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Concrete Laboratory Manual CE-592 Department of Civil Engineering Sir J. C. Bose School of Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Sir J. C. Bose School of Engineering 1 Khan Road, P.O. Mankundu Department of Civil Engineering Lab Manual (Procedure for Conduct of Practical) Subject: Concrete Laboratory Subject Code: CE 592 Prepared By Revised and Approved By Head of the Department Issued By T-I-C List of Experiments Tests on Cement 1) Specific Gravity of Cement................................................................................................................................. 2) Fineness of Cement by Sieving........................................................................................................................ 3) Fineness of Cement by Blaine Air Permeability Method...................................................................... 4) Soundness of Cement........................................................................................................................................... 5) Normal Consistency of Cement........................................................................................................................ 6) Initial and Final Setting Times of Cement................................................................................................... 7) Compressive Strength of Cement.................................................................................................................... Tests on Fine and Coarse Aggregates 8) Specific Gravity, Void Ratio, Porosity and Bulk Density of Aggregates.......................................... 9) Bulking of Fine Aggregates............................................................................................................................... 10) Fineness Modulus of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.................................................................................. Tests on Fresh Concrete 11) Workability by Slump Test................................................................................................................................ 12) Workability by Compaction Factor Test..................................................................................................... Hardened Concrete 13) Compressive Strength on Cubes...................................................................................................................... 14) Split Tensile Strength........................................................................................................................................... Non-Destructive Tests 15) Rebound Hammer.................................................................................................................................................. Mix Design of Concrete Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF CEMENT AIM: To determine the specific gravity of given sample of cement. APPARATUS: Physical balance, specific gravity bottle of 50ml capacity, clean kerosene. THEORY: Specific gravity is defined as the ratio between weight of a given volume of material and weight of an equal volume of water. To determine the specific gravity of cement, kerosene is used which does not react with cement. REFERENCE CODES:  IS: 269 -1989  IS: 4031-1988 PROCEDURE: 1) Clean and dry the specific gravity bottle and weigh it with the stopper (W1). 2) Fill the specific gravity bottle with cement sample at least half of the bottle and weigh with stopper (W2). 3) Fill the specific gravity bottle containing the cement, with kerosene (free of water) placing the stopper and weigh it (W3). 4) While doing the above do not allow any air bubbles to remain in the specific gravity bottle. 5) After weighing the bottle, the bottle shall be cleaned and dried again. 6) Then fill it with fresh kerosene and weigh it with stopper (W4). 7) Remove the kerosene from the bottle and fill it with full of water and weigh it with stopper (W5). 8) All the above weighing should be done at the room temperature of (27 ± 2)°C. OBSERVATIONS: Description Weight of empty bottle Weight of bottle + Cement Trial 1 Trial 3 W1 g W2 g Weight of bottle + Cement + Kerosene Weight of bottle + Full Kerosene W3 g W4 g Weight of bottle + Full Water W5 g Specific gravity of Kerosene Trial 2 = Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. Specific gravity of Cement = – – – RESULT: Average specific gravity of given sample of cement = PRECAUTION: 1) Only kerosene which is free of water shall be used. 2) At time of weighing the temperature of the apparatus will not be allowed to exceed the specified temperature. 3) All air bubbles shall be eliminated in filling the apparatus and inserting the stopper. 4) Weighing shall be done quickly after filling the apparatus and shall be accurate to 0.1 mg. 5) Precautions shall be taken to prevent expansion and overflow of the contents resulting from the heat of the hand when wiping the surface of the apparatus. COMMENT: Long seasoning is the chief cause of a low specific gravity in unadulterated cement. This is because the freshly ground cement when exposed to air rapidly absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide. Cements with high contents of iron oxide have a higher specific gravity. The effect of fineness of grinding upon specific gravity is slight. Very finely ground cements are likely to have lower specific gravities. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: FINENESS OF CEMENT AIM: To determine the fineness of the given sample of cement by sieving. APPARATUS: IS-90 micron sieve conforming to IS: 460-1965, standard balance, weights, and brush. THEORY: The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate of hydration and hence on the rate of gain of strength and also on the rate of evolution of heat. Finer cement offers a greater surface area for hydration and hence the faster and greater the development of strength. Increase in fineness of cement is also found to increase the drying shrinkage of concrete. Fineness of cement is tested either by sieving or by determination of specific surface by airpermeability apparatus. Specific surface is the total surface area of all the particles in one gram of cement. REFERENCE CODES:  IS: 269-1989  IS: 4031(Part 1)-1996 PROCEDURE: 1) Weigh accurately 100 g of cement and place it on a standard 90 micron IS sieve. 2) Break down any air-set lumps in the cement sample with fingers. 3) Continuously sieve the sample giving circular and vertical motion for a period of 15 minutes. 4) Weigh the residue left on the sieve. As per IS code the percentage residue should not exceed 10%. OBSERVATIONS: Sl. No Weight of Sample (gm) Weight of Residue (gm) Fineness (%) 1. 2. 3. RESULT: Fineness of given sample of cement = PRECAUTIONS: Air set lumps in the cement sample are to be crushed using fingers and not to be pressed with the sieve. Sieving shall be done holding the sieve in both hands and with gentle wrist motion. More or less continuous rotation of the sieve shall be carried out throughout sieving. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. COMMENTS: Finer the cement more is the strength since surface area for hydration will be large. With increase in fineness, the early development of strength is enhanced but the ultimate strength is not affected. An increase in the fineness of the cement increases the cohesiveness of the concrete mix and thus reduces the amount of water which separates to the top of a lift (bleeding), particularly while compacting with vibrators. However, if the cement is ground beyond a certain limit, its cementative properties are affected due to the pre-hydration by atmospheric moisture. Finer cement reacts more strongly in alkali reactive aggregate. Also, the water requirement and workability will be more leading to higher drying shrinkage and cracking. Maximum number of particles in a sample of cement should have a size less than about 100 microns. The smallest particle may have a size of about 1.5 microns. By and large an average size of the cement particles may be taken as about 10 micron. The particle size fraction below 3 microns has been found to have the predominant effect on the strength at one day while 325 micron fraction has a major influence on the 28 days strength. Increase in fineness of cement is also found to increase the drying shrinkage of concrete. As per I. S. 269 the residue of cement sampled on the sieve 90 micron after sieving should not exceed the following % by weight for different types of cements.  