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Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hazardous Materials journal homepage: Bioleaching of metals from printed circuit boards supported with surfactant-producing bacteria Ewa Karwowska a,1 , Dorota Andrzejewska-Morzuch a , Maria Łebkowska a , Agnieszka Tabernacka a,∗ , Małgorzata Wojtkowska b , Alicja Telepko b , Agnieszka Konarzewska b a b Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Biology Division, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warsaw, Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warsaw, Poland h i g h l i g h t s • Bioleaching of metals from printed circuit boards by BSAC-producing bacteria was estimated. • Aeration increased the release of all metals in medium with sulphur and biosurfactant. • Increase in Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr removal rate was observed at 37 ◦ C in acidic medium. a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 June 2013 Received in revised form 7 November 2013 Accepted 9 November 2013 Available online 16 November 2013 Keywords: Heavy metal Bioleaching Printed circuit boards Biosurfactant producing bacteria a b s t r a c t This study has evaluated the possibility of bioleaching zinc, copper, lead, nickel, cadmium and chromium from printed circuit boards by applying a culture of sulphur-oxidising bacteria and a mixed culture of biosurfactant-producing bacteria and sulphur-oxidising bacteria. It was revealed that zinc was removed effectively both in a traditional solution acidified by a way of microbial oxidation of sulphur and when using a microbial culture containing sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactant-producing bacteria. The average process efficiency was 48% for Zn dissolution. Cadmium removal was similar in both media, with a highest metal release of 93%. For nickel and copper, a better effect was obtained in the acidic medium, with a process effectiveness of 48.5% and 53%, respectively. Chromium was the only metal that was removed more effectively in the bioleaching medium containing both sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactant-producing bacteria. Lead was removed from the printed circuit boards with very low effectiveness (below 0.5%). Aerating the culture medium with compressed air increased the release of all metals in the medium with sulphur and biosurfactant, and of Ni, Cu, Zn and Cr in the acidic medium. Increasing the temperature of the medium (to 37 ◦ C) had a more significant impact in the acidic environment than in the neutral environment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Technological innovation and modern business marketing strategy results in the development of electronic products that are cheaper, better and more readily available than older versions. As a consequence, much electronic equipment becomes outdated and redundant quicker than ever and is consigned to waste [1]. Electronic scrap is now the fastest growing waste category [2]. According to UN Environment Programme estimates, about 20–50 ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 22 234 5943; fax: +48 22 621 2979. E-mail addresses: (E. Karwowska),, (A. Tabernacka). 1 Tel.: +48 22 234 5944; fax: +48 22 621 2979. 0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. million Mg of electric and electronic scrap is generated yearly, and the volume of electronic waste is increasing three times faster than other types of municipal waste [3]. In the UK 50,000 tonnes of printed circuit board (PCB) scrap is currently generated every year, with only 15% subjected to any form of recycling [4]. PCBs are integral elements of many electronic systems, including computers and other consumer electronics as well as devices used in military and medical applications. They constitute about 3% of the total weight of electronic scrap. Their main components are non-conducting substrates or laminates, conductive circuits printed on or inside the substrate and mounted components (chips, connectors, capacitors) [1]. Printed circuit boards are composed of polymers, ceramics and metals. About 28–30% of the content is metal, with 10–20% copper, 1–5% lead, 1–3% nickel, and 0.3–0.4% precious metals like silver, 204 E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 platinum and gold [5]. Many other elements (Ga, In, Ti, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Se and Te) may be found in chips, with An, Pb and Cd in solder joints, and Ga, Si, Se and Ge in semiconductors, and tantalum in capacitors [1]. Other materials in PCBs are plastics (19%), bromine (4%), glass and ceramics (49%), isocyanates, phosgene, and acrylic and phenolic resins [5]. Ceramics present