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2018, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology

In this paper the analysis of the corrosion basic types destructions on an example of buildings constructions is carried out and the basic requirements to materials for designs in construction are defined. A classification of corrosion damage is proposed, which became a prerequisite for selecting the main indicators of materials that maximally affect the quality and durability. The main methods for determining the main indicators of corrosion damage are identified.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018, pp. 306–314, Article ID: IJCIET_09_05_034 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed CORROSION AS A SOURCE OF DESTRUCTION IN CONSTRUCTION Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Vyacheslav Lyashenko Department of Informatics, Kharkiv National University of RadioElectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine Esraa M. Edaan Department of Petrolum Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq Svitlana Sotnik Department of Computer-Integrated Technologies, Automation and Mechatronics, Kharkiv National University of RadioElectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine ABSTRACT In this paper the analysis of the corrosion basic types destructions on an example of buildings constructions is carried out and the basic requirements to materials for designs in construction are defined. A classification of corrosion damage is proposed, which became a prerequisite for selecting the main indicators of materials that maximally affect the quality and durability. The main methods for determining the main indicators of corrosion damage are identified. Key words: Classification, Materials, Construction, Corrosion, Quality. Cite this Article: Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Esraa M. Edaan and Svitlana Sotnik, Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(5), 2018, pp. 306–314. 1. INTRODUCTION The structures used in the construction must comply with the requirements of the current rules and regulations [1]. In modern construction there are different structural materials: plastic; wooden; stone: from ceramic and silicate brick, from ceramic, concrete, silicate, natural stones of regular shape, etc.; glass and metal [2-4]. These materials are diverse in composition, structure, chemical, physical and mechanical properties and purpose. 306 Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Esraa M. Edaan and Svitlana Sotnik The leading place in the modern market is occupied by metals [5]. One of the main properties that determine the quality and durability of building structures, and particularly those made of metal, include corrosion resistance and weathering resistance. At the same time, corrosion of metals causes special damage, although also concrete, building stone, wood, other materials are subject to corrosive destruction [6]. This is due to the fact that corrosion, as a source of destruction in construction, "eats" up to 10% of the metal produced [7, 8]. Such a source of destruction is an unwanted and unintended process. Thus, the theme of the work is relevant. 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Related work The review of the existing works devoted to the research related of analysis and measurement structural corrosion methods, corrosion test methods, corrosion prevention methods is reviewed. A review of corrosion of reinforcement in concrete: monitoring, prevention and rehabilitation techniques is presented in [8]. The types of materials and corrosion are described (macrocell corrosion of steel in concrete; galvanic corrosion; chloride-induced; influence of stray currents on corrosion of steel in concrete and etc.). Corrosion protection of steel rebar in concrete using migrating corrosion inhibitors. Assessment and monitoring of corrosion velocity of rebars and prestressing strands of a bridge and etc. In [9] aims to evaluate the applicability and suitability of the different methods, including weight loss, vernier caliper, drainage method, 3D scanning and XCT methods in the measurement of geometric parameters and amount of corrosion of a steel bar. In [10] a brief basis of the correct measurement of the corrosion degree is given. The assessment of the residual load-bearing capacity based on the quantification of the actual degree of damage and the prediction of its evolution which needs measurement of the steel corrosion degree is described. Influence of climatic parameters. In [11] a description of the traditional methods for testing of reinforcement corrosion conditions including peculiarities and weak sides of it is presented. The new methods of nondestructive testing are overviewed there. The physical basics and the advantages of the testing method of half-cell potential are also characterized. A relatively new method of nondestructive testing of reinforcement corrosion condition is the method of measuring the concrete resistivity. In [11] a description of the principal of its application and the factors influencing the measuring result is also presented. Reinforcing bar corrosion for buildings construction is presented in [12]. A theoretical study of corrosion detection is given. In [12] describes applying the piezoelectric sensor to carry out corrosion detection on reinforcement building materials, the real-time online collection of ultrasonic signals can be realized. 2.2. Features of corrosive corrosion destruction The environment in which the metal is corroded is called a corrosive or aggressive environment. In Figure 1 shows a generalized classification of factors affecting the corrosive destruction of building structures. 