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Soft skills development through linguistic mediation in Higher Education Miguel Fernández Álvarez, Ph.D. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Valladolid October 17, 2021 CIEB 2021 Introduction Soft skills are essential skills needed in the workplace today. However, there are studies (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2019) that show that students lack some of these skills when they graduate and start their first job. It is our duty as educators to prepare students not only in terms of content, but also in terms of employability and soft skills. Background Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills § Hard Skills: teachable skills that can be defined and measured. Examples of hard skills developed in high school include math, science, reading, writing, use of technology. § Soft Skills: personality-driven skills like etiquette, getting along with others, listening and engaging in small talk. § Hard skills and soft skills are equally important in preparing for college and career. Soft Skills for Success § § § § § § § Strong Work Ethic Positive Attitude Good Communication Skills Time Management Acting as a Team Player Flexibility/Adaptability Self-confidence Strong Work Ethic Questions to ask yourself: Am I motivated and dedicated to getting the job done, no matter how horrible it may seem? Will I work hard, always doing my best? Positive Attitude § § “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” – Winston Churchill Personal reflection: § Am I optimistic and upbeat? § Do I generate good energy and community with the people around me? Good Communication Skills § § § § How well one articulates what they speak or write. Being a good listener. Understanding the other person. Body language. Time Management Questions to ask yourself: How well do you prioritize different tasks and projects at one time? Are you wise about the way you spend your time, use your time? Acting as a Team Player Personal reflection: How well do I work in groups and teams? Do I have a preference? How important is this to my career choice? Flexibility/Adaptability § § § § § § Open to new ideas Embrace change Adapt to new situations Consider alternatives Willing to learn new things Grow personally and professionally Self-Confidence § § § Believe in yourself. Trust in your abilities, judgment, network. Have courage to ask questions and contribute ideas. How can soft skills be reinforced? Common European Framework of Reference • The Council of Europe favours multilingualism and plurilingualism. However, mediation has not been developed as a task until 2020 with the publication of the Companion Volume. As opposed to the other three tasks (production, reception and interaction), there were no descriptors in the original edition of the CEFR. Why is mediation crucial today? Its crucial role in a world of social, linguistic and cultural heterogeneity contributes to • the development of multilingual and multicultural societies which demand cultural and linguistic negotiation • the cohesion of a society Mediation activities • Mediating a text • Mediating concepts • Mediating communication Mediating a text • Relaying specific information in speech / in writing • Explaining data (e.g. in graphs, diagrams, charts, etc.) in speech / in writing • Processing text in speech / in writing • Translating a written text in speech/ in writing • Note taking (lectures, seminars, meetings, etc.) • Expressing a personal response to creative texts (including literature) • Analysis and criticism of creative texts (including literature) Mediating concepts • Refers to the process of facilitating access to knowledge and concepts for others, particularly if they may be unable to access this directly on their own. • Involves two aspects: a) constructing and elaborating meaning b) facilitating and stimulating conditions that are conducive to conceptual exchange and development. Mediating concepts Establishing conditions Collaborating in a group Facilitating collaborative interaction with peers Leading group work Managing interaction Developing ideas Collaborating to construct meaning