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Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 Pyrolysis of tyres. Influence of the final temperature of the process on emissions and the calorific value of the products recovered C. Dı́ez, O. Martı́nez, L.F. Calvo, J. Cara, A. Morán* Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Natural Resources, University of León, Avenida de Portugal, 41 24071 León, Spain Accepted 19 November 2003 Abstract A study was made of the pyrolysis of tyre particles, with the aim of determining the possibilities of using the products resulting from the process as fuel. Three final temperatures were used, determined from thermogravimetric data. The design of the experiment was a horizontal oven containing a reactor into which particles of the original tyre were placed. After the process, a solid fraction (char) remained in the reactor, while the gases generated went through a set of scrubbers where most of the condensable fraction (oils) was retained. Finally, once free of this fraction, the gases were collected in glass ampoules. Solid and liquids fractions were subjected to thermogravimetric analyses in order to study their combustibility. The gas fraction was analysed by means of gas chromatography to establish the content of CO, CO2, H2 and hydrocarbons present in the samples (mainly components of gases produced in the pyrolysis process). A special study was made of the sulphur and chlorine content of all the fractions, as the presence of these elements could be problematic if the products are used as fuel. Tyre pyrolysis engenders a solid carbon residue that concentrates sulphur and chorine, with a relatively high calorific value, although not so high as that of the original tyre. The liquid fraction produced by the process has a high calorific value, which rises with the final temperature, up to 40 MJ/kg. The chlorine content of this fraction is negligible. Over 95% of the gas fraction, regardless of the final temperature, is composed of hydrocarbons of a low molecular weight and hydrogen, this fraction also appearing to be free of chlorine. # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Pyrolysis; Tyres; Thermogravimetry; Gas chromatography; Combustibility 1. Introduction One of the many problems recently observed in the area of waste is that of scrap tyres, a waste with special characteristics of its own, among them their complex nature, which makes them extremely difficult to recycle, and their high calorific value, an important fact for assessing their value. In the European Union over 2,500,000 tonnes of tyres are produced per year, with a very similar figure for the United States. The management of this type of waste leaves much to be desired, as in the European Union almost 40% of tyres are thrown away untreated. There are alternatives, such as re-treading, shredding, etc., although with many limitations (Mastral et al., 2000). * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-987-291841. Fax: +34-987291839. E-mail address: (A. Morán). 0956-053X/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2003.11.006 Yet it is possible to evaluate their energy potential, as there are great possibilities for this type of waste. The only way of assessing energy so far put into practice is incineration, mainly using tyres as a back-up fuel, especially in cement works, paper factories and power stations. There are other techniques, such as gasification and pyrolysis. The pyrolysis process for the treatment of tyres has hardly been developed at all, although there have been several studies concerning the great possibility of this process for assessing energy potential (Sharma et al., 2000). The process of pyrolysis consists in a decomposition of the material by means of temperature, in the total absence of oxygen, which is why it is sometimes called thermolysis. It leads to the production of a solid carbon residue, a condensable fraction and gases. The solid fraction contains the mineral matter initially present in the tyre (Napoli et al., 1997). The liquid by-products of tyre pyrolysis consist of a very complex mixture of organic compounds of 5–20 carbons with a very high 464 C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 proportion of aromatics (Laresgoiti et al., 2000). Finally, the gas fraction is composed mainly of CO, CO2, H2 and light hydrocarbons (Cunliffe, and Williams, 1998). The main aim of the present study is to assess the influence of the final temperature on the process of pyrolysis, with a view to evaluating the energy (combustion) potential of the products of the process (Inguanzo et al., 2002). Moreover, a special study was made of elements in the samples that could pose problems from the point of view of this