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Training Manual for Lao Integrated Water Resources Management December 2015 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Training Manual for Lao Integrated Water Resources Management December 2015 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Asian Development Bank Technical Assistance No. 7780 National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program - Capacity Building Supported by iii Contents VI VIII Acknowledgments 1 Background 4 Introduction to the Training Manaul 5 Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Framework 6 9 13 18 23 24 27 33 38 45 46 50 56 61 69 70 73 78 83 iv Abbreviations i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Planning i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials River Basin Knowledge Development i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials IWRM-Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit and MONRE Demonstration Site Proposal Development i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials 89 90 93 99 105 113 114 116 122 125 129 130 132 135 136 155 157 158 160 166 167 187 188 190 200 201 A1 Participatory Flood Risks Management i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials Project Cycle Management i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials Introduction to Groundwater Management i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials v. Conclusions & Recommendations Collaborative Flood Modeling i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials Water Quality Management and Monitoring i. Fact Sheet ii. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules iii. Training Program Agenda iv. Training Materials Annex v I. Abbreviations vi ADB Asian Development Bank MEM Ministry of Energy and Mines AFD Agence Francaise de Development MIWRM Mekong Integrated Water Resources Management AusAid Australian Aid MONRE CDTA Capacity Development Technical Assistance Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment MPI Ministry of Planning and Investment MRC Mekong River Commission MRCS Mekong River Commission Secretariat NIWRMSP National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program CSO Civil Society Organization CTA Chief Technical Advisor DMH Department of Meteorology and Hydrology DONRE District Office of Natural Resources and Environment DPC Department of Planning and Cooperation NN Nam Ngum DWR Department of Water Resources NNRB Nam Ngum River Basin EA Executing Agency NNRBC EIA Environmental Impact Assessment Nam Ngum River Basin Committee EMSP Environmental Management Support Program NNRBCS Nam Ngum River Basin Committee Secretariat GIS Geographic Information System NNT2 Nam Theun 2 GOL Government of Lao PDR NRBMTF Nam Ngum River Basin Management Task Force IFC International Finance Corporation NREI IWMI International Water Resources Management Institute Natural Resources and Environment Institute NT-NKD Nam Thuan Nam Krading IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management NTPC Nam Theun 2 Power Company IRBM Integrated River Basin Management NUOL National University of Laos PCM Project Cycle Management KKU Khon Khaen University PIU KFW German Development Bank Group Project Implementation Unit (one for each IA) PMU Program Management Unit LAO PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic PONRE LMB Lower Mekong Basin Provincial Office of Natural Resources and Environment LNMC Lao National Mekong Committee QPR Quarterly Progress Report LFA Logical Framework Analysis RBC River Basin Committee MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry RBCS River Basin Committee Secretariat RBM River Basin Management RBO River Basin Organization SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SIA Social Impact Assessment SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats TA Technical Assistance TAF The Asia Foundation TNA Training Needs Assessment TOR Terms of Reference TWG Technical Working Group WB World Bank WERI Water and Environment Research Institute WWF World Wide Fund for Nature WREA Water Resource and Environment Administration vii Acknowledgments This Training Manual is one of the key outputs of the TA7780 Lao National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program (Lao NIWRMSP) supported and funded by Asian Development Bank, Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Afairs and Trade (formerly Australian Aid), and Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance. Government of Lao PDR’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and Department of Water Resources (DWR), the Project Executing Agency and one of the direct beneiciaries of this TA, are always grateful for the consistent supports and kindness of the development partners. Special thanks to Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, the Director of Awareness Building and Training Center of DWR and the Manager of the Component 1 of National IWRM Support Program (TA-7780) who is behind all the training arrangements and is one of the principal trainers. In addition, we would like to thank the Consultant Package 1 Team from AECOM Asia Company Limited who led the technical designs and facilitated most training programs, and compiled this viii Training Manual. The Consultant team includes Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader; Mr. Eric Tilman, International IWRM Capacity Building Specialist; Mrs. Nongnout Daothong, Senior Administrative and Finance Specialist, and; AECOM project team including Mr. Delton Ng and Ms. Maporn Lertsuridej. All the trainings would not become possible and very successful without a number of invited resource persons from various agencies from MONRE, MEM and MAF, and national and international individual expert and university professors. Great thanks to the international organization partners, including IWMI, WB, IFC, the Asia Foundation and Environmental Management Support Project (EMSP) that have consistently provided excellent technical supports in many of our trainings and have been very patient with some training program and schedule changes. And last but not least, we would like to extend our gratitude to almost 1,000 trainees across Lao PDR who attended our trainings, who we believed to fully enjoy the trainings and gain knowledge from our trainings. Background The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) led by the Department of Water Resources (DWR) is the Project Executing Agency (EA) of the National Integrated Water Resources Management Support Program (hereafter NIWRMSP or “the Program”). The implementation of the Program commenced in October 2011 will end at the end of 3rd quarter of 2015, approximately after four years. The Program has four components, which are Component 1: National Capacity Building in Integrated Water Resources Management, Component 2: River Basin Management Development, Component 3: National Groundwater Action Plan Preparation, and Component 4: Integrated Water Resources Management Education Strengthening at the National University of Lao PDR. All of the four components are designed to directly assist MONRE in implementing the National Water Resource Management Strategy and Action Plan 20102015, and to complement and coordinate other IWRM capacity building activities/projects funded by other development partners that are outside the scope of ADB TA. The outputs of the TA aim to support MONRE to settling itself in the center of coordination and facilitation of sustainable integrated water resources management (IWRM) at national, provincial, district, local and basin levels. The key outputs of the Component 1: National Capacity Building in Integrated Water Resources Management is to deliver trainings and capacity building programs in IWRM from basic to highly technical areas and issues, for diferent target groups in MONRE’s departments from national, provincial, district and local levels, water related agencies in other diferent ministries, river basin organizations and National University of Lao PDR. The main outcomes of the deliveries of these training and capacity building program are that necessary human resources and strengthened institutional capacity of the target agencies and organizations - in which at least eight speciic areas of capacity building outcomes are identiied and elucidated as: 1. Leadership: MONRE’s leadership to be widely recognized by Lao PDR institutions as a reference Center of Competence for Water and Water related Natural Resources Management; 2. Institutional Development: The mandates, duties and “day by day” activities of MONRE Departments and River Basin Committee Secretariat (RBCS) to be consistent with IWRM principles, Water Law and Environmental Law. 3. Water Law Implementation: The new Water Law shall be clearly understood by MONRE’s Departments. The respectively concerned MONRE’s Departments shall have the necessary legal framework (Decrees, Agreements, Guidelines, etc.) and the institutional capability (Mandates, Duties, day by day organization rules and clariication) to proceed to its implementation in terms of public dissemination, monitoring and enforcement. 1 4. Knowledge: Through eicient collaboration between its sector departments, MONRE shall has the capacity to develop and maintain sound integrated knowledge of water and water related natural resources to provide decision support for river basin proile development and planning, ecosystems protection, SIA and EIA, and climate change resilience. 5. Human Resources: MONRE Departments and RBCs staf shall have good overall understanding of the IWRM framework and new Water Law. The staf shall be speciically trained on IWRM topics that they need for achieving their speciic tasks. 6. Internal Communication: “Team Building” process and proactive communication instructions, guidelines and tools are developed for allowing eicient cooperation and transparent sharing of Information and data on water and water related natural resources between MONRE’s Departments. 7. IWRM Community Based And Participation: MONRE, with focus on its Provincial and Districts Branch Oices), shall has the institutional capacity and knowledge to support IWRM community based and stakeholders participation processes and projects. 8. Facilities: Facilities, test equipment and tools shall be available and provided when needed for supporting Capacity Development Outputs. The MONRE’s IWRM Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and MONRE’s IWRM Training Plan were prepared. The Training Plan was revised in late 2013 include at least key six IWRM disciplinary areas and 24 diferent training courses, which are essential for the identiied target groups. The IWRM disciplinary areas and courses are listed in the Training Plan Organization Chart below. Figure 1: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS 2 Water Security Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes As of December 2015, there have been 22 training workshops implemented, covering at least 10 training courses. The training workshops were organized to target diferent groups, including total of 966 individuals (i.e. 256 women and 720 men) across Lao PDR at national, provincial, district and community levels. The topics that are covered in the Training Manual of this TA are as follows: 1. IWRM Framework 2. Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Planning 3. River Basin Knowledge Development 4. Supporting IWRM and Community Engagement Pilot Project 5. Flood Risks and Disaster Management 6. Project Cycle Management 7. Groundwater Management 8. Collaborative Modelling 9. Water Quality Management 3 Introduction to the Training Manual The main objective of the Training Manual is to compile the information on available key resource materials in IWRM focusing speciically for Lao PDR, and for reference uses of governmental staf, NGOs, practitioners, researchers, as well as for open public. In addition, the Training Manual is also used to record and monitor the trainees who have participated in the MONRE IWRM’s training program facilitated by DWR. The record is to be used for long-term monitoring purposes for IWRM capacity building efort by MONRE. Most the training have been conducted as on-the-job based trainings. The training module is designed to support governmental staf and institutions to better understand the critical water issues at national, basin and local levels, as well as to understand each other’s roles and responsibilities in managing the water issues. The training is designed to increase their own professional capacity and to build cross-agency and multi-disciplinary team-work to tacking and solving water issues which the last is the heart of IWRM. For each of the training topic, the training manual consists of ive main parts which include: 1. Fact sheet on tracking records the training that includes all necessary information such as name of the training, training date and venue, methodologies, target groups, training evaluation results and recommendations for next steps. The evaluation of each training course was made at the end of the training by the trainees. The trainer team handed an evaluation form to the trainees to evaluate and rate the training by scores and written recommendations on each training sessions and the whole training course. 4 2. Situation analysis and training concepts that provide information and rationale of the training synthesized by international standard principles and theories, and Lao national and local case studies. Recommendations for follow-up actions are also elucidated in the last section of the concept. 3. Agenda of each of the training topic was developed on the foundation of training modules recommended by the situation analysis and concept note. The agenda of the training that was implemented is included so it can serve as an example or a model agenda that could be easily adopted by the MONRE’s trainer team upon future training programs. 4. Training Materials, which include keynote presentations, reference documents, and recommended pubic short ilms, are provided. All of the listed iles are also available for download at 5. List of participants and trainees is also included as part of the Annex. Training Manual for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Framework 5 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Framework Level and specialty: Basic and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Gain and well understand pragmatic IWRM key messages that it with the speciicities of the Lao context that would be built interactively. 2. Build a “Team Spirit” among the participants from across diferent water relevant sectors but within the same basins. 3. Develop guidelines helping to ine tune the Training Plan and coordination and communication activities. Target groups: • Governmental water agencies and staf at central, provincial, district and sub-district levels. • River basin organizations • National University of Laos Number of training days: 4.5 days per training Dates and venue of training: This training was conducted three times in diferent parts of Laos, targeting stakeholders in the region of focus. 1. For central region, 3-7 February 2014 2. For southern region, 21-25 July 2014 3. For northern region, 8-12 December 2014 Number of trainees: 1. Central region, 47 trainees (8 women and 39 men) 2. Southern region, 53 trainees (17 women and 36 men) 3. Northern region, 59 trainees (14 women and 45 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-1 List of principal trainers: Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, Training and Awareness Building Unit Director, Department of Water Resources Mr. Eric Tilman, International IWRM Capacity Building Specialist Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader Training methodologies: 6 The training was divided into three diferent sessions, in which diferent methodologies were applied. • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared by the trainees themselves • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • Field trip and ield exercise in stakeholder interviews • Small group exercises • Plenary presentations on the analysis of the local water issues that they have found and recommendations on the next steps Training materials: 1. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules 2. Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies 3. Keynote Presentations Recommended additional reference materials: 1. Existing and new draft National Lao Water Law 2. MONRE ‘s Decrees and Mandates 3. IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level 4. What is IWRM? Global Water Partnership Training assessment results and indings: I. IWRM Framework Training for Central Region was conducted in Vang Vieng District, Vientiane Province. The training was regarded as an introductory course of IWRM principles; to update IWRM knowledge for Laos and team building for MONRE, PONRE and DONRE stafs, RBC and partner agencies. Most of which trainees were from the central part of Laos. The score and feedback of this training given by the trainees was surprisingly positive. The average score was 8.5/10. It was reported by the trainees by the end of the training that this training was the very irst time ever that gave them an opportunity to meet and work with many experts from diverse water ields - and on over the water issues within their own basin and district. Many of which desired to participate in this type of training again but in diferent in-depth water areas in the future. They also ofered a few key recommendations and proposed initiatives that would bring forward to the next steps of training based on the foundation built by this training such as a development of IWRM-ecosystem based demonstration site, and participatory water monitoring for youth group in Vang Vieng. II. IWRM Framework Training for Southern Region was organized in Champasak Province. The training introduced key principles of IWRM, tools and regional best practice as well as to encourage the trainees to present and discuss their own water management issues at national and basin scales. The training focused the trainee audience in southern part of Laos. The training modules included keynote discussion, introduction of principles, tools and concept, study tour ield trip and on-the-job group exercises. IWRM concepts and practices than that the trainees in the central part. The study tour and ield trip encouraged the trainees to better understand key water issues at regional and basin scales. They learned from the training that the growing competition of water demands between mono-crop agriculture, urbanization, industry and hydropower sectors in southern Laos has been becoming rather serious but however, yet to become recognized by many. The trainees proposed DWR to organize another on-the-job training series in multi-stakeholder platform for water planning for Champasak and Attapeu Provinces in order to discuss the facing challenge of such water demand competition. The trainees scored this training 7.5 out of 10. 7 Training assessment results and indings: III. IWRM Framework Training for Northern Region was held in Luang Namtha Province. Objectives of the training were similar to that held for the central and southern regions. The slight diferences were the applications and examples from local context and training approach. The average score was among the highest than other trainings which was 9 out of 10. Due to the diiculties in communication, limited transportation options and limited national budgeting, the trainees in northern part of Lao PDR were among the most remote groups. However, the issues in water management in the northern region are perhaps among the most critical. A number of hydropower and large scale land use projects are being planned and have already been developed. These hydropower projects are however implemented in the absence of local participation, reliable social data and unknown impacts. The capacity of government staf at all levels is also limited to limited. The trainees highly appreciated the trainer team that traveled a long way for the training and this is shown through the proactive participation of the trainees. Team building was one of the most successful aspects of the training by far, and the training was able to successfully build fundamental knowledge in IWRM principles, tools, as well as provide an thorough understand on technical communication in water management. Next steps and Recommendations: 8 1. A pilot project in IWRM-ecosystem-based approach should be considered at least one per region. 2. Organize the similar training once a year with the same trainee group as to update their local water situation and monitor progress of their water management skills, and to strengthen team building. 3. Additional trainings in diferent water topics and capacity building programs should be considered, particularly for the trainee groups in the northern region. II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment. IWRM helps to protect the world’s environment, foster economic growth and sustainable agricultural development, promote democratic participation in governance, and improve human health. Worldwide, water policy and management are beginning to relect the fundamentally interconnected nature of hydrological resources, and IWRM is emerging as an accepted alternative to the sector-by-sector, top-down management style that has dominated in the past1. Many Manuals and Guidelines have been written to help mainstreaming IWRM in multi-sector investments and planning exercises. One of these manuals that was already tested in several Asian River Basin is the “IWRM Guidelines at River Basin Level” from UNESCO-NARBO2. This document explains very well the IWRM Spiral and Process to be applied for River Basin management. Several case-studies illustrate how to put the theory into practice. On a regional level, it is important to mention the document “Manual for Training Trainers in Integrated Water Resources Management in the Mekong Basin”3 carried out by MRC. IWRM is now recognized as the basic strategy for managing Water Resources in Lao PDR and tests in Pilot River Basins and Watersheds are now at diferent stage of development. But even if general guidelines are now quite well developed and understood, the implementation remains subject to many constraints that are speciic and that need tailor-made approaches. It is why implementing IWRM in Lao PDR, as in any other country world-wide, is an actual complex challenge made of success and failure stories. This training refers to the Course N° 11 in the Training Plan under the name “Legal Framework for IWRM”. Nevertheless, the concept developed in this document enlarges substantially the Legal Framework to cover the other core aspects of IWRM. In such a way, this Training will be relevant to all NIWRMSP staf of the diferent components that are involved in the various disciplines of water resources management. As it will be the irst training to be organized, it is important, in addition to speciic IWRM skills, to deliver enhancement of Team Building spirit and bases for further staf networking. The next igure allows to localize this module within the framework of the Training Plan: 1. Global Water Partnership: What is IWRM - 2. 3. 9 Figure 2: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS 10 Water Security Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes B. Expected Outputs The expected outputs are: • Pragmatic IWRM Key Messages, that it with the speciicities of the Lao context that would be built interactively with the Trainees: The Training on “IWRM Framework” is expected to develop and reinforce capacities of the Trainees for passing from IWRM Theories to Practical Implementation in Lao PDR and its river basins and watersheds. Coming out with recognized Key Messages is expected to create “Water Leadership” capacities. • Building a “Team Spirit” among the participants: This training module is an opportunity to bring the NIWRMSP stafs together and enhance Team Building amongst the participants. The training on “IWRM Framework” will meet a wide range of staf, dealing with diferent disciplines related to water resources management, around the table. This would be an actual asset for better achievement of coordination and communication among NIWEMSP components. • Provide guidelines helping to ine tune the Training Plan and coordination and communication activities. C. Main Topics Covered The training will focus on two key concepts of IWRM: • Develop relevant Water Governance Tools which include: - Legal and Institutional Tools (water law, water policies, water strategies) - Water Dialogue Tools (river basin and watershed organizations, stakeholders, information sharing, awareness, etc.) - Decision Tools (Data and Information gathering, analysis, models, etc.) • Develop step-wise process for mainstreaming IWRM in Basin and River Management (basin and watershed proile, developing a vision, road map, action plans, impacts monitoring, etc. D. Methodology As many or either a few participants have already a sound knowledge of IWRM principles and practical experience in implementation, the training will be more oriented on developing analysis of the relevance, strengths (success stories) and constraints (failure stories) referring to the respective core areas deined here above. Group discussions must allow interactivity between staf from diferent disciplines, help building Key Messages that it with the Lao speciicities, support Team Building and eventually enhance Water Leadership capacities. The methodological tools will be as follows: 1. Keynotes: In order to set up a common language amongst the participants and share knowledge and progress regarding NIWRMSP components, keynotes will be presented on these Lao case studies framing on IWRM Key Concepts for facilitating further discussions. 2. Discussion Groups: Discussion Groups will be set up for analyzing the relevance, strength and weakness of the IWRM areas in the context of water resource management in Lao PDR. 3. Role Play: Simulation of a River Basin OrganizationWater Dialogue meeting where the participants will have to represent the diferent stakeholders, represent their interests and try to ind a fair tradeof. The starting point of the role play would be virtual watershed, but having similar issues to what is generally featured in Lao PDR. The starting point of the role play would be a short watershed proile document. The participants would develop Issues and Trends, Shared Vision, elements of Road Map. 4. Field Visit: A ield visit to a watershed will be organized. Diferent elements of IWRM implementation will be reviewed by the Trainees and the Watershed stakeholders. IF the training is organized in Vientiane City, it is suggested to visit Nam Ton watershed, which is not part of NIWRMSP activities, but in which signiicant progress have been done for IWRM development (water resources monitoring, land and water use planning, water dialogue at diferent levels (villages, sectors, private investors), inter-provinces/districts collaboration. 5. Wrap Up Panel: By the end of the training, the participants would be invited to wrap up what they have cached up from the training (via a questionnaire). Key Messages, evaluation and advises for further training and capacity building steps will be delivered by a group of panelists. It is also suggested that participants develop key messages and policy recommendations on water management in Lao PDR in diferent topics and present to the high level representatives at the end of the Training. This should be a highlight of this Training course. Speciic topics will be dialogued and determined during the training. 11 E. Modules Modules Brief Content Program Module1: IWRM Governance Tools 1.1 Keynotes IWRM setting the scene water governance tools Upgrading the IWRM concept, critical lessons learnt and turning point of IWRM implementation globally and regionally. • IWRM tools (institutional, dialogue, decision); At what milestones Lao PDR has reached? • Areas for SWOT - evaluation matrix benchmarking progress 1.2 Working groups (presentations and debates) Working groups (presentations and debates): IWRM tools – strengths and weaknesses analysis based on evaluation matrix and group/plenary discussions Water governance tools SWOT analysis & bench marking WG1: Institutional Tools (water law, strategy, policy) Presentation of case studies 1. Draft water law, Q&A 2. Nam Ngum River Basin, Q&A Group work and debate - Critical analysis on strengths and weaknesses WG2: Decision Tools (data and information systems, sharing information, data & information analysis & models) Presentation of case studies 1. EIA/SIA 2. Modeling and scenarios Group work and debate – Critical analysis on strengths and weaknesses WG 3: Dialogue Tools (mapping stakeholders, organizing stakeholders meeting, information & knowledge sharing, awareness, communications, formal and informal dialogue) Presentation of case studies 1. MRC BDP basin planning 2. A case study from non-state group Group work and debate – Critical analysis on strengths and weaknesses 12 Modules Brief Content Program Module 2: IRBM Mainstreaming IWRM Process in Planning Cycles 2.1 Keynotes IWRM setting the scene – IWRM cyclic step-wise process What is/are river basin planning(s)? How do they work? • Basin-watersheds proile • Issues and trends • Vision • Road map • Action plans • Monitoring and analysis of impacts 2.2 Role play Mainstreaming IWRM in the planning cycle – “How can we work together? Where are the roles of DWR at?” Working group(s) • Developing case studies by using existing cases of river basin management in Laos i.e. Nam Ngum, Xe Bang Hien, Nam Thuan Krading and Sedone, • Simulate how RBO, Watershed Committees, Water Dialogues Platform can support the IWRM process (role play) • Critical analysis on strengths and weaknesses and debates 3.1 Field visit • Water dialogue process • Participation in river basin management • Water monitoring (surface water, groundwater, water quality) 3.2 Working group evaluation • Strengths and weaknesses of this case study 4.1 Working groups Wrapping up – writing key messages on IWRM framework • WG 1: Water Governance Tools • WG 2: Mainstreaming IWRM • WG 3: Team Building: Further steps (communications, website, on line training, etc.) 4.2 Group presentation to high level and plenery dialogue • Water policy recommendations for Lao PDR • Highlight lessons learnt from the training 4.2 Keynotes Wrapping up of M1 To M3 • Ways forward 4.3 Evaluation • Evaluation questionnaire and analysis Module 3: Field Visit Module 4: Wrapping Up and Evaluation 13 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1 Time Program Resource Person 8:00-8:30 Registration Admin 8:30-8:45 Opening remarks DG of DWR 8:45-9:00 Introduction and objectives of the training Training Unit Director Session 1: Governance Tools: Evolution of IWRM and Current IWRM Settings in Lao PDR Objectives: • To Update and upgrade the IWRM concept, critical lessons learnt and turning points of IWRM implementation globally, regionally and Laos Methodologies: • Presentations • Interactive plenary discussions 9:00-9:30 Upgrading IWRM concept and reviews of critical lessons learnt from international through national cases International IWRM Specialist Presentation and plenary dialogue Facilitator Keynote presentation 1 (English) 9:30-10:15 Institutional Planning and Settings of IWRM in Lao PDR at the Current State Planning Division Facilitator Presentation and plenary discussion Keynote presentation 2 (Lao) 10:15-10:30 Cofee Break 10:30-12:00 Laos Water Law and Legal Structures Presentation and plenary discussions – comments on the new draft law, standard structure of law River Basin Component and law division Facilitator Keynote presentation 3 (Lao) 14 12:00-13:00 Lunch 14:00-14:15 Team building exercise/game Facilitator Time Program Resource Person Session 2: Integrated River Basin Management Mainstreaming IWRM Process in Planning Cycle Objectives: • To introduce and get familiarized with IWRM Approaches and Tools (i.e. Institutional, Dialogue, Decision); At what milestones Lao PDR has reached? • Areas for SWOT – Evaluation matrix – benchmarking progress Methodologies: • Presentations • Interactive plenary discussions 14:15-16:30 Integrated River Basin Management Nam Ngum River Basin Strategies and Action Plan Presentations and Q&A; group exercises and plenary presentations International IWRM Training Specialist NNRBCS Group facilitators Keynote presentation 4 (English) 15:15-15:30 Cofee break 18:30 Dinner 15 Day 2 Time Program Resource Person 8:30-9:00 Recap from day 1 and evaluation Facilitator Session 3: Field Visit and Group Exercise Objectives: • To introduce and make familiarized of simple and rapid ield survey in diferent disciplinary areas Methodologies: • Role play • Field surveys, stakeholder interviews • Small group exercises 9:00-12:00 Introduction of role play ield exercise; Integrated River Basin Survey and Planning, and Environmental/Social Impact Assessment • Introduction of rapid assessment methodologies • Rapid livelihood/social survey • Rapid water quality monitoring • Rapid river cross section monitoring • Rapid ground water monitoring • Testing of ield equipment i.e. GPS, water monitoring tool kit, cross sector tool kit and ground water monitoring tool kit Trainee teams Facilitator *Participants will be divided into ive groups. Every group member within each group will be assigned to play a role of selected disciplinary expert such as social expert, hydrologist, ground water specialist, and biologist. They will participatory conduct river basin planning and impact assessment exercises. The role-play experts are required to collect data and key development issues at the ield and provide critical expert opinions according to their selected discipline. The collected data will be compiled and assessed for sustainable river basin planning and impact assessment exercises. Their indings will be presented and dialogued in Day 4. Q&A 10:00-10:30 Cofee Break 10:30-12:00 Laos Water Law and Legal Structures Presentation and plenary discussions – comments on the new draft law, standard structure of law Keynote presentation 3 (Lao) 16 River Basin Component and Law Division Facilitator Time Program 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:30 Travel to Nam Poa, approx. 20 mins from the training facilities Logistics team 14:00-14:30 Re-testing of ield equipment and the groups select their own sub-basin (sub-tributaries of the Nam Mong) Trainee team 14:30-16:30 Introduction of the river basin by the head of the villager Trainee team Dialogue and Q&A Facilitator 16:30 Travel back to facilities 18:30 Dinner Resource Person Day 3 Time Program Resource Person 8:00-8:30 Recap from day 2 and evaluation Facilitator 8:30-9:30 Refreshing data collection survey and integrated planning methodologies Trainee teams Introduction of dialogue and participation tools CTA Facilitator Dialogue, Q&A 9:30-10:00 Travel back to the ield – and cofee break provided in the shuttle bus Logistics team 10:00-12:00 Conduct ield exercises Training team and group facilitators 12:00-13:00 Lunch at the ield 13:00-16:30 Continue ield exercises; group work exercises, multidisciplinary planning and impact assessment Training team and group facilitators 16:30-17:00 Travel back to facilities Logistics team 18:30 Dinner 17 Day 4 Time Program Resource Person 8:00-9:00 Recap from day 3 and evaluation Facilitator Session 4: Wrapping up and Evaluation Objectives: • To analyze data and issues, and share the result of the ield surveys to plenary • To collaboratively plan for next steps towards the found water resources issues Methodologies • Small group exercises • Interactive discussions • River basin management planning exercise 8:30-12:00 Group presentations Group facilitators River basin planning dialogues and impact assessment – plenary exercises 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-16:30 Planning exercise Facilitator • Identify priorities • Identify stakeholders and target groups and area based • Identify strength and weaknesses in human capacity, institutional capacity and legal framework, inancial capacity, and enabling environment • Step by step planning with timeframes Day 5 Time Program Resource Person 8:00-10:30 Recap from day 4 Trainee teams Group presentations on inding issues and water resources planning 18 10:30-10:30 Cofee break 10:30-11:30 Course evaluation 11:30 Travel back CTA IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: IWRM Principles and Topics for Training Plan and Capacity Building (English) 19 Keynote presentation 2: Laos Water Resources Management and Planning (Lao) 20 Keynote presentation 3: Lao Related Water Law and Decrees (Lao) 21 Keynote presentation 4: Introduction of Integrated River Basin Management (English) 22 Training Manual for Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Planning 23 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Planning Level and specialty: Basic and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Understand the concepts, key approaches and tools of integrated river basin management (IRBM) and planning. 