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PERSONAL INFORMATION Abdesselem Mahmoud Professor of Deveopment Sociology National School of architecture and Town Planning Carthage University Appartement 2,1er étage Bloc A, Résidence Omar, Rue Habib Bougatfa Manouba, 2010 Tunis (Tunisia) (+216) 97 021279 CV abstract My long experience of teaching sociology of architectural and urban space at National School of Architecture and Town Planning since 1995 to nowadays is along with a continuous effort of research improving track on the field of urban sociology by making and leading researches on the city of Tunis Architecture and town planning features, changes. I also focused on the urban spaces perceptions by users in the research unit I led during three years. After the Tunisia revolution December, 17, 2010 and January, 14, 2011, I pay more and more research attention to social movements, public sphere, the territorial and social inequalities in Tunisia. I am continuing working on these topics, and developing my teaching courses within updated approaches of complex urban systems, their vulnerabilities, adaptations, resilience, and emergence to my student in Urban Planning Master degrees (Professional and Research), in seminars of teachings to PHD student. I taught several short time course on development, town planning, local development at several higher Education institutions. I am adopting new interactive teaching methods based on learning doing, participatory planning within a sustainable and inclusive approaches. As Town Planning Department Head for the second electoral term, implemented with the department members, and the school staff a new Urban Planning Development Doctorate which has already started. We also, rehabilitated two master degrees Diploma professional and research in urban planning. The latter is join degree program with Sassari University. I also prepared and concluded cooperation agreements with European Universities (Luigi Vanvitelli, Napoli, Sassari, Alghero, Italy, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland within an Erasmus+ mobility agreement and teaching mobility for some colleagues and PHD students. I’am also involving Master degrees and Phd students in new agreements research activities concluded betwee our school and municipalities. Co-supervisory theses with Artois University (pr. Bernard Reitel), France and ULB (Pr. Philip Bouillard), Université Libre de Bruxelles. I integrated a Lab.” PS2D Perspectives, Strategies et Developpement Durable” At Economic and management Sciences Faculty, Manar university, Tunis. I am nominated as chief Editor of the Center of Economic Studies and Reseach(CERES) Ministry of Higher Education. I try as possible as I can to innovate research, teaching, and participatory activities within a collective intelligence process. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1980–Jun 1983 Bachelor of Arts Field of Sociology Faculty of social and human sciences University of Tunis (Tunisia) 1983–1987 Certificate of capacity for research Faculty of social and human sciences University of Tunis (Tunisia) 1987–1988 Master of arts -Sociology Faculty of social and human sciences University of Tunis (Tunisia) 1988–1995 Doctorate in Education Sciences University of Paris5, René Descartes - Sorbonne, Paris (France) 2012–Present HDR in Urban Sociology Carthage University (Tunisia) WORK EXPERIENCE 1981–1994 French Teacher of Secondary schools Education Ministry, Tunis (Tunisia) 1994–1995 Researcher in Center of research and studies for youth, childhood and sports Ministry of sport, childhood, and youth (Tunisia) 1995–1997 Assistant of Sociology National School of Architecture and Town Planning, University Tunis I Ministry of Higher Education (Tunisia) 1997–1999 Assistant Professor of Education Foundations, Faculty of Education of Salalah Ministry of Higher Education in Oman (Oman) 1999–2001 Assistant Professor of Sociology, National School of Architecture and Town Planning, University of Carthage Ministry of Higher Education (Tunisia) 2001–2003 Temporary teacher of two courses: Andragogy and Sociology of Leisure at High Institute of Human and Social Sciences-University Al- Manar, Tunis Higher Institute of Human and Social Sciences-Tunis (Tunisia) 2004–2012 Assistant Professor of Sociology National School of Architecture and Urbanism, Tunis (Tunisia) 2012 Associate Professor of Urban Sociology Town Planning Head of Department of Urban Planning at National School of Architecture and Urbanism, Tunis (Tunisia) 2018- 2019 present: Professor of Development Sociology teaching Urban Sociology, Sustainable Urban Development 2014-2018: Teaching temporary courses of Urbanism Hisory at High Institute of Environment Technologies, Urbanisme and Buil Environment, Carthage University, Tunis 2014-2018: temporary teaching of Development Sociology to Master degree research level at Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Manar University-Tunis 2014-2018: temporary teaching of Local urban development at Sociology Department , Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Tunis University 2018: temporary teaching of Organization Sociology and Sociology of Media and Collective Actions at private European University of Tunis, Political Sciences Department. 