Ordinary Portland cement - 10%  Rapid hardening cement - 5%  Low heat cement - 5% Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: FINENESS OF CEMENT BY BLAINE'S AIR PERMEABILITY METHOD AIM: To determine the fineness of the given sample of cement by Blaine's Air Permeability Method. APPARATUS: Variable Flow Type Air Permeability Apparatus (Blaine Type), Timer, Balances, Standard weights, Balances. THEORY: The fineness of cement can also be expressed as specific surface of cement (in cm2/gm). The laboratory in which the air permeability test is carried out shall be maintained at a temperature of (27 ± 2)°C and a relative humidity not exceeding 65 percent. All materials for test and calibration shall be at the laboratory temperature when used and shall be protected from absorption of atmospheric moisture during storage. The principle is based on the relation between the flow of air through the cement bed and the surface area of the particles comprising the cement bed. From this the surface area per unit weight of the body material can be related to the permeability of a bed of a given porosity. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. REFERENCE CODES:  IS: 5516-1996  IS: 4031(part 2)-1999 PROCEDURE: Procedure consists of 4 steps (a)Determination of the density of cement The density or specific gravity of cement as determined by Experiment 1. (b)Determination of the bed volume 1) Apply a very thin film of light mineral oil to the cell interior. Place the perforated disc on the ledge in cell. Place two new filter paper discs on the perforated disc. 2) Fill the cell with mercury. Level the mercury to the top of the cell with a glass plate. 3) Remove the mercury from cell and weigh it, 4) Remove the top filter paper from the permeability cell and compress a trial quantity of 2.80 g of cement into the space above the filter paper. Place the other filter paper above the cement bed. Insert the plunger till the collar comes in contact with the top of the cell. 5) Fill the remaining space in the cell above the filter paper with mercury. Level the mercury to the top of the cell with a glass plate and remove mercury from the cell and weigh it, 6) Calculate the volume occupied by the cement bed in the cell from the following equation. V= Where WA= Wt. of mercury required to fill the permeability cell WB= Wt. of mercury required to fill the portion of the cell not occupied by the bed of cement formed by 2.8 gm of standard cement sample. D= Density of mercury at temperature of test (13.54 gm/cc). 7) Average at least two volume determinations that agree to within ±0.005cm3 and record this value. (c)Determination of apparatus constant 1) Take an amount W = ρV( -e) of standard cement so as to give the cement bed of porosity = 0.500 ± 0.005 for OPC and PPC = 0.530 ± 0.005 for high strength cement 2) Place the perforated disc on the ledge at the bottom of the cell and place on it a new filter paper disc. Place the weighed quantity of standard cement, W, in the cell taking care to avoid loss. 3) Tap the cell to level the cement. Place a second new filter paper disc on the leveled cement. 4) Compress the cement with the plunger until the plunger collar is in contact with the top of the cell. Slowly withdraw the plunger a short distance, rotate 90 , repress the cement bed, and then slowly withdraw. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 5) Attach the permeability cell to the manometer tube with an air tight connection and slowly evacuate the air in the manometer U-tube until the liquid reaches the highest etched line, then tightly close the valve. 6) Start the timer when the bottom of the meniscus reaches the second etched line and stop the timer when the bottom of the meniscus reaches the third etched line. Record the time 't' and temperature of test. 7) Repeat the whole procedure on two further samples of the same reference cement. Calculate the average time of the three determinations. Then calculate the apparatus constant using the formula given below. Where, K = Apparatus constant S = Specific surface of reference cement ρ = Density of reference cement t = Mean of three measured times = Air viscosity at the mean of the three temperatures. (d)Determination of fineness 1) Repeat the steps (1 to 6) as done in determination of apparatus constant, but this time using the cement whose fineness is to be calculated. 2) Calculate fineness of cement using following formula. Where, So is the specific surface of the reference cement (cm2/g) e is the porosity of the bed of cement under test, is the porosity of the bed of reference cement, t is the measured time for the cement under test(s), is the mean of the three times measured on the reference cement(s), is the density of the cement under test (g/cm3), is the density of the reference cement (g/cm3) is the air viscosity at the test temperature taken from Table 1 (Pa. s), and is the air viscosity at the mean of the three temperatures (Table 1) for the reference cement (Pa. s). Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. OBSERVATION: (a)Determination of the density of cement = the density of the cement under test = ................................. (g/cm3), = the density of the reference cement= ................................. (g/cm3) (b)Determination of the bed volume Description Trial 1 Trial 2 Average V= (c)Determination of apparatus constant Sl. No. W = ρV(1- e) (sec) Average (sec) 1. 2. 3. (d)Determination of fineness Sl. No. (sec) Average (sec) K 1. 2. 3. RESULT: Fineness / Specific surface of given sample of cement = PRECAUTIONS: 1) The volume of the compacted cement bed should be calculated accurately. 2) The time taken by the manometer liquid to fall from one mark to the other should be measured very accurately. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. Table:1 Density of Mercury D, Viscosity of Air ( ) and as function of Temperature COMMENTS: 1) Fineness of cement has a great effect on the rate of hydration and hence the rate of gain of strength. Fineness of cement increases the rate of evolution of heat. Finer cement offers a great surface area for hydration and hence faster the development of strength. 2) Increase in fineness of cement also increases the drying shrinkage of concrete and hence creates cracks in structures. 3) Excessive fine cement requires more water for hydration, resulting reduced strength and durability. 4) Fineness of cement affects properties like gypsum requirement, workability of fresh concrete & long term behavior of structure. 5) Coarse cement particles settle down in concrete which causes bleeding. 6) Approximately 95% of cement particles are smaller than 45 micrometers, with the average particle around 15 micrometers. 