2. Have extensively shared, dialogued and learnt of critical experiences, challenges, and key issues in IRBM and planning. 3. Have the capacity to adopt those concepts and tools for a design of planning, facilitating and monitoring of IRBM project, as well as for their own current projects. 4. Have strengthened team work skills. Target groups: This training was speciically designed to target trainees located in Nam Thuan and Xaybangfai Basins and with the primary objective to support the World Bank Mekong IWRM Project – Xaybangfai Flood Management Component. The trainees include: • Governmental water agencies and staf at central, provincial, district and sub-district levels; • River basin organizations; • National University of Laos; • Hydropower operators and • Local communities and impacted groups. Number of training days: 4.5 days per training Dates and venue of training: This training was conducted in Thakhek District, Khammouane Province, Nam Thuan and Xaybangfai Basin on 26-30 May 2014 Number of trainees: 51 Trainees (12 women and 39 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-2 List of principal trainers: Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, Training and Awareness Building Unit Director, Department of Water Resources Mr. Eric Tilman, International IWRM Specialist Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader 24 Training methodologies: The training was divided into six diferent sessions, and diferent methodologies were used. The methodologies employed include: • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared by the trainees themselves • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • In-depth study tour of Nam Thuan 2 Hydropower • Field trip and ield exercise in local stakeholder interviews • Small group exercises • Plenary presentations on the analysis of the local water issues that they have found and recommendations on the next steps Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommended additional reference materials: 1. River Basin Planning Principles, Procedures and Approaches for Strategic Basin Planning 2. From Local Watershed Management to Integrated River Basin Management at National and Transboundary Levels 3. Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Assessment in Lao PDR 4. Draft - Lao National River Basin Atlas, 2015, Department of Water Resources Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Keynote Presentations Short Documentary Film 25 Training assessment results and indings: Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Planning Training successfully achieved all the four training objectives despite the fact that most trainees have rather limited background in IRBM skills prior to the training. The average training assessment score was given 8/10. It was found in the very irst day of the training that many trainees were not familiar with IRBM/IWRM concept and had limited capacity in technical communication and critical water issues within their basins. Most of the trainees have never experienced such training nor they have participated in this type of training. Thus, the trainees appreciated the efort given by trainer team. The trainees also highly appreciated the ield trip and on-thejob training exercises, in which helped them to better understand their roles and responsibilities, to understand how to use the team work approach to solve conlicts and most importantly to understand the challenging situation in water resource management within their own basins and region. As part of the training, the trainees had the opportunity to visit of Nam Thuan 2 Hydropower and have had extensive dialogues with NNT2 Hydropower experts. The trainees also went to visit and interview afected communities in the Xaybangfai basins in order to learn about beneits and impacts resulting from the hydropower development as well as other associated issues, such as deforestation and climate change. Once the trainees had learned and gained conidence about IRBM principles and critical water issues in the basins, which include lash loods, soil erosion and poor water quality. Towards the end of the training, the trainees proposed to DWR for further technical assistance to facilitate a stakeholder platform between NT2 Hydropower Operators, MONRE and Xaybangfai communities in order to discuss on the EIA/SIA, the beneits distribution and impact mitigation measurement for Xaybangfai local communities. Next steps and Recommendations: 26 • Additional trainings in lood management, stakeholder platform facilitation and SIA/EIA. • Organize the similar training once a year with the same trainee group as to update their local water situation and monitor progress of their water management skills, and to strengthen team building. II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication Managing River Basins and Watersheds is one of the IWRM areas. Integrated river basin management (IRBM) may be deined as the process of coordinating conservation, management and development of water, land and related resources across sectors within a given river basin, in order to maximize the economic and social beneits derived from water resources in an equitable manner while preserving and, where necessary, restoring freshwater ecosystems4. The key elements to a successful IRBM initiative are5: • A long-term vision for the river basin, agreed to by all the major stakeholders. • Integration of policies, decisions and costs across sectoral interests such as industry, agriculture, urban development, navigation, isheries management and conservation, including through poverty reduction strategies. • Strategic decision-making at the river basin scale, which guides actions at sub-basin or local levels. • Efective timing, taking advantage of opportunities as they arise while working within a strategic framework. • Active participation by all relevant stakeholders in well-informed and transparent planning and decisionmaking. • Adequate investment by governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations in capacity for river basin planning and participation processes. • A solid foundation of knowledge of the river basin and the natural and socio-economic forces that inluence it. There are actually many ways for building IRBM that have been experimented worldwide6. Conducting IRBM is generally understood as a spiral process; each cycle of the spiral comprising several steps. It is expected that the next cycle of the spiral will be better managed than the previous one, after evaluation and lessons learned. The key steps are globally as follows: (i) establishing a river basin proile and mapping the stakeholders; (ii) develop water dialogue amongst the stakeholders for identifying issues and opportunities and developing shared vision; (iii) together with the stakeholders, develop a road map with short, middle and long term strategies; (iv) from the road map, develop actions plans that will be mainstreamed into the socio-economic development plan at diferent level (national, provincial and district) or that may be part of the legal framework; (v) monitor and evaluate the implementation of the actions plans which will be an entry for updating each of the steps during the next cycle. A cycle may reasonably cover a period of 5 years. The experience world-wide shows than the most important key of success is the strong commitment of all the actors (institutional, private, NGOs, and Civil Society) at all stage of the process. Coordinating this commitment among the stakeholders is sometimes called “Water Dialogue”, which is actually a concept already utilized in Lao PDR and in the Mekong region7. It is generally admitted that it is necessary to have an institutional body for maintaining this dialogue and establishing rules for making it transparent, fair and constructive. This support is sometimes called RBO, but there is many other naming such as River Basin Authority, River Basin Initiative, etc. The role and functions, as well as the members and the way of functioning may be very diferent from a country to another8. This last point is important for Lao PDR because there is still serious questioning in relation with the concept of “RBO” and “Watersheds Committees”, their role, functions and memberships. 4. Adapted from Integrated Water Resources Management, Global Water Partnership Technical Advisory Committee Background Papers, No. 4, 2000.) 5. WWF: 6. Several examples are shown in the website under this reference: tag/Basins%20&%20Watersheds%20Management%20Plan 7. See Mekong Water Dialogue: 8. Numerous example of such organizations are shown in under the reference: k2/itemlist/tag/Basins%20&%20Watersheds%20Organisations 27 By the end, and referring to the deinition given in the 1st paragraph, the role of the institution leading the RBM process (in our case MONRE/DWR) is mainly a role of: • Coordination of the diferent steps of the IRBM cycle • Coordination of the water dialogue process • Support for the institutional design and the implementation of the related organization where this dialogue will be maintained and where the RBM coordination may be developed (RBO or any other name) IRBM is actually the 3rd statement of the Lao National Water Resources Policies “Integrated water resource management plans are prepared in priority in river basins, sub-basins and groundwater aquifers”. In this context, Lao PDR has started the implementation of several related projects, mainly with the support ADB (Component 2) and WB (Component 3.1). Actually, IRBM is one of the key tasks actually developed at MONRE/DWR levels. As a consequence, several Professional staf have got already extended skills and experiences in this topic. It is why, it will be important to get this staf involved in the training preparation and implementation as resource persons. • Monitor the river basin status, ensure a suicient level of knowledge (River Basin Proile) and develop tools for sharing these information amongst the stakeholders. Figure 3: Integrated River Basin Management Cycle Basin Profile Stakeholders Mappnig Monitor & Evaluate Water Dialogue Issues and Oppotunities Shared Vision River Basin Management plan To be mainstreamed into the Socio-economic Development Plans River Basin Road Map 28 Lao PDR is nearly entirely comprised in the Mekong River Basin. Within this framework, Mekong Basin Development Plans have been drafted. It is therefore important, as part of the training, to frame the River Basin Management in Lao PDR into the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) context. In addition, at national level and in a context of decentralization, managing river basins that are shared between provinces and districts is also challenging. Both may refer to trans-boundary river basin management, which means that additional levels of multi-stakeholders collaboration, based on administrative and national boundaries, must be considered. dialogue (Water dialogue) to higher level of institutions (Province, National, Regional); (ii) to coordinate a planning process that will have to be inserted into several decentralized socio-economic development plans and (iii) sometimes, to ind the way within diferent political, legal and institutional frameworks (mainly the case when considering the LMB). Another approach is to identify the factors to be considered for “smooth relationships” between upstreamdownstream such as minimum low, water quality, natural low cycle, river ecology, groundwater, etc., and establish mutually accepted rules for maintaining these factors within reasonable ranges. Actually, trans-boundary management is adding new challenges in comparison with basin being entirely comprised in one administrative unit. The challenge are essentially (i) to extent the multi-stakeholders This training will refer to the Courses N°2 (“River Basin Development Planning) and N°3 (Trans-boundary River Basin Management) in the Training Plan. This training module is part of the Training Plan: Figure 4: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Water Security Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) 29 B. Expected Outputs The expected outputs are: • Understanding the 5 steps of the IRBM cycle • Understanding the concept of “Stakeholders mapping” and the role of the diferent groups of Stakeholders when developing shared vision, river basin road map, river basin management plan and monitoring tools • Understanding diferent possible approaches and coordination tools for developing water dialogue framework and conducting RBM process (e.g. RBO, River Basin Authority, etc.) • Understanding the additional challenges and coordination tools when the RB is shared (i) between diferent administrative entities (Provinces, Districts) and (ii) between diferent countries. • Identiication of key factors of success for RBM implementation in the speciic case of Lao PDR C. Main topics covered The topics that will be covered by this training are listed below. They will be developed with a wide perspective, not going into much into details. Other trainings will be organized in order to go deeper into the details of some of the areas covered by this training. • The 5 steps of the RBM cycle: (i) Basin Proile; (ii) Water Dialogue for identiication of issues, opportunities (where we are now…) and develop shared vision (where do we want to go…) ; (iii) Basin road map (What to do to go where we want…); (iv) Basin Management Plan: generally based on the 5 years socio-economic plan – how to mainstream this plan into the existing legal and administrative framework; (v) Monitoring tools • Stakeholders identiication - Water Dialogue Framework – Water Leadership: Methods for identify and mapping the stakeholders of the RB and deinition of the Water Dialogue Framework and Water Leadership • Models of Coordination Tools for developing the Water Dialogue Framework: Through casestudies – International, regional and national, show diferent models of Coordination Tools (RBO, River Basin Authority, Watersheds initiative, etc.) 30 • Additional challenges when facing transboundary basins: Important factors to consider for “smooth relationships” between upstreamdownstream such as minimum low, water quality, natural low cycle, river ecology, groundwater, etc. • Analysis of key constraints and factors of success: Actually, the implementation of RBM may be jeopardized, or at least hindered by numerous constraints that are generally very speciic to the country context and also the basin issues and actors. During the training, the participants will try to identify these key constraints and factors of success, from the various experiences in Lao PDR and in LMB. D. Methodology to be developed As many participants have already a sound knowledge of RBM principles and practical experience in implementation, the training will be more oriented on: • Getting a wider perspective of the diferent possible options for developing RBM and the related coordination tools (through a presentation of international and regional case-studies); • Developing analysis of the constraints and key factor of success in the speciic case of Lao PDR. The Training will be organized using the following modalities: • Formal Presentation (Lecturer): Deinition and concepts for: - Steps of the RBM cycle; - Stakeholders Analysis and Water Dialogue; - Coordination tools (RBO, Watershed Committees, etc.); - Trans-boundary challenges. • Case-studies and Discussions Group: Presentation and Group Discussions on case studies related to: - River Basin Management Plans - Coordination Tools (RBO, Watershed Committees, etc.) • Discussions Groups: Identiication of: - Key factor of success when developing RBM E. Modules Modules Brief Content Program Module 1: The IRBM Steps and Cycles • Basin proile • Issues, opportunities and vision • Road map • River basin Management plan • Monitoring Formal presentation of the concepts Module 2: Case-Studies River Basin Management Plan Sort out 4 case-studies (2 International, 1 regional and 1 Lao) • Compare the global context • Compare key elements of methodologies Discussion groups (4 groups) Module 3: Stakeholders Analysis and Water Dialogue • Stakeholders analysis • Water dialogue • Water leadership Formal presentation of the concepts Module 4: RBOs Coordination Tools • General role and functions • Possible options Discussion groups (4 groups) Module 5: Case-Studies RBOs - Coordination Tools Sort out 4 case-studies (2 International, 1 regional and 1 Lao) • Compare the global context • Compare key elements of methodologies Discussion groups (4 groups) Module 6: Transboundary Challenges • National “Transboundary” Basins • LMB context Formal presentation of the concepts Module 7: Key Factors of Success • Identify the key factors of success in Lao PDR Discussion groups 31 Figure 5: River Basin Map of Lao PPR 32 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1 Time Program Resource Person 8:30-8:40 Welcome speech PONRE Khammouane 8:40-8:50 Opening speech Training Director 8:50-9:15 Introduction of the training CTA Introduction of participants and sharing expectations Session 1: River Basin Management Steps and Cycle Objectives: • To introduce and dialogue on key international concepts, each steps and deinitions of IRBM, as well as to exchange experiences and key challenges at national and project levels, considering in the last ten years of IRBM implementation in Laos. Methodology: • Technical and lesson learnt presentations and active dialogues 9:15-10:00 Introduction of River Basin Management • IRBM Steps and Cycle • Terms and deinitions • Discussions International IWRM Specialist Keynote presentation 1 (English) 10:00-10:30 Institutional Setting of RBM in Laos. • Current management plan (Nam Thuan Nam Krading) • Experiences and challenges • Discussion 10:30 -10:45 Break Training Director Session 2: Stakeholder Analysis, Participation and Assessment Tools Objectives: • To introduce theoretical concepts, systematic thinking frameworks, tools and cases, as well as to exchange experiences of “stakeholder analysis” “RB participation” and “assessment” in both policy and project levels and in diferent stages of implementation. Methodology: • Presentations and active discussions • Group discussions • Short ilms and discussions 10:45 –12:00 Stakeholder Analysis and Participation Tools • Analysis of projects or planning • Stage of planning and management • Case of Nam Thuan project • Tools and approaches • Discussions International IWRM Specialist Keynote presentation 2 (English) 12:00-13:00 Lunch 33 Day 1 Time Program Resource Person 13:00-13:45 Short documentary: community participatory river management • Discussion Facilitator (CTA) Short ilm: Thai Baan Research, a case study of local wisdom and self-community river basin awareness building 13:45-14:30 Case studies - community isheries in Laos • Discussion National Training Specialist Keynote presentation 3 (Lao) 14:30-14:45 Break 14:45-15:00 Team building – Game Facilitator 15:00-16:30 CIA/EIA/SIA and implementing cases in Lao PDR New E/SIA Law in Laos • Discussion ESIA Department, MONRE Program Resource Person Day 2 Time Session 3: River Basin Planning and River Basin Organization Objectives: • To introduce and dialogue on concepts, approaches and tools of RB planning and RBO, and actual implementation experiences and key challenges Methodology: • Presentation and active discussions • Plenary discussion • Group exercise to assess strengths and weaknesses of RBOs and national RBM implementations, as well as to provide concrete recommendations in participatory fashion 8:30-8:45 Recap from Day 1 Group Representatives 8:45-10:30 River Basin Organization • Concepts, expected roles and responsibilities of RBO International IWRM Specialist Case studies and experience • Nam Ngum Basin Organization • Nam Thuan-Kra Ding River Basin Committee Group and plenary discussions Keynote presentation 4 (English) 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45: 12:00 Key development and management challenges of RBM in Laos Presentation on lessons learnt and experience • Land use and rubber plantation • Climate change 34 12:00-13:00 Lunch Researchers in Laos DAY 2 Time Program Resource Person 13:00-13:30 Short documentary: key challenges in RBM • Discussion Facilitators 13:00- 14:30 Technical planning tools and experiences • Scenarios/modeling tools • GIS DWR Modelling Unit Keynote presentation 5 and 6 (Lao) 14:30-14:45 Break 14:45-15:00 Team building - game Facilitator 15:00-16:30 Planning tools and experiences Facilitator Group exercises 18:00 Dinner Day 3 Time Program Resource Person Session 4: Site Visits: Hydropower Development Project Objective: • To compliment this IRBM training course by actual case and ield studies of one of the most critical project implementations that has large impacts upon the river basins in Laos. The trainees will have opportunities to learn about the complexity of how large-scale project plays the critical roles in changing the face of the river courses and basins in conjunctions with national and social development, and river basin conservation. Methodology: • Field visits and key stakeholder interviews 8:30-10:00 Travel to NTPC PONRE Khammouane 10:00-12:00 NTPC presentation • Project development • Stakeholder participations • Impact mitigation • Beneit sharing NTPC2 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:30-15:00 Site visit to NTPC • Hydropower • Resettlement areas PONRE / NTPC2 15:30-16:30 Travel back to Khammouane Province Admin team 35 Day 4 Time Program Resource Person Session 5: Trans-boundary Management and Challenges Objective: • To supplement the Day 5 learning with the complication of trans-boundary issue. Methodology: • Field visits and key stakeholder interviews. 8:00-8:30 Recap from day 3 Group representatives 8:30-09:30 Travel to Xai Bang Fai Admin team 09:30-10:00 Brieing on Xai Bang Fai management and key issues DONRE 10:00-12:00 Site visit, meet villagers Group representatives 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:00 – 14:00 Travel back to the meeting place Admin team 14:00-14:30 Break Admin team Session 6: Group Exercise Objective: • Based on the training of the last four days, it expects the trainees to be able to adopt the approaches and tools, as well as to identify critical opportunities and gaps of Nam Thuan and Xai Bang Fai Basins for a brief proposal development of IRBM planning. The proposal plan will be presented to the Khammouane authorities and stakeholders. Methodology: • Small group exercises. • Proposal presentations. • Plenary discussion. 14:30-16:30 Small group exercise Each group conducts IRBM planning of Nam Thuan and Xai Bang Fai Basins by picking up key challenges that they have learnt from the previous days of training (More detail of the exercise to be given later). 36 IWRM Training Specialist Day 5 Time Program Resource Person 8:30-8:45 Recap from day 4 Group representatives 8:45-10:00 Continued group exercise IWRM Training Specialist 10:00-10:20 Break Admin team 10:20-11:30 Presenting each Plan to Khammouane Provincial Governor and PONRE Group representatives Plenary discussion 11:30-12:00 Training evaluation Mr. Chanthaphone 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:30 -18:00 Travel back Admin team 37 IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: Introduction of River Basin Management (English) 38 Keynote presentation 2: Stakeholder Analysis and Participation Tools (English) Figure 6: Who are Stakeholders Local Water Users ❱ Government Agencies ❱ Private Sector (industry, mining hydropower) ❱ Civil Society, NGOs 39 Keynote presentation 3: Fisheries Co-Management in Laos (Lao) 40 Keynote presentation 4: River Basin Organizations (English) 41 Keynote presentation 5: Introduction to GIS and GPS (Lao) Figure 7: ລະບົບພູມີສາດ 1 ລະບົບຂ່າວສານພູມີສາດ (Geographic Information System: GIS)   2 ລະບົບກຳນົດພິກັດເທິງໜ້າໂລກ (Global Positioning System : GPS)   3 ລະບົບ ສຳຫຼວດຂໍ້ມູນ ຈາກໄລຍະໄກ (ດາວທຽມ) (Remote Sensing= RS) ຂໍ້ມູນ  1 ວາງແຜນ   42 ຂ່າວສານພູມີສາດ Geo-Informatics 2 ຈັດຕັ້ງປະຕິບັດ ຜົນຮັບ: ສ້າງແຜນທີ່, ຕິດຕາມກວດກາ ຊັບພະຍາກອນທຳມະຊາດ, ສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ ແລະ ໄພພິບັດຕ່າງໆ    3 ຕັດສິນໃຈ Keynote presentation 6: General Knowledge on Modelling (Lao) 43 Short ilms: Thai Baan Research, a case study of local wisdom and self-community river basin awareness building Figure 8: Thai-Baan: The Life Pulse of the Songkhram (1/2) Figure 9: Thai-Baan: The Life Pulse of the Songkhram (2/2) 44 Training Manual for River Basin Knowledge Development 45 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: River Basin Knowledge Development From River Basin Proile to River Basin Information System Level and specialty: Medium level and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Gain improved knowledge and capacity to understand concepts and practical methodologies in developing river basin knowledge. 2. Gain improved capacity to classify and prioritize types of river basin knowledge - and identify pilot sites with suitable/participatory methodologies for on-the-job training to develop river basin proiles in Lao PDR. 3. Gain practical ield experience in conducting ield level studies in data collection and analysis 4. Build up a multi-disciplinary team in developing a work-plan and proposal for river basin knowledge development in their own region with realistic goals, objectives, and step by step outputs. Target groups: River basin managers from central, provincial, district and river basin levels. River Basin Organizations, University of Laos Number of training days: 3 days Dates and venue of training: This training was already conducted two times for diferent target groups. 1. For Central and Northern regions that include Nam Tha, Nam Ou and Nam Ngum Basin, held in Vientiane Capital on 29 September – 1 October 2014 2. For southern region that include Nam Thuan-Nam krading, Xaibangfai, Xaybanghien and Sekong Basin, held in Thakhek District, Khammouane Province, on 13-15 October 2014 Number of trainees: 1. 77 trainees (17 women and 60 men) 2. 49 trainees (19 women and 30 men ) List of trainees: See Annex A-3 List of principal trainers: Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, Training and Awareness Building Unit Director, Department of Water Resources Ms. Kate Lazarus, Senior Operation Oicer, IFC Ms. Nancy Kim, Country Coordinator, The Asia Foundation Mr. Eric Tilman, International IWRM Specialist Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader 46 Training methodologies: The training was divided into four diferent sessions which exploited diferent methodologies that include: • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared by the trainees themselves • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • Multi-disciplinary team set-up and building • Primary and secondary database analysis • Field trip and ield exercises in sampling, hydrological survey, biodiversity survey, bio-monitoring survey, rapid social and livelihood survey, local stakeholder interviews and use of scientiic equipment • Small group exercise and plenary presentations • Work plan development Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommended additional reference materials: 1. Xaybangfai-Xaybanghien River Basin Proile, Department of Water Resources 2. Nam Ngum River Basin Proile, Nam Ngum River Basin Committee Secretariat Training assessment results and indings: River Basin Knowledge Development Training was held twice - once in Vientiane Capital and again in Khammouane Province, targeting diferent groups of trainees. Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Keynote Presentations Oicial Guidelines Documents The irst round of training, “River Basin Knowledge Development Training for Central and Northern Regions”, was held on 29 September - 1 October 2014, in Vientiane Capital. The training targeted the trainees from northern and central part of Lao PDR. 77 participants attended the irst training. Those trainees were representing three key river basins of northern and central parts of Lao PDR, which are Nam Ou, Nam Tha and Nam Ngum River Basin. This training was a co-funded activity between International Finance Corporation and ADB TA 7780, and in partnership with WB-MIWRM Project and The Asia Foundation. The training was collaboratively prepared with all the technical teams from DWR, IFC, WB-MIWRM Project and The Asia Foundation (TAF) through a number of technical discussion meetings, in order to identify and reine the most suitable approach and methodology, as well as to prepare an acceptable co-funding plan. The training introduced basic knowledge and key principles of the river basin knowledge development, concentrating on how to make “river basin proile”. The training also separately facilitated a ield trip and on-the-job training group exercises by grouping the trainees into their respective basins i.e. Nam Tha, Nam Ou and Nam Ngum Basins. 47 Training assessment results and indings: This training received a fair amount of positive feedbacks and it was assessed to have partly met its objectives. Many recommendations given by the trainees were mostly about the potential improvement of the adopted methodology speciic to each of the basins. For example, the number of sampling for ield survey sites proposed for basin proile development was too few, and therefore limits the ability to upscale to cover a bigger region i.e. the entire river basin. Every trainee also agreed that the river basin knowledge or the development of the river basin proile must be able to give a good overview picture of the whole basin, as well as to address the key issues and hot spots. Case studies would also beneit the training and would be necessary to provide in-depth information. It was also suggested that the content of the teaching materials and the information on river basin proile must be updated and disseminated regularly due to the rapidly changing face of land use as the result of industrial development, hydropower development, urbanization, deforestation as well as climate change. All trainees were excited to continue gathering knowledge and information about their own basins. The representatives from Nam Ngum River Basin proposed to improve their own 2013 State of the Basin Report if they have the technical guidance and inancial support. The representatives from Nam Tha River Basin requested funding from DWR to start a river basin proile development initiative for Nam Tha Basin. The representatives from Nam Ou Basin expressed their desire to work closely with IFC to develop the Nam Ou basin proile under IFC/Australian Aid support. The average assessment score received by all the trainees was 6 out of 10. 48 The second training, “River Basin Knowledge Development Training for Southern Region”, was organized in Thakhek district in Khammouane Province on 13-15 October 2015. There were 49 trainees representing Nam Thuan-Nam Krading, Xaybangfai, Xaybanghien and Sekong Basins. The objectives of this training were similar to the previously implemented training for the central and northern regions. However, the methodology and approach were revised and improved based on the recommendations and lessons learnt received from the irst training. The WB-MIWRM Project and TAF were participating as the partners of this training. TAF contributed a big team of resource persons and assisted in facilitating the ield survey exercises. The training provided the opportunities to Xaybangfai-Xaybanghien and Sekong Basin teams to present their on-going work in River Basin Proile development. The training also encouraged the participants to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing works. The key issues identiied include the lack of accurate data and the lack of community engagement. For instance, the irst and secondary data used in the development of river basin proile were not well-presented and veriied and thus widen the knowledge gap rather than closing the gap. It was also pointed out during the training that the basin proile was prepared without the participation of the local communities in the basins, and therefore could be improved. The trainers introduced a methodology that prioritizes and addresses the critical issues of the basins. The trainers also emphasized the target-user approach to be incorporated during the planning stage for river basin proile development. The introduction and discussion of new community engagement method received positive feedbacks from the participants. Most found the newly introduced method to be very useful and relevant to the making of good river basin proile. The trainees appeared to be very satisied with the training. The average score of the training is 8 out of 10. The Xaybangfai-Xaybanghien team (which is currently supported by the WB-IWRM Project) submitted the request to the ADB team and TAF team to provide further assistance for the continuous development of their river basin proiles. Next steps and Recommendations: 1. Identify clearer target stakeholders who will use and beneit the river basin knowledge. 2. Further engagement with technical experts in knowledge building especially with the Xaybangfai-Xaybanghien Basin team. 3. Organize the similar training once a year with the same trainee group as to update their local water situation and monitor progress of their water management skills, and to strengthen team building. 