Encouraging conceptual talk Mediating communication • The aim is to facilitate understanding and to shape successful communication between users/learners who may have individual, sociocultural, sociolinguistic or intellectual differences in standpoint. • The skills involved are relevant to diplomacy, negotiation, pedagogy and dispute resolution, but also to everyday social and/or workplace interactions. • Is primarily concerned with personal encounters, and so descriptor scales are only provided for spoken communicative activities. Mediating communication • Facilitating pluricultural space • Acting as an intermediary in informal situations • Facilitating communication in delicate situations and disagreements Conceptual mediation Conceptual mediation Conceptual mediation Mediating Communication Mediating Communication Miguel Fernández (
PROGRAMA DE COMUNICACIONES VIERNES, 15 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 TARDE VIERNES DE 19:00 H A 20:30 H Modera: Carmen Aguilera C12 JESÚS GARCÍA LABORDA C10 RONALD FUENTES C11 RAQUEL FERNÁNDEZ FUERTES EDUARDO GÓMEZ GARZARÁN Modera: Elena González-Cascos C28 ANA MARÍA PÉREZ CABELLO C26 DÉBORA RASCÓN ESTÉBANEZ C31 RAMÓN HERRANZ BLOKKER Modera: Víctor Pavón C54 EVA CRISTINA MONCALIAN LÓPEZ C56 ALBERTO FRAILE VICENTE C74 ESTHER SANZ DE LA CAL ALMUDENA ALONSO CENTENO Modera: Juan Antonio Solís C05 BEATRIZ BARRANTES MARTÍN C77 MIRIAM PASTOR MORATE CINTYA ÁLVAREZ DOMINGUEZ C04 PALMA CHILLÓN GARZÓN ANA YARA POSTIGO FUENTES SALÓN DE ACTOS Hacia un nuevo modelo de enseñanza: la clase invertida en el AICLE. Multilingual students’ negotiation of English language policy at a U.S. university. Teaching in the spotlight: Does explicit instruction impact on the teaching of noun compounds in English? AULA 1 Creando espacios de aprendizaje: BRID’KAN. Evolución de los tipos de pensamiento en los ejercicios del área de social science en primaria. Present-day trends in the teaching of EFL and the evolution of language teaching AULA 2 Grados de exposición a la lengua inglesa en la metodología AICLE en la ESO. La enseñanza de la Historia de España en el programa de secciones bilingües del Ministerio de Educación español en Polonia: análisis de su funcionamiento y comparación con el modelo español. Propuesta piloto de intervención del modelo SeLFie “Steam educational approach and foreign language learning in Europe” para la educación bilingüe en Primaria: su implementación y resultados. AULA 3 Neurodidáctica y enseñanza bilingüe: estado de la cuestión. La enseñanza en inglés de áreas no lingüísticas del currículo: Resultados de una tesis doctoral. Efectividad de un programa bilingüe sobre competencias lingüísticas y profesionales en estudiantes de posgrado. VIERNES DE 19:00 H A 20:30 H Modera: Macarena Moreno C20 ROSA SÁNCHEZ GARCÍA AULA 4 CLIL and PBL singing from the same hymn sheet. C40 MARÍA D. LÓPEZ MAESTRE Gamification applied to literary text análisis. C46 ESTER REY LÓPEZ Reading Olympics - Fomento de la lectura y la expresión oral. Salón de Grados Looking forward: dual language immersion and bilingual education in the Biden administration-2021. Modera: Paloma Castro C82 SANTIAGO WOOD C83 MARITZA SLOAN Seal of Biliteracy: An essential journey to proficiency. C79 MIGUEL FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ Increasing learner’s motivation in English for Specific Purposes through Escape Rooms. SÁBADO, 16 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 MAÑANA SÁBADO DE 09:00 H A 10:30 H Modera: Sheri Spaine AULA 1 C24 FRANCISCO CUSTODIO JÁIMEZ ORTIZ MRMIC&GXXI "Atrévete a equivocarte". C39 MARTA WALLISER MARTIN Teaching English L2 to Spanish Special Ed College Students. C68 PEDRO DÍAZ SANTOS ROCIO FACIO ROMERO Modera:: Ana María Piquer C45 BERNARDINO GARCÍA GÓMEZ C57 GLORIA MARÍA MARTÍN GARCÍA C59 LOUISA MORTIMORE Flipped CLIL: una solución para atender distintos niveles en el aula bilingüe. AULA 2 Teaching English through Science. “The Big Five World Kingdoms” Drawbacks of teaching Science in a foreign language and proposals for solution. Effective learning in the bilingual Natural Science classroom? A practical case study in Primary. SÁBADO DE 09:00 H A 10:30 H Modera: Francisco García ANA MARÍA PÉREZ CABELLO C08 HELENA IRSA CUESTA CARRIÓN C17 DAVID RUIZ HIDALGO C22 JO TRIVIÑO (Macmillan/Toelf) Modera: Ana Ramos SANDRA BEVITORI DEL PINO C07 KARINA QUICK RUEDA C58 JORGE MADRID VIVANCOS (SEPIE) C15 DESIREE WALLACE CARBONERO MARÍA JOSÉ MARTÍNEZ DE LIS Modera: Lee Ann Bussolari C02 AZUCENA BARAHONA MORA C61 BRUNO ECHAURI GALVÁN SILVIA GARCÍA HERNÁNDEZ C62 EVA SAN EVARISTO PASCUAL Modera: Chema Pascual CARMEN CUÉLLAR LÁZARO C64 BELÉN ARTUÑEDO GUILLÉN C18 FRANCISCO JAVIER SANZ TRIGUEROS C25 CRISTINA MONEVA RAND Modera: Carmen Aguilera C09 NATACHA RITA DÍAZ LUIS AULA 3 Panorama actual del bilingüismo en los colegios de primaria de Andalucía. El impacto de las secciones bilingües y la metodología CLIL en el aprendizaje de inglés en Castilla y León. Empowering Teachers with Student-Friendly Formative Assessment Tools. AULA 5 Cooking up English. A Natural Approach to Grammar Erasmus+ y la mejora de las competencias lingüísticas del alumnado y del profesorado. La internacionalización en los centros de FP. AULA 6 Los EVA como espacios colaborativos para la producción escrita en lengua inglesa. Entre cuatro paredes y una pantalla: estudio sobre la participación del alumnado en la enseñanza bimodal de asignaturas de traducción. El confinamiento como oportunidad: elaboración colaborativa de un audiolibro para la mejora del aprendizaje de lenguas en Moodle. AULA 7 e-TándemUVa: Un Proyecto de Innovación Docente interlingüístico e intercultural. Capacitación de los especialistas de la enseñanza bilingüe. Elementos comunes en dispositivos de cualificación. The Impact of a Teacher Training Programme Delivered through CLIL. AULA 8 El aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera (L2) en Educación Secundaria en contextos digitales. C21 CRISTINA NÓVOA PRESAS Travelling Around the world Learning Alive Language. C23 IGNACIO JAVIER ORTEGA GARCÍA PBL on Britishness, the saviour of Bilingual Education. SÁBADO, 16 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 TARDE SÁBADO DE 19:00 H A 20:30 H Modera: Lee Ann Bussolari CRISTINA MANCHADO NIETO C14 LAURA ALONSO DÍAZ C69 NURIA CAMARENA RODRÍGUEZ C76 ANA MARÍA PIQUER PÍRIZ IRENE CASTELLANO RISCO Modera: Francisco García EDUARDO GARCÍA JIMÉNEZ C27 SARA ISABEL RENDÓN ROMERO MACARENA NAVARRO PABLO YOLANDA GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ-PACHECO C29 NATALIA RUIZ BOAL C30 RUBÉN ESTEBAN LÓPEZ PÉREZ Modera: Alberto Férnandez Costales C06 NATALIA BARRANCO IZQUIERDO C41 ANDREA MARTÍNEZ CELIS C53 JOAQUÍN SÁNCHEZ CABEZAS Modera: Paloma Crespo C13 ANDREA CRISTINA RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁNDEZ C35 ELVIRA CONGOSTO LUNA SONIA SHABAKA FERNÁNDEZ C73 MARIA CONCETTA BRIGANDÌ AULA 1 Didáctica virtual de lenguas extranjeras a través de recursos TIC. Recursos digitales aplicados a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. A proposal of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to develop academic language as a support for content learning in tertiary education. AULA 2 Biliteracy practices at home and school: extramural exposition influence. La mediación como actividad comunicativa de la lengua en el aula de inglés con alumnado extranjero. La enseñanza bilingüe en el aula de secundaria: día a día de un aprendizaje integrador. AULA 3 La mediación como actividad comunicativa de la lengua en el aula de inglés con alumnado extranjer41 The Role of Interculturality in the Internationalisation of Higher Education: Examining Intercultural Competences and Values of the Administrative Staff of an International Spanish University. Menores extranjeros no hispanohablantes en situación de reclusión: CLIL, competencias clave y derecho a la educación. AULA 5 21st Century language teaching. Exploring the effect of attainment grouping on EFL students’ academic and psychological learning outcomes in a Spanish Secondary School. La enseñanza del italiano como lengua extranjera en Bachillerato: reflexiones y propuestas didácticas. SÁBADO DE 19:00 H A 20:30 H Modera: Carmen Aguilera PILAR MORENO RECIO C72 JOSEFINA TINAJERO VILLAMIL C75 LISA DOMKE C16 DIEGO RASCÓN MORENO Modera: Nuria García Manzanares AULA 6 Bilingual Education