7) Cements with finer particles have more surface area in m2 per kg of cement. Standard Specifications Indian Standard Reference Fineness Value (cm2/g) OPC 269-1976 2250 Rapid hardening 8041-1990 3250 Portland slag cement 455-1989 2250 1489-1991 (Part 1) 3000 Type of cement PPC Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: SOUNDNESS OF CEMENT BY LE CHATELIER METHOD AIM: To determine the soundness of the given sample of cement by "Le Chatelier" Method. APPARATUS: Le Chatelier apparatus, Balance, Weights, Water bath. THEORY: It is essential that the cement concrete shall not undergo appreciable change in volume after setting. This is ensured by limiting the quantities of free lime, magnesia and sulphates in cement which are the causes of the change in volume known as unsoundness. Unsoundness in cement does not come to surface for a considerable period of time. This test is designed to accelerate the slaking process by the application of heat and discovering the defects in a short time. Unsoundness produces cracks, distortion and disintegration there by giving passage to water and atmospheric gases which may have injurious effects on concrete and reinforcement. The apparatus for conducting the test consists of small split cylinder of spring brass or other suitable metal of 0.5mm thickness forming a mould 30 mm internal diameter and 30mm high. On either side of the split mould are attached to indicators with pointed ends, the distance from these ends to the center of the cylinder being 165 mm. The mould shall be kept in good condition with the jaws not more than 50mm apart. REFERENCE CODES:  IS 269-1989  IS 4031-1988 (PART 3) Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. PROCEDURE: 1) Place the lightly oiled mould on a lightly oiled glass sheet and fill it with cement paste formed by gauging cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. 2) The paste shall be gauged in the manner and under the conditions prescribed in determination of consistency of standard cement paste, taking care to keep the edges of the mould gently together 3) While this operation is being performed cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight on this covering glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of (27 ± 2)°C and keep there for 24 hours. 4) Measure the distance separating the indicator points. 5) Submerge the moulds again in water at the temperature prescribed above. 6) Bring the water to boiling, with the mould kept submerged for 25 to 30 minutes, and keep it boiling for three hours. 7) Remove the mould from the water allow it to cool and measure the distance between the indicator points. 8) The difference between these two measurements represents the expansion of the cement. 9) For good quality cement this expansion should not be more than 10mm. OBSERVATIONS: Initial distance between the indicator points (in mm) = Final distance between the indicator points (in mm) = Expansion (in mm) = final length - initial length = RESULT: Expansion is ..................... mm. COMMENTS: It is a very important test to assure the quality of cement since an unsound cement produces cracks, distortion and disintegration, ultimately leading to failure. Fine grinding of the raw material and clinker helps to produce a sound cement. By grinding fine the raw materials, it is possible to produce a homogeneous mixture before burning where the lime is uniformly distributed. The coarse grains of cement may imprison minute particles of uncombined lime which do not hydrate. These lime particles on hydration produce disintegration. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: NORMAL CONSISTENCY OF CEMENT AIM: To determine the quantity of water required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency. APPARATUS: Vicat apparatus (conforming to IS: 5513 - 1976) with plunger (10 mm in diameter) balance, weights, gauging trowel. THEORY: The standard consistency of a cement paste is defined as that consistency which will permit the vicat plunger to penetrate to a point 33 to 35 mm from the top of the vicat mould. For finding out initial setting time, final setting time, soundness of cement and compressive strength of cement, it is necessary to fix the quantity of water to be mixed in cement in each case. This experiment is intended to find out the quantity of water to be mixed for a given cement to give a cement paste of normal consistency and can be done with the help of vicat apparatus. REFERENCE CODES:  IS: 269 - 1989  IS: 4031 - 1988 (Part 4) Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. PROCEDURE: 1) Prepare a paste of weighed quantity of cement (300 grams) with a weighed quantity of potable or distilled water, starting with 26% water of 300g of cement. 2) Take care that the time of gauging is not less than 3 minutes, not more than 5 minutes and the gauging shall be completed before setting occurs. 3) The gauging time shall be counted from the time of adding the water to the dry cement until commencing to fill the mould. 4) Fill the vicat mould with this paste, the mould resting upon a non porous plate. 5) After completely filling the mould, trim off the surface of the paste, making it in level with the top of the mould. The mould may slightly be shaken to expel the air. 6) Place the test block with the mould, together with the non-porous resting plate, under the rod bearing the plunger (10mm diameter), lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the test block and quickly release, allowing it to penetrate into the paste. 7) This operation shall be carried out immediately after filling the mould. 8) Prepare trial pastes with varying percentages of water and test as described above until the amount of water necessary for making the standard consistency as defined above is obtained. 9) Express the amount of water as a percentage by weight of the dry cement. OBSERVATIONS: Sl. Wt. of cement No taken (gm) Wt. of water taken (gm) Plunger Penetration (mm) Time Taken Consistency (b)/(a) * 100% 1. 2. 3. RESULT: Normal consistency for the given sample of cement is PRECAUTIONS: Clean appliances shall be used for gauging. In filling the mould the operator hands and the blade of the gauging trowel shall alone be used. The temperature of cement, water and that of test room, at the time when the above operations are being performed, shall be (27 ± 2)°C. For each repetition of the experiment fresh cement is to be taken. COMMENTS: The water requirement for various tests of cement depends on the normal consistency of the cement, which itself depends upon the compound composition and fineness of the cement. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: INITIAL AND FINAL SETTING TIMES OF CEMENT AIM: To determine the initial and final setting times for the given sample of cement. APPARATUS: Vicat apparatus (conforming to IS: 5513-1976) with attachments, balance, weights, gauging trowel. THEORY: In actual construction dealing with cement, mortar or concrete, certain time is required for mixing, transporting and placing. During this time cement paste, mortar, or concrete should be in plastic condition. The time interval for which the cement products remain in plastic condition is known as the setting time. Initial setting time is regarded as the time elapsed between the moments that the water is added to the cement to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity. The final setting time is the time elapsed between the moment the water is added to the cement, and the time when the paste has completely lost its plasticity and has attained sufficient firmness to resist certain pressure. The former defines the limit of handling and the latter defines the beginning of development of mechanical strength. The constituents and fineness of cement is maintained in such a way that the concrete remains in plastic condition for certain minimum time. Once the concrete is placed in the final position, compacted and finished it should lose its plasticity in the earliest possible time so that it is least vulnerable to damages from external destructive agencies. This time should not be more than 10 hours which is referred to as final setting time. Initial setting time should not be less than 30 minutes. REFERENCE CODES:  IS: 269 - 1989  IS: 4031 - 1988 (Part 5) PROCEDURE: Preparation of Test Block: 1) Prepare a neat cement paste by gauging 300 grams of cement with 0.85 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency. 2) Potable or distilled water shall be used in preparing the paste. 