49 II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication All decisions generally rely on knowledge, experience and lessons learn. Knowledge is actually an essential pillar for decision making for the River Basin Managers and Stakeholders. A good starting point for knowledge acquisition is what we call a “River Basin Proile”. It consists to gather information and data on various topics like physical and geographical location of the river basin, hydrology and meteorology, socioeconomy, natural resources and potential development. A river basin proile generally includes a chapter that tends to identify the pressure on natural resources that may result from the expected development. Several River Basin Proile exercises have been carried out in Lao. It may have been developed within the framework of the MRC (LMB Basin Development Program), as part of national sub-basins to be aggregated into a broader Mekong Basin perspective. It may also have been developed within the framework of target basins like the case recently in Nam Ngum, Nam Ton and Nam Ou. In Lao PDR, the River Basin Proiles are generally carried out in a “one shot” perspective, very often driven by a project implementation. This means that the expected output is a River Basin Proile Report which, when delivered is considered as the end to the process. This report is used as a “baseline survey” reference but become rapidly obsolete until a new exercise may be organized when interests and funds are available. Drafting a River Basin Proile is quite a substantial and expensive work that requests a good skilled team and a positive collaboration of the diferent sector’s agencies in order to get access to the information and be allowed to share it in the Basin Proile report. A good point is that the activities organized by the Teams who conduct the River Basin Proile generally allow creating a momentum for inter-agencies cooperation on the issue of natural resources management and the pressure that socio-economic development may generate on these resources. This is actually at the heart of IWRM perspectives. But the fact that the process is as said a “one shot” perspective makes that this momentum is rapidly lost. 50 In addition, summarizing the knowledge in a traditional basin proile report does not allow taking proit of the new knowledge acquisition means and information technologies that are now at our disposal. For example, videos are a wonderful tool for keeping memory of local knowledge. For example as well, Models, GIS and other information tools allow frequent updated analyses and following up of river basin issues and risks. This is much more eiciently than going back to the baseline survey and manually reporting the data into a spread sheet, even if, for simple case, this method may remain the good option. The River Basin Proile exercise should take into consideration extended inal outputs. Ideally, we should think now, as ultimate goal, about setting up networking and dissemination mechanisms allowing having permanent (or quasi-permanent) access to the information available at diferent sector agencies and other potential partners. By the end, it could provide regular (or even automatic) update of the basin proiles and therefore make easier the following up of the major trends in terms of development and impact on the resources. This would be a dynamic process instead of a static one. It is important to note that this concept has been developed in many countries, using widely the possibilities of networking the relevant stakeholders around an information sharing platform. Nearly all Ministries in charge of Water Resources Management are now developing or planning to develop platforms or portals for such purpose. This may be a huge shift as well in terms of IWRM approaches and Water Governance considering networking as part of a signiicant step forward into the process of interagencies collaboration. For that reason, we suggest for this training module to revisit the concept of “River Basin Proile” replacing it by a more updated terminology which would be “River Basin Information System”, as a result of a process of knowledge development. This implies focusing on the following topics: • Objectives of “River Basin Knowledge” Development: Final output should move from a static “River Basin Proile Report” to a dynamic “River Basin Information System” allowing shared access to updated and reliable information • What may the indirect outputs of the Knowledge Development?: The “River Basin Information system” is a tool that would help to develop among others (i) awareness material; (ii) vision development (where we are, where we are going, where we want to go); (iii) road map objectives and monitoring (evolution of selected indicators); (iv) data analysis and modelling for helping the decision process; (v) monitoring • What kind of Knowledge?: Knowledge must be classiied: - Selectivity and Priorities - Do not try to be too much comprehensive: Gathering knowledge may prove to be very expensive as well as time and resources consuming. It must be decided beforehand what knowledge is actual essential, what is useful and what is not that relevant. We may refer to the concept of Table of Contents of a classic River Basin Proile. This shows sometimes that chapter may not be realistic in the limits of a reasonable cost/value added concept. - Updating Needs: Some of the knowledge will not change in a reasonable timeline (geology, topography) and some of the knowledge is moving rapidly (socio-economic development, biodiversity, etc.). - Format: Some knowledge are igures that may be stored in data base for further statistical analysis or models, some knowledge analysis are written description, and local knowledge should be ideally stored in a form of pictures or videos (e.g. interviews or meeting). • Where is the knowledge?: The knowledge is generally accessible from very scattered sources: sector agencies, private sector, local knowledge, and this on various formats i.e. data and igures but also existing reports and all the experience that is stored in the memories of the experts and stakeholders. Selectivity and reasonable criteria must be applied here as well. Better to succeed to network a few number of reference agencies/stakeholders than failing in trying to build a comprehensive network of partners from the beginning. • What Methodology must be developed?: How to develop institutional and technical mechanisms that will allow networking the information from the sector agencies on a long term basis rather than to organize complex meetings where the representative of each agency is carrying his information in his bag. • At what level knowledge development should be carried out?: A logic level would be the River Basin level that could integrate their own sub-basins and some neighbor local stand-alone watersheds (like Nam Ton, a direct tributary of the Mekong). But it is not the only option. Ideally, it should be aggregated or networked at National Level. A lot of diferent options were developed around the world. The next igure allows to localize this module within the framework of the Training Plan: 51 Figure 10: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS 52 Water Security Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes B. Expected Outputs The output of this training module is: • The trainees have basic knowledge and capacities for understanding the concepts of River Basin Proile, Knowledge Development and River Basin Information System (Objectives, selective content, static and dynamic information). • They are trained on steps and methodologies to be set up both at institutional and technical levels to create mechanisms to network agencies and relevant stakeholders to build this information. • There are basically able to understand the diferent options to store and share the information (information management, concept of web portal, etc.) C. Main Topics Covered The Modeling module would be composed of three sections: 1. Knowledge Development: Deinition: Objectives and outputs • Deinition of “River Basin Proile Report”; “Knowledge”; “River Basin Information System” • Setting up the potential objectives of river basin knowledge development • Listing the potential outputs of River knowledge development: e.g. River Basin Information System, awareness, decision support 2. Classifying knowledge • Priorities and selection of relevant information and data • Static knowledge (not evolving in timeline) and dynamic knowledge (need regular update) • Various possible format of knowledge: data, reports, media, etc. 3. Developing River Basin Knowledge: Methodologies • Building the Team and the work plan • Set up the institutional framework for data gathering and sharing: legal aspects, sharing process • Technical ways of sharing and storing data and information: report, cross-link between data base, web portal D. Methodology Section 1: Knowledge Development - Deinition: Objectives and outputs • Presentation of development of River Basin Proile in Lao PDR: the case of Nam Ou river • Formal presentations: deinition, objectives and selected outputs and quick review of example of River Basin Information System from world-wide experience Section 2: Classifying knowledge • Formal presentation: Classifying Knowledge • Group Exercise: - Establish a Table of Content of a River Basin Proile (e.g. Nam Ou river) - Establish an excel ile with the list of chapter and classify the data (priority, static/dynamic, where to ind the information, format) Section 3: Developing River Basin Knowledge: Methodologies • Formal presentations: - Institutional issues: How far can we share knowledge - Technical options for Knowledge networking and sharing • Group exercise: - Apply these principles to develop a knowledge acquisition plan in Nam Ou River. 53 E. Modules Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Knowledge Development: Deinition: Objectives and outputs Module 1: Case Studies Presentation of the work carried out for knowledge acquisition (Basin Proile) in the Nam Ou Formal presentation and questions IFC Module 2: Knowledge Development Keynote: deinition, objectives and selected outputs and quick review of example of River Basin Information System from world-wide experience Formal presentation and interactive discussion IWRM: Training Specialist Facilitator Ask working group to brain storm a list of key words that River Basin Knowledge evoke for them Working group IFC Formal presentation and questions IFC Team Deinitions, objectives and outputs Module 3: Rapid Exercise Section 2: Classifying knowledge Module 3: Presentation Classifying knowledge 54 Classifying Knowledge – Priorities, type of information, format Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Module 4: Exercise Establish a Table of Content of a River Basin Proile (e.g. Nam Ou river) Working groups IFC Team Develop a Table of Contents of a River Basin Proile and River Basin Information System Establish an Excel ile with the list of chapter and classify the data (priority, static/dynamic, where to ind the information, format) Section 3: Developing River Basin Knowledge: Methodologies Module 5: Presentations Formal presentations: Institutional options Technical options Institutional options: How far can we share knowledge Formal presentation and questions IFC Team & IWRM Training Specialist Working groups IFC Team & IWRM Training Specialist Technical options for knowledge networking and sharing Module 6: Exercise Group exercise: Develop a knowledge development plan Apply these principles to develop a knowledge acquisition plan in Nam Ou river 55 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1 Time Program Resource Person Session 1: What Kind of Knowledge is Needed to Understand the River Basins of Lao PDR and How Can We Collect Such Knowledge? Objectives: • To develop a general understanding of the concept behind “developing river basin knowledge”. • To present and discuss case studies and lessons learned from developing river basin knowledge in the Mekong region and in Lao PDR • To introduce methods for developing river basin knowledge Methodology: • Presentations • Plenary discussions 8:30-8:40 Welcome / opening speech Training Director 8:40-9:00 Introduction to the training Training Director Introduction of participants and sharing expectations CTA • Keynote presentation: What is a River Basin Proile – General overview and case studies • Facilitated discussion International IWRM Training Specialist 9:00-9:45 Keynote presentation 1 (English) Introduction to existing approaches and methodologies to develop knowledge in river basins 9:45-12:00 30 min for each presentation including questions and answers (10:30-10:45 Cofee break) 1. • • • • River Basin Proile Report Deinition List of river basin contents, and priorities Preparation process and data acquisition Expected output DWR River Basin Proile Manager Draft document 1 and 2 (Lao) 2. • • • Existing (secondary) Data Deinition Sources Examples The Asia Foundation 3. • • • • Data gaps (primary Data) Deinition Methods Examples Participatory data collection The Asia Foundation Keynote presentation 2 (English) 4. Questions and answers 56 12:00-13:00 Lunch Facilitator: CTA Time Program Resource Person 13:00-13:15 Game and team building exercise DWR/CTA Session 2: In-depth Discussion of Methods for Collecting River Basin Knowledge Objectives: • To identify speciic sources of existing secondary data • To introduce methods for primary data collection Methodology: • Small group exercise • Presentations by groups • Presentations by trainers 13:15-15:00 Overview of existing secondary data • Summarize the types of existing (secondary) data that can be collected • Assign teams (sector-speciic) to discuss: What data exists and what are the speciic sources? Also have them note which data (in their assigned category) does not exist. Facilitator: CTA Small group exercise and presentations on “existing data sources” (one team per category) • Physical characteristic • Water resources • Biological resources • Agriculture and irrigation activities • Energy and mining sector activities • Manufacturing, industrial, and tourism sector Trainee groups 15:00-15:15 Cofee break 15:15-16:30 Introduction of ield (primary) data collection (for the ield trip) and introduction to site selection • Team 1: Physical/Social/Livelihood team • Team 2: Biological (Biodiversity) team • Team 3: Bio-monitoring (Micro-invertebrate team • Team 4: Social/livelihood and Water Resources (led by ADB and DWR) Keynote presentation 3,4, 5, 6 and 7 The Asia Foundation Team International Finance Cooperation Team ADB Team DWR Team 57 Day 2 Time Program Resource Person Session 3: Field Exercise, Scientiic and Social Survey, and Local Participatory Research Assessment Objectives: • To provide on-the-job training at the ield level • To test chosen methodology and approach • To build understanding in interconnections between social, environmental and biophysical factors and the cumulative efects Methodology: • Field exercises, ield surveys, local interviews etc. • Data collection in two villages (upstream and downstream) • Boat for Physical, biological and ecological team Location: Nam Xuang, Vientiane Province (1hr drive) 8.00-9.00 Travel from meeting venue to Nam Xuang River, the ield site 9:00-9:30 Meeting with an oicial representatives of Nam Xoung River 9:30-10:00 Introduce ield work and teams. Conirmation of ield plans, survey materials, site locations, and logistics 10:00-12:00 Collection of ield data (Village 1 - upstream/ downstream): • Team 1: Physical/social/livelihood team • Team 2: Biological (biodiversity) team • Team 3: Bio-monitoring (micro-Invertebrate) team • Team 4: Social/livelihood and water resources 12:00-13:00 Lunch Collection of ield data (Village 2 – 13:00-15:00 upstream/ downstream): • Team 1: Physical/social/livelihood team (led by ADB) • Team 2: Biological (biodiversity) team (led by TAF) • Team 3: Biological (biodiversity) team (led by TAF) • Team 4: Water resources (led by DWR) 15:00 58 Return to Vientiane Capital All Logistics prepared by DWR Day 3 Time Program Resource Person Session 4: Data Analysis and Key Findings – and Develop their Own River Basin Knowledge Development Plan Objectives: • Exchange and learn about how to collect data • Learn how to analyze data and identify key indings Methodology: • Small group exercise in database analysis • Presentations by groups to the plenary • Plenary discussion 8:30-9:00 Teams work together and relect on ield visits Trainee groups 9:00 – 10:00 Presentation of information collected from the ield survey by participants Participants will be asked to present results of their ield data collection activities, and describe what they have learned from participating in the program. Nominated presenters from each team 10:00-10:15 Cofee break 10:15-11:00 Presentation on linking and analyzing primary and secondary data; and identifying key indings that are important for river basin management. CTA 11:00-12:00 Analyze data and develop key indings Break out into river basin groups • Review and analyze all of the secondary and primary data • Develop some key indings (in the following categories) that are important for river basin management. Present which data is relevant to your indings. • Water low/availability • Water quality • Biodiversity • Social/livelihoods The Asia Foundation 12:00-13:00 Lunch 59 Day 3 Time Program Resource Person 13:00-13:15 Game and team building exercise DWR/CTA 13:15-14:15 Present key indings Trainee groups 14:15-15:15 River Basin Knowledge Development Plan, next steps Break out into river basin groups Group 1: Nam Ngum Team Group 2: Xaybangfai Team Group 3: Nam Ou Team All trainee groups Develop action plans for developing river basin knowledge, including: • Existing data (who will locate and compile; timing/ frequency). • Data that needs to be collected (which of these will your river basin collect; who will collect; sites; timing/ frequency). • What kind of key issues do you all of the data that you collect (what are your priorities)? • What kind of data did you decide not to collect? Why not? • Who will be the overall coordinator for this process? 60 15:15-15:30 Cofee break 15:30-16:15 Sharing of River Basin Knowledge Development Work Plan to plenary/discussion CTA/DWR 16:15-16:30 Closing remarks DWR IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: River Basin Knowledge (English) 61 Keynote presentation 2: River Basin Knowledge Data Collection (English) 62 Keynote presentation 3: Field Trip Preparation (English) 63 Keynote presentation 4: Field Scientiic and Social Survey and Assessment (English) 64 Keynote presentation 5: Bio-monitoring team (Lao and English) 65 Keynote presentation 6: Community Base bio-monitoring (English) 66 Keynote presentation 7: Water-Social-Livelihood Survey (English) 67 68 Training Manual for IWRM - Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit and MONRE Demonstration Site Proposal Development 69 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: IWRM- Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit and MONRE Demonstration Site Proposal Development Level and specialty: Medium level and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Have broader perspectives and approaches for developing IWRM in watersheds, and be able to give an immediate potential for application in the Pilot Site of the Demonstration Center. 2. Understand key principles and speciicities in IWRM applied in watersheds, especially the key role to be given to the population living in the Demonstration Center areas. 3. Be able to identify areas that may bring high value added for ecosystems protection. 4. Be able to identify particular needs in terms of knowledge and monitoring: identiication of the ecosystems and related natural resources, impacts of human activities, services provided, value of the services provided. 5. Be able to identify particular approaches in terms of water and water related resources dialogue with the stakeholders, knowledge sharing, speciic awareness tools, community monitoring, and local governance. Target groups: Department of Water Resources at Central and Vang Vieng district level, and communities within the MONRE IWRM Demonstration Site located in Vang Vieng district Number of training days: 6.5 days Dates and venue of training: This Study Tour and Proposal Development Workshop were already conducted in northeast Thailand on 14-17 December 2014, and Vang Vieng District, Vientiane Province, Laos on 21-23 December 2014, accordingly. Number of trainees: 14 Trainees (3 women and 11 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-4 List of principal trainers: Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, Training and Awareness Building Unit Director, Department of Water Resources Dr. Yanyong Immoung, Dean, Faculty of Health and Social Science, Khon Khaen University Dr. Rachapaj Ratanawara, Director, Department of Water Resources Research Center, Rachamangkhala University of Technology Isan Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader 70 Training methodologies: The training was divided into two main parts which are study tour and proposal writing workshop. • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared by the trainees themselves • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • In-depth interview with governmental oicers and local stakeholders • Study tours of successful communities • Proposal write shop Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommended additional reference materials: Ecosystem Management: Lessons from around the World. A Guide for Development and Conservation Practitioners Training assessment results and indings: IWRM Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit was organized in Northeastern part of Thailand on 14-17 December 2014, and MONRE Demonstration Site Center Proposal Development Workshop was organized in Vang Vieng District on 21-23 December 2014 accordingly. There were 14 trainees participated for both the exchange visit and the proposal development workshop. The trainees include representatives from central unit of DWR, representatives from Vang Vieng District and head of the villages that are located in the MONRE demonstration site in Vang Vieng. The exchange visit and the proposal development workshop are the follow-up training that were developed based on the indings from IWRM Frameworks training that held in central part of Lao PDR. The trainees of the IWRM Framework Training had requested another set of training that would enhance their understanding on how IWRM principles can be participatory adopted at community level with support and recognition from the central administration. Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Keynote Presentations Summary Report The exchange visit to successful pilots of local IWRM Ecosystem-based communities in Thailand was conducted. As a follow-up activity that would allow the trainees to apply the knowledge learnt from the exchange visit, the workshop was organized as a platform for the trainees to develop some ideas for the development of MONRE’s demonstration site to be located in Vang Vieng district. The documents prepared during the workshop can be used to request for further funding. 71 Training assessment results and indings: The exchange visits in Thailand included the visit of Thai Irrigation Department and Chi River Basin Organization oice, organic vegetable garden communities, community tourism and local water and land use management. The trainees reported high satisfaction for all the visits, and have shown enthusiasm in exchanging ideas on how they could adopt what they have learned to improve the livelihood and water conservation eforts in their villages and communities. The proposal workshop that was organized in Vang Vieng also appeared to be engaging. There were many active discussions, which were mainly initiated by the community representatives and local oicers. The trainer team had collected all the notes and information and organized it into a brief report to be used as draft proposal preparation. It was agreed that the structure of the proposal should include six key areas of activities which are: 1) Livelihood improvement; 2) Community forest and water conservation; 3) Innovative community tourism, 4) Capacity building and research, 5) Local networking and 6) Facility development. Next steps and Recommendations: 72 Continue to organize the proposal and identify potential donors. II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication “Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximize economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment”9. This general concept was developed in a irst training on IWRM framework organized in May 2014. Actually, this training has created a demand from the oicials and stakeholders in Nam Ngum Basin to tackle more speciically the topic of “sustainability of vital ecosystems” by boosting IWRM-ecosystem based activities to be demonstrated in Vang Vieng in the MONRE-DWR Demonstration Site. It is widely recognized that, within large river basins like Nam Ngum, in which trade of must be found for boosting socio-economic development while maintaining sustainable water and water-related environmental resources, there is a need to focus on areas which are expected to play a particular role for sustaining healthy ecosystems, maintaining good water quality (both surface and groundwater) and smoothing lash lood and drought. These areas actually provide what it is now commonly called “Ecosystem Services”. embankments that provide rich and diverse ecosystems and contribute to sustain groundwater and minimum lows; (iii) lood plains where large lood can be bufered decreasing the risks of damage for human lives and infrastructures. Protecting such ecosystems participates directly to the economic and social development of a river basin. Ecosystems have actually an economic value that must be taken into account in the global trade-of and that justify investments and speciic management rules. The “services” provided by the ecosystems may be: • Provisioning services: the products obtained from ecosystems such as food, fresh water, wood, iber, genetic resources and medicines. • Regulating services: beneits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem processes such as climate regulation, natural hazard regulation, water puriication and waste management, pollination or pest control. • Habitat services: habitat for migratory species and to maintain the viability of gene-pools. • Cultural services: non-material beneits that people obtain from ecosystems such as spiritual enrichment, intellectual development, recreation and aesthetic values. Some areas, like National Park or Conservation Areas in which generally no human activities (or limited human activities) are allowed have their own legal framework and management rules. They have been identiied for their exceptional value in terms of bio-diversity, wildlife and value of forest. These areas obviously greatly contribute for maintaining vital ecosystems in the river basin. It is therefore essential that the water resources managers, at central and decentralized levels, recognize the importance of the ecosystems services, proceed to an identiication of the areas where to focus speciic activities of protection or restoration and take long term measures for adequate management. Ideally this should be part of the key functions of a River Basin Organization (RBO) i.e. Nam Ngum. But other areas that have not such level of protection and in which usual settlement and human activities are encountered, may also contribute signiicantly to sustain ecosystems and environment. These areas may be for example: (i) upper-watersheds where water, soil and forest must be carefully protected for mitigating soil erosion, sediment transport, eutrophication of reservoirs located downstream and for maintaining high quality of freshwater; (ii) wetlands and river IWRM principles are a particularly well adapted tool for supporting the protection of such vital ecosystems as it is for river basin management in general. This means that it is necessary to get the stakeholders together to identify the issues (where we are ?), trying to sort out a common vision (where we want to go?) and a mutually agreed road map and the related action plans (how do we get there?). 9. Global Water Partnership: 73 IWRM-Ecosystems based approach presents some speciicities, the likely most relevant being: • The areas selected as “vital ecosystems” are generally geographically limited (small watershed, wetlands, etc.). It is therefore generally a “community/villagersdriven” context. • The central government and decentralized agencies have an important role to play for providing assistance and safeguards. Nevertheless, the key stakeholders and the guarantors of the good health of the ecosystems and environment are the people living in the area. Therefore, positioning the villagers at the center of the IWRM-Ecosystems dialogue and coordination and recognizing the importance of good local governance in each step of the process is a pre-requisite. • It is important to get a good knowledge of the ecosystems and natural resources to be protected in order to propose adequate road map and actions. These ecosystems should be also inserted into the context of the services they may provide for contributing to the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment at river basin level. A good knowledge on the impacts of human activities on these eco-systems is also essential for supporting the decision process. • Apprehending the value of the services provided by the vital ecosystems may then help establishing mechanisms for ensuring the long term sustainability of the actions taken. This may even conduct to envisage “Payment for Ecosystem Services” that may be good incentive for the stakeholders and a tool for sustainability. River Basin Watershed Hydrology All the water drains to a large river Smaller area of land that drains to a smaller stream, lake or wetland Stakeholders Wide range of various stakeholders Humans settlement that simple logic demands they become part of a community Functions Contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic development at nation or regional level Providing ecosystems services that sustain the global and local socioeconomic development Management Provincial/national/regional level “Communities driven”/local level (districts/communities) Sustainability Government funds/funding agencies Local funds/local taxes Government incentives Payment for ecosystem services 74 Promoting IWRM-Ecosystems in watersheds is an opportunity to step-wisely boost the engagement of the communities in the overall River Basin IWRM process, creating local capacity and leadership. It may eventually greatly contribute to a more seamless collaboration between the government agencies and communities. It is in this context that MONRE/DWR has initiated a “Demonstration-IWRM training Center” in Vang Vieng. The Center has been established for two years while the activities undertaken are mostly at early stage. This is the very irst ever of IWRM-Ecosystem based demonstration site of Laos. The activities of the Center include: • Training facilities • Venue for river basin management exhibition • Demonstration or “Pilot Site” for IWRM activities at community levels in diferent important areas of water management. The National MONRE’s Demonstration-IWRM Training Center is located on the Nam Pao River. The “Pilot Site”, covering an area of 829 ha, is an upper-watershed which is largely constituted of headwater rainforest which is mostly in pristine condition. There are ive villages located within the Pilot area inhabited by mixed ethnic groups: high-middle-lower Laotians. The local residents live on rice farming and non-timber products harvesting. Local lora and fauna communities in the project area characterize distinct headwater rainforest biota while rare native species are abundant with high biodiversity of national importance. The Center is also co-inhabited by ive villages of mixed ethnic groups; low-middle-high Laotians. The activities in the Pilot Site, at early stage, were conducted jointly by the central-provincial-district governments in partnership with local communities. The activities are strategically designed to support the local communities in playing a proactive role in implementing conservation actions in their localities. Many activities are therefore managed and implemented by these communities, these include: • Building and renovating a weir and check dam. • Establishing and providing waterfall water supply system for the villagers. • Reforestation and organization of community involvement activities. The vision that leads to the expected development of Pilot Site’s activities is the highlighting of the key role and beneit of local engagement to contribute to the sustainability of water and environmental conservation, local livelihood and local’s wellbeing. The success stories and lesson learn of the Pilot Site will be disseminated and upscale across every basin of Laos. In a next step, it is planned to develop and consolidate the potentiality of the “Demonstration-IWRM Training Center” focusing on the following areas • Develop the facilities of the Center to it with the objective of being a Center for Exhibition Events on topics related to water management, a Venue for meeting and seminars and an Awareness Center with permanent exhibition material on the importance to protect the watersheds ecosystems (that would be also visited by tourists to get them more familiarized with the Lao nature richness) • Promote local livelihood i.e community forest management, sustainable agriculture, water quality management, isheries conservation zone, community tourism. • Develop capacities in local water quality monitoring and risk management (e.g. loods warning). The University of Khon Khaen, Thailand (KKU) has been identiied as a suitable partner to bring advises and technical support for the development of the potentialities of the Center. KKU is located in NorthEast of Thailand and is involved in watersheds which share similar physical, social and cultural features of the Mekong eco-region. • Exploring physical and biological settings of the project area, fencing of the project area boundary, initially survey of the stream morphology and the local fauna and lora. 75 The present training has 2 parts: • Part 1: Exchange study tour organized by KKU will bring the trainees to visit these type of successful cases in NE Thailand and encourage them in considering new ideas and approaches that could be proposed in the Pilot Site of the Vang Vieng Demonstration site. The exchange visit must also contribute to a better understanding of the speciicities of applying IWRM-Ecosystems based approach in a “community-driven” context for protecting vital ecosystems and related natural resources. • Part 2: Visit of the Demonstration Center in Vang Vieng - Wrapping up from the participants of the exchange visit in Thailand of the outputs of their visit, the lessons learnt and the potential they have discovered that could be applied in the Pilot Site. - Review the potentialities and areas for supporting the development Demonstration Center in Vang Vieng and sort out a concept and development plan that would be presented for consideration to potential partners that could support the Center in a longer perspective after completion of ADB TA778010. The next igure allows to localize this module within the framework of the Training Plan: Figure 11: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Water Security Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) 76 10. It is agreed with WBIWRM project that they will take on for the consideration of funding and implementation after ADB TA7780 would have been completed. B. Expected Outputs The expected outputs are: Part 1: Exchange study tour • How these eco-systems may be impacted by human activities and socio-economic development? • How IWRM principles may be applied to manage these areas and what are the speciicities when applying these principles, with emphasis on the key role of the population living in the areas? • From exchange with Thai communities, villagers and WR agencies, the trainees get broader perspectives and approaches for developing IWRM in watersheds. It gives them an immediate potential for application in the Pilot Site of the Demonstration Centre During the workshop at the MONRE/DWR’s Demonstration Center in Vang Vieng (Part 2) • The trainees understand key principles and speciicities in IWRM applied in watersheds, especially the key role to be given to the population living in the targeted areas; - Identiication of the needs to make the Center a place of excellence to organize exhibitions and seminars about Water Resources Management • Trainees are able to identify areas that may bring high value added for ecosystems protection. • Trainees are able to identify particular needs in terms of knowledge and monitoring: identiication of the ecosystems and related natural resources, impacts of human activities, services provided, value of the services provided. • Trainees are able to identify particular approaches in terms of water and water related resources dialogue with the stakeholders, knowledge sharing, speciic awareness tools, community monitoring, local governance. C. Main Topics Covered The topics that will be covered are listed below: During the exchange visit trip in Thailand (Part 1) • What is generally behind the concept of “Vital Ecosystems”? • Criteria for selecting an area where the concept of protecting “vital ecosystems” is expected to be applied (hydrological criteria, environmental criteria, socio-economic context, existing “leadership”, etc)? • Develop an action plan based on the following topic: - Identiication of the needs in Knowledge and Monitoring – What would be the community engagement in contributing to the knowledge and Monitoring: Getting a good knowledge of the area covered by the MONRE/DWR demonstration center (“Proile”). Evaluate up to what point this knowledge is adequate and what should be done to improve it (focusing on the concept of vital ecosystems, the services they may provide and the impacts of human activities on these ecosystems) - Identiication of the needs to reinforce Communities/Stakeholder’s capacity, involvement, leadership and coordination: Evaluate the status of the dialogue with the stakeholders: consensuses on issues, shared vision, road map. - Identiication of the needs for improving Local Governance Tools: Evaluate the needs for improving governance tools such as: community tools for decision process, communication with RBC/Agencies, knowledge sharing, community monitoring, risk management, awareness, etc. • What are the speciic ecosystems and/or water/ natural resources to be protected and what are the “services” they may provide for contributing to maintain environmental sustainability and socioeconomic development and welfare within the perspective of the overall river basin? 