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Biochemical and microbiological evaluation of the water samples collected from different areas of district Kohat and Mohamand Agency, Pakistan

2013, Pure and Applied Biology

Pure Appl. Bio., 2(3): 96-103, Sep- 2013. Research Article Biochemical and microbiological evaluation of the water samples collected from different areas of district Kohat and Mohamand Agency, Pakistan. Ayaz Ali1, Jauhar Shah1, Farman Ullah1, Waheed Ullah1, Zia Urehman2, Nawab Ali1* 1 Department of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat-26000, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. 2 PCSIR laboratories complex, Peshawar, Pakistan. Corresponding author: Email: * ABSTRACT Contamination of drinking water sources mainly due to microorganisms is the major problem in many areas of Pakistan. Pakistan is also facing the problem of contamination of drinking water which greatly affects human health and quality of life. The most important component of human beings for living is water. Therefore, it is important to analyze drinking water quality mostly in developing countries as the local people are mostly unaware of the water pollution. In this study, twenty three samples of water were analyzed during a 3-month period from the well and lake water supplies of different areas of Kohat and Mohamand Agency. The bacteriological evaluation was done and several tests were performed such as Total Plate Count, Coliform, Feacal coliform, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Biochemical test. In this study, thirteen samples were in the normal range and 10 samples were out of safety ranges fixed by World Health Organization (WHO). The water which was not fit for drinking can be a consistent risk of the infectious diseases and continuous assessment and purification strategies should be developed in these areas to reduce the microbial contamination. The proper training by the local public authorities is required to educate the local community about water pollution, their causes and preventive measures in order to improve the health status of the people in the regions. Key words E. coli and Biochemical test, Faecal coliform, Total coliform INTRODUCTION of industrial wastes and is a major problem in Water is the most important component for living Pakistan [4]. The main sources of drinking water in things and to support the life processes. Around Pakistan are tube wells and dug wells. Water gets 75% of the human body weight is composed of polluted when its condition or composition or both water. Without this it is not possible to maintain are changed. The major sources of pollution in life on this planet. The quantity of water present on natural water are discharge of domestic and earth is approximately 1.4 trillion cubic meters [1- industrial wastes from urban, rural and industrial 3]. Due to increase in environmental pollution, areas. Kohat and Mohamand agency are important water resources are contaminated, which is a big areas of Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa (KPK); therefore hazard to life. This hazard is by regular discharge process of development is also fast. The population 96 Ayaz et al of these areas is constantly increasing. The increase transmitted through polluted water. Cancer is also in population give rise to many serious problems, caused by the assembly of certain materials carried especially increase in environmental pollution. As by water to human organs [13-16]. Escherichia coli a result the sources of water are being polluted is a unicellular microorganism, associated with constantly [5]. Drinking water must be free from faecal contamination of water. In human faeces, turbidity, color and odor as well as from 95% of coliforms are Escherichia coli [17-20]. For objectionable determination of water contamination and its taste which have different inauspicious physiological effects [6-8]. standards the total aerobic plate count (TAC) is Fecal coliform bacteria include Total coliform and used as an indicator [21]. TAC is a subgroup of microbiological E.coli used for the indication of faecal pollution of parameters of water quality. Water contamination contaminated water [22]. The use of bottled water indicates the presence of E. coli either by fecal is being increasing from the past 30 years material of humans or other warm-blooded worldwide [23]. The consumer use bottle water animals. According to U. S. Environmental mainly due to safety and potential health benefits Protection Agency (EPA), E. coli is a good because bottled water is much safer than tape water indicator of fecal pollution than fecal coliform to [24, 25]. In Pakistan, rural populations are still evaluate fresh water quality [9-11]. Contaminated deprived of clean drinking water and in urban areas water has direct and indirect effect; direct effect is contamination of drinking water is due to leakage on human health while indirect effect is through in distribution systems [26-30]. consumption of foodstuffs being irrigated with The aim of the study was to investigate the sewage and industrial effluents. World Health microbial contamination in the water samples Organization estimated that around 80% of the collected from different areas of Kohat and population is deprived of pure drinking water in Mohmand agency. This study will help to specify developing countries