in PCBs include silica, alumina, alkaline Earth oxides, mica and barium titanate [1]. In the US and the EU the main way of treating PCB scrap is by incineration or by landfill (and more than 70% is disposed without recycling) [1,2]. For example, in 1997, 3.2 million tonnes of US electronic waste was landfilled [1]. This poses a problem due to the toxic properties of both the metallic and non-metallic PCB components [1]. The toxicity of PCB waste is connected with the presence of brominated flame retardants (BFR), PVC plastic and heavy metals – metals with elemental densities above 7 g/cm3 . During landfilling, pollutant-containing leachate may contaminate groundwater and soil. On the other hand, incineration of waste PCBs may result in the release of potentially hazardous byproducts into the atmosphere, such as dioxins, furans, polybrominated organic pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as a result of burning BFR, epoxy resins and plastics [3]. Legislation, including the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive, necessitates the increasing recovery and recycling of materials found in scrap electronic components [4]. It has been claimed that the purity level of precious metals in waste PCBs is more than 10 times higher than that of rich-content minerals, making them a potentially economically viable mineral resource [3]. However, the recycling of electronic scrap is rather difficult because of its complexity and the heterogeneity of electronic components [5]. Scrap PCBs are classified into three categories, according to the precious metal content: H (high), M (medium) and L (low) grade scrap. For scrap PCBs classified as low grade, the traditional smelting technique appears to be uneconomic. The approximate value of metals found in medium grade PCB scrap is £0.07/kg for silver, £0.13/kg for copper, £1.63/kg for gold and £0.8/kg for palladium. The total value for all metals is £2.74/kg [4]. The traditional techniques for electronic waste treatment – both pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical – often require great energy consumption, are high cost and low efficiency, and cause serious secondary pollution [5,6]. Pyrometallurgy, based on incineration, smelting in a plasma arc furnace or blast furnace, drossing, sintering, melting and high temperature reactions in a gas phase, is used for the recovery of non-ferrous metals as well as precious metals from waste PCBs [3]. Hydrometallurgical processing of PCB waste usually includes both chemical leaching and electrochemical processing [1]. This involves a series of acid or caustic (cyanide, halide, thiourea, thiosulphate) leachings of the waste. The obtained solutions are subjected to precipitation of impurities, solvent extraction, adsorption and ion-exchange in order to purify and concentrate the metals [3,7]. Some other technological approaches have been used in order to recover valuable components from electronic waste. One method is an application of a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, although a large amount of waste gases and acid solutions are produced in this process. In the US, a method based on solvolysis has been developed. It allows recovery of both metals and plastic materials (such as epoxides) and, additionally, the extraction of halogens and brominated hydrocarbon derivatives [4]. A dissolution of PCB scrap in sulphuric/nitric acid leachants followed by electrolytic copper recovery is used commercially in the US [1]. In Germany, a mechanical process involving shredding, granulation, magnetic separation, classification and electrostatic separation has been commercialised by Fuba [4]. A consortium based at Imperial College, London, has developed the use of non-selective leachants to dissolve the metal content of PCB scrap. This consortium’s Table 1 The concentration of metals in the electronic waste. Metal Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Concentration (mg/kg) 1.9 72.4 41,237.3 13,244.7 14,129.9 12,471.4 method involves chemical leaching with electrogenerated chlorine in an acidic aqueous solution of high chloride ion activity. As a result, a multi-metal leach electrolyte containing all of the available metal content is obtained. Additionally, metal recovery via electrolytic membrane cells with discrete metal separation has been demonstrated [4]. Kim et al. [8] applied a similar method and reported that the leaching rate of the metals increased with an increase in density, temperature and time in reactor and that the dissolution kinetics of copper with electro-generated chlorine followed an empirical logarithmic law controlled by surface layer diffusion. In some areas (though mainly in the mining industry