77 III. Training Program Agenda A: IWRM- Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit in Northeast, Thailand Day 1 Time Program Resource Person Exchange Visit Session 1: Introduction Objectives: To give an overview picture of Thailand Water Resources Management and the program agenda of the visit in the next three days 10:00 Travel to Khon Khaen, Thailand 15:30 Arrive at Khon Khaen, Thailand 16:00-16:30 Welcome remarks Director DWR Region 4, Thailand, and Khon Khaen University, Health and Social Science 16:30-17:00 Brieing: the Chi River Basin - basic facts, Thailand IWRM management strategy • Thailand river basin legal system. • River basin management framework. • Institutionalization of Thailand River Basin Organization (RBO). • The role and function of RBO. • Limitation and barrier of Thailand RBO. • IWRM concepts and key practices of the pilot sites. Director DWR Region 11, Thailand And site visits in the next three days Keynote presentation 1 (English) 17:00-17:30 Brieing: river basin information management system • Application of GIS and webpage for watershed information management. • One page mapping strategy for public communication in the watershed. • Inventory and application of telemetry system in assisting watershed conservation and management. Mekong Research Center, Technology Rachamangkhala University Keynote presentation 2 (English) 78 17:30-18:00 Q&A 18:00-20:00 Reception dinner Khon Khaen University, Health and Social Science Day 2 Time Program Resource Person Exchange Visit Session 2: Water Management Facilities and Exhibition Objectives: The trainees will visit the northeast irrigation and water management center and be shared experience from Thailand on collaborative lood and irrigation management 08:00-08:30 Depart hotel to Khon Khaen Irrigation Department Information Center 08:30-09:00 Welcome Address and Introduction of Khon Khaen Irrigation Department Information Center Director, Irrigation Department, Region 4 09:00-10:30 Visit the Center Exhibition Director, Irrigation Department, Region 4 10:45-11:00 Refreshment Admin team 11:00-12:00 River Basin Organizations in Northeast Thailand and experience on collaborative lood and irrigation management between government, NGOs, private sectors and water user groups. • Brieing on water allocation system in the irrigated farmlands. • Application of WEAP and CropWat programs in water management and planning within the watershed. • Direct observations on water allocation system Irrigation Department, Region 4, irrigation management expert Keynote presentation 3 (Thai) 12:00-13:00 Lunch Exchange Visit Session 3: Self-suicient economy and chemical free agriculture Objectives: The trainees will visit a success community on integrated farming practice and exchange lessons and knowledge 13:00-16:00 Depart to Kalasin Province, visit the ‘Community Rice Seed Production Center’ at Huay Po Sub-District, Muang District (2 hours) Khon Khaen team The Center delivers activities: • Bioherbal pest control, • Plant hormone, • Renewable energy, • Integrated pest management, • Mixed farm-base productions. Exchange Visit Session 4: Community Tourism Objectives: The trainees will visit and stay in a NE Thailand, award winning community on community tourism. The trainees will have opportunities to learn about local tourism management that led and managed by the members of the community themselves 16:00-17:30 Arrive at Ban Kok Gong, Kuchinarai District Khon Khaen team Welcome address by the community leader Meet the home-stay hosts 18:00-21:00 Reception dinner Khon Khaen team 79 Time Program 21:00 Stay overnight at Ban Kok Gong (home stay), Kuchinarai District Resource Person Day 3 Time Program Resource Person 07:00-09:30 Enjoy morning special moment at Ban Kok Gong • Cook breakfast with the home-stay host • Ofer food to the Buddhist monks • Breath taking at the local waterfalls • Have breakfast with the hosts • Cultural performance and dinning management • Household accommodation and in-house activities management Khon Khaen team Exchange Visit Session 5: Community-based Water and Land Management Objectives: The trainees will visit a successful and award winning community in local water management. The community has been long facing chronic drought problem but however, has recently coped with the problem very eiciently by adopting integrated smart land use planning and farming system. 09:30-10:15 Depart to Sai Na Wang Sub-District, Nakoo District (50 kms from Ban Kok Gong) 10:15-12:00 Brieing: community water management and integrated farming practices in dryland Chief of the village 12:00-13:00 Lunch at Sai Na Wang Ms. Siripak and the team 13:00-16:00 Experience: integrated farming systems at Mr. Bumroong farmland Mr. Bumroong Kayota, a farmer Keynote presentation 4 16:00-18:30 Depart from Sai Na Wang Sub-District to Khon Khaen Province 18:30 Stay overnight at hotel in Khon Khaen Province Day 4 Time Program Resource Person Exchange visit session 6: Wrap Up and Relection Objectives: Relection session and to discuss on a preparation of the next week trip in Laos, IWRM Eco-system based Approach Proposal Development 80 08:30-09:00 Q&A with lessons learnt Khon Khaen University 09:00-10:00 Discussion of future collaborations Khon Khaen University 10:00-10:30 Cofee break plus Q&A 10:30 Depart to Vientiane Lao PDR B: MONRE’s Demonstration Site Proposal Development Workshop Day 1 Time Program Resource Person Session 1: Demonstration Site Visit and Local Interviews 10:00 Meet KKU team at Laos-Thai Border and depart to Vang Vieng 12:00-13:00 Lunch on the way at Vientiane Capital 16:00 Arrive Vang Vieng Demonstration Site, met with Community representatives 18:00 Travel to Vang Vieng and check-in to hotel DWR and KKU Day 2 Time Program Resource Person Session 1: Introduction of the Workshop and Recap 08:30-09:00 Opening and introduction DWR Keynote presentation 5 09:00-09:30 Recap, objectives, expected output and methodology CTA 09:30-10:00 Small plenary discussion CTA Session 2: Warm up and Pilot Activity Brainstorming Objectives: To collect inputs on possible activities to be developed in the MoNRE’s Demonstration Site 10:00-10:45 Warm-up. Ideas brainstorming of pilot activities for the demonstration site 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-12:00 Proposal and action plan methodology KKU/village representatives KKU/village representatives Discussion 12:00-13:00 Lunch Admin 13:00-15:00 Group discussion on activities grouped into (if possible) • Facility and exhibition management, • Sustainable livelihoods i.e non-chemical agriculture, local energy production, isheries conservation and community tourism • Local based water and land use management • Community research DWR/KKU/CTA and village representatives 15:00-15:15 Break 15:15-16:30 Continue group discussion and report to plenary 81 Day 3 Time Program Resource Person Session 3: From Ideas into Proposal and Action Plan Development, and Commitment Building Objective: Proposal workshop, to drawing structure and outlines of the proposal 08:30-09:00 Recap CTA 09:00-10:45 Development of proposal and action plan • Background • Objectives and outcomes • Budget and timeframe • Pilot activities • Concerned agencies and communities • Fund raising plan • Ways forward KKU/village representatives 10:45-11:00 Break 10:45-12:00 Continued: Development of proposal 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-16:00 Group workshop on their proposal activity and Reporting to plenary 15:00-15:15 break KKU/village representatives KKU/DWR/CTA Commitment building and future plan Document 1: Summary Report 16:00-16:30 82 Closing and travel back home DWR IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: Northeast-Chi River Basin Management (Thai and English) 83 Keynote presentation 2: Water and Database management by Telemetry Equipment (English) 84 Keynote presentation 3: Water Management by Royal Thai Irrigation Department (Thai) 85 Keynote presentation 4: Community IWRM (Thai) 86 Keynote presentation 5: MoNRE IWRM Demonstration Site (Lao) 87 Document 1: Summary Report on IWRM Knowledge and Practice Exchanges between Lao PDR and Thailand ' " " Summary'Report'on' IWRM'Knowledge'and'Practice'Exchanges'between'Lao'PDR'and'Thailand' " " " " By" " " Yanyong"Inmuong" Rachapat"Ratanawaraha" Prasit"Warnset" Aschara"Booppapun" " " " " " " "  88 " December'2014' " " 1 Training Manual for Participatory Flood Risks Management 89 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Participatory Flood Risks Management Level and specialty: Medium and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Understand basic knowledge and characteristic of loods and droughts, their associated risks and opportunities 2. Be able to identify impacts, key stakeholders, and mitigation priorities on the lood and drought risks in Xaybangfai Basin 3. Develop a multi-approach action plan and multi-stakeholder process for lood and drought mitigation in Xaybangi 4. Build and be engaged in a multi-stakeholder lood risks network in Xaybangfai Basin Target groups: This training was speciically designed for target trainees located in Nam Thuan and Xaybangfai Basins. The training’s primary objective is to support the World Bank Mekong IWRM Project (WB-MIWRM) – Xaybangfai Flood Management Component. The trainees include: • Governmental water agencies and staf at central, provincial, district and sub-district levels • River basin organizations • National University of Laos • Hydropower operators • Local communities and impacted groups Number of training days: 3.5 days Dates and venue of training: This training was already conducted in Xaybangfai District, Khammouane Province, Xaybangfai Basin on 1-4 June 2015 Number of trainees: 60 Trainees (15 women and 45 Men) List of trainees: See Annex A-5 List of principal trainers: Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly, Training and Awareness Building Unit Director, Department of Water Resources Mr. Somphone Kongsab, Head, Flood Management Unit, DWR Mr. Souksakorn Phouthaamath, Technical Oice, DWR Mr. Nancy Kim, Country Coordinator, The Asia Foundation Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader 90 Training methodologies: The training was divided into ive diferent sessions which exploited diferent methodologies that include: • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared by the trainees themselves • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • In-depth discussion on causes of lood risks and impacts • Field trip and ield exercise in local stakeholder interviews • Small group exercises in the development of lood local lood mitigation and action plan • Plenary presentation Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommended additional reference materials: 1. The Role of Ecosystems in Disaster Risk Reduction 2. Floods: From Risks to Opportunities Training assessment results and indings: This on-the-job training was designed to provide knowledge about lood risk characteristics, impacts and causes of lood, analyzed from both historical scientiic data and the participants’ own experiences. It was jointly organized by ADB-TA7780 NIWRMSP project team and WB-MIWRM Project (Xaybangfai Flood Management Component) project team. The 60 trainees participated in this training were representatives of diferent group from Nam Thuan and Xaybangfai Basins. These trainees include local impacted groups, provincial, private sectors and NGOs. Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Keynote Presentations Oicial Documents The training successfully provided participants the basic skill in lood risks observation and analysis, which can be adopted to their works in Nam Thuan and Xaybangfai Basins. The trainees collectively identiied the causes of lood risks and impacts in Xaybangfai, which are associated from both natural and man-made activities. Xaybangfai is a water rich basin with high incidence rate for looding. To add on to that, over the last ten years, hydropower development, abrupt land use change and upstream deforestation have exacerbated the issue, leading to increase the risk for lash lood, prolong the looding period and cause signiicant impacts to the vulnerable communities. In addition to the increased risks for loods and its direct impact, worsened water quality, poor condition for isheries and erosion were also presented as the major issues resulting from increased in lood risks. Towards the end of the training, the trainees brainstormed and developed a constructive list of key action plan for local lood mitigation and management in Xaybangfai Basin. This action plan is expected to be further developed, led by the WB-MIWRM Project, Xaybangfai Flood Management Component. The overall score of this training rated by the trainees was 7.5 out of 10. 91 Next steps and Recommendations: 92 1. Additional trainings in lood management and mitigation, stakeholder platform facilitation and SIA/EIA. 2. Organize the similar training once a year with the same trainee group as to update their local water situation and monitor progress of their water management skills, and to strengthen team building and networking. 3. Disseminate information of the activity to donors for fund raising purpose. II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication The term“Water security”comprises three components: (i) “Too much water”: Flood risks management; (ii) “Not enough water”: Drought risks management: (iii) “Bad water quality”: water quality and health related risks management. These three components will be addressed in a series of modules on water security. Additionally, a speciic module will be conducted on Climate Change adaptation and mitigation and impacts on water security policies and strategies. This concept note addresses the module related to the topic “Flood Risks Management”. Flood is often mentioned as one of the most major concern for many river basins in Lao PDR. Every year, lood is reported in various areas of the country. Sometimes, it causes heavy damages and even cost human live. It is expected that more severe lood events will occur in the future. Two main causes are suggested: (i) global climate change is disrupting the normal curves depth-duration-intensity of rainfalls making more probable severe rainfall events and (ii) de-forestation is listed as well as a major cause of lash lood especially in the upper-watersheds, which are very sensitive to change in land coverage, making runof becoming a more impor-tant factor in the hydrological cycle. The change of land-use in urban and semi-urban areas is also a cause of worsening loods and worsening consequences on valuable economic infrastructures and family assets. Flood risks present two diferent aspects in Lao PDR: (i) lash loods occurring in the tributaries of the Mekong. This means that water level is increasing rapidly, with high water velocity, but not lasting long. These situations are dangerous for people and animals, indeed little time is available for warning and security measures. (ii) Flood in loodplains, occurring along the Mekong river and at the conluence of the large tributaries are more pre-dictable, but is lasting much longer and may cause serious damage to crops. Combination of lash loods and high water level in the Mekong occurs as well in the lower part of the tributaries. Such areas are very prone for lood with high potential of serious damage for human life and people assets. Lower Xebangfai is one of the most reported examples of such events in Lao PDR. It must not be forgotten that lood is not only a risk but also an opportunity. The major part of the agriculture in Lao PDR, mainly rice cultivation, and the isheries activities and ecosystems are highly dependent from loods. This means that building infrastructures for lood control may also negatively afect these activities. It is why Flood Risk Management may comprises some hardware infrastructures in very speciic areas (urban, very populated areas, protection of high-value economic assets), but must consider widely “soft measures” like lood prone-areas delimitation, legal measures on land use in these areas, early-warning systems, procedures to apply in case of warning to secure people, animals and assets, management of emergencies. The framework should be based on the internationally recognized and rather new concepts like “Living with the Flood”, “Integrated Flood Management” or “Room for River”. 93 A major change in lood management in Lao PDR comes from the damming of the rivers. The cascade of reservoirs may be a tool for better managing the loods if reasonable free capacity is left to bufer potential heavy loods and if water release is timely and properly managed and coordinated according to pre-determined procedures. If these procedures are not in place, heavy lood may not be bufered and/or there is a high risk that water release occurs in an inappropriate period putting at risks people and animal’s lives as well as assets. Dams and reservoir may be therefore either a potential key tool for lood risks management or a potential key threat making lood even worst or causing unexpected rapid and artiicial raising of water level at unappropriated periods. A batch of security rules for dams and reservoirs management must become part of the package of measures addressing Integrated Flood Management. More speciically, reservoirs operators are concerned by the following measures: (i) keeping enough capacity in the reservoir to be able to bufer an unexpected lash lood; (ii) determine rules in such a way that water release is securely manage to avoid downstream risks; (iii) playing a key role for promoting conservation of water and soil upstream of the reservoirs; (iv) being part of the emergency disposal by implementing early warning measures and support the authorities for managing disasters. Managing free capacity and secure release to participate to lood risk management is a technically complex task for decision-makers (for both authorities and operators), especially when there is a cascade of reservoirs. It is why modelling may be an essential tool for this purpose. The development of such model (HEC-RESSim) has been recently carried out in Lao PDR (WB support), and a irst application in Nam Ngum river basin has been calibrated. This was presented during a former training module on “Collaborative Modelling”. It is now very challenging to transform this “theoretical” exercise into a “Collaborative” tool that could bring both Lao PDR Authorities in charge of lood risks management and Dams & Reservoirs operators in order to ind a common approach for lood risks management procedures and develop eventually a legal framework that would contribute mitigating this risk. 94 According to what has been developed above, the training module on “Flood Risks Management” should cover mainly the following approaches for managing loods: • Infrastructures and “hardware” for lood mitigation (e.g. embankments, dredging, curves rectiication): list the possible way of managing lood by such “hardware” measures and present in which situation it may be used, the potential risks and negative impacts, and in which situation it should not or less be implemented. • “Live with the lood” strategy: list soft measures (e.g. delimitation of lood prone areas, why and how to regulate land-use in such areas (“room for the river”), early warning systems and security procedures, emergency procedure, protection of upper-watersheds. As part of these aspects, the concept of Community-Based integrated lood management must be developed together with the appropriate Governmental support (National, Province, Districts, Kum Ban) for developing and contributing to implement this concept. • Dams and reservoirs operations: Up to what extent good management of dams may help reducing lood risk or may contribute to exacerbate them; What are the parameters to be taken into consideration (security capacity, water release rules, management of the upper catchments); How “collaborative modelling” may support the management in terms of legal framework and on the spot decision-making; What would be the perspective for a next step in making this model actually operational and how would it it with the institutional framework (River Basin Committees). • Eventually, it is essential in this module to explain the process for drafting a Flood Risks Management Plan that will integrate a mix of these diferent approaches that must be thoroughly selected timely and spatially, in order to maximize the beneits. Such a plan must be drafted in collaboration with the stakeholders and a spatial mapping must indicate where the diferent measures will be applied, a timeframe for implementation and resources to be mobilized. Figure 13 allows to localize this module within the framework of the Training Plan: Figure 12: Xaybangfai Flood Risk Management Key Action Plan Figure 13: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Water Security Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes 95 B. Expected Outputs The output of this training module is: • The trainees have basic knowledge and capacities for understanding the concepts of Flood Risks Management and the major batch of options for tackling this issue: ((i) “Hardware” measures, (ii) “Live with Flood” (“Soft”) measures and (iii) Role of dam operations in lood risk management. • They get a capacity of analysis to evaluate in which case some measures must be applied and in which case some measures may be potentially counterproductive. • The trainees understand the basic principles on how to develop a lood risks management plan, with right decisions at the right places, and the process to develop such plan. C. Main Topics Covered The Modeling module would be composed of four sections: 3. The role of dams and cascade of dams operation in lood management • Develop the concept of lood hydrogramme and show the diferent parameters that impact the hydrogramme and more particularly the role of reservoirs. • In this framework, show how models like HECRESSim may help to forecast this hydrogramme and what are the parameters that must be controlled for mitigate the peaks in the hydrogramme • In this framework, develop the concept of collaborative models for supporting water dialogue between institutions and dam operators and building procedures and legal framework addressing dam safety management for lood control. 4. How to develop a lood risk management plan • Based on a case-study, develop with the trainees a batch of measures that could be ideally developed. Objectives, expected outputs, SWOT analysis and assumptions must be part of this exercise as well as spatial implementation. 1. Managing lood risks by structural works D. Methodology • Diferent infrastructures and civil works that may help reducing lood Section 1: Managing lood risks by structural works • In which conditions and situations such measures should be applied • Presentation the diferent possible infrastructures and civil works that may help reducing lood, with particular focus on what has been applied up to now in Lao PDR • What may be the negative impacts of such infrastructures and civil works and how far they may become in-operant in the long term • Elements of Cost-beneit analysis 2. Managing lood risks by soft integrated measures • Diferent measures that must be developed to mitigate lood risks without jeopardizing lood opportunities like isheries and agriculture • Develop the concept of Community-based integrated lood management and support to be provided by the authorities • Evaluate the needs in terms of institutional and legal framework for implementing soft measures (early warning, crisis management, civil protection, etc.) • Elements of cost-beneits analysis • Presentation of advantages and negative impacts of such infrastructures and civil works, analysis of their sustainability in the long term as well as elements of Cost-beneit analysis • Discussion based on a case study: e.g. Vientiane embank-ment Section 2: Managing lood risks by soft integrated measures • Presentation of diferent “soft” measures that may help reducing lood, with particular focus on what was applied up to now in Lao PDR • Presentation of the concept of Community-based integrated lood management and support to be provided by the authorities • Presentation of strengths and weaknesses of such “soft” measures and analysis of their sustainability in the long term as well as elements of Cost-beneit analysis • Case study: e.g. Early warning system in Xebangfai 96 Section 3: The role of operation of dams and cascade of dams in lood management Section 4: How to develop a lood risk management plan • General presentation of the impact of reservoirs and cascade of reservoirs either to mitigate lood or to contribute to lood risks: explanations based on hydrology and hydraulic theories and illustration based on a case-study • This section would have the form a groups exercise in which each group would have to develop a lood risk management plan. • Presentation of the model HEC-RESSim and utilization of such model for helping the authorities and operators to elaborate rules and procedures that may contribute to manage lood without jeopardizing the beneits from electricity production in case of standalone reservoir and cascade of dams. • Discussion base on a case study: e.g. Nam Ngum E. Modules Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Section 1: Managing lood risks by structural works Module 1 Presentation of the diferent possible infrastructures and civil works that may help reducing lood, with particular focus on what has been applied up to now in Lao PDR Formal presentation and questions Module 2 Presentation of advantages and negative impacts of such infrastructures and civil works and analysis of their sustainability in the long term as well as elements of costbeneit analysis Formal presentation and interactive discussion Module 3 Discussion based on a case study: e.g. Vientiane embankment Working group Section 2: Managing lood risks by soft integrated measures Module 4 Presentation of diferent “soft” measures that may help reducing lood, with particular focus on what has been applied up to now in Lao PDR Formal presentation and questions ICHARM Module 5 Presentation of the concept of communitybased integrated lood management and support to be provided by the authorities Formal presentation and interactive discussion ICHARM Module 6 Presentation of strengths and weaknesses of such “soft” measures and analysis of their sustainability in the long term as well as elements of cost-beneit analysis Formal presentation and interactive discussion ICHARM Module 7 Discussion based on a case study: e.g. Vientiane embankment Working group ICHARM 97 Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Section 3: The role of dams and cascade of dams operation in lood management Module 8 General presentation of the impact of reservoirs and cascade of reservoirs either to mitigate lood or to contribute to lood risks: theory base on hydrology and hydraulic developments and illustration based on a case-study Formal presentation and questions IWRM Training Specialist Module 9 Presentation of the model HEC-RESSim and utilization of such model for helping the authorities and operators to elaborate rules and procedures that may contribute to manage lood without jeopardizing the beneits from electricity production in case of standalone reservoir and cascade of dams. Formal presentation and questions Modeller team Discussion based on a case study: e.g. Vientiane embankment Working groups Modeller Team Module 10 IWRM team IWRM Team Section 4: How to develop a lood risk management plan Module 11 Apply the outputs of the 3 other sections to build an integrated lood risk management plan based on a real case in Lao PDR Group exercise ICHARM Modeller team IWRM team Module 12 Presentation of the results from the group exervise, comparison and discussion. Vote for the best plan. Group exercise ICHARM Modeller team IWRM team F. Target Components/Focal Points H. Resources The institutions that have responsibilities in “Flood Management”, namely: • MONRE, and related Provincial and District subsidiaries • NNRBC (and other existing or planned RBC) A possible resource for managing this training module would be ICHARM (Japan, supported by UNESCO). The mission of ICHARM is to serve as the Global Centre of Excellence for Water Hazard and Risk Management by, inter alia, observing and analyzing natural and social phenomena, developing methodologies and tools, building capacities, creating knowledge networks, and disseminating lessons and information in order to help governments and all stakeholders manage risks of water-related hazards at global, national, and community levels ( G. Time Frame Day 1: M1, M2, M3 Day 2: M4, M5, M6, M7 Day 3: M8, M9, M10 Day 4: M11, M12 98 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1 Time Program Resource Person 8:00-8:30 Registration DWR 8:30-9:00 Opening ceremony Xaybangfai PONRE 9:00-9:30 Presentation purpose of the workshop DWR, Training Director Session 1: Introduction of Water Security, Flood and Drought Concepts, Physical Characteristics, Risks and Opportunities Objectives: • To build basic understanding in lood risk characteristics, historical data and impacts Methodology: • Keynote presentation and discussion 9:30-10:15 Introduction: basic concept of water security: lood and drought characteristic, risks and opportunities Plenary discussion 10:15-10:45 DWR DWR, Senior Technical Oicer Keynote presentation 1 (Lao), 2 (English) International IWRM Training Specialist Flood Characteristics in Xaybangfai Basin, before and after NT2 Hydropower NTPC Company Keynote presentation 3 (English) 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-11:30 Flood historical data, modeling and lood study of Xaybangfai Basin Keynote presentation 4, 5 (English) Rachamangkhal Technology of Isan, Thailand and NREI 11:30-12:00 Plenary discussion 12:00-13:30 Lunch Director, PONRE Khammone/ Director of Training and Awareness Center 99 Time Program Resource Person Session 2: The Role of Dams and Cascade of Dams Operation in Flood/Drought Management Objectives: • To better understand purposes, operational process, roles, beneits and impacts of Hydropower and Nam Thuan 2 Hydropower Methodology: • Presentations and discussions 13:30-14:45 Impacts (positive and negative) of reservoirs and cascade on loods and water shortage NUOL Discussion 14:45-15:30 Hydropower optimization model, Xeybangi and Nam Thun Basin NTPC Discussion Document 1: NT2 Envrionmental Monitoring Report 100 15:30-15:45 Break 15:45-16:15 Plenary discussion DWR, Training Director 16:15-16:30 Closing PONRE Khammouane Day 2 Time Program Resource Person Session 3: Flood and Drought Impacts/Opportunity and Existing Mitigation Plans Objectives: • To dialogue and further understand the associated risks and beneits of natural and man-made loods, and potential mitigation measures at basin and local scales Methodology: • Keynote, focus group and plenary discussion 08:30-09:00 Recap Trainees 09:00-10:00 Flood/drought impacts and opportunities: by Head of the village Xaybangfai Basin Head of villages Bann Burapa district, Xaybangfai upstream Bann Yommaraj district, Xaybangfai, mid-stream Bann Yang Kham, Xaybangfai district, lower mid-stream Bann Nong Bok district, downstream 10:00-10:45 On-going mitigation plans NTPC Discussion 10:45-11:00 Break 11:00-11:30 Existing lood and drought mitigation initiative WB-MIWRM, Flood Management Technical Oicer 11:30-12:00 Plenary discussion DWR and PONRE Khammouane 12:00-13:30 Lunch Session 4: Managing Flood Risks by Structural Works Objectives: • To review and discuss on possible structural lood mitigation approach Methodology: • Keynote presentations, and discussions 13:30-14:15 Diferent types of infrastructure and civil work (lessons learnt) that mitigate loods, applied in Lao PDR Ministry of Public Work and Transportation Plenary discussion 14:15-15:00 Flood forecast and early warning system infrastructure in Xaybangfai DMH, WB-MIWRM, Meteorology Component Discussion 15:00-15:15 Cofee Break 101 Time Program Resource Person 15:15-15:45 SWOT and Sustainability Analysis of applied lood mitigation infrastructure in Xaybangfai Department of Irrigation 15:45-16:15 Experiences from locals Villages in Xaybangfai Heads of Villages 16:15-16:30 Closing Khammouane provincial Program Resource Person Day 3 Time Session 5: Managing lood (and drought) risks by soft integrated measures Objectives: • To review and discuss on possible non-structural lood mitigation approach Methodology: • Keynote presentations, and discussions 8:30-9:00 Recap Trainees 9:00-9:30 Diferent soft-measures/approaches on lood mitigation applied in Lao PDR DWR, WB-MIWRM 9:30-10:00 Fisheries mitigation NTPC Document 2 : NT2 Fisheries Study 10:00-10:30 Proposed concept of community based integrated lood/ low monitoring and support The Asia Foundation Keynote presentation 6 (English) 102 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-12:00 Small Group Discussion on Action Plan and Flood Mitigation Process 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Small Group Discussion on Action Plan and Flood Mitigation Process 15:00-15:15 Break 15:15-16:00 Report back to plenary Trainee Groups, CTA 16:00-16:30 Engagement building, wrap-up and closing Khammouane Province/ DW CTA Trainee groups Day 4 Time Program Resource Person Session 6: Field Visits, 3 Xaybangfai Villages Objectives: • To Site survey for local research, collecting data Methodology: • Field Observation, stakeholder interviews Village 1: Xaybangfai District, lower mid-stream Village 2: Nongbok District, downstream Village 3: Burapha District, upstream 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:30 Travel back to Vientiane 103 Figure 14: Xay Bangfai River Basin 104 IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: Basic Concept of Floods (Lao) 105 Keynote presentation 2: Flood Risks Management (English) 106 Keynote presentation 3: NT2 Hydropower Management (English) 107 Keynote presentation 4: Flood risks pilot study in Xaybangfai (English) Figure 15: Xay Bangfai River Basin ❱ One of the river basins of the Mekong River ❱ Basin area: 9,871 km2 ❱ River length: 370 km ❱ Average discharge: 315 m3/s ❱ Average annual rainfall: 1,400 - 2,600 mm ❱ Average air temperature: 21-32oc ❱ Basin populationç 254,664 (2008) 108 Keynote presentation 5: Xaybangfai Flood’s Model (English) 109 Keynote presentation 6: Floods in local perspectives (English) Figure 16: Flood and droughts in the XBF  Coupled Ecosystem Social - Economic Modles  Global warming Development interventions Impacts on: - Ecology 110    Coupled Physical - Ecosystem Modles Impacts on: - Economies - Social structures  Impacts on: - Hydrology eg. floods & drought Strongly influenced by: Vulnerability (exposure, dependence and adaptive capacity Document 1: NT2 Environmental Monitoring Report 111 Document 2: NT2 Fisheries Study 112 Training Manual for Project Cycle Management 113 I. Fact Sheet 114 Name of training course: Project Cycle Management Level and specialty: Medium level and on-the-job based training After the training, the trainees will: 1. Understand the concepts of result-chain and project cycle management (PCM); 2. Can design and plan projects using Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) convention; 3. Know basic concepts and steps involved in project monitoring and evaluation. Target groups: This training was speciically designed for target trainees from ADB TA7780 and WB-MIWRM project and activity managers and technical staf from MONRE. The trainees include: • Department of Water Resources • Nam Ngum River Basin Committee Secretariat • National Research Institute • National University of Laos • Local communities and impacted groups Number of training days: 3 days Dates and venue of training: This training was already conducted in Vientiane Capital Number of trainees: 41 Trainees (12 women and 39 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-6 List of principal trainers: Mr. Driravadh Tan Training methodologies: The training was divided into six diferent sessions which exploited diferent methodologies that include • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers • Group exercises Training materials: 1. Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules 2. Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies 3. Keynote Presentations Recommended additional reference materials: N/A Training assessment results and indings: Project Cycle Management Training was conducted on July 21-25 in Vientiane Capital. There were 41 trainees attended. The training was rated by 8.5 out of 10. All the objectives were successfully achieved. The feedbacks provided by the trainees suggested that the training was very pragmatic and gave very relax and friendly atmosphere. Towards the end of the training, the trainees requested to extend this type of training to other groups and levels that may be interested. During the training, it was observed that there were discrepancy among the trainees in the usage and understanding of key logical framework analysis terms such as program, project, goal, objective, outcome, output, indicator and assumption. But after the training, the participants’ understanding of these terms appeared to be uniied in which suggested the training had improved the participants’ understanding of project cycle management and how to manage their projects at each stage of the project cycle. They should be also able to apply logical framework analysis to their works in river basin management after this training in the future. Summary of key achievements • The trainees have a sound understanding of PCM and how to manage their projects at each stage of the process. They should be able to apply LFA to their works in river basin management. • The participants share a common set of PCM/LFA terminology in both Lao and English that is ready to apply to RBM project design and formulation; • The participants are able to use the design tools such as LFA in formulating their projects along with other tools such as Stakeholder Analysis; • The participants are familiar with the planning and implementation procedures such as activity breakdown, Gantt chart, resource and budget allocation. And due to time constraint, the following objectives were partially achieved and more training is recommended: • The participants can plan their projects and determine the critical path of the PERT network (for activity delay or time constraint); • The participants understand the signiicance of monitoring and evaluation procedure and progress reporting routine; • The participants know the administrative and inance tools for procurement and contracting procedures, budget control, accounting and auditing Next steps and Recommendations: 1. Follow up training. Training of Trainer Course in PCM should be considered. 2. Capacity building or training in Report and Proposal Writing should be considered. 115 II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication Managing River Basins and Watersheds is one of the IWRM areas. River basin management (RBM) may be deined as the process of coordinating conservation, management and development of water, land and related resources across sectors within a given river basin, in order to maximize the economic and social beneits derived from water resources in an equitable manner while preserving and, where necessary, restoring freshwater ecosystems. Conducting RBM is generally understood as a spiral process; each cycle of the spiral com-prising several steps. It is expected that the next cycle of the spiral will be better managed than the previous one, after evaluation and lessons learned. The key steps are globally as follows: (i) establishing a river basin proile and mapping the stakeholders; (ii) develop water dialogue amongst the stakeholders for identifying issues and opportunities and developing shared vision; (iii) together with the stakeholders, develop a road map with short, middle and long term strategies; (iv) from the road map, develop actions plans that will be mainstreamed into the socio-economic development plan at diferent level (national, provincial and district) or that may be part of the legal framework; (v) monitor and evaluate the implementation of the actions plans which will be an entry for updating each of the steps during the next cycle. A cycle may reasonably cover a period of 5 years. Each level of the spiral is similar to the traditional deinition of a “Project Cycle”, consisting of steps with clearly speciied objectives within a deined timeperiod and with a deined budget. Intentionally, we suggest this training to address “Project Cycle Management” in a broader way than just referring to RBMP. This should give the opportunity to the trainees who are involved in the diferent ADB/ WB components to get a better understanding of what is behind “Project Cycle”, and for those who are developing RBMP in the framework of their activities, to have a reference tool to implement the step-wise “Spiral”. 116 Figure 17: IWRM Spiral & Process The requirements for the implementation of the “Project Cycle” are: • Clearly identiied stakeholders, including the primary target group and the inal beneiciaries; Clearly deined coordination, management and inancing arrangements; • A monitoring and evaluation system (to support performance management); and • An appropriate level of inancial and economic analysis, which indicates that the project’s beneits will exceed its costs. “Project Cycle” purpose and content must be drawn speciically to take into account the National context, such as the legal and institutional framework, the national planning process. In case of external funding, special requirements from the inancing agencies may create needs for an additional level of procedures and rules. It is actually the case if we consider the diversity of the intervention in the ADB and WB components. In order to accommodate this kind of diversity, it is important that project cycle management systems support the application of standard working modalities/rules, but in a lexible manner. It is part of the concerns of the PMU when coordinating and monitoring these components. A critical issue is that the Funding Agencies have their own standard working modalities/rules and that the beneiciary country has its own standard as well. In our case, the PMU has to cope with ADB11, WB12 and Lao rules. These standards are generally speciic for administrative and inancial procedures whereas technical areas of the projects implementation may be more lexible in their presentation. The reliable, efectively and timely delivery of the project outputs are very often hindered by ineicient or misunderstanding of the administrative and inancial procedures. It is not rare to have an activity technically well prepared, but actually delayed for procedures reasons. It also often happens that, for the same reasons, critical activities are delayed jeopardizing the whole project and its credibility among the beneiciaries. It is therefore important for Administrative & Finance staf to have a clear understanding of the project planning necessities in such a way that they may optimize the procedures for smooth project implementation. It is also important for the Technical Staf to be aware of the administrative procedures, and particularly the necessary delays, in order to be more pro-active and pragmatic when planning the project activities. This Training will be addressed to both Technical and Admin staf and will include the most important tools that are used when implementing a project: • Design Tools (reference framework): Logical frame-work, activities, resources and budget • Planning and Implementation Tools: planning charts, identiication of resources and budget, managing cash low and funds replenishment • Monitoring Tools: Monitoring review and reporting process • Admin and Finance Tools: administrative & inance procedures, procurement and contracts awarding, budget control, cash low management, accounting and auditing In view to better coordinated the project components, this training will ofer as well an opportunity for the mixed teams (Technical and Admin) (i) to carry out a short review and comparison between the ADB, WB and Lao PDR administrative and Financial procedures and (ii) to identify constraints regarding all steps of activities implementation for allowing more pro-active planning and get eventually more reliable and timely delivery of the outputs. This training module is part of the Training Plan: 11. 12.,,contentMDK:20120731~menuPK:5068121~pagePK:41367~piPK:51533~theSitePK:40941,00. html 117 Figure 18: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS 118 Water Security Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes B. Expected Outputs The expected outputs are: Monitoring review and reporting: 1. Understanding the concepts of logical framework – meaning essentially that it is important to keep in mind that the project activities must be consistent and be considered as a whole to reach targets and objectives. 4. Presentation of basic concepts of Monitoring and reporting 2. Understand project planning, identiication of resources and budget: Activities that are delayed may jeopardize or hinder the completion of the other activities and therefore decrease substantially the project efectiveness and eiciency and provide limited delivery of outputs. 3. Understand concepts and methodology of monitoring and evaluation (e.g. indicators, efectiveness, eiciency…) 4. Understand that delaying project activities by inadequate planning and by lack of lexibility in applying the procedures may eventually be very expensive. 5. Get a better mutual understanding between Technical Staf and Admin & Finance Staf regarding their respective duties and responsibilities, balancing planning concerns and margins for lexibility, in such a way that components outputs can be reliably, timely and transparently delivered. 5. Indicators to be deined when drafting the logical framework 6. Base-line survey and monitoring during project implementation 7. Concepts of eiciency and efectiveness Review and compare ADB, WB and Lao PDR administrative and Financial procedures: 8. Procurement and contract awarding process 9. Budget control 10. Cash low management 11. Accountancy and inancial auditing compliance Identify concerns and FAQ for allowing a more reliable and timely delivery of the outputs. D. Methodology The Training will be organized using the following modalities: Formal Presentation: Deinition and concepts for: 1. Logical Framework; C. Main Topics Covered 2. Project Planning; The topics that will be covered by this training are listed below: 3. Monitoring and evaluation; Logical Framework Approach: Discussions/FAQ: 1. Analysis of the situation and issues (where we are), establishment of Objectives (general and speciics) and deliverable outputs (where we want to go) 1. Key issues that make that use to hinder the smooth implementation of project 2. Identify consistent package of activities that together will allow fulilling the speciic objective and project outputs (how do we get there). 3. Identiied resources needed for carrying out the activities and the related budget 4. Admin & inance tools. Group Exercise: 1. Cases Analysis - From a project description, build the logical framework, the planning of the activities (CPM) and the indicators for monitoring and evaluation. Project planning, resources and budget: Methods of planning (bar chart, critical path method), planning of resources, planning cash low and funds replenishment. 119 E. Modules Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Module 1: Logical Framework Design Tools • • • • • • Formal presentation of the concepts Lecturer Module 2: Exercise From example of project description • Build a logical framework Groups Facilitator Module 3: Planning Of Activities • Planning tasks • Planning resources • Planning budget and cash low Formal presentation of the concepts Lecturer Module 4: Exercise From example of project description • Planning chart • Resources • Planning budget and cash low Groups Facilitator Module 5: Monitoring and Evaluation • Identiication of Indicators • Indicators monitoring Formal presentation of the concepts Lecturer Module 6: Exercise Monitoring Tools From example of project description • Identiication of indicators • Baseline survey, monitoring • Evaluation concepts • Reporting Module 7: Admin & Finance Tools • Procurement • Budget control & cash low • Rules for inancial auditing compliance Planning & Implementation Tools 120 Identiication of issues Deinition of objectives Outputs Activities Resources Budget Facilitator Formal presentation of the concepts Lecturer Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Module 8: Key Issues Related to Project Management What we must do to improve the implementation of the components (reliability, timing, transparency) Group discussion Facilitator F. Target Components/Focal Points All managers of the components (1 technical staf, 1 admin Staf ) * 8 components = 16 participants G. Time Frame Day 1: M1, M2 Day 2: M3, M4 Day 3: M5, M6 Day 4: M7, M8 121 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1 Time Program Resource Person Session 1: Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Analysis and IWRM 8:30-8:45 Welcome speech Director of Training Unit 8:45-9:00 Introduction of the training CTA 9:00-9:30 Introduction of participants and expectations Program Facilitator 9:30-10:00 Project, scope of intervention and the design of project components; Training Specialist Terms and deinitions 10:00 -10:20 Break Admin team 10:20 –12:00 Concept of PCM & IWRM Training Specialist Results-chain Input (duration, budget & resources) and output (products & services) Keynote presentation 1 122 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:30-15:00 Group assignments: project presentations by participants Training Specialist 15:00-15:20 Break Admin team 15:20-16:30 Case study & group exercise: small-scale water resource development project to demonstrate stakeholder analysis and strategic design of its components. Training Specialist 1. Participatory Community-based Fishery Project; 2. Mon River Water Quality Monitoring Project in Vang Viang, Vientiane Province; 3. Community Awareness Raising for Water Resource Preservation Project; 4. Reservoir Operation and Maintenance Project in Savannakhet; 5. IWRM Training Project (nation-wide); 6. Waste Water Treatment Project in Hangkae Village, Xayxettha District, Vientiane Day 2 Time Program Resource Person 8:30-8:45 Recap from day 1 Group Representatives Session 2 Activity & Work Breakdown Structure, Critical Path Method & Implementation Plan Formulation, Assumption and Risks Analysis 8:45-09:30 Group Exercise – goal & objective formulation, impact, outcome and output assignment, activity breakdown Training Specialist 09:30-10:30 Technique in assigning indicators and sources of veriication Duration, budget allocation & resource assignment Training Specialist 10:30-10:50 Break 10:50-12:00 Project implementation plan formulation Training Specialist Keynote presentation 2 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:30-15:00 Assumption, risk analysis and risk mitigation measures Training Specialist 15:00-15:20 Break Admin team 15:20-16:30 Group exercise – LFA development Training Specialist 18:30 Dinner Admin team 123 Day 3 Time Program Resource Person 8:30-8:45 Recap from day 2 Group representative 8:45-10:00 Presentations by participants Training Specialist 10:00-10:20 Break Admin team Session 3 Monitoring and Evaluation 10:20-12:00 Monitoring and evaluation – concept & practices Training Specialist Keynote presentation 3 12:00-13:30 Lunch Admin team 13:30 Applications to IWRM project management in Lao PDR Training Specialist 15:00-15:20 Break Admin team 15:20-16:30 Wrap-up Training Specialist Questions & answers Nest steps Feedback & evaluation Closing 16:30 124 Travel back home Admin team IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: Logical Framework Analysis (English) 125 Keynote presentation 2: Reporting (English) 126 Keynote presentation 3: Monitoring and Evaluation (Thai and English) 127 128 Training Manual for Introduction to Groundwater Management 129 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Introduction to Groundwater Management Level and specialty: Introductory and specialization After the training, the trainees will: 1. Understand basic knowledge and characteristic of groundwater occurrence and low. 2. Be able to understand the concept of head and hydraulic gradient to construct water table maps. 3. Understand how to conduct electrical resistivity proiling. 4. Understand the procedures involved in well construction and test pumping. 5. Bring together all information gathered to build simple groundwater models. Target groups: • Staf and students of the National University of Laos (NUOL), Faculty of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Science. • Governmental water agencies and staf at central, provincial, district and sub-district levels. Number of training days: 13 days Dates and venue of training: The Introduction of Groundwater Management Course consists of 5 training modules which include: • Introduction of Groundwater Module, 12-14 October 2015. • Resistivity Survey Module, 16-17 October 2015. • Borehole Drilling Preparation, Drilling and Pump Testing Module, 18-21 October 2015. • Groundwater Modelling Module, 15 and 22-23 October 2015. • Field Trip and Study Tour at IWMI’s Groundwater Pilot Demonstration Site, Bann Akksang, Vientiane Province, 2 November 2015. Venues: National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering, Sopaluang Campus, and Faculty of Water Resources, Tadthong Campus Number of trainees: 40 Trainees (15 women and 25 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-7 List of principal trainers: The resource people involved were from the Faculty of Engineering (FE), the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS), and the Faculty of Water Resources (FWR). The training instructors were Ms. Keophousone Phonhalath (FE), Mr. Saykham Sithavong (FWR), and Mr. Nicholas Lombardi (International consultant), Dr. Paul Pavelic, Program Director and his IWMI team. Training facilitator, Mr. Suparerk Janprasart, Chief Technical Advisor and Team Leader. 130 Training methodologies: The training was divided into ive diferent modules covering various aspects of groundwater study which utilized the following methodologies: • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions prepared and facilitated by trainers; • Participatory classroom exercises; • Fieldwork covering resistivity proiling, borehole drilling, borehole survey, and pump testing, and; • Field trip and study tour in local stakeholder interviews. Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Recommended additional reference materials: 1. Oregon State University Groundwater tutorial: 2. Water Well Drilling: 3. Introduction to the resistivity surveying method: 4. Training assessment results and indings: This intensive training was designed to provide knowledge about groundwater low and occurrence, and the utilization and management of this resource. It was jointly organized by ADB-TA7780 NIWRMSP project team and the NUOL. Situational Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Power Point Presentations Resource Materials in PDF format Groundwater Software for Visualization, Analysis, and Modeling Keynote Presentations Review Xam Covering All Major Aspects of the Training Short Video Documentaries The training successfully provided participants the basic skill in groundwater assessment and analysis, which can augment further studies in this ield. The trainees participated in hands on ield activities and expressed great enthusiasm in the methods that were introduced. Towards the end of the training, a diicult exam covering all aspects of the course was given in which 84% of the students got grades grades greater than 60, showing excellent comprehension of the material that was taught. Trainees expressed great interest in a second course of this kind. The overall score of this training rated by the trainees was 7.5 out of 10. Next steps and Recommendations: 1. Additional trainings in groundwater encompassing both classwork and ieldwork should be conducted. A proposal for the next training is included in Appendix 1. 2. Organize similar training once a year to expand the trainee base and reinforce the principles of groundwater assessment and management. 3. Disseminate information of this activity to donors for fund raising purpose. 131 II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication For decades, little interest has been shown in groundwater resources in Lao PDR, despite the fact that 80% of the rural population depends on groundwater in some form. Although Lao PDR has vast surface water resources they are not accessible to those who live at a distance from them. Drinking water supply and some punctual industrial spots were the only users of the groundwater resources. Most of the water produced for domestic purposes, especially in villages and even small towns, comes from dug wells which are unreliable and pose health risks. In many countries, groundwater is of vital importance for the livelihood and health of the people since it is often the main source for domestic water. It is also widely used for irrigated agriculture and for industry. This is particularly true in dry regions where surface water is scarce or seasonal, and in rural areas with dispersed populations. Climate change is likely to lead to a greater dependence on groundwater as a cushion against drought and increasing uncertainty in surface water availability. Up to now, indeed, groundwater exploitation remained very limited in Lao PDR, but it is likely to change fast in the short and middle term. This situation is already changing, at least in some places of Lao PDR for diferent reasons: • The generalization of electricity supply in most part of the rural areas resulted in the replacement of the hand pumps by electric pumps. This generated opportunities for the private sector (boreholes drilling, pumping stations and mini water supply networks). The water consumption increased for domestic use electric pumps could also provide more lexibility and more yield for gardening purposes. • The rapid development of some urban areas, and the extension of industrial facilities and mining activities also generated increasing demand for groundwater use. 132 Lao PDR is just starting now to seriously assess its groundwater resources and to consider the potential and the risks of groundwater development. Just recently, the Government of Lao PDR has included groundwater in its national policy and has created a Groundwater Management Division under the Department of Water Resources. But despite the importance of groundwater to national development and the growing recognition of its value, there is insuicient capacity of groundwater experts in the country. It means that institutional development and capacity building activities, for the meantime, are very limited and that these areas will require important and long term eforts in terms of implementation and capacity building. There is therefore a strong need to increase capacity and knowledge regarding the groundwater sector at all levels: institutional, technical and managerial. A major step in improving this situation was the inclusion of the ADB-Component 3 of the NIWRMSP “Groundwater Resources Assessment”. This component is likely a irst attempt in Lao PDR to tackle this area in a systematic way. Within the framework of this Component, an overall assessment of groundwater resources is being carried out starting with a consultation process that led to the formulation of an action plan that should address 5 “categories”: (i) the institutional settings and capacity; (ii) the regulatory framework; (iii) the groundwater management and strategic planning (data base, inventories and analysis); (iv) the users involvement (awareness, education, local monitoring), and; (v) capacity building and training. This last category is now being addressed with pragmatic eforts designed to increase the proiciency required to characterize and administer groundwater resources, and to this end two related tasks have been drafted: • Training for groundwater ield technicians (in coordination with the Groundwater Research Center (GRC) at Khon Khaen University). • Development and strengthening curriculum for (i) groundwater managers and (ii) for hydrogeologists both a NUOL and foreign Universities (in progress). The training for groundwater ield technicians is part of this training module, with an aim of extending the audience and re-situating the very technical issues within a more general IWRM context. The training session conducted in October 2015 is a major step in capacity building of this area. The ‘Introduction of Groundwater Management Training Course’ described in this document has been carried out under the NIWRMSP (ADB TA No. 7780). The outputs identiied at the inception of this TA were grouped into four categories, and implemented by four corresponding component teams: The National Groundwater Action Plan was prepared and submitted by Component 3 in November 2013, and twenty tasks were grouped into ive categories: • Output 1: National capacity built in integrated water resources management (Component 1); 3. Groundwater Management and Strategic Planning; • Output 2: River basin management developed (Components 2a and 2b); 5. Capacity Building & Training. • Output 3: National groundwater management action plan prepared (Component 3); and • Output 4: Integrated water resources management education strengthened at the National University of Laos (Component 4). 1. Institutional Settings; 2. Water Law/Regulatory Framework; 4. User involvement, and; A thirteen-day instructional course, conducted in October to early November 2015 over a time span of four weeks and including ieldwork, classroom instruction as well as ield study, falls under Category Five of the Groundwater Action Plan, i.e. capacity building and training, and was implemented under the auspices of Components 1 and 4 (with assistance from Component 3) of the abovementioned TA. The diagram below illustrates the position of this exercise within the overall Component 1 Training Plan: Figure 19: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training IWRM Framework River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems Based Approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework Public Policy & Strategy - Economic Analysis Tools Water Law - International & Legal Documents Review - Legal & Regulatory Aspects in NRM Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM Process Mainstreaming IWRM in River Basin RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Water Security Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modeling Capacity at NUoL level Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks & Disaster Management Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes 133 On 22 May 2015, a Kick-of Workshop for Development of Groundwater Management Training was held with over 30 participants, including those from various faculties within NUOL, from NREI, DWR, IWMI, Irrigation Department, and Khon Khaen University, Thailand. The objective of the Workshop was to agree upon the groundwater management training plans and activities. The output of the workshop was a preliminary design of introduction of groundwater training course that consist of ive training modules. The course would be the very irst multi-disciplinary program that would include key trainers from diferent faculties and key governmental agencies. The ive training modules that will include: 1. Introduction of Groundwater (three-day lecturing and classwork module); 2. Resistivity Survey (two-day ield exercise module); 3. Borehole Drilling Preparation, Drilling and Pump Testing (four-day ield exercise and classwork module); 4. Groundwater Modelling (three-day ield exercise module), and; 5. Field Trip and Study Tour (one-day ield trip module). The expected outputs from the training program were identiied as: 1. Capacity strengthening and developing skills in ground water management encompassing basic knowledge and use of the resource, and borehole survey/drilling and supervision; 2. Upgrading of the undergraduate course module and building a foundation for a graduate program of groundwater studies; 3. Relative ground water mapping, and; 4. Creation of a Groundwater Training pilot site in Tad Thong Campus, Faculty of Water Resources of NUOL. 134 During and after the training, the trainees are expected to be able to provide constructive inputs for the development of the GW Research and Training Center, its goals, building requirements, and key action plans in order to make the Ground Water Research Center happened in the next 3 to 5 years. It was agreed that the target groups of the trainees should consist of: 1. Professors, lecturers and prospect students from Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Faculty, and; 2. Key concerned agencies such as NREI, DWR, Public Work, etc. A key feature of this intensive training course, organized in early October to early November 2015 was that the organization and actual execution was carried out by an inter-faculty group of the National University of Laos (NUOL), laying down a foundation for the establishment of a Groundwater Research and Training Center at NUOL, a component which is briely discussed at the end of this document. The resource people involved were from the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Water Resources. The resource people involved were from the Faculty of Engineering (FE), the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS), and the Faculty of Water Resources (FWR). The training instructors were Ms Keophousone Phonhalath (FE), Mr. Viengthong Xayyavong (FNS), Mr. Saykham Sithavong (FWR), Mr. Nicholas Lombardi (International Consultant), and Dr. Paul Palvelic, Program Director, IWMI and his team. The training was held on the Sophaluang Campus, Faculty of Engineering, and the Thadthong campus of the Faculty of Water Resources, National University of Laos. For the ield study, it would be held in Bann Akksang, Vientiane Province, a ground water research pilot of IWMI. This document will be uploaded to the Lao PDR Ministry of Natural Resources (MONRE), Department of Water Resources (DWR) IWRM Framework NIWRMSP Platform website: III. Training Program Agenda Module Date Team Leader Venue 1) Introduction to Ground Water 12-14 Oct Ms. Keophousone Faculty of Engineering, Sokpaluang campus 2a) Resistivity survey 16-18 Oct Mr. Viengthong Water Resources Faculty, Thadthong Campus 3) Borehole drilling and pump testing 19-20 Oct Mr. Saykham Water Resources Faculty, Thadthong Campus 4a) GW Modeling I 15 Oct Mr. Nicholas Lombardi Faculty of Engineering, Sokpaluang campus 22 Oct Mr. Nicholas Lombardi Faculty of Engineering, Sokpaluang campus 23 Oct Mr. Nicholas Lombardi Faculty of Engineering, Sokpaluang campus 5) Study Tour at IWMI project 2 Nov IWMI Bann Akksang Feasibility study for Groundwater Center 26 Oct All instructors together with other relevant resource people Faculty of Engineering, Sokpaluang campus Groundwater hydraulics and review of concepts in Module 1 2b) Resistivity Survey: Fieldwork Overview - Groundwater hydraulics and review of concepts in Module 1 4b) GW Modeling II Review of aquifer properties and parameters required for modeling; creation of simple steady-state model. 4c) Modeling III Synthesis of material learned to create groundwater models Varying properties and parameters to see the efects on the model Summary & conclusions Exam and student feedback Brainstorming meeting for the design and formation of a groundwater training and research center 135 IV. Training Materials Module 1: Introduction of Ground Water The irst three days were dedicated to covering all the basic concepts required for the advanced modules that followed. It is important to note that the topics presented encompassed material that a student would learn in a three month semester groundwater course. Therefore it was not expected that all students would grasp all concepts to the same degree, rather the main objective was to give them the overall picture of what groundwater study entails. The diferent nature of surface water and groundwater, the hydrological cycle, occurrence of groundwater in various forms (perched, unconined, and conined aquifers), geological deposits and how they afect groundwater low were covered in the lectures. Aquifer analysis via the Hvorslev method was done as a class exercise, and a master's thesis of a water balance study was presented on day two. Concepts were reinforced through hands on exercises such as drawing of lownets, the contouring of water table maps both by hand and using the software SURFER. Keynote presentation 1-5: Introduction of Ground Water (Lao and English) 136 137 Paper 1: Basic concept of groundwater (Lao) 138 Module 2a: Resistivity survey: Groundwater hydraulics and review of concepts in Module 1 This module concentrated on the hydraulic aspects of groundwater low: the explanation of 'head' as the energy driving groundwater low, distribution of head and the establishment of the hydraulic gradient that determines low direction, analysis of hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity and the application of Darcey's Law to a real ield situation on the Vientiane Plains. The lecture concluded with the storage properties of aquifers and the calculation of groundwater velocities. To help visualize patterns of groundwater low, the software TopoDrive was used by the students in a series of class exercises that illustrated the relationships between heads and lows. Keynote presentation 6: Electrical Resistivity Survey - Groundwater hydraulics and review of concepts in Module 1 (Lao and English) 139 Module 2b: Resistivity Survey - Fieldwork On the ifth day of the training, the electrical properties of rocks and theory of resistivity took place in the morning, and practice with the required modeling software was the afternoon’s activity. Emphasis was on the application of the techniques for groundwater exploration. On the next day, students actively participated in conducting a 300 meter long proile using the Wenner array and the analysis of the data was given as homework using RESDINV, the standard software for 2D resistivity modeling. Figure 20: Fieldwork as part of the course The results are given below: The resistivity cross section indicates that there two low resistivity zones to the north and south which show the highest potential for groundwater extraction. 140 Paper 2: Result of the Resistivity Survey Exercise Instruction video 1-5: Field practice on electricity resistivity survey at Tadthong Campus 141 Module 3: Borehole drilling and pump testing Professor Saykham of the Faculty of Water Resources arranged for a drilling contractor to construct a well 60 meters in depth. The method used was air drilling with a compressor. The students took notes while collecting and packaging the drill cuttings as samples with depth. PVC casing was installed and a gravel ilter pack was placed, and the well was developed for ive hours. The day ended with the students practicing for the pumping test to be held on the following day. It should be noted that the borehole was located before the resistivity survey due to logistical reasons (establishment of a demonstration irrigation scheme) and the low value of transmissivity, 2.3 m2 per day and low yield was due to the fact that the well penetrated the high resistivity section in the middle zone. The borehole also conirmed the depth of bedrock predicted by the resistivity survey, around 7.5 meters. A group of students were also involved in a survey of existing boreholes using leveling equipment and siting of of benchmarks as well as measuring the water levels in the wells for the purpose of creating a map of head distribution on the Tad Thong campus. A full pump test was performed the next day for 600 minutes (10 hours) and recovery measurements were taken for the same amount of time after the pump was stopped. On Thursday, 22 October 2015, the analysis was done in class together with the students using a spreadsheet, and conirmed with pump-testing software (AQUIFERWIN). The students learned the Cooper Jacob straight line method to calculate transmissivity and the results are shown below. Figure 21: Transmissivity Calculation Based on Cooper Jacob Straight Line Method 142 Keynote presentation 7: Pilot study (English) 143 Keynote presentation 8: Pump testing introduction (English) 144 Keynote presentation 9: National groundwater well log database (English) 145 Paper 3: National well log sheet Videos 6-10: Borehole drilling at Tadthong Campus 146 Modules 4a: Groundwater Modeling: Overview - Groundwater hydraulics and review of concepts in Module 1 Modules 4b: Groundwater Modeling: Review of aquifer properties and parameters required for modeling; creation of simple steady-state model. Modules 4c: Groundwater Modeling: Synthesis of material learned to create groundwater models, Varying properties and parameters to see the efects on the model, Summary & conclusions, Exam and student feedback The equations and structure of groundwater models were introduced. Parameters required were reviewed, and the building of the grid explained, focusing on the three types of boundary conditions required to enclose the model domain. The concept of steady state was illustrated and contrasted against transient models. In the afternoon, a simple steady state 2D groundwater models was constructed using the software Groundwater Vistas and hydraulic conductivity was varied to show the efects on the system consisting of two streams and steady recharge from rainfall (see Figure 22). Students were taught to check their models using a mass balance - the summary of inlowsoutlows. A well was later added, and the students were shown how the accuracy of results could be improved by reining the grid (see Figure 23). The three main phases of groundwater modeling, Calibration, Veriication (Validation), and Prediction, were explained to the students with examples given of how the prediction capabilities of modeling can help in resource management, strategic planning, and project design: Exam and student feedback Paper 9: Training examination An exam was given on the last day of the formal training. The questions and answers were given in both Lao and English, but only the English versions are contained in Appendix II. Overall the results are quite good and summarized below: Score % of students 45 16% 60 16% 65 11% 75 16% 85 5% 95 37% A perfect score would be 100. If the passing grade would be considered as 65, it would mean that 69% of the students passed. If 60% was the passing grade, then 84% of the students passed. Attendance was also quite good with 50% of the students attending 8 out of the 10 days, while 10 students had 100% attendance. 147 Figure 22: Simple steady state model with two streams and constant recharge [left] Model with well added and reined grid [right] Figure 23: Mass balance summary for the simple steady models 148 Keynote presentation 10: Hydrological Modelling – Basic concept (English) 149 Keynote presentation 11: Hydrological Modelling – Important concept (English) 150 Paper 4: Basic concept of groundwater and lows 151 Paper 5: Vista tutorial manual 152 Paper 6: Groundwater Vista exercise and tutorial Application 1: Groundwater Vista Version 6, 32 bit The application can be downloaded from 153 Module 5: Study Tour Program Agenda: One Day Trip to Bann Aksang, IWMI’s Groundwater Research Pilot 1. Village Oice / Climate Station • Introductions, general talk about site, program of the day (Mathieu, Somphasith, Paul) 4. Lunch @ KM52 2. School Site (GW assessments in practice) 5. Domestic Supplies (visit 1 representative HH at Phousan village) • Continuous GW monitoring, aquifer testing, drilling of irrigation wells 154 3. Nadorn (GW irrigation in practice) – or somewhere else if weather doesnt allow show shallow dug well, deep tube well, agricultural practices (Coco, Mr Mon) • Demonstrate the source, highlight the quality, GW use survey of Vytou/Parn, garden-scale irrigation (Vytou, Jordan) V. Conclusions and Recommendations As this was the irst efort of its kind, some oversights were made and valuable experiences were gained that lead to suggestions for the next training session. Overall, the intense pace of the course overwhelmed some students, so it is recommended that the number of days be increased with breaks occurring between changes in topics. For example, it would have been less demanding if it were a 20 day course that took place within a time span of 4 to 6 weeks. The low yielding well was a result of a violation of a main tenet of groundwater work, namely that exploration, which includes geophysical surveying, be completed and analyzed before sighting a well, and this point was emphasized to the students and as such the poor well performance served as a signiicant lesson. The pump test was conducted poorly, mainly due to the contractor's refusal to adjust the inline valve when the discharge started to decrease. The decreasing discharge is a violation of the analysis techniques required to assess the well. It is highly recommended that the Faculty of Water Resources purchase its own test pumping equipment, the cost of the pumps and accessory pumping being less than $500. As well as an increase in time, an increase in scope of works is also recommended. For example, the low discharge of the pump test and the nature of the aquifer precluded any drawdown response in the two closest existing wells, and thus an opportunity for further analysis, such as calculation of the storage coeicient, was not possible. For the next demonstration of borehole drilling, an observation well sited 10-20 meters away should be included in the scope of works. Another addition in the ieldwork could be a longer resistivity proile that would illustrate the practice of 'roll alongs' to increase the points that occur at greater depths. This is the practice of extending the proile by moving the resistivity line a predetermined spacing and starting from the beginning to have a longer continuous proile. Also, more areas of the Tad Thuong campus should be explored. Topographic survey work could also be more extensive. Basis for a Groundwater Training and Research Center Groundwater curriculum at NUOL in the past has been limited with few textbooks and resource materials and with no accommodation for any ieldwork. Before this training exercise, hardly any students have ever seen a drill rig, have never participated in a pumping test, nor are they familiar with geophysical surveying, leave alone water level mapping. Some eforts are currently being made at groundwater modeling, but it is not clear whether any of these models would be anything more than academic exercises with no relation to the situation in the ield (mainly because of the paucity of valid data). However, NUOL is now taking major steps in strengthening their curriculum and widening their experience with ieldwork. The current lack of expertise in groundwater threatens to hinder any rational development of this resource, and these eforts are being directed to address this problem. Groundwater resources in just about all of Lao PDR have yet to be characterized. This is a major concern in the southern part of the country where water shortages occur regularly during the dry season and in karst areas where hydropower and mining activities threaten both quantity and quality. At the moment, there are at least six research projects being implemented by NUOL professors and students that are related to groundwater quantity and quality, and involving applications such as irrigated agriculture. In the past, there have been a few published papers on groundwater issues by NUOL staf. From this, we can conclude that the university does indeed have the capacity for research, but it is too small at the present time to play a major role in groundwater development. This capacity needs to be strengthened. NUOL provides an academic environment, and the planning, organization, and successful completion of recent training activities, notably this one, has shown a great potential for further expansion in both training and research. All these suggestions have been incorporated into the Proposal for the next training session which is in Appendix I. 155 Having a central entity responsible for groundwater training and research would eliminate redundancy and facilitate coordination of research activities. Because groundwater studies are interdisciplinary by nature, it only makes sense to have the involvement of various faculties and departments, and a multidisciplinary unit would be an efective way to cover all aspects of this vital resource. The roles of the training and research center are outlined below: Role as research entity: 1. Repository/depository/library Accumulation and centralization of all information pertaining to groundwater 2. Central channel for all research activities in the country (coordination and facilitation) 156 3. Proposal writing for research grants 4. Public relations campaign - invitation to graduate schools and academic institutions to conduct theses and other research in Lao 5. Government - requires answers for strategic planning and polcy A concept paper serving as a proposal for the creation of a groundwater training and research center is currently in progress and expected be ready by the end of November 2015. Training Manual for Collaborative Flood Modeling 157 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Collaborative Flood Modeling Level and specialty: Specialization After the training, the trainees will: 1. Have basic knowledge and capacities in understanding modeling purposes and appreciate how far it may help to better coordinate their water planning. 2. Be able to prepare to consider requesting the use of modeling tools 3. Refresh knowledge in basic hydrology and monitoring the components of the water balance 4. Gain knowledge and practical skill on hydro-meteorological data treatment, and GIS tools for hydrology 5. Gain knowledge and practical skill in HECRAS Application Model Target groups: This training was speciically designed for targeted trainees, which are the prospective undergraduate and graduate students and lecturers from Faculty of Water Resources and Faculty of Science Number of training days: 18 days Dates and venue of training: National University of Laos, Faculty of Water Resources, Thad Thong Campus Number of trainees: 40 Trainees (15 women and 25 men) List of trainees: See Annex A-8 List of principal trainers: Assistant Professor Rachapat Ratanavaraha, Director of Water Resources Management Research Center, Kong Chi Mun River Basin, Rajamangala University of Technologies Isan, Thailand. Dr. Kowit Boonrawd, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technologies Isan. Mr. Songphol Songsaengrit, Assistant Lecturer, Rajamangala University of Technologies Isan. Training methodologies: The training was divided into six diferent modules which exploited diferent methodologies in class work and virtual exercises that include Module 1: Basic hydrology and Hydrological system of Xaybangfai (1.5 days) Module 2: Basic Global Climate Model, and local Xaybangfai climate models, Lower Mekong Basin and Xaybangfai (0.5 day) & Satellite Model Application (0.5 day) Module 3: Database and ARC and Quantum GIS (3 days) Module 4: Application of HECRAS Model (15 days) 158 Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. Situation Analysis, Training Concept and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Keynote Presentations Application Software in HECRAS and GIS Recommended additional reference materials: N/A Training assessment results and indings: The training was highly successful and all the trainees enjoyed the gained skill built in HECRAS Flood Model and how they can be participatory used with diferent types of stakeholders. The training was evaluated and gave average score at 9 out of 10. A team of young professional lood modelers was built from this training. Everyone expressed that they were excitedly looking forward to attending the next advance training course and ield trip. Next steps and Recommendations: Unfortunately, that the next series of the training did not happen under the timeline of this TA. It is suggested that the training should be continuing and implement the ield work in Xaybangfai Basin. The trainees would be required to collect further inputs and data, and consult their draft model results with local communities and stakeholders who have sufered from the loods. Based on further data inputs and new tested run models, the trainees would also be assigned to propose for possible solutions on lood risks management either in non-infrastructure and infrastructure approaches for Xaybangfai. 159 II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules A. Justiication The objective is to train a group of NUOL student at both undergraduate and master’s degree level in collaborative modeling in water resources management. The Collaborative Modeling Training is implemented in series. The irst training aims to present (or refresh) the knowledge on basic hydrology, to provide an understanding of diferent hydrometeorological parameters used in the models and how to collect data and monitor these parameters. The following training then aims to provide understand on how to manage and maintain hydro-meteorological data, how to use GIS as a tool for hydrology, and how to use diferent hydrological models as decision tools for speciic river basin management issues. The issues that the trainees would work on will be the issues identiied during the ield visit from the discussion with the stakeholders. The ield visit is also included as part of the training to best relect the situation in which the hydrological models can be used. As the training is built on the concept of collaborative modeling, this suggests that the model will be used a tool to present the issues with references to the situation presented by the stakeholders to facilitate the water dialogue. Therefore, in actual application, the modelers will have to gather the information from the stakeholders and treat the stakeholders as “the Client”. Module 1: Basic Concept of Hydrology 1. Hydrological Cycle: i. The global hydrologic cycle: transfers of water between the land, ocean and atmosphere, and; ii. The land phase of the hydrologic cycle: the movement of water on and under the land surface (quantity and quality). 2. Why study hydrology?: B. Summary of the Training Module The training would consist of 1 ield visit and 5 modules: • Field Visit: including meeting with stakeholders (the ield visit was organized as part as another training organized for NIWRMSP under Component 1) • Module 1: Basic Hydrology • Module 2: Hydro-meteorological Data Collection • Module 3: GIS Application on Hydrology and Modeling Preparation • Module 4: HECRAS Modeling Tools for Water Resources Management Human systems are intimately shaped by the availability of water, lows pattern and quality of water e.g. Agriculture, drinking water, hydropower, industry, recreation, etc. 3. The Hydrological Concept of Watersheds and River Basins: i. Deinitions; ii. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and methods watersheds delineation and streams burning; iii. Why it is generally recommended that water management be linked with the concept of river basins and watersheds limits? 4. The Water Balance: C. Detailed Topics Covered by the Modules Field Visit and meeting with stakeholders 160 The objective for the ield visit is to organize meetings with various stakeholders in the targeted area, i.e. Xaybangfai basin under this training. The discussion with the stakeholders would allow the trainees to gain a better understanding of the actual basins issues. The identiied issues would be used as “case studies” under this training. These case studies would serve as real-world practical examples for the trainees to apply the theories that they have learned during this training series. i. Relation (equation) between rainfall, iniltration, runof, evaporation, groundwater storage and base low; ii. Dimensions and units, and; iii. Parameters that may modify this balance (impacts of human activities on water balance). 5. An Example of the Use of Hydrology: The rainfall-runof relation – the parameters that impact this relationship and the consequences for lood management. Figure 24: The Water Balance and Relation Equation A general water balance equation is: P=Q+E+∆S where P is precipitation; Q is runof; E is evapotranspiration; ∆S is change in the storage (in soil or the bedrock) Figure 25: Hydro-meteorological Parameters in Relation to Water Balance and Units of Measurements 161 Module 2: Knowledge and Data Collection iv. What kind of data treatment/maintenance that modelers need. – Hydro-Met Equipment 1. Review of the hydro-meteorological parameters that must be monitored, according to the water balance equation; frequency of measurement, units. 2. Hydro-meteorological Sensors: i. Rain gauge, e.g. simple rain gauge, tipping bucket, etc.; ii. Water level, e.g. staf gauge, pressure, bubble, loat system; meteorological station (i.e. the parameters for the evaluation of the evaporation), e.g. wind direction and velocity, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, temperature, evaporation pan, etc.; 6. Brief Introduction to the Hydrological Database HEC-DSS13 (Open Source): The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center Data Storage System, or HEC-DSS, is a database system designed to eiciently store and retrieve scientiic data that is typically sequential. Such data types include, but are not limited to, time series data, curve data, spatial-oriented gridded data, and others. The system was designed to make it easy for users and application programs to retrieve and store data. HEC-DSS is incorporated into most of HEC’s major application programs. Module 3: Basic of GIS Application for Hydrology iv. Where to install the stations in a river basin iii. Groundwater observation, and; according to the potential identiied issues. 3. Measuring the Discharge in the Rivers: i. The calibration curve: Water Level versus Discharge; ii. The Manning equation; iii. Range of equipment for measuring discharge in a river, and; iv. Statistical treatment of the points measured in the ield to sort out the calibration curve. 4. Data Observation: i. Manual reading, electronic data storage, data teletransmission; ii. Data for statistical purpose and data for nearly-real time forecasting; iii. Quick ield quality control, and; 1. Vector Layers and Raster Layers: Concept of layers, basic treatment of layers, projections (mainly 2 systems: spherical WGS 1984 and WGS 1984-UTM 48N): to be developed on QGIS14 - QGIS is an open-source (free license) software that ofers similar features as Arc GIS with same format (.shp). It is regularly updated and may be easily disseminated to a large number of users. 2. Introducing Digital Elevation Model from ASTERGTM215 or STRM16: i. Downloading images from the website, and; ii. Calculating contour and getting relief raster (with QGIS). 3. Watershed Delineation: (To be developed on MapWindow17) iv. Operation and maintenance: key issues and recommendations. Map Window is likely the only open-source software (free license) that ofers a powerful function for watersheds and stream delineation. 5. How to store the hydro-meteorological data: 4. Exercise: i. Handwritten form; Watershed and streams delineation for Sebangfai river basin. ii. Excel ile; iii. Dedicated hydrological database, and; 13. 14. 15. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Relection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) - ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA: 162 16. The SRTM 90m DEM’s have a resolution of 90m at the equator, and are provided in mosaiced 5 deg x 5 deg tiles for easy download and use. All are produced from a seamless dataset to allow easy mosaicing. These are available in both ArcInfo ASCII and GeoTif format to facilitate their ease of use in a variety of image processing and GIS applications. ( 17. (MapWindow has also a plugin for developing the model SWAT) Figure 26: Vector Layers and Raster Layers Figure 27: Example of Watershed Delineation 163 Module 4: Introduction to Modeling Tools are considered (e.g. electricity production; lood Applied to Help Tackle Issues in River Basin management, irrigation, environmental low), including short introduction to HEC-ResSim19 model. Management 1. Overview of the Modeling Tools: i. Deterministic models and statistical models, and; ii. Establish a table of issues discussed with the stakeholders in Xaybangfai basin and the potential models that may help tackling these issues. 2. Hydrological Model: (The Rainfall-Runof Relation) i. Rational method as a basic model; ii. HEC-HMS18 as a sophisticated model for complex basins. The Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is designed to simulate the complete hydrologic processes of dendritic watershed systems. The software includes many traditional hydrologic analysis procedures such as event iniltration, unit hydrographs, and hydrologic routing. HEC-HMS also includes procedures necessary for continuous simulation including evapotranspiration, snowmelt, and soil moisture accounting, and; iii. Discussion about the limit of the use of simple models or sophisticated ones; the model calibration issues. 3. Cascade of Dams: The importance of coordination of the management of a cascade of dams to ensure all beneits/costs Figure 28: Example of HEC-HMS Model 18. 164 19. 20. The Reservoir System Simulation (HEC-ResSim) software developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is used to model reservoir operations at one or more reservoirs for a variety of operational goals and constraints. The software simulates reservoir operations for lood management, low low augmentation and water supply for planning studies, detailed reservoir regulation plan investigations, and real-time decision support. 4. Hydraulic Model: i. The natural river channel and the impact on infrastructures an lows and water levels; Short introduction to HEC-RAS20 model. HEC-RAS allows to perform one-dimensional steady low, unsteady low, sediment transport/mobile bed computations, and water temperature modeling. 5. Water Budget and Water Quality Management: i. Managing the water dialogue, and; ii. Introduction to Decision Support modeling. 6. Exercise: Develop HEC-HMS applied to the relation rainfallrunof in Xaybangfai River. Figure 29: Example of HEC-ResSim Model D. Time Table Module Sub-module Days Trainers Module 1 (5 topics) 1,5 Module 2 (6 topics) 1,5 Module 3 (4 topics including exercise) 3 Assistant Professor Rachapat Ratanavaraha, Director of Water Resources Management Research Center, Kong Chi Mun River Basin, Rajamangala University of Technologies Isan, Thailand Module 4 (6 topics including exercise) 12 TOTAL 18 165 III. Training Program Agenda Day 1: Basic hydrology Day 2-3: Hydrological system of Xaybangfai, Basic Global Climate Model, and local Xaybangfai climate models, Lower Mekong Basin and Xaybangfai And Satellite Model Application: 166 Day 4-6: Database and ARC and Quantum GIS (3 days) Day 7-18: Application of HECRAS Model (6 days) IV. Training Materials Keynote presentation 1: Introduction to Hydrology and Hydrological Model (Thai) 167 Manual 1: Introduction to Hydrology (Thai) 168 Keynote presentation 2: Hydrological System in Xaybangfai (English) 169 Keynote presentation 3: Hydrological System in Huay Xaybath, a Case Study (Thai) 170 Short video 1: Introduction of WM Application, a Weather Forcasting Application (Thai) 171 Keynote presentation 4: GIS Introduction (Thai) 172 Keynote presentation 5: Introduction of GIS Coordinate System (Thai) 173 Keynote presentation 6: Development of Coordinate System (Thai) 174 Keynote presentation 7: Introduction to ArcGIS (Thai) 175 Keynote presentation 8: GIS Map Development (Thai) 176 Keynote presentation 9: Database Management (Thai) 177 Keynote presentation 10: ArcGIS Download (Thai) 178 Keynote presentation 11: Step by Step HECRAS Modelling (Thai) 179 Manual 2: Basic of HECRAS Modelling (English) 180 Manual 3: Floodplain Mapping by HECRAS (English) 181 Manual 4: HECRAS Application Guide (English) 182 Manual 5: HECRAS River System Analysis (English) 183 Manual 6: HECRAS River System Analysis (English) 184 Manual 7: HECRAS Tutorial Guide 185 186 Training Manual for Water Quality Management and Monitoring 187 I. Fact Sheet Name of training course: Water Quality Management and Monitoring Level and specialty: Basic and Specialization After the training, the trainees will: First stage: • Gain a broad perspective of water quality management and getting a good understanding of the diversiied challenges that must be tackled when drafting Water Quality Projects and Programs. • Gain general skills in water quality monitoring and assessment (key parameters to be monitored, sampling methods, laboratory tests, observation in situ, data management and speciic studies). • Gain skills in water quality regulatory framework and law enforcement mechanisms. • Gain skills in setting up an enabling institutional framework aiming at coordinating and networking the various institutions (public and private). • Gain skills in data sharing, transparent communication and awareness campaigns with the various stakeholders (in this case, strong websites or portals and social media may be a key tool). • Building team spirit among the participants. Second stage: • Understand the link to the most common sources of pollution in Lao PDR and the related parameters of water quality which are important to be collected, and have knowledge of international or regional standards for evaluating the risks. • Understand the methods for measuring these parameters: which parameters needs sampling and tests in laboratories, which parameters may be simply analyzed in situ. • Will be familiarized with the concept of Integrated Water Quality Management with the roles of the Central Decentralized agencies and the potential role of local authorities and communities. • Gain knowledge on qualitative observations that may be carried out by communities and how to connect these community-based observations with decentralized agencies (roles and communication lines) for improving crisis management. Target groups: 188 This training was divided into two parts, 1) Water Quality Management Training that aimed to build basic understanding of standard water quality management projects and programs, and institutional set up in general, and 2) Water Quality Monitoring Training that aimed to build up scientiic knowledge and skills in water quality monitoring and assessment in standard parameters. The trainees include members from: • Nam Ngum River Basin Secretariat; • Governmental water agencies, and central, provincial, district and subdistrict levels; • National University of Laos; • Hydropower operators, and; • Local communities and impacted groups. Number of training days: 7 days Dates and venue of training: Nam Ngum River Basin, Thalad Province Number of trainees: 63 List of trainees: See Annex A-9 List of principal trainers: Dr. Vithet Srineth, Senior Program Manager, EMSP Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tin, Senior Water Quality Specialist, EMSP Training methodologies: • Series of Stakeholder Consultations. • Series of ield practice in ield water monitoring. • Keynote presentation an class work. Training materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Recommended additional reference materials: 1. 2. 3. Training assessment results and indings: The Training series in stakeholder consultation on water quality management met its objective in facilitating fruitful dialogue and assembling the integrated institutional set-up of Nam Ngum Water Quality Management. The trainees found that the water pollution disaster that perhaps resulted from the operation of Nam Ngum I and II Hydropower very critical. They proposed to form up a multi-disciplinary team that can coordinate the NN water quality issue, as well as to facilitate all key stakeholders, build up capacity of stakeholders and enforce regulations. Situational Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules Training Program Agenda with Training Methodologies Manuals Water Quality Tool Kit Keynote Presentations The training series in water quality monitoring was conducted and led by EMSP and was highly successful. The trainees were given a test at the training and proven that more than 80% of the trainee gained over 70% of the scores. Next steps and Recommendations: 1. The training in water quality monitoring to Nam Ngum stakeholders should be continued after the TA inished. At least, every 3 months. 2. The training should be reached to impacted communities. 3. The dialogue on the water quality in Nam Ngum should be continually facilitated and involve the decision makers at provincial and central levels in the next stage. 189 II. Situation Analysis, Training Concepts and Training Modules Water Quality Management (Part I): Stakeholder dialogues and consultations A. Justiication Experience world-wide shows that developing Water Quality Management (WQM) may prove to be very challenging for several reasons: • It is a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral topic that aims to achieve various objectives. For instance, several key institutions are deeply concerned with various aspects that are correlated to water quality, such as human health, environment, agriculture, urban planning, industry, tourism, etc. • Issues may be very speciic according to local conditions, e.g.: • Legal framework, public awareness and law enforcement to mitigate sources of pollution are key strategic lanes to be put in place. But many actors, largely from the private sectors, have a role to play in that sense, e.g.: - Farmers and Concession Holders to better control the use of fertilizers and pesticides; - Industrial and Mining Companies to comply with standards for eluent discharge; - Municipalities to invest in appropriate wastewater treatment plants; - Difuse pollution (nitrogen and phosphorus), due to overuse of fertilizers that may afect surface water quality and the related ecosystems; - Scientiic community to develop studies and surveys that allow better understanding of links between surface water and aquifer and mechanisms of dilution of pollutants, and; - Consequent groundwater deterioration that put water supply at risk and may generate serious health concerns; - Public Authorities to regulate, create awareness and coordinate the actors, private and publics. - Uncontrolled industrial or mining eluents that may put the population in great danger in terms of health or even life and that may generate substantial loss in ish production; • Water quality assessment may prove to be technically complex and expensive. Some parameters may be measured easily in situ (temperature, conductivity, pH, etc.) but others required thorough procedures for proper sampling in ield and test in laboratories. - Insuicient or uncontrolled wastewater treatment plants, and/or improper reject of eluents that may equally generate health problems and loss of biodiversity including in ish production, or; - Uncontrolled waste disposal that afect both surface water (through runof ) and groundwater (trough iniltration). Some toxic elements may even cause quasi-irreversible damages to the groundwater resources and jeopardize the use of such water for generations. 190 Apart from accidental events, water quality deterioration is generally a slow process made of cumulative impacts of small pollution sources often diicult to identiied and sometimes located far from the points of observations. • Water quality management is part of what we generally call “Water Security Management” together with lood and drought. Water quality is therefore one of the major risk to be assessed and managed but to a large extent, it is less predictable and often less reversible than lood or drought. • Water quality monitoring needs lexibility. In case of accidental pollution, the staf should be at the right place at the right time, which is rarely the case. Sources of pollution can occur only during a few hours and rarely when sampling is done. Complex sampling and test in situ are very expensive process that may be rarely aforded or justiied. The law enforcement through “environmental policy” is a major challenge in itself. • Due to the high costs in equipment and the need to build team with highly skilled staf, it is essential to avoid institutional and resources duplication. It means that a high level of coordination mechanisms should be set up. Networking the information between the relevant institutions is “a must”. The institutional framework must be built with such objective. • Public involvement is an essential factor of success as shown in many places world-wide: - Appropriate awareness may lead to more careful use of damaging substance (farmers have a key role to play and must be educated accordingly; - River watchers or Volunteers observation may be an interesting and cheap solution for carrying out some local observations and reporting, and to raise awareness, and; - Principles and methods ensuring transparency in sharing information among the public and the public sector (website with online data) must be developed and implemented as well as communication strategies and public awareness campaigns. In Lao PDR, water quality management is a quite new topic. The likely reason is that up to recently, they were no apparent sign of serious degradation of surface and groundwater. Although the situation is still generally rather good now, the rapid pace of development, with extending urban areas or semi-urban areas, industrial zones, mining activities and increasing in farming productivity, the situation may decline. It makes that it is likely the right momentum to develop proper strategies both in terms of water quality assessment and risks management. At MONRE level, we have identiied 4 departments that deal with water quality management: DWR (Department of Water Resources), NERI (National Environmental Research Institute), DPC (Department of Pollution Control), DEP (Department of Environmental Promotion). In addition, EMPS (Environment Management Support Program – funded by Gov. of Finland) must be associated. In terms of activities, it is important to mention: • “Demonstration on Integrated Water Quality Management in Nam Ngum River Basin in Lao PDR”, implemented by MONRE, and the provinces of Vientiane, Luang Prabang and Xien Khuang with the support of the Government of Finland; • Supply of laboratory equipment to NERI, supported as well by the Government of Finland, and; • Various other activities which are generally components of projects, like Nam Ton, Nam Song, etc. • For all reasons explained above, Water quality Management is likely a key topic in terms of capacity building and training keeping in mind the wide range of sub-topics that must be covered to tackle the challenges. Actually this training integrates two diferent training topics: • Water Quality Assessment, that includes water quality monitoring, data bases, studies, impact assessment, models, and; • Water Quality Risk Management that includes regulatory framework, institutional arrangements, mitigation measures, public involvement, and awareness. 