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Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions – Soft Rocks and Karst – Vrkljan (ed) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-80481-3 Optimization of rock mass support systems during deep excavations Ž. Arbanas Department of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia Geotechnical Design Department, Sector IGH Project, Institute IGH, Rijeka, Croatia M. Grošić Geotech Ltd., Rijeka, Croatia D. Udovič Werkos Ltd., Osijek, Croatia V. Jagodnik Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia ABSTRACT: During excavations in the rock mass for constructions of roads and buildings in urban areas, the only parameter that can be predicted is the excavation slope. In urban areas excavations sometimes have to be made vertically with demanding support systems, which require strict technical construction. The deformability and strength properties of the rock mass are determined from geotechnical investigation and the use of the rock mass classification system. It is then possible to make the geotechnical model and perform the stability and stress-strain analyses. It is first assumed that the rock mass slope is unsupported during excavation. If a low initial factor of safety is obtained, the stability analysis should include a support system. The interactive design is applied throughout construction of the support system and includes extensive monitoring. A re-design of the excavation and additional support measures are required when monitoring imply on significant deviations of defined conditions. 1 INTRODUCTION During excavations in the rock mass for the construction in urban areas, the only parameter that can be predicted is the excavation slope. The excavation slope depends on the rock conditions and the chosen support system for the excavation stability. In urban areas excavations sometimes have to be made vertically with safe and demanding support systems, which require strict technical construction of the support system. The deformability and strength properties of the rock mass are determined from geotechnical investigation and the use of the rock mass classification system. It is then possible to make the geotechnical model for the rock mass and perform the stability and stress-strain analyses. It is first assumed that the rock mass slope is unsupported during excavation, which results in the initial value of the factor of safety. If a low initial factor of safety is obtained, the stability analysis should include a support system. The design support system will thus result from the stability analysis, which provides a satisfactory factor of safety during all phases of excavation. Due to the uncertainties regarding the rock mass and the supporting system characteristics that are included in the described design process, it is necessary, especially for demanding geotechnical structures, to use additional methods in order to secure the structure stability. The interactive design for deep excavations is applied throughout excavation and construction of the support system and includes extensive monitoring. According to the suggested procedures, a new design of the excavation and/or the application of additional support measures are required when instability of the excavation, or insufficient stability, is detected during construction. If additional support measures are necessary, they usually consist of modifications or optimization of the design support system. In this paper we are describing the whole process of interactive design of deep excavations, start with field investigation, and proceeds with the classification of rock mass and laboratory determination of rock characteristics, supported by additional rock strength determination during excavation and optimization of applied support system. It then includes extensive monitoring in order to get sufficient knowledge on the actual behavior of the rock 427 mass with the support system during excavation and construction. The contingency measures consist of design modifications and optimization of support elements in case when monitoring results and back-analyses show real behavior of supported rock mass during excavation. 2 DESIGN OF CUTS IN ROCK MASS As a rule, the cutting of rock slopes occurs in civil engineering during the excavation of a building foundation, or in mining when extracting minerals and raw material, for which the only design parameter one can generally influence is the slope of the cut, resulting in the total height of the cut slope. For civil engineering applications, the time required to cut the slope is significantly shorter than the duration the cut must remain stable as part of the engineering construction. In mining, economical advantages can be gained in varying the geometry (slope angle) of the cut, whereas in civil engineering, the possible consequences of a slope failure necessitate a more conservative design. For example, in urban areas cuts are designed with very high safety factors, often by applying excessive support; in mining, slopes are sometimes designed with slope angles that often bring the risk of possible instability. The cut slope inclination can be vertical or inclined, depending on conditions in the slope and conditions of the support