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2019, IAEME

The article deals with the integration of transport infrastructure facilities, i.e. parking in the modern urban environment. The formation of parking as an architectural object, a capital construction object when placed in an urban environment, taking into account compensatory mechanisms, is analyzed. The use of various types of spatial organization that provides technological completeness, operation and aesthetic expressiveness using translucent enclosing structures is considered. The use of various types of glass in translucent structures during the formation of facade solutions for parking lots is not only a decoration, but also a mean of enhancing the aesthetics of the habitat of the modern city dweller.

International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 10, Issue 05, May 2019, pp. 35–42, Article ID: IJCIET_10_05_005 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed APPLICATION OF TRANSLUCENT STRUCTURES AS MEANS OF THE EXPRESSIVENESS OF ARCHITECTURAL SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT OF PARKING Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University ABSTRACT The article deals with the integration of transport infrastructure facilities, i.e. parking in the modern urban environment. The formation of parking as an architectural object, a capital construction object when placed in an urban environment, taking into account compensatory mechanisms, is analyzed. The use of various types of spatial organization that provides technological completeness, operation and aesthetic expressiveness using translucent enclosing structures is considered. The use of various types of glass in translucent structures during the formation of facade solutions for parking lots is not only a decoration, but also a mean of enhancing the aesthetics of the habitat of the modern city dweller. Key words: parking, urban environment, parking formation, parking facade, translucent enclosing structure Cite this Article: Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich, Application of Translucent Structures as Means of the Expressiveness of Architectural Spatial Environment of Parking, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 10(5), 2019, pp. 35–42. 1. INTRODUCTION The formation of any capital construction object is always associated with the urban environment where it is located. Parking as an integral part of the transport infrastructure of the urban environment becomes the means of urban influence. 35 Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich The mutual influence of transport infrastructure facilities: i.e. parkings, located in the urbanized space, has various aspects: urban planning, ecological-spatial, subjective-consumer, visual-ecological, psychological, etc. The inclusion of utilitarian facilities for the permanent and temporary storage of individual cars in the urban space during construction and design should be accompanied by compensation mechanisms aimed at the sustainability of the ecological and sociopsychological balance of the urban space, focused on the comfortable environment of its consumers. The use of a variety of natural innovative materials, energy-efficient construction technologies and modern architectural shaping increases the possibilities for creatively oriented architectural design of parking facilities. This provides completely new possibilities for creating an expressive look and humanizing the surrounding space of parking objects. It is important that the latest trends in the sustainable formation and development of the architectural space, including structures for permanent and temporary storage of vehicles, are oriented towards a non-trivial approach to the means of expressiveness, rethinking methods and their significance in shaping. Depending on the specific urban situation and natural factors, parking lots can be created based on the various planning schemes and have a wide palette of spatial design solutions, as well as artistic expressiveness. The architectural glass, more precisely - translucent enclosing structures, becomes the means of artistic expression, along with others. The development of modern technology and building materials allows you to create a tectonic integral volumespatial form. In this case, glass acquires new tectonic possibilities. Transport infrastructure as a fundamental structural element of the city must meet the needs for the movement of all categories of the population, to ensure the accessibility of the territory of the city, and all its functional groups. For the sustainable development of functional groups of urban building (office, residential, retail, etc.), it is necessary to include elements of the transport system as a communication component of a modern urbanized city. The parking space becomes an integral part of the life of citizens; it is included in the space of the city as an element of a comfortable urban environment. The growth of scientific and technological progress affects the stereotypes of urbanized lifestyle of people and entails a change in the elements of urban space that is the architectural environment of various objects of urban space, including parking lots. Different types of parking, defined by the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation (CR 113.13330.2016) as part of the general transport system of the city is one of the most important problems of our time. The development of a motor vehicle fleet, an increase in the level of provision of the population with individual transport and the related processes that characterize the participation of motor vehicles in solving social and economic problems have led to an increase in the level of motorization of the cities. As the number of cars has increased exponentially, the need to locate them in close proximity to destinations in the urban structure creates in this regard a complicated problem in the systems "city-transport" and "man-transport". The interaction of all functional-spatial elements of the urban environment determines the integrity of the architectural environment, which is subjectively evaluated by the consumers. 