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Bioremediation of Spent Engine Oil Contaminated Soils Using Indigenous Fungi Species

2020, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

Spent engine oil is derived from lubricating oil which has been used to lubricate various internal combustion engines and it is drained out for disposal during servicing of the engine. Spent engine oil causes great damage to soil and soil microflora when disposed indiscriminately. Thus, the bioremediation of spent engine oil contaminated soil was studied using indigenous degrading fungi isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soils obtained from automobile mechanic workshops located at both Okpe and Uvwie Local Government Areas of Delta State, in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Three (3) fungi isolates with high engine oil biodegradability potential were used for the spent engine oil (SEO) bioremediation study. The fungi isolates used for the test were identified as, Aspergillus glaucus, Trichoderma polysporum and Talaromyces flavususing the API 20C method. The test microcosms were incubated for four weeks at 28 ± 2oC. Physicochemical parameters such as, Sulphate concentrations, Total petroleum hydrocarbon, Nitrate concentrations, Phosphate concentrations, Total organic carbon content, pH and Hydrocarbon utilizing fungi counts were monitored weekly using standard ASTM methods to assess the biodegradation of the spent engine oil. At the end of the test duration, Talaromyces flavus recorded the highest percentage spent engine oil biodegradation (69.66%) for the 5% SEO experimental set up. Similarly, Aspergillus glaucus recorded the highest percentage SEO biodegradation (66.16%) for the 10% experimental set up. Thus, Talaromyces flavus and Aspergillus glaucus could be used to effectively bioaugment the bioremediation process of spent engine oil contaminated soils to restore the soil to its original state within a short period of time.

© 2020 | International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology IJSRST | Volume 7 | Issue 2 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X DOI : Bioremediation of Spent Engine Oil Contaminated Soils Using Indigenous Fungi Species Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, Solomon Mesogboriwon Department of Environmental Microbiology and Toxicology, Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria *Corresponding Author: e-mail : * ABSTRACT Spent engine oil is derived from lubricating oil which has been used to lubricate various internal combustion engines and it is drained out for disposal during servicing of the engine. Spent engine oil causes great damage to soil and soil microflora when disposed indiscriminately. Thus, the bioremediation of spent engine oil contaminated soil was studied using indigenous degrading fungi isolated from hydrocarbon contaminated soils obtained from automobile mechanic workshops located at both Okpe and Uvwie Local Government Areas of Delta State, in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Three (3) fungi isolates with high engine oil biodegradability potential were used for the spent engine oil (SEO) bioremediation study. The fungi isolates used for the test were identified as, Aspergillus glaucus, Trichoderma polysporum and Talaromyces flavususing the API 20C method. The test microcosms were incubated for four weeks at 28 ± 2oC. Physicochemical parameters such as, Sulphate concentrations, Total petroleum hydrocarbon, Nitrate concentrations, Phosphate concentrations, Total organic carbon content, pH and Hydrocarbon utilizing fungi counts were monitored weekly using standard ASTM methods to assess the biodegradation of the spent engine oil. At the end of the test duration, Talaromyces flavus recorded the highest percentage spent engine oil biodegradation (69.66%) for the 5% SEO experimental set up. Similarly, Aspergillus glaucus recorded the highest percentage SEO biodegradation (66.16%) for the 10% experimental set up. Thus, Talaromyces flavus and Aspergillus glaucus could be used to effectively bioaugment the bioremediation process of spent engine oil contaminated soils to restore the soil to its original state within a short period of time. Keywords : Spent engine oil contaminated soils, bioremediation and indigenous fungi species. I. INTRODUCTION percentage of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, nitrogen and sulphur compounds and metals such as In Nigeria, it is common among motor mechanics not Manganese, Calcium, Zinc, Lead, than fresh oils. to have a specified and appropriate disposal method These metals are introduced into the fresh oil as a for spent engine oil used in their various workshop, result of wears and tears of the engine (Mohd, et al., 2011). which leads to disposal into gutters, water drains and soil (Okonokhua, et al., 