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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Faculty Publications - College of Christian Studies College of Christian Studies 7-2010 A Fourth Quest for Jesus: So What, and How So? Paul N. Anderson George Fox University, Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biblical Studies Commons, and the Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Previously published in The Bible and Interpretation, July 2010. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College of Christian Studies at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications - College of Christian Studies by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. By Pa u l N . An de r son George Fox Universit y Newberg, Oregon July 2010 I n May, Marcus Borg and I engaged in a set of public dialogues on t he Gospels and 1 Jesus in Bi- Opt ic Perspect ive, and Marcus asked m e a quest ion I will be t hinking about for a long t im e. At t he end of our first session on t he developm ent of t he gospel t radit ions he asked, “ Okay, Paul, so what ? What ’s t he significance of drawing t he Gospel of John int o Jesus st udies? I s it sim ply a m at t er of im agining t hat Jesus t ook several t rips t o Jerusalem inst ead of one, or m ight it lead t o som et hing really significant in t erm s of how we underst and t he Jesus of hist ory?” That is a really great set of quest ions, which I am st ill pondering! My response at t he t im e went along t wo lines. First , I said, t he quest for Jesus of Nazaret h t hrough t he Johannine lens is dem anded by crit ical concerns, regardless of what t he out com e m ight be. Crit ical appraisals of crit ical quest s show t hat t he dehist oricizat ion of John and t he de- Johannificat ion of Jesus are crit ically flawed plat form s on which t o base eit her gospel analyses or Jesus research. I n t hat sense, t he John, Jesus and Hist ory Proj ect — as well as m y own work on t he Fourt h Gospel and t he quest for Jesus—is driven by t he j udgm ent t hat t he first t hree quest s for Jesus have overlooked an ext rem ely im port ant resource: t he Gospel of John as an independent Jesus t radit ion, which, t hough highly t heological, also has it s own wort hy claim s t o hist oricit y. 2 Think of it ! What would happen if t he Nat ional Geographic Channel ran a special on a recent ly discovered gospel t ext from t he lat e first cent ury, which was different from t he Synopt ics but also developed an alt ernat ive rendering of Jesus and his m inist ry? I f t he t hirdcent ury Gospel of Judas creat ed a st ir, wit h virt ually no hist orical- Jesus t radit ion wit hin it , im agine what sort of a ruckus would em erge if John were t aken seriously as an independent Jesus t radit ion, differing from t he Markan gospels wit h at least som e knowing int ent ionalit y. That ’s what I believe will happen if t he Fourt h Gospel’s hist orical feat ures com e out from being eclipsed by it s t heological ones. The second part of m y response em erged wit hin our second dialogue on Jesus in Synopt ic and Johannine perspect ive, but it st ill requires furt her reflect ion; and, I invit e ot hers t o j oin m e in t hat inquiry. I n essence, yes. I ncluding t he Fourt h Gospel could m ake a significant difference in our underst anding of Jesus of Nazaret h in several ways, alt hough t he m ain quest ion will be whet her a part icular feat ure is really “ significant ” or not . At first blush, a Jesus who includes wom en in leadership around him self, who t eaches t hat every person has access t o God’s presence and direct ion, who declares t hat aut hent ic worship is lim it ed neit her by form nor place but wherever people worship in spirit and in t rut h, who challenges religious and polit ical est ablishm ent s wit h t he aut horit y of t rut h, who em phasizes relat ionships cent rally—wit h God and wit h one anot her, and who shows t hat sacrificial love is cent ral t o God’s sending his saving/ revealing wit nesses in t he world is highly significant , I believe! Of course, ot her feat ures will em erge as being of great er or lesser significance, but even