to date), hydrometallurgical processes are being replaced with biohydrometallurgical (bioleaching) techniques [6]. The advantages of biological methods are low operating costs, reduced environment pollution, minimisation of the volume of end-products and highly efficient effluent detoxification [3]. Bioleaching technology offers many advantages over conventional methods, including its relative simplicity, less exacting operational requirements, low energy input, reduced need for skilled labour, and environmental friendliness. However, it requires a longer period of operation compared to other methods, such as chemical leaching [3,9]. For these reasons, techniques facilitating and improving the bioleaching process should be of interest. Additionally, there is a need for research on seeking the available source of active bioleaching biomass [3,10]. There are some suggestions in the literature that the addition of surfactants, complexing agents or other additives may positively influence bioleaching with mesophilic bacteria [7,11]. It has been observed that the addition of citric acid increases copper solubility in the bioleaching solution from 37 wt% to 80 wt% [7]. This research has evaluated the possibility of achieving heavy metal bioleaching from printed circuit boards by applying, respectively, a culture of sulphur-oxidising bacteria and a mixed culture of biosurfactant producing bacteria and sulphur-oxidising bacteria. The impact of selected process parameters, such as temperature and aeration, on bioleaching effectiveness has also been estimated. This is the first step to metal recycling. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Waste characteristics The printed circuit boards were obtained in crumbled (fined) form. The grain fractions of the crumbled printed circuit boards used in the experiment were as follows: d < 0.063 mm – 2.8%, 0.063 mm – 1.6%, 0.01 mm – 22.0%, 0.25 mm – 22.6%, 0.5 mm – 4.0%, 1 mm – 9.6%, 2 mm – 37.4%. The relative humidity of the waste was 0.84%. Table 1 shows the concentration of metals in the waste. 2.2. Bioleaching media The experiments were carried out using two bioleaching media. The M-I medium was a mixture of municipal activated sludge and municipal wastewater with a solids concentration of about 3–4 g dry weight/L. Indigenous sulphur-oxidising bacteria were E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 enriched in the sludge with the addition of 1% powdered sulphur and “grown” for 4 weeks to lower the pH to 2–3. The concentration of bacteria Acidithiobacillus sp. in M-I was about 106 CFU/mL. The medium was labelled as “culture with 1% sulphur”. The M-II medium was prepared as a (1:1) mixture of M-I medium with a culture of bacteria capable of producing biological surface-active compounds (BSAC). Surfactin producing strains of Bacillus subtilis PCM 2021 and Bacillus cereus PCM 2019 were cultivated in medium containing 6 g/L of Na2 HPO4 , 3 g/L of KH2 PO4 , 0.5 g/L of NaCl, 0.25 mg/L of yeast extract, starch and peptone, and 2 mL/L of plant oil. The final solution, with about 15 mg/L of BSAC, was produced after 10 days of incubation in a shaker (120 rpm) at room temperature. The concentration of biosurfactant-producing bacteria in M-II was 1.5 × 109 CFU/mL. The M-II medium was labelled as “culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant”. 2.3. Experimental procedure The first part of the experiment compared the bioleaching effectiveness of the two bioleaching media. A fixed amount of waste (10 g) was placed in flasks with 150 mL of bioleaching medium – MI and M-II, respectively. The flasks were put into a shaker (120 rpm) to keep the content in homogenous form at room temperature. Cultures were carried out in non-sterile conditions for 25 days. The control flasks contained waste in 150 mL of distilled water to compare the results to the natural washing process. The metal concentrations in these solutions were determined after 2, 7, 14 and 25 days. The aim of the second experiment was to evaluate the influence of chosen process parameters on heavy metal removal from electronic waste. The bioleaching process was carried out for 14 days in three experimental variants: - aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 22 ◦ C - aerated with compressed air at 22 ◦ C - aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 37 ◦ C The waste and bioleaching medium amounts were similar to those used in the first part of the experiment. The metal concentrations were analysed after 2, 7 and 14 days of the experiment. In order to evaluate the total metabolic activity of microorganisms, the ATP concentration in the bioleaching cultures was determined. The sulphur-oxidising activity was evaluated by determining the sulphate ion concentration. 2.4. Control analyses The metal concentrations were analysed with a flame atomic absorption (AAS Thermo-Jarrel Ash SH-1150) spectrophotometer. The metal removal efficiency was evaluated as the ratio between the amount of metal in solution and the initial total metal content in a sludge. The standard error, standard deviation and variation coefficient were calculated. Biosurfactant concentration in media was detected using cobalt thiocyanate active substances assay (CTAS assay). The pH was determined according to Polish Standard PN-90/C04540/01. The adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) content was evaluated by a luminometric method, using a HY-LiTE® luminometer (Merck), after 7 and 14 days of the experiment. The total ATP concentration was calculated based on the relative light unit (RLU) number, where 1 ␮g/mL ATP causes the emission of 1036 RLU. The sulphate ion concentrations in the bioleaching media were determined according to Polish Standard PN-ISO 9280:2002. The detection and differentiation of sulphur-oxidising bacteria were assessed both by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based 205 technique and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH). Bacteria belonging to Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (previously Thiobacillus ferrooxidans), Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (previously Thiobacillus thiooxidans), Thiobacillus denitrificans and Thiobacillus thioparus species were examined. The design of the PCR primers was based on 16S rRNA genes sequences, applying the AlignX program and in accordance with literature data. The most suitable sequences were identified using the AmplifiX program. DNA starters were synthesised at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. The appropriate FISH probes (EUB-338, EUB-II 338, EUB-III 338 and ATT023) were supplied by GmbH. 3. Results and discussion Fig. 1 presents the results of the heavy metal bioleaching in the two different bioleaching cultures and Tables 2–4 set out the results of the statistical calculations. Zinc was removed effectively in both bioleaching media, although the metal was released more intensively in the strongly acidic M-I (1% sulphur) medium, achieving a maximum value after 15 days. The zinc bioleaching efficiency in the medium with sulphur and biosurfactant (of pH about 7) needed 25 days to reach the same level, with an average Zn removal of about 6000 mg/kg (48%). Copper was bioleached more effectively in the M-I medium, with an average effectiveness after 15 days of about 20,000 mg/kg (48.5%). From day 15 to day 25, the rate of copper removal in the MI medium decreased. By the end of the experiment (day 25), it was about 25%, similar to the effectiveness of the M-II medium (29%). The effectiveness of lead removal from printed circuit boards was very low (below 0.5%), with the M-I medium being slightly more effective than the M-II medium. In the case of cadmium, the bioleaching effect was similar in both media, with a temporary increase in Cd release (average effectiveness of about 93%) at the beginning of the experiment (a phenomenon also seen in the control sample). Nickel was removed effectively from the waste in the culture with 1% sulphur medium (M-I) but not in the biosurfactantcontaining culture. The average Ni removal after 25 days was about 53%. Only chromium was removed more effectively in the bioleaching medium containing both sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactantproducing bacteria (M-II), with the highest effectiveness on day 2 of experiment and an average Cr removal of 23%. Fig. 2 presents the maximum effectiveness of bioleaching for particular heavy metals obtained during the experiment. The highest percentages of metal to be released from the printed circuit boards were obtained for copper (>90%) and cadmium (100%). In contrast, only trace amounts of lead were removed from the waste. An assessment of pH changes in the examined bioleaching media (Fig. 3) confirmed that the metal bioleaching in M-I and M-II media occurred in acidic conditions and in a neutral/slightly alkaline environment, respectively. The bioleaching cultures were examined in order to determine the occurrence of bacteria capable of sulphur oxidation in bioleaching media. A PCR-based technique revealed the presence of A. thiooxidans in both the M-I and M-II media, which was confirmed by a FISH technique (Photos 1 and 2). A. ferrooxidans, T. denitrificans and T. thioparus were not detected. The final concentration of sulphuroxidising bacteria in media M-I and M-II was 103 CFU/mL. The total concentration of heterotrophic bacteria including