307 Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction Figure 1 Generalized classification of factors affecting corrosion destruction The main types of building structures corrosion are presented in Table 1. In Table 1 shows those types of corrosion that occur in the buildings construction structures and take into account the character, the mechanism of the impact processes, as well as the conditions of their flow. Table 1 The main types of building structures corrosion Type of corrosion Examples of occurrence in the construction of buildings Causes Chemical corrosion In the contact process of a metal element with environment conducive to the development of corrosion, during which the oxidation reaction of the metal element and the reduction of the oxidizing component of the environment occurs simultaneously. Underground corrosion Due to the heterogeneity of the environment and the uneven access of oxygen to various sites of underground structures. In most cases, it leads to the destruction of individual sections of the structure in the deep ulcers form. Causes of oxygen uneven access to relatively small areas of underground structures can be different density of soils, violation in small areas of continuous insulation coating, unequal soil moisture. In wet soils, corrosion can occur due to different aeration conditions. Underground corrosion is also understood as the electrochemical process of metal destruction and concrete structures in the ground, under the influence of ground moisture. 308 Most often, load-bearing structures are subject to: foundation, columns, ceilings, coatings, fasteners The most common are: fasteners, steel rods, foundation (for example, screw piles), beams, trusses, columns Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Esraa M. Edaan and Svitlana Sotnik Corrosion caused by stray currents The leakage of electrical current from the conductors occurs if there are areas in the electrical circuit with an electrical resistor that is significantly higher than the current resistance in the ground. Atmospheric corrosion Caused by condensation of moisture vapor from the air and atmospheric precipitation. The loss of condensate on their surface is primarily due to daily fluctuations in the temperature of the surrounding air. The content of water vapor in the air, when the temperature is lowered, reaches full saturation, which corresponds to the dew point. With a slight cooling of air below this point, the vapor begins to condense on the surface of the structure. The most common are: steel rods, piles, columns Most often exposed are: beams, trusses, arches, columns, fasteners Considering the factors that influence the corrosive destruction with the purpose of reducing the degree of aggressive influence of the environment on building structures, already during design it is necessary to envisage:  development of enterprises general plans, volume-planning and design solutions taking into account the wind rose and the direction of groundwater flow;  technological equipment with the greatest possible sealing, supply and exhaust ventilation, suction in the places of maximum vapors release, gases and dusts [7, 8]. Protection of building structures from corrosion damage in order to improve their reliability, durability is a compound task of construction projects technical operation. In order to develop a method for protecting building structures of buildings, it is necessary to take into account that any corrosion destruction is multistage [13]. But it is always possible to distinguish three main stages in any corrosive destruction: 1) The approach of a corrosive environment or its individual components to the surface of building structures. 2) Interaction of the environment with the structure. 3) Full or partial removal of corrosion products from the structure surface. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Investigation of the building structures corrosion specificity Initially, the specificity of building structures corrosion depends on materials that are diverse in composition, structure, chemical, physical and mechanical properties and purpose. These are, first of all, cast iron and steel building structures and products; reinforced and prestressed concrete structures and products; non-ferrous metals and alloys, alloyed structural steels and others. The existing classifications of building structures corrosion are based on the dependence on the mechanism of the process, as well as the conditions of their flow. In Figure 2 it is proposed to classify the building structures corrosion, taking into account the character of the destruction: the depth of corrosive destruction, the type and type of the area corrosion, as well as the geometric character of the damage and the direction of the action. 309 Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction Figure 2 Classification of building structures corrosion, taking into account the character of destruction To begin with, corrosion can be divided into 3 types: solid, selective, local. Then it can be divided into 2 types: equal corrosion and non-equal corrosion, depending on whether the depth of corrosion damage is the same at different sites. This separation allows us to determine the "initial character of the destruction" and the corrosive activity of the structure surface. Next, it is proposed to take into account the geometry of the corrosion damage area, that is, it can be: on the metal surface, subsurface, or in the volume of the metal. Then, the directions of the corrosion damage action can be taken into account: 1) gas corrosion in a gaseous environment at high temperatures; 2) atmospheric corrosion of metal under atmospheric conditions at a humidity sufficient to form an electrolyte film on the surface of the metal (especially in the presence of corrosive gases or aerosols of acids, salts, 310 Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Esraa M. Edaan and Svitlana Sotnik etc.); 3) liquid – corrosion in liquid environment; 4) underground – corrosion of metal in soils and soils. After that it is proposed to take into account the "leakage" conditions of corrosion damage, let them be classified as: fretting corrosion, corrosion (in friction), cavitation and contact