191 These two topics are very diferent in terms of content and therefore in terms of target participants, but there are at the same time very related as water quality assessment is a tool for building water quality risk management strategies and operational programs and projects. The next igure allow to localize these 2 topics within the framework of the Training Plan. Figure 30: Training Plan Organization Chart IWRM Basic Training Policies, Strategies, Legal Framework IWRM Framework Public Policy & Strategy River Basin Management & River Basin Management Planning Water Law - International & legal documents review - Legal & regulatory aspects in NRM River Basins Knowledge Development Supporting IWRM Ecosystems based approach Demo Centre Vang Vieng Mainstreaming Gender in IWRM process River Basin Management RBO Staf: Team Building - Communication & Leadership - Stakeholders Networking & Water Dialogue Platforms - Tackling River Basin Immediate Challenges RBM - Coordinating River Basin Management Planning - The Project Cycle Mainstreaming RBM in National & Sectorial Planning Water Resources Knowledge Decision Tools Hydrologic Cycle Monitoring Flood Risks & Disasters Management Collaborative Modelling for Decision Support at River Basin Level Water Quality Monitoring & Management Water Quality Risks & Disasters Management Support Modelling Capacity Development MoNRE & NUoL Establishing a Groundwater Learning Centre (NUoL) Drought Risks Water Management & Food Security Mainstreaming IWRM Hydropower Development Wetlands & Environmental Flows River Ecology Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Mainstreaming IWRM Mining Development Water Resources Related Databases & GIS Sharing Knowledge (Internet & Social Platforms) 192 Water Security Mainstreaming IWRM Land Use Changes B. Expected Outputs The Training will aim at covering the diferent topic that need to be tackle when developing water quality management strategy and related action plans. The expected outputs are: • Getting a broad perspective of water quality management and getting a good understanding of the diversiied challenges that must be tackled when drafting Water Quality Projects and Programs; • Getting general skills in water quality monitoring and assessment (key parameters to be monitored, sampling methods, laboratory tests, observation in situ, data management and speciic studies); • Getting skills in water quality regulatory framework and law enforcement mechanisms; • Getting skills in setting up an enabling institutional framework aiming at coordinating and networking the various institutions (public and private); • Getting skills in data sharing, transparent communication and awareness campaigns with the various stakeholders (in this case, strong websites or portals and social media may be a key tool); • Develop data bases, GIS tools for mapping and models. • Ensure that procedures for water sampling, in situ measurement, laboratory certiication and data management comply with standard of water quality management referring to Lao regulation or to similar regulation applied in the region or by International Organizations. Section 3: Water quality risks assessment • Identify critical water pollution sources and areas sensitive to water pollution. • Mapping and assessing risks of water pollution. • Advise on water quality monitoring actions and investigations to respond to pollution cases. Section 4: Coordinating and networking water quality activities • Guidelines on how to coordinate water quality management among the diferent actors involved in this topics. • Assessment of water quality data and reporting to agencies and stakeholders. Section 5: Communication and awareness • Getting skills in implementation of communitybased observation projects (river keepers, volunteers observation, etc.), and; • Develop strategies for water quality data dissemination among agencies and stakeholders. • Building team spirit among the participants. • Develop strategies of communications and awareness. The topics that will be covered by this training are listed below : Section 1: Broad perspective of water quality management • Introduce mandates, current activities and perspectives of the Departments of MONRE in charge of managing water quality: NERI, DPC, DEP, DWR (Service Water Quality) and EMPS as major program presently carried out in this sector. • Develop what is behind the concept of Water Quality Management. • Present the topics developed in section 2 to 6 and cross-check with the participants that they cover all range of issues related to water quality management in Lao PDR. Section 2: Tools for water quality monitoring and assessment • Drafting water monitoring plan. Section 6: Methodologies and guidelines for developing Village Volunteers observation projects • Develop methodologies and guidelines to involve Environmental Volunteers in water quality monitoring. • Techniques of water sampling and analysis and reporting that can be applied by Environmental Volunteers. C. Training Methodology The preliminary step will be to organize the training/ workshop on “Broad Perspective of Water Quality Management” (Section 1). It will allow starting networking the diferent Departments and Projects that are related to water quality management, and to check that sections 2 to 6 it with the speciic needs. After section 1 will have been completed, this concept note will be updated accordingly. • Conducting water sampling and in situ measurements. 193 D. Proposed Organization Modules Brief Content Target Trainnees Resource Person Section 1: Broad perspective of water quality management Module 1 Introduce mandates, current activities and perspectives of the Departments of MoNRE in charge of managing water quality: NERI, DPC, DEP, DWR (Service Water Quality) and EMPS as major program presently carried out in this sector. Staf from: NERI, DWR (WQM Service), DPC, DEP, EMPS ICHARM Module 2 Develop what is behind the concept of Water Quality Management. Staf from: NERI, DWR (WQM Service), DPC, DEP, EMPS Facilitator Module 3 Present the topics developed in section 2 to 6 and cross-check with the participants that they cover all range of issues related to water quality management in Lao PDR. Staf from : NERI, DWR (WQM Service), DPC, DEP, EMPS Facilitator Section 2: Tools for water quality monitoring and assessment 194 Module 1 Drafting water monitoring plans. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 2 Conducting water sampling and in situ measurements. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 3 Develop data bases, GIS tools for mapping and models. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 4 Ensure that procedures for water sampling, in situ measurement, laboratory certiication and data management comply with standard of water quality management referring to Lao regulation or to similar regulation applied in the region or by International Organizations. To be set up after completion of section 1 Modules Brief Content Target Trainnees Resource Person Section 3: Regulatory and enforcement framework Module 1 Identify critical water pollution sources and areas sensitive to water pollution. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 2 Mapping and assessing risks of water pollution. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 3 Advise on water quality monitoring actions and investigations to respond to pollution cases. To be set up after completion of section 1 Section 4: Coordinating and networking water quality activities Module 1 Guidelines on how to coordinate water quality management among the diferent actors involved in this topics. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 2 Assessment of water quality data and reporting to agencies and stakeholders. To be set up after completion of section 1 Section 5 : Communication and awareness Module 1 Develop strategies for water quality data dissemination among agencies and stakeholders. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 2 Develop strategies of communications and awareness. To be set up after completion of section 1 Section 6 : Methodologies and guidelines for developing Village Volunteers observation projects Module 1 Develop methodologies and guidelines to involve Environmental Volunteers in water quality monitoring. To be set up after completion of section 1 Module 2 Technics of water sampling and analysis and reporting that can be applied by Environmental Volunteers. To be set up after completion of section 1 E. Time Frame The Section 1, “Broad perspective of water quality management”, should be organized in a two days workshop. The time frame for the other sections will be set up after getting conclusion of Section 1. 195 Water Quality Monitoring (Part II): Water Quality Monitoring Exercises A. Justiication A training module on water quality management, as part of the general topic “Water Security” was recently developed and organized21 within the framework of this NIWRMSP- Component 1 – Training Program. During that training, diferent aspects related to water quality management were presented: • Broad perspective of what does mean “water quality management” and the diversiied challenges that must be tackled when drafting Water Quality Projects and Programs. • General overview of the ways to conduct water quality monitoring and assessment. • General overview on water quality regulatory framework and law enforcement mechanisms. • General overview on how to enable an adequate institutional framework aiming at coordinating and networking the various institutions (public and private) in charge of water quality management. • General overview on the topics of data sharing, transparent communication and awareness campaigns with the various stakeholders. • General overview of the potential of community-based observation projects. • One of the objectives of this training was also to explore the key present issues in terms of water quality management from the perspective of the participants. A group exercise was organized accordingly. In summary: • Diiculty to manage emergency crisis and response in case of disaster: lack of ield monitoring, weaknesses in the communication lines between the agencies in charge of such issues, weaknesses in the deinition of role and tasks. • Another issue that was often mentioned is the dificulty to monitor the quality of water with limited resources at agencies level (skilled personal, laboratories capacities and ield equipment). This is significant weakness that generally jeopardizes quick assessment of critical situations and quick responses to crisis. 196 21. Talad District, Vientiane Province: 30 June - 1 July 2014 22. Environnemental Management Support Program There is therefore a strong need to reinforce the legal and enforcement rules as well as the institutional framework for water quality management and procedures for response to crisis. This is normally under the responsibility of the central Government and it will be addressed in further modules. Nevertheless, also in response to the key issues raised by the participants of the irst training module on water quality management, improving water quality monitoring is clearly an immediate priority and should be mainly addressed by the decentralized authorities (Provinces, Districts, Kum Ban) with involvement of the Communities which are actually the most directly afected by potential problems or even disasters. The present concept note will therefore focus on the speciic topic: “Water Quality Monitoring”. Water Quality Monitoring has been poorly addressed up to very recently in Lao PDR. It is likely because Water Quality issues are quite new as a consequence of recent fast development of hydropower, mining activities, urban areas, industries and intensive agriculture. Although, many “stand-alone” projects have integrated this aspect in their activities, these actions do not contribute enough to reach a critical mass in terms of capacity building and institutional organization for really creating a momentum on this topic. Nevertheless, in very summary, we may note two signiicant activities at MoNRE level, one within the framework of the Mekong River Commission, and one within the framework of the EMSP22. One of the most relevant studies organized within the EMSP’s framework was a detailed survey of the water quality in the Nam Ngum reservoirs and downstream. This study was presented during the training module mentioned at the beginning of this note and clearly pointed out critical water quality issues in this area. Another very interesting activity developed within the EMSP was the “Demonstration Project on Integrated Water Quality Management in Nam Ngum River Basin”. The project aimed at covering the diferent aspects of water quality management similarly to those developed in the already mentioned training module, emphasizing the needs to strongly involve the decentralized agencies and the local stakeholders, especially in terms of monitoring and response to crisis. This project was completed in early 2012. The support from MRCS and the EMSP are a very valuable base for making steps forward in a more consistent approach for water quality management. The most critical and not yet solved issues remain nevertheless the need to disseminate water quality management throughout the country en ensuring managerial, technical and inancial sustainability. Water quality monitoring may prove to be a very expensive sector if not properly planned in terms of priorities and resources, especially if organized on a centralized way, where ield realities and priorities may not appear clearly. For that reason, the central government should focus on legal and enforcement frameworks, bring support in terms of laboratories, and, in case of exceptional disaster, bring appropriate support to the local authorities and population. Water Quality Monitoring in general should be the responsibility of the provinces, districts and Kum Ban/ villages, and/or the River Basin Authorities, the central Government keeping a normative and supervisory role. The capacity building for the technical aspects of Water Quality Monitoring should be therefore focused on the decentralized authorities and Communities. In such perspective, the challenge remains actually the limited skills and resources of these agencies and stakeholders and the question is: how to transform “Demonstration project”, like the one already developed by ESMP in one river basin, into sustainable day by day activities throughout the country. This would be also a key question at the heart of this module on Water Quality Management. One possible entry point is to give more skills and responsibilities to the communities living along the rivers. This concept was already implemented very successfully in many countries in the world, one example being the River Detectives in Thailand23. The “river observers” are often selected on a volunteer basis or through local schools and colleges. Limited observation equipment allows identifying microbiology in the rivers and this is related to the water quality. When something wrong is observed, then more sophisticated means of investigation may be called on and immediate action can be taken if needed. The major advantages are: low cost monitoring, quick response and awareness generating. In this context, it is interesting to mention that the Asia Foundation24 has developed, in Lao PDR, a methodology to allow the decentralized institutions and the population to play an inluential role in protecting their rivers by engaging them in decisionmaking and building their capacity to support environmental protection. This already started in Vang Vieng District. Supporting the local communities to have skilled for self-monitoring the water quality is a core activity of this project. The Asia Foundation is likely a key partner and resource for developing this module. It is therefore suggested to address the following topics in this module: • Which are the parameters of water quality that are important to be collected and reference to international or regional standards? The most common possible sources of pollution in Lao PDR will be listed showing the possible impact on the water quality parameters. • Diferent methods for measuring these parameters: which parameters needs sampling and tests in laboratories, which parameters may be simply analysed in situ. • How direct qualitative observations by communities may help better organizing and targeting water quality tests and bring faster response to emergency or crisis situation. • How to coordinate community-based observation systems and decentralized agencies tasks (communication lines, etc.). • During this workshop, a site visit should be organized to get a better perception of the potential and challenge of such approach. B. Expected Outputs The outputs of this training module are: • The trainees understand the link to the most common sources of pollution in Lao PDR and the related parameters of water quality which are important to be collected. They have knowledge of international or regional standards for evaluating the risks. • The Trainees understand the methods for measuring these parameters: which parameters needs sampling and tests in laboratories, which parameters may be simply analysed in situ. 23. e.g.: River Detective 24. 197 • The Trainees will be familiarized with the concept of Integrated Water Quality Management with the roles of the Central Decentralized agencies and the potential role of local authorities and communities. • The Trainees will get knowledge on qualitative observations that may be carried out by communities and how to connect these community-based observations with decentralized agencies (roles and communication lines) for improving crisis management. C. Main Topics Covered The Modeling module would be composed of two sections: 1. Quantitative Monitoring of Water Quality Parameters in the context of Lao PDR • Parameters to be monitored in Lao PDR according to the most common pollution sources. • Standard to be applied for evaluating the risks (International, regional, national). • Procedure to apply to monitor these parameters (sampling and test in laboratories, tests in situ). • Resources (skilled personal, laboratories and equipment) and costs (tests in laboratories, tests in situ). 198 2. Qualitative monitoring of Water Quality through community based observations • Methodology to be applied and expected advantages for optimization of water quality monitoring campaigns and crisis management. • The concept of “Integrated Water Quality Management”: Connecting community observations and authorities (Provinces, Districts) in charge of WQM & local disaster management. D. Methodology Section 1: Quantitative Monitoring of Water Quality Parameters in the context of Lao PDR • Presentation of the water quality parameters and the related standards. • Presentation of the most common sources of pollution in Lao PDR and their impacts on speciic parameters. • Group discussion on which parameters are the most important to be observed. • Methods of monitoring: tests in laboratories, tests in situ, micro-biological observations. Section 2: Qualitative monitoring of Water Quality through community based observations • Presentation of the case-study: Improving Water Quality in Laos – Integrated Water Quality Management – The Asia Foundation. • Plenary discussion: Key recommendations for improving local capacities for water quality monitoring and response to crisis. • Group Exercise and report: SWOT analysis of this case-study. E. Proposed Organization Modules Brief Content Program Resource Person Section 1 : Quantitative Monitoring of Water Quality Parameters in the context of Lao PDR Module 1 Presentation of the water quality parameters and the related standards. Formal presentation and questions EMSP Module 2 Presentation of the most common sources of pollution in Lao PDR and their impacts on speciic parameters. Formal presentation and interactive discussion EMSP Module 3 Group discussion on which parameters are the most important to be observed. Working Group EMSP & The Asia Foundation Module 4 Methods of monitoring for the : tests in laboratories, tests in situ, micro-biological observations. Formal presentation and interactive discussion EMSP & The Asia Foundation Section 2 : Qualitative monitoring of Water Quality through community based observations Module 5 Presentation of the case-study: Improving Water Quality in Laos – Integrated Water Quality Management – The Asia Foundation. Formal presentation and questions The Asia Foundation Module 6 Group Exercise and report : SWOT analysis of this case-study. Formal presentation and interactive discussion The Asia Foundation Module 7 Plenary discussion: improving local capacities for water quality monitoring and response to crisis: dissemination and sustainability. Formal presentation and interactive discussion The Asia Foundation F. Target Components/Focal Points The institutions that have responsibilities in “Water Quality Monitoring” include: • MONRE, and related provincial and district subsidiaries; G. Time Frame Day 1: M1, M2, M3, M4 Day 2: M5, M6, M7 • NNRBC (and other existing or planned RBC), and; • Communities (Vang Vieng , etc. ). 199 III. Training Program Agenda Part I: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3: Part II: Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: 200 Stakeholder dialogues and consultations Understanding of water quality management and monitoring process Understanding the key challenges and capacity building needs Understanding stakeholder and current water quality problem in the Nam Ngum River Water Quality Monitoring Exercises Introduction of Water Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Parameters Water Quality Sampling and ield Survey Water Quality Database Management Strategy Development for Water Quality Assessment IV. Training Materials Part I: Stakeholder dialogues and consultations Keynote presentation 1: Introduction of Water Quality Management (Lao) 201 Keynote presentation 2: Capacity building in Water Quality Management in Lao PDR (Lao) 202 Keynote presentation 3: Key Challenges in Water Quality Management in Nam Ngum River, a Case Study (Lao) 203 Keynote presentation 4: Water Quality Management Guidelines (Lao) 204 Part II: Water Quality Monitoring Exercises Keynote presentation 5: Basic knowledge of Water Quality Parameters (English) 205 Keynote presentation 6: Basic knowledge of Aquatic Parameters (Lao) 206 Keynote presentation 7: Field Work Instruction in Water Quality Sampling Survey (Lao and English) 207 Keynote presentation 8: Water Quality Monitoring Approach and Methods Used in the Nam Ngum River (Lao) 208 Keynote presentation 9: Strateies Development for Water Quality Monitoring in the Nam Ngum River (Lao) 209 Keynote presentation 10: Likely Causes Water Quality Pollution in the Nam Ngum River (English) 210 Keynote presentation 11: Water Quality Results and Status in the Nam Ngum River (Lao) 211 A1-1. Annex List of Trainees: IWRM Framework 3-7/2/2014, Central Region, Vientiane Province A1 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Khammoun Aakhaxay Head of Unit Water Resources Department 2 Ms. Chittavan Keolarsy Technical Staf PONRE Vientiane Capital 3 Ms. Nouphada Sengvilai Technical Staf NERI, MoNRE 4 Mr. Phaison Ainhanouvong Head of Unit NERO Thoulakom Distict, Vientiane Province 5 Mr. Kanya Sonthavisouk Technical Staf Department of Policy and Power Planning 6 Mr Bounthavy Muenmahasy Head of Unit NERO, Vang Vieng District 7 Mr. KonKham Khankham Deputy Head Seetor NAMSAAT, MOH 8 Mr. Doxar Boualavane Technical Staf Department of Irrigation, MEM 9 Mr Souliya Viengxay Technical Staf Head of Forestry and Water Resources NERO, Naxaithong District 10 Mr. Saylom KoumThon Head of Unit NERO, Kasy District 11 Mr. Thinkeo Bounmasavang Head of Unit PoNRE, Vientiane Province 12 Mr Souksakon PhaChonphone Deputy Head of Unit NERO, Keaw Udom District 13 Mr. Phouvaha LorChingkounphan Head of Unit NERO, Vang Vieng District 14 Mr. Simmavong Phommatham Deputy Head of Unit NERO, Phonehong District 15 Mr. Vonevilai Sombutmongkhoun Head of Unit PONRE, Bolikhamxay Province 16 Mr. Thongkhan Vongsimma Head of Unit NERO, Xaythany District 17 Mr. Somsanouk Vongsin Technical Staf NERO, LongXan District 18 Mr. Kampanath Latsavong Technical Staf MH 19 Mr. Pasith Vongmexay Head of Unit NERO, Hom District 20 Mr. Thinnakone Vongvichit Technical Staf NERO, Vieng Kham District 21 Mr. Khampoun Souvan Head of Unit NERO, Fuang District No Name and Family name Position Organization 22 Mr. SomPhone Sonvilath Technical Staf NERO, Xaisomboun District 23 Mr. SinXay Jonmanevong Technical Staf NERO, Hinherd District 24 Mr. Sakhone SyhaPanya Technical Staf MAF, Vangvieng District 25 Mr. Kongphaeng Technical Staf NERO, Parknguem District 26 Mr. Kingkham Soudsada Technical Staf NERO, Thaphabath District 27 Ms. Manyvane Vonmanysone Technical Staf DWR 28 Mr. Aitthisone Chanthavethai Technical Staf MAF 29 Ms. Sengchan Panyasily Technical Staf Component 3, NIWRMSP 30 Ms. Daophaphaone Technical Staf PIU 2.1 31 Mr. Sesomphaone Melattanaphaeng Technical Staf PIU 2.2 32 Mr. Souliya Thammalungsy Technical Staf DWR 33 Mr. Souksakon Phoutthaarmarth Technical Staf DWR 34 Mr. Souksomlane Songkham Technical Staf DWR 35 Mr. Singthong Phanmaly Technical Staf DWR 36 Mr. BounSanong Fongnaly C1 Manager C1 DWR 37 Mr. Khamkeng Chanthavongsa Consultant C1 DWR 38 Mr. Khamphone Chanthalangsy Technical Staf DWR 39 Mr. Viluck Duangvichit Technical Staf DWR 40 Ms. Sengphasouk Xayyavong Technical Staf DWR 41 Mr. Lattikon Xayyasane Technical Staf DWR 42 Mr. SomPhone KongSup Technical Staf PMU 43 Ms. Lammone Xayyavong Technical Staf PMU 44 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Staf PIU1 45 Mr Sakone Sayyasone Technical Staf PIU 2.1 46 Ms. Sengphasouk Xayyavong Technical Staf DWR 47 Mr. Lattikon Xayyasane Technical Staf DWR 48 Mr. Khamphone Chanthalangsy Technical Staf DWR 49 Mr. Singthong Phanmaly Technical Staf DWR A2 A1-2. Annex List of Trainees: IWRM Framework 21-25/07/2014, Southern Region, Champasak Province A3 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Sesouphun Vangthisan Head of Unit 2 Mrs. Saphaothong Khamphapong Deputy Head of Section Water Resources Section 3 Mr. Somdee Sylikoun Technical Staf Energy and mine Department 4 Mrs. Phaymany Saikham Head of Section Energy and mine Department 5 Mr. Maisee Phunmalyvong Technical Staf Forest Resources Management Section 6 Mr. Phonexay thammavongkham Deputy Head of Section Water Resources Section, 7 Mr. Lerd Tavanh Head of Forestry Section Forestry Section, 8 Mr. Thavone Xaymongkhoun Head of Information Section Data & Information, PoNRE 9 Mr. phonesay Saphakdee Head of Evaluation and Monitoring Unit Land Management, PONRE 10 Mr. Nalinhthone Chanthavilay Head of Water Resources Section PoNRE, Saravanh Province 11 Mr. Chaisavane Chanvankham Technical Staf Champasack Province 12 Mrs. Dalayphone Soulivanh Technical staf Water Resoures, PoNRE, Attapue Province 13 Mr. Soulidath Vanhnalay Technical staf Industry and commercial 14 Mr. Khamphone Chanthasy Technical staf Law Division, DWR 15 Mrs. Souksakhone Phouthamath Technical staf River Basin Division, DWR 16 Mr. Phengsavane Phedsadee Technical Staf Sanamxai District, Attaapua 17 Mr. Sengaloun Keokhamdee Technical Staf DONRE, Attapue 18 Mr. Keopasert Chanthachuk Technical Staf Sekong Province 19 Mr. Dednakone Prasirtkoun Technical Staf Karum District Irrigation Section No Name and Family name Position Organization 20 Mr. Khamsing Syhavong Dept. Head of Metrology Unit Hydrology and Mythology Section 21 Mrs. Keolumphan Sydavong Lecture University of Champasak 22 Mr. Sithsavanh Inthavongsa Dept. Head of Water Resources Section Water Resources, PoNRE 23 Mrs. Xayyasith Merkvilaysane Lecture University of Champasak 24 Mr. Khamphet Phommavongsa Technical Staf Champasack 25 Mrs. Malaysouk Phommavong Technical Staf PoNRE 26 Mrs. Sanya Xayyavanhkham Technical Staf Water Resources Section 27 Mr. Bounpheng Phoulaaoew Technical Staf Authority of Province 28 Mrs. Channaly Syvixay Dept. Head of Section Lao Women Union 29 Mrs. Champaphay khambuasy Head of Unit PoNRE 30 Mr. Bounmy Soukdavone Technical PoNRE, Salavanh 31 Mr. Aekaphone Soudavong Dept. Head of Section Information culture and tourist Department 32 Mr. Vilakhone Thongkeo Technical Staf Investment and Planning 33 Mr. Singthong Phantamala Head of Ground Water Division Water Quality Management Division 34 Mr.Viluak Doaugvichit Technical Staf Training and Awareness, DWR 35 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Staf C1 , DWR 36 Ms. Sengphasouk Xayavong Technical Staf DWR 37 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly Head of Awareness and Training Center C1, DWR 38 Mr. Noukone Thongmany Head of Unit DONRE 39 Ms.Sengmany Vonghaluk Deputy Director Livestock and Fishery Division 40 Mrs. Vanny Sengkapkeo Technical Oicer Fishery division, C2.3 41 Mr. Noidina Phommasay Technical Staf MoNRE 42 Ms. Thinphia Inthavong Dept. Head of Unit NUOL 43 Mr. Sengsamai Saysana Deputy director Public Work Section 44 Ms. Soukphasit Vongsamlan Technical oicer PoNRE, Attapua A4 A5 No Name and Family name Position Organization 45 Mr. Boun Yaimany Deputy Head of Section Nam Saat 46 Mr. Souvanthong Manvilay Deputy Director Public Health 47 Mr. Sayyasit Vilavat Deputy Director Water Resources Sector 48 Mr. Saysana Thorlasan Head of Unit Environmental Sector 49 Mr. Phonepaserth Seng Vilaythong Technical Oicer Planning and Investment Division 50 Mr. Anan Deputy director of Land management Sector PONRE, Land Management 51 Mrs. Bouala Sophavaly Head of Unit Khong District 52 Mr. Vanthaly Keopasirt Technical Staf MEM 53 Mr. Khamphone Chanthasy Technical staf Law Division, DWR 54 Mrs. Souksakhone Phouthamath Technical staf River Basin Division, DWR 55 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly C1 Manager DWR 56 Ms. Sangphasouk Xaiyavong Deputy of Training and Awareness Center DWR 57 Mr. Khamphet Keobounphun Deputy of Division DWR 58 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR 59 Mr. Viluck Duangvichit D Technical Oicer C1 60 Ms. Souphansa Xaysongkham Technical oicer Training center 61 Ms. Sengphachun Sinbundid Financial C1 62 Mrs. Bounpheng Suvannalath Technical Oicer DWR 63 Ms. Pingpong Boualapha Finance Admin Division 64 Mr. Touy Souvannalad Technical Oicer DWR 65 Mr. Idthisone Fengphed Technical Oicer DWR 66 Mr. Keosavane Saymongkhone Lecturer NUOL 67 Mr. Khamchan Xaypanyathip Lecturer NUOL 68 Mr. Saysam0ne Dethsuvane Technical Oicer DWR No Name and Family name Position Organization 69 Mr. Vongduen Keomounthum Technical Oicer DWR 70 Mr. Thongchane Cheulouangkhamme Head of Section Luangnamtha Province 71 Mr. Setun Phenechantha Deputy Head of Section Luangnamtha Province 72 Mr. Khamphed Chanthavong Deputy Head of Section Xayyabouly Province 73 Mr. Khampasirt Phommachane Technical Oicer Luangnamtha Province 74 Mr. Sinsakoun Xayyavong Technical Oicer Luangnamtha Province 75 Mr. Southalid Nimmalakone Head of Unit Louangphabang Province 76 Mr. Siengtouy Kanlamaly Technical Oicer Phongsaly Province 77 Mrs. Bouavanpheng Letsamee Head of Unit Phongsaly Province 78 Mr. Chanthachone Keosayphun Technical Oicer Phongsaly Province 79 Mr. Khamla Insunane Technical Oicer Xayabouly Province 80 Mr. Lud Seprasirt Technical Oicer Houaphan Province 81 Mr. Phummexay Phengkhamhuk Head of Unit Houaphan Province 82 Mr. Phidsamone Philaboun Head of Unit Xayabouly Province 83 Mr. Khamphon Thidxayyalid Technical Oicer Phongsaly Province 84 Mrs. Ladtaphon Sorsavane Technical Oicer Xayabouly Province 85 Mr. Khamphone Sesoutum Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 86 Mr. Bounleing Ainephone Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 87 Mr. Sephun Xayyamone Technical Oicer Oudomxay Province 88 Ms. Bouaphed Punyasith Technical Oicer Oudomxay Province 89 Mr. Phonxay Medachid Head of Unit Xeingkouang Province 90 Mrs. Douangsamone Chanthavong Technical Oicer Xeingkhouang Province 91 Mr. Khamdang Phoudthavong Head of Unit Oudomxay Province 92 Mr. Sonesay Oudom Head of Section Borkeo Province 93 Mr. Sesouphun Lorvanephai Technical Oicer Xiengkouang Province 94 Mr. Saysavath Lattana Head of Section Borkeo Province A6 A7 No Name and Family name Position Organization 95 Mr. Thonsane Saneekone Technical Oicer Oudomxay Province 96 Mr. Linthong Bounsavang Technical Xiengkouang Province A1-3. Annex List of Trainees: IWRM Framework 8-12/12/2014, Luangnamtha Province No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Somesanith Sayyaseng Head of Unit Xayabouly Province 2 Mr. Maisone vongthong Technical Houaphan Province 3 Mr. Khamme Keochai Driver Phongsaly Province 4 Ms. Souphaluk Thonglyvong Technical Louangnamtha Province 5 Mr. Sinsakoun Phommachane Technical Louangnamtha Province 6 Mr. Sengphone Velaysane Technical Houaphane Province 7 Mr. Khammay Phommasee Deputy Head of Unit Houaphane Province 8 Mr. Phophed Keothavy Technical Louangphabang Province 9 Ms. Onchane Sechomzuen Technical Louangphabang Province 10 Mr. Souliyane Thummasy Technical Louangphabang Province 11 Mr. Vilasin Chanthaboun Technical Louangphabang Province 12 Mr. Thongmany Vilaykid Technical Louangnamtha Province 13 Mrs. Vedta Inthavysay Technical Louangnamtha Province 14 Ms. Daovy Keodingphun Technical Louangnamtha Province 15 Ms. Noy Technical DWR 16 Mr. ViLuck Duangvichit Technical Oicer C1 17 Ms. Souphansa Xaysongkham Techincal oicer Training center 18 Ms. Sengphachun Sinbundid Financial C1 19 Mrs. Bounpheng Suvannalath Technical oicer DWR 20 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly C1 manager C1 21 Ms. Sangphasouk Xaiyavong Deputy of Training and Awareness Center C1 22 Mr. Khamphet Keobounphun Deputy of Division DWR 23 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR A8 A2-1. Annex List of Trainees: Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Plan 26-30/05/2014, Khammouan Province A9 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Khammoun Ackaxay Head of Technical Unit, C4, NUOL 2 Mrs. Phekounthong Sindavong Head of Section Gnommarat District 3 Mr. Inprasith Syhalad Technical Oicer PoNRE, Savannakhet 4 Mrs. Chittavane Keolasy Technical Oicer PoNRE, VT capital 5 Mr. Ounhouen Xayasith Project Coordinator Australia Embassy 6 Mr. Somsack Manymabula Technical Oicer Borlikhamxay Province 7 Mr.Sisomboun Vongneth Institutional Development Specialist Consultant 8 Mr. Chanthaphone Thammavong Training Specialist Consultant 9 Ms. Ounhouen Phansily Technical Oicer Khamkeut District 10 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly Component Manager DWR 11 Mr. Lattikone Xayyasane Technical Oicer Data and Information Center 12 Mr Vonevily Somebudnouvong Head of Unit PONRE, Borlikhamxay Province 13 Mr. Vangkhone Savong Head of Unit Pakkading District 14 Mr. Sao visay Technical Oicer Pakkading District 15 Mr. Souphon Chitparsirt Deputy head of Unit Khamkeut District 16 Ms. Sengvone Lorsavane Technical Oicer Khamkeut District 17 Mr. Valee Souvannasy Head of Unit Nongbok District 18 Mrs. Phoutsa Bouaphun Technical Oicer Nongbok District 19 Mr. Semanom Keovankham Head of Unit Boualapha District 20 Mr. Sengmany Sengprathum Technical Oicer Boualapha District 21 Mr. Phonsack Chitthalad Deputy Head of Unit Mahaxai District No Name and Family name Position Organization 22 Mr. Syprathai Phaophongsavath Head of Section PONRE, Khammouan Provinces 23 Mrs. Bouakeo Phounsavath Acting Director of Division Department of ESIA, MONRE 24 Mr. Khammanychone Mahalad Technical Oicer Boualapha District 25 Mr. Phunnasin Phothilad Technical Oicer Mahaxai District 26 Mr. Vangkone Savong Head of Unit Pakading District 27 Mr. Dalaphone Xayyavongsa Technical Oicer Songkhon District 28 Ms. Oudaly Sayasene Head of Unit Boualapha District 29 Mr. Sengdavy Vilaysack Technical Oicer Sepon District 30 Mr. Bounsavane Saphukdy Deputy Director of Section Hinboun District 31 Mrs. Bounheoung Pheelabouth Technical Oicer Xaibouathong District 32 Mr. Sengmanyvong Philavandee Technical Khamkeut District 33 Mr. Konkham Netthongsavane Technical Sepon District 34 Mr. Korlakod Suleyavong Technical Xaibouathong District 35 Mrs. Khaikeo Sysattanak Technical Mahaxai District 36 Mrs. Chomthong Ponthalid Head of Unit Hinboun District 37 Mr. Bounsavane Kongmany Deputy Head of Unit Nakay District 38 Ms. Sangphasouk Xaiyavong Technical C1. DWR 39 Ms. Sengphachun Sinbundid Assistance CTA C1, Capacity Building, DWR 40 Mr. Souksakone Phoudthaamad Technical River Basin Management Division, DWR 41 Mr. Souksamlan Songkham Technical Training and Awareness Center, DWR 42 Mr. Suparerk Janprasart CTA C1 43 Mr. Eric Tilman Capacity Building Specialist C1 44 Mr. Kanalong Xaiyavong Technical Mahaxai District 45 Mr. Phomma Chanthabounmee Head of Unit Phin District A10 A11 No Name and Family name Position Organization 46 Mr. Thepphakone Keola Technical Phin District 47 Mr. Phoulatsamee Thongthipvorlavong Head of Unit Songkhon District 48 Mr. Hudsanai Khodsombud Deputy Head of