biosurfactantproducing bacteria was 107 CFU/mL in medium M-II. The results of the experiment concerning the influence of temperature and aeration mode on the bioleaching effectiveness revealed that aeration of the bioleaching medium stimulated the release of Ni, Cu, Zn and Cr but not Cd and Pb in the M-I medium 206 E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 7000 25000 6000 Copper removal [mg/kg] Zinc removal [mg/kg] 20000 5000 4000 3000 2000 15000 10000 5000 1000 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 days a) culture with 1% sulphur 20 25 30 days culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant b) control culture with 1% sulphur 100 culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant control 6 90 5 Cdmium removal [mg/kg] Lead removal [mg/kg] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 4 3 2 1 10 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 days c) culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant d) control culture with 1% sulphur 8000 18 7000 16 Chromium removal [mg/kg] Nickel removal [mg/kg] culture with 1% sulphur 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 25 30 culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant control 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 30 5 10 15 culture with 1% sulphur 20 25 30 days days e) 20 days culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant control f) culture with 1% sulphur culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant control Fig. 1. Average bioleaching from electronic waste: (a) zinc, (b) copper, (c) lead, (d) cadmium, (e) nickel, (f) chromium. Table 2 Statistical data of heavy metal removal from electronic waste using the bioleaching medium M-I containing sulphur-oxidising bacteria. Time Type of the metal Zn Cu Pb Cd Ni Cr Day 2 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 3568.95 ± 35.18 58.81 1.65 16,426.12 ± 87.68 146.56 0.89 66.78 ± 3.48 5.81 8.7 5.01 ± 0.0 0 0 5804.94 ± 68.08 113.8 1.96 7.52 ± 0.58 0.96 12.83 Day 7 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 2626.91 ± 1481.39 2476 94.25 14,295.2 ± 7326.2 12,245.0 85.66 24.22 ± 6.34 10.61 43.8 1.19 ± 0.33 0.56 47.26 6173.99 ± 33.46 55.92 0.91 9.19 ± 1.73 2.89 31.49 Day 14 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 5998.64 ± 1836.74 3069.93 51.18 19,754.43 ± 13,096.0 21,888.7 110.8 86.01 ± 12.11 20.24 23.54 1.67 ± 0.0 0 0 6193.2 ± 36.34 60.74 0.98 6.68 ± 0.0 0 0 Day 25 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 5975.26 ± 1064.89 1779.88 29.79 10,417.46 ± 3869.61 6467.69 62.09 70.98 ± 1.73 2.89 4.08 1.67 ± 0.0 0 0 7039.89 ± 556.67 930.43 13.22 1.67 ± 0.0 0 0 E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 207 Table 3 Statistical data of heavy metal removal from electronic waste using the bioleaching medium M-II containing both sulphur-oxidising bacteria and BSAC-producing bacteria. Time Type of the metal Zn Cu Pb Cd Ni Cr Day 2 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 4025.52 ± 1599.84 2673.98 66.43 3138.91 ± 1073.59 1794.4 57.17 42.45 ± 14.82 24.77 58.36 5.59 ± 1.31 2.19 39.21 86.75 ± 48.56 81.16 93.55 16.84 ± 10.16 16.98 10,082 Day 7 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 4336.1 ± 1797.99 3005.16 69.31 12,457.42 ± 4190.44 7003.92 56.22 46.61 ± 12.54 20.96 44.98 1.53 ± 0.17 0.29 18.66 149.93 ± 44.74 74.78 49.88 12.34 ± 2.77 4.64 37.6 Day 14 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 2277.55 ± 1535.39 2566.56 112.88 4979.14 ± 3322.76 5553.67 111.54 52.26 ± 20.33 33.98 65.04 1.43 ± 0.29 0.49 33.98 97.23 ± 44.83 74.93 77.07 11.12 ± 2.04 3.41 30.66 Day 25 Mean value (mg/kg) and standard error Standard deviation Variation coefficient 6087.53 ± 4188.3 7000.34 115.0 11,512.31 ± 11,369.16 19,950.12 173.29 29.44 ± 16.74 27.98 95.06 1.48 ± 0.23 0.39 26.06 116.39 ± 39.42 65.89 56.61 9.19 ± 0.41 0.68 7.42 100 80 70 60 culture with 1% sulphur 50 culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant 40 30 20 10 0 Zn Cu Pb Cd Ni Cr Fig. 2. The maximum obtained values of heavy metal removal from printed circuit boards. 9 8 7 6 5 pH maximum metal removal [%] 90 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 days culture with 1% sulphur culture with 1% sulphur and biosurfactant Fig. 3. pH of the bioleaching media during the experiment. control (water) 30 208 E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 Table 5 Sulphate ion concentration in various experimental conditions. Photo 1. Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in bioleaching medium M-I. Photo 2. Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in bioleaching medium M-II. (1% sulphur culture), while in the M-II medium (1% sulphur and biosurfactant culture) all the metals were bioleached more effectively in the process that involved aeration with compressed air. At a temperature of 37 ◦ C, an increase in Cu, Pb, Ni and Cr removal in the M-I medium was observed, compared with the removal rate at 22 ◦ C. In the M-II medium, a similar effect was only observed for nickel and chromium. For other metals, a bioleaching temperature of 22 ◦ C was favourable at pH 7. For the M-II medium, the metal removal assessment was accompanied by some additional tests, including ATP content assessment and sulphate ion concentration. The amount of adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) in the bioleaching media was determined at the start and after 7 and 14 days of the bioleaching experiment. The initial ATP concentration in the 1% sulphur medium was 202.7 mg/L, while in the mixed Table 4 ATP concentration in M-II bioleaching medium containing surfactin produced by Bacillus subtilis PCM 2021 and Bacillus cereus PCM 2019 in various experimental conditions. Experimental variant Control (distilled water) Aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 22 ◦ C Aerated with compressed air at 22 ◦ C Aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 37 ◦ C ATP concentration (mg/L) 7 days 14 days 36.49 851.35 1121.62 310.81 13.38 1405.41 1891.89 1351.35 Time (days) Experimental variant Sulphate ion concentration (mg/L) 0 14 14 14 14 – Control (distilled water) Aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 22 ◦ C Aerated with compressed air at 22 ◦ C Aerated by shaking (100 rpm) at 37 ◦ C 1039 100 1820 2030 1950 medium containing both sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactantproducing bacteria it was 1858.1 mg/L. Towards the beginning of the bioleaching process (after 7 days), a significant decrease in ATP concentration was observed, but after 14 days the concentration increased almost to the initial value, especially in case of the sample aerated with compressed air (Table 4), which proves the metabolic activity of microorganisms during the metal removal process. The microbial activity in sulphur oxidation was proved by the sulphate ion assessment (Table 5), which was accomplished at the beginning and after 14 days of the bioleaching process. It revealed active sulphuric acid production by A. thiooxidans bacteria in the bioleaching medium containing both sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactant-producing bacteria. The highest values for both ATP concentration and sulphate ion concentration were observed in the sample aerated with compressed air at room temperature (Tables 4 and 5). The differences in microbial activity between variants aerated by shaking at temperature 22 ◦ C and 37 ◦ C, respectively, were not significant. Previous research has suggested that the use of bioleaching for the recovery of metals from waste could be an economical alternative to traditional PCB treatment processes [5]. The bioleaching process can be applied to the extraction of metals from solid waste, such as fly ash, galvanic sludge, spent batteries and electronic scrap as well as different types of spent catalysts [9,12–17]. The proposed biological agents useful in metal recovery are sulphuric acid formed by sulphur-oxidising microorganisms, Fe(III) ions produced by iron-oxidising bacteria or some organic acids produced in bacterial or fungal metabolism resulting in organic acidolysis, complexation and chelation [2]. The microorganisms most widely used in bioleaching processes are acidophilic sulphur-oxidising and iron-oxidising bacteria, mainly A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans [6,18]. A. ferrooxidans has been used as model microbe in bioleaching systems [19–22]. The important environmental conditions for the active growth of bacteria of genus Acidithiobacillus are acidic pH values, high redox potential (maintained by aeration), and the availability of substrate (sulphur). A. thiooxidans use reduced forms of inorganic sulphur but not ferrous iron as energy sources. The bacteria are highly acidophilic (pH 0.5–5.5, optimum pH 2–3.5), and may decrease the pH in the medium to between 1.5 and 1 and even lower [18]. During metal bioleaching from contaminated sediments, A. thiooxidans was found to be more effective bacteria than A. ferrooxidans, because it oxidised sulphur rapidly and gave sufficient cell concentrations in the bioleaching medium [18]. A. thiooxidans can survive the harsh conditions in a concentrated solution of metals, with the bioleaching supported by the mechanism facilitating the attachment of cells to the surface of sulphur or sulphidic particles, involving effects of electric charges, surface irregularity, cell membrane characteristics and the excretion