t hese cause m e t o t hink m ore about t he im pact John’s present at ion of Jesus m ight have upon our underst andings of t he prophet from Galilee as port rayed in t he one gospel claim ing t o have direct cont act wit h Jesus as a basis for it s cont ent . Such a vent ure, however, will not be easy. I ndeed, t he very t ools for det erm ining hist oricit y wit hin t he first t hree quest s for Jesus have been forged on a Synopt ic- favoring set of program s, oft en at John’s expense. Therefore, t his leads t o a second quest ion regarding how t o conduct Jesus research m aking use of all viable resources—including t he Gospel of John: how so? While st andard crit eria for det erm ining hist oricit y wit hin Jesus research are st ill of use, t hey m ust be m odified t o include t he Fourt h Gospel as a pot ent ial resource for Jesus research inst ead of funct ioning as grids for excluding Johannine feat ures from gospel analysis. This is especially t he case if t he Fourt h Gospel reflect s a self- st anding Jesus t radit ion, t hough t heologically engaged, and if t he Johannine narrat ive was craft ed as a com plem ent and alt ernat ive t o Mark. Therefore, given t he dialogical aut onom y of t he Fourt h Gospel and a BiOpt ic Hypot hesis regarding John’s com posit ion and dist inct ive relat ions t o ot her t radit ions, present crit eria m ust be revised. Prim it ivit y versus Dissim ilarit y. While t he crit erion of dissim ilarit y m ight keep a scholar from wrongly at t ribut ing lat er Christ ian im pressions t o t he Jesus of hist ory, it also fails t he t est of serviceabilit y because it elim inat es everyt hing t hat is st andard Jewish and/ or Christ ian from t he gospel account s of Jesus. What if Jesus really did t each or do convent ional Jewish t hings? What if som e of his followers really did follow his t eachings and exam ple aut hent ically so t hat t hey becam e a real part of t he m ovem ent ? When a herm eneut ic of suspicion is applied t o it self, it wit hers under it s own weight . What is needed is a way of dist inguishing prim it ivit y from lat er developm ent s wit hin t he Jesus m ovem ent , and t he Fourt h Gospel has a good deal of prim it ive m at erial in addit ion t o developed t radit ion. Palest inian feat ures, Hebraism s and Aram aism s wit hin t he t ext , Jewish t hought form s and cust om s, and preform al ( less developed) present at ions of t he Jesus m ovem ent provide a m ore serviceable way forward on t his account . Also, a lat er present at ion of an earlier m em ory st ill m ay have a hist orical root , even if developm ent has evolved, so being able t o sort t hrough such issues is also im port ant . Corroborat ive I m pression versus Mult iple At t est at ion. I f m ult iple at t est at ion is used as a t ool for select ing feat ures of Jesus’ port rait ure, any t im e t he Fourt h Gospel differs from t he ot hers, it aut om at ically becom es t he loser; likewise Mat t hew and Luke. I f t he Johannine narrat or was seeking t o build around Mark, however, John’s dist inct ive m at erial m ay have been int ended as a hist orical augm ent at ion of ( and t o som e degree a correct ive t o) Mark. Therefore, rat her t han excluding m at erial because it is a lone t est im ony, hist orical analysis should focus on how t his present at ion corroborat es and is corroborat ed by ot her perspect ives on Jesus. While a dist inct ive narrat ive m ight reflect a t heologized addit ion, it m ight also reflect a t radit ional report unknown t o ot her narrat ors, included precisely because t he narrat or held it t o be im port ant hist orically. The quest ion is how it m ight cont ribut e a corroborat ive im pression of Jesus’ m inist ry, even if reflect ing a m inorit y report . I f such is int ended as a com plem ent or challenge t o Mark, it should be evaluat ed on t hat basis. Then again, I not ed at least 31 incident s and feat ures of Jesus’ m inist ry t hat are at t est ed in all four 3 canonical gospels and 44 sim ilar sayings in John and Mark alone. So, John’s dist inct ive corroborat ion of Synopt ic report s should be not ed as well as t he Fourt h Evangelist ’s dist