construction that ensures the stability of the cut angle. This often depends on the relationship of the cost incurred if failure occurs and the construction cost of the retaining works. It is clear that in urban environments the price associated with potential damage claims significantly exceeds the price of ensuring the stability of the cut, which requires strict adherence to geometry with adequate reinforcement systems, compared to less conservative design geometries with minimal support. Therefore, design conditions in urban environments are frequently on the limit of practical realization and they demand extremely safe support systems that need to adhere to technical conditions of the designed works (Arbanas 2002; Arbanas et al. 2003), Figures 1, 2. Designing rock mass cuts comes down to selecting an adequate geometry and/or necessary support systems. Stacey (2003) summarizes the design principles in rock engineering as defined by Bieniawski (1991, 1992). The principles are as follows: • Design principle 1: Clarity of design objectives and functional requirements, • Design principle 2: Minimum uncertainty of geological conditions, • Design principle 3: Simplicity of design components, Figure 1. Deep excavation of open pit Zagrad in Rijeka, a view of the open pit during excavation (Arbanas et al. 2006). Figure 2. Deep excavation of open pit Kantrida in Rijeka during excavation. • Design principle 5: Optimization, • Design principle 6: Contractibility. Based on design principles the results of the geotechnical investigation and rock mass classification carried out, strength parameters and rock mass deformability parameters can be defined and a geotechnical model developed to perform a stability analysis. Stability analyses are carried out depending on the possible failure mechanism, using one of a number of established methods, whereby, as a result of the conducted analysis, the factor of safety is calculated. Most often stability analyses are performed that adopt limit state (limit equilibrium) methods using one of the much commercial software intended for this purpose. Stability analyses are carried out with the initial hypothesis that the rock mass, for a given cut geometry, stands unsupported in all excavation 428 phases, for which initial safety factor values are derived. If the safety factor values calculated are deemed inadequate, the effects of using selected support systems are then included into the geotechnical model to ensure that the required safety factor is maintained throughout all phases of the construction works (Arbanas 2002). While selecting support structure systems one needs to take into consideration numerous conditions, including the behavior of individual elements of the support structure (Windsor 1992, 1996). Rock mass reinforcement by rockbolts, cable bolts or pre-stressed geotechnical anchors often form a constituent part of the support system. The contribution of a single rock mass reinforcement element is defined, as a rule, by its bearing capacity, and in order to calculate its impact on the factor of safety in a stability analysis, its element length and element grid are defined in the geotechnical model. By including reinforcement elements into the geotechnical model, and depending on possible failure mechanisms on the slope or cut, the position of a critical failure surface or even critical failure mechanism can be varied. By conducting stability analyses, a support structure is adopted, and it satisfies the wanted stability of the geotechnical model expressed by the wanted factor of safety. Rockbolts, as rock mass reinforcement elements in the support structure, are frequently used today due to several advantages, as outlined by Stillborg (1994). Rockbolts may take various forms, from reinforcing bars of standard diameters used in civil engineering, to specially designed profiles manufactured according to their specific purpose. When using rockbolts, the main issue is how many rockbolts are required to properly reinforce the rock mass during cutting of the excavation. In the stability analysis, the benefits of the rockbolts, with respect to the cut’s factor of safety, is calculated based on the bearing capacity of the rockbolts (assuming that the calculated force value is achieved). This approach raises several questions as to its validity: 1. The rockbolt capacity, as a rule, is based on data from the manufacturer’s booklet for a given rockbolt or the steel used to manufacture it and largely based on pullout tests. 2. Rockbolts at the moment of installation do not represent a rock mass reinforcement element. To serve as a rock mass reinforcing element, a natural interaction must occur between the forces and displacements in the rock mass and those then induced in the support structure at the observed location (Windsor 1996). The activation of the rockbolts is a consequence of rock mass displacements that are a consequence of rock mass relaxation after further deformation that happened during next stages of excavation. The amount of the forces activated in the rockbolts directly depends on the amount of deformation, which is not analysed as a rule in limit equilibrium stability analysis methods (Arbanas 2002). 