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Environment and Collapse: Eastern Anatolian Obsidians at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) and the Third-Millennium Mesopotamian Urban Crisis

2013, Journal of Archaeological Science 40(4):1866-1878

The Early to Middle Bronze Age transition in Northern Mesopotamia has received great attention for the apparent concurrence of aridification, de-urbanisation, and the end of the Akkadian empire around 2200 BCE. Our understanding of the "crisis" has been almost exclusively shaped by ceramics, demography, and subsistence. Exchange and the associated social networks have been largely neglected. Here we report our sourcing results for 97 obsidian artefacts from Urkesh, a large urban settlement inhabited throughout the crisis. Before the crisis, six obsidian sources located in Eastern Anatolia are represented among the artefacts. Such a diversity of Eastern Anatolian obsidians at one site is hitherto unknown in Mesopotamia. It implies Urkesh was a cosmopolitan city with diverse visitors or visitors with diverse itineraries. During this crisis, however, obsidians came from only two of the closest sources. Two to three centuries passed before varied obsidians reappeared. Even when an obsidian source reappears, the raw material seems to have come from a different collection spot. We discuss the likely exchange mechanisms and related social networks responsible for the arrival of obsidians at Urkesh and how they might have changed in response to climatic perturbations and regional government collapse.

Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Journal of Archaeological Science journal homepage: Environment and collapse: Eastern Anatolian obsidians at Urkesh (Tell Mozan, Syria) and the third-millennium Mesopotamian urban crisis Ellery Frahm a, *, Joshua M. Feinberg b, c a Department of Archaeology, The University of Sheffield, Northgate House, West Street, Sheffield S1 4ET, United Kingdom Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States c Department of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, United States b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 9 September 2012 Received in revised form 20 November 2012 Accepted 20 November 2012 The Early to Middle Bronze Age transition in Northern Mesopotamia has received great attention for the apparent concurrence of aridification, deurbanisation, and the end of the Akkadian empire around 2200 BCE. Our understanding of the “crisis” has been almost exclusively shaped by ceramics, demography, and subsistence. Exchange and the associated social networks have been largely neglected. Here we report our sourcing results for 97 obsidian artefacts from Urkesh, a large urban settlement inhabited throughout the crisis. Before the crisis, six obsidian sources located in Eastern Anatolia are represented among the artefacts. Such a diversity of Eastern Anatolian obsidians at one site is hitherto unknown in Mesopotamia. It implies Urkesh was a cosmopolitan city with diverse visitors or visitors with diverse itineraries. During this crisis, however, obsidians came from only two of the closest sources. Two to three centuries passed before varied obsidians reappeared. Even when an obsidian source reappears, the raw material seems to have come from a different collection spot. We discuss the likely exchange mechanisms and related social networks responsible for the arrival of obsidians at Urkesh and how they might have changed in response to climatic perturbations and regional government collapse. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Obsidian Exchange Bronze Age Northern Mesopotamia Third-millennium urban crisis Deurbanisation Climate change Social networks 1. Introduction The transition from the Early Bronze Age (EBA) to Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in Northern Mesopotamia (2200e2000 BCE) has received considerable archaeological attention for the apparent concurrence of (1) aridification, (2) deurbanisation, and (3) the end of the Akkadian empire around 2200 BCE. Collectively, these phenomena are known as the late-third-millennium collapse (Weiss, 2000), aridity crisis (Fiorentino et al., 2008), or urban crisis (Akkermans and Schwartz, 2003) as well as the 4.2-ka event (Staubwasser and Weiss, 2006). The phenomena were first reported by Weiss et al. (1993) at Tell Leilan in Syria’s Upper Khabur Basin (UKB; Figs. 1 and 2). The tenets of this “crisis” e aridity and urban decline in the late-third-millennium UKB e have withstood scrutiny, but the scale, timing, causality, and social effects remain unclear. It is no exaggeration when Ur (2010) states: “Almost all aspects of this transition are debated” (412). The topic has generated considerable debate (e.g., Dalfes et al., 1997; Weiss, 2000; * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 74 0299 0202. E-mail addresses:, (E. Frahm), (J.M. Feinberg). 0305-4403/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. lu, 2007; Schwartz, 2007; Coombes and Barber, 2005; Kuzucuog Schwartz and Miller, 2007; Wossink, 2009; Yoffee, 2010; Butzer, 2012) and attention due to the current interest in climate change and the “collapse” of complex societies (e.g., McIntosh et al., 2000; deMenocal, 2001; Schwartz and Nichols, 2006; McAnany and Yoffee, 2009; Mainwaring et al., 2010; Diamond, 2011; Sheets and Cooper, 2012). Data from numerous climate proxies have been amassed during the last two decades (see the review by Staubwasser and Weiss, 2006). Whether due to climate changes, regional weather patterns, and/or soil degradation after intensive agriculture, some degree of UKB aridification seems beyond a reasonable doubt. Simply documenting decreased rainfall, though, is insufficient because, as argued by McIntosh et al. (2000), “an environmental crisis is primarily a matter of the social realm... rather than a breakdown in the environment itself” (7). Research into the social effects has largely focused on two approaches. First, archaeologists have examined material culture (dis)continuities (ceramic chronologies) and demography (inhabited area) (e.g., Weiss et al., 1993; Weiss and Courty, 1993; Courty and Weiss, 1997; Weiss, 2000; Ristvet and Weiss, 2005). This approach has led to criticisms that the “crisis” may be merely a contrivance of incomplete archaeological surveys and ceramic E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 1867 Fig. 1. Near Eastern obsidian sources and Tell Mozan (ancient Urkesh). Sources of the obsidian artefacts at Tell Mozan are marked by full black circles and labelled. topology issues (e.g., Porter, 2007: 107). Second, various archaeobotanical and geoarchaeological proxies have shown agricultural changes, including differences in the crops and management practices (e.g., Deckers and Riehl, 2007; Riehl and Bryson, 2007; Riehl et al., 2008; Riehl, 2008, 2010). Thus, our understanding of this period has been largely informed by ceramic chronologies, demography, and farming practices. Here we discuss our sourcing results for 97 obsidian artefacts from Tell Mozan (Urkesh), an urban centre inhabited during the proposed UKB crisis. The artefacts were excavated from Bronze-Age strata before and after 2200 BCE, permitting a diachronic perspective. Our results reveal that, before 2200 BCE, six Eastern Anatolian obsidian sources are represented among the artefacts. Such a variety of Eastern Anatolian obsidians at one Mesopotamian site is hitherto unknown. This implies Urkesh was a cosmopolitan city with diverse visitors or visitors with diverse itineraries. After about 2200 BCE, obsidians came from two of the closest sources. The other four sources disappear. Two to three centuries passed before diverse obsidians reappeared at the city, consistent with the proposed crisis duration. Our results also indicate that, even when an obsidian source reappears at Urkesh, the raw material was likely collected from different quarries. Although this study alone cannot resolve the nature, causality, or severity of UKB aridification and deurbanisation, we discuss new evidence regarding concurrent shifts in exchange networks and quarrying practices. 