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Researchin VeterinaryScience1997,62, 205-211 I~[~'~ Airflow mechanics in models of equine obstructive airway disease under conditions simulating exercise W. M. BAYLY, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington USA, R. F. SLOCOMBE, School of Veterinary Science, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia SUMMARY Effects of respiratory tract obstructions on ventilatory mechanics in horses exercising at high speeds were tested with a fibreglass replica of the airways (nares to mainstem bronchi) of an adult horse. Segmental pressures were recorded at six sites along the model at four different unidirectional flows (1300 - 4100 litre min-1), and the respective resistances (R) to airflow were calculated. The external nares and the larynx made the greatest contributions to the total resistance (RToT) when no obstruction was present. Modifying the model to simulate severe pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH)had no effect on R at the larynx or at any point in the trachea under these flow conditions. Two 16 litre anaesthetic rebreathing bags were attached to the bronchial end of the model, and tidal ventilation generated by a piston pump. Upper (nares to pharynx) and lower tract R (Ru and RL) and RTOT, and dynamic compliance were determined for pump volumes (VD) of six and 12 litres, at pumping frequencies (fD) of 20 - 100 rain-1 while the airway was clear, and after modifying it to simul~ate either PLH or partial bronchial obstruction. IVfodelcondition had no effect on RU. However, RL and RTOT were higher in the PLH simulated condition when f~ _> 90 and V.e-- 12 litres (P<0.05). This suggested that severe PLH may significantly interfere with airflow distal to the site of tVhelesions during high frequency, high volume ventilation of the type seen in galloping horses. With partial bronchial obstruction R L and RTOT were increased when fp>34 with each V~. The applicability of the model was verified by comparing results from the unobstructed state with those from normal horses exercising on a treadmill. • Ij . , . AN improved knowledge of the mechanical properties of the horse's respiratory system may be conducive to an improved understanding of factors which limit exercise performance in health and disease. Functional tests of mechanical properties of airways have been well developed for use in resting horses (Gillespie et al 1966, Willoughby and McDonnell 1979). Some of these techniques have been applied under exercise conditions to evaluate the effects of laryngeal diseases and their surgical treatments (Derksen et al 1986, Shappell et al 1988, Belknap et al 1990, Williams et al 1990, Fulton et al 1991, Lumsden et al 1993). However, under exercise conditions, extensive testing of pulmonary mechanics has been largely limited to studies on ponies (Art and Lekeux 1988a, b, c, 1989, Art et al 1988), although reports on horses exercising at high intensities have appeared in recent years (Art et al 1990, Slocombe et al 1992, Lumsden et al 1993). For horses during exercise, tidal volume (VT), airflow (~?), airway pressures and breathing frequencies fib) may change by at least an order of magnitude. The development of techniques which allow accurate and repeatable measurement of respiratory tract mechanics over these large ranges has been very desirable, as such availability facilitates clinical evaluation of the respiratory systems of poorly performing horses. Such methodology also encourages the development of models for the scientific study of conditions suspected to adversely affect performance capacity, particularly those leading to upper or lower airway obstruction, or both. We sought to develop such a model. Initially, we built a replica of the upper respiratory system in order to test measurement systems under contrived laboratory conditions which simulated those encountered during various levels of exercise. The suitability of the model for the study of these conditions was evaluated by comparing data produced in 0034-5288/97/030205 + 07 $18.00/0 the unobstructed state with those determined in healthy horses undergoing submaximal treadmill exercise. We report on the results of these studies here. MATERIALS A N D M E T H O D S An initial plaster mould of the upper respiratory tract from the external nares to the mainstem bronchi was coated with fibreglass and the plaster removed to form a replica of the upper airway of a healthy 455 kg Standardbred gelding. Prior to pouring the primary plaster mould, the head was extended to represent the position of a normal galloping horse. While pouting the plaster the external nares were seen to passively dilate maximally. Examination of this cast before application of the