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The crosslinguistic diversity of antipassives: function, meaning and structure

The crosslinguistic diversity of antipassives: function, meaning and structure Katarz a Ja i Ale a Witzla k-Makare i h U i ersit of L o / U i ersit of )uri h U i ersit of Kiel Goals • Histo of the esea h • Defi itio s a d te i olog • ‘elated o st u tio s • Fu tio al oti atio s • “e a ti a d dis ou se-p ag ati p ope ties • Dia h o i sou es September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE The histor of the resear h • Before 1972: the antipassive construction has been discussed under other names (e.g. Ku ło i z 1949) • 1972: the term antipassive was coined by Silverstein in his description of Chinook and popularized later in Silverstein (1976) I have termed this -ki- form the ANTIPASSIVE construction, playing upon its inverse equivalence to a passive of accusative languages, because the sense is clearly equivalent to a transitive, though the form is intransitive, with the grammatical function of the remaining NP reversed (ergator becomes nonergator). (Silverstein 1972: 395) • The term reflected the impression that the antipassive construction is a mirror image of the passive construction in ergative languages • Meanwhile, one knows that ergativity of a language is not an atomic notions (aka construction-specific nature of grammatical relations): languages with ergative marking have syntactic constructions operating on the nominative-accusative basis September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE The histor of the resear h: a tipassi e a d the su je t • Passives in primarily NOM/ACC languages is described using the syntactic notions of subject: the semantic P argument is promoted to subject, the semantic A is removed from the subject position • However, antipassives in many languages cannot be described in similar terms ⇾ only applicable in a small set of syntactically ergative languages where S and P arguments have the subject-like nature • Eventually the scope of the studies of antipassive was widened to cover constructions not obligatory requiring any changes in the subject status ⇾ antipassive-like constructions in primarily nominative-accusative languages (already in Heath 1976, Postal 1977) “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 3 The histor of the resear h • From the end of the 70s: a lot of publications, different identifying criteria and (largely unproductive) dis ussio s a out eal s. appa e t a tipassi e o st u tio s • By now, many accounts of the antipassive construction in individual languages • Japhug Rgyalrong (Jacques 2014), Mam (England 1988), West Greenlandic (Bittner 1987), … • English (Blight 2004), Russian (Say 2005), Spanish (Masullo 1992), Soninke (Creissels 1992), … • Antipassive in language groups with ergative features: • Tsezic (Comrie et al. 2015) • Circassian (Letuchiy and Arkadiev 2012) • Kiranti (Bickel 2011) • Relatively few overview sources: “epte • Heath (1976) • Cooreman (1994) • Polinsky (1986, in Russian, 2005, 2017) • Say (2008) e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Some definitions • A tipassi izatio ANTI is a t a sfo atio hi h TO t a siti e o je t is deleted o de oted to a i o ase hile T“ t a siti e su je t e o es su fa e I“ i t a siti e su je t . Heath : • The a tipassi e oi e de ies g a ati al p o i e e to the patie t o i al eithe e odi g it as a o li ue o stitue t o ot s ta ti all e odi g it at all. […] A t pi al o se ue e of a tipassi izatio is the p o otio of a age t to the ost g a ati all p o i e t o stitue t. “hi ata i : • A tipassi e a applies to a u de l i g t a siti e lause a d fo s a de i ed i t a siti e; the u de l i g A NP e o es “ of the a tipassi e; the u de l i g O NP goes i to a pe iphe al fu tio , ei g a ked a ase, p epositio , et .; this NP a e o itted, although the e is al a s the optio it; d the e is so e e pli it fo al a ki g of a a tipassi e o st u tio sa e a d possi ilities as fo passi e . Di o : “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 5 So e defi itio s • A a tipassi e o st u tio is a de i ed det a siti ized o st u tio ith a t o-pla e p edi ate, elated to a o espo di g t a siti e o st u tio hose p edi ate is the sa e le i al ite . I the asi t a siti e o st u tio , the patie t-like a gu e t is ealized as a di e t o je t; i the a tipassi e o st u tio , that a gu e t is eithe supp essed left i pli it o ealized as a o li ue o ple e t. Poli sk • A o ki g defi itio of the a tipassi e o st u tio : a a ked – i.e. opposed to the asi o e – a gu e t o st u tio i hi h the se a ti P a gu e t is e o ed deleted o de oted to a o li ue positio f o the positio hi h it ould ha e take i the espe ti e asi t a siti e o st u tio . “a : September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 6 Some definitions • Tsu oda : : p oposed the a tipassi e p otot pe follo i g the lead of “hi ata i's passi e p otot pe, also Di o & Aikhe ald : a. the A is ealized as the d-“ . the O is ealized as the OBL, o is ot ealized at all . the patie t is a kg ou ded, a d d. the lause sho s a lo e deg ee of t a siti it tha the o espo di g Vt i te s of aspe t a d affe ted ess • The usage of the te p otot pe, ho e e , de iates f o hat it as o igi all i fo ‘os h , he e it sta ds fo so e ps hologi al/ og iti e ealit . • I that usage, the de isio of hat a p otot pe is a e e ified i e pe i e ts speake s of a la guage. Tsu oda's a d othe p otot pes a e ased p i a il o i as to hi h p ope ties o-o u egula l , a ot e e ified e pi i all “a “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE t odu ed ith tuitio : – 7 On terminology • (universal syntactic relation) A becomes S Di o ; Di o & Aikhe ald ,… • a patient-like argument (realized as a direct object in the active construction) becomes suppressed or as an oblique compliment (Polinsky 2005) • patient nominal as an oblique constituent or not syntactically encoding it at all, an agent promoted to the most grammatically prominent constituent (Shibatani 1988) • logical object becomes non-core argument/non-argument/adjunct (Polinsky 2017) • a patient(-like) argument loses some of its morpho-syntactic properties (Janic & Witzlack-Makarevich) September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Morphological markers of the antipassive • The a tipassi e a e sig aled • T o t pi al patte s of s • s e ti a ke s • s e ti etis e al affi atio , so eti es a defi itio al ha a te isti ha e ee ide tified Poli sk : ith det a siti izi g affi es a ti ausati e, efle i e/ e ip o al, ith aspe tual a ke s o iddle, o passi e o l i hoati e, i epti e, o ite ati e • Poli sk : o la guages hi h ha e a o -s eti a tipassi e a ke • But see Ja i fo ou te e a ples • Mo e tha o e a tipassi e e al a ke a e ist i a si gle la guage, the a e e e sta ked dou led , e.g. Chuk hi Kozi sk et al. , Halko ele Ge dts a d Huka i September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE A tipassi e ith or ithout se a ti ha ge • In studies on passive it is largely uncontroversial that the propositional semantics of the passive is identical to that of the active and the number of participants and their roles do not change (cf. e.g. Kazenin 2001) • In the studies of antipassive, however, mostly diffuse phrasing in individual definitions is used (cf. Say 2008 for a discussion of the problem) • Only infrequently a clear position is taken: An antipassive construction is a derived detransitivized construction with a two-place predicate, related to a corresponding transitive construction whose predicate is the same lexical item. (Polinsky 2005) • Also central to the studies of diathesis alternations e.g. within the Leningrad/St. Petersburg school: Different correspondences found between the participants of a predicate lexeme and grammatical relations like subject, direct object etc. for different wordforms of the lexeme are called diatheses. A diathesis that is denoted in a verb with regular morphological marking is called voice. (Testelets 2001) September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE A tipassi e ith or ithout se a ti ha ge • An opposite view within the lexical(ist) approaches: antipassivization as a lexical (and not a syntactic) process that modifies the argument structure of an input word (see Polinsky 2017 for an overview) concrete examples: e.g. Arkadiev and Letuchiy (2008) on Adyghe • Also in some cases mere discourse-pragmatic differences induced by the antipassive may fossilize and eventually lead to semantic differences (Say 2008) • A continuum view of antipassive constructions: from productive and semantically unmodified constructions with primarily pragmatic functions and syntactic effects to less productive antipassives with modifications of the propositional semantics (Say 2008: 82) “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 12 Related o stru tio s • Certain linguistic phenomena share some properties with antipassives and in some languages were analyzed as such (cf. Polinsky 2017): • noun incorporation and pseudo-noun incorporation (for larger nominal expressions) • some bi-absolutive (bi-nominative) constructions • the agent focus (AF) construction, reported for a number of Mayan languages (see Stiebels 2006 for an overview) • differential object marking/DOM (and also differential subject marking/DSM): similar to antipassive because patients are encoded variably depending on animacy, specificity, etc. But patients retain their syntactic properties regardless of overt marking (Aissen 2003) + the range of triggering semantic and pragmatic factors is different “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Functional motivations • What is the oti atio of usi g the a tipassi e o st u tio i stead of the espe ti e a ti e o st u tio ? • T o ajo t pes of oti atio s a e disti guished f. “a ; Poli sk : • s ta ti o ligato a tipassi e • se a ti /dis ou se-p ag ati optio al a tipassi e • I a of these so- alled deep e gati e la guages, a tipassi e o st u tio s a e so eti es used fo easo s othe tha the se a ti /p ag ati fu tio s des i ed a o e. Coo e a : • e.g. to allo lause o i i g ith o efe e tial d opped a gu e ts i D i al , • e.g. to allo the elati izatio o the Age t i Eski o Fo tes ue o Chu k hi Co ie , • “o e p edi tio s Coo e a • st u tu al a tipassi es do ot o elate ith the se a ti /p ag ati a tipassi es • o la guage has a st u tu al a tipassi e ithout a se a ti /p ag ati o e “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 14 Se a ti a d dis ourse-prag ati properties • A tipassi e a kg ou ds the Patie t: • fo us shifts to the Age t, • to the fa t that its efe e t pe fo s a e tai t pe of a ti it hi h i ol es a Patie t, • pa i g little o o atte tio to the ide tit of the Patie t f. Di o & Aikhe ald . • “e a ti / dis ou se-p ag ati i po t of the a tipassi e is elated to the pa a ete s of t a siti it p oposed Hoppe & Tho pso : . ide tifia ilit of the Patie t . affe ted ess of the Patie t . aspe tual properties of a e September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 15 Semantic and discourse-pragmatic properties . Ide tifia ilit • A tipassi e o elates ith a lo deg ee of ide tifia lit of the Patie t: • ide tifia ilit : defi ite ess, efe e tialit , “G u e , a o g othe s • deg ee to hi h the hea e a ide tif the Patie t as a u i ue i di idual i the dis ou se • Optio al s. o ligato use of the a tipassi e ith a lo deg ee of ide tifia lit of the Patie t • Lo e deg ee of ide tifia ilit is a ifested a u e of st u tu al de i es: • plu al, i defi ite, o -spe ifi , ge e i a d/o i pli it Patie t . Affe ted ess • P otot pi al t a siti e e i plies a affe ted Patie t • A tipassi e e ofte a els this e tail e t • Co elatio ith a lo deg ee of affe ted ess of the Patie t “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 16 Semantic and discourse-pragmatic properties 3. Aspect • events or state-of-affairs: incomplete, non-punctual or without a perceptible onset • iterative, habitual, progressive and/or imperfective interpretations (cf. Cooreman 1994) Semantic / discourse-pragmatic properties