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214A JACC Februaryt996 ABSTRACTS-Poster twesn maximal and minimal diameter of the smallest cress-section were considered. Finally, a wire frame display of the LVOT was obtained, which can be rotated on the screen for versatile interpretation. In all patients, the shape of the LVOT as well as the site of the minimal CSA could be clearly identified. Quantitative data were as follows: MinimalCSA(cm2) Max/rninCSA Max/raindiameter HCM 2.3 4-1.O 2.6 4.0.9 1.64. 0.3 Normals 5.0 :E0.9 p value <0.0001 <0.0001 1,2 • 0.1 <0,001 Attenuation Corrections and Automation Tuesday, March 26, 1996, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Orange County Convention Center, Hall E Presentation Hour: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m, Evaluation o ! Attenuation Corrected Gated Tc-ggm-SestamibI Myocardial Perfusion S P E C T Edward P. Ficero, Mlchelle L. Burger, Prakash Adiseshan, Petricia A. Rose, James R. Corbett. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI T S D A Y This study evaluated a clinical protocol for performing measured attenuation correction on gated sast~mibi parfusion studies to reduce regional perfusion artifacts due to photon attenuation in the chest. Fifteen normal volunteers had a transmission scan followed by a gated emission scan using a three detsctor SPECT system (Picker 3000XP). The transmissionscan was acquired in a 64 x 64 matrix at 6~ steps over 3609for a total of 6 minutes using a 5.6 GBq Am-241 line source opposite a 65 cm fanbeam collimator. The gated emission study was acquired in 16 frames in a 64 x 64 metdx at 6~ steps over 1209for an average of 40 seconds per step. Uncorrected (NC) images were ramp-reconstructedusing filtered-beckprojection,while the attenuation corrected (AC) emission images were iteratively reconstructed using the transmission data to correct the emission data for photon attenuation (pro. cossing time < 20 mitt). Endocardial end epicardlal surfaces were detected from short axis images and the left vanldcular ejection fraction (LVEF) was calculated from the change in volume from end diastole (ED) to end systole (ES). Mean activity distributions were tabulated at ED, ES, and for the time composite (ungated) study. The AC images showed increased uniformity in tracer distribution relative to the NC images. Decreased activity in the AC apex was due to anatomical thinning and the partial volume effect. The difference in apex activity between ungated and ED may necessitate a specific EO normal database. Estimated LVEFs frem the AC and NC Images were not statistically different. Based on these results, we anticipate improved accuracy in the assessment of coronary heart disease from AC pedusion images in addition to assessments of vantricular function from AC gated SPECT. P 0 E R Ungated ES ED MeanAC activity LAT INF 86 :l: 7 82:E8 844-7 80+8 84 :t:8 80:t:8 Apex 774-7 79:E7 70±7 MeanNC activity I.AT INF 864-6 674-8 85-~-6 65:E9 84~6 66:E9 No Defect Withoutcorrection With correction In conclusion, transthoracic three-dimensional eohocardiography allows detailed qualitative and quantitative information of the LVOT. Patients with HCM ere characterized by a smaller minimal cross-section area and by a highly eccentric and asymmetric shape of the LVOT, compared to normal subjects. • whe,~e ~.fterattenuation corre~ion the activity was class to peak. Defects were dearly visible before and after attenuation correction, but defect peak activities were higher when attenuation correction was used. Mean count activity (% maximal counts) of the antedor segments were as follows: Apex 82+7 83±e 76±8 • Attenuation Correction With a Gadolinium-153 (Ga-153) Line Sour¢~ Does Not Jeopardize Detection o f Small Perfuslon Defects Matthew D. Scarlett, Zuo-Xlang He, John J. Mahmarian, Mado S. Verani. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX This study assessed whether attenuation correction with a Ga-153 llnesoume might obliterate small perfusion defects with mildly reduced tracer activity. Tomograms were acquired of a cardiac phantom (Caplnte¢, Inc., NJ) filled with Tc-ggm, with a 0.5 mm thick attenuating lead sheet placed over the left vantricular (LV) antedor wall, Tomograms were acquire(l: 1) of the intact phantom; and 2) after introducing defects involving 10% of the LV volume with activities ranging from 0 to 75°/=of peak activity. Transmission and emission data were simultaneously acquired using a Ga-153 line source and a dual-head tomogrephic (aPECT) system.Tomograms were generated by an iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction algodthm and evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. On the tomogramsof the intact phantom, diminished basal wall activity was noted when attenuation was not corrected, 56% 86% DefectActivity (P/,, 25% 12% 20=/0 26% 34% 50% 32% 53% 75% 44% 64% Thus, in this phantom study, attenuation correction with a Ga-153 linesource provides on improved estimation of true myocardial count activity. Importantly, small, mild defects were not obliterated by the correction algorithm. Scatter correction may further refine defect characterization, ~ Operator-Less Processing o f Myocardial SPECT Studies Guido Germano, Paul B. Kavanagh, Johnny Chen, Parker Waechter, Hsiao-Te Su, Hosen Kiet, Daniel S. Barman, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA We have developed a completely automated algorithm for the processing of myocardial pedusion SPECT data. The algorithm consists of three cascaded software modules. The first module determines the reconstruction limits from the projection imago set, using iteretive image convolution, feature detection, and artificial intelligence techniques based on the expected anatomical size, shape and location of the left ventdcular myocardium. The second module reconstructs projection images into transaxial tomographic images using standard filtered backprojection, and the third (previously described in J Nuol Mad 1995; 36(6):1107-1114) reodants transaxlal into short-axis images. The global process requires no operator interaction (although quality control and manual processing capabilities are provided) and no use of prapfleta~ hardware. The software was written in C, ~ns on standard Unix platforms using X-Windows, and executed in 12 seo per study on a SunSPARC5 computer. The algo~thm was tested on 530 patient studies acquired on a triple detector (Picker Pdsm 3000, 193 studies), a 90= dual detector (ADAC Vertex, 200 studies) and a single detector camera (Siemens Orbiter, 137 studies). A~!!~nte,~ and processing parameters were consistent with those used in clinical routine. Reconstruction limits, the reodentation axis and the final short axis images were presented simultaneously to, and evaluated by an experianced operator, who judged the processing accurate in 92.6% of the patients (177/193+ 185/200+ 129/137). We conclude that automatic processing of myocardial SPECT data is feasible, and may allow faster and more reproducible analysis than currently achieved with manual approaches. ~ Attenuation Correction f o r Myocardial Peduslon Imaging: Effect o n Perfuslon Images o f a Scanning Transmission S o u r c e and Preliminary Results of s Multicenter Trial Robert C. Handel, Hosen S. Kiat, Brenda M. Teth, Steve Ballo, Daniel S. Barman. Northwestern University Medical School, Chic~O, IL; Cedars.Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA A major concern with myocardial perfusion imaging is the effect of nonuniform soft-tissue attenuation and the potential production of imaging artifacts. Recently, a method utilizing a scanning line source of Gd-153 has been developed which performs attenuation correction (AC) following the construction of a transmission map (Vantage®, ADAG Lab., Milpitas, CA). The current study sought to examine if the transmission source altered the standard emission data, Accordingly, 4010is(20 men, 20 women) undenvant porfusion imaging (E) after a peak-stress injection of ~25 mCi of Tc-99m sestamibL A simultaneous emission-transmission iS) study was subsequently obtained. S, E, and AC images were read independently and in a blinded fashion. E and uncorrected S images were in agreement for the presence of an abnormality in 39•40 patients (98°/=;Kappa = 0.90). When analyzed segmentally (sags), concordance was noted in 765/800 sags (96%; Kappa = 0.85). Virtually identical numbers of segments were scored as normal for the E as for S (658 vs. 657; p = n.s.). Sags were also evaluated semi-quantitatively on a 0-4 scale; precise agreement was noted in 93=/0of studies, The summed stress scores were also equivstent for E and S (5.7 vs. 5.8; p = n.s.). No systemic vadetlons were present based on gender, body size, or the likelihood of CAD. Preliminary efficacy data demonstrated that AC, when compared with E, increased the number of normal segments (690 vs 657; p < 0.0001) and reduced the summed stress score (4.5 vs. 5.8; p < 0.01). Additionally, more pt studies were interpreted as r,ormal or probably normal with AC then with S (28 vs. 21; p < 0.02). In conclusion, the aforementioned technique for