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The seminar series emphasizes the significance of cultural understanding in international relations, inspired by the legacy of Patrick McCarthy, who explored various political and literary dimensions. It highlights Machiavelli's contributions to international politics, focusing on his analysis of foreign affairs, military strategies, and the dynamics between republics and principalities. The event marks a concerted effort to systematically address Machiavelli's perspectives on ethics, peace, war, and alliances in the context of modern scholarship.
This special issue joins the celebrations related to the five-hundredth anniversary of The Prince's completion by adding four new papers written by scholars, who, although all very established in their respective fields and countries, are, for different reasons, not as well known to the English-speaking world of Machiavelli studies as they might be.
History of Humanities, 2021
Italian scholars, the historian Carlo Ginzburg, the historian of early modern philosophy Michele Ciliberto, and the historian of Italian literature Alberto Asor Rosa, each published a monograph on Machiavelli. Although in different ways and with different aims, the three scholars engage with the central themes of Machiavelli scholarship: Machiavelli's relationship with religion and his appraisal of the figure of Savonarola; the tension between Machiavelli as a subtle political theorist and his failure to influence contemporary political events; Machiavelli's language and the key terms of his political views, such as fortune and virtue; the Italian Renaissance crisis and its historical significance; the relationship between his literary production and his political writings and agency; war and politics; his relationship with Francesco Guicciardini; the nexus between history and politics; and Machiavelli's "negative anthropology," which contrasted with a supposed humanist view centered on man. All these issues are, evidently, intertwined. Machiavelli's main work was the Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio (Discourses on Livy, 1540), a book in which ancient history and contemporary politics are closely connected. The relationship between Machiavelli's historiographical research and the political dimension of his writings has ultimately been the main focus of Italian scholarship on Machiavelli. For these three scholars, the interest of Machiavelli is not merely academic but is connected to the understanding of the cultural and political history of Italy in the long
In copertina: ritratto di Machiavelli dal frontespizio della edizione Cosmopoli [= Venezia] 1769. In quarta: medaglia dallo stesso frontespizio. Bibliografia delle edizioni di Niccolò Machiavelli: 1506-1914 Editors (responsabili dell'insieme): PIERO INNOCENTI, MARIELISA ROSSI Contenuto e Divisione dell'opera: serie cronologica di edizioni di opere di Niccolò Machiavelli e dei caposaldi della sua recezione, imitazione, riecheggiamento, plagio (sia in lingua originale, sia in traduzione), relativi al periodo che va dal 1506, presumibile data del primo Decennale, al 1914, anno di pubblicazione in The Forerunner di Benigna Machiavelli, di Charlotte Gilman, scritto paleofemminista. 2018 3 volume 1701-1827. Diviso in quattro capitoli: L'ombra del Principe, L'Antimachiavel, Belfagor & C.: la Compagnia diabolica, Machiavelli in La Fontaine, analizza oltre 650 edizioni. Precedono: P. Innocenti -M. Rossi: L'ombra del Principe, 1701-1827. Margherita Palumbo, «Machiavellus semper excluditur in licentijs...». Spartaco Pupo, Il Machiavelli di David Hume. Roberto De Pol, La prima traduzione tedesca a stampa del Principe. Rosanna Schito: Raison philosophique / raison politique: il machiavellismo di Federico di Prussia. Giuseppe Sciara, Le traduzioni di Machiavelli in Francia dalla Rivoluzione alla Restaurazione: intenti culturali e usi politici. Marcello Simonetta, The lost Discourse on governments by Machiavelli's friend Zanobi Buondelmonti. € 70,00 ISBN 978-88-8247-409-6 9 7 8 8 8 8 2 4 7 4 0 9 6 Istorico, comico, tragico VECCHIARELLI EDITORE P. INNOCENTI -M. ROSSI BIBLIOGRAFIA DELLE EDIZIONI DI NICCOLÒ MACHIAVELLI -III Bibliografia delle edizioni di Niccolò Machiavelli: 1506-1914 Formato 20,5x29 cm Editors (responsabili dell'insieme): schungs-Zentrum Erfurt-Gotha. Contenuto e Divisione dell'opera: serie cronologica di edizioni di opere di Niccolò Machiavelli edei caposaldi della sua recezione, imitazione, riecheggiamento, plagio (sia in lingua originale, sia in traduzione), relativi al periodo che va dal 1506, presumibile data del primo Decennale, al 1914, anno di pubblicazione in The Forerunner. di Benigna Machiavelli, di Charlotte Gilman, scritto paleofemminista. L'opera è divisa in quattro volumi: 2015 1 volume 1506-1604.
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a Florentine historian, politician, military strategist, and humanist. Of his skill as a historian, Jacob Burkhardt noted that Machiavelli was the first of the “moderns” to present a city as a living organism that developed through a natural process. Machiavelli is best known today, however, for his political treatise, The Prince. In it, he wrote about the ways an aspiring prince might build a principality and how an existing prince might maintain control. While perhaps a lesser-known work, his Art of War places Machiavelli among other well-known military theorists, such as Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz, whose writings about military theory and practice have many similarities with Machiavelli’s. What sets Art of War apart is the noticeable influence of Renaissance humanism and the political and social forces at work in Florence, Italy and throughout Europe at the time. Machiavelli’s Art of War is, therefore, more than merely a treatise on military strategy. It is a reflection of the complex interaction of war, politics, and humanism in Renaissance Europe, assessed alongside classical modes of warfare, statecraft, and civic virtue.
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