fibreglass indicated that a degree of laryngeal closure had occurred. This was partially rectified by adding plaster to these sites, with the result that the final diameter of the cast at this point was conservatively estimated to be 85 per cent of that of the rest of the larynx (Fig 1). Mechanical properties of the model were assessed using both continuous and oscillating flow preparations• Continuous flow Air was blown through the model at four different, but constant flow rates of between 1300 and 4100 litre rain -1, and segmental airway resistances along the model determined by measuring the pressure drop across segments for known flow rates. Pressures were determined at lateral holes in the model located at the extemai nares, the nasopharynx, pharynx, just cranial to the larynx, proximal trachea, midtrachea and distal trachea using differential pressure transducers (Validyne DP-45, Validyne Engineering, Northridge, CA). Segmental resistances were determined between these © 1997W. B. Saunders CompanyLtd 206 W. M. Bayly, R. F. Slocombe Three models of lungs were evaluated by attaching them to each of the bronchi: fresh lungs obtained from an abattoir, 16 litre rubber anaesthetic rebreathing bags (North American Drager, Telford, PA), and rebreathing bags suspended in water filled tanks (bag-in-tank system). Inhomogeneous filling of the abattoir specimens and the bag-in-tank system rendered them unsuitable for use. Pump frequency (fp) was increased incrementally from 20 rain-1 to about 100 min-1. Airflow was measured just cranial to the external nares using the pneumotachograph, and segmental pressure changes were determined between the nares and caudal pharynx and the caudal pharynx and rebreathing bags for each volume (Vp) and fp. Upper (from just cranial to the nares to the caudal pharynx), lower (larynx to the Drager bags), and trans-model pressures (Pu, PL, PTOT, respectively) were measured with differential pressure transducers (Validyne DP45-34) via lateral holes at the external nares and caudal pharynx immediately rostral to the arytenoids, and an oesophageal balloon catheter that was introduced into one of the rebreathing bags (Fig 2). Corresponding segmental resistances (Ru, RE, RTOT), and dynamic compliance Cdyn of the model were calculated from graphic analysis of polygraph recordings of pressure, flow and volume data using the classical methods of Mead and Whittenberger (1953). Because inertial pressure (Pin) influences the value of Cdyn in a simple resistance-compliance model, particularly at high Vp, the likely contribution of inertance (I) to pressures at points of zero flow was calculated using the equation: Pin = 4rca@V_I, where I was assumed to be 0-026 cmI-I20 litre-1 sec-s based o~ the work of Young and Tesarowski (1994). Three conditions were evaluated with the oscillating flow model: (i) a clear airway (control); (ii) simulated grade 4 PLil, which was produced as described above; and (iii) a parlial bronchial obstruction. In the latter situation, the cross-sectional FIG 1: Cross-sectional view of fibreglass model of equine upper airway through nasopharynx showing simulated grade 4 pharyngeal lymphoid hyperarea of one bronchus was reduced by 50 per cent by obstructplasia. The arrow is pointing to the right arytenoid which was not completely ing it with a fenestrated robber stopper. abducted For both flow preparations, signals from the transducers were demodulated and displayed on a multichannel thermal points for each flow rate when the airways were clear (con- array recorder (Gould TA2000, Cleveland, oil). Tidal volume trol) and when the pharynx was partially obstructed (PLH was calculated by electronic integration of the flow signal condition). Grade 4 PLH was simulated by attaching 1 cm which had been previously calibrated by injection of known diameter spherical glass beads to the dorsal and lateral walls volumes of air through the pneumotachograph using a caliof the pharynx (Fig 1). Airflow was generated using two brated syringe (SRL Medical, Dayton, OH). All catheters and variable speed electric fans connected in parallel. Flows transducers were phase matched up to 10 Hz with an oscillatwere determined using a pneumotachograph - transducer ing sinusoidal pressure signal using an amplifier/speaker-insystem which had been calibrated using a rotameter (Fisher- box system. Amplitudes remained within 1 per cent of nomiPorter 227-G10/83, Warminster PA). The pneumotacho- nal values up to this frequency. graph was 155 mm diameter and constructed of fine stainless steel mesh (Mercury Instruments F3000 L, Glasgow). The pressure across the pneumotachograph screen was Arytenoids determined using a differential pressure transducer (Validyne DP45-26, Validyne Engineering, Northridge CA), Nares / Drager bag and linearity of the screen pressure - flow characteristics Pneumotachographpump '~ I~ ! confirmed by measuring pressures across the pneumotachograph for known flows through the rotameter. Because this system bore limited similarity to the in vivo situation, a system which could mimic a ventilatory cycle was developed. / ~~ "i~ Oscillating flow A variable volume sinusoidal piston pump was built and used to cycle six and 12 litre volumes of air in and out of the airway model. The pump was positioned in front of the model and connected to it via a bifurcated connector. The pump was made from a machined metal cylinder (30 cm internal diameter) and a metal piston that was sealed with an O-ring, and driven by a piston rod and crankshaft. Differential j ~ J / X X pressure "~.~=_-~L V \ / transducers " " - I ~ Recorder / Oesophageal balloon catheter FIG 2: Schematic representation of the piston pump and positioning of components used to obtain flow and pressure measurements in the oscillating flow preparation Equine obstructive upper airway disease Exercise test Five healthy adult Standardbreds were exercised on a treadmill (0 per cent slope) at 0 (resting), 4-5 m s-1 (slow trot), and 10 m s-1 (gallop) for 2 minutes at each speed. These speeds were selected following preliminary evaluations at a number of additional speeds in order to identify those which would produce fbs and VTS most similar to those produced with the unobstructed model. Each horse wore a facemask in which paired pneumotachographs of the type used with the models, were placed over each nostril in order to measure inspiratory (V I) and expiratory (V E) flows. The flow signal was electronically integrated to give V T. Transpulmonary (PTP) pressure and PU were measured via a compound balloon catheter which had been passed through a narus to lie with one balloon in the midthoracic oesophagus and the other in the caudal pharynx as previously described (Slocombe et al 1992). Recordings were made continuously for determination of respiratory mechanical properties, which were calculated from measurements performed on five successive artefact-free vendlatory cycles. Statistical analyses Data were expressed as means _+SEM. Analysis of repeated measures were only applicable to the oscillating flow model data, where effects of model condition and Vp were analysed by two-way analysis of variance. When means were significantly different, they were compared using the least significant difference multiple range test (P<0.05). 207 1.09+0-29 and 1-19-+0-38 cmH20 s litre -t respectively, for the four flows generated. In the PLH model, corresponding values of RTOT were 0-83_+0.23, 1.09+0.30, 1.07-+0.34 and 1.34-+0.40 cmH20 s litre-1 respectively. Therefore, partial pharyngeal obstruction as induced by the PLH model may have had an effect on RTOT at airflows above 3000 litres rain -1. The relative contribution of the laryngeal and tracheal resistances to RTOy was unaffected by changes in airflow rates or the presence of the glass beads in the pharynx, although the contribution of the nares to RTOT was greater in the model of PLH (Fig 4). The arytenoids were not fully abducted in the model (Fig 1), and with the nares, the larynx was the site of greatest resistance. Least resistance was found in the mid- and distal trachea. Reynolds numbers for the trachea increased with flow and rose from 28,000 to greater than 63,000 over the flow range used in the study, indicating that even at low flow rates, some turbulence of airflow was created in the upper airway. Oscillating flow preparation Volume effects. Doubling Vp from 6 to 12 litres had minimal effect on RuI, RUE, RLI, RLE, RTOTI, or RTOTE, for any model preparation, except at high fp. Pump frequencies at which volume:related differences in airway resistance were first demonstrated for a given model preparation are shown in Table 1. Dynamic compliance of the rebreathing bags was significantly greater with the Vp at 12 litres (compared with 6 litres) at all fp for each model condition. Differences were greatest at low fp (Fig 5). Oscillating flow Effects of model condition. Partial bronchial obstruction RESULTS Continuous flow preparation The pneumotachograph - transducer system was linear for flows ranging from 1000 to 4290 litres rain -1. Resistances were determined at four flows ranging from 1342 to 4097 litres rain -I when the airway was clear, and to 3893 litres rain -1 with the model of PLH. Resistances at each site and RTOT increased linearly with flow (Fig 3). In the control condition RTOT was 0.87-+0.27, 1.04_+0.33, resulted in increased RTOy for both 6 and 12 litre volumes at all fp greater than 34 (Fig 6a and 6b). At a Vp of 12 litres and fp = 91 with oscillating flow in this model preparation, R