight. This process was repeated for every reuse of catalyst. The little loss in conversion after second reuse was found due to the adsorption of molecule on the Fig. 10. Speed of agitation = 1000 rpm, n-decane 2 µl, Catalyst loading 0.02 g/cm3, Aniline: Acetone (1:7) An Arrhenius plot was used to estimate the apparent activation energy of the reaction (Fig. 12). The apparent activation energy was computed to be 11.054 kcal/mol, which indicates intrinsically kinetically controlled reaction. Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 604 Ganapati D. Yadav, Rahul P. Kumbhar, Saumydeep Helder catalyst surface. Recyclability of catalyst was studied for three cycles. About 80–85% catalysts were recovered at the end of the reaction. Out of the total recovered catalyst from previous batch, 70% catalyst used for next reaction with 30% fresh catalyst so as to make desired quantity of standard batch. The catalyst could be reused with some decrease in conversion (see Table II) for three cycles after fresh use. Thus, POSS-SO3H was proved to be superior catalyst for cyclization reaction. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] TABLE II CATALYST REUSABILITY STUDIES \ Conversion Fresh 94 1st reuse 86 nd 2 reuse 81 3rd reuse 76 IV. [10] [11] [12] Conclusion 2,2,4- Trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline has been successfully synthesized by the Skraup Cyclization reaction of aniline and acetone carried out with a new acid catalyst, POSS-SO3H, in solvent free conditions with very high conversions at a relatively shorter time period, with various characterization of catalyst like TPD, TGA, SEM, XRD and FT-IR spectroscopy. The effects of various parameters on the rates of the reactions were discussed. A pseudo first order rate equation for the reaction mechanism was successfully developed. The apparent activation energy 11.054 kcal/mol was estimated, as value of the activation energy authorize that the reaction is intrinsically kinetically controlled. [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] Acknowledgements [19] GDY acknowledges support for personal chairs from the Darbari Seth Professor Endowment and R. T. Mody Distinguished Professor Endowment, and J. C. 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Asthana, Selective decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide into phenol and acetone by a novel cesium substituted heteropoly-acid on clay, Applied Catalysis A: General 244 (2003) 341–357 Life Member, Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology Life Member, Membrane Society of India Life Member, UDCT Alumni Association Life Member, National Society of the Friends of Trees Life Patron, Marathi Vidnyan Parishad Member, Organizing Committee: 3rd International Workshop on Crystallization, Filtration and Drying, February 2008 Current Catalysis, Bentham Science Publishers, 2011-on E-mails: Rahul P. Kumbhar Born on 10th May, 1984, in district Sangli, after completion of B E. (Chem.) from MAE, Pune, India, having two years of experience as Process Engineer in company, now pursuing Integrated Ph. D. from Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, India under the guidance of Prof. G. D. Yadav. Main research interests – Catalysis, nanomaterials synthesis and characterization, application towards chemical reactions like cyclization, esterification, etc. E-mail: Web site: Saumyadeep Halder Summer Trainee, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, India under the guidance of Prof. G. D. Yadav. Pursuing B. Tech from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Main research interests – Catalysis, Isomerization Unit and Catalytic Reforming Authors’ information Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai-400019 India. Unit. E-mail: Ganapati D. Yadav 14th September, 1952, born in Arjunwada district in Kolhapur city, after completion postgraduation study moved in UDCT, Mumbai, India, completed B. Chem. Eng., M Chem Engg, followed by PhD under the guidance of Prof. M. M. Sharma, now Vice Chancellor & R.T. Mody Distinguished Professor, J. C. Bose National Fellow (DST-Govt of India), Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai. Adjunct professor RMIT University, Australia. Fundamental and applied aspects of green, clean and benign processes in chemical and allied industries such as bulk, intermediate, pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, perfume and flavour and inorganics, new catalytic materials, phase transfer catalysis, nanoscience and nanotechnology, bio-catalysis, modeling and simulation, biocatalysis in non-aqueous media, synergism of chemical catalysis with microwaves and ultrasound, cascade engineered catalysis, renewable materials as feedstock for value added chemicals, biorefinery. He has made outstanding and extensive contributions to Green Chemistry & Technology, Catalysis Science & Engineering and Biotechnology. He has propounded the selectivity engineering principles including new theories with direct applications to industrial processes. He reported the first solid with highest superacidity (UDCaT-5), provided first ever interpretation of inversion in reaction rates and selectivities of Friedel Crafts alkylations, and novelties of tri-liquid phase transfer catalysis. His phenomenal productivity is reflected in 61 patents, 262 papers, 63 Ph Ds, 68 Masters, 3800 citations with h index of 34 and is decorated with fellowships of prestigious academies and awards.: Jagdish Chandra Bose National Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India Fellowship of TWAS, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK and Chartered Engineer, Life Fellow, Maharashtra Academy of Sciences Life Fellow, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers Life Fellow, Indian Chemical Society Member, American Chemical Society Life Member, Catalysis Society of India Copyright © 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved International Review of Chemical Engineering, Vol. 4, N. 6 Special Section on 4th CEAM 2012 - Virtual Forum 607