application, such as sulphur and chlorine. The final temperatures chosen were obtained from thermogravimetric data. 2. Experimental work The design used for the experiment is shown in Fig. 1. A horizontal oven was used, in which a reactor was placed, consisting of a quartz tube 40 cm long and 7 cm in diameter, which was loaded with the sample. The sample was of tyre material ground mechanically to pass through a 420 mm screen and was free of metal reinforcing. About 50 g of the sample was used in each experiment. The oven was heated electrically with a heating gradient that was not constant but which increased with temperature, from 5–60  C/min. The heating conditions of the oven were reproduced in the thermobalance to obtain a thermogram characteristic of the process of pyrolysis of tyres and from there to choose the final temperatures of pyrolysis. Three pyrolysis assays were then carried out, one for each of the three final temperatures chosen, with the same residence time (about 15 min) of the tyre in the reactor for all three owing to the difference in the oven heating time dependent on temperature. In the forward part of the reactor there is a gas intake, the carrying gas used being helium with a flow rate of 200 mL/min. The gas products of the process came out through the lower part of the reactor. To clean the gas and separate it from the condensable fraction, three stages of traps were set up. Firstly, the gases leaving the reactor made direct contact with ice, then passed through two columns placed in ice and packed with raschig rings, to be finally filtered through a tube packed with cotton and silicagel. The liquid fraction obtained in each of the trials was subjected to thermogravimetric analyses by means of an SDT2960 thermobalance capable of taking a simultaneous reading of TGA and DTA signals. These analyses consisted in combustion, of approximately 40 mg in a controlled atmosphere, with a constant gas flow (100 mL helium/min) and a constant heating gradient throughout the experiment of 15  C/min. The solid residual fraction was subjected to the same thermal analyses as the liquid fraction, weighed samples of about 5 mg being used. Immediate, elemental and calorific power analyses were carried out on both the liquid and solid fractions, according to ASTM standard procedures. Samples were taken of the gases in ampoules that were initially full of water, to verify the passage of gases, samples corresponding to gases given off at 250–350  C (sample taken at 350  C), 350–450  C (sample taken at 450  C) and 450–550  C (sample taken at 550  C). They were analysed by gas chromatography, in an HP 5890 using three different columns for separation and two signal detectors. Two packed columns were used: one with a molecular sieve for permanent gases (hydrogen, nitrogen, methane and CO) and a Chromosorb, specifically designed to detect CO2, together with an HP-1 semi-capillary column used to determine hydrocarbons. The detectors used were a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and a flame ionization detector (FID). Three Supelco reference standards were used to quantify gases: mixture of olefins in helium (C2–C6), a reference Fig. 1. Diagram of the experiment. 465 C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 mixture for natural gas and a mixture of permanent gases in helium. Once the composition of the gases had been determined, their calorific value was calculated. A more detailed study was made of sulphur and chorine, for, as has been pointed out, their presence could jeopardize the use of the pyrolysis products as fuel. These elements were therefore analysed both in the original tyre and in the different fractions obtained during the process. In the gas fraction, they were determined by difference. 3. Results 3.1. Yields of the pyrolysis products Fig. 2 shows a derived thermogravimetry (DTG) profile corresponding to the process of pyrolysis of the tyre dust, revealing its mass loss rate at temperatures similar to those used in the reactor. From the figure three stages are to be observed: 200–350, 350–450 and 450–550  C. For this reason, 350, 450 and 550  C were chosen as the final temperatures for reactor tests. It can be said that after 550  C the pyrolysis process is complete (Sørum et al., 2001). Some authors (Leug, 1999) attribute the first peak to the thermal decomposition of the mixture of oils, moisture, plastifiers and other additives; and the second and third ones to the thermal decomposition of natural rubber (NB), polybutadene (BR) and polybutadene-styrene (SBR), the main components of tyres. Other authors (Senneca, 1999) attribute part of the second peak to the thermal decomposition of natural rubber and the rest of it, together with the whole third