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Estonian Association of Comparative Literature (EACL), Department of Literature and Theatrical Studies of the University of Tartu 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE EACL In Homage to Gustav Suits (1883–1956), poet and the first chaired professor of literature of the University of Tartu (on the background of the century of the inauguration of Estonian National University in Tartu) Current State of Literary Theory, Research and Criticism in (Non-"Centric") National Cultures Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia, Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, 2019 The deadline for submitting the application form, containing the final title of a 20-minute paper and a 200 to 300 word abstract, is April 30, 2019. EACL, University of Tartu, Department of Literature and Theatrical Studies, Ülikooli 16-113, TARTU 51005, ESTONIA Tel. (+372) 7 375-319 Fax. (+372) 7 375-350; E-mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizing Committee: Jüri Talvet (esimees/chairman), Arne Merilai, Liina Lukas, Katre Talviste, Katiliina Gielen, Lauri Pilter, Kersti Unt, Jaak Tomberg, Marja Unt, Maria-Kristiina Lotman Sponsored by Eesti Kultuurkapital / Estonian Cultural Endowment Tartu Ülikooli Humanitaarvaldkond/Faculty of Humanities of the University of Tartu Eesti haridus- ja teadusministeerium / Estonian Ministry of Education and Science Eesti Uuringute Tippkeskus / Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies 13th International Conference of the EACL focuses on the present-day position of literary theory, research and criticism (above all) in (non-"centric") national cultures. It is expected that our conference participants contribute to a discussion aimed at explicating and enlightening the state of literary theory, research and criticism in a variety of national cultures worldwide, and help to answer the following questions: - what are the main directions in national literary theory, research and criticism? Can any individualities, i. e. differences from the main tendencies of that activity in "centric" cultures be observed? - How do your "home" native language and a foreign language (mediating with international academic community (e.g. English, French, German) mutually relate? Are there phenomena and achievements in national literary theory and research which because of the linguistic factor have not deserved sufficient attention from the international academic community? What do you consider to be the strongest assets and achievement of your national literary research? What are the main factors that have inhibited national literary research from (more) fully contributing to the vitality of your national culture? - What role has national and international literary research and criticism had in treating and making stand forth your national literary phenomena? How could you characterize the mutual relation between nationally oriented literary scholars and critics and comparatists (comparative literature scholars)? -how do literary research and criticism fare in general (incl. institutionally) in your national culture? Is comparative literary research institutionally represented at all? If yes, what are its main tendencies and achievements? - what is the current state of literary histories and dictionaries in your national culture? To what extent have virtual-digital platforms been used to perpetuate and record the historical and contemporary process of national literature's treatment and interpretation? - What are the main worries of national literary theory and academic-critical treatment of literature? How do you imagine an ideal functioning of that activity in national culture? To what extent and in what university and high school courses are different phenomena of national literature and world literature taught in your country? - To what extent do national journals, magazines and other periodicals (in the national language) support and mediate literary theory, research and criticism? Do you consider that activity sufficient and efficient, or not? The main working language of the conference is English but papers can also be presented in French, Spanish and German. In the latter cases, a summary of one to two pages in English should be mailed to the organizers by Sept 1, 2019. The summary will be made available to the participants during the conference. There will be no translation of the papers at the conference. In parallel with conference panels in foreign languages the program of the conference includes a section in Estonian in which the main focus will be on the activity of Gustav Suits and the early phase of Estonian national literary theory, research and criticism. The deadline for submitting the application form, containing the final title of a 20-minute paper and a 200 to 300 word abstract, is April 30, 2019. After your abstract has been approved and you have paid your participation fee, your conference registration is complete. We will then send you as soon as possible an official invitation by e-mail (and if needed, by ordinary air mail) letter. If approved in the cross-reviewing process, your articles based on your conference paper have a chance to be published in a special issue of the journal Interlitteraria in 2020. Sept. 29, 2019 is the arrival day of the conference participants. The official opening dinner of the Conference will take place at the festive Opening of the Conference in the evening of Sept. 30. The full working days of the conference are Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 2019. Important notice: The number of participants of this conference is limited to 50 people. The registration will be closed once the number of invited participants is full. The papers of the conference, once approved, will be published in monographic issue(s) of the journal of the EACL, Interlitteraria (25, 2020). The conference fee for participants is 60 Euros (30 Euros for doctoral and master students). It should be transferred to the bank account of the Estonian Association of Comparative Literature (Eesti Võrdleva Kirjandusteaduse Assotsiatsioon) by May 31, 2019. Please do not forget to mention your name on the transfer data sheet and to add “EACL19 participation fee”. The bank data: Account number: EE891010102061951002 Account holder: Eesti Võrdleva Kirjandusteaduse Assotsiatsioon Name of the bank: AS SEB Pank Address of the bank: Tornimäe 2, 15010, Tallinn SWIFT code (BIC): EEUHEE2X For those needing the Estonian (= Schengen) visa, we will send (by registered mail, to the address shown in your data sheet) an official visa invitation on behalf of the University of Tartu. When applying for the Estonian (Schengen) visa, you should add that official invitation letter to your visa application and to the documents which you submit to the nearest Estonian embassy or consular office. (The data about Estonian embassies and diplomatic representations abroad can be found on the home page of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign affairs: It is hoped that the registration fee covers lunches provided for the participants during the conference working days. Organizers will cover 3 nights of accommodation (Sept. 29 to Oct. 1) of those participants who are willing to stay at a university-linked hostel (in individual rooms or sharing a room). Those who wish more comfort should find accommodation at some of the city hotels, on their own. For conference participants from foreign countries, there will be a guided walking tour in Tartu in the afternoon of the day of arrival. Full texts based on the of the conference papers should be submitted by January 31, 2020 for their publication in the monographic issue of the international journal Interlitteraria, in 2020. (; Indexing: Web of Science, ERIH PLUS, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), ERIH PLUS; Access: CEEOL (open access); ISSN: 1406-0701). The Conference Working Programme will be released by August 31, 2019. Please fill in the application form below and e-mail it to Prof. Jüri Talvet by April 30, 2019. 13th International Conference of the EACL “Current State of Literary Theory, Research and Criticism in (Non-Centric)” National Cultures” University of Tartu, Sept. 29 to October 1, 2019 Application Form First name(s): Surname: Full mailing address, (including telephone and E-mail): Institutional affiliation: Position title(s): Do you wish to be accommodated at a university-linked hostel: ...... Title of the conference paper: A short abstract of the paper (200-300 words): Date Signature: