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Controller design and consonantal contrast coding using a multi-finger tactual display

2009, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America

See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Controller design and consonantal contrast coding using a multi-finger tactual display ARTICLE in THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA · JULY 2009 Impact Factor: 1.5 · DOI: 10.1121/1.3124771 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 2 22 4 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Ali Israr Peter Meckl 36 PUBLICATIONS 347 CITATIONS 116 PUBLICATIONS 875 CITATIONS Disney Research SEE PROFILE Purdue University SEE PROFILE Hong Z Tan Purdue University 153 PUBLICATIONS 2,884 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Ali Israr Retrieved on: 09 February 2016 Controller design and consonantal contrast coding using a multi-finger tactual displaya) Ali Israrb兲 Haptic Interface Research Laboratory, Purdue University, 465 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035 Peter H. Meckl Ruth and Joel Spira Laboratory for Electromechanical Systems, 585 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2088 Charlotte M. Reed Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 36-751, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Hong Z. Tan Haptic Interface Research Laboratory, Purdue University, 465 Northwestern Avenue, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2035 共Received 8 August 2008; revised 24 March 2009; accepted 29 March 2009兲 This paper presents the design and evaluation of a new controller for a multi-finger tactual display in speech communication. A two-degree-of-freedom controller consisting of a feedback controller and a prefilter and its application in a consonant contrasting experiment are presented. The feedback controller provides stable, fast, and robust response of the fingerpad interface and the prefilter shapes the frequency-response of the closed-loop system to match with the human detection-threshold function. The controller is subsequently used in a speech communication system that extracts spectral features from recorded speech signals and presents them as vibrational-motional waveforms to three digits on a receiver’s left hand. Performance from a consonantal contrast test suggests that participants are able to identify tactual cues necessary for discriminating consonants in the initial position of consonant-vowel-consonant 共CVC兲 segments. The average sensitivity indices for contrasting voicing, place, and manner features are 3.5, 2.7, and 3.4, respectively. The results show that the consonantal features can be successfully transmitted by utilizing a broad range of the kinesthetic-cutaneous sensory system. The present study also demonstrates the validity of designing controllers that take into account not only the electromechanical properties of the hardware, but the sensory characteristics of the human user. © 2009 Acoustical Society of America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.3124771兴 PACS number共s兲: 43.66.Wv, 43.66.Ts, 43.66.Gf, 43.60.Ek 关ADP兴 I. INTRODUCTION The motivation for this research is to utilize touch as a sensory substitute for hearing in speech communication for individuals with severe hearing impairments. That such a goal is attainable is demonstrated by users of the Tadoma method who receive speech by placing a hand on the face of a speaker to monitor facial movements and airflow variations associated with speech production. Previous research has documented the speech-reception performance of highly experienced deaf-blind users of the Tadoma method at the segmental, word, and sentence levels 共Reed et al., 1985兲. An analysis of information-transfer 共IT兲 rates for a variety of methods of human communication 共Reed and Durlach, 1998兲 suggests that the communication rates achieved through a兲 Part of this work concerning the controller design was presented at the 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 13-19, 2004. b兲 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 共6兲, June 2009 Pages: 3925–3935 Tadoma are roughly half of those achieved through normal auditory reception of spoken English. By comparison, the estimated communication rates for speech transmission through artificial tactile aids are substantially below those of the Tadoma method 共Reed and Durlach, 1998兲. The limited success demonstrated thus far with artificial tactual communication systems may be due to a variety of factors, including 共1兲 the homogeneous nature of displays that utilize single or multiple actuators to deliver only high-frequency cutaneous stimulation, and 共2兲 the use of body sites with relatively sparse nerve innervation, such as forearm, abdomen, or neck 共Plant, 1989; Waldstein and Boothroyd, 1995; Weisenberger et al., 1989; Galvin et al., 1999; Summers et al., 2005兲. In contrast, Tadoma users have access to a rich set of stimulus attributes, including kinesthetic movements of the face and jaw, cutaneous vibrations at the neck, airflow at the lips, and muscle tensions in the face, jaw, and neck, which are received through the hands. To more fully exploit the capabilities of the tactual sensory system that are engaged in the use of the Tadoma 0001-4966/2009/125共6兲/3925/11/$25.00 © 2009 Acoustical Society of America 3925 method, an artificial device, the Tactuator, was developed to deliver kinesthetic 共motions兲 as well as cutaneous 共vibrations兲 stimuli through the densely innervated fingertips of the left hand 共Tan and Rabinowitz, 1996兲. Previous research has examined IT rates for multidimensional stimuli delivered through the Tactuator device 共Tan et al., 1999, 2003兲. For example, in Tan et al., 2003, IT rates of up to 21.9 bits/s were achieved using multidimensional synthetic waveforms presented at a single contact site. These rates, which are among the highest reported to date for a touch-based display, are at the lower end of the range of IT rates obtained for auditory