36 Application of Translucent Structures as Means of the Expressiveness of Architectural Spatial Environment of Parking The integrity of the architectural environment lies in the parking facilities and facilities, as well as compensation mechanisms for visual and environmental damage when placing parking lots in an urban environment. Despite the fact that parking spaces can take various forms, all parking spaces must comply with the requirements of safety, functionality and visual aesthetics. 2. TRANSLUCENT STRUCTURES Preserving its integrity and harmonious interaction. In accordance with the current regulations on the construction of civil engineering, ways of placing parking spaces are varied: they can be in the form of buildings, standing alone or embedded, attached to the building, functional, as well as open planar ones. Let’s consider one of the options for formation of the parking as a building, i.e. a capital construction object. Multi-level parking is the most rational way to store the largest possible number of vehicles. The architectural form of such parking can be easily adapted to any natural conditions. The aesthetically expressive volumetric form of parking makes it possible to increase the visual stability of the architectural environment of the urban space. Scientific and technical progress, influencing the creation of innovative finishing and construction materials, allows creating unusual designs for buildings and structures of the city plan. Facades are the dominant component in the building of the city. In the structural solution of the facade of a multi-storey parking, the typological features of an industrial (utilitarian) building are obtained. In the recent years modern architecture has changed a lot. Instead of nondescript facades, tendencies of creating expressive light-color facade installations have come. A fragment of the building was the most expressive element of an architectural object, working as an identifying mark of the urban interior [1]. Economic purposefulness, resistance to temperature fluctuations, the ability to protect a building from atmospheric influences, to ensure the preservation of heat, absolute environmental friendliness, as well as the protection of mountain structures from terrorist attacks are the requirements that are imposed to the facades of buildings and structures. The formation of parking facades is influenced by its location in the existing buildings near different functional buildings and territories (hospital territory, shopping center, residential complex, etc.), as well as the amount of parking itself from the point of view of engineering and technical fullness. From the point of view of engineering and technical fullness, there are many objects located close to various objects (hospital territory, shopping center, residential complex, etc.). In addition, the expressiveness is influenced by the requirements of the modern consumer, i.e. informational content, transformation of the image, comfort in perception and safety. The constructive-spatial structure of the building, the real connection of the bearing and carried elements of the structures, carried out using rhythm, proportionality, proportions, color, texture and materials that determine the composition of the architectural facade, are architectural tools involved in creating a comfortable visual space. When creating aesthetic organizations, different lighting solutions are used, which are perceived in different ways, with different high-speed movement of the city dwellers and the urban space [2]. The use of various building materials according to the texture, light-color characteristics enhances the individual characteristics of the object (Pic. 1, 2). 37 Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich There are several types of enclosing structures that form the facade of buildings:  - translucent enclosing structures;  - hinged systems of various building materials;  - facades made of stone, etc. The modern style of the city is inextricably linked with the mirror surfaces of both public and residential buildings. The most widespread for the implementation of modern style in the architectural appearance of buildings translucent walling, made of aluminum and glass received. Translucent facades have not only an attractive appearance, but also remarkable performance characteristics. These structural elements allow visually including the internal space of the parking lot into the architectural environment of the surrounding buildings or reflecting the external environment, so that the parking lot is dissolved in it (Pic. 3). Translucent structures have become an integral element in the use of solar energy, daylight that allows, in addition to innovative engineering systems, to create a “smart” energy-saving building. Recently, translucent structures have been used to create lightcolored, spatial-dynamic facades, including parking lots, which demonstrates the desire for sustainable spatial development of the urban environment and actively affects the consumer appeal of the architectural appearance of parking facilities. Picture 1. Multi-storey parking of Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, USA. Source: http: // / gkd-gebr-kufferath-ag / project-60640-241546.html 38 Application of Translucent Structures as Means of the Expressiveness of Architectural Spatial Environment of Parking Picture 2. Multi-storey parking in Santa Monica, USA. Source: Electric lighting is the only element of the architectural environment, which is instantly adjusted depending on user preferences. It also provides a variety of light and color environment. Spectacular night, local illumination of facade elements is able to emphasize and even correct architectural defects in the volume of a building. Modern production technologies and the construction of translucent walling allow to realize the most daring projects of architects, providing vertical, horizontal and inclined glazing planes in any combinations. Mullion-transom system, structural glazing, Planar glazing, double facades - the most common types of translucent fencing in building practice. A rack-mount and transom glazing is created based on an aluminum frame with aluminum profiles visible on the outside