2007). Spent engine oil is defined as used lubricating oils obtained after Engine oil is described by Klamann (1984) as the oil servicing and subsequently drained from automobile that principally functions as cleaning the motor and generator engines. Spent oils contain high engines, lubricating the moving parts of motor IJSRST207156 | Accepted : 05 March 2020 | Published : 14 April 2020 | March-April-2020 [ 7 (2) : 445-461 ] 445 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 engines, inhibiting corrosion of motor engines, Physical, chemical and mechanical processes are improving sealing and cooling the engine by traditional transporting heat away from the moving parts. The contaminated areas. Physical remediation method present day engine oils are derivative of petroleumbased and non-petroleum produced chemical includes incineration, brick making and skimmers etc. This method cannot biodegrade more than 10-15% of compounds. Engine oils are, therefore, mainly spilled oil (Thavasi, et al., 2011). Use of chemical blended by employing base oils composed of surfactants as remediating agent on the other hand is hydrocarbons (organic compounds containing carbon not favourable due to their toxic effects on flora and and hydrogen exclusively), for instance mineral oil fauna (Thavasi, et al., 2011). However, this type of (Corsico, etal., 1999). treatment system requires heavy machinery and the methods used in environmental consequences Spent engine oil causes great damage to soil and soil removal result microflora. It creates unsatisfactory condition for life (Bhupathiraju, et al., 2002). may in remediation of massive of this pollutant air pollution in the soil due to poor aeration, immobilization of soil nutrients and lowering of soil pH (Ugoh and Moneke, Fungi and bacteria are being used for biodegradation 2011). It has been shown that marked changes in properties occur in soil contaminated with of hydrocarbons (Snape, et al., 2001). The filamentous fungi possess some attributes that enable them to be hydrocarbon, this affects the physical, chemical and good potential agents of degradation. A fungus microbiological properties of the soil (Okonokhua, et attaches itself quickly on the substratum then digests al., 2007). At low concentrations, some of these heavy the substratum through the secretions of extracellular metals are essential micronutrients for plants, but enzymes (Okerentugba and Ezeronye, 2003). Fungi they can cause metabolic disorders and growth are capable of growing under environmental stress inhibition when the concentration is at high levels. including, low pH, poor nutrients and low water The key components typical of spent engine oil activity. Fungal bioremediation is an attractive consist of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons such approach over other techniques like physical- as phenol, naphthalene, benzo (a) anthracene, benzo chemical techniques, for it is simple, easy to maintain, (a) pyrene, and fluoranthene (Irwin, et al., 1997). After any oil spillage, Polycyclic Aromatic cost effective and can be produced in mass (Achal, et al., 2011). It also requires little energy input and Hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are component of spent preserves the soil structure. Studies by Smita, et al., oil, are important contaminant which are retained in the environment. PAHs could disrupt the endocrine Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium,Rhizopus, Alternaria and Cladosporium system of animals affect (Kathi and Anisa, 2012). species have been identified as effective hydrocarbon Spent Oil has contaminated soils used for agricultural biodegraders. (2012) shows that, lands and has not spared the aquatic and marine plants and animals in Nigeria. Ground water has also II. MATERIALS AND METHODS been contaminated hence polluting the crops and farm animals (Eneh, 2011). Therefore, there is the A. Collection of Spent Engine Oil need for bioremediation of (hydrocarbon) contaminated. One (1) litre of spent engine oil was bought from an spent engine oil automobile mechanic workshop located at Okuokoko in Okpe LGA, Delta State (latitude 5.578557, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 446 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 longitude 5.830875). It was collected in 1L glass bottle 5.851524 and air dried. The dried droppings were and preserved in the refrigerator until required for crushed to tiny particles before use. It was stored at use. Spent engine oil obtained was filter sterilize with ambient temperature ready for use. The chicken WHATMAN NO 42 filter paper. Its physicochemical properties were analyzed with the following droppings collected was air dried and crumbled into smaller particles. Its physicochemical properties were parameters; pH and total petroleum hydrocarbon analyzed with following