3) The paste shall be gauged in the manner and under the conditions prescribed in determination of consistency of standard cement paste. 4) Start a stop-watch at the instant when water is added to the cement. 5) Fill the mould with the cement paste gauged as above the mould resting on a nonporous plate. 6) Fill the mould completely and smooth off the surface of the paste making it level with the top of the mould. The cement block thus prepared in the mould is the test block. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. Determination of initial setting time: 1) Place the test blocks confined in the mould and rests it on the non-porous plate, under the rod bearing initial setting needle, lower the needle gently in contact with the surface of the test block and quickly release, allowing it to penetrate into the test block. 2) In the beginning, the needle will completely pierce the test block. 3) Repeat this procedure until the needle, when brought in contact with the test block and released as described above, fails to pierce the block to a point 33 to 35 mm measured from the top of the mould shall be the initial setting time. Determination of final setting time: 1) Replace the needle of the Vicat apparatus by the needle with an annular attachment. 2) The cement shall be considered as finally set when, upon applying the needle gently to the surface of the test block, the needle makes an impression there on, while the attachment fails to do so. 3) The period elapsed between the time when water is added to the cement and the time at which the needle makes an impression on the surface of test block while the attachment fails to do so shall be the final setting time. OBSERVATIONS: Time in minutes : Height in mm fails to penetrate : RESULT: Initial setting time for the given sample of cement = Final setting time for the given sample of cement = PRECAUTIONS: Clean appliances shall be used for gauging. All the apparatus shall be free from vibration during the test. The temperature of water and that of the test room, at the time of gauging shall be (27 ± 2)°C. Care shall be taken to keep the needle straight. COMMENTS: The factors influencing the setting properties of cement are its composition, the percentage of retardant, degree of calcination, fineness of grinding, aeration subsequent to grinding clinker, percentage of water used to make cement paste, the temperature of the mixing water, cement and the atmosphere where the cement paste is placed, and the amount of manipulation the paste receives. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CEMENT AIM: To determine the compressive strength of standard cement mortar cubes compacted by means of standard tamping. APPARATUS: Cube moulds of size 7.06 cms. Standard Sand: The standard sand to be used in the test shall conform to IS: 650-1991 or sand passing 100 percent through 2 mm sieve and retained 100 percent on 90 micron IS sieve. 2 mm to 1mm - 33.33 percent 1 mm to 500 microns - 33.33 percent 500 mm to 90 microns - 33.33 percent. THEORY: The compressive strength of cement mortars is determined in order to verify whether the cement conforms to IS specifications and whether it will be able to develop the required compressive strength of concrete. Strength test are not done on neat cement paste because of difficulties of excessive shrinkage and subsequent cracking of neat cement. Strength of cement is indirectly found on cement – sand mortar in specific proportion. The average compressive strength of at least three mortar cubes (area of the face 50 cm2 ) composed of one part of cement and three parts of standard stand should satisfy IS code specifications. The cubes are prepared for this purpose. The cubes are then tested in compression testing machine at the end on 3 days and 7 days REFERENCE CODES:  IS 269-1989  IS 8112-1989  IS 12269 -1987  IS 4031-1988 (Part4)  IS: 4031-1988 PROCEDURE: Mix proportions and mixing: 1) Clean appliances shall be used for mixing and the temperature of the water and that of the test room at the time when the above operations are being performed shall be (27 ± 2)°C. 2) Place in a container a mixture of cement and standard sand in the proportion of 1:3 by weight mix it dry, with a trowel for one minute and then with water until the mixture is of uniform color. 3) In any case, it should not take more than 4 minutes to obtain uniform colored mix. 4) The material for each cube shall be mixed separately and the quantity of cement standard sand and water shall be as follows: Cement 200 gms Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 5) 6) 7) 8) Standard sand 600 gms Water (P/4 + 3.0) % of combined weight of cement and sand, where P is the percentage of water required to produce a paste of standard consistency. Immediately after mixing fill the mortar into a cube mould of sizes 7.06cm. Compact the mortar either by hand compaction in a standard specified manner or on the vibrating table. Place the moulds in cabin at a temperature of (27 ± 2)°C for 24 hours Remove the specimen from the moulds and submerge them in clean water for curing. Testing: 1) Take the cube out of water at the end of 3 days with dry cloth. Measure the dimensions of the surface in which the load is to be applied. 2) Place the cube in compressive testing machine and apply the load uniformly at the rate of 35 N/mm2 (350 Kg/cm2/ min). 3) Note the load at which the cube fails. Let it be P . 4) Calculate the compressive strength of the cube by using formula. The compressive strength at the end of three days should not be less than 16 N/mm2 5) Repeat the same procedure (steps 1 to 4) for other two cubes. 6) Repeat the whole procedure (Step 1 to 5) to find the compressive strength of the cube at the end of 7 days and it should not be less than 22 N/mm2. OBSERVATION: Calculate the compressive strength from the crushing load and the average area over which the load is applied. Express the results in N/mm2 to the nearest 0.05 mm2. For 3 days strength: Sl. Length (L) No. (mm) Breadth (B) (mm) Load (P) in N Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 1. 2. 3. Average = For 7 days strength: Sl. Length (L) No. (mm) Breadth (B) (mm) Load (P) in N Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 1. 2. 3. Average = Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. For 28 days strength: Sl. Length (L) No. (mm) Breadth (B) (mm) Load (P) in N Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 1. 2. 3. Average = RESULT: The average compressive strength of the given cement at 3 days : _____________ N/mm2 at 7 days : _____________ N/mm2 at 28 days : _____________ N/mm2 PRECAUTIONS: Inside of the cube moulds should be oiled to prevent the mortar from adhering to the sides of the mould. COMMENTS: In addition to the effect of composition, the strength of cement is greatly influenced by the degree of burning, the fineness of grinding, and the aeration it receives subsequent to final grinding. Under-burnt cement is likely to be deficient in strength. Compressive strength is the basic data required for mix design. By this test, the quality and the quantity of concrete can be controlled and the degree of adulteration can be checked. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: SPECIFIC GRAVITY VOID RATIO POROSITY AND BULK DENSITY OF COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATES AIM: To determine the specific gravity, void ratio, porosity and bulk density of given coarse and fine aggregates. APPARATUS: 10 Kg capacity balance with weights, cylindrical containers of 1 liter and 5 liter capacities, measuring jar of 1000 ml capacity. THEORY: The specific gravity of an aggregate is generally required for calculations in connection with cement concrete design work for determination of moisture content and for the calculations of volume yield of concrete. The specific gravity also gives information on the quality and properties of aggregate. The specific gravity of an aggregate is considered to be a measure of strength of quality of the material. Stones having low specific gravity are generally weaker than those with higher specific gravity values. The bulk density of an aggregate is used for judging its quality by comparison with normal density for that type of aggregate. It is required for converting proportions by weight into proportions by volume and is used in calculating the percentage of voices in the aggregate.     