reception of speech 共Reed and Durlach, 1998兲. The present research was concerned with the utilization of the broad kinesthetic-to-cutaneous stimulation range 共nearly 0–300 Hz兲 of the TactuatorII1 for the display of speech. In particular, this research was designed to extend the work of Yuan 共2003兲 in which speech was encoded for display through the Tactuator device. Yuan 共2003兲 examined the ability to discriminate the voicing cue in consonants using a two-channel speech-coding scheme in which the amplitude envelope of a low-frequency band of speech was used to modulate a 50-Hz waveform delivered to the thumb, and the amplitude envelope of a high-frequency band of speech was used to modulate a 250-Hz waveform at the index finger. Noise-masked normal-hearing participants achieved high levels of performance on the pairwise discrimination of consonants contrasting the feature of voicing through the tactual display alone. This coding scheme was also effective in providing a substantial benefit to lipreading in closed-set consonant identification tasks. Encouraged by the results of Yuan 共2003兲, the present study investigated consonant discriminability for the features of place and manner of articulation in addition to voicing. A speech-to-touch coding scheme was developed to extract envelope information from three major spectral regions of the speech signal and present them as kinesthetic motional and cutaneous vibrational cues. The three spectral bands included a low-frequency region 共intended to convey information about fundamental frequency兲, a mid-frequency region 共intended to convey information about the first formant of speech兲, and a high-frequency region 共intended to convey second-formant information兲. These bands were somewhat consistent with the assessment of bands of modulated noise required for speech recognition by Shannon et al. 共1995兲, as well as those used in previous studies on tactile aids 共Weisenberger and Percy, 1995; Clements et al., 1988; Summers, 1992兲. Amplitude-envelope information from each of these spectral regions was encoded tactually through the use of mid- and high-frequency vibrations at one of the three contactor sites of the TactuatorII 共thumb, middle finger, and index finger, respectively兲. The absolute amplitude of the vibrations at each finger provided information about the energy in the corresponding frequency band. The relative amplitudes of the two vibrations 共modulated at 30 and 200 Hz兲 at each finger channel provided information about energy spread in the corresponding frequency band. In addition to the tactile waveforms, the coding scheme monitored energy peaks within each band and presented this information as lowfrequency motional cues—extending the finger for high3926 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 frequency contents and flexing the finger for low-frequency contents in the corresponding finger band. These more pronounced representations of formant and formant transition cues were employed in an effort to improve the transmission of cues related to place of articulation, which have been poorly transmitted through previous tactile aids 共Clements et al., 1988; Weisenberger et al., 1989; Waldstein and Boothroyd, 1995; Plant, 1989; Summers et al., 2005; Weisenberger and Percy, 1995; Galvin et al., 1999兲. Acoustical analyses of plosive and fricative consonants have shown that place of articulation is well correlated with the frequency values of the first two formants 共spectral peaks in the speech spectrum due to the shape of the mouth兲, F1 and F2, and their transitions 共Ali et al., 2001a, 2001b; Jongman et al., 2000兲. Therefore, motions indicating changes in F1 and F2 were used to encode information concerning place of articulation. Although the location of the energy peaks was presented as high-frequency vibrations, redundant presentations of the same information as quasi-static positions of the fingers were intended to reduce inter-channel effects that may arise, such as those due to masking. It is well known that masking reduces internal representations of proximal tactual stimuli 共Craig and Evans, 1987; Evans, 1987; Tan et al., 2003兲 and redundant presentation of speech information can lead to improved perceptual performance 共Yuan, 2003; Summers et al., 1994兲. One challenge associated with the use of broadband signals with an electromechanical system such as the TactuatorII is that the system frequency response is not uniform across its operating range. Therefore, the input signals are distorted spectrally before they are presented to a human user. To solve this problem, a closed-loop two-degree-offreedom 共2DOF兲 controller was developed to reshape the overall system response. Specifically, the controller compensated for both the frequency response of the TactuatorII and the frequency-dependent human detection-thresholds 共HDTs兲 for tactual stimulation so that when a broadband input signal is applied to the TactuatorII, the relative amplitude of spectral components in the input signal is preserved in terms of perceived intensity when the signal reaches the user’s fingers. The 2DOF controller consists of a feedback controller and a prefilter. The feedback controller 共referred to as the low-frequency kinesthetic or motion controller兲 counters the effects of low-frequency disturbances due to a user’s finger loading the device, increases the closed-loop bandwidth, and reduces the high-frequency in-line noise. The prefilter 共referred to as the broadband cutaneous or vibration controller兲 shapes the overall system frequency response so that two equal-amplitude spectral components at the reference input would be perceived as equally intense by the human user. The remainder of this paper describes the controller design and implementation of the TactuatorII system 共Sec. II兲 and the speech-to-touch coding scheme 共Sec. III兲. An experimental study on the pairwise discrimination of consonants with two human observers is reported 共Sec. IV兲 before the paper concludes with a general discussion 共Sec. V兲. Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination low-frequency finger load disturbance, and achieve fast and stable motion tracking. Because of the similarities among all three channels, controller design for one channel assembly of the TactuatorII is discussed in this paper. Our approach was to have two main components in the controller: one for the low-frequency kinesthetic movements, and the other for the broadband high-frequency cutaneous region, as explained in Fig. 1共b兲. The high-frequency broadband reference position signal, r2共t兲, was first passed through a prefilter, F共s兲, and then added to the low-frequency motional reference position, r1共t兲. The combined signal was then compared to the measured position signal, y ⴱ共t兲, to form an error signal, e共t兲, as the input to the feedback controller, C共s兲. The output of the feedback controller or the command signal, u共t兲, was used to drive the motor assembly, P共s兲, to achieve a position trajectory of y共t兲 at the point where the fingerpad rests. The effects of finger loading and sensor noise are represented by d0共t兲 and n共t兲, respectively. Major steps in the design of the feedback controller and the prefilter are outlined below. More details can be found in Israr, 2007 共cf. Chap. 2兲. FIG. 1. 共a兲 Three channels of the TactuatorII system and the three hand contact points rested lightly on the “fingerpad interface” rods 共inset兲. 共b兲 The block diagram representation of the 2DOF controller. II. CONTROLLER DESIGN A. Apparatus The TactuatorII consists of three independentlycontrolled channels interfaced with the fingerpads of the thumb, the index finger, and the middle finger, respectively 关Fig. 1共a兲兴. The range of motion for each digit is about 25 mm. Each channel has a continuous frequency response from dc to 300 Hz, delivering stimuli from the kinesthetic range 共i.e., low-frequency gross motion兲 to cutaneous range 共i.e., high-frequency vibration兲 as well as in the mid-frequency range. Across the frequency range of dc to 300 Hz, an amplitude of 0 dB sensation level 共SL兲 共decibels above HDT兲 to at least 47 dB SL can be achieved at each frequency, thereby matching the dynamic range of tactual perception 共Verrillo and Gescheider, 1992兲. Details of the TactuatorII can be found in Israr et al., 2006 共cf. Sec. II A, on pp. 2790–2791兲 and Tan and Rabinowitz, 1996. The frequency response of the motor assembly was obtained by measuring the input-output voltage ratio over the frequency range dc to 300 Hz. It was modeled by a secondorder transfer function P共s兲 = 2875/ 共s2 + 94s + 290兲 共see also Tan and Rabinowitz, 1996兲. B. Controller design The main design objective was to shape the frequency response of the TactuatorII so that when driven with a broadband signal 共up to 300 Hz兲, the relative intensities of different spectral components were preserved in terms of the relative sensation levels 共SLs兲 delivered by the TactuatorII. In addition, the controller should be able to reduce the effects of J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 1. Feedback controller for kinesthetic stimulus region The feedback controller or the motional 共kinesthetic兲 controller C共s兲 was designed using a lead-lag frequency loop-shaping technique that shaped the frequency response of the open-loop transfer function, L共s兲 = C共s兲P共s兲, to lie within the constraints determined by the required closed-loop response, T共s兲 = C共s兲P共s兲 / 关1 + C共s兲P共s兲兴 共Maciejowski, 1989兲. It consists of an integrator for maintaining the 0 dB closed-loop gain, a pair of zeros for increasing the stability margin, and a high-frequency pole for suppressing inline noise and for the proper structure 共causality兲 of the controller C共s兲. The final design of the feedback 共kinesthetic兲 controller is given by C共s兲 = 12.264 s2 + 111s + 530 . s共s + 260兲 Figure 2 shows the magnitude 关panel 共a兲兴 and the phase 关panel 共b兲兴 of the frequency response for the open-loop system 共dashed-dotted curve兲 and the closed-loop system 共solid curve兲. The stability gain and phase margins achieved with the controller C共s兲 are also shown in Fig. 2. A quantitative analysis of the system showed that the feedback controller was able to reject or reduce unwanted noise. The 60-Hz inline noise was imperceptible by human users due to rapidly falling slope of the closed-loop magnitude frequency response at 60 Hz. The finger load was rejected by keeping the closed-loop response close to the 0 dB line at low frequencies, and by selecting an appropriate bandwidth of about 30 Hz. In the loaded conditions 共where the fingerpad was lightly placed on the fingerpad interface兲, the average deviations of the closed-loop response were 0.34 dB at 1 Hz, 1.43 dB at 8 Hz, 0.64 dB at 40, 0.3 dB at 100, and 0.65 dB at 260 Hz from the unloaded conditions 共where the fingerpad interface was displaced with no finger load兲, measured at four intensity levels. Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination 3927 FIG. 4. Graphical illustration of the objectives for the high-frequency cutaneous controller. When the frequency-response function of the mechanical system matches with that of the HDT, the frequency function cancels the effects of variable human sensitivity function and preserves spectral components of the reference input signal. FIG. 2. Comparison of the frequency response of open-loop and closed-loop systems. 共a兲 shows the magnitude response of the open-loop and closed-loop systems. A solid curve shows the input-output transfer function model of the closed-loop TactuatorII assembly. The response of the continuous and discrete open-loop responses overlaps. 