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mind in Mind 2024

The author developed a model of fundamental particles based on the finding that there is an information level below the particle level. It makes Schrodinger energy-based complex conjugates information waves. It also makes the body and brain an information network. This paper proposes that life evolved by accepting information components into a network that allows it to survive and replicate. Perception occurs when the information-based waves multiply to unity. Creation appears to have been an information-based act. Our minds and bodies appear to be subsets of an overarching information network. Mind as creator is central to many traditional religious beliefs. The belief that mind in Mind [6][7][8] is fundamental helps us understand. It leads to the view that seeking truths is one aspect of religion and that the purpose of creation is ongoing creation.

mind in Mind 2024 Gene H. Barbee September 2024 Abstract The author developed a model of fundamental particles based on the finding that there is an information level below the particle level. It makes Schrodinger energy-based complex conjugates information waves. It also makes the body and brain an information network. This paper proposes that life evolved by accepting information components into a network that allows it to survive and replicate. Perception occurs when the information-based waves multiply to unity. Creation appears to have been an information-based act. Our minds and bodies appear to be subsets of an overarching information network. Mind as creator is central to many traditional religious beliefs. The belief that mind in Mind [6][7][8] is fundamental helps us understand. It leads to the view that seeking truths is one aspect of religion and that the purpose of creation is ongoing creation. Schrodinger’s equation The idea that nature originates as a series of separations is an old idea, for example, recall that Genesis contains the words “So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the ... as Genesis 1:7 ends with the phrase 'from the water above it [the expanse]'. Two phrases from Genesis are “in the beginning was the word” and “a thousand years is as a day” The Schrodinger equation described by MIT as unitary evolution [20] indicates that the number 1 has been separated into two expressions that represent waves. It has a simple solution: Probability P=1 is equal to the multiple of complex conjugates exp(iEt/H)*exp(-iEt/H) where exp(iEt/H) stands for the natural number e to power (iEt/H), i is the imaginary number, H=Planck’s constant, E is energy and time t is the time around a quantum circle at velocity C. Discovery of information values in particle data. Many physicists believe that particles and fields are fundamental and that the position of particles is probabilistic. Probabilities are information by Shannon’s equation information N= negative ln(P) [2]. The symbol ln() means the natural logarithm. The author discovered an information pattern in the data below that allows the mass of the neutron, proton, electron, and other fundamental particles to be calculated [13]. It led the author to assign information values called N to mass and energy components. Information sources: Particle Data Group and NIST. MeV is the abbreviation for million electron volts. Particle data comparisons with model N values. The values of N form an easy to identify series. Many N values contain the fractional value xx.431= 1/3+0.0986. The value 0.0986 = ln(3/e), where e is the natural number 2.718. The above table supports an exponential relationship between particle or boson energy E (MeV) and N=ln(E/eo) and e0 is 2.025e-5 (MeV). The value e0 is derived from the mass of the electron, 0.511 MeV. The electron is N=10.413-0.296=10.1362 (refer to data above). e0=0.511/exp(10.1362)=2.02e-5 MeV. The symbol exp() is the natural number e^(power) not to be confused with e0, a pre-exponential. Define probability P=e0/E=1/exp(N). This yields the relationship between energy and N. E= e0*exp(N). With E=e0/P, conjugates exp(iEt/H)*exp(-iEt/H)=1 can be written exp(i e0 t/(PH)*exp(-i e0 t/(PH)= 1. Probability is information by Shannon’s formula [12] Information= -ln P. This makes energy waves information waves. Nature’s particles and fields are based on information. This is a level lower than Leucippus and Democritus who originated atomistic theory and also a level lower than the Standard Model. What is waving in an information wave and why does it produce the simple result P=1? Sinusoidal waves vary with exp(i theta) =cos theta +i sin theta. Theta is an angle that increases with time. The waves travel in opposite direction on circles that have a vertical imaginary axis and a real horizontal axis. The Schrodinger equation is linear and there can be many components, but multiplication gives P=1. The neutron and proton models described below have networked components that produce the neutron in space and time. Our bodies and brains appear to be networks of these waves. P=1 “reads the wave” and allows us to assign meaning based on our experience and context. It underlies perception and might be one aspect of consciousness. It is an information-based process and could be like creation. Probability Consider probability one as an initial condition. Probabilities are not difficult to understand. For anything to have meaning it must be compared to something of the same type. For example, a word in a language means something because it names something within a language you understand. Probabilities written in numbers mean one outcome occurs out of all number