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Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT

KOTESOL Proceedings 2009

Maria Pinto & David Shaffer (Eds.)

?CH9GC@ DfcWYYX]b[g &$$Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT Proceedings of the 17th Annual KOTESOL International Conference Seoul, Korea, October 24-25, 2009 Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (Korea TESOL / KOTESOL) ?CH9GC@ DfcWYYX]b[g &$$Proceedings of the 17th Annual KOTESOL International Conference Seoul, Korea October 24-25, 2009 Edited by Korea TESOL Proceedings Supervising Editors Maria Pinto Dr. David Shaffer Dongguk University Chosun University Gyeongju Campus Gwangju KOTESOL Publications Committee Chair Maria Pinto, Dongguk University, Gyeongju Campus Proceedings Editorial Staff Sarah Emory Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus Margaret Zeddies Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus Elliott Walters Dongguk University Gyeongju Campus Lisa Levine Soongsil University Seoul References Editor Dr. David Shaffer Chosun University Layout/Design: Mijung Lee, Media Station Printing: Myeongjinsa For information on this or other Korea TESOL publications, as well as inquiries on membership and advertising contact us at: or © 2010 Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (Korea TESOL / KOTESOL) ISSN: 1598-0472 4 Price: 10,000 KRW / 10 USD. Free to Members Conference Committee of the 17th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference Louisa T. C. Lau-Kim Conference Committee Chair Stephen-Peter Jinks Conference Co-chair Philip Owen Program Chair Dr. David Shaffer Conference Treasurer Dr. Marilyn Plumlee Guest Services Chair Stafford Lumsden Support Services Chair Sean O’Connor Technical Director Jennifer Young Registration Chair Dr. Kyungsook Yeum Venue Chair Dr. Herrie Lee Publicity / PR Chair Deborah Tarbet Pre-registration Coordinator Jongsun Lee Venue Coordinator Mikyung Sa Publicity / PR Co-chair Curtis Desjardins Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Farley Registration Coordinator Eunjoo Cho Assistant Treasurer Gina Yoo Communications Manager Kathy Moon Food & Beverage Manager B. T. Stoakley Conference Webmaster William Algeo Pre-Registration Manager Ingrid Zwaal Stage Manager Paul Lawley-Jones Assistant Webmaster Leticia Patino Registration Manager Yoon-ji Lee Equipment Manager Timothy Whitman Extended Summaries Editor Dr. Kara MacDonald VIP Liaison (International) Duane Myhre IT Support Manager Maria Pinto Program Book Editor Louisa T. C. Lau-Kim VIP Liaison (Domestic) Thunder VanBrocklin IT Support Manager Julien McNulty Program Book Editor Vivien Slezak Presenter Services Manager Ash Loper IT Support Manager Dean Dawson Signage Manager Maria Pinto Attendee Services Manager Ralph Cousins Special Events Manager Stephannie White Volunteer Manager Jaeho Ji Employment Center Manager Sarah Emory Volunteer Manager Elliott Walters Volunteer Manager Sung-Min Hong Jennifer Brown Ass’t Employment Ctr. Manager Volunteer Manager Rick Galang Volunteer Manager Jake Kimball Chapters & SIGs Liaison Robert Dickey Advisor / Acting OP Liaison John Phillips National Technologies Chair Tory Thorkelson National KOTESOL President 5 FOREWORD The 17th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference was held at Sookmyung Women’s University on October 24-25, 2009. Nearly 1,400 international and Korea-based attendees gathered in Seoul, South Korea, for a weekend of teacher development under the conference theme of Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT. The two-day Conference offered plenary sessions by David Nunan, Rod Ellis, Kathleen Bailey, and Tim Murphey as well as nine featured speaker sessions by Scott Thornbury, John Fanselow, Jill Burton, John Flowerdew, Jerry Gebhard, Jeannette Littlemore, Stephen Andrews, Scott Miles, and Marc Helgesen. Prof. Helgesen was also the banquet speaker. In addition, the Conference included more than 170 concurrent sessions of various formats including research paper presentations, workshops, and colloquia. This volume includes twenty-three papers, which fall into fourteen categories: classroom management, conversation/pronunciation, course/materials design, cross-cultural/intercultural communication, learning preferences/styles, multiple skills, reading/literacy, research