2. Background: third-millennium Northern Mesopotamia Fig. 2. Upper Khabur Basin (UKB) and Middle Khabur Basin (MKB) archaeological sites with prior obsidian sourcing results; see Table 1. The annual migration route of an Alikan nomadic group, as mapped by Beşikçi (1969) and redrawn in Cribb (1991), is also shown. In Northern Mesopotamia, the middle of the third millennium, starting 2600e2500 BCE, was a period of increased urbanisation and societal complexity. This “urban revolution” is attributed, at least in part, to the production of agricultural surpluses that enabled labour mobilisation and craft specialisation. UKB urban centres grew markedly during this time. Tell Leilan and Tell Hamoukar expanded from 15 to 90 ha or more (Weiss and Courty, 1993; Ur, 2002). Wilkinson and colleagues devised a model encompassing population, subsistence, and environment to explain this process (e.g., Wilkinson, 1994, 1997, 2000; Wilkinson et al., 2007). The model predicts that, if a city drew on satellite agricultural settlements, its population could reach 12,000e14,000 across 1868 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 70e110 ha. At such sizes, however, the model predicts that rain shortfalls would threaten sustainability. The formation of the Akkadian empire soon followed. Centred in Southern Mesopotamia, it reached an apex circa 2300e2200 BCE after purported conquests in the north. Akkadian influence, at least in the south, apparently involved the imposition of an imperial administrative level above city-states’ existing governments. Their influence and interests in Northern Mesopotamia remain unclear. Some researchers argue that the Akkadians subjugated UKB cities and controlled agriculture (Weiss and Courty, 1993), while others conclude that the empire instead exerted influence over trade routes (Nissen, 1988; Michalowski, 1993; Marcus, 1998; Van De Mieroop, 2004). About 2200 BCE, many UKB settlements were abandoned or dwindled in population, and the Akkadian empire declined. Akkermans and Schwartz (2003) describe the situation: In the final centuries of the third millennium, the urban societies of Syria exhibit conspicuous evidence of stress or even collapse. In the Khabur region, numerous sites were abandoned at a point roughly synchronous or just subsequent to the period of the Akkadian presence in Syria. By c. 2200 BC, Leilan and the sites in its vicinity, Chuera, Beydar, Abu Hgaira, and all the excavated middle Khabur sites were deserted. Only Brak and Mozan survived. (282e283) This idea of extreme regional depopulation has been moderated by subsequent discoveries of post-Akkadian habitation at some UKB sites (e.g., Chagar Bazar, McMahon and Quenet, 2007; Tell Barri, Orsi, 2008, 2010; Tell Hamoukar, Colantoni and Ur, 2011; Tell Leilan, Weiss, 2011; Tell Mohammed Diyab, Nicolle, 2006). Hence, while the “crisis” was widespread, the degree of deurbanisation was variable, and scattered settlements survived, albeit often reduced in size. Based on a survey of 1900 km2, about three-fourths of sites were abandoned, and surviving sites shrank by two-thirds (Ristvet and Weiss, 2005:1). Ur (2010) notes that depopulation occurred “within the span of a single ceramic phase” and that, when a settlement reappears at a site, typically “it represents a clean break from the third millennium levels” (412). These effects were also uneven. It was three centuries before UKB states reformed, but only a century passed in the Middle Euphrates (Cooper, 2006a). As noted in the Introduction, this period has been given various names, which highlight the uncertainties. Some authors argue that “collapse” implies failure rather than adaptation to changing circumstances (e.g., McAnany and Yoffee, 2009). Others contend that the terms “event” and “crisis” imply a singular cause or abrupt change. While we acknowledge the problems with these terms, we do not wish to devise yet another. When we use the term “crisis” here, we consider it shorthand for a thick description like “variable disintegration of urban-based societies.” Climate perturbations, particularly drought or aridification, are the most frequently proposed crisis trigger. Varied paleoclimatic proxies establish some kind of environmental change during this time, but the spatiotemporal scale is still debated. Some proxies suggest that it was a supra-regional trend with feedback loops that increased the severity in marginal regions like Northern Mesopotamia. Others suggest there were localised multi-year or -decade droughts and that the droughts debilitated agriculture. Regardless of the cause, archaeobotanical, stable isotopic, and soil micromorphological evidence attest to diminished water (Riehl et al., 2008; Riehl, 2009), suggesting rainfall decreased by as much as a third (Ristvet and Weiss, 2005). A related explanation ties deurbanisation to agricultural maximisation (e.g., Wilkinson, 1994, 1997). For cities, agricultural production reached sustainability limits and was prone to crisis during droughts. Centralised agriculture maximised food production in the short run, but it also increased the potential for crop failures or shortfalls. Other researchers attribute the crisis to political and/or economic disruptions in the wake of the Akkadian regime. In this scenario, the Akkadians disrupted the regional authorities and power structures, leaving a void when their empire disintegrated. Such proposals are sometimes combined with climate or sustainability. Peltenburg (2000) claims that the Akkadians “ruined the indigenous political and economic infrastructure” and “created a political vacuum that left communities ill-equipped to deal with declining agricultural productivity and competition for reduced high-yield lands” (200). Hence, it could have been a regional government collapse combined with aridification that meant cities’ food needs could not be met. Reflecting social relations among groups, exchange would be expected to change under social stresses. One of the few researchers to focus on exchange networks during the crisis is Butzer (1997, 2012). Butzer views exchange as “energy