inct ive cont ribut ions. Crit ical Realism versus Dogm at ic Nat uralism or Supranat uralism . Gone are t he days when biblical scholars argued for t he hist oricit y of all supranat ural report s in t he Bible dogm at ically, but equally problem at ic is t he dogm at ic arguing of a st rict nat uralism as t he only grid for inferring biblical hist oricit y. Crit ical t heory on hist oriography is needed as m uch now as ever! Jesus m ay indeed have done som e t hings t hat were int erpret ed as wondrous by his cont em poraries, even if som e account s becam e em bellished in t heir narrat ion. So, st raining out every bit of t he wondrous from gospel narrat ives is easily overdone. While t he adding of t he Johannine Prologue t o an earlier edit ion of t he narrat ive prepares t he reader t o receive t he st ory, it should not be seen as t he basis for t he narrat or’s original work. Like Mark, t he Johannine narrat ive began wit h a com m ent ary on John t he Bapt ist and t he launching of Jesus’ m inist ry as a Galilean prophet . Crit ical realism t herefore allows one t o deal wit h t he problem s t hat wondrous report s pose t o hist orical analysis, while at t he sam e t im e allowing t he polit ical, religious, archaeological, and t opographical realism of t he t ext t o speak for it self. Open Coherence versus Closed Port rait ure. While t he crit erion of “ coherence” is essent ially circular in it s im plem ent at ion, it is st ill valuable. As an alt ernat ive t o closed port rait s of Jesus in recent Jesus quest s, t he port rait ure should rem ain open and in process. Here, dichot om ies should be avoided unless t hey are genuinely irresolvable. Because Jesus t aught love of enem ies and neighbor, does t hat m ean he never assert ed t hat his followers should love one anot her? Because Jesus resist ed popular and nat ionalist ic designs on his m inist ry, does t his m ean he did not assert m ent ion direct ly his sense of divine com m ission? Because Jesus t aught in parables about t he Kingdom of God, does t his m ean he did not em ploy ot her m et aphors and t each about how God act ually leads hum anit y in spirit - based t erm s? The point here is t hat at t em pt s t o assert som e feat ures of Jesus’ port rait ure at t he direct exclusion of ot hers m ay involve false dichot om ies leading t o dist ort ed port rait ure. I f Jesus was indeed underst ood in t he com pany of ot her first - cent ury Jewish prophet ic leaders or ot her cont em porary figures, m ight he also have cont rast ed his work t o t heirs as opposed t o fit t ing int o any convent ional m old? To say Jesus was “ j ust like” a cont em porary m odel m ay it self be a m ist ake. So how do we proceed wit h t he t wo- cent ury quest for t he Jesus of hist ory while including t he Gospel of John? I t is fair t o say t hat we need t o grind new lenses t hrough wit h t o view t he Jesus of Nazaret h t hrough all gospel t radit ions, including John. I n response t o t he quest ion, “ so what ?” only t im e will t ell. For now, however, a fourt h quest for Jesus is underway, as m aking sense of Johannine hist oricit y is every bit as needed as m aking sense of Johannine t heology. 4 Not es 1 These sessions were held at Reedwood Friends Church in Port land, Oregon May 19 and 22, 2010, sponsored by t he Cent er for Christ ian St udies. JohnDave Medina has provided a helpful report of t he first session on his websit e: ht t p: / / nearem m / 2010/ 05/ 25/ t he- origin- and- developm ent - oft he- fourt h- gospel- paul- anderson/ . 2 See t he overview of t hese t wo program s of research in m y February 2010 Bible and I nt erpret at ion essay, “ The John, Jesus, and Hist ory Proj ect —New Glim pses of Jesus and a Bi- Opt ic Hypot hesis,” ht t p: / / www.bibleint / art icles/ j ohn1357917.sht m l. 3 Paul N. Anderson, The Fourt h Gospel and t he Quest for Jesus; Modern Foundat ions Reconsidered ( London: T&T Clark, 2006) 129- 32. 4 We will be holding a Sum m er School graduat e course at t he Universit y of Mainz, August 25. All are welcom e; m ore inform at ion is on t he websit e: ht t p: / / www.ev.t heologie.unim Dat eien/ Flyer.Sum m erschool.pdf.