of the antipassive • differ cross-linguistically (cf. Heath 1976; Comrie 1978; Cooreman 1994) • do not constitue universal characteristics of antipassive constructions • are non-defining properties, indicating at best only trends or tendencies September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Diachronic origins of antipassive marker Mai dia hro i sour es of a tipassi e . efle i it a d/o e ip o it . i defi ite/ge e i a gu e t . a tio o i alizatio + light e + de o i al de i atio Other dia hro i sour es of a tipassi e . e efa ti e/ alefa ti e . age ti e o i alise . o -teli TAM September 2-3, 2016 arkers Japhug p. . Ja ues arkers Eskaleut Ja o so ; Mithu Misatla ta Toto a , Husaste “a sò Godo e i Tate oso ; Juá ez & Ál a ez The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Co o dia hro : refle i it a d / or re ipro it Antipassive marker Reflexive (pronoun) Re ipro al arker • E te sio to the a tipassi e ased o the fu tio al si ila it . De elop e t f o efle i it to a tipassi e: • i ol e e t a i te ediate stage of a iddle do ai • lo deg ee of ela o atio of the e e t f. Ke e . De elop e t f o e ip o it to a tipassi e: pluralit of relatio s Li hte e k : • a tipassi e e e ts ofte e tail a aspe tual ha ge • ha itual, ite ati e a tio s i ol i g a plu alit of su essi e e e ts: A  B, A  B, A  B • e ip o al e e ts o sist of at least t o su -e e ts, plu alit of elatio s: A  B, B  A September 2-3, 2016 The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Co o dia hro : refle i it a d / or re ipro it Reflexivity = Reciprocity (cf. Sansò 2015; Janic 2016) • • • • • • • • • Indo-European Pama-Nyungan Tacanan Na-Dene Salish Laz Ye'kuana Khaling Nama family family family Native American family Pacific North-Western group South Caucasian language Cariban language Kiranti language Papuan language • West Ma de “o i ke, Bozo, Bo o… * • Reflexivity: verbal marker • Reciprocity: lexical device “epte e - , Refle i it A tipassi e Re ipro it ‘efle i e / e ip o al – a tipassi e pol se Reflexivity Antipassive Reflexive – antipassive polysemy The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Common diachrony: reflexivity and / or reciprocity Refle O ea • • i e ≠ Re ipro it i la guages efle i it : le i al de i e e ip o it : e al a ke e ip o al – a tipassi e pol se Turki la guages • efle i it : e al a ke • e ip o it : e al a ke efle i e – a tipassi e pol se e ip o al – a tipassi e pol se Niger-Co go a d Nilo-Sahara • efle i it : e al a ke • e ip o it : e al a ke Ts a a e ip o al – a tipassi e pol se Fijia , To a a ita, D ehu, Iaai, Hoa a Chu ash, Ba hi , Tata , Tu a Yakut, Tata , Tu a Ba tu: Ki u di, Atla ti : Wolof, Ke ek  P efe e e gi e to the e ip o it => pe haps a og iti e li k et ee e ip o it a d a tipassi e “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE 21 is a o e tha et ee efle i it a d a tipassi e Co o dia hro : refle i it a d / or re ipro it Re ipro al sour e of a tipassi e • I la guages i hi h a e ip o al a ke does ot de i e efle i e / iddle fo atio s ut the o es i ol i g the plu alit of pa ti ipa ts, • the e a e so e i di atio s that the otio of e ip o it to do sth to ea h othe is ie ed as the e te sio of a o e ge e al otio to do sth togethe , • he e the uestio of the i te a tio et ee pa ti ipa ts is left ope C eissels : . • • asso iati e, o-parti ipatio , olle ti e, et . e ip o al / asso iati e – a tipassi e pol se C eissels & Nouguie -Voisi • “o eti es the e ip o al is see as pa t of set of ea i gs that is pa ti ipati g i a pol se , • so eti es it is o side ed as spe ial ase of o e ge e al fu tio . • No si gle la el a do justi e to the a iet of fu tio s that the ele a t fo s a e p ess i the a ious la guages. The e is o e otio that u de li es the g eat ajo it though ot all of the fu tio s: plu ality of elatio s’ Li hte e k : . • e ip o al should e ie ed as the e te sio of the September 2-3, 2016 o e ge e al i.e. olle ti e The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g f. Fijia ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Di o 22 