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301in BIM Maturity Matrix

The BIM Maturity Matrix (BIm³) is intended for low-detail self-assessment of organisations and project teams. The BIm³ has two axes-BIM Capability Sets and the BIM Maturity Index. This document is released as part of the BIMe under Creative Commons.

BIM Excellence is a research-based approach for assessing and improving the performance of individuals, organizations and project teams. The BIMe Initiative organises all research activities into Knowledge Sets which are developed through an international Research Network. The BIMe Initiative is not-for-profit effort supported by BIMe Corporate Services, research grants, in-kind contributions, and institutional/corporate sponsorship. For more information about commercial offerings or to become an active sponsor, please contact us . BIM Excellence is based on the published research of Dr. Bilal Succar and a growing cohort of prestigious international collaborators. The BIM Maturity Matrix (BIm3) is a Knowledge Tool for identifying the current BIM Maturity of organisation or Project Team. The BIm³ has two axes - BIM Capability Sets and the BIM Maturity Index. To benefit from BIm3, it is important to first review the concepts of BIM Capability and BIM Maturity: BIM Capability refers to the minimum abilities of an organization or team to deliver measurable outcomes. BIM Capability is measured through BIM Stages separated by BIM Steps (see image below). The BIM Stages model is further explained in Post 3 on the BIM Framework Blog: BIM Maturity refers to the gradual and continual improvement in quality, repeatability and predictability within available BIM Capability. BIM Maturity is measured through the BIM Maturity Index which has five levels (see image below). The BIM Maturity Index is further explained in Post 10 on the BIM Framework Blog. For a detailed comparison of BIM Capability and BIM Maturity, please refer to BIM ThinkSpace Episode 11 and the Point of Adoption video on the BIM Framework Channel. This BIM Maturity Matrix is based on peer-reviewed research. For more information, please refer to; Succar, B. (2009). Building information modelling framework: a research and delivery foundation for industry stakeholders. Automation in Construction, 18(3), 357-375. Succar, B. (2010). Building Information Modelling maturity matrix. In J. Underwood & U. Isikdag (Eds.), Handbook of research on Building Information Modelling and construction informatics: concepts and technologies (pp. 65-103): Information Science Reference, IGI Publishing. Succar, B., Sher, W., & Williams, A. (2012). Measuring BIM performance: five metrics. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 8(2), 120-142. The BIM Maturity Matrix is intended for low-detail organisational self-assessment (Organisational Discovery, Granularity Level 1). For best results, please follow the below recommended steps:  Identify the best person to lead the assessment effort – someone with significant experience in BIM tools, workflows and protocols and sufficient insight into the organisation’ systems and culture.  Conduct this assessment as a group activity – for example: a workshop with 3-8 individuals representing different roles, disciplines and seniority levels.  Set aside 60-90 minutes to complete the self-assessment exercise and its follow-up discussions.  For each Capability Set (e.g. Software), read the full row within the Matrix before selecting the cell that best describes the organisation’s current BIM maturity level.  Either use the recommended scores (10-40) or - for more granular assessment - use colours to highlight what has been achieved to date. For example, use Colour A if the maturity described within the cell has not been achieved at the time of assessment; Colour B if maturity has been partially achieved; and Colour C if the described maturity has been fully achieved.  Maturity is progressive – no score or colour should be applied to a cell if the cell preceding it (to its left) has partial or no maturity.  Avoid calculating total scores (per column or per row) as these totals are misleading.  Discuss the results to identify the best steps to improve the organisation’s performance. When discussing improvement, aim for overall enhancements rather than excellence in a single area.  Repeat the self-assessment every 6-12 months to establish whether improvements have been achieved or a different approach is required. Disclaimer: based on 5 years of testing and refinement, the above process will yield accurate and repeatable results. However, ChangeAgents cannot be held responsible for how scores are attributed and results interpreted. If you require professional assistance, please contact us for a complementary advice. TECHNOLOGY ba se d on Ca pa bi lit y S et v5 BIM CAPABILITY SETS Key Maturity Areas at Granularity level 1 Software: applications, deliverables and data Hardware: equipment, deliverables and location/mobility Network: solutions, deliverables and security/ access control a INITIAL (score 0) b DEFINED (max score 10) c d e MANAGED (max score 20) INTEGRATED (max score 30) OPTIMIZED (max score 40) Selection/use of software tools is continuously revisited to enhance productivity and align with strategic objectives. Modelling deliverables are cyclically being revised/ optimised to benefit from new software functionalities and available extensions. All matters related to interoperable data usage storage and exchange are documented, controlled, reflected upon and proactively enhanced. score Existing equipment and innovative solutions are continuously tested, upgraded and deployed. BIM hardware become part of organisation’s or project team’s competiti e advantage. Usage of software applications is unmonitored and unregulated. 3D Models are relied on to mainly generate accurate 2D representations/deliverables. Data usage, storage and exchanges are not defined within organisations or project teams. Exchanges suffer from a severe lack of interoperability. Software usage/introduction is unified within an organisation or project teams (multiple organisations). 