parameters; pH, total organic (TPH)/total content (TOC), total hydrocarbon content (THC), hydrocarbon content (THC) using standard methods of ASTM and APHA. nitrate concentration (NO3), phosphate concentration (PO43-), B. Collection of Hydrocarbon contaminated Soils Samples of hydrocarbon contaminated soils were collected from automobiles mechanic workshops located in Uvwie and Okpe Local Government Areas Sulphate concentration(SO42-) and heterotrophic fungi counts according . E. Isolation of Spent Engine Oil degrading Fungi The isolation of spent engine oil degrading fungi was (LGA) of Delta state. Sample A was collected from a done according to the method ofBhattacharya, et al., workshop at Okuokoko (latitude 5.578557, longitude (2015). Bushnell-Haas (BH) media with the following 5.830875) in Okpe LGA, while sample B was taken composition (g/L): K2HPO4 (0.1g), KH2PO4 (0.1g), from a workshop at Ugbomro (latitude 5.563975, NH4NO3 (0.1g), MgSO4•7H2O (0.02g), FeCl3•6H2O longitude 5.819289) in Uvwie LGA, Delta state. (0.005g), CaCl2•2H2O (0.002g), was used as enrichment medium with filter sterilize spent engine C. Collection of Hydrocarbon Uncontaminated media was autoclave at 1200C for fifteen (15) minutes (Native) Soil Nine (9) kilogrammes of pristine sandy loam was collected from the Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Effurun farm at Ugbomro in Uvwie LGA, Delta state at latitude 5.569708 and longitude 5.844322 and air dried. The dried soil was sieved with a 2mm sieve and stored at ambient temperature ready for use. Its physicochemical properties were analyzed with the following parameters; pH, total organic content (TOC), total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)/total hydrocarbon content (THC), soil texture, nitrate oil 1% (v/v) added as the sole carbon source. The BH concentration(NO3),phosphate concentration(PO43-), sulphate concentration (SO42-) and heterotrophic fungi counts. D. Collection of Compost and allowed to cool before the soil samples and carbon source were added. Soil samples (10g) each, from the two hydrocarbon contaminated sites sampled, were enriched by adding 100 ml BH media in two 250 mL Erlenmeyer culture flasks each. It was then stirred and incubated for seven (7) days at 300C. The mixture was stirred daily for effective aeration. After seven (7) days incubation, serial dilution of the enriched soil was done using normal saline prepared from 0.85g of sodium chloride (NaCl) in 100ml of distilled water. One (1) ml each was collected from the supernatant of the two (2) Erlenmeyer culture flasks containing the enriched soil for the serial dilution. Pour plating technique was used for plating inoculum, using 10-4. And 10-5. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) was used for the cultivation of fungi. Three (3) Five (5) kilogrammes of chicken droppings was drops of acetic acid was added to the PDA to inhibit collected from a poultry at Agbarho in Ughelli North bacteria growth. The culture was incubated for 3 - 6 LGA, Delta state at latitude 5.590188 and longitude days at 28 ± 20C. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 447 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 the moisture content of the soil. A control containing Pure fungi cultures was obtained by streaking a single only the soil and spent oil, devoid of the isolates and colony on solidified PDA plates. It was allowed to compost was prepared along with the test. The grow for four to six days at 30 C. Discrete colonies were subculture on PDA slant, allowed to grow for degradation microcosm was prepared in duplicates. Biodegradation of the spent engine oil in the test four to six days and then stored in the refrigerator microcosms was assessed and monitored weekly(0, 7, until required for use. 14, 21 and 28days) for four (4) weeks. The 0 biodegradation of the spent oil was monitored by F. Screening and selection of Spent Engine Oil analyzing Degrading Fungi microbiological parameters in the test soils; pH, total For the selection of spent engine oil degrading fungi, organic the isolated fungi pure cultures were screened for hydrocarbon(TPH)/total hydrocarbon content(THC), effective spent engine oil degradation. The isolates Nitrate were aseptically put into 100ml BH broth in culture concentration(PO ), Sulphate concentration(SO42-) flasks with 1% (v/v) filter sterilized spent engine oil as and hydrocarbon utilizing fungi counts (Bhattacharya, carbon source. The flasks were then incubated for 7 days. Turbidity of the culture was read at the end of et al., (2015).Standard ASTM methods were used for the following content physicochemical (TOC), total concentration(NO3-), and petroleum Phosphate 43- the physicochemical parameters analysis. the incubation period (Mounteer, 2006). Isolates with high turbidity values were selected for the I. Statistical Analysis biodegradation tests. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine G. Identification of Selected Fungi Isolates if there is any significant difference between the Screened and selected spent engine oil degrading sample treatments and between the control and fungi were identified using API test kit (API 20C treatments. It was calculated using libre calc version method). on linux OS 4.15. H. Spent engine oil Biodegradation Studies Three isolates (Aspergillus glaucus,Trichoderma III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION polysporum and Talaromyces flavus) with the highest A. turbidity values were used for the biodegradation test. Parameters of Native Soil The spent engine oil contaminated soil was treated This result showed that the concentration of total with variable culture conditions which included; petroleum hydrocarbon in the native soil was below incubation period (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days) and spent the detection limit of the measuring equipment. This engine oil concentration (5 and 10 % v/v). 500g of the result shows that the concentration of total petroleum native soil and compost was mixed in a ratio of 3:1. hydrocarbon in the native soil is low/negligible. The The mixture of native soil and compost was native soil have a neutral pH (7.09 ±0.21).The contaminated with 5% v/v (50,000mg/kg) and 10% nutrient content in the native soil reveals a high v/v (100,000mg/kg) spent engine oil. 20ml of the activated isolates in BH medium was added to the soil, concentration of phosphate(7.66± 0.04%) , a lower concentration of nitrate (0.029± 0.14ppm/kg) and a compost and spent oil mixture. 50ml of distilled water low was added at four (4) days intervals days to maintain 0.40ppm/kg) .The soil texture was sandy loam, which Mean Concentration concentration of of Physicochemical sulphate International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 (0.974 448 ± Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 is suitable for the bioremediation process (ref). The of the compost will biostimulate the growth of the hydrocarbon utilizing fungi counts werelow (1.00 x hydrocarbon degrading fungi in the test microcosms 10 ± 0.15CFU/g).This counts in the native soil, is ((Nduka, 2012). corroborated by findings ofRitz, et al., 2003, who stated that bacteria and fungi counts in a given soil D. Results obtained for Identification of selected could range from 103 to 104/g. Fungi Isolates 3 The three selected fungi isolates with high spent B. Mean Concentration of Total Petroleum engine oil biodegradative ability isolated from Hydrocarbon of Spent Engine Oil hydrocarbon contaminated soils were identified using TPH value obtained for the spent engine oil was 2953 the ± below.Asrecorded using the API 20C method, the 2.24mg/l. The result shows a very high characteristics shown in the table 2 fungi wereidentified spent oil used for the biodegradation test. glaucus, Trichoderma polysporum and Talaromyces flavus. According to Leahy and Colwell (1990), the rates of These fungi uptake hydrocarbons and organic compounds (Obire, et al., concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbon in the and mineralization of many organic have asAspergillus been known todegrade compounds by microbial populations present in the environment are largely proportional to the 2008). concentration E.Hydrocarbon Utilizing Fungi counts inspent engine of concentrations the of compound hydrocarbons itself. can High inhibit oil degradation microcosms biodegradation by nutrient or oxygen limitation or As shown in figure 1 below, there was anincrease in through toxic effects exerted by volatile hydrocarbons. the fungi counts from Day 0 to Day 28 in both spent There is the possibility that if the concentration of oil engine oil concentrations (5% and 10%) for the three is high, negative effects on biodegradation rates fungi isolates used, in relation to the counts in the following low-energy control. On day 0, for the 5% SEO test microcosms, environments such as beaches, harbours, and small counts ranged from 5.80 x 105FU/g (Aspergillus lakes or ponds, in which the oil is relatively protected glaucus) to8.0 x 108 CFU/g (Talaromyces flavus), from dispersion by wind and wave action would be while on day 28, fungi counts ranged from 5.0x107CFU/g Trichoderma polysporum) to 5.80 x 109 oil spills in quiescent, experienced (Leahy and Colwell, 1990). CFU/g (Talaromyces flavus). The control recorded a C. Mean Concentration of Physicochemical slight increase in count from 3.62 x 103 CFU on day 0 Parameters of Compost to 4.80 x 105CFU/g on day 28. The counts recorded on The total petroleum hydrocarbon in the compost used day O for the 10% SEO microcosms, ranged from 5.40 for the experimental design was below the detection x 105 CFU/g (Trichoderma polysporum) to 6.80 x limit of the test equipment, indicating the absence of 105(Aspergillus glaucus),whilethecounts for day28, hydrocarbon contamination. 