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To have an efficient water distribution network, design alternatives need to be identified and analysed. This paper shows how the hydraulic modelling software, WaterGEMS, coupled with an integrated fast-messy genetic algorithm can be used... more
Nowadays, there are implementations of hydropower projects wherever possible in Myanmar as it is necessary for electricity in order to be balance with demand and supply, in doing so, it is facing deforestation, decreasing habitat,... more
Recently, a novel approach to a highly sensitive and quantitative detection of rare earth element (REE) ions including La3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, has been reported. The detection of REE ions is... more
The Halda River of Chattogram is an icon being the only tidal river supporting the spawning of the genetically pure major Indian carp species. Halda is declared as the Bangabandhu Fisheries Heritage due to the broader support for movement... more
Egypt is one of the biggest and affected country in Africa and Middle East, which affected by increasing population and many developing projects. The Nile is the artery of life to Egypt as it shares with other ten countries as it... more
In the framework of the IWAS/Água-DF project, this study focuses on changes in mean surface air temperature and accumulated precipitation in Central Brazil over the past 40 years. It has two main objectives: (1) comparison between two... more
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a process has enthused a range of positive international debate following its becoming the one paradigm being globally promoted by institutions and water professionals to answer to the... more
The present research discusses the geomorphologic parameters of Bori basin that are determined by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Topographical Conventional System. The digital elevation model (DEM) of the basin is... more
Water service delivery crises are increasingly prevalent in post-apartheid South Africa. This paper builds on earlier research into the challenges faced by local (municipal) government in the provision of water services, as demand grows... more
This document discusses type of institutional arrangements, organisations and shared leadership necessary to advance integrated river basin management (IRBM) in the Mississippi River Basin. The paper ambitiously proposes a Mississippi... more
The Irrawaddy River is Myanmar’s largest and most commercially important water way. Over the years, declining water quality has affected fisheries resources in some areas especially due to the throwing of untreated household waste in the... more
In the chapter A Political Economy of Water, Swatuk demonstrates that, much like a mirror, water access, use and management reflects society back to itself. No ordinary economic good, water is essential to all aspects of human life. As... more
Water services should be supplied locally by a wide range of providers in ways customers want. Integrated water resource management is essential, but what are the challenges for reformers to deliver it?
River Nyong as many African water resources is highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change, manifested through increased drought and flood severity, more intense storms, shifts in the timing and distribution of rainfall, warmer... more
Dealing with water resources issues requires understanding of the community perception. It is important to create a communicative partnership between community and government towards sustainable water resources management. Opinion survey... more
Water is a necessary material in order to sustain every period of human life such as nutrition, circulation, breathing, and reproduction. More than two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only a very small portion of it... more
Resumen El acceso al agua potable no sólo depende de la condición geográfica o de desarrollo del lugar donde se habite, sino que también depende también del nivel de ingresos. La pobreza afecta negativamente el acceso al agua potable, se... more
Sri Lankans, have displayed rare skills in managing water and natural resources during ancient hydraulic civilization and that was collapsed in the 12 th century. Rehabilitation work carried out by the foreign invaders, mainly focused on... more
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
The counties traversed by Yala River Catchment in Kenya have been constrained by acute shortages of water resources because of the declining stream flows, which is occasioned by environmental changes, increasing population and changing... more
Iran is one of arid and semi-arid regions of the world and has experimented many challenges in the sustainability of water resources. With the development of urbanization and the natural and artificial changes in land use, environments... more
Reclaimed water from small wastewater treatment facilities in the rural areas of the Beira Interior region (Portugal) may constitute an alternative water source for aquifer recharge. A 21-month monitoring period in a constructed wetland... more
After some lengthy processes of preparation and consultation, a new framework water law has now been declared as “ready” for Parliamentary procedures. Since Turkey aspires for European Union membership, harmonization with Water Framework... more
Singapore has depended on water imports from neighbouring catchments in Johor, Malaysia since its founding. Despite long-standing cooperation, economic, environmental, and political forces are destabilizing cross-strait water flows. Johor... more
The article presents the results of the research work "Water security of the Republic of Kazakhstan - sustainable water supply strategy", for the period 2015-2017 years under the subprogram "Strategy of sustainable water supply of the... more
Jordan is facing a water crisis since several years. The available amounts are exploited to a large extent (surface water) or even overexploited (groundwater). With a rapidly growing population, these will not be enough to meet the future... more
El sector de agua y saneamiento de Argentina presenta un déficit significativo en las coberturas de los servicios y requiere mejoras en la calidad y eficiencia en la prestación de los servicios. Con el objeto de plantear una estrategia... more
A partire dall'esito referendario del 2011 e con la successiva attribuzione dei poteri di regolazione e controllo all'AEEGSI, il sistema idrico in Italia ha intrapreso un percorso di profonda evoluzione. Evoluzione che non ha solo... more
Iran, once the pioneer of sustainable water management in the arid region of the world, is now experiencing a serious water crisis, reflected by its drying lakes and rivers, declining groundwater resources and deteriorating water quality.... more
The current state of affairs in the field of water management of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) have exceptionally specific qualities making it different from national water management systems in the neighbouring countries, i.e. the... more
Due to bad economics or poor infrastructure, every year millions of people, most of them children, die from diseases associated with inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene. Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate... more
The book is based on seminar proceedings on Traditional Water Management Systems organized by the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal at Bhopal (16-18th September 1997), Ahmedabad (19-21st January 1998), Pune (3-4th April... more
The increasing water demand along with the constant threat of water scarcity requires considering the complexity of the links among the various activities carried out in a basin. This implies that decision makers must know the potential... more
Fish farming is considered an important agricultural activity that is capable of ending nutritional deficiencies of the world and contributing to poverty reduction. Its proponents argue that aquaculture will meet the food security needs... more
— Due to the reduction of groundwater resources, the artificial recharge of these resources through the reuse of treated wastewater (modified water) is an efficient way to tackle the problem. Some of the most important goals to be... more
Današnje stanje na polju upravljanja vodama u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) ima izražene specifinosti koje ga suštinski razlikuju od nacionalnih sistema upravljanja vodama u susjednim zemaljama, odnosno zemalja jugoistone Evrope. Te... more
Many watersheds experience scarcity of water for agricultural and domestic use for most part of the year. Ur river watershed in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, India, falls under a drought prone region of India. Water allocation and... more