共b兲 shows phase response of the openloop and closed-loop systems. Also shown in the figure are gain and phase margins, which are important criteria for system stability. controller is used to compensate for the human sensitivity function, equal intensities in the input signal 共shown as equal intensities in the reference signal, Fig. 4兲 spectrum will result in equally strong sensations when received by a human user. Therefore, the steady-state response of the overall closedloop system, H共s兲 = F共s兲T共s兲, should follow the target frequency function of the HDT curve in the frequency range dc to 300 Hz, i.e., H共s兲 = HDT共s兲. It was anticipated that the HDT function with the fingerpad interface of the TactuatorII system would differ from that reported in Bolanowski et al., 1988 based on the known 2. Prefilter controller for cutaneous stimulus region For the design of the broadband controller component, i.e., the prefilter F共s兲, we first considered the typical HDT curve as a function of sinusoidal stimulus frequencies2 共Bolanowski et al., 1988兲 共shown as solid curve in Fig. 3兲. The inverse of this detection-threshold curve was regarded as the sensitivity curve, or equivalently, the “frequency response” of the human user. The perceived intensity of a signal, in dB SL, is roughly determined by the distance between the physical intensity of the signal and the detection-threshold at the corresponding frequency 共Verrillo and Gescheider, 1992兲. The effect of the human sensitivity curve on system performance is illustrated in Fig. 4. When a broadband cutaneous FIG. 3. A typical HDT curve as a function of frequency adapted from Bolanowski et al. 共1988兲 共solid curve兲 and a HDT curve obtained in the present study 共dashed curve兲. Also shown here are data points from three participants 共S1—䊊, S2—䊐, and S3—䉭兲 and the standard errors of their threshold levels. The dashed curve is a first order approximation of the detection-threshold levels for three participants along the frequency continuum. 3928 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 FIG. 5. 共a兲 Response of TactuatorII for ramp signal applied at the reference input, r1共t兲, shown as solid line. The response of the model 共dashed line兲 and actual mechanical assembly 共dots兲 showed fast response time and low overshoot. 共b兲 A comparison of the measured sensor outputs 共individual data points兲 and the predicted output levels 共solid lines兲 at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 dB SLs without the influence of human finger loading 共unloaded condition shown as unfilled symbols兲 and with the influence of human finger loading 共loaded condition as filled symbols兲. Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination variation in tactual thresholds with experimental conditions such as contact site, direction of vibrations, use of an annulus surround to restrict penetration of vibrations, etc. 共Verrillo and Gescheider, 1992; Brisben et al., 1999兲. Thus, the detection-thresholds for three highly trained participants were estimated in a psychophysical experiment. Detectionthresholds for 1-s stimulus at nine test frequencies 共1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, and 300 Hz兲 were determined with a three-interval forced-choice paradigm combined with a one-up three-down adaptive procedure 共Leek, 2001兲. Thresholds obtained this way corresponded to the 79.4-percentile point on the psychometric function. The results are shown in Fig. 3. Compared with the HDT curve determined by Bolanowski et al. 共1988兲, which were measured at the thenar eminence, the newly measured thresholds measured on the F共s兲 = 0.51 index fingerpad followed the same general trend; however, our absolute-threshold measurements were somewhat higher than those of Bolanowski et al. 共1988兲 at the lower frequencies and lower than theirs at the higher frequencies. These results were consistent with those found in other studies 共Gescheider et al., 1978; Van Doren, 1990; Goble et al., 1996兲, and those taken earlier with the Tactuator using a Proportional-Integral-Derivative 共PID兲 controller 共Tan and Rabinowitz, 1996; Yuan, 2003兲. The TactuatorII-specific HDTs were subsequently incorporated into the parameters of the prefilter controller, F共s兲. A new HDT curve based on the measured data 共dashed line in Fig. 3兲 was obtained and used as the required frequency function H共s兲 = F共s兲T共s兲. The Laplace transform of the resulting prefilter is s4 + 1797s3 + 1.822 ⫻ 106s2 + 9.779 ⫻ 108s + 1.955 ⫻ 1011 . s4 + 1134s3 + 4.313 ⫻ 106s2 + 1.337 ⫻ 109s + 1.995 ⫻ 1010 C. Controller response analysis The 2DOF controller was implemented on a SBC6711 standalone DSP card 共Innovative Integration, Simi Valley, CA兲 with a 16-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter 共ADC兲 and a 16-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter 共DAC兲 at a sampling rate of 4 kHz. The 2DOF controller design was analyzed by measuring closed-loop reference tracking and overall closed-loop frequency response in unloaded and loaded conditions. In order to readily compare the sensor feedback signal in volts with the threshold levels, the controller input reference was scaled by a factor of 0.003 97. This factor accommodated the magnitude level of the flat portion of the HDT function at lower frequencies 共26 dB with regard to 1 ␮m peak or ⫺34 dB with regard to 1 mm peak in Fig. 3, or equivalently 0.019 95兲 and the sensor gain of 0.198 98 V/mm. 1. Motion tracking Figure 5共a兲 shows the response of the TactuatorII system for ramp trajectories applied at the reference input r1共t兲 without the influence of human finger load. Shown are the responses of the model 共dashed line兲 and the actual hardware assembly 共dots兲. The slopes of the reference trajectories were 0.1, ⫺0.06, ⫺0.28, 0.04, and 0.016 V/ms, respectively. The output 共position兲 response of the hardware assembly showed that the low-frequency kinesthetic controller maintained stability of the device, and tracked the reference input with low response time 共about 10 ms兲 and with a small response overshoot. 