simultaneous emission. JACC February 1996 ABSTRACTS-Poster 215A transmission imaging does not adversely effect the emission data. Additionally, AC results in mere individual segments and overall pt studies being interpreted as normal. ~ Quantitstlonof RegionalEjectionFractionsUsing Gated Tomographic Imaging With l¢-ggm-Sastamibi E t ~ t h Kfodas, Paul J. Rogers, Lawrence J. Sinak, Thomas C. Hammall, Michael K. O'Connor, Raymond J. Gibbons. Mayo Medical Center, Rochester, MN Gated single photon emission computed tomographlc (SPECT) sastamibi imaging allows eimultaneous assessment of myeoer0~ pedusion and left ventdcular function. We evaluated a technique based upon edge detection to quantify regional eJeefionfre~ons (El=)in 15 ~ubjecta without cerdias pathology and 24 patients following myocardial infarction (5/11).After tomngrsnhic reconstruction o! gated short axis slices, identification of endoeardialborders was mode by a standard edge datan~on program in systole and diastole in each of five sel~'~ed slices. Regional EPs were cafouls:ed for five regions within each slice. Myocardial parfusfon was quantitated in the same reqions. Ten patients unclatwent echocerdlegraphforegional wall motion (RWM) an~lyals which was compared to corresponding regional EF results. Results: A high degree of interobserver repredu(~'billty In the assessment of regional EF's was found with r values ranging from 0.94 to 0.98. In patients with antefior and infedor MI., regional EPs were abnormal in the anterior and septal, and infedor and lateral regions, respectively. Regional EF's correlated sign a l l y with regional parfusion in anterior (r = 0.63, p < 0.0001), lateral (r = 0.40, p < 0.0001), and inferior walls (r = 0.38, p < 0.0001). There was a significant association between regional EF and echoce~iagrephio RWM assessment at the base (p < 0.0001), mid ventricle (p = 0.004), and apex (p = 0.0003). Conclusions: Gated tomographlc images with technatium-99mssalamibi can provide reproducible quantitative segmental regional EF's for muif@e left ventdcular slices that are significantly associated with subjective RWM assessment by echosardingrsphy. ~ Artificial Neural N e t w o r k f o r Automatic interpretation o f Myocardial Perfusion $PECT Jacob Erel, Parker Waschter, Joseph Areeda, Kenneth Van Train, Hossn Kiat, John Friedman, Daniel Berman, Guido Gem~no. Cedars-Sine/ Med'~al Center, Los Angeles, CA Interpretation of myocardial perfualon SPECT (MPS) is mainly subjective, whereas quantitative programs (QP) are currently still not in widaspresd clinical use. We developed a novel, flexible, non-rule based artificial neural network (NN) which can uniquely "learn" from experience. A group of 140 pts who underwent exercise sestsndbi SPEGT comprised our training set (TRG), and a different group of 97 pts was used for tasting {TSG). Defeot extent and severity data were dedvod from raw circumferential profiles, produced by an optimized QP (CEqual), and ussd as NN inputs. Exercise scans were visually scored (:2 experts) in 20 myocardial segments (5 point score: 0 to 4 ==normal to no uptake) for use as NN and QP targets. Abnl scan was defined by a summed score of >_2 to," >__2 segments. NN output scores were compared to visual scores. The NN results were also compared to CEqual outputs for the same TSG. The overall sensitivity/specificity for the NN and CEqual were 85/83% and 92/77%, respectively (p = no). Overall acoureo/results are as follows: Accu,rncy (%). Total ant NN B3 77 CC--quat 81 eS ant.sept,, Inf.sept int 80 e2 77 7s e6 ss Inf-lat ant-lot apx 85 88 76 7s 77 7s ROC curves for the NNand for CEqual show comparably highvelees. Conclusion: these initial results suggest that our NN issultable for accurate ldantiltcation of MPS defects. Accuracy and Reprodualblllty o f Automated Tomographle Venfficular F u n n i e s Measurements Kenneth Nichols, Alan Rozanski, Helena Salenaky, E. Gordon DePuey. St. Luke's.Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University, New York, NY Both manual and automated methods for comping left vsntflcuiar (LV) enddiastolic (ED) volume, end-systolic (ES) volume and ei.,~ctionfrection (EF) from s¢lntigraphle gated tomogrems have been developed but reproducibility and ~¢curacy of measurements versua other methods are not well known, particularly since automated programs =an be confounded by conditions such 8s reduced regional myocardial perfualon. In automated processing of hodzontBI ~ vertical long axis Tc-99m sestamlbi gated myocardial perfusion tomogrems of 145 patients (pts), experienced observers judged it necessary to alter: (I} ED or ES frames in 7% of pts, (2) endocerdlal borders in 14%, and (3) LV cavity center locations !n 28%o.Agreement among independent observers using the software demonstrated correlation by linear regression of r = 0.92, and compared to manual EF determinations as r = 0.90. Regression analysis yielded r = 0.87 for tomegrephic EF vs. first pass EF in 67 pts. Unear regression for tomegraphic EF vs. gated equilibrium EF in 77 pts was r = 0.87, and similar correlation coefficients were computed for these pts when subgrouped according to whether changes were or were not needed for LV Center location (r = 0.91 vs. r = 0.881, or .~.~Xlocardialborders (r = 0.87 vs. r = 0.89); arid were likewise similar for k~ ~,rouperl according to ED volume greater or less than the median value of 87.5 mt (r = 0,89 vs. r = 0.87). We conclude that our automated algorithms are reproducible and accurate comparedto independent EF methods, and that changes needed in LV center location for over 25% of lots cause no degradation in EF accuracy. ~ Abselute Right and Loft Ventricular Volume a n d _Ejection Fraction Measurements b y T o m o g r a p h i c MUGA Bennett B. Chin, Daniel C. eloomgardan, Wetshi Xia, Hee-Joung Kim, Zabi A. Fayed, VictOrA. Fen'aft, Leon Axal, Abass Alevi. University of Pennsylvania, Philadellohia"PA To validate tomogrephic radionucllde gated equilibrium blood pool seintigraphy (TMUGA) absolutevolume arid ejection fraction measurements, gradientecho MRI, conventional first pass radionuclide (FP) and planar gated equiI~fium blood pool (PMUGA) scintigrephy were performed. Ten patients with normal and abnormalventricular funo~an hod TMUGA and MRI. Ten pa~ents also had TMUGA and FP. TMUGA was acquired using a 3-heeded camem and lb gated intervals. TMUGA ventricular volumes ware calculated by Simpson's role with regions defined by 1) phase analysis to separate atria and ventricles 2) threshold to define ventrleular free borders and 3) visual inspection to define Interventdcular septum. Cardiac phantom studies were performed to obtain appropriate volume threshold for patient TMUGA. As previously validated, MRI studies were acquired on a 1.5 Teala system with a multiphase, breath-hold, segmented k-space technique. MRI volumes were calculated by Stmpson's rata using 12--16 6 mm thick parallel short axis slices and regions defined by a semi-automatic contour tracking routine. Gated FP rad'ronuslideasgiogrephy and PMUGA ware perfonoed for RVEF and LVEE Volume measurementsat end-syatole and end-diastoleby TMUGA showed good correlation with MRI for RV (r = 0.91, slope = 0.90, SEE = 15.7) and LV (r = 0.96, slope = 0.88, SEE = 18.2). TMUGA also showed good correlation for both RVEF and LVER MRi FP TMUGARVEF r slope 0.88 0.79 0.88 1.2 SEE 6.0 7.9 MRI PMUGA TMUGALVEF r slope 0.94 1.10 0.97 1.23 SEE 9.0 6.2 TMUGA almws good accuracy in simultaneous measurements of absolute fight and left ventficuiar volumes and election kactions. Hypertension: Basic and Clinical Tuesday, March 26, 1996, 9:00 a.m.--11:00 a.m. Orange County Convention Center, Hall E PresentationHour: 10:00a.m.--11:00aom. ~'~-~ Outseme in MedJcsily Managed Second O p i n i o n Patients With C o r o n a r y Artery Disease and Short Exercise Duration Chdstion S. Bmburda, Cling Yao, Thomas B. Oreboys. Lown Card/ovascular Center, Harvard University, Boston, MA An exercise ~eadmi, test (ETT) duration of less than 6 mins (standard Bruce protocol) is viewed as a poor sunMal predictor in patients with coronary arrow disease (CAD). To determine the prognosis of short exercise duration (SED) in patients with documented CAD, mfaned for a second opinion prior to bypass grafting, we analyzed El-r and clinical data with a mean follow up period of 6.1 yrs (SD 5.7) in SO consecutive pts (mean age was 69.3 yrs, 46 M), who received medical treatment. Clinical and ETT data revealed ador myocardial infarct (MI) n ,, 25, a mean EF of 45%, a peak HR of 113.3, mean resting BP of 134/75, peak BP of 139/74 and a mean ST segment depression of I ram. A cardiac event was defined as cardiac death, nonfatalmyocardial infamt, congestive heart failure (CHF) or revascula~zatianprocedure: PTCA or CABG. Results: Cardiac events occurred in 22 pts, with nonfatal MI (n = 7), CHF (n = 6) and revascul~dzation (n = 15). Cardiac mortality was 12% (n = 6), with ~tal MI (n = 1), 2 death ped-angloplasty and 3 peri-uperetivety. Multtvefiale significant (p < 0.05) adverse prognostic predictors (Cox) were presence of rest angina, b-blocker therapy end pro ETT use of s.L nitro.