3D Models are relied upon to generate 2D as well as 3D deliverables. Data usage, storage and exchange are well defined within organisations and project teams. Interoperable data exchanges are defined and prioritised. Software selection and usage is controlled and managed according to defined deliverables. Models are the basis for 3D views, 2D representations, quantification, specification and analytical studies. Data usage, storage and exchanges are monitored and controlled. Data flow is documented and wellmanaged. Interoperable data exchanges are mandated and closely monitored. Software selection and deployment follows strategic objectives, not just operational requirements. Modelling deliverables are well synchronised across projects and tightly integrated with business processes. Interoperable data usage, storage and exchange are regulated and performed as part of an overall organisational or project-team strategy. score BIM equipment is inadequate; specifications are too low or inconsistent across the organisation. Equipment replacement or upgrades are treated as cost items and performed only when unavoidable. score Equipment specifications – suitable for the delivery of BIM products and services - are defined, budgeted-for and standardised across the organisation. Hardware replacements and upgrades are well-defined cost items. score A strategy is in place to transparently document, manage and maintain BIM equipment. Investment in hardware is well-targeted to enhance staff mobility (where needed) and extend BIM productivity. score Equipment deployments are treated as BIM enablers. Investment in equipment is tightly integrated with financial plans, business strategies and performance objectives. score Network solutions are nonexistent or ad-hoc. Individuals, organisations (single location/ dispersed) and project teams use whatever tools found to communicate and share data. Stakeholders lack the network infrastructure necessary to harvest, store and share knowledge. score Network solutions for sharing information and controlling access are identified within and between organisations. At project level, stakeholders identify their requirements for sharing data/information. Dispersed organisations and project teams are connected through relatively lowbandwidth connections. score Network solutions enable multiple facets of the BIM process to be integrated through seamless real-time sharing of data, information and knowledge. Solutions include project-specific networks/portals which enable data-intensive interchange (interoperable exchange) between stakeholders. score Network solutions are continuously assessed and replaced by the latest tested innovations. Networks facilitate knowledge acquisition, storing and sharing between all stakeholders. Optimisation of integrated data, process and communication channels is relentless. score score score Network solutions for harvesting, storing and sharing knowledge within and between organisations are well managed through common platforms (ex: intranets or extranets). Content and asset management tools are deployed to regulate structured and unstructured data shared across highbandwidth connections. score score score PROCESS ba sed on Ca pa bi lit y Set v5. 0 Key Maturity Areas at Granularity level 1 Resources: Physical and knowledge infrastructure Activities & Workflows: Knowledge, skills, experience, roles and relevant dynamics Products & Services: Specification, differentiation and R&D Leadership & Management: Organisational, strategic, managerial and communicative attributes; innovation and renewal a INITIAL (score 0) b DEFINED (max score 10) c d e MANAGED (max score 20) INTEGRATED (max score 30) OPTIMIZED (max score 40) Physical workplace factors are reviewed constantly to insure staff satisfaction and an environment conducive to productivity. Similarly, knowledge structures responsible for acquisition, representation and dissemination are systemically reviewed and enhanced. score BIM competency targets are continuously upgraded to match technological advances and align with organisational objectives. Human resource practices are proactively reviewed to insure intellectual capital matches process needs. The work environment is either not recognised as a factor in staff satisfaction or may not be conducive to productivity. Knowledge is not recognised as an asset; BIM knowledge is typically shared informally between staff (through tips, techniques and lessons learned). score There is an absence of defined processes; roles are ambiguous and team structures/dynamics are inconsistent. Performance is unpredictable and productivity depends on individual heroics. A mentality of ‘ orking ‘around the system’ flourishes. score 3D models deliverables (a BIM product) suffer from too high, too low or inconsistent levels of detail. The work environment and workplace tools are identified as factors affecting motivation and productivity. Similarly, knowledge is recognised as an asset; shared knowledge is harvested, documented and thus transferred from tacit to explicit. The work environment is controlled, modified and its criteria managed to enhance staff motivation, satisfaction and productivity. Also, documented knowledge is adequately stored. Environmental factors are integrated into performance strategies. Knowledge is integrated into organisational systems; stored knowledge is made accessible and easily retrievable. score BIM roles are informally defined and teams are formed accordingly. Each BIM project is planned independently. BIM competency is identified and targeted; BIM heroism fades as competency increases but productivity is still unpredictable. score A “statement defining the object breakdown of the 3D model” is a ailable. score Cooperation within organisations increases as tools for cross-project communication are made available. Flow of information steadies; BIM roles are visible and targets are achieved more consistently. score Senior leaders/ managers have varied visions about BIM. BIM implementation (according to BIM Stage requirements) is conducted without a guiding strategy. At this maturity level, BIM is treated as a technology stream; innovation is not