2. Frequency response Sinusoidal reference input signals of 2-s duration at various frequencies, r2共t兲, were applied to the TactuatorII system, and the position-sensor readings were recorded. The results J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 for unloaded 共without finger load兲 and loaded 共with finger placed lightly on the fingerpad interface兲 conditions are shown in Fig. 5共b兲. The bottom solid curve corresponds to the HDT curve measured with the TactuatorII 共dashed line in Fig. 3兲, i.e., the 0 dB SL curve. The other four solid curves are at 10, 20, 30, and 40 dB SLs, respectively. The open symbols show the measured outputs at the five SLs with no finger load and the filled symbols show loaded results with a finger resting lightly on the fingerpad interface. There was generally a close match between the measured data points 共filled and unfilled symbols兲 and the expected output levels 共solid curves兲. Deviations at a few frequencies 共especially at the highest frequencies兲 were likely due to signal noise and non-linear finger loading effects at such a low signal level. Therefore, the 2DOF controllers were successful at compensating for the frequency response of the motor assembly and the HDT curve, and the feedback controller was effective at rejecting the low-frequency disturbances caused by the finger load. The engineering performance measurements presented above indicate that the 2DOF controller met the original design objectives in accurate and fast motion tracking, disturbance rejection, and broadband response shaping. Most importantly, we demonstrated the achievement of the main design objective of preserving the relative intensities of input signal spectral components in terms of dB SLs. III. SPEECH-TO-TOUCH CODING Speech features were extracted off-line in MATLAB 共The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA兲 from the digitized speech segments and were converted into tactual signals presented through all three channels of the TactuatorII. Before the processing, the speech signal was passed through a preemphasis filter that amplified the energy above 1000 Hz at a Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination 3929 FIG. 6. 共a兲 Block diagram illustration of tactile coding scheme used in the formant bands. 共b兲 Block diagram illustration of motional coding scheme. Spectral features are extracted from three bands of speech signal and presented as motional waveforms. typical rate of 6 dB/octave in order to compensate for the falling speech spectrum above 1000 Hz. Three major signal processing schemes were used for the extraction of spectral features: 共1兲 low-pass filtering, 共2兲 band-pass filtering, and 共3兲 envelope extraction scheme of Grant et al., 共1985兲. In this scheme, the band-limited signal is rectified and passed through a low-pass filter to extract its temporal envelope, which is then scaled and output with a carrier frequency, as shown in Fig. 6共a兲. The coding scheme incorporates both high-frequency tactile vibrations and low-frequency motional waveforms. A. Speech material The speech materials consisted of C1VC2 nonsense syllables spoken by two female speakers of American descent. Each speaker produced eight tokens of each of 16 English consonants 共the plosives, fricatives, and affricates: /p, t, k, b, d, g, f, ␪, s, b, v, ð, z, c, tb, dc/兲 at the initial consonant 共C1兲 location with medial V = / Ä /. The final consonant 共C2兲 was randomly selected from a set of 21 consonants 共/p, t, k, b, d, g, f, ␪, s, b, v, ð, z, c, tb, dc, m, n, G, l, r/兲. The syllables were converted into digital segments and stored as a .mov 共QuickTime Movie兲 file on the hard drive of a desktop computer 共see details of conversion in Yuan, 2003兲. The .mov files were then converted into .wav 共waveform audio兲 files by using CONVERTMOVIE 3.1 共MOVAVI, Novosibirsk, Russia兲 and with audio format set at a sampling rate of 11 025 Hz and 16-bit mono. The duration of the segments varied from 1.268 to 2.002 s with a mean duration of 1.653 s. the thumb channel by passing the low-pass filtered speech signal directly through the 2DOF controller described in Sec. II. Information from the first-formant band 共F1兲 was presented through the middle finger channel and the secondformant band 共F2兲 information through the index finger channel, using processing units described in Fig. 6共a兲. The formant band-limited signal was processed through two band-pass filters, and amplitude envelopes of these two bands were extracted and modulated with carrier frequencies of 30 and 200 Hz. The 30-Hz waveforms modulated the envelope of the lower-frequency band and the 200-Hz waveforms modulated the higher-frequency band. The two vibratory signals were added and passed through the fingerpad interface. Since the digitized speech segments were normalized to one, the vibrations were scaled to a maximum intensity of 40 dB SL. Figure 7 illustrates the vibration cues associated with two CVC segments spoken by two female speakers. The top two panels show the 30- and 200-Hz vibrations for segment / b Ä C2/ spoken by speaker 1 and the bottom two panels show the same by speaker 2. Note the similar waveforms at the two fingerpads associated with the same medial vowel /Ä/. The vowel /Ä/ has a high first formant and a low second formant. This is indicated by stronger 200-Hz vibrations than the 30-Hz vibrations at the middle fingerpad 共see the two left panels in Fig. 7兲 and significantly stronger 30-Hz vibrations at the index fingerpad 共see the two right panels兲. Cues associated with similar initial consonants are difficult to judge TABLE I. Speech bands and the corresponding vibrations through the three channels. B. Tactile coding scheme The coding scheme extracted envelopes from three distinct frequency bands 共F0-, F1-, and F2-bands兲 of the speech spectrum and presented them as vibrations 共mid- and highfrequency waveforms兲 through the three channels of the TactuatorII. Table I lists the numerical values for the frequency bands and corresponding finger channels. Spectral energy from the fundamental frequency 共F0兲 region was presented at 3930 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 TactuatorII channel Speech bands 共Hz兲 Middle finger F1-band 共300–1200兲 Index finger F2-band 共1150–4000兲 Thumb F0-band 共80–270兲 Envelope bands Carrier frequency 共Hz兲 共Hz兲 300–650 650–1200 1150–1750 1750–4000 Low-pass filtered at 30 200 30 200 270 Hz Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination FIG. 7. Illustration of vibration waveforms extracted