peak, to the decomposition of BR and SBR. Table 1 shows the yields of the solid, liquid and gas fractions for each final temperature used for pyrolysis. The solids and liquid fractions were weighed directly and the gas fraction calculated by difference. As the temperature increased throughout the process, the production of oils and gases increased to a maximum of 550  C, in agreement with González et al.’s results (2001). If the temperature continued rising, the production of char would remain almost constant, according to thermogravimetric data, while that of gases would continue to rise as that of oil fell, owing to secondary cracking reactions occurring in the process once pyrolysis itself were over (Font et al., 2001). 4. Characterization of the pyrolysis fractions 4.1. Solid fraction (char) The results of the elemental, proximate and calorific value analyses of the initial sample and of the solid fraction are given in Table 2. No major differences are to be observed between the char yields for each temperature, but the drop in the volatile matter content with the increase in the final temperature is significant, because pyrolysis does not finish until 550  C is reached. There is also a noticeable decrease in the hydrogen content as temperature increases, probably due to the great proportion of hydrogen compounds in the volatile matter. The high calorific value of char must be stressed: although it is less than that of the original tyre, it can be compared with that of good quality coal. Fig. 3 shows DTGs for the combustion at predetermined temperatures of the solid fraction for the three final temperatures used for pyrolysis. The final combustion temperature (Tf) will be observed not to depend on the final temperature at which pyrolysis occurs, as the three samples contain the same non-combustible Table 1 Yields for each fraction (%) Char Oil Gasa a 350  C 450  C 550  C 50 30 20 40 33 27 33 38 29 Obtained by difference. Table 2 Proximate, elemental and heating value analyses of the tyre and char Tyre (%) Ash Volatile matter Fixed carbon Moisture Carbona Hydrogena Nitrogena Sulphura Oxygena (by subtraction) HCV (KJ/Kg) LCV (KJ/Kg) Fig. 2. DTG pyrolysis of tyre dust. a Results in dry ash free. 7.1 61.9 29.9 1.1 89.5 7.3 0.3 1.9 0.9 37,352 35,931 350  C Char (%) 450  C 550  C 16.1 6.7 75.9 1.3 95.3 1.3 0.1 3.2 0.06 28,942 28,696 16.0 3.1 79.5 1.5 95.9 0.7 0.1 3.3 0.02 28,600 28,462 16.5 1.2 81.3 1 95.9 0.5 0.2 3.4 0.01 28,574 28,495 466 C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 material. On the other hand, the initial temperature (Tv) rises as the final temperature rises, because the samples with incomplete pyrolysis begin to give off volatile matter at low temperatures, which favours the earlier reaching of the initial temperature. The volatile matter favours combustion, which means that the less pyrolysed the samples are, the earlier the temperature at which maximum mass loss (Tmax) is reached. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) profiles for combustion of the solid fraction at predetermined temperatures are shown in Fig. 4. The area under the DTA peak may be related to the heat produced in the combustion process, that is the high calorific value (HCV). It will be observed that the higher the final temperature of pyrolysis is, the smaller the area under the combustion curves of de solids fractions will be, that is to say that an increase in the final temperature of pyrolysis means a decrease in the heat given off by the combustion of the solid residues from the process, which confirms the data of the calorific value of the samples. This is the consequence of a greater presence of volatile matter in the samples pyrolysed at 350 and 450  C (with values of 6.7 and 3.1%, respectively) as opposed to the sample completely pyrolysed at 550  C, which had a value of 1.2%. 4.2. Liquid fraction Table 3 shows the results for the elemental and calorific analysis of the liquid products from the pyrolysis trials. In this case, unlike that of the solid residues, there are significant differences between the samples obtained at different temperatures. It will be observed that an increase in the pyrolysis temperature will be accompanied by a rise in carbon content and a fall in oxygen content, which can be attributed to the fact that the increase in temperature provides the activation energy necessary for the pyrolysis reactions to continue and for carbon enrichment to occur. Also to be noted is the increase in calorific power of the oils with the rise in final pyrolysis temperature, the result of the carbon concentration in the oils. The high calorific value of these compounds together with the negligible presence of chlorine makes this mixture suitable for use as a fuel. As