E was 1.29+0.02 cmH20 s litre -1 and RTOy was 1.34+0-02 cmH20 s litre -1 compared with corresponding values of 0.46_+0-01 and 0-58_+0-03 cmH20 s litre-] respectively, for R L and RTOT in the unobstructed model at fp = 95, V_k' = 12 litres. Compared with control values, RTOy was hagher an the model of PLH when fp was 90 or more, i: 90 80 -70 - PTOT= 0.215 V - 11.434 r 2 = 0.96, P = 0.0 ~ 25 e 20 60 +a 15 ~ 50 ~ 4o _ 30 -- ~ ' / " ~ / 20- , / 10 i 1000 " i i :TOT = ~.026 V _ 18.424 r 2 = 0.97, P = 0.014 I h I 1 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 4500 Airflow (liters rain -1) FIG 3: Correlation of trans-model pressure (PToT) to airflow in the continuous flow preparation of the model for the clear airway and simulated pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH) conditions Key: • clear airway; • PLH model; - regression line for clear airway; - - regression line for PLH model 10 5 Nares Naso- Caudal Larynx pharynx pharynx Mid- Distal trachea trachea FIG 4: Relative contributions of resistances in different anatomical segments in a fibreglass model of the equine extrathoracic respiratory tract for both a clear airway and pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PHL) condition determined using four different flows in the continuous flow preparation of the model. * Indicates a value that was significantly different to that generated at the same site with the other form of the model, Key: [ ] clear airway; • PLH model 208 W. M. Bayly, R. F. Slocombe 1.6 3.0 (a) 1.4 2.5 1.2 2.0 1.0 0.8 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.4 © o 0.5 0.2 0 ~ 15 0 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Respiratory frequency (minute -1) 105 I 25 P I I I I 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Respiratory frequency (minute -1) 105 FIG 5: Dynamic compliance in a model of the equine respiratory system with oscillating flow volumes of 6 fitres (a) and 12 litres (b), and clear airway, simulated pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH) and partial bronchiar obstructive conditions Key: • clear airway; • PLH model; • bronchial obstruction and Vp = 12 litres (Fig 6b). The elevations in RTOT seen with both models of obstruction were due to increases in RL, as no differences in R u were detected for any volume, airway condition or fp. The relative contribution of R u to RTOT was thus greatest in the unobstructed (i.e. control) form of the model. Exercise test Results from the treadmill exercise tests are shown in Table 2. Exercise at a slow trot produced a V T of 5.4+1.2 litres and a fb of 78_+5.5 min -1. When compared with airway mechanics measured with the control condition of the oscillating flow model when Vp = 6 litres and fp = 76, peak ~? I and V E were similar for the horses and the model. At the gallop, V.T was 12.8_+2.3 litres and fb was 102_+2.2 min -1. Peak V I and "Q E associated with these values were greater in the exercising horses than in the model when Vp was 12 litres and f~ was 106. For fb = 102 and V T = 12.8 litres we calculatedethat ZkPin was about 38 cmH20 at con- TABLE 1 : Pump frequency (fp) at which differences (P<0.05) in mechanical properties due to differences in pump volume were first detected for each model condition, and the respective values for each variable at that frequency Model condition clear Rui (cmH20.s litre -1) PLH bronchial clear RLI (crnH20.s litre -1) PLH bronchial clear RTOTI (cmH20.s litre -1) PLH bronchial clear RUE (cmH20.s litre -1) PLH bronchial clear RLE (cmH20.s litre -1) PLH bronchial clear RTOTE (cmH20.s litre -1 ) PLH bronchial ND No difference detectable fp 6 litres 12 litres ND ND ND 75 obstruction ND 106 0,005 -+ 0.00 0-017 4- 0.00 ND ND 0.54 _+0.02 0.70 _+0.05 obstruction 75 64 106 0.45 -+ 0.02 0.63-+ 0.02 0.56 4- 0.02 0.95 -+ 0.02 0.73_+0-01 0-72-- 0.05 obstruction 75 64 83 0.46-+0-02 0-63-+ 0.02 0.05-+0.00 0-96-+ 0.02 0-74-+ 0.01 0.07-+0.01 ND obstruction 30 106 obstruction obstruction ND ND 0.01 _+0-00 0.02 4- 0.00 0.45_+0-01 0.51 4-0-01 75 20 75 0.24_+ 0-00 0.08_+ 0.02 0.37_+ 0.01 0.71 _+0-02 0.12 -+ 0-01 0.43 _+0-02 75 20 0-26_+0.00 0-08_+0.02 0-73 -+ 0.02 0-14 + 0.01 secutive points of zero flow. Without taking this into account, the m e a s u r e d Cdyn was negative. Correcting for the effect of Pin, the value o f Cdyn was 0-34_+0.13 litres (cmH20) -1, or about 25 per cent of the pre-exercise value. Total airway resistance was only slightly greater in the horses than in the model at both the trot and gallop, although RuI, and RuE were considerably higher in the horses. Therefore, R L was greater in the model. DISCUSSION We recognised that just determining the mechanical properties of the unobstructed model would lend little to our understanding of the same properties of