possibilities. Probability one as an initial condition means comparisons were unity and not yet separated. Information is related to probability, the lower the probability the higher the information content. Our universe appears to be perceived through neural networks that build information models of reality that include time, space and energy. I believe the neutron/proton are the repository of nature’s underlying information laws. “How Nature Computes, Prespacetime Journal, May 2019 [9], shows that entities in the Standard Model [10] agree with the neutron and proton models. They are networks of components that allow the Schrodinger equation to “compute” energy-based space and time. The result includes the mass, kinetic energy and field energy of orbits for fundamental forces. Nature appears complex because particles have the freedom to move and form objects including us. The beginning of energy Consider a beginning with zero energy. Creation from net zero energy means that parts come into existence simultaneously and one does not have to ask; “where does energy come from?” In the beginning perhaps the creator separated information into equal and opposite pairs that come into existence at the same time. We perceive reality as energy, but it is zero overall. Positive energy is mass plus kinetic energy (energy of motion), and the equal and oposite energy is field energy like electromagnetic fields. We see mass plus kinetic energy, but fields are un-observable, except for light, gravity, and effects of electro-magnetism. There are four fundamental forces conceptualized as particles orbiting fields. The neutron and proton models. Information values N, discovered in the original data above, were used to construct math models that match nucleon (neutron and proton) mass within experimental error. The models are based on the Schrodinger equation and have two constraints, probability one and zero energy. They show component relationships and details of neutron decay to a proton, electron, and anti-electron neutrino. Probability=1 constraint Evaluating energy requires consideration of overall probability, not just the probability of particles. The probability of each particle is extremely low but when duplicated a vast number of times they become certain. Specifically: P= 1= probability of each neutron* number of neutrons= 1/exp(N)*exp(N). Neutron and proton energy components Development of the model is based on the Schrodinger term Et/H=1. The math below is like Dirac’s analysis. It allows the energy terms and time terms to be separated. Using the square root procedure above with each t/H=1/E, we only need the energy terms that are equal and opposite. (The square root also has a (t/H-t/H) = 0 solution that contains inverted terms, but the solution is redundant). Quarks Nucleons consists of components called quarks. A network of components that obey probability 1 and energy 0 represent one of the three quarks with kinetic energy attracted to two fields. Each quark has four N values and four correlated E values E=e0*exp(N). The key to distinguishing mass from kinetic energy and two fields is shown below. The positions are not interchangeable. Position code from mass, kinetic energy, and fields. Values of N from fundamental data are inserted below: N values for the quark strong field is N=2 higher than quark mass N (for each of 3 quarks). E1 is the only mass term, E3 and E4 are field energy, and the remainder is kinetic energy. Overall, above: E1+(E3+E4-E1-E2)+E2-E3-E4 = 0. The proton and neutron models each are P=1*1*1*1*1=1 with each sub-component p=1 = a*b/(c*d) where a,b,c and d=1/exp(N). 1=(1/exp(12.43)*1/exp(15.43)/(1/exp(10.43)*1/exp(17.43)) 1=(1/exp(12.43)*1/exp(13.43)/(1/exp(10.43)*1/exp(15.43)) 1=(1/exp(12.43)*1/exp(13.43)/(1/exp(10.43)*1/exp(15.43)) 1/EXP(-10.432)*1/EXP(10.408)*1/EXP(10.136)*1/EXP(0.296)/(1/exp(10.33)*1/exp(10.408)*1/exp(10.33))=1 The model starts with N for the Higgs, Z and W bosons on the left-hand side which, according to the Standard Model, are the source of field energy on the right-hand side. Each quark with kinetic energy (E2+E3+E4-E1-E2) is orbiting field energy E3. It is also attracted to field energy E4. Field energy E4 is a component of gravitational field energy. When added to the other components, the gravitational field energy totals 2.801 MeV. The components above add to the mass of the neutron and proton below (accuracy vs PDG data is shown). Energy values from the table above were arranged into columns below for clarity. It is a particle-space model because it includes initial expansion kinetic energy 10.15 MeV and expansion potential energy10.15 MeV. The energy E2+E2= 10.15 MeV is fundamental to atomic fusion and expansion of the universe. The neutron decays to a proton, electron, and anti-electron neutrino shown on the right. Overall, the N values of the mass plus kinetic energy components equal 90. Written as a probability P= 1/exp(90). The equal but opposite field energy components are also P= 1/exp(90). They occur at the same time, multiplying the probability to 1/exp(180). To re-establish P=1 for improbable particles, there must be a vast number. Specifically, P= 1= probability of each neutron* number of neutrons= 1/exp(180)*exp(180). Referring to the concept of wholeness, one can consider the universe consisting of duplicates. The separated proton-space components give it space-wise and timewise connections inside a P=1 system, explaining some of the weirdness of quantum mechanics. The proton model is the source of information for cosmology and unification [13]. It is the basis of the expansion curve in Appendix 