for the thermal analysis of the combustion of the solids products at predetermined temperatures, no significant differences were observed between the oils obtained at different final temperatures of pyrolysis. Fig. 5 shows the TG combustion curves of the liquids samples oils, which are a complex mixture of olefins, paraffins and aromatics. Apart from their complexity, another characteristic of these liquid samples is their great volatility, mass loss being observed from the sample at the beginning of the experiment, at around 50  C. The combustion of the sample is complete at 610  C. The same figure shows the DTA curve for one of the Table 3 Elementary analysis and calorific value of the oils Carbona Hydrogena Nitrogena Sulphura Oxygena (by difference) HCV (KJ/Kg) LCV (KJ/Kg) a 350  C 450  C 550  C 76.5 10 0.3 1.3 11.9 37428 35308 78.2 10 0.4 1.4 10 38468 36349 84.9 9.6 0.4 1.6 3.5 40776 38740 Results expressed with regard to dry matter and free of ash. Fig. 3. DTG of waste pyrolysed at 350, 450 and 550  C. Fig. 4. DTA of waste pyrolysed at 350, 450 and 550  C. Fig. 5. TG and DTA combustion curves of the liquid samples obtained at different final temperatures. C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 samples, revealing the endothermic character of the boiling process of much of it at low temperatures and the exothermic nature of the combustion process of the rest of it at high temperatures. 4.3. Gas fraction The gas fraction was analysed by gas chromatography, with results being obtained for CO, CO2, H2, N2, O2, methane, methane+ethylene, propylene, butadiene, remaining C4, C5 and C6. Figs. 6 and 7 show the chromatograms corresponding to the sample obtained at the highest final temperature (550  C). Fig. 6 corresponds to the FID signal, when the sample of gases taken at 550  C is passed through the HP-1 semi-capillary column. The first two peaks correspond to methane and ethane+ethylene respectively, the third one probably corresponds to propylene, and next come peaks grouped according to the number of carbons, in the order C4, C5 and C6. Within the C4 group there is a 467 peak that is higher than the rest, corresponding to butadiene. It should not be forgotten that this compound is a part of SBR rubber, the main constituent of the tyres used. Fig. 7 shows the chromatogram corresponding to the analysis of the same gas sample when the molecular strainer column and TCD detector were used. The oxygen and nitrogen in the sample must be associated with the sample being contaminated by air, as they are in the same proportion as in the atmosphere. The hydrogen signal shows a double peak, normal and inverted, concentration being reckoned from the sum of the areas of the two peaks, as though they were one. The results for the composition of the gases are shown in Table 4, where it is to be observed that the higher the final pyrolysis temperature is, the more enriched with methane and hydrogen the gases become, while the remaining hydrocarbons decrease (Conesa et al., 1996). This drop in the longer hydrocarbon chains and the rise in the lighter ones (methane and hydrogen) with temperature is due to the mechanism of the pyrolysis process Fig. 6. Chromatogram of the sample at 550  C using an HP-1 column. Fig. 7. Chromatogram of the sample at 550  C using the molecular strainer. 468 C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 MJ/m3 (Cunliffe and Williams, 1998; de Marco et al., 2001). Calorific strength diminishes with temperature, which may be attributable to the decreasing proportion of hydrocarbons with more than one carbon atom and with greater calorific value, occurring as temperature increases (Laresgoiti et al., 2000). Once the energy balance has been calculated, the error in the values obtained for the low calorific value (LCV) and the percentage of the different fractions is seen to be under 1%. Table 4 Composition of the pyrolysis gases Methane Ethane+Ethylene Propylene Butadiene Remaining C4 C5 C6 CO CO2 H2 Total 350  C (% vol.) 450  C (% vol.) 550  C (% vol.) 20 29 12 3.6 2.1 3 1 1 2.3 24 98 24 26 9 2.7 1.6 2 0.2 1.1 1.9 30 98.5 26 20 6 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.1 1.6 1.4 40 99 4.4. Sulphur and chlorine Table 6 gives the concentrations of sulphur and chlorine for each of the pyrolysis products. The process leads to a slight change in the sulphur content in the solid waste, the 100% of the original tyre becoming 51.1–75.0% of the carbon black. In the case of the oils, the sulphur values are somewhat lower than in the original tyre, rising slightly with the final temperature of pyrolysis. Finally, the gas fraction shows fairly low values for sulphur, probably in the form of hydrogen sulphide (H2S). If we bear in mind the yields of the three