by using the speechto-touch coding scheme. The figure shows vibration cues presented on the middle fingerpad 共left panel兲 and on the index fingerpad 共right panel兲. The cues are associated with multiple segments of / b ÄC2/ spoken by two female speakers 共Sp1 or Sp2兲. because they are not resolved for a small duration of time 共either visually or through the tactual sensory system兲. divided into ten bands. Illustration of the motion cues associated with two segments of six initial consonants in CVC format spoken by the two speakers is shown in Fig. 8. C. Motional coding scheme IV. PRELIMINARY STUDY OF CONSONANT DISCRIMINATION The coding scheme extracted frequency variations in the F0-, F1-, and F2-bands using processing blocks shown in Fig. 6共b兲 and presented them through three channels of the TactuatorII. These motion cues indicated variations of spectral energy such as formant transition cues in the consonantvowel segments and the quasi-static positions of the fingerpad interface redundantly indicated the frequency locations of energy peaks in the frequency band of each channel. As illustrated in Fig. 6共b兲, the formant band-limited signal was passed through contiguous band-pass filters in parallel and the temporal envelope of each band was obtained. The envelopes were compared and the center frequency of the band with the largest envelope value was noted at each sample instant. The center frequency was linearly mapped to the absolute reference position of the fingerpad interface that ranged ⫾12.5 mm from the neutral zero position and was low-pass filtered with a gain crossover at 8 Hz. Thus, the finger extended for high-frequency contents and flexed for the low-frequency contents in the finger band. As with the tactile coding scheme, the features from the F0-, F1-, and F2-bands were presented to the thumb, middle finger, and index finger channels, respectively. The center frequencies and bands of each band-pass filters are shown in Table II. The frequency ranges covered by the middle finger and thumb channels were divided into eight bands, while the larger range encompassed by the index finger channel was J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 A perception study was conducted on the pairwise discriminability of consonants that were processed for display through the three finger-interfaces of the TactuatorII system. A. Methods The ability to discriminate consonantal features was tested for 20 pairs of initial consonants that contrasted in voicing, place, and manner features. Each pair contrasted one TABLE II. Frequency bands for motional cues. Frequency band 共Hz兲 Filter index Middle finger Index finger Thumb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 300–400 400–500 500–600 600–700 700–800 800–900 900–1000 1000–1200 N/A N/A 1150–1300 1300–1500 1500–1700 1700–1900 1900–2100 2100–2300 2300–2500 2500–3000 3000–4000 4000 – 5000 80–100 100–120 120–140 140–160 170–200 200–220 220–240 240–260 N/A N/A Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination 3931 FIG. 8. Illustration of motion waveforms extracted by using the speech-to-touch coding scheme. Each row shows the waveforms associated with two segments of the same initial consonant spoken by two female speakers 共sp1 or sp2兲. The waveforms correspond to the formant location and formant transitions in the firstformant band 共solid line, motion waveforms at the middle finger兲 and in the second-formant band 共dashed line, motion waveforms at the index finger兲. Also shown are the locations of constriction during the production of the initial consonant. of the three features 共and had the same value for each of the other two features兲. The pairs used in the present study along with their contrasting features are shown in Table III. Out of the 20 pairs, 5 pairs contrasted in voicing, 8 pairs contrasted in place, and 7 pairs contrasted in manner. Two male participants 共ages 30 and 22 years old兲 took part in the experiments. S1, who is one of the authors, was highly experienced with the TactuatorII system, but S2 had not used the device 3932 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 prior to the present study. Both S1 and S2 were research staff members with previous experience in other types of haptic experiments. The tests were conducted using a two-interval twoalternative forced-choice paradigm 共Macmillan and Creelman, 2004兲. On each trial, the participant was presented with two tactual stimuli associated with a specific pair of consonants. The order of the two consonants was randomized with Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination TABLE III. Contrasting consonant pairs, associated articulatory and phonetic features, and average evaluation scores in C3. Pairs Articulatory features /p-b/ Bilabial plosives /k-g/ Velar plosives /f-v/ Labiodental fricatives /s-z/ Alveolar fricatives /tb-dc Affricates /p-t/ Unvoiced plosives-bilabial/alveolar /t-k/ Unvoiced plosives-alveolar/velar /b-d/ Voiced plosives-bilabial/alveolar /d-g/ Voiced plosives-alveolar/velar /f-s/ Unvoiced fricatives labiodental/alveolar /v-z/ Voiced fricatives labiodental/alveolar Unvoiced fricatives dental/post-alveolar /␪-b/ /ð-c/ Voiced fricatives dental/post-alveolar /p-f/ Unvoiced bilabial plosives/labiodental fricative /b-ð/ Voiced bilabial plosives/dental fricative /t-s/ Unvoiced alveolar plosive/fricative /d-c/ Voiced alveolar plosive/post-alveolar fricative /d-dc/ Voiced alveolar plosive/affricate /s-tb/ Unvoiced alveolar fricative/affricate /b-tb/ Unvoiced post-alveolar fricative/affricate Contrasting distinction d⬘ Voicing Voicing Voicing Voicing Voicing Place Place Place Place Place Place Place Place Manner Manner Manner Manner Manner Manner Manner 4.65 2.90 2.36 3.78 3.81 2.38 1.66 3.80 2.13 1.46 3.80 2.66 3.60 3.12 3.47 3.60 4.65 2.37 3.00 3.38 equal a priori probability in each trial. The participant was instructed to press a button corresponding to the order of the consonants presented. The duration of each stimulus interval was 2 s with an inter-stimulus-interval of 500 ms. A 