Specific gravity is the weight of aggregate relative to the weight of equal volume of water. Void ratio is the ratio of volume of voids to the volume of solids in an aggregate. Percentage of voids or porosity is the ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of a sample of an aggregate. Bulk density or unit weight is the weight of material per unit volume. REFERENCE CODES:  IS : 2386 ( Part III ) - 1963 Coarse aggregate PROCEDURE: 1) Find the weight of the empty container W1. 2) Take coarse aggregate in the container up to approximately half of the container and find out the weight W2. 3) Fill the container with water up to the level of the coarse aggregates so that all void space inside the aggregate is filled with water. Find its weight W3. 4) Fill the container with water after emptying it from mix of coarse aggregate and water. 5) Water should be up to the mark, up to which coarse aggregate is filled. Find its weight W4 6) Repeat the same process for another trail by taking the aggregate up to the full of the container and by filling the water up to same point. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. OBSERVATION: Sl. Description No. 1. Weight of empty container W1 2. Weight of container with material W2 3. Weight of container + material + water W3 4. Weight of container + water W4 Trial 1 Trial 2 CALCULATION: i) Void ratio = ii) Porosity = = × 100 = × 100 iii) Specific gravity = iv) Bulk density = Fine Aggregate: Void Ratio and Porosity PROCEDURE: 1) 1. Take 150 ml of dry sand (V1 ml) in clean measuring jar of 1000 ml capacity. 2) 2. Add a measured quantity of 100 ml clean water to the above sample (V2 ml) i.e. V2 = 100 ml 3) 3. Shake the jar thoroughly till all air bubbles are expelled. 4) 4. Now note the readings against the top surface of water in the jar (V3 ml) CALCULATION: Void ratio = Porosity = Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates: PROCEDURE: 1) Weigh the empty measuring jar of 1000 ml capacity = W1 2) Take the weight of empty measuring jar with 150 ml of sand Empty jar + sand =W2 3) Take the weight of empty measuring jar with 150 ml of sand and 100 ml of water Empty jar + sand + water = W3 Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 4) Remove the mix of sand and water from bottle and fill it with water up to volume V3 then weigh it. Empty jar + water = W4 CALCULATION: Specific gravity = = RESULT: 1) Specific gravity of course aggregate .......................... 2) Void ratio of course aggregate .................................... 3) Porosity of coarse aggregate ....................................... 4) Bulk density of course aggregate ............................... 5) Specific gravity of fine aggregate ............................... 6) Void ratio of the given fine aggregate ....................... 7) Porosity of the given time aggregate ........................ PRECAUTIONS: While filling the container with water in determining void ratio and porosity of coarse aggregate, care should be taken that water should not be in excess of the level of course aggregate. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: BULKING OF FINE AGGREGATES AIM: To ascertain the bulking phenomena of given sample of sand for varying percentage of moisture content. THEORY: The moisture content in the sand will cause the bulking of the volume. Moisture forms a film around each particle and this film of moisture exerts surface tension which keeps the neighbouring particles away from it. Therefore, when no point contact is possible between the particles, this causes bulking of sand. Thus increase in volume of sand due to presence of moisture is known as bulking of sand. When more water is added sand particles get submerged and volume again becomes equal to dry volume of sand. Maximum increase in volume may be 20% to 40% when moisture content is 5% to 10% by weight. Fine sands show greater percentage of bulking than coarse sands with equal percentage of moisture. APPARATUS USED: Sample of moist sand, graduated cylinder, clean water, stirrer, tray and scoop. PROCEDURE: 1) Take 1000 ml measuring cylinder. 2) Fill it with loose dry sand up to 500ml without tamping at any stage of filling. 3) Then pour that sand on a pan and mix it thoroughly with water whose volume is equal to 2% of that of dry loose sand. 4) Fill the wet loose sand in the container, consolidate by shaking and find the volume of the sand which is in excess of the dry volume of the sand. 5) Level the surface and read the volume in ml (Y1). 6) Repeat the procedure for moisture content of 4%, 8%, 12%, etc. and note down the corresponding volume of sand (Y2, Y3…..). 7) Continue the procedure till the sand gets completely saturated i.e. till it reaches the original volume of 500ml. OBSERVATIONS: Sl. No Volume of dry loose sand Y1 (ml) % moisture content added 1. 500 2% 2. 3. 4. 5. Volume of wet loose sand Y2 (ml) % Bulking = ×100% 4% 8% 12% 16% Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. GRAPH: Draw a graph between % moisture content on X-axis and % bulking on Y-axis. The points on the graph should be linked as a smooth curve. Then from the graph, maximum percentage of bulking and the corresponding moisture content is determined. RESULT: The maximum bulking of the given sand is ________________ at _______________% of moisture content. PRECAUTIONS: 1) While mixing water with sand grains, mixing should be uniform. 2) The sample should not be compressed while being filled in jar. 3) The sample must be slowly and gradually poured into measuring jar from its top. 4) Increase in volume of sand due to bulking should be measured accurately. COMMENTS: The bulking of the volume depends on the extent of surface tension and consequently how far the adjacent particles are kept away which in turn depends upon the percentage of moisture content and the particle size of the fine aggregate. It is interesting to note that the bulking increases with the increase in moisture content up to a certain limit and beyond that the further increase in the moisture content results in the decrease in the volume and at a moisture content representing saturation point, the fine aggregate shows no bulking. Due to the bulking, fine aggregate shows completely idealistic volume. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that consideration must be given to the effect of bulking in proportioning the concrete by volume. If the effect of bulking is overlooked, in case of volume batching, the resulting concrete is likely to be under-sanded and harsh. It will also affect the yield of concrete for the given cement content. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: FINENESS MODULUS OF FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATE AIM: To determine the fineness modulus of given fine and coarse aggregates. APPARATUS: IS test sieves, square hole perforated plate 75mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm, and fine wire cloth of 4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 600, 300, and 150 μ. Weighing balance (Sensitivity 0.1 percent) sieve shaker, tray plates. THEORY: Fine aggregate is sand used in mortars. Coarse aggregate is broken stone used in concrete. The size of the fine aggregate is limited to maximum 4.75 mm beyond which it is known as coarse aggregate. Fineness modulus is only a numerical index of fineness, giving some idea about, the mean size of the particles in the entire body of concrete. Determination of fineness modulus is considered as a method of standardization of grading of aggregates i.e. the main object of finding fineness modulus is to grade the given aggregate for the most economical mix and workability with minimum quantity of cement. It is obtained by sieving known weight of given aggregate in a set of standard sieves and by adding the percent weight of material retained on all the sieves and dividing the total percentage by 100. PROCEDURE: Coarse aggregate: 1) Take 5 kg of coarse aggregate (nominal size 20mm) from the sample by quartering. Carry out sieving by hand, shake each sieve in order 75mm , 40mm, 20mm, 10mm, and 4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 600, 300, and 150 μ over a clean dry tray for a period of not less than 2 minutes. 