the equine respiratory tract, as such measurements would primarily reflect the output characteristics of the flow generators (i.e. the electric fans or piston pump). However, the superimposition of the obstructive conditions on the model was of interest in that it allowed us to differentiate between the effects of obstruction and those intrinsic to the model-flow generator system. The studies of mechanical properties using different rates of continuous flow through the model indicated that the external nares and larynx were the major points of airflow limitation in the upper airways. A previous in vivo investigation reported by Art et al (1988) indicated that extra theTABLE 2: Comparison of values of respiratory mechanics in exercising horses, and those measured in the model (control condition) at similar pump frequencies and volumes Horses; pre-exercise VT (litres) 2.3 -+ 0-6 fb (minq) 33 -+ 7.5 peak VI 5.2 _+-*1-2 (litres.s "1) peak~?E 5.7±1-1 (litre.s -1) PuI (cmH20) 1.5-+0.5 PUE (cmH20) 1.7_+0.5 RUI 0.20 4- 0.07 (cmH20.s.iitre "1) RUE 0.06-+ 0.06 (cmH20.s.litre-1) RTOT 0.75 4- 0.13 (cmH20.s.litrel) PTOT1 (cmH2Q) 8.0±2-1 PTOTE(CmH20 ) 7.2±2.3 Horses: 4.5 m s -1 Model Horses; 10 m s-1 Model 5.4 + 1.2 6-0 12.8 _ 2-3 12.0 78 -+ 5.5 76 102 -+2-2 106 29.4 _+7-9 47.6 _+1,4 77.0 __.11.9 63.4 4- 2.9 38.3_+14.846.3_+0.9 83.44-15.2 56-1 4-0.69 6.2_+1.5 4-7_+0.1 7.7-+1.7 5.07-+0.10 5-6_+1.7 2-3_+0-2 9.0-+4.6 5.14_+0.19 0-16 -+ 0.06 0.01 _+0-00 0.15 -+ 0.08 0.09 _+0-01 0-23-+ 0.14 0.05_+0-000.16-+0.13 0.10_+0.00 0-65 _+0.25 0-53 _+'0.01 0.75 -+ 0.29 0.66 _+0.03 25,9+_3.3 24-9+1.1 27-0__.5-1 36.9+3.9 25,94-7.7 17.0_+1.0 30.3-+8.9 31-6-+0.2 209 Equine obstructive upper airway disease 1.4 I 1.4 1.2 I @ 1.2- 1.0 1.0 m r~ c= 0.8 £ I 0.8- 0.6 0.6 ~- i 0.40.2 0 15 ,X i (a) 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Respiratory~equency(minute -1) 105 0.4 L °:t 10 20 * ~ l 30 40 50 60 70 80 Respiratory frequency (minute-1) I 90 100 FIG 6: Relationship of total resistance to frequency in a model of the equine respiratory system with oscillating flow volumes of 6 litres (a) and 12 litres (b), and clear airway, simulated pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (PLH) and partial bronchial obstructive conditions. * Indicates points that are significantly different to those for the clear airway at the same volume and similar frequency (P<0.05). Key: • clear airway; • PLH model; • bronchial obstruction racic resistance to airflow constituted approximately 80 per cent of total pulmonary resistance. They divided the extrathoracic respiratory tract into two segments representing: (i) the nasal passages, and (ii) the larynx and extrathoracic trachea, and found that the former segment was always responsible for more than 50 per cent of total extrathoracic airway resistance. The section of the respiratory tract represented by the model was essentially the upper airway as defined by Art et al (1988). We corroborate that nasal resistance (the sum of R in the nares, nasopharynx and pharynx) constituted greater than half the RTOT in the continuous flow preparation of the model. The largest component of nasal passage resistance, came from the external nares. While the larynx and trachea together were responsible for less than 50 per cent of RTOT, the larynx was still an important single site of flow limitation (about 29 per cent of RTOT) as suggested by Robinson et al (1975), although its contribution may have been artificially high, as arytenoid abduction was less than 100 per cent. At similar fp and fb there was little discrepancy between RTOT, for the oscillating flow model and corresponding values calculated for the five horses performing the exercise test. These figures were also similar to those reported for ponies by Art and co-workers (Art et al 1988, Art and Lekeux 1989) and horses (Art et al 1990, Slocombe et al 1992). However, R U was lower in the model than in the horses at low airflows when V_P was 6 litres. Pouring of the plaster mould may have resulted in dynamic compression of nasal and pharyngeal tissues and vasculature creating a larger diameter upper airway in the model than in horses, and a lower segmental resistance to airflow in accordance with Poiseuille's law (Poiseuille 1840). At Vp = 12 litres, there was no difference between R U for the model and exercising horses with a V T, and fp and fb of similar magnitude, possibly because of vasoconstrictive and other dilatory responses to increased exercise intensity in the horses' nasopharynges. This would have resulted in an increase in their upper airway diameter, while the corresponding diameter in the model remained constant. The resulting similarity in peak V I and V g and recorded airway pressures in the two situations suggested that the