2. Expansion kinetic energy plus potential energy equals 20.3 MeV throughout expansion. Networks The proton and neutron have internal structure and control particles that enable life. The diagram below includes the mass plus kinetic information separations for the value N=90. Similar separations result in the column labelled layer 2 fields, also N=90. Each proton is an information network of quarks, bosons, electrons, and neutrinos. The known control particles are in yellow below. Appendix 5 shows several examples of interactions known to physics. The values that they control are shown in grey. The three quarks define directions X,Y and Z. Because we consist of these particles, our reality consists of three-dimensional space. Electrons (0.511 MeV particle near the bottom of the diagram on the right) extend the networks to atoms and networks of molecules. Reconciliation of Standard Model and neutron/proton model The neutron/proton models above are consistent with the Standard Model of particle physics [10] [9] [Appendix 4] described by F. Wilczek. The e (electron) and v (neutrino) control the configuration of the quarks in red, green, and yellow. Six of the entities in the Standard Model have a quark linked to a single field. Wave pattern circles can represent sequential instructions for particles placed at distances X, Y or Z (the top three quads in the information pattern are dimensions). Other entities have a quark influenced by two fields. With two fields the quark responds in two dimensions, creating planes rather than one dimensional confined axis. In combination with parity and spin, the arrow (charge) could be up or down. The Standard Model entities in Appendix 4 are designated clockwise (R) or counterclockwise (L). Parity is handedness, a combination of the charge’s direction and motion in the circle. In the neutron model time is moving around a circle. Its direction can be clockwise or counter- clockwise. Physicists use a concept called CPT invariance (Charge, Parity and Time add to a constant). Charge is field energy but as a property it is positive or negative one. Parity is dependent on the perspective of the observer and the diagram above can be viewed looking down or looking up. This switches L and R like looking in a mirror. Perspective cannot change a field, and this means that orientation is itself a property. Our perspective of a circle changes to a line if the diagram is observed from the edge and time direction cannot be discerned. The circle represents a sinusoidal field. Particles have spin (convention is half spin) with the value H. Entities without e or v components and one field define dimensions, X, Y and Z. There are three values inside the proton model like this. DNA strings contain information about what protein is placed but with the help of control particles I believe DNA protons can also encode where to place protein-based cells. Can DNA store a 3-dimensional image? Think about the possibility that proton components can represent images with dimensions, directions, and planes. Among other things, it appears to provide properties like those listed below. XY, YZ and XZ entities are circles with the two dimensions equal. Life and wave functions Networks of proton wave functions produce our reality. Conventional physics describes the following processes: As expansion occurs gravitational kinetic energy is converted to potential energy. Particles fall into each other’s gravitational field and create structures. As fusion occurs, the neutron and proton fall into each other’s strong residual fields and bind together by releasing energy. As hydrogen and other elements are fused inside stars, atoms with complicated electronic structures develop. Each proton is a network of information waves that connect to other protons and neutrons. The Schrodinger equation is linear and allows networks to automatically represent a system. Chemistry creates useful molecules that can be treated as proton/neutron networks. Life begins when the neutrons and protons network of wave functions are accepted into a functioning “body/mind” network. The criterium for acceptance is that they survive to pass on the body/mind network to the next generation. Memory and communication in the network are key. The network can be one or many cells, systems of cells or specialized cells that sense and use information to survive. The network becomes complex because it develops survival strategies in a challenging environment. The perceptual experience is an information rich network that is repeatedly updated as time moves forward. It appears that nature found ways of adding information waves represented by nucleons together to create complex structures like the body and mind. Life and functional information networks are synonymous. Memory of previous generations, chance additions and replication were key to evolution. An adult human has approximately 1.1e29 protons. At conception, individual protons have low probability to become a functional human body and mind. But DNA contains information that will place 1e29 “accepted protons” back into positions to restore probability 1.1e29/1.1e29=1. The diagram below reduces biological components of the body to simple networks of protons and electrons. The steps are simplified to 1) placement of body cells according to memory protons in DNA and 2) producing cells from DNA instructions but development involves cell replication from conception 3) producing specialized brain cells 4) replicating successful organisms. The body/mind system develops when 1e15 DNA memory protons from the previous generation (see topic 4 below) specify the X Y Z