2) The shaking is done with a varied motion backward and forward, left to right, circular, clockwise and anticlockwise and with frequent jarring. 3) So that material is kept moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions. 4) Find the weight retained on each sieve taken in order Fine aggregate: 1) Take 1 Kg of sand from sample by quartering in clean dry plate. 2) Arrange the sieves in order of 4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 600, 300, and 150 μ keeping sieve 4.75 mm at top and 15 μ at bottom. 3) Shake the sieves with the pan at the bottom and cover at the top. 4) Keep the sand in the top 4.75 mm sieve, carry out the sieving in the set of sieves arranged before for not less than 10 minutes. 5) Find the weight retained in each sieve. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. OBSERVATIONS: Coarse Aggregate: Wt. of coarse aggregate taken: ........................... Kg. Sl. No. Sieve size 1. 75 mm 2. 40 mm 3. 20 mm 4. 10 mm 5. 4.75 mm 6. 2.36 mm 7. 1.18 mm 8. 9. 10. Weight Retained % Weight Retained % Weight Passing Cumulative % Weights retained μ 300 μ μ Fineness Modulus: Sum of Cumulative percentage Wt. retained /100 Fine Aggregate: Wt. of fine aggregate taken: ........................... Kg. Sl. No. Sieve size 1. 4.75 mm 2. 2.36 mm 3. 1.18 mm 4. 5. 6. Weight Retained % Weight Retained % Weight Passing Cumulative % Weights retained μ 300 μ μ Fineness Modulus: Sum of Cumulative percentage Wt. retained /100 Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. RESULT: The fineness modulus of given fine aggregate: The fineness modulus of given coarse aggregate: PRECAUTIONS: 1) The sample should be taken by quartering. 2) The sieving must be done carefully to prevent the spilling of aggregate. COMMENTS: Limits of fineness modulus of aggregates. Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate All-in Aggregate 2.0 – 3.5 5.5 – 8.0 3.5 – 6.5 Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: WORKABILITY OF FRESH CONCRETE BY SLUMP TEST AIM: To determine the workability or consistency of concrete mix of given proportion by slump test. APPARATUS: Iron pan to mix concrete, weighing machine, trowel slump, cone, scale and tamping rod. The slump cone is a hollow frustum made of thin steel sheet with internal dimensions, as the top diameter 10 cms. The bottom diameter 20 cms, and height 30cms. It stands on a plane nonporous surface. To facilitate vertical lifting from moulded concrete it is provided with a suitable guide attachment and suitable foot pieces and handles. The tamping rod is 16mm. dia. 60 cm. long and is bullet pointed at the lower end. THEORY: Unsupported concrete, when it is fresh, will flow to the sides and a sinking in height will take place. This vertical settlement is called slump. Slump is a measure of workability. There are four types of slumpi. True slump refers to general drop of the concrete mass evenly all around without disintegration. ii. Zero slump concrete is defined in the same document, as concrete of stiff or extremely dry consistency showing no measurable slump after removal of the slump cone. iii. Collapse slump indicates that concrete mix is too wet and the mix is regarded as harsh and lean. iv. Shear slump indicates that the concrete lacks cohesion. It may undergo segregation and bleeding and thus is undesirable for the durability of concrete. Perform the test for w/c ratio of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8. For each mix take 2.5 Kg. Cement, 5 Kg., FA and 10 Kg. C.A. (1:2:4). Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. REFERENCE CODES:  IS:1199 - 1959 PROCEDURE: 1) Mix the dry constituents thoroughly to get a uniform colour and then add water. 2) The internal surface of the mould is to be thoroughly cleaned and placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and non absorbent surface. 3) Place the mixed concrete in the cleaned slump cone in 4 layers each approximately 1/4 in height of the mould. Tamp each layer 25 times with tamping rod. 4) Remove the cone immediately, rising it slowly and carefully in the vertical direction. 5) As soon as the concrete settlement comes to a stop, measure the subsistence of the concrete in cms, which gives the slump. Note: Slump test is adopted in the Laboratory or during the progress of the work in the field for determining consistency of concrete where nominal max., size of aggregates does not exceed 40 mm. Any slump specimen which collapses or shears off laterally gives incorrect results and at this juncture the test is repeated only true slump should be measured. OBSERVATIONS: Sl. No. 1. W/C Ratio 0.5 2. 0.6 3. 0.7 4. 0.8 Slump in mm PRECAUTIONS: 1) The strokes are to be uniformly applied through the entire area of the concrete section. 2) The cone should be removed very slowly by lifting it upwards without disturbing the concrete. 3) During filling the mould must be firmly pressed against the base. 4) Vibrations from nearly machinery might also increase subsidence; hence test should be made beyond the range of ground vibrations. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. COMMENTS: This test is not a true guide to workability. For example, a harsh coarse mix cannot be said to have same workability as one with a large portion of sand even though they have the same slump. Recommended slumps of concrete mix of various works Placing Condition Degree of Workability Slump (mm) Low 25- 75 Medium 50- 100 Medium 75- 100 High 100- 150 Mass concrete Lightly reinforced sections in slabs, beams, walls, columns Floors Hand placed pavements Canal lining Strip footings Heavily reinforced sections in slabs beams, walls, columns Slipform work Pumped Concrete Trench fill In- situ Piling Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: FACTOR TEST WORKABILITY OF FRESH CONCRETE BY COMPACTION AIM: To determine the workability of concrete mix of given proportion by compaction factor test. APPARATUS: Compaction factor apparatus, trowel weighing machine conical hoppers mounted vertically above the cylindrical mould. The upper mould has internal dimensions as top dia 25 cm (D1) bottom dia. 12.5 cm (D2) and height 22.5 cm (H1). The lower hopper has internal dimensions, top 22.5 cm (D3), bottom dia. 12.5cm (D4) and height 22.5cm (H2). The cylinder has internal dimensions as 15 cm dia. (D5) and 30cm height (H3). The dimensions between bottom of the upper hopper and top of the lower hopper, bottom of the lower hopper and top of cylinder are 20 cm (h1 and h2), each case. The lower ends of the hoppers are filled with quick release trap doors. THEORY: This test is adopted to determine workability of concrete where nominal size of aggregate does not exceed 40 mm. It is based on the definition, that workability is that property of concrete, which determines the amount of work required to produce full compaction. The test consists essentially of applying a standard amount of work to standard quantity of concrete and measuring the resulting compaction. The compaction factor is defined as the ratio of the weight of partially compacted concrete to the weight of fully compacted concrete. It shall be stated to the nearest second decimal place. Conduct test for W/C ratio 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8, for each mix take 10 kg of coarse aggregate 5kg of fine aggregate and 2.5 Kg of cement. REFERENCE CODES:  IS:1199 - 1959 PROCEDURE: 1) Grease the inner surface of the hoppers and the cylinder. 