flows” between nodes in a system and suggests Akkadian imperialisation was the prime mover of deurbanisation. Specifically, he claims there was “imperial unrest, which ended with disintegration of an internetworked world-economy, once extending from the Aegean to the Indus Valley” (2012: 1). The Akkadians’ aim was interjecting themselves into this “world-economy,” and their “relentless expansion... destroyed the entrepot role of Syria at the nexus of this economic system” (1). As evidence, Butzer cites his own network model of the Early Bronze Age “world-economy” (1997). His model, however, attributes more importance to sporadic contact between Iberia and Greece than the direct interactions between Northern Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia, which is absent from his proposed exchange network centred around Syria. Ultimately, if one finds Butzer’s ideas compelling (e.g., Cooper, 2006b: 263), his heuristic model remains in need of additional archaeological data. 3. The people and site: Hurrians and Tell Mozan Tell Mozan was inhabited by the Halaf period (6200e5300 BCE), grew to 130 ha in the mid-third millennium, and was abandoned about 1300 BCE. During the second and third millennia, the city was inhabited and ruled, primarily at least, by Hurrians, a minority in many Bronze-Age UKB settlements. Knowledge of thirdmillennium Hurrians was largely restricted to epigraphic sources and linguistic studies until 1995, when Tell Mozan was identified as Urkesh, known from texts as a Hurrian political and religious centre. Over the last three decades, excavations have uncovered a third-millennium palace (A in Fig. 3), a contemporaneous temple (B) on a 30-m-tall terrace linked to a plaza (J), and later third- and second-millennium habitation phases atop them. The site lies near the terminus of the Mardin pass into the Taurus mountains’ front range, the Tur Abdin. Akkermans and Schwartz (2003) suggest the location “may indicate control of the route to the copper mines of eastern Anatolia e and perhaps an entry point for Hurrian individuals” from the north (285). Mallowan (1947) wrote that, through this pass, “many a hillman must have set out on his way to the Khabur; warriors, traders, birds of passage, and settlers, all of them seeking their fortunes” (11). This may be reflected in a Hurrian myth about a young god, Silver, who lives in the mountains (Hoffner, 1990). His father is the god Kumarbi, the “father” of Urkesh, and Silver travels there in search of his father. This myth implies kinship with Hurrians in the highlands, concerns the arrival of mountain resources (i.e., silver), and raises the possibility of pilgrimages. Tell Mozan has been a focus of ecological research due to its continued habitation during the EBAeMBA transition. Pfälzner (2010) summarises the environmental conditions at Tell Mozan E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 1869 Fig. 3. Excavation units of sourced artefacts relative to the palace excavations (left) and Areas A, B, and J on the tell (right). Compiled and redrawn from various Urkesh expedition maps. and in the UKB based on the studies of Riehl (2010), Deckers (2010a,b), and their colleagues. Deckers and Riehl (2007) propose that, after 2500 BCE, a nearby river slowed as a result of drier conditions or intensifying agriculture. Deckers and Pessin (2010) document vegetation changes using charcoal fragments from Tell Mozan. During 2200e2000 BCE, there was a decrease in woodland vegetation, indicating a shift towards steppe ecology or agricultural intensification. Riehl et al. (2008) conclude that the stable carbon isotopes of Tell Mozan archaeobotanical remains show increased water stress in the early MBA. During the EBAeMBA transition, Riehl (2009) found that, except at Tell Mozan and Tell Brak, emmer wheat nearly disappears from the UKB. Ultimately, Riehl (2012) argues the archaeobotanical remains attest to decreased rainfall circa 2200 BCE. Hence, we have highly local information that the Urkesh inhabitants experienced environmental changes. From 1984 to 2010, this site was excavated by the International Institute for Mesopotamian Area Studies (IIMAS). Artefacts from the IIMAS excavations have the spatial contexts encoded in their labels. For example, the obsidian flake and blade core in Fig. 4a is A14 q566 f216 k14, so it came from Area A, Unit 14, Locus 14, Feature 216, Lot 566. Such information, when used with the Urkesh Global Record (UGR), an online excavation database, allows us to reconstruct contexts and explore chronological trends. This core, for instance, was found on a pisé floor with a grindstone, a hearth, and sherds dated to Phase 3b (2100 BCE). A bladelet (Fig. 4b) was lying on an adjacent floor with jar and cups sherds, grindstones, and a quern. Thus, we have a core on a working surface and a bladelet on a concurrent floor with grain-processing implements. 4. Methods and materials: artefacts and analyses After a survey of the lithic assemblage at Tell Mozan, we compared 97 obsidian artefacts to hundreds of obsidian specimens using two geochemical techniques and rock magnetic analyses. 4.1. Obsidian assemblage and reference collection This study focused on obsidian artefacts from the late EBA III to Late Bronze Age IIA (circa 2300e1300 BCE; Table 2). The IIMAS excavations have found over 820 obsidian artefacts from this period (32% of lithics by number and 6% by mass). Prismatic blades (Fig. 4c) and ad hoc flake tools dominate the assemblage. After an on-site Fig. 4. Example obsidian artefacts from Tell Mozan. (a) Mixed blade and flake core, A14 q566 f216 k14. (b) Bladelet, A14 q712 f278 k4. (c) Prismatic blade, A12 q901 f382 k27. 1870 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 Table 1 Published obsidian sourcing results for sites within the Upper Khabur Basin (UKB) and Middle Khabur Basin (MKB); see Fig. 2. Sourced obsidian artefacts from known Bronze-Age levels are highlighted. Site (west to east) Period (if known) Reference Artefacts Source assignments n n Source 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 4 3 1 4 18 2 2 9 1 16 27 2 2 1 11 Bingöl A/Nemrut  Meydan Dag Bingöl B? Undetermined Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl B Bingöl A (?)  Nemrut Dag Bingöl A (?) Undetermined Bingöl A/Nemrut ? Meydan Dag Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl B? Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl B  Meydan Dag Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl A/Nemrut  Meydan Dag Bingöl B? Bingöl A/Nemrut Undetermined Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl A/Nemrut Bingöl B Undetermined  Meydan Dag Bingöl A/Nemrut Tell Halaf Surface finds Francaviglia and Palmieri, 1998 6 Tell Kashkashok Late Neolithic Gratuze et al., 1993 8 Tell Gudeda Tell Mulla Matar Tell ‘Atij Early Bronze Age Early Bronze Age Early Bronze Age Chabot et al., 2001 Pernicka et al., 1997 Chabot et al., 2001 4 1 6 Chagar Bazar Chalcolithic Late Neolithic Surface finds Cann and Renfrew, 1964 Cann and Renfrew, 1964 Francaviglia and Palmieri, 1998 1 1 5 Late Chalcolithic Khalidi et al., 2009 8 Tell Barri Records lost Surface finds Forster and Grave, 2012 Francaviglia and Palmieri, 1998 4 22 Tell Hamoukar Surface finds Hall and Shackley, 1994 10 Surface finds Late Chalcolithic Francaviglia and Palmieri, 1998 Khalidi et al., 2009 16 32 Surface finds Hall and Shackley, 1994 11 Tell Brak Hirbet Tueris lithics survey, 97 obsidian artefacts, all chip debris, were approved for export and non-destructive studies by Syria’s Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums. Their spatiotemporal range reflects the IIMAS excavations: 81 artefacts from Area A, 3 from B, and 13 from J (Fig. 3). These artefacts are documented in Frahm (2010: 518e576), and the labels enable their contexts to be reconstructed using the UGR. The artefacts’ compositions were compared to more than 900 geological specimens from 200 sampling loci in Anatolia and the Caucasus (Frahm, 2010: 257e269). 4.2. Geochemical analyses: source identification These artefacts and geological specimens were geochemically analysed with two analytical techniques: electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF). While not used as frequently as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) or neutron activation analysis (NAA), EMPA is an established technique for obsidian sourcing (e.g., Merrick and Brown, 1984; Weisler and Clague, 1998; Tykot, 1995; Tykot and Chia, 1997; Rosen et al., 2005; Le Bourdonnec et al., 2005, 2010; Wada et al., 2003; Wada, 2009; Sanna et al., 2010). Our calibration and analytical procedures are Table 2 Site phases linked to approximate dates and regional chronologies. Phase Approx dates Bronze Age Jezirah period Mesopotamian period 2 3 4 5 6 7 EBA III EBA IV MBA I MBA IIA MBA IIB & IIC LBA I & IIA Early Jezirah IV Early Jezirah IV Early Jezirah V Old Jezirah IeII Old Jezirah III e Early Akkadian Late Akkadian Ur III/Post-Akkadian Old Babylonian Middle Babylonian Mitannian/Middle Assyrian 2300e2200 2200e2100 2100e2000 2000e1800 1800e1500 1500e1300 BCE BCE BCE BCE BCE BCE  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag  Dag discussed in Frahm (2010: 302e364; 2012a). Evaluations of accuracy and precision (repeatability and reproducibility) were based on reference standards (e.g., VG-568), analytical “round robin” specimens, and XRF and NAA data from the University of Missouri’s Research Reactor (MURR) for matched specimens (Frahm, 2010: 365e484, 2012a). Source attributions are based on three- to sevendimensional Euclidean distance (ED) matrices of similarity coefficients (Frahm, 2010: 469e482, 2012a). Handheld pXRF has recently become an established technique for obsidian sourcing around the world: the Near East (Frahm, 2007, 2013; Forster and Grave, 2012), East Asia (Jia et al., 2010), Mesoamerica (Nazaroff et al., 2010; Millhauser et al., 2011), South America (Craig et al., 2010), the North American Great Basin (Goodale et al., 2012), the Western Mediterranean (Tykot, 2010; Tykot et al., 2011), and Oceania (Burley et al., 2011; McCoy et al., 2011; Sheppard et al., 2011). Of the 97 artefacts, 52 were analysed using pXRF to corroborate artefacts’ source identifications and evaluate its potential for future on-site analyses (Frahm, 2013). These measurements were calibrated using 18 Anatolian obsidian specimens analysed with NAA and XRF at MURR. Our source assignment procedures were identical to those for the EMPA data. 4.3. Magnetic analyses: subsource identification Different parts of an obsidian flow experience different temperature ranges, viscosities, and oxidation conditions as they cool. The morphologies, distributions, and chemistries of microscopic minerals in all obsidians reflect the localised cooling histories. The variations affect the obsidians’ magnetic properties. McDougall (1978) first demonstrated the potential of obsidian sourcing using magnetic parameters, and additional magnetic studies followed but with mixed success (Frahm and Feinberg, 2013 and the references within). These studies sought to distinguish E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 1871 obsidian sources, but variability of the magnetic properties within individual flows complicated their efforts. In contrast, we use thermal-dependent (and thus spatial-dependent) magnetic properties of obsidian to identify different locations (i.e., quarrying sites, subsources) on a flow. Some of the variations that impede interflow differentiation are the same mechanisms that enable intraflow differentiation. Magnetic hysteresis parameters e saturation magnetisation (Ms), saturation remanence (Mrs), coercivity (Hc), and coercivity of remanence (Hcr) e have proven most useful for spatial information. A publication on our magnetic techniques is currently in preparation (Frahm and Feinberg, in preparation). 5. Results Based on established models of Near East obsidian distribution (e.g., Cauvin and Chataigner, 1998; Chataigner, 1998; Chataigner et al., 1998), we anticipated that obsidians would have originated from the Eastern Anatolian sources. Indeed, 94 of the 97 artefacts came from these sources and are considered here. Three Phase 2b artefacts from Central Anatolia reflect a discrete phenomenon and are discussed elsewhere (Frahm and Feinberg, 2013). 5.1. Eastern Anatolian obsidians at Tell Mozan Figs. 5 and 6 are scatterplots of the Eastern Anatolian artefacts and geological specimens analysed using EMPA and pXRF. Six Eastern Anatolian sources are identified among the artefacts , Bingöl A, Bingöl B, Muş, Meydan Dag , and (Fig. 2): Nemrut Dag . EMPA results were the primary means of source Tendürek Dag identification, and the findings were corroborated with pXRF. In the case of Muş, pXRF resolved an ambiguous distinction between that source and Pasinler (i.e., six artefacts, using the EMPA data, plotted closest to Muş and also near Pasinler due to weathering, but the pXRF data were unaffected). Fig. 7 shows the distinction between  and Bingöl A obsidians. A supplementary table Nemrut Dag includes the relevant geochemical data (i.e., the eight elements used in the ED calculations) for the Eastern Anatolian artefacts and their sources (Table S1). The full dataset and ED similarity coefficients are available in Frahm (2010: 852e1019). Fig. 5. Scatterplot of EMPA data for the artefacts (filled circles) and geological specimens (open grey circles); only the Eastern Anatolian obsidians are shown for clarity. Measurements are in weight percent (wt %). Colour codes are consistent with Fig. 8. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 6. Scatterplot of pXRF data of the artefacts (filled circles) and geological specimens (open grey circles); only the Eastern Anatolian obsidians are shown for clarity. Measurements are in parts per million (ppm). The pXRF data were calibrated using a set of 18 Anatolian obsidian specimens analysed using NAA and XRF at the University of Missouri’s Research Reactor. Colour codes are consistent with Fig. 8. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Such a diversity of Eastern Anatolian sources is previously unknown in Mesopotamia. The majority of these 94 artefacts (85%) came from the three most prominent Eastern Anatolian sources: , Bingöl A, and Bingöl B. The only other Eastern Anatolian Nemrut Dag  (Table 1), where 2% of Tell source known in the UKB is Meydan Dag  obsidians Mozan artefacts originated. Use of Muş and Tendürek Dag is, to our knowledge, previously unknown in Mesopotamia. Recently, Carter et al. (2013) report the first clear archaeological use of Muş obsidian: one artefact from Körtik Tepe in Turkey. The six artefacts from Tell Mozan corroborate that Muş must be considered an important source. It should be noted 3.5% of sourced Mesopotamian obsidian artefacts have unidentified sources, and in the UKB, this proportion rises to 4.5% (Frahm, 2010: 590e629). Fig. 7. Scatterplot of EMPA data for the peralkaline Tell Mozan obsidian artefacts (black  (darker circles) and Bingöl A circles) and the geological specimens from Nemrut Dag (lighter circles). Colour codes are consistent with Fig. 8. The artefacts from these sources fall into discrete populations, attesting to their different origins. The middle  cluster corresponds to what is commonly called “Nemrut Caldea” or Nemrut Dag “Nemrut I/II” in the literature. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 1872 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 100% 75% Nemrut Da Mu Meydan Da 50% 25% Overall (n=94) 2 (n=17) 3 (n=17) 4 (n=4) 4/5 (n=22) 5 (n=5) 6 (n=16) 7+ (n=13) Phase and Number of Sourced Artefacts Fig. 8. Volcanic origins of the 94 artefacts from Eastern Anatolian obsidian sources (left) and a chronological breakdown (right). The site phases for Tell Mozan are described in Table 2. Of the Phase 2 artefacts, those most securely dated are ascribed only to Phase 2a. The remainder is ascribed to Phase 2 in general (i.e., none specifically to Phase 2b). The Phase 4/5 artefacts are thought to be principally, if not entirely, Phase 5; however, late Phase 4 attributions cannot be completely ruled out based on presently available chronostratigraphic data. 5.2. Geochemical inter-source chronology Changes in obsidian use between Phases 2 and 3 are dramatic (Fig. 8 and Table 2). Phase 2 (2300e2200 BCE) obsidians are from six sources, and no source represents over 30%. In contrast, Phase 3 (2200e2100 BCE) obsidians came from only two of the closest  (88%) and Bingöl B (12%). This trend apparsources: Nemrut Dag  (75%) ently continues into Phase 4 (2100e2000 BCE): Nemrut Dag and Bingöl B (25%). During Phase 5 (2000e1800 BCE), diverse  obsidians reappear, but half of the artefacts (52%) are Nemrut Dag obsidians (in Phases 4/5 and 5). Phases 6 (1800e1500 BCE) and 7 (1500e1300 BCE) might represent a second change between (1) the  obsidnearest three sources with a predominance of Nemrut Dag ians and (2) followed by greater diversity.  sampling There are small differences among the four Tendürek Dag loci, and the Phase 5c matches these geological specimens. The only Phase 2a artefact is distinct, as are the four artefacts from inter obsidian found at Tell mediate phases. Like Muş, the Tendürek Dag Mozan was collected from distinct loci in different periods, indicating the acquisition mechanisms may have changed. These magnetic results also suggest that there are additional quarrying . areas on the slopes of Tendürek Dag 5.3. Magnetic intra-source chronologies  obsidians is essentially Given that use of Muş and Tendürek Dag unknown, the results of our magnetic analyses for these sources are especially interesting. Specifically, we found different parts of the sources were utilised over time. Consider Muş first. Obsidian outcrops from a lava dome on the Muş plains, and a secondary deposit lies downstream along the Murat River (Ercan et al., 1995; Bigazzi et al., 1997). The Muş artefacts and specimens comprise one chemical cluster, but magnetic analyses reveal discrete populations (Fig. 9). Obsidian from the west-central part of the dome matches the river-transported specimens. The artefacts most closely match these specimens. Thus, people may have collected obsidian from these outcrops or river deposits. One artefact is distinct from those in earlier and later phases, and it may have come from a different area, likely close to the southwestern edge of the dome. Thus, the initial reappearance of Muş obsidian at Tell Mozan might represent a distinct mode of raw-material acquisition at the source itself.  and Obsidian occurs on the northern slopes of Tendürek Dag likely elsewhere on the volcano (Yılmaz et al., 1998). The Tendürek  specimens and artefacts also fall into a single geochemical Dag cluster, but magnetic analyses reveal discrete populations (Fig. 10). Fig. 9. Magnetic hysteresis parameters of Muş artefacts and specimens. Artefacts are the black shapes. Geological collection areas are represented by circles with different patterns/colours. Obsidian from the west-central part of the lava dome (facing the river; the top-shaded circle) matches the river-transported specimens (bottom-shaded circles). One artefact (square) has distinct magnetic properties than those from earlier and later phases (upward and downward triangles). This artefact may have been collected from a different location, most likely near the southwestern edge of the dome (right-shaded circle). The other circles (left- and quarter-shaded circles) represent other parts of the dome (east-centre and north-centre, respectively). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 1873 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 From Tell Mulla Matar, Pernicka et al. (1997) sourced only one  rather than compositionally artefact and attributed it to Nemrut Dag similar Bingöl A. Using their technique (Pernicka, 1992), Bingöl A was distinguished from the three major geochemical types of  obsidian, often called Nemrut Caldera, Nemrut Lake, Nemrut Dag and Nemrut South (e.g., Bressy et al., 2005) or Nemrut I/II, III, and IV (e.g., Blackman, 1984). Specifically, Pernicka et al. (1997) identified this artefact as “Nemrut Caldera” or “Nemrut I/II” obsidian. This is  obsidian found at Tell Mozan (Fig. 7) as the same type of Nemrut Dag well as numerous sites in the Euphrates Basin (e.g., Hassek Höyük, Pernicka, 1992; Dja’de, Halula, and Mureybet, Pernicka et al., 1997). Just 10 obsidian artefacts were recovered at Tell Gudeda and 19 at Tell ’Atij (700 m apart on the Khabur River; Chabot et al., 2001). Collectively, the lithic assemblages are only 0.4% obsidian. To  and Bingöl A obsidians, Chabot et al. differentiate Nemrut Dag (2001) follow Poidevin’s (1998) approach and use a geochemical plot (i.e., a CNK/A vs. NK/A from Shand, 1943). Poidevin (1998), though, knew only of the “Nemrut Lake” and “Nemrut South” obsidian types. Bressy et al. (2005) apparently first added “Nemrut Caldera” obsidian to such a graph, and this third obsidian type plots very near Bingöl A obsidian, casting prior identifications into doubt. Chabot et al. (2001) determined that four artefacts from each site fell into the intermediate geochemical range between “Nemrut Lake” and “Nemrut South,” so they attributed the artefacts to Bingöl  A. Like Poidevin (1998), they were only aware of two Nemrut Dag obsidian types, so these artefacts may be misattributed to Bingöl A. Instead, “Nemrut