position of the 1e14 cells. When the location is determined, the body and mind cells develop according to DNA information. It functions as a network during and after development. Images Nature is amazing. Flowers and babies develop before our eyes. When a flatworm is cut in half, it generates two flatworms. Where is the frog image stored [15] when nature decides that a tadpole must now form a frog? Nature’s process is almost perfect, and we say, “well it’s their DNA.” But exactly how does DNA perform this incredible task without an image of what it is producing? Reference 17 reported an attempt to find “mysterious missing” images associated with plants and animals. Memory of previous generation cell positions would help understand where cellular protein structures are placed. Decoding DNA What do ATG&C codes mean? According to literature, codes close to the genes are promoters and switches that control gene expression. Where is the program that operates the system and builds a sophisticated structure like the body? According to this proposal information waves are one level down inside the ATG&C molecules and the operating system is the Schrodinger equation. Why would not nature use the information system that underlies energy described by the proton mass model. Its information system is inside DNA atoms and DNA is in every cell. Memory Storing and retrieving N values for images. Storing X Y and Z information in one generations DNA for retrieval in the next generation would facilitate replication. The proton model contains the W, neutrinos and electrons required for changing quark combinations like the Wilczek Standard Model interpretation. The diagram above is an excerpt from the proton model showing an information separation. The N values 5.167, 3.167 and 3.167 are networked to the quark N values. Storage would be possible if N associated with X, Y and Z dimensions could be changed and stored for use by the next generation. There are about 1e15 protons in DNA and about 1e15 cells that require placement to re-create the body and plant and animal anatomy. The basic form and dimensions of an individual is inherited. If DNA protons could help place cells, there is other information that can reproduce cell structure. Re-creating a body or flower requires not just direction but the size of features. Cosmology fundamentals [Appendix 2] suggest how image dimensions might be stored for placement of cells. The algorithm is distance= N*cell diameter. Three quarks and three stored dimensions Z, X and Y. The quark below has a mass of 101.95 MeV plus two components of kinetic energy (5.076 MeV and 646.955 MeV). But there is recent evidence that quark mass can vary, and the author proposes below that kinetic energy value N= 12.431 could be changed to store distance values [16][17]. N has changed to 11.431 below. Compare the original dimension with the new value. Rather than 5.076 MeV for the quark kinetic energy component it has changed to 1.867 MeV and its N codes for a stored height =exp(11.432)*.000002= 1.84 meters. This does not change the mass of the proton. The formula for E difference (E3+E4-E1-E2) ensures that mass in this quad is 753.978 MeV. It also remains a zero-energy system because the equal and opposite field energy is 753.978 MeV. This proposal would allow the DNA protons in one generation to store N values and make them available to position cells for the next generation. The diagram below is representative of a human body to show required proton storage values for N. The X, Y dimension are assumed be equal (the XY Wilczek circle combination). The diagram just illustrates max Z and examples of max XY values for a human. The N codes for cell placement are stored with the range of ln(N) from 6 to 11. Cosmology cells (distinct from plant and animal cells) are the space surrounding each nucleon. The size of the universe is (Nprotons)*cell radius for X, Y and Z . In the cosmology model cell radius is a function of the nucleon kinetic energy. The gravitational field energy (3*0.687+0.740=2.8011 MeV) defines space and time. Fundamental space radius =1.97e-13/2.8011=7.045e-14 meters and fundamental time circle = 2*pi*7.045e-14/2.998e8= 1.48e-21 seconds. Cells start with 10.15 MeV and as the cell expands against gravity it exchanges kinetic energy for potential energy, expanding from 7.045e-14 to 1.09 meter presently. If the cell is compressed inside water, the electro-magnetic repulsion reduces the radius to about 7.5e-11 meters (at this spacing the water density is 1 gm/cm^3). DNA has about 1e13 amino acids in its chain, each with 1050 nucleon masses. This justifies the cell diameter (about 2e-5 meters). The relationship for body cells and cosmology cells is N*cell radius for each of the three dimensions. Creation and Consciousness The models above describe the creation of many neutrons that decay to protons, etc. from zero energy and probability one through separations. Forward time by several billion years and gravitation has created stars and planets. Protons and neutrons have become atoms and atoms are now bonded into chemicals. Electrons orbit the atoms. There are now places where life can exist. Reality to us is what we experience, and we are seeking to understand the role our brain plays. This is a bootstrap problem because the brain we are using had to evolve. A proton information level memory/retrieval system helps resolve this conflict. Early cells absorbed light for energy and information but there was no brain at that time. Molecules formed that could store information leading to DNA replication. Specialized cells containing “atoms with storage