of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). In the case of zinc and cadmium, specific metalbinding proteins are produced by the bacteria [23]. Therefore, the bioleaching cultures applied in this research were enriched with A. thiooxidans in presence of 1% sulphur and the presence of these bacteria in the bioleaching cultures was confirmed using both PCR and FISH techniques. E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 It was reported that bioleaching systems are usually characterised by low species diversity, even if they are inoculated with a multi-species bacterial community. Goebel and Stackebrand [24] identified bacteria from genera Leptospirillium, Acidiphilium, Sulfobacillus, and Acidithiobacillus in a bioleaching system. He et al. [22], using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), PCR and sequencing over time, confirmed the domination of bacteria belonging to genera Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum in bioleaching of Ni–Cu sulphide. In this research the low diversity of acidophilic bacteria in the bioleaching cultures was confirmed – only A. thiooxidans was present in the media while A. ferrooxidans, T. denitrificans and T. thioparus were not detected. The activated sludge served as a source of bioleaching microflora. Data pertaining to the application of the biotechnological processes for the extraction of metals from the electronic waste material is still scanty [5]. A few studies have been undertaken on the biohydrometallurgical removal of metals from electronic scrap. For example, Faramarzi et al. [25] applied cyanogenic bacteria Chromobacterium violaceum and demonstrated that gold can be microbially solubilised from printed circuit boards. Brandl et al. [13] used the mixed culture of A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans for metal removal from the dust collected from shredding processes of electronic scrap. Moderately thermophilic bacteria were used for column bioleaching of metals from printed circuit boards [26]. Wang et al. [2] applied A. ferrooxidans and A. thiooxidans strains isolated from an acidic mine drainage and acclimated in the presence of electronic waste to solubilise copper, lead and zinc from printed wire boards. They revealed that the bioleaching effectiveness increased with a decrease in the sieve fraction of the sample and in the waste concentration. For copper, the solubilisation results after 9 days, at a scrap concentration of 7.8 g/L and a sieve fraction of 0.5–1.0 mm, were 99.0%, 74.9% and 99.9% for the pure culture of A. ferrooxidans, the pure culture of A. thiooxidans and a mixture of the strains, respectively. For a sieve fraction <0.35 mm, the process effectiveness exceeded 88.9% for copper, lead and zinc in all the tested cultures [2]. The waste applied in this research consisted mainly of two fractions: 0.1–0.25 mm and 2 mm. It probably influenced the process effectiveness, although even in the presence of larger sample grains the highest process efficiencies reached >90% for copper and 100% for cadmium. The waste concentration was 6.7%, higher than that applied by Amiri et al. [9] for the effective metal recovery (14.2–100%) from spent catalysts by the mould Aspergillus niger producing gluconic acid (1% and 3%), and comparable with that applied for bacterial bioleaching [2]. The physico-chemical properties of the electronic scrap may influence its bioleaching behaviour. The non-metallic components of the electronic scrap may contribute towards its alkalinity [5], which results in an increase of the pH of the bioleaching media [2,13,18,26]. Therefore, techniques to recover metals from scrap with higher pH values should be of interest. Lan et al. [11] observed that that the addition of surfactant o-phenylenediamine (OPD) in low concentrations positively influenced the bio-oxidation of elemental sulphur by mixed cultures of A. ferrooxidans, A. thiooxidans and L. ferrooxidans [11]. The positive effect of OPD on zinc dissolution rates during oxidative leaching of sphalerite was revealed by Owusu et al. [27]. The application of microbiological surfactants – effective, biodegradable and less toxic than synthetic surfactants – may also support the bioleaching process [28]. In this research the bioleaching activity of sulphur-oxidising bacteria was supported with the addition of biosurfactants produced by B. cereus and B. subtilis strains. The experiment carried out in this research allowed a comparison between metal bioleaching in a traditional solution acidified by a way of microbial oxidation of sulphur with a bioleaching 209 process using a microbial culture containing sulphur-oxidising and biosurfactant-producing bacteria. It was revealed