150-ms auditory tone and a visual phrase indicating “stimulus 1” or “stimulus 2” were presented 250 ms before the start of each stimulus to mark the beginning of each stimulus interval. Data were collected for each consonant pair under three different experimental conditions tested in a single session: A 20-trial initial run without any feedback 共C1兲, up to four 20-trial runs with trial-by-trial correct-answer feedback 共C2兲, and a 50-trial final run without feedback 共C3兲. Condition C2 was terminated if a percent-correct score above 90% was obtained in a single run or when the participant had completed all four runs. Conditions C1 and C3 could be viewed as the initial and final assessments of the participants’ performance, while C2 provided training as needed 共although one could argue that S1 was already “trained” prior to C1兲. Half of the 256 total speech tokens were used in conditions C1 and C3 and the other half were used in condition C2. Thus, the two sounds associated with each discrimination test were represented by eight tokens apiece 共four from each of the two speakers兲. Each consonant within a pair was presented once or twice to the participant before C1 to familiarize the participant with its tactual cues. The order in which consonant pairs were tested was randomized for each participant. Each participant was tested for no more than two 40–45 min sessions on a single day, and frequent rests were encouraged. For each experimental run, a 2 ⫻ 2 stimulus-response confusion matrix was obtained, from which the percentagecorrect 共PC兲 score, the sensitivity index d⬘, and the response bias ␤ were calculated using signal-detection theory 共Macmillan and Creelman, 2004兲. The sensitivity index was set to J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 4.65 共corresponding to a hit rate of 0.99 and a false-alarm rate of 0.01兲 when the performance was perfect. During the experiment, the TactuatorII was placed to the left of the participant’s torso. It was covered by a padded wooden box that served as an armrest for the participant’s left forearm. The top of the box had an opening that allowed the participant to place the thumb, the index finger, and the middle finger on the “fingerpad interface” rods 共see inset in Fig. 1兲. Earmuff 共Twin-Cup type, H10A, NRR 29, Peltor, Sweden兲 and pink noise 共presented at roughly 80 dB SPL兲 were used to eliminate possible auditory cues. B. Results In general, performance indices increased as the participants gained more experience with the stimuli. Overall, the average sensitivity index of all pairs increased from d⬘ = 2.66 共PC= 83%兲 in C1 to d⬘ = 3.13 共PC= 91%兲 in C3. A pairwise two-sided t-test showed that sensitivity scores in C3 were significantly higher than in C1 关t共39兲 = 2.16, p ⬍ 0.05兴. The sensitivity indices averaged over the two participants for each contrasting consonant in condition C3 are shown in Table III. For consonants contrasting in the voicing, place, and manner of articulation features, the performance levels of the two participants were similar in C3 : d⬘ = 3.5 for S1 and d⬘ = 3.5 for S2 in voicing, d⬘ = 2.8 for S1 and d⬘ = 2.6 for S2 in place, and d⬘ = 3.2 and d⬘ = 3.6 for S1 and S2, respectively, in manner distinction. The response bias across the 20 consonant pairs ranged from ␤ = −0.74 to ␤ = 0.63 and averaged ␤ = 0.008, indicating that the participants generally demonstrated little or no bias in their use of the two response choices. Both participants performed perfectly in discriminating the two consonant pairs /p,b/ and /d,c/. For the remaining pairs, the participants’ relative performance levels were mixed as one participant performed better than the other with some pairs but not others. In all cases, d⬘ was greater than 1.0, a typical criterion for discrimination threshold, indicating that the coding scheme succeeded in providing the cues needed for the discrimination of the consonant pairs. V. DISCUSSION The coding scheme used in the present study was an extension of the scheme presented in Yuan, 2003, where the envelope of the low-frequency speech band 共⬍350 Hz兲 was modulated with a 50-Hz vibration at the thumb and the envelope of the high-frequency speech band 共⬎3000 Hz兲 was modulated with a 250-Hz vibration at the index finger. This scheme was successful in pairwise discrimination of initial consonants that contrasted in voicing only. On average, discriminability of roughly 90% and d⬘ of 2.4 were obtained for eight voiced-unvoiced pairs in four participants. Our coding scheme presented the low-frequency speech band 共fundamental frequency band兲 directly at the thumb and the envelopes of the high-frequency speech band 共second-formant band兲 at the index fingerpad, consistent with the scheme presented in Yuan,2003. The results of the two studies show similar performance: An average discriminability of 94% and d⬘ of 3.5 were obtained in the present study when contrasting Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination 3933 five voiced-unvoiced consonant pairs, indicating that the coding scheme used in Yuan, 2003 was a subset of the scheme used in the present study. The performance level obtained in the present study also appears to compare favorably with the results reported by earlier studies of tactual displays, where discrimination scores were generally less than 75% 共Plant, 1989; Clements et al., 1988; Galvin et al., 1999; Waldstein and Boothroyd, 1995; Weisenberger et al., 1989; Summers et al., 2005兲. In addition to incorporating the amplitude information from low- and high-frequency speech bands, as in Yuan, 2003, our coding scheme displays energy information from the mid-frequency speech band in the form of temporal envelopes as well as low-frequency motion cues from the three speech bands to the corresponding fingerpads. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that low-frequency motion cues have been used to encode speech spectral information. These cues provide both frequency location and frequency transition information of formants to the receiver’s fingerpads. The transition of formants is useful for the distinction of the place of articulation feature in consonants as indicated in Ali et al., 2001a,2001b and Jongman et al.,2000. Although some studies have presented contradictory results arguing that formant transitions are not useful for distinguishing place of articulation in consonants 关e.g., see a review by Jongman et al. 共2000兲兴, motion waveforms extracted from the speech-to-touch coding scheme in the present study 共see Fig. 8兲 indicate distinction in transitions as the place of constriction during the production of consonants varies from lips to velum. The cues associated with transition of the second formant can be observed in Fig. 8 共dashed lines兲. The index finger flexes at the onset of the initial bilabial plosive /b/ and stays flexed for the medial vowel /Ä/ 共first row兲. The index finger extends at the onset of the initial velar plosive /g/ and flexes at the onset of the medial vowel /Ä/ 共second row兲. Similarly, for fricatives, the index finger stays at the neutral zero position at the onset of the initial labiodental consonant /v/ 共third row兲 and slightly extends at the onset of the initial dental fricative /ð/ 共fifth row兲. The index finger extends for a longer duration at the onset of the initial alveolar and the post-alveolar fricatives /z/ and /c/ before it flexes at the onset of the medial vowel /Ä/ 共fourth and sixth rows兲. Thus, as the place of articulation of consonant moves from near lips 共bilabials兲 to near velum, the index finger extends more for the latter initial consonants 共corresponding to an increase in F2 associated with an effective shortening of the vocal tract for velar as opposed to labial constrictions兲. This may explain the better performance level we have achieved in the present study due to the utilization of place of articulation cues. Results of the pairwise consonantal discrimination experiments in the present study showed that both participants were able to discriminate all eight consonant pairs that differed in the place of articulation feature with an average discriminability of 88% and a d⬘ of 2.7. The results of previous studies with tactual displays indicate poor transmission of place cues. For example, Clements et al. 共1988兲 used a 12-by-12 pin tactual matrix display to present acoustic features as vibrations along the two dimensions of the display 3934 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 6, June 2009 similar to that in the spectrogram used for speech analysis. The pairwise discrimination performance of the manner of articulation and voicing features was satisfactory 共71% for voicing and 80% for manner兲 but discriminability of place of articulation distinction was poorer, i.e., 66%. Even with the multi-channel spectral display of the Queen’s vocoder studied by Weisenberger et al. 共1989兲, place of articulation was not discriminated as well as other features 共65% for place compared to 75% for manner and 70% for voicing兲. In other studies, discriminability of place of articulation was at chance level 共Waldstein and Boothroyd, 1995; Plant, 1989; Summers et al., 2005; Weisenberger and Percy, 1995; Galvin et al., 1999兲. Therefore, it appears that the present coding scheme was able to transmit the place of articulation feature more successfully than has been demonstrated previously. Consonants contrasting manner of articulation have been shown to be well discriminated with the tactile displays of previous studies, i.e., 80% in Clements et al., 1988, 75% in Weisenberger et al., 1989, ⱕ90% in Weisenberger and Percy, 1995, 70% in Plant, 1989, and ⬍85% in Summers et al., 2005. In the present study, the discriminability of manner of articulation was always greater than 90% except for the /s/-/ tb/ contrast 共88%兲 by S1 and the /d/-/dc/ contrast 共84%兲 by S2. The manner of articulation distinction is associated with coarse spectral variations in speech such as abrupt or smooth temporal variations 共e.g., plosives vs fricatives兲 or the combination of both 共as in affricates兲. The manner discrimination results obtained in the present study are comparable to the best performance obtained with previous tactile speech displays. A major distinction between the present and previous studies is that the previous displays utilized either the tactile or the kinesthetic sensory system, but not both, to transmit acoustic and phonetic features associated with consonantal and vocalic contrasts 共Bliss, 1962; Tan et al., 1997兲. The two sensory systems are perceptually independent 共Bolanowski et al., 1988; Israr et al., 2006兲 and can be utilized simultaneously to improve the transmission of features associated with speech signals. Tan et al. 共1999, 2003兲 formed a set of synthetic waveforms from the two sensory systems and demonstrated that relatively high rates of information could be transmitted through the tactual sense. In the present study, we utilized the entire kinesthetic-cutaneous sensory continuum in an effort to broaden the dynamic range of tactual perception, similar to the Tadoma method, and to improve speech transfer through the human somatosensory system. Our results demonstrate that with the new controller and the coding scheme reported here that engage both the kinesthetic and cutaneous aspects of the somatosensory system, normalhearing participants were able to discriminate consonantal features at a level that is similar to or higher than those reported by previous studies with other types of tactual speech-information displays. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by Research Grant No. R01-DC00126 from the National Institute on Deafness and Israr et al.: Tactual consonant discrimination Other Communication Disorders, National Institutes of Health. 1 The first Tactuator was developed at MIT 共Tan and Rabinowitz, 1996兲. A second device, the TactuatorII, was subsequently developed at Purdue University with essentially the same hardware. 2 The unit “dB with regard to 1 ␮m peak” is commonly used with HDTs. 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