3. By inserting the rockbolt calculated forces into the geotechnical models at the location of the outside connections of the reinforcement elements and the rock mass (Windsor and Thompson 1996), the state of stress in the rock mass is significantly changed. Taking into consideration that the shear strength directly depends on normal stress on the failure surface, it is obvious that normal stress on the possible slip surface unjustifiably increases by introducing rockbolt calculated forces, and as a consequence, rock material strength increases as well. The above points suggest that the stability analysis approach adopted may result in safety factors that in reality may significantly differ because of an inaccurate hypothesis of the influence of rockbolts on the rock mass behavior. Determining the real value of safety factors is achievable only by conducting stress-strain analyses during the design phase that give us information on possible rock mass strain during cutting, from which it is possible to estimate also what the contribution of rockbolts is to the overall rock cut stability. Stress-strain analyses provide displacement calculations along points where the rockbolts are installed, which enable calculated values of the activated forces in the rockbolts to be defined through estimated rockbolt stiffness values. Only based on the calculated strain and achieved forces in the rockbolts is it possible to conduct a cut stability analysis for a rock mass that can show a correct estimation of the safety factor. This points to the need of using stress-strain analyses and slope stability analyses in parallel, especially for deep excavations where it may be necessary to analyze the different stages of the excavation (together with the influence of the installation of rockbolts). Strain results determined through stress-strain analyses, according to excavation phases, will define the needed support and rock mass reinforcement systems, both with respect to installation geometry and bearing capacity. Rock mass reinforcing elements that meet the required safety factors will be used in a subsequent iteration of stress-strain analysis until the final required stability is achieved in the rockbolt reinforced rock mass. 3 INTERACTIVE DESIGN OF DEEP EXCAVATION An interactive rock mass excavation cut design, based on the observation method (Terzaghi and Peck 1967; Peck 1969; Powderham 1998; Nicholson 429 et al. 1999; Szavits-Nossan 2006), was introduced in the phase of the construction. Rock mass cut design methodologies were shown by Hoek & Bray (1977, see also Wyllie and Mah 2004), Hoek & Brown (1980) and Bieniawski (1991, 1992); and have been amended to include the selecting of support structures (Windsor and Thompson 1992; Arbanas 2002, 2004) and the appropriate rockbolts (Stillborg 1994). With the proposed procedure, the need to re-design the cut and/or using additional support measures could be enacted if during the excavation process a possible instability was detected or foreseen. If adequate support measures are proposed, then it still may be necessary to think about the possibility of modifications that would improve the stability state or optimize the design solution even further (Windsor and Thompson 1992; Arbanas 2002, 2004). Stillborg (1994) indicates the need to supervise all parts of the project as a unique a design process. It should be emphasized that the most important thing here is that the overall control of all activities, from investigation works, design, execution and monitoring, etc., is in the hands of one engineer, acting like designer and supervising engineer. The interactive design phase, or the second design phase, comes down to the supervising of the constructing works during excavation and supporting the cut, as well as monitoring all the necessary activities that need to ensure safe execution of works within the required cut stability limits. Overall activity includes the carrying out of the supervising and monitoring as outlined in the design (Kovačević 2003), as well as engineering-geological mapping of the slope including rock mass classification and rock mass strength testing, during the excavation (Arbanas 2002). Based on the above information, the following can be asserted said (Arbanas et al. 2007): • Based on engineering-geological mapping data, the in-situ state of the rock mass can be established in the open cut much more precisely than during the geotechnical investigation works and the possible failure mechanism in the cut can be confirmed, as well as rock mass classification elements Figure 3. • Data for carrying out the rock mass classification is completed based on rock mass strength estimations and characteristics of the discontinuity sets present (Bieniawski 1989). Methods to define the unconfined rock strength include the Point Load Test (ISRM 1985), by which intact rock strength values can be defined quickly and through more samples. Based on the rock mass classification carried out, the rock mass properties may be calculated using established empirical relationships (Hoek and Brown 1997; Hoek et al. 2002). • Acquisition of data that enables for the rock mass deformability modules to be established may be based on geodetic surveys or displacements measured by inclinometers and extensometersdeformeters. This is possible when interactive design (observational method) is used (Arbanas et al. 2005, 2006; Kovačević and Szavits-Nossan 2006). One of the main elements of interactive design is monitoring during excavation and the construction of the support system, which includes surveying a net of benchmarks and measurement of rock mass displacements by inclinometers and extensometers-deformeters, Figure 4. These measurements make it possible Figure 3. Engineering-geological cut mapping during deep excavation of open pit Zagrad in Rijeka with different rock mass classification zones (Arbanas 2002). Figure 4. The support system and measuring devices on open pit Zagrad in Rijeka (Arbanas et al. 2004). 