Unit Songkhon District 49 Mr. Phosay Keoneth Technical Nong District 50 Mr. Sousada Ngaomany Deputy Head of Unit Nong District 51 Mr. Sephundone Sengchanthavong Technical Xebangfai District A3-1. Annex List of Trainees: River Basin Knowledge Development 2/9-1/10/2014, Northern and Central Regions, Vientiane Capital No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Sinsamout Ounboundisane Head of Oice FishBio 2 Mr. Yongthong Manyvong Technical Oicer Division of Water Resources, XKP 3 Mr.Khamphone Technical DWR 4 Mr. Phaymany Technical DWR 5 Ms. Phetamphone Phasavath Technical DESIA 6 Ms. Pany Khamtachanhom Technical LNMCS 7 Mr. Inthanongxay Technical DWR 8 Ms. Phoungmala Lasany Technical LSB, MPI 9 Mr. Chansnith Laungvanna Technical Namsaat, MOH 10 Mr. Sengbandith Soudthavixay Technical Information Division, XKP 11 Mr. Souliya Viengxay Technical Namchaing Nam Soung, VTP 12 Mr. Norkham Inthapangnya Technical Namchaing Nam Soung, VTP 13 Mr. Doungvath Phanthachak Head of Water resources sector PONRE, LPB 14 Mr. Khammy Chanthaviseng Technical Oicer Numgnum Secretariat, VTP 15 Mr. Gyonthong Keoduangdy Technical Oicer Numgnum Secretariat, VTP 16 Mr. Khamman Thammavong Technical Oicer Forestry Management Division, BKX 17 Mr. Silakhone Manyvone Technical Oicer DoFRM, MoNRE 18 Mr. Sichan Chandiphit Technical Oicer Dept Agri & Forestry, LPB 19 Mr. Soubandith Sagnaphone Dept of Head of Water resources sector PoNRE, LPB, 20 Mr. Khampong Thanounkeo Technical Oicer The Asia Foundation 21 Mr. Phonesavanh Lorkhamhuang Technical Oicer The Asia Foundation A12 A13 No Name and Family name Position Organization 22 Ms. Suphavanh Amphayvanh Technical Oicer DPE, BKX 23 Mr. Chanthaphone Panyathong Technical Oicer LPB 24 Ms. Daluny Thanongxay Technical Oicer D of Inspection, PSL 25 Mr. Viengxay Technical Oicer PONRE, BOKEO 26 Mr. Somemai Technical Oicer PONRE, Phongsaly 27 Ms. Bounpheng Suvanhnalath Technical Oicer DWR 28 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR 29 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Oicer DWR 30 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly C1 Manger NIWRMSP, DWR 31 Mr. Viluck Duangvichit Technical DWR 32 Mr. Phounmexay Phengkhamhuk Head of Unit Houaphan Province 33 Mr. Lud Syprasirt Technical Oicer PoNRE, HP 34 Mr Sengsoulin Phadaungdeth Technical Oicer Xayabouly Province 35 Mr. Sesomephet Syvelay Technical Oicer Xeinghon Dist, Xayabouly Province 36 Mr. Boualiphan Thanalath Technical Oicer Odomxay Province 37 Mr. Soulaxay Inthalangsy Technical Oicer Odomxay Province 38 Mr. Phearsakhit Vorlaboutda Technical Oicer Agriculture Division, LNT 39 Mr. Sorlaphong Keomanyvong Technical Oicer Land Allocate & Deve, LNT 40 Mr. Somsak Matsymaboula Technical Oicer PONRE, Bolikhamxay 41 Mr. Souksakhone Photthaammard Technical Oicer DWR 42 Mr. Sakhone Xayyasone Technical Oicer DWR 43 Ms. Latiyakhone PhomDuangdi Technical Oicer Water Section, XK 44 Mr. Sisonelarm Chanthadeth Technical Oicer PONRE, LPB 45 MR. Phidsamone Phelaboun Technical Oicer PONRE, Xayaboury Province 46 Mr. Metxay Bouangern Technical Oicer PONRE, Xayaboury Province 47 Mr. Somsanith Xayyaseng Head of Unit Xayaboury Province No Name and Family name Position Organization 48 Mrs. Alayavanh Lavongtheung Technical Oicer DDMCC 49 Mr. Laolor XAISEU Technical Oicer Oudomxay 50 Mr. Koukeo SHITALATH Technical Oicer PoNRE, Houaphan Province 51 Mr. Khamphou Sysomphou Head of Section Water Resources Section, VTP 52 Mrs, Chittavane Keolasy Technical Oicer PoNRE, HP 53 Mrs. Minavanh Douangmala Technical Oicer DONRE, Oudomxay 54 Mr. Khamchan La Technical Oicer Energy and Mining Division, Phongsaly 55 Mr. Phonesay Leck Head of Water Resources Sector PONRE, Phongsaly 56 Ms. Boua Vanpheng Technical Oicer PONRE, Phongsaly 57 Miss Manutnay Xavongxay Technical Oicer DFRM 58 Mr. Silixay Sisa Ad Engineer PONRE, Houaphan Province 59 Mr. Phaisone Phutanesi Engineer DEPP/MEM 60 Mr. Lattanavongsack Hooathowekham Engineer DEPP/MEM 61 Miss Anusone Xaisongkham Lecturer WRED 62 Miss Somsanook Silibounthan Lecturer WRED,BKX 63 Mr. Malaithong Keongothi Technical Oicer Bokeo 64 Ms. Khamla Thammavong 65 Mr. Phonephisack Khamchantha Engineer NamSat, BK 66 Mr. Vilaveng Kensoulin Technical Oicer DORE, BKX 67 Ms. Bounpheng Suvanhnalath Technical Oicer DWR 68 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR 69 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Oicer DWR 70 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly C1 Manager NIWRMSP, DWR DORE, VTE A14 A3-2. Annex List of Trainees: River Basin Knowledge Development 13-15/10/2014, Southern Region, Khammuan Province A15 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mrs. Lamphu Bouphakaisone Deputy of Head Sector PoNRE, Khammoune 2 Mr. Palina Khampila Technical Staf PoNRE, Khammoune 3 Mrs. Souphaphone Soudtharavong Technical Staf DWR 4 Mrs. Keomanyvone Phuthakhanty Technical Staf DWR 5 Mrs. Outhailath Suphanthalop Technical Staf MONRE 6 Mr. Khatsaman Chanthalath Technical Staf PoNRE, Salavan Province 7 Mr. Sonexay Vongvilay Technical Staf PoNRE, Champasack Province 8 Mr. Siphathai Phaophongsavath Head of Water Resources Sector PoNRE, Khammoune Province 9 Mr. Phonexay Thammavongkham Deputy Head of Water Resources Sector PoNRE, Champasak Province 10 Mr. Oulaphon Ongkeo Director of Center NERI, MONRE 11 Mr. Sengphachan Nammavone Deputy of Head Water Resources Sector DTPW, Champasack Province 12 Mr. Khounta Dounglaty Deputy of Head DONRE, Salavan Province 13 Mrs. Veokham Oudone Technical Staf PoNRE, Xekong Province 14 Mrs. Lumphone Xaykosy Technical Staf PoNRE, Xekong Province 15 Mrs. Amphone Oudthamixay Technical Staf PoNRE, Savannakhet 16 Mrs. Ounta Samakee Technical Staf PoNRE, Attapue Province 17 Mr. Phonesavanh Lorkhamheug Trainer The Asia Foundation 18 Mr. Souksakhone Phutaamard Technical Staf DWR 19 Mrs. Bounpheng Souvanhnalath Technical Staf DWR 20 Mrs. NongNoud Daothong Finance Specialist, Consultant ADB No Name and Family name Position Organization 21 Mr. Boualumthong Ountavong Technical Staf Forestry Management Division 22 Mr. Nalinthone Chanthavilay Head of Water Resource Unit PoNRE, Salavanh Province 23 Mr. Sitsavanh Inthavongsa Deputy Head of Sector PoNRE, Sekong Province 24 Mr. Sasi Xayyaboud Technical Staf PoNRE, Savannakhet Province 25 Mrs. Phonevilay Seneboudtalath Technical Staf PoNRE, Savannakhet Province 26 Mrs. Keodavone Sonesaksit Technical Staf PoNRE, Khammoune Province 27 Mrs. Viengsavinh Joundara Head of Water Resource Unit PoNRE, Attapue Province 28 Mr. Ladsangkhom Chounlamany Technical Staf PoNRE, Attapue Province 29 Mr. Khongsavath Soundara Technical Staf PoNRE, Khammoune Province 30 Mr. Khampong Thanounkeo Trainer The Asia Foundation 31 Mr. Sinsamouth Ounboundysane Head of oice Fishbio, The Asia Foundation 32 Ms. Nancy Kim Country Coordinator The Asia Foundation 33 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Staf DWR 34 Mr. Phonvilay Phimmasone Technical Staf DPEP 35 Mrs. Oudali Xayyasane Technical Staf Nam Saat, Center 36 Mrs. Chanthaphieng Sivongsa Head of Unit WQAU 37 Mrs. Kaikeo Sysatanak Technical Staf WQAU 38 Mrs. Phaivanh Phanhalath Head Oice Women Union 39 Mr. Suvahndy Phetsomboun Technical Staf Energy and Mining Department 40 Mr. Somphuthonn Manyphone Technical Staf Land Management Section 41 Mr. Phonesay Thoumala Technical Staf DoNRE, Thakek District, Khammoune Province 42 Mr. Sounthone Laleimthavixay Technical Staf Agriculture and Forestry Oice 43 Mr. Sayvilaysack Lathachack Technical Staf Public health Dept. 44 Mr. Inpheng Fongvijit Technical Staf Agriculture and Forestry Dept., Khammoune Province A16 A17 No Name and Family name Position Organization 45 Mr. Sakhone Sayasone Technical Staf DWR 46 Mr. Bounlammai Mali Technical Staf DWR 47 Mr. Inthanongsay Heuebandith Technical Staf DWR 48 Mrs. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Staf DWR 49 Mr. Kingkham Manivong Head of division Law division 50 Mrs. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Staf DWR 51 Mrs. Bounpheng Souvanhnalath Technical Staf DWR 52 Mr.Viluak Doaugvichit Technical Staf DWR 53 Mr. Souksakhone Phutaamard Technical Staf DWR 54 Mr. Suparerk Janprasart CTA/Team leader ADB 55 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly Head of Awareness and Training Center C1, DWR A4-1. Annex List of Trainees: IWRM-Ecosystem Based Approach: Exchange Visit and MONRE Demonstration Site Proposal Development 15-17/12/2015, 21-23/12/2015 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly Director of Training and Awareness Center DWR 2 Ms. Sangphasouk Xaiyavong Deputy Director of Training and Awareness Center DWR 3 Mr. souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR 4 Mr. ViLuck Duangvichit Technical Oicer DWR 5 Ms. Sengphachun Sinbundid Technical Ofcier DWR 6 Mrs. Bounpheng Suvannalath Technical Oicer DWR 7 Mr. Vongsamay Lengxongpao Head of PONRE PoNRE Vientiane Province 8 Mr Sakone Syhapanya Head of Unit DoNRE Vangvieng District 9 Mr Kongpheng Khounpanya Depty Head of Unit DoNRE Vangvieng District 10 Mr Simmavong Phommathum Technical DoNRE Vangvieng District 11 Mr Bounlerd Xayavong Head of Village Pakpor Village 12 Mr Xayda lor Head of Village Nakare Village 13 Mr Sengdao Vongphachane Head of Village Nadoung Village 14 Mr Khamkeo Panyathip Head of Village Viengsamay Village 15 Mr. ViLuck Duangvichit Technical Oficer DWR 16 Ms. Sengphachun Sinbundid Technical Oicer DWR 17 Mrs. Bounpheng Suvannalath Technical Oicer DWR A18 A5-1. Annex List of Trainees: Participatory Flood Risk Management 1-4/6/2015, Xebangfai Basin, Khammoun Province A19 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Latsangkom Chounlamany Technical Staf PONRE, Khammoun 2 Mr. Lay Thammavong Technical Staf Dep. of Planning and Investment, Xebangfai District 3 Mr. Meunta Xayyasone Village Party Secretary Napork Village 4 Mr. Duangchan Neammanivanh Deputy Chief of the village Napork Village 5 Mr. Vilayphone Larvivong Chief of Village Nayang Village 6 Mr. Yensamoune Senthanou Deputy Head of Unit Nayang Village 7 Mr. Bounthavy Bounthavong Technical Staf PONRE, Khammoun Province 8 Mr. Phonekeo Saisengsomboun Deputy Head of Xebangfai District Oice Cabinet of Xebangfai District 9 Mr. Khanthong Xayasack Deputy Head of Public Health Oice Public Health Oice 10 Mr. Bounthan Phimphomma Deputy Head of Public Work Oice Public Work Oice 11 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Staf DWR 12 Ms. Bounpheng Souvannalath Technical Staf DWR 13 Mr. Somphone Khonsab Technical Staf DWR 14 Mr. Chanrakhone Panyanoouvong Technical Staf Energy and Mining, Khammoun Province 15 Mr. Saysamone Technical Staf DWR 16 Ms. Pingpong Boualapha Accountant C1, DWR 17 Mr. kalasin Inthanouvong Lao Font Construction Committee member Yangkham Village 18 Mr. Khamphan Vanhmixay Chief of village Napork Village No Name and Family name Position Organization 19 Mr. khankeo Phetpanom Deputy Head of Oice Information, Culture and Tourism Oice 20 Mr. Khampao Hatthalath Technical Staf Nasaat Unit, Public Health Oice 21 Mr. Sonesy Soulisack Head of Unit DONRE, Xebangfai District 22 Mr. Khonsy Xayyavong Head of Section Energy and Mining Dep. Khammoun Province 23 Mr. Siphachan Soneheunxay Chief of Village Hartkhamheung Village 24 Mrs. Nounta keovilay Deputy Head of Oice Women Union, Xebangfai District 25 Mr. Keangkham Vanhnavong Deputy Head of Oice Energy and Mining, Xebangi District 26 Mrs. Aonta Thonkhambin Head of Village Women Union Yangkham Village 27 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Staf DWR 28 Mr. Bounsanong Fongnaly Chief of Awareness and Training Division C1, DWR 29 Mr. Tam Sylaphone Technical Staf DAFO, Xebangfai District 30 Mr. Souksakhone Phouttaamart Technical Staf DWR 31 Mr. Pankham Soundar Technical Staf NREI 32 Mr. Hongphet Souvanhno Technical Staf Energy and Mining, Xebangfai District 33 Mr. Homaon Xayleurdath Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai 34 Mrs. Phetsamai Innouvong Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai 35 Mr. Jaikham Xayyavong Head of Admin. And Planning Division PAFO, Khammoun 36 Mrs. Lettanavong Phanouvong Lecturer WRF, NUoL 37 Mrs. Khammuy Ketkasone Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai 38 Mrs. Banhnapha Tonkhonsavanh Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai 39 Mrs. Xaithong Keomahavong Technical Staf NNRBCS, C2 40 Mrs. Kongta Vanhmixay Village Women Union Hartkhamheang Village A20 A21 No Name and Family name Position Organization 41 Mr. Sonexay Sengmanivong Technical Staf Public Work and Transportation Dep. Khammoun Province 42 Mr. Sisaart Xayphosy Deputy Head of Unit DAFO, Xebangfai 43 Mr. Bounmy Thavonesouk Technical Staf DAFO, Xebangfai 44 Mrs. Moudmany Thammavong Technical Staf Public Work and Transport Oice 45 Mr. Inpasith Sihalath Head of Water Resources Unit PONRE, Savannakhet Province 46 Mr. Somsy Phavilack Technical Staf PAFO, Savannakhet 47 Mr. Siphanom keovanhkham Head of Water Resources Unit DONRE, Boualapha District 48 Mr. Sengmany Sengphathoum Head of Water Resources Unit DONRE, Nongbok District 49 Mr. Phetsamoun Chanthavong Technical Staf DONRE, Yommalath District 50 Mr. Chansamoun Phanthalivong Head of Water Resources Unit DONRE, Yommalath District 51 Mr. Noumma Bhanthilath Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai District 52 Mr. Pasamith Phimmesone Technical Staf DONRE, Xebangfai District 53 Mr. Phonesack Siththilath Technical Staf DONRE, Mahaxay District 54 Mr. Kanalong Xayavong Technical Staf DONRE, Mahaxay District 55 Mrs. Phetmany Keovivanh Technical Staf DONRE, Nakai District 56 Mr. Phetnoulath Khamviphet Technical Staf DONRE, Nakai District 57 Mr. Seuthsomphu Siththilath Technical Staf DONRE, Atsaphone District 58 Mr. Vanhnakhon Duangphaya Technical Staf DONRE, Atsaphone District 59 Mr. Sayam Meungphudoi Technical Staf DONRE, Nongbok District 60 Mrs. Phus Boualaphan Technical Staf DONRE, Nongbok District A6-1. Annex List of Trainees: Project Cycle Management 5-7/5/2014, Vientiane Capital No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Ms Bouangern Oudomchit DDG DWR 2 Mr. Lankeo Phengaloun Head of Component C3.2, Fishery Management, Champasak Province 3 Mr.Khamsing Sengngam Coordinator C3.2, Fishery Management, Champasak Province 4 Mr. Bounsanong FONGNALY Component Manager C1,DWR 5 Ms. Sengphasouk xaiyavong Technical Oicer C1,DWR 6 Ms. Sengphajhun SISBANDITH CTA Assistant C1,Capacity Building, DWR 7 Ms. Chindavanh Souliyaphuk PMU Assistant PMU, DWR 8 Ms. Lummon Xaiyavong Technical Oicer PMU, DWR 9 Mr. Oulaphone Ongkeo Head of Component C3, GW,NERI 10 Ms. Nouy Syvilayvong Technical Oicer C3, GW,NERI 11 Mr. Bounyom Thummavong Head of Component C4, NOUL 12 Mr. Chinsamoud Keosouttha Technical Oicer C4, NOUL 13 Ms. Soukphaphone Soudthalavong Coordinator C3.1.1, DWR 14 Mr Souliya Thammalasy Technical Oicer Component 2.1: Update Water Law 15 Ms Dalounny Lilaithong Head of Component Component 2.1: Update Quality Monitoring & Ecosystems, NERI 16 Ms Sengchan Panyasily Technical Oicer Component 2.1: Update Quality Monitoring & Ecosystems, NERI 17 Mr.Khamphone Chanthalungsy Assistance Component 2.1: Update Water Law,DWR 18 Ms. Sengmany Xayvang Assistance Component 2.1: Update Water Law, DWR A22 A23 No Name and Family name Position Organization 19 Ms. Viengthavine Chundala Technical Oicer PONRE, Khammoune 20 Mr. Kongsavad Soundala Technical Oicer PONRE, Khammoune 21 Mr. Vangkeo Xayphukdee Head of Unit PONRE,Borlikamxay Province 22 Ms. Monvilay Sombudmoonvong Technical Oicer PONRE, Borlikamxay Province 23 Ms. Phonthip Somphonphukdee Head of Water Resources Section PONRE Savannakhet 24 Mr. Inpasith Syhalath Deputy of Water Section PONRE Savannakhet 25 Mr. Sitsavane Inthavongsa Deputy Head of Water Resources Section PONRE Sekong Province 26 Mr. Khanethong Thammavongsa Technical Oicer PONRE Sekong Province 27 Mr. Asa Phunthlavong Head of Unit PONRE Auttapua Province 28 Ms. Dalaphone Kundavong Technical Oicer PONRE Auttapua Province 29 Mr Khamphou Sysomphou Head of Water Resources Section PONRE Vientiane Province 30 Mr. Khamphone Sichuthum Head of Unit PONRE Vientiane Province 31 Mr. Vueyang Yangxangyang Deputy Head of Water Resources Section PONRE Loungphabang Province 32 Mr.Soulasith Nummalakone Technical Oicer PONRE Loungphabang Province 33 Mr. Phonxay Medamit Head of Unit PORE Xiengkouang Province 34 Ms. DouangSamone Chanthavong Head of Unit PORE Xiengkouang Province 35 Ms. Mounmany Keokhamde Technical Oicer Fishery Department, MaF 36 Mr. Chitdavone Southammavong Head of Unit DMH, MoRE 37 Mr. Alounlat Souksavath Technical Oicer DMH, MoRE 38 Mr. Latttikone Xayyasane Technical Oicer Data and information Center 39 Ms. Chanlakone Homkingkeo Technical Oicer Water Quality Management Division 40 Mr. Sisomboun Vongneth Institutional Development Specialist C1 No Name and Family name Position Organization 41 Ms. Bounpheng Suvanhnalath Technical Oicer DWR 42 Mr. Souksamlane Songkham Technical Oicer DWR 43 Ms. Sengphachan Sinbandith Technical Oicer DWR A24 A7-1. Annex List of Trainees: Introduction to Ground Water 12-23/10/2015, 2/11/2015, National University of Laos, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Water Resources, Vientiane Capital A25 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Oulaphone Ongkeo C3 Manager NREI, MoNRE 2 Dr. Keophousone Nnthalath Lecturer Faculty of Engineering, NUoL 3 Mr. Nick Lambert Consultant ADB 4 Ms. Manisakhone Chittaphong Technical Staf NREI, MoNRE 5 Mr. Phongsavath Yinyong Technical Staf NREI, MoNRE 6 Mr. Pankham Soundala Technical Staf NREI, MoNRE 7 Ms. Malaythong Khambounmy Technical Staf NREI, MoNRE 8 Mr. Sayfon Keophila Technical Staf NRBCS 9 Ms. Souliphone Silampheng Technical Staf NRBCS 10 Ms. Phouthavy Syhalath Technical Staf NRBCS 11 Ms. Lammon Sayavong Technical Staf DWR 12 Mr. Khonesavanh keovongsa Master student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 13 Mr. Eakkalack Sayadeth Technical Staf DWR 14 Mr. Sanh Phinthongsing Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 15 Mr. Fengkeo Somnilan Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 16 Mr. Khaikeo Keosomphou Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 17 Mr. Donlee Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 18 Mr. Khampha Syphaserth Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 19 Mr. Leupa Khamja Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL No Name and Family name Position Organization 20 Mr. Phetvongkhone Luangduangsithideth Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 21 Mr. Danouphong Sinbandith Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 22 Mr. Phonesavanh Visandone Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 23 Mr. Phouthahan Inthilath Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 24 Mr. Bounchan Vongdala Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 25 Mr. Vannaleth Bouaphonenoy Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 26 Mr. Saysamone Viengvilay Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 27 Mr. Thongxay Khemvilay Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 28 Mr. Pong Syvongsa Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 29 Mr. Phickthong Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 30 Ms. Khintavanh Akkhavong Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 31 Mr. Laoya Valy Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 32 Mr. Toumaya Kheuyang Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 33 Ms. Souphaphone Keobounpheng Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 34 Ms.Vilayvanh Lianethala Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 35 Ms. Sounita Chomsilivong Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 36 Ms. Vanhsouk Pankeo Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 37 Ms. Pao Inthavong Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 38 Ms. Sommone Phothilath Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL A26 A27 No Name and Family name Position Organization 39 Mr. Khammy Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 40 Mr. Philakhoun Lorvider Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 41 Mr. Bouaphan Sysongkham Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 42 Mr. Houseng Nengsay Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 43 Mr. Vongsaher Herchaleun Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 44 Mr. Sysamout Sysatta Technical Staf DWR 45 Mr. Maykham Syvongsack Technical Staf DWR A7-2. Annex Recommendations and Proposal for Following Ground Water Training Justiication and Objectives Training courses such as the one recently carried out showed promising results in both the performances of the students, relected in the exam results, and the teaching staf and course content, as relected in the students’ evaluations of the course. The training increased knowledge concerning the nature of groundwater and the technologies applied in characterizing the resource and utilizing it for national development. The learning process was not restricted to university undergraduates alone, but to teaching staf as well. The attendees included three faculty members among the student participants, and the course professors as well learned from each other. Duration and scheduling An ideal time for such an activity would be in the dry season, in either the irst or second quarters of 2017 (the dry season of 2016 doesn’t ofer enough time for funding and planning). Total course time should be 30 days interspersed within two months to allow lexibility in attendance and to slow the pace of learning of new and diicult subjects. Venue Classwork can be done at the Sokpoluang campus, which is reasonably close to town, while ieldwork should be conducted at the Tadthuong campus of the faculty of water resources. Both of these venues served well during the irst training session. Student participants Advanced undergraduates, members of government agencies that are involved in groundwater, and NUOL faculty members should be included, but the number should be limited to around forty in total. Human Resources Required Lao nationals: Four to ive local experts, expected to be recruited from NUOL faculty (but may not be exclusively) would engage in the preparation and presentation of lectures and ieldwork teaching activities. Average commitment of each of these experts would be 5-7 days. International consultant as Project Coordinator: This would be an international consultant with at least 10 years’ experience in project management and similar work. Work Experience in Lao PDR should be a mandatory prerequisite, and proiciency in the Lao language preferred. The PC would assist in the organization and planning of the event and be present throughout as a facilitator and back-stopper. In addition to these duties, he/she would be a focal point for the initiation and administration of the Groundwater Training and Research Center. Estimated commitment would be three months - one month home oice and two months on mission. International consultant as Hydrogeologist: This would be an international consultant with at least 10 years’ experience as a groundwater expert. Work Experience in Lao PDR should be a mandatory prerequisite, and some knowledge in the Lao language preferred, although luency in English, both speaking and writing, would be required. Instruction in English would ofer some advantages to students who may be seeking further education overseas. Preferably locally based so that scheduled missions could be lexible and help reduce traveling expenses. He/she would be expected to teach advanced subjects, such as groundwater hydraulics, pumping test analyses, and groundwater modeling. Commitment expected to be 16 days in Lao PDR: 9 days in the classroom and 7 days in the ield. Syllabus The course content would be very similar to the one presented during the previous training with some adjustments and reinement. Introductory concepts, groundwater hydraulics, resistivity surveying, borehole drilling & pump testing, and groundwater modeling would be among the topics. A28 Costs (in USD) • Project Coordinator (90 days, 60 days on mission, 30 days home oice), 35,000 • International Hydrogeologist, 20,000 • Logistics (classroom rental, per diem for those outside VTE, food, transport etc), 30,000 • Allowances for Instructors (Lao Nationals) 5,000 • Borehole drilling (2 wells: one pumping well, one for observation), 15,000 • Purchase of Pumping test equipment (pump & piping, water level indicators, water quality kits), 7,000 • Contingency, 3,000 Total 125,000 (cost distributed among forty students 3,125) A29 A8-1. Annex List of Trainees: Collaborative Flood Modeling 22/6-4/7/2015, 24-26/9/2015, 9-11/10/2015, Faculty of Water Resources, NUOL, Vientiane Capital No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Ms. Khanthamaly Sayaseng Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 2 Mr. Phetviengkone Onsayvieng Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 3 Ms. Sounipha Xayakeo Technical Staf DWR 4 Mr. Lounthong Keomanykham Technical Staf DWR 5 Mr. Toumaya Keuyang Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 6 Mr. Nouyang Kaoher Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 7 Mr. Khammy Chanthavyseng Technical Staf NRBCS 8 Ms. Daovy Artkeo Technical Staf NRBCS 9 Mr. Lengya Valee Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 10 Mr Khanphone Syhavong Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 11 Mr. Tom Xayalath Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 12 Mr. Sackda Champavong Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 13 Mr. Xaypaseuth Silibounphan Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 14 Mr. Phickthong Tiengthonkham Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 15 Mr. Khounxay Phommapanya Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 16 Mr. Vilatsay lattanavong Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL A30 A31 No Name and Family name Position Organization 17 Ms. Nouanlamay Damvongsa Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 18 Ms. Sabaiphone Sayasane Student Faculty of Environmental Engineering, NUoL 19 Mr.Ampho Chomxaythong Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 20 Mr.Panthong Coordinator NNRBCS 21 Ms.Maiphet Technical NNRBCS 22 Mr. Kongpaly Technical NNRBCS 23 Mr.Souvannavong Misi Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 24 Ms.Khanthamaly Xayaseng Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 25 Ms. Sabaiphone Sayasen Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 26 Ms.Nuanlamai Phoutthavongsa Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 27 Mr. Vilatsay lattanavong Student Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 28 Mr. Assawin Insyxiengmay Technical DWR 29 Ms. Sounipha Xaiyakeo Technical DWR 30 Mr. Khammee Chanthawiseng Technical NNRBCS 31 Mr. Khampaseuth Vangvichith Technical DWR 32 Mr. Soulixay Inthasone Lecturer Faculty of Environmental Science, NUoL 33 Mr. Vilakone Kasioudom Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 34 Mr. Xaipaseuth Silibounthun Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 35 Mr. Bliaher Soualao Student Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 36 Mr. Somphone Chansombath Student Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 37 Mr. Phetviengkham Onexayvieng Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL No Name and Family name Position Organization 38 Mr. Chinsamouth Keosoutha Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 39 Mr. Bounthavy Bounthavong Technical Khammuane 40 Mr. Nouandum Kenethavouly Technical DWR 41 Mr. Viluck Technical DWR 42 Mr. Kong Xiong Student WRED 43 Mr. Kaevang Xaytam Student WRED 44 Mr. Xayvana Manthipphavong Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 45 Mr. Fengkeo Somnorvunlt Lecturer Faculty of Water Resources, NUoL 46 Ms. Sengphachan Keodala Technical Oicer DWR 47 Ms. Bounpheng Souvannalath Technical Oicer DWR 48 Mr. Leanthong Keomanykham Technical Oicer DWR A32 A9-1. Annex List of Trainees: Water Quality Management and Monitoring 30/6-1/7/2014, 24-25/12/2014, 17-19/6/2015, 4/8/2015, Vientiane Province A33 No Name and Family name Position Organization 1 Mr. Thipnakone Vongvichit Technical Staf MoNRE 2 Mrs. Vizieng Sonthavy Deputy Head of NREO, Viengkham VTP MoNRE 3 Mr. Sysawad Chaiyasit Technical Staf Nam Ngum Dam1 4 Mr. Shimpavhun Chaimounkhome Deputy Head of Section Livestock Section 5 Mr. Somly Phommachuk Deputy Head of Authority Oice Industry Section, MIC 6 Mr. Shouksakone Phajonhpon Deputy Head of UNIT ESIA division 7 Mr. Somboon Phitsalart Deputy Head of UNIT NAMLIK Hydropower DAM 8 Mr. Thongkhome Philahvong Deputy Head of Division MoNRE 9 Mr Phonexay Deathavong Head of UNIT PONRE of VTP 10 Mr. Sang Pilahvong Head of UNIT MoNRE 11 Mr. Komesone Soonsavhut Deputy Head of Division Industry and Commerce 12 Mrs. Vilaiphone Mueagpak Technical Staf Lao Women Union 13 Mr. Kemkome Vhuntanuvong Deputy Head of Oice Agriculture and Forestry section 14 Mr. Phet Xaophouvong Head of UNIT Num Ngum 3 Hydropower Dam 15 Mr. Bounmee Koevongsa 16 Mrs. Vhunsang Kommanykoud Technical Staf DWR 17 Mrs. Sangparchun Sinbundit Technical Staf DWR Policy Energy Planning Department of MEN No Name and Family name Position Organization 18 Mrs. Sangparchun Sinbundit Technical Staf DWR 19 Mr. Khampong Thanonkoe Project Consultant The Asia Foundation 20 Mr. Khamkieng Lakhamdy Deputy Head oice Industry and Commerce Section 21 Mr. Phonexay Xaybounmy Head of UNIT Geology and Mining Section 22 Mr. Fongsamout Xayyashan Head of UNIT Environment Section, TV province 23 Mr. Noyladda Naowalungxy Technical Staf NREI, MONRE 24 Mrs. Bountavy Champa Deputy Head of Water Resource Section NREO, VTP 25 Mr. Phongsavhun Bunnavong Deputy Head of House Section PWTD, VTP 26 Mrs. Xungthong Phuntamaly Chief and Ground Water Management Division DWR 27 Mr. Kongphachan Deaparkoun Deputy Head of policy Section Energy and Mining Department 28 Mr. Souksamlan Songkham Technical Staf DWR 29 Mr. Kongpeng Koonphunya Technical Staf DONRE, Vang Vieng 30 Mrs. Viengsamai Silixay Deputy Head of Chemical Division FDD, MOH 31 Mrs. Khampaiy Vilaiheuang Deputy Head of Section DONRE,VTP 32 Mr. Vuegang Yangsienggang Deputy Head of Section PONRE, Luang Prabang Province 33 Mr. Soulasit Nummalakon Technical Staf PONRE, Luang Prabang Province 34 Mr. Khamthavy Keolaaud Technical Staf Agricuture and Forestry, LPB 35 Mr. Nekon Vilaikaod Head of UNIT Energy and Mining, LPB 36 Mrs. Phonexay Milamit Technical Staf AF, Xiengkouang Province 37 Mrs. Keo Phanmanivong Head of Unit DONRE District, Xaysomboun Province 38 Mrs. Onouma Vilaysane Head of Unit PONRE, XSP A34 A35 No Name and Family name Position Organization 39 Mr. Noudeng Vongdala Technical Oicer Department of pollution control, MoNRE 40 Mr. Kosy Simmany Deputy Head of Unit PONRE, Vientiane Capital 41 Mrs. Doungsamone Chanthavong Head of Unit PONRE Xiengkhoung Province 42 Mrs. Keomanyvhone Phouttakunti Technical Oicer Department of Water Resoures 43 Mr. Chengaloun Silaiheung Deputy Head of Section Vientiane Capital 44 Mr. Vongphet Soukhavongsa Consultant Hatield Consult Company 45 Mrs. Chunthaly Chunthavysouk Consultant Hatield Consult Company 46 Mr. Oudong Phalakone Technical Oicer Agriculture and Forestry 47 Mr. Eric Tilman Consultant ADB, C1 Consultant 48 Ms. Nancy Kim Country Coordinator The Asia Foundation 49 Mr. Thongphet Vongkhamsouk Head of Unit Mining, VT Province 50 Mr. Bounphun Chuntilath Head of Section Public Health Division 51 Ms Trant Kim Yen Water Quality Expert EMSP 52 Mr. Viluk Doungvichit Technical Oicer Training and Awareness Center, DWR 53 Mrs. Chengphasouk Xayyavong Technical Oicer Training and Awareness Center, DWR 54 Mr. Thavone Somvong Technical Oicer Forestry Section, Vientiane Province 55 Mr. Bounsanong Fongmaly C1 manager C1 DWR 56 Mr. Vhunkham Koelai Technical Staf Mining Section 57 Mr. Chengchun Kouthawat Head of Unit Engineering 58 Mr. Viengkoe Xaypukdy Technical Staf PONRE, BLKX Province 59 Mr. Aoulai Thammavong Deputy Head of Section Department of Agriculture and Forestry BLKX Province 60 Mr. Chunthakad Vilavong Technical Staf Energy and mining BLKX province 61 Mr. Khanchun Xainakhone Deputy Head of Section Agriculture Section, BLKX Pro 86No Name and Family name Position Organization 62 Mr. Khamphai Vilaiheuang Deputy Head of Section Agriculture and Forestry Section, XSB Pro 63 Mr. Sengmany Phameboun Technical Livestock and Fishery Department, MAF 64 Mr. Kosy Simmany Head of Unit PoNRE, VT Capital 65 Mr. Tinnakone Vongvichid Technical Oicer DoNRE, Viengkham District, VTP 66 Mrs. Phouthon Phalayok Deputy Director Nam Lek 1-2 Hydropower Dam 67 Mr. Phoudtha Maly Head of Unit PoNRE, LPB 68 Mr. Bounmy Chaiyavong Technical Oicer NERI 69 Dr. Keodoungchai Keokhamhoun Teacher WRED 70 Ms. Daopaky Thongsavane Lecturer WRED 71 Ms. Memy Khanthamaly Lecturer WRED 72 Mr. Thongkham Xayalad Lecturer WRED 73 Mr. Khaophone Syhong Lecturer WRED 74 Mr. Panthong Coordinator NNRBCS 75 Mr. Daovone Phommachane Technical Oicer NNRBCS 76 Mr. Kanya Sengthavisouk Engineer DEPP 77 Mr. Boualy Meludtanapheng Deputy Division VT Province 78 Mr. Sengkeo Tasaked Technical Oicer Department of Pollution Control 79 Mr. Sephai Sysengthong Technical Ofcier Agriculture and Forestry Division 80 Mr. Phonxay Medarnit Head of Unit Xiengkhouang Province 81 Mr. Khampheng Salyphuk Technical Oicer VT Province 82 Mrs. Phouthong Phimbao Technical Oicer Hom District,VTP 83 Mr. Ounheun Keophomma Technical Oicer Hom District,VTP 84 Mr. Khemkham Vanthanouvong Deputy Head Oice Keooudom District 85 Mr. Bounthong Vongsa Technical Oicer Keooudom District 86 Mrs. Manysone vongsa Technical Oicer Hinherp District A36 A37 No Name and Family name Position Organization 87 Mr Songmouao Xayvongpao Technical Oicer Xaysomboun 88 Mr Inthasone Philavane Technical Oicer Xaysomboun 89 Mr Bounthai Director of NNRBCS NNRBCS 90 Mr Khamla Inthasone Technical Oicer DESIA 91 Mrs Xaythong Keomahavong Head of Technical NNRBCS 92 Mr Sengsoulin Outhai Technical Oicer Planning and Cooperation, VTP 93 Mr Phongsavane Bunnavong Head of Unit Oicer Hinherp district 94 Mr Phedphouthon Inthapudta Technical Oicer Nam Ngum 1 Dam 95 Mr Boulieng Airniphon Technical Oicer PoNRE, VTP 96 Mrs Vaneseng Khammanikhod Technical Oicer Water Quality Management Division, DWR 97 Mr Chanmany Keophaivane Technical Oicer Phonhong District 98 Mr Simphavane Xaymounkham Deputy Head of Section Agriculture 99 Mr Fongsamout Xayasane Head of Unit Environment Section 100 Mr Kongphachane Detphakhoun Deputy Head of Section Energy and Mining Division 101 Mrs Bounthavy Champa Deputy Head of Section Water Resources Section 102 Mr Xayaded Vongphukdee Technical Oicer Viengkham District 103 Mr Phonexay Dettavong Head of Unit PONRE, VT Pro 104 Mrs Yenpapha Velavong Technical PoNRE, Borlikhamxay Province 105 Mr Sounipha Xayakeo Technical DWR 106 Mrs Sylephone Chanthamid Head of Oice Keooudom District 107 Dr Vethed Synet Expert EMSP 108 Assistant Professor Rachaphat Researcher Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Thailand 109 Mr Souksakone Phachomphon Head of Unit Keooudom 110 Mr Khamkieng Lakhamdee Deputy Oice Keooudom No Name and Family name Position Organization 111 Mr. Panthong Phetmurntham NNRB Coordinator NNRBCS 112 Mr. Daovone Phommachanh NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 113 Mr. Bounchanh Philavong NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 114 Mr. Khammee Chanthaviseng NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 115 Mr. Sayphonh Keophila NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 116 Ms. Khanthavy Sengvilay S NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 117 Ms. Davoy Adkeo NNRB Technical Oicer NNRBCS 118 Ms. Kongnguern Samontee Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 119 Ms. Phoutthavy Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 120 Ms. Latdavanh Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 121 Ms. Souliphone Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 122 Ms. Nalin Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 123 Mr. Thipnakhone Vongvichit Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 124 Mr. Santi Inthaliat Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 125 Mr. Bounlerd Phetsoulinvongsa Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 126 Mr. Phengdee Phengsivilay Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 127 Mr. Phommalat Souvannalay Technical Oicer Vientiane Province 128 Mr. Phouthong Technical Oicer Vientiane Province A38