methodology, second language acquisition, teacher development, technology-enhanced instruction, testing/evaluation, video in the classroom, and vocabulary. Within these fourteen categories, papers range from teaching very young learners to teaching adults, from teaching low-proficiency to high-proficiency students, from teaching the unmotivated to teaching the highly motivated. There are papers that deal with honing testing instruments and others that propose test-light assessment. Papers on technology-heavy instruction deal with CALL and video, both commercials and animation. There are papers on Extensive Reading, scaffolding, and L1 use in the classroom. There are even research papers on research: on collecting and interpreting data and on analyzing Likert scale data. The range and the depth of the papers presented in this volume of KOTESOL Proceedings 2009 is testimony to the time and energy that EFL practitioners invest in the pursuit of professional excellence. What appears in this collection is but a sampling of the presentations that were presented at the 2009 KOTESOL International Conference, but we feel that it is a strong sampling. It is our pleasure to present to you this volume of KOTESOL Proceedings 2009. We would like to thank the authors of the papers collected here for their cooperation and patience with the editing process, and of course, for making their contributions to this volume. We hope that you will enjoy reading the papers in this publication in your own pursuit of professional excellence. Maria Pinto David Shaffer Supervising Editors KOTESOL Proceedings 2009 6 ?CH9GC@ DfcWYYX]b[g &$$՘սպջսձնկ ՘պշծխջջձշնթմ Սրիխմմխնիխ ձն ՍՔ՜ ՘պշիխխլձնկջ շծ ռհխ ԹԿռհ Չննսթմ Փ՗՜Ս՛՗Ք Ցնռխպնթռձշնթմ Ջշնծխպխնիխ CONTENTS Fodvvurrp Pdqdjhphqw Finding Focus for Less-Than-Motivated Learners John Daniel Marland and Holly-Lynn Hunsberger Marland Creating an Interactive Atmosphere in the Collaborative ESL/EFL Classroom with Purposeful Seating Charts Patrick Rates 13 21 Frqyhuvdwlrq 2 Surqxqfldwlrq Teaching English to Kindergarten Students in a Korean Kindergarten Michael Drummond Relationship Between Comprehensibility and Foreign Accent in EFL Speech Huei-Chun Teng 33 43 Frxuvh 2 Pdwhuldov Ghvljq Scaffolding in a Productive Skill Lesson James Brawn 55 Creating Materials in a CALL Classroom: Students’ Turn Raymond Wong 67 Furvv0fxowxudo 2 Lqwhufxowxudo Frppxqlfdwlrq Combating the Hegemony of English with Democratic Praxis Barbara Waldern 81 Ohduqlqj Suhihuhqfhv 2 Vw|ohv Style and Substance in the EFL Classroom: Bridging Student and Teacher Perspectives at Korea University Athena Pichay 91 7 Pxowlsoh Vnloov Student Presentations in TOEIC Pedagogy Paul Spijkerbosch and Bruce Lander 109 Uhdglqj 2 Olwhudf| Children’s Literature as Comprehensible Input in the University Classroom Adriane Geronimo 125 Exploitation of IT to Enhance Students’ Extensive Reading Skills: A Case Study of Fourth-Year Business English Major Students Amporn Srisermbhok 133 Does Extensive Reading Always Assist TOEFL Scores? David Williams 147 Uhvhdufk Phwkrgrorj| Making Sense of Surveys: Analyzing Likert Scale Data David Leaper and Jeffrey Durand 161 Data: What It Is, How It Is Used, and Potential Problems Shannon Tanghe 173 Vhfrqg Odqjxdjh Dftxlvlwlrq A Functional Analysis of Korean in the EFL Classroom John McGaughey 181 Whdfkhu Ghyhorsphqw Sensemaking in Higher Education Sarah Louisa Birchley 193 Whfkqrorj|0Hqkdqfhg Lqvwuxfwlrq 2 FDOO 2 FPL Corpora: Valuable Teaching and Research Tools Will Lingle 8 207 Whvwlqj 2 Hydoxdwlrq Comparing Teacher and Student Evaluations of Error Sean Mahoney 219 The Minimal English Test: A Revised Version Hideki Maki, Sarenqimuge, Juri Yoshimura, Yuki Makino, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Takane Ito, Yoko Yumoto, Satoshi Oku, Michiyo Hamasaki, Yukiko Ueda, Kosuke Nagasue, Hironobu Kasai, Takashi Munakata, and Jessica Dunton 225 Ylghr lq wkh Fodvvurrp Not Just a Commercial: Narrative That Demonstrates Communication Dynamics Philip L. McCasland Establishing Student Schemata in a Media-Based ESL/EFL Course Patrick Rates 235 245 Yrfdexodu| Coordinating a Curriculum-wide Vocabulary Program Charles J. Anderson, Jeffrey Stewart, and Luke Fryer 261 On the Strength of L2 Lexical Knowledge Atsushi Asai 269 Frqihuhqfh Ryhuylhz Presentations of the 17th Korea TESOL International Conference 281 9