recognised as an independent value and business opportunities arising from BIM are not acknowledged. score Senior leaders/managers adopt a common vision about BIM. BIM implementation strategy lacks actionable details. BIM is treated as a process-changing, technology stream. Product and process innovations are recognised; business opportunities arising from BIM are identified but not exploited. score score score BIM roles and competency targets are imbedded within the organisation. Traditional teams are replaced by BIMoriented ones as new processes become part of organisation/ project team’s culture. Productivity is now consistent and predictable. score Products and services are specified and differentiated according to Model Progression Specifications or similar. score The vision is shared by staff across the organisation and/or project partners. BIM implementation, its requirements and process/ product innovation are integrated into organisational, strategic, managerial and communicative channels. Business opportunities arising from BIM are part of team, organisation or project-team’s competitive advantage and are used to attract and keep clients. score score Adoption of product/ service specifications similar to Model Progression Specifications, BIPS ‘information le els’ or similar. score The vision to implement BIM is communicated and understood by most staff. BIM implementation strategy is coupled with detailed action plans and a monitoring regime. BIM is acknowledged as a series of technology, process and policy changes which need to be managed without hampering innovation. Business opportunities arising from BIM are acknowledged and used in marketing efforts. score score BIM products and services are constantly evaluated; feedback loops promote continuous improvement. score Stakeholders have internalised the BIM vision and are actively achieving it. BIM implementation strategy and its effects on organisational models are continuously revisited and realigned with other strategies. If alterations are needed, they are proactively implemented. Innovative product/ process solutions and business opportunities are sought-after and followed through relentlessly. score POLICY ba sed o n Ca pa bi lit y S et v5. 0 STAGE 1 Key Maturity Areas at Granularity level 1 Preparatory: research, educational / training programmes and deliverables a INITIAL (score 0) b DEFINED (max score 10) c d e MANAGED (max score 20) INTEGRATED (max score 30) OPTIMIZED (max score 40) Training is integrated into organisational strategies and performance targets. Training is typically based on staff roles and respective competency objectives. Training mediums are incorporated into knowledge and communication channels. score BIM guidelines are integrated into overall policies and business strategies. BIM standards and performance benchmarks are incorporated into quality management and performance improvement systems. Training is continuously evaluated and improved upon. Training availability and delivery methods are tailored to allow multi-modal continuous learning. Very little or no training available to BIM staff. Educational/ training mediums are not suitable to achieve the results sought. Training requirements are defined and are typically provided only when needed. Training mediums are varied allowing flexibility in content delivery. Training requirements are managed to adhere to pre-set broad competency and performance objectives. Training mediums are tailored to suit trainees and to reach learning objectives in a costeffective manner. score There are no BIM guidelines, documentation protocols or modelling standards. There is an absence of documentation and modelling standards. There is informal or no quality control plans; neither for 3D models nor for documentation. There are no performance benchmarks for processes, products or services. score Basic BIM guidelines are available (ex: training manual and BIM delivery standards). Modelling and documentation standards are well defined according to market-accepted standards. Quality targets and performance benchmarks are set. score Detailed BIM guidelines are available (training, standards, workflow, exceptions...). Modelling, representation, quantification, specifications and analytical properties of 3D models are managed through detailed modelling standards and quality plans. Performance against benchmarks is tightly monitored and controlled. Contractual: responsibilities, rewards and risk allocations score Dependence on pre-BIM contractual arrangements. Risks related to model-based collaboration are not recognised or are ignored. score BIM requirements are recognised. “Statements defining the responsibility of each stakeholder regarding information management” are now available. score There is a mechanism to manage shared BIM intellectual property, confidentiality, liability and a system for BIM conflict resolution. score Organisation are aligned through trust and mutual dependency beyond contractual barriers. Object-based Modelling: singledisciplinary use within a Project Lifecycle phase score Implementation of an objectbased tool. No process or policy changes identified to accompany this implementation score score Pilot projects are concluded. BIM process and policy requirements are identified. Implementation strategy and detailed plans are prepared. score score BIM processes and policies are instigated, standardised and controlled. score BIM technologies, processes and policies are integrated into organisational strategies and aligned with business objectives. score Regulatory: codes, regulations, standards, classifications, guidelines and benchmarks score score BIM guidelines are continuously and proactively refined to reflect lessons learned and industry best practices. Quality improvement and adherence to regulations and codes are continuously aligned and refined. Benchmarks are repetitively revisited to insure highest possible quality in processes, products and services. score Responsibilities, risks and rewards are continuously revisited and realigned to effort. Contractual models are modified to achieve best practices and highest value for all