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J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 75 ( 20 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 available at Proteomic analysis of plasma samples from patients with acute myocardial infarction identifies haptoglobin as a potential prognostic biomarker Benjamin Haas a,1 , Tommaso Serchi b,1 , Daniel R. Wagner c , Georges Gilsond , Sebastien Planchonb , Jenny Renaut b , Lucien Hoffmannb , Torsten Bohnb,⁎, Yvan Devaux a a Laboratory of Cardiovascular Research, Centre de Recherche Public-Santé, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Department of Environment and Agro-biotechnologies, Centre de Recherche Public-Gabriel Lippmann, Belvaux, Luxembourg c Division of Cardiology, Centre Hospitalier, Luxembourg, Luxembourg d Laboratory of Biochemistry, Centre Hospitalier, Luxembourg, Luxembourg b AR TIC LE I N FO ABS TR ACT Article history: Prognosis of clinical outcome following myocardial infarction is variable and difficult to predict. Received 24 March 2011 We have analyzed the plasma proteome of thirty patients with acute myocardial infarction to Accepted 27 June 2011 search for new prognostic biomarkers. Proteomic analyses of blood samples were performed by Available online 13 July 2011 2-D-DiGE after plasma depletion of albumin and immunoglobulins G. New York Heart Association (NYHA) class determined at 1-year follow-up was used to identify patients with Keywords: heart failure. Principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering of proteomic data 2-D-DiGE revealed that patients could be separated into 3 groups. The 22 differentially expressed proteins Plasma proteins involved in this grouping were identified as haptoglobin (Hp) and respective isoforms. The 3 Myocardial infarction groups of patients had distinct Hp isoforms: patients from group 1 had the α1–α1, patients from Heart failure group 2 the α2–α1, and patients from group 3 the α2–α2 genotype. This classification was also Biomarkers associated with different total plasma levels of Hp. The presence of the α2 genotype and low Haptoglobin plasma levels of Hp was associated with a higher NYHA class and therefore with a detrimental functional outcome after myocardial infarction. A plasma level of Hp below 1.4 g/L predicted the occurrence of heart failure (NYHA 2, 3, 4) at 1-year with 100% sensitivity. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In developed countries, cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. They represent a major public health problem, and their prevalence and costs are expected to increase considerably over the next few decades [1]. Myocardial infarction, characterized by the occlusion of a coronary artery preventing the supply and oxygenation of cardiac cells, is a main cardiovascular event that sets the stage for the development of heart failure. The occurrence of heart failure after myocardial infarction reaches epidemic proportions, affecting 3% of the adult population, with a 5-year mortality rate of 70% [2]. Although the prognosis of myocardial infarction patients has been significantly improved with the ⁎ Corresponding author at: Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lippmann, 41 rue du Brill, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg. Tel.: + 352 470 261 480; fax: +352 470 264. E-mail address: (T. Bohn). 1 Both authors contributed equally to this work and are listed in alphabetical order. 1874-3919/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2011.06.028 230 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 5 (2 0 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 use of reperfusion therapies, more than 60% of these patients still develop heart failure during the 6 years following myocardial infarction [2,3]. Early and accurate identification of patients prone to develop heart failure after myocardial infarction would significantly reduce the incidence of heart failure as this disease is potentially preventable. However, the prognostic of heart failure is still difficult to establish and would certainly benefit from the discovery of new biomarkers. The development of heart failure after myocardial infarction is consecutive to a complex pathophysiological phenomenon called remodeling. This process mainly affects the left ventricle and is dictated by alterations in the regulation of inflammation, turnover of the cardiac extracellular matrix, angiogenesis, and cell survival. These biological processes are mediated and controlled by a plethora of molecules. For instance, during remodeling, the turnover of the extracellular matrix is accelerated