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Archive of Future Performances

An archive of descriptions of performances donated by the artists for others to perform. Presented at the Contemporary Greek Art Institute as part of the exhibition "Detournements: Tactics of Surprise" curated by Elpida Karaba. Booklet designed by Michail Semoglou.

Archive of Future Performances Angeliki Avgitidou ContemPorAry Greek Art InstItute CnD PublICAtIons € 1,00 1 The archive of future performances comprises of ideas for performances, which are offered by the artists, to whomever is interested in performing them. It is an idea of Angeliki Avgitidou to which the following have contributed: Future Death Toll, Leda Papakonstantinou, Green Owens & Katheryn Owens, Nicephor Errantes, Wiliam Bilwa Costa, Angeliki Avgitidou, Performers Xpress and Dagmar I Glausnitzer-Smith. The booklet was printed on the occasion of the exhibition Detournements: Tactics of Surprise, curated by Elpida Karaba, which took place at the Contemporary Greek Art Institute, in the spring of 2014. Designed by CND + Angeliki Avgitidou 2 Contemporary Greek Art Institute Cannot Not Design Publications 3 Nikis Avenue 546 24 Thessaloniki Τ +30 2310 801 467 Ε 19#TODO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 EN – 1 6 plastic bagz in the mouth. Take off your shirt and pantz and put them back on backwardz. Write 6 checkz for 6.66. Put your shirt over your head and move around the space. Yell and be louder than those around you. Yell along with your refrigerator, yell alongside your local authority, yell alongside your politician. Whisper sorry into a bag. Say random lines of #TEXT to someone else. March in a line. Read #TEXT quietly to someone else. Make breathing audible. Move very slowly in a large circular pattern. Say aloud childhood memories while walking backwardz. Say aloud memories having to do with getting something for free. Wander around space rotating arms in circles. Lay on loor, cover mouth, say confession. Wave a receipt in the air. Crawl around on all fours like you are looking for something you lost. Ask someone for their telephone number, walk outside and call them to describe what you see. 3 EN – 2 spotless white starched sheets on a bed at the crossroads, by the seaside. Girl asleep surrounded by all the Mothers. protected. the dream begins. the great love. Man on a white horse Saint George a football. he swims across and rides the horse rides in concentric circles around the bird – the bed. the Mothers wash sheets forever in everplastic bowls. they lift the sheets when dribbling wet with soap, to cover the naked body of the soul – the girl. Blind man playing the violin 4 EN – 2 pink polka dot dress – pink satin shoes – hair tied up in a bow – she cries head hidden in her raised arms – face level oh Carol I am such a fool darling I love you say you love me too 5 EN – 3 We wish to invite pairs of people to spend 24 hours in one another’s company in silence. How you may interpret this invitation is ultimately up to you. We have a few instructions we offer, though we do not wish to stop you rebelling from these rules. • We suggest “silence” is not limited to a lack verbal language, but that not passing one another notes, not making particular gestures, or not making particular noises would also go against silence. • You are welcome to stay in one location, or to go out and about doing various things. Personally, we are curious how you navigate your 24 hours without usual verbal and non - verbal communication. • We do not request feedback. What you take from your day is up to you. • We recommend the period of time is twenty - four hours. It is important the interaction is durational, to reveal over a period of time how each participant changes, acknowledging that at different points in the days cycle they will reveal different selves. Twenty - four hours allows one cycle to be completed. You should remain together for this period. 6 Fantasy El Dorado Travel EN – 4 March towards the newly established yellows of the city. Saturday, shopping hours. From “ C A S H F O R G O L D ” to “ C A S H F O R G O L D ”. From doorstep to doorstep, stop, stand. At the door - limit. Arrivals. Awaiting. Right hand up, holding a sign FANTASY TRAVEL. FANTASY as collateral. Future participle: “WHENYOUWILLHAVEBEENDEPRIVEDOFYOUWILLHAVEWONWHENYOUWILLHAVEBEENSTERILIZEDYOUWILLHAVEFLOURISHEDWHENYOUWILLHAVEBEENDRIEDUPYOUWILLHAVEREAPEDTHEFRUITSWHENYOUWILLHAVEBEENSWEPTYOWILLHAVEBEENSAVED.” FANTASY as collateral. TRAVEL-TRAVAIL, lest I pay my debts. 7 Co - (in 3 parts) EN – 5 Co - (in 3 parts) is a time - based score for actions, to be performed by, at least 1, and up to 21 artists. Each part consists of two actions, developed by the artist(s); and two materials, chosen by the artist(s). Each part focuses on a speciic topic, which is open for interpretation, and has a set duration. Part 1 Topic: Proximity – Distance Duration: 30 minutes Part 2 Topic: Transformation – Alteration Duration: 60 minutes Part 3 Topic: Tempo – Stillness Duration: 90 minutes Duration: (3) hours 8 EN – 6 Undertake to clean your favorite statues in the city, every Saturday, over a period of time. During the cleaning process sing your favorite songs. 9 EN – 7 Two people are standing on each side of a partition (door, wall, etc.) so that the viewers have a clear view of both. One is facing the wall opening his / her mouth as if he is shouting vowels and syllables. On the other side of the partition, the other person has placed a stethoscope on the wall and loudly pronounces vowels and syllables. Variation 1 Viewers can have eye contact with only one of the persons. Variation 2 The person with the stethoscope “shouts” silently vowels and syllables. 10 EN – 8 A simple everyday situation like unraveling a knotted, unsorted batch of rope can become an adventure, an engagement with an impossible process, embracing the awe of resolution and live experience between disparate movements and the seemingly erratic impatience in the struggle with time and complexity. A moment when conventional transparency is lost. Duration: 20 minutes 11 12