fractions, it will be observed that amount of sulphur liberated in the liquid and gas fractions after the pyrolysis process is greater as the final temperature rises, although the percentages are not very different, for the amount of oil and gas produced also rises, owing to the fact that higher temperatures favour the breaking of the C–S bonds in the original tyre. The case of chlorine is different, as it is completely retained in the solid fraction. This fraction has similar chorine values for the three final temperatures, about 0.1%, a relatively high value compared with the original tyre, which has a chlorine percentage of 0.04. The presence of chlorine in the liquid and gas fractions is negligible, regardless of the final temperature of pyrolysis. Table 5 Calorific value of the gas samples HCV (MJ/m3) LCV (MJ/m3) 350  C 450  C 550  C 55,01 50,80 47,66 43,83 39,60 36,16 itself. As temperature rises, the heavier hydrocarbons are cracked, giving rise to lighter ones, methane and hydrogen (Dai et al., 2001). Consequently, the gas samples become enriched with the lighter hydrocarbons as the temperature increases (Arion et al., 2001). Furthermore, the higher the final temperature of pyrolysis is, the less CO2 there is, while CO increases, probably as a consequence of the secondary reactions taking place during the pyrolysis process, in which CO is formed from reactions in the gas phase between CO2 and hydrocarbons or from other cracking reactions (homogeneous phase reactions). Tests were also run for several gases not shown in the table, such as H2S. From the concentrations shown in Table 4, an estimate was made of the calorific value, bearing in mind the densities of each of the gas species considered, enthalpies of combustion and specific heats. The results obtained are shown below (Table 5). The gases generated in the process of pyrolysis of tyres have a significant calorific value, of the order 40 5. Conclusion Tyre pyrolysis leads to the production of a solid waste, liquids and gases. The amount recovered of Table 6 Distribution of sulphur and chlorine in the pyrolysis products Original tyre Carbon black S (%)a Cl (%)b S (%)b Cl (%)b a b 1.8 0.04 – – Oil Gas 350 C 450 C 550 C 350 C 450 C 550 C 350  C 450  C 550  C 2.7 0.10 75.0 100 2.7 0.11 60.0 100 2.8 0.12 51.1 99.0 1.3 <0.01 21.7 — 1.4 <0.01 25.7 — 1.6 <0.01 33.8 <1.0 0.3 <0.01 3.3 – 1.0 <0.01 14.3 – 1.0 <0.01 15.1 <1.0   Results of analysis of S and Cl, on dry basis. Percentage of S and Cl retained in each fraction.     C. Dı´ez et al. / Waste Management 24 (2004) 463–469 each of them depends on process conditions, mainly the final temperature. A previous study to determine the final temperatures uses was carried out in a simple and reliable way by means of thermogravimetric analysis. The solid fraction is a carbonic residue, with a carbon content of around 80%. Its properties as a fuel can be compared with those of good quality coals, the carbon content and the calorific value rising as does the final temperature of the process. Nevertheless, the pyrolysis process may concentrate such substances as sulphur and chlorine in this residue, jeopardizing its use as a fuel. Ash content of the solid fraction also increases in comparison with that of the original tyre, an important factor to consider if combustion is contemplated. The liquid fraction is a complex mixture of organic compounds with a high calorific value that rises with the final temperature of pyrolysis and which has good combustibility as is borne out by the thermogravimetric analyses. Furthermore, the presence of chlorine in these compounds is negligible and the sulphur and nitrogen contents are similar to those of other liquid fuels. All this favours their use as fuels. The gas fraction is basically a mixture of hydrocarbons of low molecular weight (up to C6) and hydrogen, which together make up over 95% of the gas content in all cases. The composition of this gas fraction depends very much on the final temperature of pyrolysis, so high temperatures favour the presence of hydrogen and methane, while low ones mean a higher proportion of heavier hydrocarbons. The pyrolysis process creates several by-products with a number of applications, although the main use in all cases would be combustion to produce energy. We can therefore conclude that the pyrolysis process is an interesting alternative for dealing with used tyres, provided that it is subject to the appropriate controls, especially regarding chlorine. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the University of León for funding the project with grant ULE-2001-05 B. We also 469 thank the MAPFRE Trust for co-funding the project with a grant to assist research. 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