by degradation of structural components by members of the matrix metalloproteinase family [4]. We and others reported that matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) not only contributes to left ventricular remodeling but also constitutes a prognostic indicator of cardiac dysfunction in myocardial infarction patients [5–7]. The complex and multi-facial features of left ventricular remodeling urged researchers to move from the classical “single target analysis” to a more global analysis of large sets of “omics” data to screen, identify and characterize new potential biomarkers. Combining transcriptomic and interactomic data, we previously identified potential sets of new biomarkers of left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure [8–11]. In the present study, we explored the plasma proteome and, using 2-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis, we identified haptoglobin (Hp) as a potential predictor of outcome after myocardial infarction. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Patients 30 patients enrolled in the Luxembourg acute myocardial infarction registry were included in this study. Patients were of Caucasian origin, with no diabetes (fasting blood sugar level < 126 mg/dL) or prior myocardial infarction. Clinical characteristics are shown in Table 1. Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was obtained by the presence of chest pain < 12 h, positive cardiac enzymes and significant STsegment elevation. All patients were treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) determined at 4-months and 1-year follow-up by echocardiography was used to evaluate left ventricular dysfunction. New York Heart Association (NYHA) class was used to evaluate heart failure, class 1 meaning no symptoms, class 2 symptoms with moderate exercise, class 3 symptoms with mild exercise and class 4 symptoms at rest. All patients signed a written informed consent and the protocol was approved by the local ethical committee. Table 1 – Clinical characteristics of myocardial infarction patients. Age, y (mean ± SD) Male, n (%) Body mass index (mean ± SD) Serum markers (mean ± SD) CPK (units/L) TnT (ng/mL) hsCRP (ng/mL) Cardiovascular history, n (%) Prior myocardial infarction CABG PTCA Diabetes Hypertension Hypercholesterolemia Tobacco Medications, n (%) Beta-blockers Calcium antagonists Nitrates ACE inhibitors Statins Angiotensin inhibitors 54 30 26 10 100% 4 2412 6.0 14.8 1642 4.3 14.8 0 1 29 0 8 7 18 0% 3% 97% 0% 27% 23% 60% 29 0 3 20 26 0 87% 0% 10% 67% 87% 0% All myocardial infarction patients had successful mechanical reperfusion and stenting of the infarct artery within 12 h of chest pain onset. All patients received aspirin, clopidogrel, heparin and abciximab in the presence of large thrombus burden. ACE: angiotensin converting enzyme; CABG: coronary artery bypass grafting; CPK: creatine phosphokinase; CRP: C-reactive protein; EF: ejection fraction; and PTCA: percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. 2.2. Plasma collection and albumin/IgG depletion Plasma samples were collected at presentation using the BD™ P100 blood collection system (Beckton Dickinson, Franklin Lake, USA). These tubes were coated with spray-dried anticoagulant (EDTA) and protein stabilizers, allowing the mechanical separation of plasma from blood cells after centrifugation at 2500×g for 20 min. Collected plasma was depleted of human serum albumin and immunoglobulin G using the HSA/IgG removal kit (Sartorius Stedim Biotech, Goettingen, Germany). This depletion allowed improving the resolution of 2D gels (Figure S1, online supplement). Protein concentration of depleted plasma was assessed with a BCA protein assay kit (Pierce Technology, Rockford, USA) following the manufacturer's instructions. Samples were stored at −80 °C until analysis. 2.3. Two-dimensional difference in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DiGE) Unless stated otherwise, all materials were from GE Healthcare (Uppsala, Sweden). Albumin and IgG depleted plasma samples were separated by 2D-DiGE following an adapted protocol as described by Lasserre et al. [12]. 