Common diachrony: indefinite / generic argument • I defi ite p o ou as Patie t • Ai u Bugae a • Ge e i : ou as Patie t • Koasati Muskogea , Ki all • Ba ta a “i o-Ti eta , Doo e al • I ate Oto-Ma guea , Ada ou • I o po ated h pe • Nahuatl La ga ke The Patie t e oded as Patie t ; C eissels the AP a ke : hu a pa ti ipa t pe so o -hu a pa ti ipa t thi g hu a a tipassi e o -hu a a tipassi e ↓ “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE ↓ 23 Common diachrony: indefinite / generic argument • Koasati: a tipassi e Koasati Muskogea á:ti pe so I sa a d a ke a:ti- / a:- / at- / a- o igi ates f o the i depe de t ou a:ti perso ; Ki all : – , hí: a-li-:kitta-p so á l-o:si-t hí: a-li-t see- :““-II.P“T.PTCP-NEW.TOP e e e -DIM-CONN see- .““-P“T e e e ed e e thi g a out that pe so that I used to see. i -aláhka-k PO““- elati es-“BJ íkso-t ot:e ist-CONN i is a:ɬ-o:si-V́ h o-k P‘O:alo e-DIM-HAB-““ at-pahókfa-t IND.OBJ.HUM-joi -CONN á:ta-V́ h o-toho-k d ell[sg]-HAB-‘L-IV.P“T He had o elati es, a d ei g e ti el • The esulti g September 2-3, 2016 hi self, used to joi up ith [people] to li e. a ke spe ializes i e odi g the i defi ite hu a o je t so eo e hu a a tipassi e The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Common diachrony: action nominalisation (+ light verb) Light er s do, ake . pa ti ipatio i the ausati e pe iph ases: • ell-k o sou e of ausati e a ke s . pa ti ipatio i the a tipassi e pe iph ases: • that do ot allo fo the spe ifi atio of a t a siti e Patie t • do the washi g: LIGHT VE‘B do + ACTION NOUN washi g i o je t fu tio f. Fo tes ue September 2-3, 2016 ; C eissels ; Ja ues The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Co o dia hro : a tio o i alisatio French (Creissels 2014:17-18) (3a) J’ai fait acheter des chaussures pour I.have made buy some shoes for I ade hus a d u shoes fo the hild e . (3b) J’ai acheté des chaussures I.have bought some shoes I ought shoes fo the hild e . (3c) *J’ai acheté I.have bought (3d) J’ai fait des achats I.have made some purchases I did shoppi g fo the hild e . September 2-3, 2016 pour for les the pour for les the enfants par mon mari. children by my husband les the enfants. children enfants. children pour for les the The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , + light er enfants. children ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Co o dia hro : a tio o i alisatio + light er • Makalero: antipassive suffix -ini is etymologically derived from the independent verb kini do Makalero (Trans-New Guinea, Timor-Alor-Pantar; Huber 2011: 341, 105) (4) tempe kini=ni pura... tempe do=LNK sell … a d ade tempe ith it, hi h e the sold... (5) tufuraa woman k-asu=ni uere=ni omar-ika’ 3.UG-for=CONTR 2.DEM=CONTR isa-ini tina-ini heru-ini diki bake-do cook-do weave-do yarn hular tutu’-ini spin grind-do lopu-ika’ tafa-ini pound-do Wo k fo the o e is to sta at ho e, do the aki g, do the ooki g, ea e, spi , g i d pou d. “epte e - , The ossli guisti di e sit of a tipassi es: fu tio , ea i g a d st u tu e , “LE Refere es • Adamou, Evangelia. . L antipassif en Ixcatèque. 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Pape p ese ted at the th A ual Meeti g of the “o ietas Li guisti a Eu opaea, “to khol . • C eissels, De is. . ‘e o st u ti g the histo of the “o i ke oi e s ste . Pape p ese ted at the “ ta of the Wo ld s La guages . Wo kshop Voi e s ste s i dia h o : a o pa ati e pe spe ti e, Pa ia. • C eissels, De is & “ l ie Nouguie -Voisi . . The e al suffi es of Wolof odi g ale ha ges a d the otio of o-pa ti ipatio . I Ekkeha d Kö ig a d Volke Gast eds. , Re ip o als a d Refle i es: Theo eti al a d T pologi al E plo atio s. Be li : Mouto de G u te . • Di o , ‘o e t M. W. .AG a a of Bou aa Fijia . Chi ago: U i e sit of Chi ago P ess. • Di o , ‘.M.W. . E gati it . Ca idge: Ca idge U i e sit P ess. • Di o , ‘. M. W. a d Ale a d a Y. Aikhe ald. . I t odu tio . I Di o , ‘. M. W. a d Ale a d a Y. Aikhe ald eds. , Cha gi g Vale : Case “tud i T a siti it , – . 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