Caldera” obsidian, like that found at nearby Tell Mulla Matar, may be correct. Without geological specimens for comparison (cf., Fig. 7), the source remains uncertain. Their data, though, plot as one cluster, so it is unlikely that there is a mix of  and Bingöl A at the two MKB sites. Additionally, two Nemrut Dag other artefacts from Tell ’Atij had sources unidentified by Chabot et al. (2001). Clearly there are considerable differences between the obsidians represented at a large UKB city and small riverside MKB villages in the EBA. Comparisons, however, are limited by the small sample sizes and uncertainties in source identification. Unfortunately, for Khabur sites with over 10 sourced obsidian artefacts (Fig. 11), the  artefacts and specimens. Fig. 10. Magnetic hysteresis parameters of Tendürek Dag Artefacts are the solid black shapes. Geological collection areas are represented by circles with different patterns/colours. Only the one Phase 5c artefact (square) matches specimens collected from the outcrops (half-shaded circles). A Phase 2a artefact (circle) is distinct from the geological sampling areas, as are the four artefacts from intermediate phases (triangles). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 5.4. Comparison to previous studies Earlier obsidian sourcing studies provide little for comparison. To our knowledge, there are 135 sourced Eastern Anatolian obsidian artefacts from ten Khabur sites in published studies (Table 1). Over half (n ¼ 74; 55%) have no spatiotemporal context. Just 11 artefacts (8%) were excavated from Bronze-Age strata at three sites. Tell Malla Matar, Tell Gudeda, and Tell ’Atij are small (1 ha) riverside villages within 4 km of one another in the Middle Khabur Basin (MKB; Fig. 2). These three EBA sites were abandoned roughly synchronous with EBAeMBA transition and, thus, cannot provide a diachronic perspective. Tell Mozan (overall, n = 94) Tell Brak F & G 2012 (unknown, n = 4) F & P 1998 (unknown, n = 5) K et al. 2009 (Late Ch, n = 7) Nemrut Da Tell Barri Mu Meydan Da F & P 1998 (unknown, n = 22) Undetermined Tell Hamoukar H & S 1994 (unknown, n = 10) F & P 1998 (unknown, n = 16) K et al. 2009* (Late Ch, n = 32) Hirbet Tueris H & S 1994 (unknown, n = 11) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Fig. 11. Khabur archaeological sites with more than ten sourced obsidian artefacts. The asterisk denotes an adjustment of the source proportions based on statements by Khalidi  and Bingöl A are combined because the other studies could not distinguish these et al. (2009) regarding their non-representative sample of sourced artefacts. Nemrut Dag chemically similar sources. 1874 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 found at Göbekli Tepe during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Period (Carter et al., 2012), and the variety is interpreted as evidence of pilgrimages by different groups. Thus, diverse obsidians at Devils Tower and Göbekli Tepe represent a convergence of travellers at a landmark. Thus, diverse Phase 2 obsidians suggest that Urkesh was a cosmopolitan centre with diverse visitors or visitors with diverse itineraries. Urkesh was the largest city near the Mardin Pass, and its temple atop a 30-m-tall terrace, rivalling the Ziggurat of Ur, was a conspicuous landmark across the plains. There were likely pilgrimages or religious festivals attended by travellers. Crawford (1978) suggests obsidian trade occurred at bazaars, like those held outside Damascus, where “long-distance travellers... distribute the surplus of the goods thus acquired” to sedentary peoples (131). Wilkinson (2000) contends large UKB cities, like Urkesh, arose in locations suited to participation in exchange networks that incorporate sedentary, nomadic, and valuable goods. Small MKB villages did not exhibit such centripetal effects. Low obsidian diversity, plus its scarcity, suggests fewer travellers reached the villages. The MKB pattern also implies the obsidians reaching Urkesh were not simply re-radiated throughout the basin.  Perhaps their exchange involved distinct mechanisms. Nemrut Dag and Bingöl B obsidians might have been moved via mechanisms that persisted and enabled them to reach Southern Mesopotamia (Fig. 12). Other obsidians may have reached the city via exchange mechanisms that did not continue, explaining their limited longdistance exchange. This mechanism may also have been “pulled” to Urkesh by a centripetal effect, which might have diminished in strength under societal and climatic stress. artefacts are older or have no spatiotemporal context, and Bingöl A  obsidians could not be discerned. These prior and Nemrut Dag studies, however, establish the diversity (or lack thereof) of obsidians represented at other UKB sites. 6. Discussion The transition between Phases 2 and 3 is roughly concurrent with the “crisis” onset. Phase 2 obsidians come from six Eastern Anatolian sources, but Phase 3 obsidians are from only two of the closest sources. Diverse obsidians seem to reappear during Phase 5, consistent with proposals that the effects lasted two to three centuries in the UKB. Determining the nature of the thirdmillennium crisis at Urkesh is, of course, a heavy burden to put on these 94 obsidian artefacts. This study alone cannot resolve the nature of the crisis. Our results, however, provide tangible evidence for changes in exchange at Urkesh and in quarrying at sources. Hence we consider potential mechanisms for obsidian artefacts’ arrival and source-use changes in light of hypotheses regarding the crisis. We stress that the exchange of obsidian should not necessarily be conceptualised as obsidian-driven. It should be understood as a phenomenon in which obsidian was embedded in a primary or secondary role. The movement of obsidian may instead reflect the exchange of other goods (e.g., metals), the movement of people (e.g., migration, pilgrimages), or other phenomena. 6.1. Centripetal forces: Urkesh as a landmark The Phase 2 obsidian mélange implies Urkesh residents did not practice direct procurement. Khalidi et al. (2009) claim that obsidian diversity in the Chalcolithic UKB is a metric of directness: one predominant source is an indicator of direct access while varied obsidians imply indirect access and procurement associated with other goods. We agree, in general, with this postulate, particularly in light of previous studies that identified highly diverse obsidians at a site. Consider Molyneaux’s (2002) discovery of diverse obsidians at Devils Tower in Wyoming. He suggests that Devils Tower exhibited “a centripetal effect, as it drew e and continues to draw e travellers from all directions to its sides” (136) and that travellers simply carried varied obsidians. In Turkey, diverse obsidians are 6.2. Exchange, networks, and economy To explain the differential occurrence of Central and Eastern Anatolian obsidians at Urkesh, we suggested two mechanisms for their arrival at the city (Frahm and Feinberg, 2013). We proposed Central Anatolian obsidian artefacts arrived via an established longdistance exchange network (the Anatolian Trade Network, 2500e lu, 2005), which linked