30 μg of plasma proteins was used for each sample. Prior to analysis, the pH of plasma samples was adjusted to 8.5 with 3 M Tris. Plasma samples were then randomly labeled with either Cy3 or Cy5 dye. A pool of equal volumes of plasma samples from each subject was generated and used as an internal standard to J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 75 ( 20 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 correct for potential uneven loading and electrophoresis conditions. For each gel, 30 μg of proteins from this pool was labeled with Cy2 dye. Labeling was achieved by the minimal labeling process with 240 pmol of dye for 30 min on ice and in the dark. The labeling reaction was stopped with 1 μl of 10 mM lysine and incubation was continued for 10 min on ice in the dark. Then, one Cy3-labeled and one Cy5-labeled experimental sample were combined with the Cy2-labeled internal standard, and the volume was adjusted to 450 μL by addition of sample buffer [7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 0.5% CHAPS (3-[(3cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate) and traces of bromophenol blue]. 9 μL of Bio-Lyte pH 3–10 ampholyte buffer (Bio-Rad, Nazareth-Eke, Belgium) and 2.7 μl of destreak reagent were then added to each tube. Samples were loaded onto an Immobiline DryStrip (24 cm, pH 3–10 nonlinear, BioRad) and incubated overnight at room temperature to achieve optimal passive rehydration of the strip and loading of the samples. Proteins were then subjected to isoelectric focusing carried out on an IPGphor III at 20 °C. Mineral oil was added on the strips to prevent evaporation. The voltage was increased stepwise from 30 to 10,000 V during the first 21 h and then stabilized at 10,000 V for 8 h (about 120 kVh of total current applied to each strip). Following isoelectric focusing, strips were equilibrated for 15 min in equilibration buffer (2Dgel DALT, Gel Company, Tübingen, Germany) containing urea and 2% DTT, and then for another 15 min in the same buffer but containing 1% iodoacetamide instead of DTT. After equilibration, strips were loaded on precast gels (2Dgel DALT NF 12.5%, Gel Company) for second dimension separation using an Ettan DALT II (GE Healthcare) system with 0.5 W/gel for 2 h and then 2.5 W/gel for 14 h at 25 °C. Gels were scanned using a Typhoon 9400 (GE Healthcare) scanner with a spatial resolution of 100 μm and analyzed by the DeCyder 2D Differential Analysis v.7.0 software. Protein images were produced by excitation at 488 nm, 532 nm, and 633 nm (Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5, respectively) and emission at 520 nm, 610 nm and 670 nm (Cy2, Cy3 and Cy5, respectively). Produced maps were analyzed by multivariate tests and grouped on the basis of their common features. Spots responsible for the classification of patients were selected as proteins of interest. Selected spots were located on a gel and a “picking list” was generated. Spot picking, digestion and loading onto MALDI disposable target plates (MALDI-Tof-Tof 4800, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) was automatically performed using the Ettan Spot Handling Workstation as described [13]. Peptide mass fingerprint and MS/MS analyses were carried out using the Applied Biosystems MALDI-Tof-Tof 4800 Proteomics Analyser. Calibration was carried out with the peptide mass calibration kit 4700 (Applied Biosystems). Proteins were identified by searching against the SWISSPROT database (version 20100924 with 519538 sequences) with “Homo sapiens” as taxonomy, using GPS Explorer Software v3.6 (Applied Biosystems) including MASCOT (Matrix Science,, London, UK). All searches were carried out allowing for a mass window of 150 ppm for the precursor mass and 0.75 Da for fragment ion masses. The search parameters allowed for carboxyamidomethylation of cysteine as fixed modification. Oxidation of methionine and oxidation of tryptophan (single oxidation, double oxidation and kynurenin) were set as variable modifications. Proteins 231 with probability-based MOWSE scores (P < 0.01) were considered to be positively identified. 2.4. Biochemical assays Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity was measured with a Roche IFCC recommended method on a Cobas c501 instrument (Roche, Prophac, Luxembourg). Troponine T (TnT) was measured with a 4th generation assay from Roche that was performed on a Cobas e601 equipment (Roche), 0.01 μg/L being the lower detection limit and 0.03 μg/L being the TnT concentration that is reproducibly measured with a coefficient of variation below 10%. Hp was measured with the Tina-quant v2 kit from Roche on a Cobas c501 equipment (Roche). This kit recognizes all three phenotypes of Hp (α1–α1, α1–α2, α2–α2) and has a lower detection limit of 0.1 g/L. Normal values range between 0.3 and 2 g/L. MMP9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP1) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay from R&D Systems (Oxon, UK). MMP9 assay (cat # DMP900) detects both active and pro-MMP9 with a sensitivity of 0.156 ng/mL. TIMP1 assay (cat # DTM100) has a sensitivity of 0.08 ng/mL. 2.5. Statistical analysis All data were subjected to the Shapiro–Wilk test for normality between performing comparisons. Comparisons between two groups were performed by t-tests or Mann–Whitney tests. One-way ANOVA was used for multiple group comparisons. Correlations between plasma markers were assessed with the Pearson test. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) was used to assess the prognostic value of single biomarkers. All tests were two-sided and a P value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Statistical analyses were performed with the SigmaPlot v11.0 software. Investigation of clinical factors linked to left ventricular dysfunction was performed using a linear mixed model with ejection fraction as the observed (dependent) variable, and anthropometric data and clinical parameters as the independent variables (fixed or covariate), followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests if appropriate. For proteomic analysis, separated spots were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering to highlight protein patterns and to group samples based on relevant biological patterns. Analyses were conducted blindly of any knowledge of patient characteristics. Prior to analysis, the protein set was filtered for the presence of the protein spot in at least 50% of the spot maps and for an ANOVA with a P value≤0.05. All proteomic analyses were carried out using the DeCyder 2D Differential Analysis program v.7.0. (GE Healthcare). 3. Results 3.1. Clinical data and patient follow-up All 30 patients enrolled in this study were 1-year survivors after ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction treated by 232 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 5 (2 0 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 mechanical reperfusion. See Table 1 for clinical characteristics and medications. Diagnosis was based on ECG changes and elevation of CPK and TnT. None of them had a history of myocardial infarction, stroke or diabetes. One fourth of the population had hypertension and hypercholesterolemia and 60% were smokers. The mean EF measured at 4-months follow-up with echocardiography was 51 ± 12%, varying between 40 and 70% (Table 1). This EF did not significantly change 1 year after myocardial infarction (51 ± 4%). Following linear mixed model analysis, among the factors investigated, only smoking habit was significantly associated with the EF measured at 4months follow-up (P = 0.014). Other parameters, including age, body mass index, CPK, and CRP (C-reactive protein) had no significant correlation with EF. At 4-months, 17 patients were in NYHA class 1, 5 patients in HYNA class 2 and 1 patient in NYHA class 3. The NYHA class did not change between 4months and 1 year follow-up. 3.2. Proteomic investigation After separation, gels were acquired with a Typhoon 9400 instrument (GE Healthcare) and spot detection (mean number ± SD of spot: 2067 ± 213) and matching were performed using the DeCyder 2D Differential Analysis program v.7.0. As no grouping of the patients was conducted prior to proteomic analyses, results were analyzed in a blinded manner using multivariate tests (PCA and hierarchical clustering). PCA clearly showed that samples could be divided into 3 groups (Fig. 1A). The cumulative variance of 90% was reached with component 2. Group 2 and group 3 were relatively close to each other, while group 1 was slightly more separated from the other two groups. The same classification was obtained following hierarchical clustering, where the 3 groups formed single clusters, with groups 1 and 2 being closer to each other than group 3 (Fig. 1B). The analyses revealed that 22 differentially expressed proteins were involved in this classification (Fig. 1B). The spots corresponding to these 22 proteins were used to create a picking list. Mass spectrometry identified all of these spots as Hp and respective isoforms (Table 2). Due to the high homology of Hp isoforms, it was difficult to distinguish them based on mass spectrometry alone. For this reason, identification of each patient's Hp isoform was further derived on the basis of the molecular weight of the isoforms: 9 kDa for Hp α1, 17 kDa for Hp α2 and 40 kDa for Hp β [14]. Attribution of the picked spots to their respective isoforms is shown in Fig. 2. 