and every year around 5 the areas where water is contaminated and million people die as a result of illness causes due purification to unsafe drinking water. The major pollutants accordingly by the local authorities. present in water are mainly heavy metals, Methods and Materials microorganisms, fertilizers and other toxic organic Water Sample Collection compounds [12]. Sample collection was performed from February to E. coli According are to the important World Health strategies should be applied Organization April (2013) and sampling was done randomly estimation every year about 500 million diarrhea from different areas of Kohat and Mohamand cases take place in children usually less than five Agency. Around 23 samples were collected from years in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The different dug wells, and lakes. The sampling diseases like typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery, method was according to standard method given by infectious hepatitis and other enteric infections are APHA (2005). Samples were collected aseptically commonly transferred through contaminated water. in 250 ml sterilized autoclavable glass bottles in Apart from this many other diseases are also the laboratory. 97 Pure Appl. Bio., 2(3): 96-103, Sep- 2013. Bacteriological Parameters: viewing gas and keep warm 44.5°C for 24 hours The experiments for bacteriological analysis of and observed for gas making. drinking water were performed at the laboratories Isolation of E.Coli of Pakistan council of scientific and industrial EMB Agar was used for determination of E. coli. research (PCSIR) complex Peshawar. All tubes of E. coli broth showing gas were Total Plate Count: subcultured by streaking on EMB Agar plates and Total plate count is determined by standard incubated at 35°C for 24 hours. Positive plates method. Serial dilution was prepared and aliquots contained typical colonies with metallic sheen were of 1 ml were added to each replica petri dishes. inoculated on PCA (plate count agar) slants for Plate count agar was added to every petri dish for morphological and biochemical tests. After 24 total plate count and incubated at 35°C for 48 hours incubation, the typical colonies were hours. After incubation, colonies were formed and confirmed by biochemical tests and also by kits (E. then counted by colony counter and results were coli O157:H7 latex test reagent kit Pro Lab. expressed as CFU/ml. Canada) (31). Total Coliform Bacteria: Results and Discussion Multiple tube fermentation technique was used to This study was conducted for the identification of determine the total coliforms bacteria. One ml from bacteria in drinking water samples from different previously prepared serial dilution was incubated areas of Kohat and Mohamand Agency. In total, 23 in 3 duplicate tubes containing 10 ml of Lactose samples were collected from the above mentioned Broth with reversed Durham tubes and kept warm areas and checked for the presence of bacterial at 35°C for 24 and 48 hours. Tubes were observed contamination. The Total Plate Count, Total for confirmation of gas formation at the end of 24 Coliform, Fecal Coliform, E. coli and Biochemical hours incubation. Gas making was calculated by tests were used for the bacterial identification. gas dislocation in the reversed vial and bubble Seven out of ten samples collected from Kohat formation also occurred when the tubes was shaken were determined to be unfit for drinking due to the smoothly. Unenthusiastic tubes were reincubated presence of E. coli as given in Table 1. Three out for extra 24 hours and observed for a second time of 13 samples collected from Mohamand Agency for gas making. A positive tube with gas creation were identified to be unfit for drinking purposes and turbidity was subcultured into BGB (Brilliant (Table 2). The result revealed that 10 (43.5 %) out Green bile broth). All BGB tubes were kept warm of 23 samples have microbial contamination and at 35°C for 48 hours and checked for gas making. unfit for drinking. The bacteriological analysis Total Coliform was calculated from MPN table per revealed that Total Plate Count (TPC) in the 100 ml. sample collected from Naveed Hotel (867 CFU/ml) Total Fecal Coliform Bacteria was higher among all the samples, while that of Tubes having 10 ml E.C broth with reversed Kohat Board (162 CFU/ml) was the lowest. The Durham tubes were kept warm by means of 3 mm TPC values of all the samples are given in the loop from the presumptive fermentation tubes mentioned tables where the samples have the TPC 98 Ayaz et al Table 1: The analysis of water samples collected from different localities of Kohat. S. No Sample ID Source Total Plate Count (CFU /ml) Total Coliform Bacteria (MPN / 100 ml) Fecal coliform E.coli Date of analysis Date of report (2013) Remarks 1 Kohat Bazar Tape Water 688 9.2 present present 25-Feb 01-Mar Unfit 2 Kohat Adda Tape Water 543 3.6 Present Absent 25-Feb 01-Mar Unfit 3 KUST Tape Water 90 < 1.1 Absent Absent 25-Feb 27-Feb Fit 4 Kohat Board Tape Water 162 3.6 Present Absent 04-Mar 08-Mar Unfit 5 B-1 Hostel Tape Water 73 < 1.1 Absent Absent 04-Mar 06-Mar Fit 6 Kakaji Hotel Tape Water 451 3.6 Present Absent 18-Mar 22-Mar Unfit 7 Pak Afghan Hotel Tape Water 595 9.2 present present 18-Mar 22-Mar Unfit 8 Naveed Hotel Tape Water 867 >23 Present Present 18-Mar 22-Mar Unfit 9 Kohat Cantt Tape Water 67 < 1.1 Absent Absent 18-Mar 20-Mar Fit 10 Lake Water Lake Water 604 >23 Present Present 18-Mar 22-Mar Unfit within safety ranges of WHO was considered as fit pure water for drinking and washing. These hotels for drinking and vice versa. Based on all the data are mostly located in the surroundings of the Kohat and the given limits of WHO, all the water samples University where mostly the young generation and were considered as either fit or unfit for the specifically students are doing their lunch/dinner. drinking. The results revealed that the samples This will have long lasting effect on the health of collected highly the local community. The spring water was mostly contaminated and this could be due to the open found safe and free of contamination. Mostly these access of the lake water to all the available wastes springs are available in the areas have less of those areas and no proper sanitation. The lake population and much better environment, however water contamination is not only alarming for the when the spring waters comes in the pipelines and animals using this water for drinking but also for provided humans who are using these lakes for swimming in contaminated. According to previous literature, the summer season of Pakistan. In this study, the 90% of rural drinking water supplies system water belonging to different hotels of the studied were found contaminated with Coliforms mentioned areas were found highly contaminated [31, 32]. The methods used in this study were also and this is a question mark for the local authorities previously used to investigate the microbial content to adopt preventive measures and advise the hotels of different waters in developing countries. Even administration to improve their sanitation and some indicators were used to indicate surface water storage system in order to provide safe and contamination of drinking water supplies [33-35]. from lake water were 99 to local community, it becomes Pure Appl. Bio., 2(3): 96-103, Sep- 2013. Table 2: The analysis of the water collected from different areas of Mohmand Agency S.No Sample ID Source 1 Mohamand Bazar Tape Water Total Plate Count (CFU /ml) 94 Total Coliform Bacteria (MPN / 100 ml) < 1.1 Fecal coliform E.coli Date of analysis Date of report Remarks Absent Absent 11-Mar 13-Mar-13 Fit 2 Gandao Tape Water 488 >23 present present 11-Mar 15-Mar-13 Unfit 3 Mohamand Tape Water 89 < 1.1 Absent Absent 11-Mar 13-Mar-13 Fit 4 Prang Ghar Tape Water 47 <1.1 Absent Absent 11-Mar 13-Mar-13 Fit 5 Spring Water Tape Water 267 9.2 Present Absent 15-Mar 19-Mar-13 Unfit 6 Yaka Ghund Cheena Subhan Khawar 91 < 1.1 Absent Absent 15-Mar 18-Mar-13 Fit 7 Sesai Kelli Khawar Lake Water 276 9.2 Absent Absent 23-Apr 26-Apr-13 Unfit 8 Yar Khan Kelli Tape Water 36 < 1.1 Absent Absent 23-Apr 25-Apr-13 Fit 9 Khwaga Kelli Tape Water 64 < 1.1 Absent Absent 25-Mar 27-Mar-13 Fit 10 Kharei Dara Tape Water 62 < 1.1 Absent Absent 15-Apr 18-Apr-13 Fit 11 But Mena Kelli Tape Water 90 < 1.1 Absent Absent 22-Apr 24-Apr-13 Fit 12 Pie Khan Kelli Tape Water 37 < 1.1 Absent Absent 22-Apr 24-Apr-13 Fit 13 Ambaar Tape Water 81 <1.1 Absent Absent 29-Apr 02-Mar-13 Fit E. coli in drinking water was also used for the knowledge, identification of recent fecal contamination and for placement of wells and the poor ways of water the identification of pathogens, or intestinal supply. Mostly these chances were reported in high parasites [36]. Almost, 15% of the drinking water ratio during and after rainfall periods [31]. It is was reported to be contaminated with Coliforms very important to educate the local community and instead of up-to-date standards. In case of major hotel administrations regarding the hazards of the cities such as Karachi (Pakistan) some pathogens water pollution and safety measures to prevent such microbial contamination in drinking water. as Bacillus Flavobacterium sp., sp., preudomonads., Actinomyces., and leakage of pipelines, improper Conclusion Micrococcus sp were reported in water samples It can be concluded from the study that the spring where the Coliform is absent and this revealed that and dug well waters were mostly pure and free of some pathogens can even inhibit the Coliform contamination, however when these waters go growth and thus results its exclusion from water through pipelines the water becomes contaminated. [37, 38]. In this study, the water samples collected The reason is the unsafe routes and leakage in the from the springs or dug wells were found safe, pipelines and should be properly managed to however when these waters moved in the pipelines reduce contamination. The lake water was highly or stored in the containers, the contamination contaminated as it provides an open space for chances increased. This could be due to lack of waste water, industrial solid waste and gutter waste 100 Ayaz et al Table 3: The bacteriological standards fixed by World Health Organization (WHO). Bacteriological Parameters Standards Total Plate Count <100 cfu/ml Total Coliform Bacteria <3 MPN/ml Total Fecal Coliform Bacteria <3 MPN/ml E. coli - ve Table 4: Biochemical test for confirmation of E. coli in waters of Charsada and Mohamand agency. S. No Sample ID MRVP Indole test Latex 1. Kohat Bazar Positive Positive Positive 2. Kohat Ada Positive Positive Positive 3. Kohat Board Positive Positive Positive 4. 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