430 to determine with some accuracy the values of the deformation modulus of the rock mass through back analysis of its stress-strain behavior in which measured and calculated displacements are matched to the level of engineering accuracy deemed acceptable (Arbanas 2002, 2003, 2004; Arbanas et al. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007; Kovačević and Szavits-Nossan 2006). Rock mass deformability modules, as it has already been described, can be estimated in correlation with rock mass classifications (Bieniawski 1989; Serafim and Pereira 1983; Hoek et al. 2002; Arbanas et al. 2005; Hoek and Diederichs 2006). However, these estimations in some cases may be too generalized and cannot compete with measured values taken from the monitored location. • Based on pull-out testing results (ISRM 1981), stiffness of the installed rockbolts is defined in the area of the design rockbolt work force. In combination with measured displacements, it is possible to define an acting force in the rockbolt for certain stages of excavation of the rock mass cut. A more reliable method would involve installing load cells with the rockbolt or using extensometer data from one installed immediately next to the rockbolt (Thompson et al. 1995). These estimations enable a back analysis of the rock mass behavior. The stress-strain back analysis, together with adopted rock mass strength parameters based on the rock mass classification and measured displacements, are then used to establish the rock mass deformability modules. Based on measured displacements and established stiffness of the installed rockbolts, the values of activated forces in the installed rockbolts are defined. The defined force values in the rockbolts are then used in the cut stability analyses, carried out analysis, using one of the limit state analyses methods. The result of analysis provides a closer representation of the true stability state of the rock cut, reinforced by rockbolts, expressed in terms of the factor of safety. This procedure has to follow the cut excavation stages in the rock mass (Arbanas 2002; Arbanas et al. 2007) and enabled optimization of the rock support construction. Geotechnical design, following the described methodology, better establishes the stability state of the cut as a function of the calculated values of the forces in rockbolts used in the stability analysis. Stress-strain analyses are used in defining limit values of the allowed rock mass deformations in a rock cut, in the first design phase so as during construction, when deformations also play important role in construction optimization. Based on measured deformation values during initially stages of construction and determinations of deformation Figure 5. Optimization design scheme during deep excavation. modules of rock mass it is possible to estimate finale deformation values and in comparison with limit values optimize rock support construction, Figure 5. Using described methodology numerous deep excavations in limestone rock mass are successfully constructed with significant effects of optimization on rock support structures (Arbanas 2002, 2004; Arbanas et al. 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). 4 CONCLUSIONS During excavations in the rock mass for constructions of roads and buildings in urban areas, the only parameter that can be predicted is the excavation 431 slope. In urban areas excavations sometimes have to be made vertically with demanding support systems, which require strict technical construction. The deformability and strength properties of the rock mass are determined from geotechnical investigation and the use of the rock mass classification system. It is then possible to make the geotechnical model and perform the stability and stress-strain analyses. It is first assumed that the rock mass slope is unsupported during excavation. If a low initial factor of safety is obtained, the stability analysis should include a support system. Based on design principles the results of the geotechnical investigation and rock mass classification carried out, strength parameters and rock mass deformability parameters can be defined and a geotechnical model developed to perform a stability analysis. Stability analyses are carried out depending on the possible failure mechanism, using one of a number of established methods, whereby, as a result of the conducted analysis, the factor of safety is calculated. An active design procedure was established, which made possible changes required in the rock mass reinforcement system during excavation of the cuts. 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