model represented a valid means of evaluating the effects of partial obstruction of the upper airway on the mechanical properties of airways during exercise at the gallop. Breathing frequencies and VTS higher than those measured here have been recorded in Thoroughbred horses exercising at faster speeds (Art et al 1990), and it is possible that at such intensities the influence of PLH on airway mechanics is greater than that observed in this study. We elected to investigate PLH and unilateral bronchial obstruction with this model because their influence on airway mechanics is unclear. A useful model of laryngeal obstruction was difficult to produce and the condition has already been the subject of extensive experimental study. The model of partial bronchial obstruction was of interest because it effects on mechanics have not been previously documented, although it may be commonly associated with the production of mucopus in the lower airway. Placement of glass beads in the pharynx to simulate severe PLH resulted in increases in R E, but not in R U, at high f (>90) and V similar to the V T of galloping horses. ThereFore, while not obstructing airway flow per se, large pharyngeal nodules might disrupt laminar airflow patterns in exercising horses, with the resulting extra turbulence causing an increase in measured R L. This finding is notable in that it is in contrast to the widely held, but never substantiated belief that conditions like PLH cause problems by inducing increases in airflow resistance at the site of the lesion (Raker & Boles 1978), but must be interpreted cautiously from a clinical perspective. Horses may be able to alter the shape or dimensions of their pharynx during exercise, whereas the wall of the model was rigid. Consequently, in horses, the presence of large pharyngeal nodules of similar size to those in the model may not induce the same changes in R L. Furthermore, the size of the glass beads was greater than the nodules seen in most cases of PLH. No studies were conducted with smaller beads, therefore, it is not known whether they might have also induced significant alterations in ventilatory mechanics. A previous study using an in vivo model of PLH found that the condition had no effect on gas exchange in horses galloping maximally over 1600 m (Bayly et al 1984). Partial obstruction of a mainstem bronchus resulted in increased R L at relatively low fp. This was to be expected given the relationship between resistance and airway radius (Poiseuille 1840). Narrowing the lumen of a mainstem bronchus by approximately 50 per cent would theoretically have resulted in a 16-fold increase in resistance in that airway, and an overall three-fold increase in R L and RTOT. The actual difference measured was approximately 260 per cent. The results for the control condition were compatible with those reported for the larynx plus extrathoracic trachea • p 210 W. M. Bayly, R. F. Slocombe by Art et al (1988), again suggesting that the model was useful in predicting the effects of respiratory tract obstructions on airway mechanics under conditions similar to those encountered in submaximal exercise We would predict that any alterations in airway mechanics with submaximal exercise would be exacerbated under maximal and snpramaxireal conditions. The oscillating flow studies indicated that when the Drager bags were attached to the model, only 4 to 10 per cent RTOT was attributable to the airway rostral to the larynx. This finding cannot be related to the in vivo situation where Pu is approximately 50 per cent of PTP. The failure of the model to duplicate the in vivo situation was thought to be because there were major points of resistance at the 'bronchial' attachments to the bags. Also, the bags were completely collapsed at the end of each ventilatory cycle with the result that there was no 'end expiratory' or functional residual volume. The pressure-volume behaviour of the Drager bags was very different to those of normal lungs, with the result that the bags possessed a high initial resistance to gas flow and were harder to inflate at low volumes. This meant that while the use of the model of the upper airways, trachea and mainstem bronchi represented a valid approach to the study of obstructive diseases of them, limitations in the mechanical modelling of the lungs invalidated in vitro study of pulmonary mechanics by this means. Consequently, although the oscillating flow model was originally developed with the aim of studying changes in C dyll . _ under conditions of different f~v and V_, calculated val. v . ues mainly reflected the Cdxn of the rebreathmg bags, due to the rigidity of the rest o t the model, and hence had no relevance to the in vivo situation in which all respiratory tract tissues possess