3.3. Haptoglobin isoforms and Hp plasma levels The grouping of patients by PCA and hierarchical clustering was clearly associated with Hp isoforms: patients from group 1 had the α1–α1 genotype, patients from group 2 the α2–α1 genotype and patients from group 3 the α2–α2 genotype. This Fig. 1 – Grouping of acute MI patients. Plasma samples from the 30 patients of the test cohort were processed by 2D-DiGE. Principal component analysis (A) and hierarchical clustering (B) identified 3 groups of patients. In PCA, the cumulative variance of 90% was reached with component 2. Table 2 – List of 22 proteins responsible for the classification of patients into 3 distinct groups. Gene name 1005 1006 1035 1036 1038 1623 1626 1627 1631 1632 1633 1637 1639 1641 1642 1651 1656 1661 1877 1886 HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN HPTR_HUMAN 1890 2507 HPT_HUMAN HPT_HUMAN Protein name Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin related protein Haptoglobin Haptoglobin Haptoglobin isoform Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp Hp α1 Hp β β β β β β α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α2 α1 α1 Acc no. Theor. Theor. MOWSE Identification Queries Mr pI score P-value matched Seq cov % Av ratio G2 vs G1 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 45861 39518 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.63 465 448 353 392 405 245 359 155 103 139 238 388 504 266 328 308 292 254 270 136 30 27 32 28 27 15 18 15 10 16 15 17 18 15 17 16 16 14 17 9 47% 35% 33% 42% 40% 23% 27% 25% 23% 25% 23% 27% 23% 23% 27% 33% 23% 23% 28% 21% − 1.91 − 1.61 1.87 1.86 2.19 2.13 8.27 2.57 2.2 20.04 5.72 8.79 13.56 2.24 3.94 4.51 5.4 3.5 − 2.84 − 1.76 8.14E-03 0.0176 8.39E-04 1.41E-03 1.50E-03 0.0133 4.68E-07 9.36E-04 8.59E-03 1.22E-09 2.36E-08 3.29E-08 5.83E-10 2.24E-03 1.89E-04 3.49E-06 2.24E-06 9.73E-06 2.96E-03 0.0102 −3.43 −2.83 4.82 4.61 4.66 3.65 13.25 6.72 4.51 32.81 14.27 14.84 25.86 2.79 5.96 5.28 8.47 7.22 −14 −5.91 1.63E-06 3.60E-06 3.04E-05 1.76E-04 3.77E-04 1.52E-04 7.54E-13 1.89E-08 7.60E-06 1.75E-12 3.12E-11 7.40E-11 2.62E-13 1.17E-03 9.31E-06 2.98E-07 1.50E-08 3.10E-08 3.78E-08 8.24E-10 − 1.8 − 1.76 2.57 2.47 2.12 1.71 1.6 2.61 2.05 1.64 2.5 1.69 1.91 1.24 1.51 1.17 1.57 2.06 − 4.93 − 3.36 3.10E-03 5.95E-03 1.63E-03 3.14E-03 0.0307 0.0276 4.86E-03 1.00E-05 1.05E-03 7.47E-03 9.86E-06 2.25E-03 1.04E-03 0.491 0.0535 0.43 0.0238 4.29E-04 8.00E-06 4.11E-07 P00738 45861 P00738 45861 6.13 6.13 72 278 9 18 14% 27% − 2.19 2.08 2.85E-04 6.96E-04 −3.33 3.82 8.15E-05 9.70E-04 − 1.52 1.84 0.037 0.0665 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00738 P00739 6.40E-43 3.20E-41 1.00E-31 1.30E-35 6.40E-37 6.40E-21 2.60E-32 6.40E-12 1.00E-06 2.60E-10 3.20E-20 3.20E-35 8.10E-47 5.10E-23 3.20E-29 3.20E-27 1.30E-25 8.10E-22 2.00E-23 5.10E-10 0.0012 3.20E-24 t-Test Av ratio t-Test Av ratio t-Test G2 vs G1 G3 vs G1 G3 vs G1 G3 vs G2 G3 vs G2 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 75 ( 20 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 Spot no. Each protein is reported with the gene name, the protein name, the attribution to the specific Hp isoform, Swiss-prot accession number, the theoretical mass and isoelectric point, the MOWSE score of the identification, the P-value of the identification, number of queries matched with mass finger print, percentage of sequence coverage and the fold change for each group pair, with the respective P-value following t-tests. 233 234 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 5 (2 0 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 Fig. 3 – Plasma Hp levels in 30 acute MI patients. (A) Frequency plot. The dotted line indicates the 2 g/L threshold for abnormally high Hb values. (B) The 3 groups of patients of the test cohort showed different Hp plasma levels. Means ± 95% confidence intervals are shown. 3.4. Association between Hp and clinical outcome Outcome after myocardial infarction was evaluated by the NYHA class. We observed a distinct distribution of NYHA classes among the 3 groups: all patients from group 1 were in NYHA class 1, 50% of patients of group 2 were in NYHA class 2, and 10% of patients from group 3 were in NYHA classes 2 and 3. No patients were in NYHA class 4 (Fig. 4A). ROC curve analysis revealed an overall modest ability (AUC = 0.63) of Hp to predict the occurrence of heart failure (NYHA score > 2). Interestingly, a Hp level < 1.4 g/L predicted heart failure with a sensitivity of 100% (Fig. 4B). Therefore, both low levels of Hp and presence of the α2 isoform appear to be associated with a worse functional outcome after myocardial infarction. 4. Fig. 2 – Pictures of 2D-DiGE gels from plasma samples of acute MI patients. (A) Representative gel of a patient of group 1 showing the presence of α1 isoforms. (B) Representative gel of a patient of group 2 showing the presence of α1 and α2 isoforms. (C) Representative gel of a patient of group 3 showing the presence of α2 isoforms. grouping was however not statistically significantly associated with infarct severity and myocardial damage (as assessed by CPK and TnT levels); left ventricular function (as assessed by ejection fraction); markers of extracellular matrix turnover (MMP9, TIMP1); nor with markers of inflammation (WBC counts and CRP levels). We investigated whether Hp plasma levels were different between the 3 groups. Mean level of Hp was 1.52 g/L. 4 patients had a Hp level above the upper limit of normal (2 g/L, Fig. 3A). Patients from the 3 groups determined by PCA and hierarchical clustering had distinct levels of Hp, group 1 having the highest level and group 3 the lowest level (Fig. 3B). Discussion In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the plasma proteome is a source of prognostic biomarkers after acute myocardial infarction. The main finding of this proteomic Fig. 4 – Association between Hp and NYHA score. (A) Distribution of patients from the 3 groups in NYHA classes. All patients of group 1 were in NYHA class 1, half of patients of group 2 were in NYHA class 2, and 10% of patients from group 3 were in NYHA classes 2 and 3. No patient was in NYHA class 4. (B) Receiver operating characteristic curve and area under the ROC curve (AUC) showing that Hp is an overall modest predictor of 1-year NYHA class. J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 75 ( 20 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 investigation is the identification of Hp as a potential predictor of outcome following acute myocardial infarction in humans. Major advances in proteomic technologies achieved during the last few decades attracted researchers from a broad range of biomedical fields including the cardiovascular field [15]. The usefulness of studying the plasma proteome to identify biomarkers and therapeutic targets of cardiac dysfunction has been reported [16–18]. Proteomic analysis of plasma proteins allows the study of primary effectors of cellular function during pathogenesis [16–18]. For instance, proteomic analyses demonstrated that several proteins were present at high concentration in oxidized form in the plasma of heart failure patients [19]. However, the number of proteomic studies dedicated to biomarker discovery in heart failure is comparatively still limited. The acute phase protein Hp has been described in all mammalian species. Human Hp is composed of four subunits (2 α subunits and 2 β subunits) linked by disulfide bridges [14]. In humans, but not in all other species such as in mice, there exists a functional polymorphism in the gene encoding for the α subunits, which can generate two possible isoforms: α1 and α2 [20]. The two alleles have different molecular weights (9 kDa for α1 and 17 kDa for α2), and different binding affinity for free hemoglobin (α1 higher than α2) [21]. In humans, 3 genotypes are observed: α1–α1, α2–α1 and α2–α2, with an expected distribution in the European population of approx. 15%, 48% and 37%, respectively [22,23]. In our cohort, the distribution was as follows: 23%, 37% and 40% for α1–α1, α2–α1 and α2–α2 genotypes, respectively. Hp expression is known to be modulated during chronic and acute inflammation [21]. Thus, Hp has been associated with several diseases involving an inflammatory component, especially type II diabetes [24]. Accordingly, there is a strong relationship between Hp genotype and the outcome of patients with pre-existing diabetes [25]. Furthermore, in patients with type II diabetes, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease is dependent on the Hp genotype, and is highest for Hp α2–α2, moderately high for Hp α1–α2 and lowest for Hp α1–α1 [26]. In diabetic mice, the Hp isoform was associated with cardiac remodeling and mortality after myocardial infarction [27]. This observation in mice is consistent with the present study in humans. In addition, our study suggests that the association between Hp isoforms and outcome after myocardial infarction could also be valid in non-diabetic patients. Analysis of proteomic results by PCA and hierarchical clustering, followed by mass spectrometry identification of candidate proteins, revealed that the 30 patients enrolled in this study could be distinguished through their Hp genotpye. We observed that the distribution of Hp genotype was not associated with infarct severity, expression of markers of extracellular matrix turnover, or mortality. However, we found a correlation between Hp genotype and NYHA class at 1-year follow-up. In addition, our results suggest that not only the type of Hp isoform but also total Hp plasma levels correlate with the occurrence of heart failure after myocardial infarction. The