2018 to now Vice President of Africa and Middle East section of APERAU Next May, 5th to 10th (2019) Teaching mobility course: Urban systems in Tunisia: vulnerabilities, adaptation, mitigation, resilience and emergence at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland Other skills June 2018: Meetings of APERAU: Elected Vice President of Africa Middle East Section of APERAU, Lille-France Publications 1995 Mahmoud Abdesselem Mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion in the Arab cities in French" dans la C.E.R.E.S Review ( ads?dat=2015-12-13&uid=7gaISRT2Nfp0n63Ecp3NX3qqH4qy6bF Q0YHY&cp=re351_d_puft_p120&ch=reg), Nr 24. Tunis, 1995 2001 Mahmoud,A. Semiotic of Art and architectural space in Arab societies", in Arabic dans AL-Hayat Ath-Thaqafya- Ministry of Culture, Nr 125. May 2001 2002 Mahmoud A. Virtual space and de- territorialization in the South of Tunisia", Center of Economic and Social Studies and Researches Revue, Tunis, Tunisia,2002 2004 Mahmoyd A. Temporal order, Social order" in ACFAS, colloquy Acts Laval University Editions Editions, Quebec-Canada, 2004 2008 Mahmoud A. Co-Editor Architecture and Identity in the Age of Globalization" (in English), in Centre of Study of Architecture in the Arab Region,, Amman, Jordan, 2008. 2010 Mahmoud A. Tunis: Architecture et Urbanisme d’hier à demain", Book published In French Publication University Center, Manouba, Tunis, 2010 2010 Mahmoud A. Concept of Free-Time", Arab Encyclopaedia of Sociology, edited by Dar Arabya of Book ews-action-show-id-236.htmhttp://www.mnaab, Tunis, 2010 2013 Mahmoud, A. Tunis Architecture andTown Planning from past to future", English version, Manouba, Tunisia, 2013 2013 Mahmoud A. “Consulting Researcher on Architectural specificities in the North West of Tunisia", Ministry of Equipment and Housing-Town Planning service, Tunis 2013 2014 Mahmoud A. Territorial and Social inequalities in Tunisia, which sustainable urban governance?", Online Journal of Research issue February, 2014, India 2015 Mahmoud A. Urban sustainability challenges: democracy and spatial injustices in Tunisia", in the Sustainable Development Conference ort/weekly/2017-12-17, Bangkok,Thaïland, 2015 2015 Mahmoud A. Conservation of Urban and Modern Heritage in the Arab States", UNESCO World Heritage Center, National Council of Arts and Literature, Kuwait City, Kuwait City, Dec 2015 2016 Mahmoud A. Urban Regeneration, International Workshop at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences in Lübeck- Hamburg, Germany, June 2016 2017 Mahmoud A. Vulnerability, Inequality, and resilience : greening urban planning quest in Tunisia", Annual European Symposium on Planning submitted for review to On Sustainability Journal (Brasil), Lisbon-Portugal, July 2017 2017 Mahmoud A. Urban Regeneration in Tunisia : strenghs and Weakeness", Winter School, Town Planning Institute in Stuttgart-Germany, November, 11- 21, 2017 2018 Mahmoud A. Changements Climatiques, Stress hydrique, quelle résilience ?", Colloque APERAU-INAU - Rabat, Maroc 2017 2018 Mahmoud, A. Vulnerabilities, Inequalities, and Urban Resilience", Workshop on Resilience and Urban Risks in Aversa Napoli, Italy, 2018 May, 21-28 2019 Mahmoud, A. Participation in round table on Local Environmental Development in Tunisia, Ministry of Environment and Local Development, Tunisia 2018: Concluding cooperation agreement between Monastir municipality and Urban Planning Department at National School of Architecture and Town Planning. 2019 Cooperation agreements between National School of Architecture and Town Planning-Carthage University Opening of the university to its Environment. 2019 Mahmoud, A. Conference Sousse city: Conceived and lived urban spaces, Polytechnic University, Sousse, Tunisia 2019 MAHMOUD, A. Participation in the preparotary regional Forum about Oasese in Tunisia « Osese of Gabes: Vulnerabilities, resilience and social emergence, Tunis 2019 Mahmoud, A. Presentation « Eau et Changements climatiques » au colloque international « Le développement inclusif dans les pays du sud, acteurs, institutions et politiques, Laboratory Perspectives, Stratégies et Développement Durablle LPS2D, Hammamet 18,19 et 20 PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) LevelsLevels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Word, Adobe PDF writer, *I’ve produced a Diaporama (Presentation on CD) titled:” The use of Internet in Classroom” in Arab language Chosen as Chief Editor of Social, Economic Studies and Research Review, Center of Economic and Social Studies and Researches, Higher Education Ministry, Tunisia Foreign language(s) French UNDERSTANDING WRITING Listening production C1 Reading SPEAKING Spoken interaction Spoken C1 C1 C1 C1 English French C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 German B2 B2 B2 B2 B2