of the facade. Structural glazing of facades (structural facades) is characterized by the fact that there are no any aluminum clamps on the outer surface of the glass, as a result, adjacent windows are separated only by a narrow strip of special silicone of 12–15 mm wide. This design allows you to create the effect of a solid volume of glass, which will reflect the existing buildings. As a rule, this facade system is used for full glazing of rectangular buildings, with curvilinear plans there appears the effect of cut glass, since the frame construction in this case is flat. A type of structural glazing is semi-structural, when there is one type of clamping elements - horizontal (bolt) or vertical (racks), located on the outside of the building. Planar glazing (glazing on spiders, i.e. "spiders") is a complete frameless glazing of panels of various sizes, carrier subsystems and metal mounting brackets of the spider type. Planar glazing can be carried out in warm (double-glazed) and cold (single glass) versions. For greater expressiveness of the translucent facade, various types of facing glass are used, which have different characteristics in color, sound insulation, thermal insulation properties, resistance to thermal radiation and strength parameters. 39 Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich The specific feature in the use of glass in the light-colored facade is that it is a building material, which is rethought in a new way at each subsequent stage of the aesthetic development of the objective world [3]. Multifunctional glass has found application in both full glazing of public buildings, and when it is used in the glass units of residential buildings. A characteristic feature of this glass is the all-season creation of the indoor microclimate. In winter, it saves heat, that is, it reduces heat loss, being energy efficient, and in the summer, it does not let the sun's energy into the room, being sunscreen. The tinted window with different ways of tinting has excellent levels of sun protection; it reflects the heat and excess light, not allowing to see the inner space in the daytime. Durable self-cleaning glass of neutral color with a coating that rarely requires cleaning and provides greater transparency during and after rain is used in multi-storey and high-rise construction. When adding various chemical additives, such as textured glass, at the production stage, various decorative effects can be achieved, which will allow playing with color, light and shadow in reflections, creating odd shapes and integrating a utilitarian parking object into the surrounding urban space. (Pic. 3). Multi-colored glass panels placed on the parking facade let in daylight, which is lacking in winter in the Urals region, reducing the time for using artificial lighting, while creating a comfortable, friendly, bright perception environment during the day and glowing, opening the interior parking space in the evening (Pic. 4). Picture 3. Glass facade of the parking of Symphony Hall. Vancouver. Source: 40 Application of Translucent Structures as Means of the Expressiveness of Architectural Spatial Environment of Parking Picture 4. Civic Center Parking Structure. 6-storey parking in Santa Monica for 900 cars. USA. Source: http: // www. One of the promising directions in the creation of expressive facade groups is the use of molded (curved) transparent and colored glass (Pic. 5). The facades of parking lots, lined with this glass, have rich installation capabilities and they are well adapted to the surrounding residential buildings, creating a comfortable urban space for life. Picture 5. Multi-storey, the automated parking. Wolfsburg. Germany. Source: avtomatizirovannye-parkingi-volkswagen.html Glass surfaces of facade solutions in any environment and any climatic situation are perceived by citizens in different ways and therefore interesting for perception. The combination of transparent structures with different colors, with nontransparent elements of the facade gives a unique, individual character to the parking lot. The aesthetically expressive volumetric shape due to modern enclosing structures, which are translucent parking constructions, makes it possible to increase the visual stability of the architectural environment of the urban space. Even a small space-planning parking in an existing residential development can be a composite accent of the architectural environment, such as a residential courtyard or community center. Dynamic transformation of ideas about the level of comfort of the habitat, the structure of which includes parking lots, should preserve human values. These values, which are related to 41 Skoropey Vyacheslav Dmitrievich, Bilyk Nikita Vladimirovich, Proshkov Aleksandr Vladislavovich, Medvedev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Safin Marat Ildanovich, Kvasyuk Elena Alekseevna, Stankevich Vladislav Maksimovich, Slanov Batraz Elbrusovich, Kozlov Vladislav Vladimirivich, Kuznetsov Andrey Vyacheslavovich the natural environment, meet the interests of the person. Countless accusations of consumers on parking facilities and their absolutely indifferent appearance and emotional poverty indicate a greater expectation from the architecture of parking lots. It is possible to find a modern style object, expressing the function of the building. The texture, color, light and tectonics of the facade elements, the whole range of composite techniques of the facades will become the surface that will create the unique look of the parking. Visual ordering of the architectural environment of parking based on the laws of visual perception will lead to the inhabitants’ visual comfort, as well as to humanization of the urban space. 3. CONCLUSION The light-color effect from the use of translucent structures in the parking lot justifies their use by creating its own architectural environment, which is friendly for the citizens. The maximum use of all the possibilities of visual humanization of the architectural environment of parking regulates not only the forms of behavior of citizens, but also creates the individual approach to the construction of the urban space [1]. 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