9.08 ± 0.22 was recorded ranged for pH. This indicates that the compost is basic with a moderate hydrocarbon utilizing fungi count of 1.20 x polysporum) to 6.40x 107CFU/g (Aspergillus glaucus).The control recorded a decline in fungi 103CFU/g. The nutrients concentration reveals a high nutrient content for sulphate with a value of growthfrom 4.0 x 103 CFU/g to 2.80 x 103CFU/g at the end of 28 days test period. Thus, Talaromyces flavus 81.45ppm. Nitrate and phosphate recorded 2.25ppm recorded the highest count for the 5% test and 5.39ppm respectively. The high nutrient content microcosms, while Aspergillus glaucus recorded the from 4.50 x 106CFU/g International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 (Trichoderma 449 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 highest count for the 10% microcosms. The control G. recorded the lowest count in both test concentrations. biodegradation soils studies. Theenhanced counts of the fungi in the SEO test soils, For the 5%v/v SEObiodegradation soils studies, the could be attributed to the effects of bioaugmentation with the fungi isolates and biostimulation with highest pH value was recorded for Isolate J (Aspergillus glaucus) at Day 21 (7.76) and the lowest compost, is Isolate G (Talaromyces f,lavus) at Day 14 (5.93). which must have enhanced the Mean Concentration of pH of the SEO biodegradative potentials of the microorganisms, as The Control had the highest value on Day 28 well as the improved soil texture by the compost (6.18), showing that the biodegradation has a neutral (Smita, et al., 2012).Adding compost to contaminated pH value. At 10%v/v spent engine oil contamination, soil have been shown to enhance bioremediation because of the structure of the organic compost Isolate G (Talaromyces flavus) at Day 28 (8.82) and Isolate J (Aspergillus glaucus) at Day 14 (6.51) has the matrix (Kastner and Mahro, 1996). Compost has also highest and lowest pH value respectively, with the be shown to enhance the oxidation of aromatic Control highest value at Day 28 (7.17) (Figure 3). This contaminants in soil to ketones and quinones, which shows that the biodegradation of the spent oil in the eventually disappear (Wischmann and Steinhart, control has a neutral pH value, while the test set up 1997). with the 5% and 10% spent oil concentration affected the biodegradation process tended towards alkaline F. Concentration of % Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon degraded in the SEO contaminated soils. From figure 2 below, it was discovered that at 5%v/v spent engine oil contamination, the sequence of % degradation of the spent engine oil at Day 28 was; Talaromyces flavus (69.66%) >Aspergillus glaucus (52.76%) >Trichoderma polysporum (36.88%).The control microcosm recorded 20.50% SEO degradation. At 10%v/v spent engine oil contamination, spent engine oil % degradation sequence at Day 28 was; Aspergillus glaucus (66.16%) >Talaromyces flavus (50.61%) >Trichoderma polysporum(40%), with Control showing the least percentage degradation (15.33%). This indicates that Talaromyces flavus degraded the 5%v/v spent engine oil contamination the most, while Aspergillus glaucusdegraded the 10%v/v spent engine oil contamination the most. These findings coroborates with the fungi counts recordedin subsection G above. In previous studies similar results were obatained by Husaini et al. (2008). and acidic. The values were however within the recommended pH range of 6.5- 8.0. The results of the present study are partly consistent with those obtained by Atlas and Bragg (2009). H. Mean Concentrations of Nutrients in SEO biodegradation soils studies. The mean concentration recorded for phosphate at the end of the test duration in the 5% v/v SEO biodegradation (Talaromyces test soils, f,lavus)to ranged from 3.88% 5.38%)Trichoderma polysporum) while in the test microcosms with 10% SEO concentrations, values obtained ranged from 3.80% (Aspergillus glaucus) to 4.47%(Trichoderma polysporum). The mean concentrations recorded for sulphate in the 5% SEO biodegradation test soils ranged from 1.125ppm in the test microcosm with Aspergillus glaucusto 1.562ppm in the test microcosm withTalaromyces flavus, at the end of 28 days.In the 10% SEO biodegradation test soils,concentrations of sulphate rangedfrom 7.47ppm in the test microcosm withTrichoderma polysporumto 12.15ppm in the test International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 450 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 microcosm withTalaromyces flavus at the end of the concentration(10%), availability of nutrients could test period.The sulphate nutrient was more readily have been impaired. available at the 5% concentration than in the 10% IV. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS RESULTS test microcosms. Concentrations recorded for nitrate in the 5% SEO The values computed showed the ANOVA for the test microcosms at the end of the test period, ranged percentage TPH degradation of the Isolates in relation (Trichoderma to to the control At alpha level of 0.05, the F value 0.345ppm (Aspergillus glaucus). In the 10% SEO test (1.310) is lesser than the F critical (2.423), which soils, concentrations ranged from0.161ppm in the microcosms with Trichoderma polysporum to indicate that there is no significance difference in 0.973ppm in the microcosm with Aspergillus glaucus. two SEO concentrations tested. from 0.139ppm polysporum) TPH concentrations among the group means of the The control test soils recorded 0.029ppm and 0.068ppm for the 5% and 10% at the end of the test The ANOVA for the pH of the Isolates with their period. In the three nutrients monitored it was Control, at alpha level of 0.05, the F value (5.566) is observed that the there was a higher availability in the 5% SEO biodegradation test soils than the 10% greater than the F critical(2.313) which indicate that there is a significance difference among the SEO test soils.Alexander, et al. (1982) reported that a group(treatment) C: N: P ratio of 100:10:2 was enough to ensure hydrocarbon utilizing fungi Isolates in relation to the optimal growth of microorganisms.However, some of Control, at alpha level of 0.05, the F value(0.758) is these nutrients in surplus or limited amounts could lesser than the F critical(2.313) which indicate that become limiting factors, therefore, affecting the there is no significance difference among the group process of biodegradation (Zhu etal., 2001; Nilanjana means. and Preethy, 2010). Hence at higher means.The ANOVA for the SEO Table 1 : Colonial and morphological of identification of fungi isolates Isolates Colonial Appearance Morphology J Conidiophores were of different sizes in Aspergillus length and were smooth. Sterigmata are glaucus single, radiate columnar. Felt-like green with brownish top. Reverse was slightly yellowish. Identity with Oblong and smooth conidia, with long Trichoderma straight phialides, typically flask- polysporum shaped and enlarged in the middle. B Slightly raised aerial mycelium whitish colonies and whitish border. G Fast growing colonies of higher aerial Conidiophores were borne from aerial Talaromyces mycelia, having beautiful mat-like mycelium with bi-verticillate flavus appearance with creamish colour. appearance. The metulae were in verticils having collula which lappers Reverse side was tan. gradually with conidia. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 451 Log of Hydrocarbon utilizing fungi counts Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Day 0 Day 28 Day 0 5% Trichoderma polysporum Day 28 10% Talaromyces flavus Aspergillus glaucus Control % TPH degraded in Spent engine oil by fungi isolates Fig 1: Counts of Hydrocarbon utilizing fungi species in spent engine oil degradation microcosms 70 60 50 Trichoderma polysporum 40 Talaromyces flavus 30 Aspergillus glaucus 20 Control 10 0 Day 28 Day 28 5% 10% Fig 2: % TPH degraded in spent engine oil contaminated soils by fungi species. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 452 Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. March-April-2020; 7 (2) : 445-461 Fig 3: Mean pH values of Spent engine oil biodegradation soils. were identified using the API 20C test method. V. CONCLUSION However for the percentage degradation of spent The numerous reports and cases of oil spill though engine oil, Aspergillus glaucus degraded the the 10% treatments most with 66.16%, while Talaromyces devastating is a major challenge which has been flavus degarded the 5% treatments most with 69.66%. overcome by environmental scientists and researchers, Further studies could be conducted to optimize the adopting bioremediation technique which is cheap growth of these fungi on a large scale, preserved in a and more environmentally friendly compared to dehydrated form and in the event of a spill would be other forms of remediation. Bioaugmentation strategies, have been successfully utilized for the rehydrated to promptly remediate the polluted site in the Niger Delta. bioremediation of refined petroleum products by VI. some researchers. It was successfully utilized in this research to bioremediate spent engine REFERENCES oil contaminated soil. [1]. 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Cite this article as : Laurelta Tudararao-Aherobo, Solomon Mesogboriwon, "Bioremediation of Spent Engine Oil Contaminated Soils Using Indigenous Fungi Species", International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 7 Issue 2, pp. 445-461, March-April 2020. Available at doi : Journal URL : International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 7 | Issue 2 461