Programs and Instructional Practices in Texas. Metaphoric beliefs about bilingual education in the United States / Concepciones metafóricas de la educación bilingüe en los Estados Unidos. Where are students more satisfied with bilingual education, in California or Madrid? AULA 7 C55 OSCAR JAVIER CAPILLA BARREDA Texts Experience in CLIL. C60 ISABEL ANTÓN SOLANAS Teaching and Learning Cultural Competence in a Multicultural Environment: The CCMEn Model. C70 MARÍA JOSÉ LUELMO DEL CASTILLO ELVIRA IZQUIERDO SÁNCHEZ-MIGALLÓN Modera: Ana Otto C03 PATRICIA BÁRCENA TOYOS C71 JAIME DELGADO IGLESIAS VICTORIA VEGA AGAPITO C33 PABLO MANUEL DÍAZ PÉREZ Adapting STEM activities to CLIL: a starting point. AULA 8 Are primary teachers equipped to integrate language in their CLIL content classes? Working social and civic competence through the boardgame refugees So big being so small. Rural internationalization. DOMINGO, 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2021 MAÑANA DOMINGO DE 09:00 H A 10:30 H Modera: Enrique Cerezo C52 SUSANA MERINO MAÑUECO C48 MARÍA PILAR GARCÍA PASTOR C19 CATHY BUSHNELL AMANTI AULA 1 Las relaciones interpersonales en el aula de lenguas extranjeras: la corrección de errores en la enseñanzaaprendizaje de expresión escrita en Educación. La siguiente encrucijada: ¿Qué clase de adultos bilingües queremos? A Funds of Knowledge Approach to Decentering Native speakerism, Anglocentrism, and Whiteness in English Language Teaching. DOMINGO DE 09:00 H A 10:30 H Modera: Judith Dadey C34 SANTIAGO BAUTISTA MARTÍN C38 MARINA AGUARELES BAUTISTA C42 LAURA TURNER Modera: Margarita Pinkos C44 FRANCISCO JOSÉ FRANCO FERNÁNDEZ C50 MARÍA DEL CARMEN MARTÍN ALONSO C84 MARÍA ÁNGELES MARTIN DEL POZO Modera: M.ª José Luelmo C49 LYDIA MARCELO DEL HIERRO C65 MATTHEW JAMES C66 ARCADIO SOTTO Modera: Juan Ramón Villar C01 MARTA ÁLVAREZ CAÑIZO C67 LISA DOMKE C43 RAQUEL FONSECA HERNÁNDEZ Modera: Cristina Pérez Guillot C32 TAMARA ROBLEDO CARRANZA C37 ARÁNTZAZU SORIA MARTÍNEZ VERÓNICA GUIJARRO ORTEGA C47 HÉCTOR BUIZA CASADO AULA 2 Making the Most of the School Teaching Placements in Bilingual Teacher Training Programmes: A SWOT-based Analysis. Los docentes como protagonistas de los programas de formación para el profesorado: Un caso de éxito. Developing Holistic Portraits: Collaborative Linguistic Analysis in Pre-Service Teacher Education. AULA 3 El aula Miguel Hernández de Cartagena: una propuesta cultural y pedagógica. La coordinación como factor clave para el éxito de un programa bilingüe. Where does CLIL fit in the language teaching scene? AULA 5 Proyectos interdisciplinares, mejora de las competencias del alumnado. A Linguanomic Approach Towards Developing Multilingal Forums with ACES Impact. Proyecto MiniOpenLab – Open community and Hands-on approach to Sustainable Development and STEM Education: Una nueva estrategia pedagógica. AULA 6 Factores determinantes de la comprensión lectora en L1 (español) y L2 (inglés). Estrategias de translanguaging cuando los niños leen los libros de dos idiomas. Evaluación de habilidades de lectura y escritura en las secciones bilingües de Salamanca. AULA 7 The production of a fictional book as a didactic tool to contribute to successful second language learning. A bridge for change. Experiencia interdisciplinar baja metodología CLIC: “La máquina del tiempo”. DOMINGO DE 09:00 H A 10:30 H Modera: Elvira Izquierdo NURIA LEÓN TOBAJAS C36 PALOMA TOLEDANO ILLESCAS LUISA MARÍA ARIAS LOZANO C51 LAURA PABLOS GONZÁLEZ ALICIA TARILONTE MANCEBO C63 ALBERTO MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ Modera: Elena Serrano C81 ANA MARÍA PIQUER PÍRIZ C80 MIGUEL FERNÁNDEZ ÁLVAREZ C78 JOSÉ MARÍA GARCÍA SOMBRÍA AULA 8 Claves para la práctica de experiencias STEAM en un centro bilingüe. Teamwork: el reto de publicar en alemán en Primaria. Higyene, Ergonomy and First Aid in schools boosting a multilingual issue. AULA 9 Building bridges between content and second language learning in Higher Education: A proposal of OERs within the framework of the EU-funded Project. Soft skills development through linguistic mediation in Higher Education. Educación multilingüe y derechos fundamentales en el ámbito penitenciario europeo.