2) Fasten the hopper doors. 3) Weigh the empty cylinder accurately (W1 kg). 4) Fix the cylinder on the base with fly nuts and bolts 5) Mix coarse and fine aggregates and cement dry until the mixture is uniform in colour and then with water until concrete appears to be homogeneous. 6) Fill the freshly mixed concrete in upper hopper gently with trowel without compacting. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 7) Release the trap door of the upper hopper and allow the concrete of fall into the lower hopper bringing the concrete into standard compaction. 8) Immediately after the concrete comes to rest, open the trap door of the lower hopper and allow the concrete to fall into the cylinder, bringing the concrete into standard compaction. Remove the excess concrete above the top of the cylinder by a trowel. 9) Find the weight of cylinder i.e. cylinder filled with partially compacted concrete (W2 kg) 10) Refill the cylinder with same sample of concrete in approx. 4 layers, tamping each layer with tamping for 25 times in order to obtain full compaction of concrete. 11) Level the mix and weigh the cylinder filled with fully compacted concrete (W3 kg) 12) Repeat the procedure for different for different a trowel. OBSERVATIONS AND CALCULATIONS: Weight of cylinder = W1 kg = .................. kg Sl. No. W/C ratio 1. 0.5 2. 3. 0.6 0.7 4. 0.8 Wt. of cylinder with partially compacted concrete (W2 kg) Wt. of cylinder with fully compacted concrete (W3 kg) Wt. of partially compacted concrete (W2- W1) (kg) Wt. of fully compacted concrete (W3- W1) (kg) Compaction Factor PRECAUTIONS: 1) The top hopper must be filled gently. 2) The mix should not be pressed or compacted in the hopper. 3) If the concrete in the hopper does not fall through when the trap door is released, it should be freed by passing a metal rod. A single steady penetration will usually affect release. COMMENTS: It is more sensitive, precise than slump test and is particularly useful to concrete mixes of low workability. Degree of Placing Condition Slump (mm) Workability Concreting shallow section with vibration Very low 0.75 to 0.80 Concreting of lightly reinforced section with vibration Concreting of lightly reinforced section without vibration or heavily reinforced with vibration Concreting of heavily reinforced section without vibration Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Low 0.8 to 0.85 Medium 0.85 to 0.92 High 0.92 to above Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE CUBES AIM: Determination of the compressive strength of cement concrete specimens. APPARATUS: Cube Moulds of 15 cm size, Compression Testing Machine, two steel bearing platens with hardened faces THEORY: Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test specimens, the most usual being 7 and 28 days, ages of 13 weeks and one year are recommended if tests at greater ages are required. Where it may be necessary to obtain the early strength, test may be made at the ages of 24 hours ± hour and 72 hours ± 2 hours. The ages shall be calculated from the time of the addition of water to the dry ingredients. Number of Specimens: At least three specimens, preferably from different batches, shall be made for testing at each selected age. REFERENCE CODES:  IS : 516 – 1959 PROCEDURE: Preparation Of Cube Specimens The proportion and material for making these test specimens are from the same concrete used in the field. Specimen 6 cubes of 15 cm size. Mix. M15 or above Mixing Mix the concrete either by hand or in a laboratory batch mixer Hand Mixing 1) Mix the cement and fine aggregate on a water tight none-absorbent platform until the mixture is thoroughly blended and is of uniform color 2) Add the coarse aggregate and mix with cement and fine aggregate until the coarse aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout the batch 3) Add water and mix it until the concrete appears to be homogeneous and of the desired consistency Sampling Clean the mounds and apply oil Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 4) Fill the concrete in the molds in layers approximately 5cm thick 5) Compact each layer with not less than 35 strokes per layer using a tamping rod (steel bar 16mm diameter and 60cm long, bullet pointed at lower end) 6) Level the top surface and smoothen it with a trowel Curing The test specimens are stored in moist air for 24hours and after this period the specimens are marked and removed from the molds and kept submerged in clear fresh water until taken out prior to test. PROCEDURE 1) Remove the specimen from water after specified curing time and wipe out excess water from the surface. 2) Take the dimension of the specimen to the nearest 0.2m 3) Clean the bearing surface of the testing machine 4) Place the specimen in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be applied to the opposite sides of the cube cast. 5) Align the specimen centrally on the base plate of the machine. 6) Rotate the movable portion gently by hand so that it touches the top surface of the specimen. 7) Apply the load gradually without shock and continuously at the rate of 140kg/cm 2/min (14 N/mm2/min) till the specimen fails 8) Record the maximum load and note any unusual features in the type of failure. Note:Minimum three specimens should be tested at each selected age. If strength of any specimen varies by more than 15 per cent of average strength, results of such specimen should be rejected. OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION: Mix proportion – 1:2:4 Size of cube- 150 mm×150 mm×150 mm Area of cubes: 150mm×150 mm = 22500 mm2 Sample No. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Date of Testing Age (days) w/c ratio – 0.6 Max. Load P (N) Type of Failure Compressive Stress (N/mm2 ) 7 28 Average Compressive Stress ............................................. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. The measured compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated by dividing the maximum load applied to the specimen during the test, by the cross sectional area, calculated from the mean dimensions of section and shall be expressed to the nearest N/mm2. Compressive Strength = Average of three values shall be taken as the representative of the batch provided the individual variation is not more than ± 15% of the average. Otherwise, repeat tests shall be made. RESULT: Compressive strength of Concrete................................... COMMENTS: Factors affecting the strength of concrete can be broadly grouped into those depending upon the testing methods and the others independent of the testing methods. Factors depending on testing methods are size of test specimen, size of specimen relative to maximum size of aggregate, moisture condition of specimen, rate of loading adopted, and type of testing machine used; and those independent of testing method are type of cement and age of cement, type and size of aggregates, degree of compaction, water-cement ratio, aggregatecement ratio, air voids, curing method and curing temperature Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: SPLIT TENSILE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE AIM: Determination of the splitting tensile strength of cement concrete specimens. APPARATUS: Cylindrical moulds 150 mm dia. 300 mm long, testing Machine, jigs, two packing strips of tempered hardboard of nominal thickness 4 mm, steel loading strips THEORY: Tests shall be made at the recognized ages of the test specimens, the most usual being 7 and 28 days. Tests at any other age at which the tensile strength is desired may be made, if so required. The ages shall be calculated from the time of the addition of water to the dry ingredients. The age at test shall be reported along with the results. Number of Specimens: At least three specimens shall be tested for each age of tests. REFERENCE CODES:  IS 5816 : 1999 PROCEDURE: 1) Specimens when received dry shall be kept in water for 24 h before they are taken for testing. Unless other conditions are required for specific laboratory investigation specimen shall be tested immediately on removal from the water whilst they are still wet. Surface water and grit shall be wiped off the specimens and any projecting fins removed from the surfaces which are to be in contact with the packing strips. 