that the use of biosurfactant-producing bacteria is statistically significant to the bioleaching process for copper, lead, nickel and chromium. Zinc was removed effectively in both bioleaching media, but faster in the acidic environment. The final average process efficacy was 48%. Cadmium removal was similar in both the pH 2–3 and pH 6–8 media, with a highest metal release of about 93%. For nickel and copper, a better effect was obtained in the acidic medium, with a process effectiveness of 48.5% and 53%, respectively. Chromium was the only metal that was removed more effectively in the bioleaching medium containing both sulphuroxidising and biosurfactant-producing bacteria, which had a pH of about 6–8. Lead was removed from the printed circuit boards with very low effectiveness (below 0.5%). The process effectiveness varied depending on the type of metal. In this research, the highest metal removal rates were observed for copper and cadmium, while lead was bioleached only in trace amounts. Some difficulties in lead removal from the scrap might be related to forming slightly soluble salts [18], a finding confirmed in literature by the speciation analysis of precipitates [7]. Xin et al. [6] also revealed that bioleaching mechanisms applied to spent batteries vary with different metals, species and energy source types. Many factors may affect the bioleaching process. Yang et al. [29,30] revealed that the copper leaching from electronic scrap using A. ferrooxidans was influenced by the process variables, such as Fe(III) concentration, quantity of stock culture added, and pH. They obtained high leaching rates of copper in the presence of 6.66 g/L of Fe3+ , 100% addition quantities of stock culture, and a pH of 1.5, confirming the feasibility of copper bioleaching from printed circuit boards. It was stated that for A. ferrooxidans in a sulphide mineral medium, particulate matter content above 16% was the main growth-limiting factor due to a decrease in the rates of oxygen transfer and removal of bacterial metabolic products [23]. The limiting impact of oxygen deficit on metal release efficiency has been shown [31]. Bioleaching may also be limited by the temperature of the process. Stimulation of acid production by bacteria, and the specific growth rate and microbial activity, in higher temperatures has been observed [32]. The results of the experiment concerning the influence of temperature and aeration mode on the bioleaching effectiveness revealed the different susceptibility of metals to the bioleaching process in both tested cultures in applied process conditions. The aeration of the culture medium with compressed air increased the release of all metals in the medium with sulphur and biosurfactant, and of nickel, copper, zinc and chromium in the acidic medium. The influence of a higher temperature (of 37 ◦ C) was more significant in the acidic environment (four metals release stimulated) than in the neutral environment (only nickel and chromium). The sample aeration influenced positively both ATP content and sulphuric acid production, with no temperature effect. 4. Conclusions The experiments carried out in this study revealed that although an acidic bioleaching solution is the most effective in metal bioleaching from electronic scrap, some metals may be effectively released also in neutral pH using mixed consortium of biosurfactant-producing bacteria and sulphur-oxidising bacteria, which may be useful due to alkalinity of the waste. Metals with high bioleaching potential in pH 6–8 are copper, cadmium and zinc. The bioleaching process is influenced by the type of aeration and the temperature of the process, depending on the bioleaching culture and the type of metal. 210 E. Karwowska et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 264 (2014) 203–210 Acknowledgement The research work was financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education in a project no. O680/B/PO1/2009. References [1] J. Li, P. Shrivastava, Z. Gao, H.-C. Zhang, Printed circuit board recycling: a stateof-the-art survey, IEEE Trans. Electron. Packag. Manuf. 27 (2004) 1. [2] J. Wang, J. Bai, J. Xu, B. Liang, Bioleaching of metals from printed wire boards by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and their mixture, J. Hazard. Mater. 172 (2009) 1100–1105. [3] K. Huang, J. Jie Guo, Z. Xu, Recycling of waste printed circuit boards: a review of current technologies and treatment status in China, J. Hazard. Mater. 164 (2009) 399–408. [4] M. Goosey, R. Kellner, Recycling technologies for the treatment of end of life printed circuit boards (PCBs), Circuit World 29 (3) (2003) 33–37. [5] S. Ilyas, C. Ruan, H.N. 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