Central Anatolian polities 2100 BCE, Şahog to the Aegean in the west and Middle Euphrates in the east. In contrast, drawing on ethnohistorical accounts from the region, we Tell Mozan - All (n = 94) Tell Mozan - Ph 2 (n = 17) Tell Mozan - Ph 3 (n = 17) Upper Khabur Basin - EBA Tell Gudeda (n = 4) Nemrut Da Mu Meydan Da Tell Mulla Matar (n = 1) Undetermined Southern Mesopotamia - EBA EBA Uruk (n = 11) Southern Mesopotamia - MBA MBA Larsa (n = 3) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Fig. 12. Our results for Tell Mozan, the results for the three EBA MKB sites, and the published obsidian sourcing results for known EBA and MBA contexts at Southern Mesopotamian  and Bingöl A are combined because the other studies (except for Pernicka et al., 1997) could not distinguish these chemically similar sources. sites. Nemrut Dag E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 considered the possible roles of nomadic and semi-nomadic groups in distributing Eastern Anatolian obsidians. For example, Cribb (1991) documented the migrations of Alikan tribes across southeastern Turkey. The different groups’ routes crossed, often at cities where goods could be traded, creating an intersecting de facto exchange network. Transhumance is perhaps the most discussed mechanism of obsidian distribution in Eastern Anatolia (e.g., Hole, 1968; Wright, 1969; Williams-Thorpe, 1995; Cauvin, 1996; Chataigner, 1998; Chataigner et al., 1998). Shared material culture also attests to networks linking Northern Mesopotamia and Eastern Anatolia. Specifically, the Early Transcaucasian or KuraeAraxes complex (circa 3400e2000 BCE) spanned from the Caucasus to southeastern Anatolia. Obsidian, either as a raw material or finished tools, likely spread through the region via similar mechanisms as the material culture (e.g., the redand-black burnished ware). At Urkesh, red-and-black burnished sherds occur in mid- and late-third-millennium levels of the palace and temple, roughly concurrent with the diverse Phase 2 obsidians. The disappearance of Early Transcaucasian sherds appears synchronous with the reduced diversity of obsidians. This is consistent with Edens’ (1995) contention that the EBAeMBA transition in Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus ended in “more fragmented regional cultures” (53). A disintegration of regional social networks may have ended the arrival of Early Transcaucasian ceramics (or peoples) and the diverse obsidians that disappeared from Urkesh. The causality of such a change, including any link to the “crisis” in Northern Mesopotamia, remains unknown. Another possibility is that the diverse Phase 2 obsidian pattern reflects Akkadian influence at the city. Empires are known to extend their influence beyond regional borders to access a variety of resources (Barfield, 2001; Sinopoli, 2001). While most scholars hold that their influence in Northern Mesopotamia “fell decisively short of full imperial control” (Adams, 1966: 159), the Akkadians may have sought control over distribution routes for natural resources, especially highland resources like metals (Nissen, 1988; Michalowski, 1993; Marcus, 1998; Van De Mieroop, 2004). Additionally, trade under the Akkadians is thought to have been statecontrolled, later becoming a private endeavour in the Old Assyrian system (1950e1750 BCE; Veenhof, 1997). Hence, it is possible that, either directly or indirectly, Akkadian influence altered the Urkesh economy in Phase 2. The local economy might have intensified its focus on resources from the north (and this could also have occurred for various reasons). For example, copper metallurgy, using ores from the north, could have increased due to demand from the south. With climatic shifts and the end of the empire, the Urkesh economy might then have refocused on local production and consumption in Phase 3. Pastoral nomads’ habitat-tracking perhaps also changed during this era, and migration shifts would also change the resulting network. Palynological, geochemical, and isotopic climate signals preserved in Lake Van sediments suggest environmental shifts in Eastern Anatolia as well. Lemcke and Sturm (1997) report “decreasing humidity (temperature) and a significant shift of precipitation” after 2190 BCE (673), and Wick et al. (2003) noted decreasing woodlands after 2100 BCE, replaced by an open landscape. Migration routes may have shifted, and if resource shortfalls occurred, there might have been changes in trade, territoriality, or other resource-control strategies. Not all groups would have to be affected because, as a network, shifts in the routes of only one group could affect how obsidians were distributed. Consequently, climate could have disrupted their de facto network and also effected the disappearance of four obsidians from Urkesh. We should also consider the possibility that exchange embedded in complex networks might not be the mechanism to explain differential distribution of these obsidians. Perhaps 1875 a “simple” mechanism, such as multiple reciprocal exchange (“down-the-line” trade) among groups, could account for Nemrut  and Bingöl B obsidians reaching crisis-era Urkesh as well as Dag MKB villages and Southern Mesopotamian cities in small quantities. Ultimately, much more data are needed to connect the patterns and processes. Tell Mozan is the only UKB site with sourced obsidian covering the EBAeMBA transition. One priority should be identifying similarities and differences in obsidian source-histories throughout the UKB. Different settlements might have reacted differently to climatic/societal stresses and had different approaches mitigating the effects. In prior studies of Khabur sites, more than half of the sourced artefacts have no context (Hall and Shackley, 1994; Francaviglia and Palmieri, 1998). It is no longer sufficient to source obsidian from a deeply stratified tell by collecting ten artefacts from the surface and ignore the ultimate spatiotemporal contexts of the analysed artefacts.  and Bingöl B obsidAn important question is why Nemrut Dag ians might be different. Why would those specific obsidians not only persist through the crisis at Urkesh but also reach Southern  is proposed by Mesopotamia? One possible answer for Nemrut Dag Frahm (2012b): this volcano simultaneously exhibited a centripetal force, drawing in travellers from all around, and a centrifugal force, radiating obsidian outward across the Near East. Thus, we must also consider source-centric (i.e., centrifugal) mechanisms and interpretations for the observed shifts. 