2) Marking: Central lines shall be drawn on the two opposite faces of the cube using any suitable procedure and device that will ensure that they are in the same axial plane. 3) Measurement: The mass and dimensions of the specimen shall be noted before testing. The sides of the specimen, lying in the plane of the pre-marked lines, shall be measured near the ends and the middle of the specimen and the average taken to the nearest 0.2 mm. Placing of the Specimen in the Testing Machine: 1) The bearing surfaces of the testing machine and of the loading strips shall be wiped clean. 2) The test specimen shall be placed in the centering jig with packing strip and/or loading pieces carefully positioning along the top and bottom of the plane of loading of the specimen. The jig shall then be placed in the machine so that the specimen is located centrally. In the case of cubic specimens, the load shall be applied on the moulded faces in such a way that the fracture plane will cross the trowelled surface. 3) For cylindrical specimen it shall be ensured that the upper platen is parallel with the lower platen. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. Rate of Loading 1) The load shall be applied without shock and increased continuously at a nominal rate within the range 1.2 N/ (mm2/min) to 2.4 N/ (mm2/min). Maintain the rate, once adjusted, until failure. On manually controlled machines as failure is approached the loading rate will decrease; at this stage the controls shall be operated to maintain as far as possible the specified loading rate. 2) The maximum load applied shall then be recorded. The appearance of concrete and any unusual features in the type of failure shall also be noted. OBSERVATION AND CALCULATION Mix proportion .................................. w/c ratio .............................................. Sample No. Date of Casting Age (days) Load at Failure P (N) Splitting Tensile Stress fct (MPa) Average fct (MPa) S1. S2. S3. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. The measured splitting tensile strength fct, of the specimen shall be calculated to the nearest 0.05 N/mm2 using the following formula: = P = maximum load in N applied to the specimen, L = length of the specimen as shown in the following figure (in mm), and d = cross sectional dimension of the specimen as shown in the following figure (in mm), RESULTS: Splitting tensile strength of concrete........................................... MPa COMMENTS: It is interesting to note that the restraining effect of the platens of the testing machine extends over the entire height of the cube but leaves unaffected a part of test cylinder because of greater height. It is, therefore, the strength of the cube made from identical concrete will be different from the strength of the cylinder. Normally strength of the cylinder is taken as 0.8 times the strength of the cube, but experiments have shown that there is no unique relationship between the strength of cube and strength of cylinder. It was seen that the strength relation varies with the level of the strength of concrete. For higher strength, the difference between the strength of cube and cylinder is becoming narrow. For 100 MPa concrete the ratio may become nearly 1.00. The points in favour of the cube specimen are that the shape of the cube resembles the shape of the structural members often met with on the ground. The cube does not require capping, whereas cylinder requires capping. The capping material used in case cylinder may influence to some extent the strength of the cylinder. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT: NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF CONCRETE BY REBOUND HAMMER AIM: The rebound hammer method could be used for: a) Assessing the likely compressive strength of concrete with the help of suitable correlations between rebound index and compressive strength b) Assessing the uniformity of concrete, c) Assessing the quality of the concrete in relation to standard requirements, and d) Assessing the quality of one element of concrete in relation to another. APPARATUS: The Rebound Hammer consisting of a spring controlled mass that slides on a plunger within a tubular housing. THEORY: When the plunger of rebound hammer is pressed against the surface of the concrete, the spring controlled mass rebounds and the extent of such rebound depends upon the surface hardness of concrete. The surface hardness and both the properties simultaneously on concrete therefore the rebound is taken to be related to the compressive strength of concrete. The rebound is read off along a graduated scale and is designated as the rebound number or rebound index. REFERENCE CODES:  IS 13311 (Part 2): 1992 PROCEDURE: 1) For testing, smooth, clean and dry surface is to be selected. Rough surfaces resulting from incomplete compaction, loss of grout, spalled or tooled surfaces do not give reliable results and should be avoided. 2) Operate the test hammer in a horizontal position, whenever feasible. The point of impact should be at least 20 mm away from any edge or shape discontinuity. Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. 3) Press the test hammer plunger at exactly right angles to the surface of the concrete being tested. Press the plunger slowly and uniformly until released. Do not jerk or try to anticipate the plunger release. 4) After impact, press the lock button and read the rebound value shown on the rider. Record the reading. 5) Take a minimum of 5 rebound readings. Take only one reading at a given point. Very high readings may be caused by rock or steel near the surface at the point of impact, and very low readings may be caused by trapped air pockets near the surface at the point of impact. 6) Convert the average of the reading (C) to compressive strength (D) in (KPa) by using the Central Lab calibration chart for that particular test hammer. (Do not use the calibration curves on the test hammer.) OBSERVATION: Sample No. Date of Testing Age (days) Rebound Number 1 2 3 4 5 Average Compressive Rebound Stress Number (N/mm2 ) C4 C5 28 C6 RESULTS The rebound number increases as the strength increases. Rebound Number = Compressive strength of Concrete= Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.- Experiment No. COMMENTS: It is also pointed out that rebound indices are indicative of compressive strength of concrete to a limited depth from the surface. If the concrete in a particular member has internal microcracking, flaws or heterogeneity across the cross-section, rebound hammer indices will not indicate the same. As such, the estimation of strength of concrete by rebound hammer method cannot be held to be very accurate and probable accuracy of prediction of concrete strength in a structure is of ± 25 percent. If the relationship between rebound index and compressive strength can be checked by tests on core samples obtained from the structure or standard specimens made with the same concrete materials and mix proportion, then the accuracy of results and confidence thereon are greatly increased. Average Rebound Reading with condition of concrete (BS 1881-202) Average Rebound Reading >40 30 to 40 20 to 30 <20 Quality of Concrete Very Good, Hard Layer Good Layer Fair Poor Concrete 0 Delaminated Department of Civil Engineering Supreme Knowledge Foundation Group of Institutions Page.-