corrosion. In conclusion, it is necessary to take into account the type of corrosive environment, which can be divided as: biological, under voltage and radiation. As a result of the carried out researches the classification of the main types of materials corrosion according to the specific character and destructiveness direction is offered (Table 2). Table 2 Classification of the main types of buildings corrosion in accordance with the specific character and direction of destruction Type of corrosion Equal corrosion Main factors Kind of corrosion Degree of corrosion Measuring with a grid of squares Intensity Measurement dirt pits Degree of corrosion Nonequal corrosion Depth of corrosion crater corrosion Depth of corrosion Measuring with a grid of squares Measurement or sequential removal of metal layers Calculation Measuring with a grid of squares pitting corrosion Local Selective The method of determining The corrosion surface area Calculation by loss of mass and surface area of the sample Degree of surface damage by corrosion Measuring with a grid of squares 311 Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction Type of corrosion Main factors Kind of corrosion Calculation by loss of mass and surface area of the sample Measurement or computation by loss of mass Weight loss per unit surface area On the metal surface Dimension reduction Weight loss rate Reduction speed Degree of surface damage by corrosion In the volume of the metal The method of determining Calculation layered Measuring with a grid of squares Weight loss per unit surface area Calculation by loss of mass and surface area of the sample Intergranular (intercrystalline) Penetration rate Calculation Transgranular corrosion Penetration rate Calculation Filiform Penetration rate Calculation Knife-line attack Measuring with a grid of squares Measurement or sequential removal of metal layers Calculation Measuring with a grid of squares Degree of surface damage by corrosion Depth of corrosion Degree of surface damage by corrosion Through corrosion Measuring with a grid of squares Depth of corrosion A distinctive feature of corrosion damage caused by condensation moisture, as compared with other types of corrosion, is the uneven distribution of destruction sites and crater character. 312 Mohannad H. Al-Sherrawi, Vyacheslav Lyashenko, Esraa M. Edaan and Svitlana Sotnik 3.2. Causes and elimination of corrosion Corrosion is the destructive attack of a material by reaction with its environment. Each metal has unique and inherent corrosion behavior that can range from high to low corrosion resistance. Furthermore, the corrosion resistance of a metal strongly depends on the environment to which it is exposed, and the general relation is (corrosivity of environment / corrosion resistance of metal ≈ rate of corrosive attack). The speed and depth of metal corrosion affect the quality and durability of building structures. Therefore, in the course of the building structures corrosive destruction analysis, the dependence of the corrosion process "leakage" on the main factors is determined (the character of the corrosion process "leakage" is shown in Table 2, and the main factors are outlined in Figure 2): 1. Pressure greatly accelerates the electrochemical corrosion of metals because of the increased solubility of corrosive process depolarizers (oxygen, hydrogen sulphide, etc.) and the appearance of mechanical stresses in the metal. 2. The rate of corrosion depends on the pH of the environment, increasing as the environment becomes acidified, if no passivation of the metal occurs. In neutral environments, the rate of corrosion of iron depends little on the change in pH. As the pH increases, the corrosion rate of iron and steel decreases. 3. The presence of microorganisms and products of their vital activity in the environment has a significant effect on the character of metals corrosion damage. With microbiological corrosion, corrosion damage is local in character; the rate of corrosion reaches significant values. Then, recommendations for reducing the rate of corrosion damage are reduced to: 1. To reduce the degree of thermodynamic instability – potentials approach of the cathode and anode processes. 2. Increase in cathodic polarizability, leading to deceleration of the cathodic process. 3. Increase in anodic polarizability, leading to inhibition of the anodic process. 4. Increase ohmic resistance. At the same time, recommendations for reducing the depth of corrosion damage are reduced to: 1. Temperature optimization of the environment pressure. 2. Chemical activity optimization of a substance that causes corrosion. 3. Optimization of the concentration, which is substance causing corrosion. 4. Optimize the amount of moisture. 4. CONCLUSION As a result of the review, it is determined that since most of the buildings' constructions (foundations, walls, partitions, slabs, fasteners, steel rods, beams, trusses, columns) are made of metals, corrosion is one of the main sources of building structures destruction. It can also be argued that in addition to metals corrosion, structures of buildings from: plastics, ceramics, concrete-containing mixtures, etc., are susceptible. The main requirement when choosing a material for building structures that are operated in a particular aggressive environment should be guided by the individual qualities of the material. In the present work the analysis of possible types of building constructions corrosion damages is carried out. The main requirements for materials for structures in construction are determined. The classification of 313 Corrosion as a Source of Destruction in Construction building structures corrosion damage is suggested, which, unlike existing ones, takes into account the character of destruction: the depth of corrosion destruction, the type and kind of the corrosion area, and also the geometric character of the damage and the direction of the action. 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