6.3. Centrifugal forces: sources, landscape, and environment Our magnetic results suggest that past peoples collected obsidian at locations other than those sampled for the reference collection. Thus, at present, most of the artefacts cannot be “sourced” to a particular quarry. At this point, however, these results indicate changes in some aspect of human behaviour at the sources. Apparently there were shifts in quarry use for some reason. Perhaps, for example, changes in extraction techniques might have altered which quarries were considered “economically viable.” Ethnographic and archaeological studies indicate that quarries can have cultural meanings that also affect their selection and use (Taçon, 1989, 1991; Saunders, 2001). Given the apparent environment shifts (e.g., disappearing woodlands around Lake Van; Wick et al., 2003), one centrifugal (i.e., source-centric, materials radiating outward) perspective that must be considered is changing landscape and quarry accessibility. Obsidian forms only under particular conditions: when viscous lava oozes onto the surface and produces a lava dome (Fig. 7 in Frahm, 2012b). The inner shell of high-quality obsidian is deeply buried across most of the lava dome, and obsidian can be collected where this inner shell is exposed by slope processes, which are controlled by landscape-climate interactions. As a landscape shifts in response to climate, the locations where obsidian is accessible may also change. Some outcrops may be buried, whereas others are exposed. Consider, for example, how rain affects erosion and deposition. With high rainfall, streams can cut channels into a lava dome, exposing obsidian for people to collect. When rain decreases, sediment may accumulate in the channels and cover the obsidian, removing it from circulation and requiring people to seek new exposures. Thus, an accessibility signal may be preserved in obsidian artefacts. Models of changing mobility and exchange must, of course, be studied alongside those of changing accessibility because the stimulus (e.g., environmental change) could yield multiple responses (e.g., shifts in mobility or exchange networks) with potential equifinality. At present, we can only state that the initial reappearance of  obsidians at Tell Mozan seems to involve Muş and Tendürek Dag different collection loci. Therefore, there were discontinuities at the 1876 E. Frahm, J.M. Feinberg / Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 1866e1878 sources, not just at Urkesh. Regardless of impetus, the changes are tangible, and magnetic analyses enable identification of quarryscale changes in sources’ use-histories. 7. Conclusions The “crisis” in Northern Mesopotamia during the last centuries of the third millennium BCE is one of the most discussed and debated times of societal and climatic change. This shift was likely not an undifferentiated process explainable by a single primum movens. Instead, as Schwartz (2007) contends, “there were numerous crises in different regions at different chronological junctures from ca. 2300 to 1900 B.C., not a single catastrophic event” (62). Our study ultimately involves changes at only one UKB urban centre. Thus, our results are not poised to resolve what occurred throughout the region at this time. Instead, we report tangible evidence in the material culture of changes at this city and at some raw-material sources. We consider potential interpretations of these findings, all of which require further evidence and testing, in light of the proposed crisis. To summarise, apparently concurrent with UKB aridification and deurbanisation as well as the decline of the Akkadian empire, there was a dramatic change in the obsidians arriving at Urkesh. Before this time, during Phase 2, six obsidian sources in Eastern Anatolia are represented among the artefacts. Such a variety of Eastern Anatolian obsidians at one Mesopotamian site is previously unknown. This finding implies that Urkesh was a cosmopolitan city and that its visitors carried diverse obsidians with them. During Phase 3, however, obsidians came from only two of the closest sources. The reduced diversity of obsidians is also synchronous with the disappearance of Early Transcaucasian ceramics at Urkesh. The reappearance of varied obsidians is roughly consistent with the proposed crisis duration in the UKB. Even when an obsidian source reappears, the raw material apparently came from different collection spots, implying discontinuities at the quarries, perhaps due to accessibility issues on a changing landscape. Although the precise mechanisms remain unclear, it may be that obsidians from different sources arrived at Urkesh via distinct networks and that one (or more) did not persist through the crisis. Here we report evidence, geochemical and magnetic signals in obsidian artefacts discovered at Tell Mozan, for changes in exchange networks and quarrying practices concurrent with a time of societal and environmental stress. With a diachronic perspective on obsidian source-use from only one site, our findings are, at present, neutral regarding the degree of deurbanisation and whether the causes included climate shifts, unsustainable urban growth and subsistence practices, governmental collapse, economic forces, or societal fragmentation. The data do not yet support a particular model of the crisis, but our results suggest that it is not merely a contrivance of ceramic topology problems or incomplete surface surveys. As future work elucidates the changes in climate and society near the end of the third millennium BCE, there might be considerable implications regarding the roles that exchange and associated social networks play under societal and environmental stresses, how they change in response, and how they eventually recover or adapt. Acknowledgements Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati are the directors of the Urkesh excavations under the auspices of the International Institute for Mesopotamian Area Studies (IIMAS). Export of the Tell Mozan artefacts was approved by the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums, the Ministry of Culture, Syrian Arab Republic. EMPA was conducted with a JEOL 8900 SuperProbe in the Department of Earth Sciences’ Electron Microprobe Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. Our magnetic analyses were conducted at the Institute for Rock Magnetism at the University of Minnesota, and we are grateful for the research assistance of Charissa Johnson (supported by the University of Minnesota’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program and a Sigma Xi award) and Amy Hillis (supported by the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program). Thermo Fisher is thanked for the loan of the NITON handheld pXRF instrument. Michael Glascock is thanked for NAA and XRF data that aided in accuracy assessment of the EMPA data and calibration of the pXRF data. Most of the Anatolian geological specimens were originally collected by George “Rip” Rapp, University of Minnesota and the late Tuncay Ercan, Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey. Additional specimens came from the collections of M. James Blackman, Robert L. Smith, and James F. Luhr. This research was supported by the Department of Archaeology of the University of Sheffield, the Departments of Earth Sciences and Anthropology of the University of Minnesota, and Marie Curie Network FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN: New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to Ancient Material Studies (NARNIA). Two anonymous reviewers and the editor are thanked for their comments that improved the clarity of this paper. Appendix A. 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