stakeholders. score BIM technologies, processes and policies are continuously revisited to benefit from innovation and achieve higher performance targets. score STAGE 2 STAGE 3 MICRO MESO MACRO ORG SCALE Key Maturity Areas at Granularity level 1 Modelling-based Collaboration: multidisciplinary, fasttracked interchange of models Network-based Integration: concurrent interdisciplinary interchange of nD models across Project Lifecycle Phases Organisations: dynamics and BIM deliverables Project Teams: (multiple organisations): interorganisational dynamics and BIM deliverables Markets: dynamics and BIM deliverables (only apply this topic if assisted by a trained assessor) a c d e DEFINED (max score 10) MANAGED (max score 20) INTEGRATED (max score 30) OPTIMIZED (max score 40) Ad-hoc BIM collaboration; inhouse collaboration capabilities incompatible with project partners. Trust and respect between project participants may be lacking. Single-thread, well-defined yet reactive BIM collaboration. There are identifiable signs of mutual trust and respect among project participants. Multi-thread collaboration includes downstream players. This is characterised by the involvement of key participants during projects’ early lifecycle phases. Multi-thread team included all key players in an environment characterised by goodwill, trust and respect. score Integrated models are generated by a limited set of project stakeholders - possibly behind corporate firewalls. Integration occurs with little or no pre-defined process guides, standards or interchange protocols. There is no formal resolution of stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. score Integrated models are generated by a large subset of project stakeholders. Integration follows predefined process guides, standards and interchange protocols. Responsibilities are distributed and risks are mitigated through contractual means. Multi-thread proactive collaboration; protocols are well documented and managed. There are mutual trust, respect and sharing of risks and rewards among project participants. score Integrated models (or parts of) are generated and managed by most project stakeholders. Responsibilities are clear within temporary project alliances or longer-term partnerships. Risks and rewards are actively managed and distributed. score Integrated models are generated and managed by all key project stakeholders. Network-based integration is the norm and focus is no longer on how to integrate models/ workflows but on proactively detecting and resolving technology, process and policy misalignments. score BIM leadership is non-existent; implementation depends on technology champions. score BIM leadership is formalised; different roles within the implementation process are defined. score Stakeholders think beyond a single project. Collaboration protocols between project stakeholders are defined and documented. score Pre-defined BIM roles complement each other in managing the implementation process. score Collaboration between multiple organisations over several projects is managed through temporary alliances between stakeholders. score BIM roles are integrated into organisation’s leadership structures. score Supplier-generated BIM components are increasingly available as manufactures/ suppliers identify the business benefits. score BIM Components are available through highly accessible/searchable central repositories. Components are not interactively connected to suppliers’ databases. score Collaborative projects are undertaken by inter-disciplinary organisations or multidisciplinary project teams; an alliance of many key stakeholders. score Access to component repositories are integrated into BIM software. Components are interactively linked to source databases (for price, availability, etc...). score Integration of models and workflows are continuously revisited and optimised. New efficiencies, deliverables and alignments are actively pursued by a tightly-knit interdisciplinary project team. Integrated models are contributed to by many stakeholders along the construction supply chain. score BIM leadership continuously mutates to allow for new technologies, processes and deliverables. score Collaborative projects are undertaken by self-optimising interdisciplinary project teams which include most stakeholders. score score score INITIAL (score 0) score Each project is run independently. There is no agreement between stakeholders to collaborate beyond their current common project. score Very few supplier-generated BIM components (virtual products and materials representing physical ones). Most components are prepared by software developers and end-users. score b score Dynamic, multi-way generation and interchange of BIM components (virtual products and materials) between all project stakeholders through central or meshed repositories. score This document is released in English on July 7, 2016 and will be translated into a number of languages through the generous contributions of BIMe Knowledge Affiliates. Updated versions of this and other BIMe Initiative documents can be downloaded from (late 2016), and the affiliate’s respecti e website. Permission is hereby granted to anyone who wishes to use this document for self-assessment, research, education and similar non-commercial activities under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non CommercialShare Alike 3.0 Unported License (more info). Individuals or organisation who wish to use this document or any of its contents to assess others or to offer any kind of services will need to obtain a license from ChangeAgents AEC. For more information, please contact 1.0 1.1 1.22 Nov 2010 Feb 2011 -Jun 2016 Jul 2016 Matrix published | peer-reviewed chapter: Matrix made publically available online and through workshops Matrix reformatted and released as part of the BIMe Initiative If you found this document beneficial and would like to contribute to the BIMe Initiative, please contact Bilal Succar ( | +61 412 556 671). You can also follow the BIMe Initiative’s news and document releases on Twitter (@bimexcellence), Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn; thank you. …