some degree of compliance. With the oscillating flow system, RTOT of the model increased with rises in fp and Vp. This was not surprising given the sinusoidal nature of the flow wave, the fact that resistance is flow dependent (Rohrer 1915), and the well established link between flow, tidal volume and frequency (~r = [V .co.cos(cot)]/2, where co = 2nL; Pedley and Drazen 1986, RoPdarte and Rehder 1986). Thev.increase in RTOT is also associated with greater airflow turbulence at high frequencies and airflows, as has been previously demonstrated in horses (Slocombe et ai 1992). With respect to the exercising horse, this is particularly important because of the effect of increased resistance (i.e. increased fb and V T) on respiratory system impedance (IZl), as reflected by the equation: IZl = "\/[R2+(coI-1/coC)2], where co = 27tf, I = inertance and C = Cdyn. It is the impedance that the horse must work against to move air in and out of its respiratory system. As IZI rises, horses must progressively increase muscular work of breathing to overcome this mounting mechanical force in order to breathe faster and deeper. It has been suggested that horses may not be able to completely overcome such influences as these, or else may elect to limit ventilatory effort in favour of locomotor muscle work, with the resultant development of exercise-induced hypoxaemia and hypercapnia (Art and Lekeux 1989, Bayly et al 1989). This remains to be definitively investigated in horses exercising at high speeds. In horses, moderate to heavy exercise is characterised by a high frequency, high volume ventilatory response (Hornicke et al 1987, Bayly et al 1987). Until recently there had been no determination of airway mechanical properties at the fb (>100), flow rates (>70 litres sec-1), and tidal volumes (>12 litres) believed to be associated with high intensity exercise. This is partly because such studies require the assembly of equipment especially developed for such recording purposes. Such equipment needs to be accurate over wide ranges to ensure veracity of results at all exercise levels encountered between the resting state and maximum speed. Art et al (1989) utilised two ultrasonic flow transducers (developed by Woakes et al [1987]) and an oesophageal balloon catheter to generate the first measurements of mechanics of breathing during strenuous exercise in horses. Critical to the determination of respiratory mechanics during exercise is the accuracy of the pneumotachographs. In this study they were linear over the range of 15 to 70 litres sec -1. While horses galloping at 10 m sec -1 produced peaks ~? I and V E greater than this rate, placing two such pneumotachographs in parallel allowed accurate measurement of airflow without approaching their range limit. Early experimentation indicated that pneumotachographs of smaller diameter were inaccurate in the upper parts of the anticipated flow range. It must also be recognised that the pressures recorded at each site in the model preparations reflected those at the lateral part of the airstream rather its middle. Similar lateral placement of catheters for pressure measurements has been undertaken in other studies (Derksen et al 1986, Art et al 1988) and differences, if any, between lateral and midstream static pressures have not been reported. Theoretically, they should not differ. As the flow rates and frequencies measured with the oscillating flow preparation of the model and with the treadmill trial were similar to those previously reported (Art et al 1990, Fulton et al 1991, Slocombe et al 1992), the results obtained are of interest to the extent that they demonstrate that a model such as that described here can be of use in studying the effects of airway obstruction during exercise. The continued use of these methods in future studies of responses of the equine ventilatory system to exercise would be enhanced by the development of a better model of the lungs than the anaesthetic rebreathing bags used here, and by creating a model with properties that reproduce airflows, frequencies, and volumes commensurate with those seen at the highest exercise intensities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank the Australian Equine Research Fund and the Washington State Equine Research Program for their funding support, and Lindsay Slocombe, Anna Platt and Meredith Wilson for their technical assistance. REFERENCES ART, T., ANDERSON, L., WOAKES, A.J., ROBERTS. C., BUTLER, P. J., SNOW, D. H. & LEKEUX, P. (1990) Mechanics of breathing during strenuous exercise in thoroughbred horses. Respiration Physiology 82, 279-284 ART, T. & LEKEUX, P. (1988a) A critical assessment of pulmonary function testing in exercising ponies. 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