ability of Hp to scavenge free hemoglobin is not the same for the two isoforms, with Hp-α1 being more efficient than Hp-α2 [21]. Thus, the expression of the genotype α2–α2, together with the reduced levels of Hp detected in patients belonging to group 3, as highlighted by the PCA analysis, could result in increased 235 cardiac tissue damage during myocardial infarction and would thus be associated with a worse outcome. Haptoglobin is an independent prognostic marker in several diseases. A large clinical study by Holme et al. has shown that elevated Hp plasma levels can be used to predict the risk of cardiac disease [28]. This observation appears contradictory to the results reported in our study, where low levels of Hp measured at the time of presentation in acute myocardial infarction patients predicted the development of heart failure as attested by NYHA class. However, the study by Holme did not specifically address the prognostic value of Hp in patients with acute myocardial infarction, but rather considered Hp as a risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases in a population of healthy volunteers. Our study suggests for the first time that that Hp genotype and levels at the moment of the myocardial infarction may be prognostic biomarkers of heart failure following acute myocardial infarction. It can be speculated from these data that Hp is detrimental when elevated in healthy volunteers but may be beneficial after acute myocardial infarction. In addition to its potential value as a biomarker, Hp can be assumed not to merely be a passive bystander of disease. This may be related to its main function, which is the binding and scavenging of free hemoglobin. Hemoglobin binds and transports oxygen to the tissues. However, hemoglobin is highly toxic when present in a free state, unbound within the erythrocytes, e.g. in the blood plasma [29]. Owing to its lipophilic nature, hemoglobin has the potential to disrupt cell membrane bilayers and, as iron is present in its prostatic group, can lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species and to tissue damage [30]. The ability of Hp to bind free hemoglobin and to form a complex that is rapidly captured by monocytes through the CD163 receptor and degraded in the spleen and liver, thus contributes to reduce the potential of free hemoglobin to trigger oxidative tissue damage [31]. In addition, Hp modulates the inflammatory response [21] and may therefore contribute to the inflammatory component of left ventricular remodeling. Another potential functional role of Hp in left ventricular remodeling may be its ability to interact with MMP9 and MMP2 [32], which are of primary importance for matrix degradation and tissue remodeling. This proof-of-concept study has some limitations, the main coming from the low number of patients enrolled. Also, the NYHA class may not be the best indicator of heart failure since it may be subject to bias from both patient and clinician. More objective indicators of left ventricular dysfunction will have to be considered in future validation studies. These include for instance the change of left ventricular volumes between discharge and follow-up. Furthermore, assessment of cardiac function with magnetic resonance imaging technique will certainly be of added informative value compared with the traditional echocardiography technique used in the present study. 5. Conclusions In conclusion, proteomic analysis of plasma proteins identified haptoglobin as potential prognostic biomarker after acute 236 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 5 (2 0 1 1 ) 2 2 9–2 3 6 myocardial infarction. This observation has to be studied in larger populations for further validation. If confirmed, this biomarker, which can easily be measured, may become clinically important for the prognosis and care of infarction subjects. Acknowledgments We thank Malou Gloesener, Loredana Jacobs, Céline Jeanty, Christelle Nicolas, Bernadette Leners and Laurent Quennery for expert technical assistance. The help of Celine Leclercq for proteomic analyses is acknowledged. This study was funded by the National Research Fund of Luxembourg (grant # C08/BM/08). B.H. was recipient of a fellowship from the National Research Fund of Luxemburg (fellowship # TR-PhD BFR 08-082). Appendix A. Supplementary data Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2011.06.028. REFERENCES [1] Heidenreich PA, Trogdon JG, Khavjou OA, Butler J, Dracup K, Ezekowitz MD, et al. Circulation 2011;122:933–44. [2] Torabi A, Cleland JG, Khan NK, Loh PH, Clark AL, Alamgir F, et al. 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