capability” evolved into the visual cortex and brain. But the system requires a body interface built on evolving images with bio-electric control to thrive and reproduce. The Standard Model coordinate system and proposed image storage system helps understand how DNA performs its magic and makes it easier to understand how biology becomes functional and creative at several levels. Our brain constructs reality with information from limited senses like sight, sound, touch, taste and smell but we do not observe many fields. In addition, we do not observe potential energy directly (the energy that mass gains during expansion). The concept of zero energy and probability one makes us suspect we are only seeing part of nature. Probability is involved because reality is compared to everything else, we have or could experience. Our brain is a network. Networks are one of the few places in nature that create information. When your eyes receive a signal, your brain uses network layers that involve probabilities to identify the person in your view. The search allows alternatives to be considered. Networks that have been assigned meaning may be the source of our ability to remember, think and anticipate the future. But the probability of network selection and neuron firing is ultimately information. The information builds on contextual space-time from its fundamental level. We normally believe what the brain observes. We are creative. The more unlikely or the harder the new concept is, the more information is created. One definition of intelligence is seeing differences. Looking beyond ourselves, we can guess that mind in Mind are similar with different perspectives. Observation and the electron Changes in the electromagnetic field energy are associated with absorption and emission of light. This occurs as the electron orbits change by quantum amounts. Color vision [10] is an excellent example of how our brain perceives energy changes. The E=0 and P=1 constraints in Appendix 4 show what happens as kinetic energy is changed by E=2.02e-5*exp(N), where N is 1,2,3 or 4 times 0.0986. The result is a series of peak wavelengths related to color vision. Electron orbits are slightly changed by light absorption and create a probability ratio called Pf/PF in the graph below. The equation [21] is from a famous physicist named R. Feynman. This allows us to mathematically simulate color vision with our computer. The peak responses and off-peak responses are shown below compared with color vision data [1] on the human eye. Adding probability neatly represents white light when three colors are combined. The mental experience of color vision is proof of a link between perception and energy. This is important because it shows that outside energy changes cause specific meaningful experiences inside the brain. We knew that everything was information based on separations and energy ratios, but we did not know that the brain uses the same information values (N) that define energy separations (N=1,2,3 or 4*0.0986 are part of the code that underlies the neutron/proton). Outside reality and internal reality are both information based and use the same code. This is a huge clue regarding separations from energy zero and probability 1. Your mental experience of color vision is proof of a link between the Feynman probability Pf/PF and perception. This is important because it shows that quantum mechanical computations are associated with specific meaningful experiences inside the brain. We found probabilities for the proton-space model, but we did not know that color vision is a similar system, using the same probability code (N) to modify and store wavelength. The value N= 0.0986 is a component of the neutron and vision (i.e., they use the same system). Probability P=0.906=1/exp(0.0986)) and 0.906^n are the modifiers. It also uses width 61.2 nm associated with e0=2.02e-5 MeV in the Feynman equation. This is a huge clue regarding nature. Information from the rhodopsin molecule is transmitted to the brain via coded pulses that fire sequentially along nerves. Our brain’s visual cortex creates the experience of 3-dimensional color vision. The network uses the Feynman wave-function collapse to compute Pf/PF matches but the white light calculation above proves that the matches are added together (the overall Schrodinger P=1 system may be performing this function). The cortex creates the internal image based on firing of its neurons. The visual cortex network might look like an X, Y, Z matrix consisting of neurons placed by the proposed proton storage in DNA. Vision gives the developing organism a competitive advantage. But input from a brain that can compare images and call on experience to warn the organism of danger provides further advantage. This requires memory. The visual cortex matrix may be recording time ordered sets of Pf/PF matches (represented by 1’s and 0’s below) like the color vision example above. 1---1---0---1---0 for X 0---0---1---0---1 for Y. 0---1---1---1---0 for Z. If needed to can be converted to electrochemical signals used in neural networks. A great deal of our consciousness deals with images, image comparisons and image interpretation. Cognition Proton storage positions may also underly long-term memory. The visual cortex may contain X, Y, Z protons that record and reproduce signals in its networks. This leads to clues regarding our mental processes. At a higher level, each nerve connection in the part of the brain responsible for thinking stores a learned value. Storage is the strength of connections and modulation by neurotransmitters at the synapse. AI is a useful concept, but computers are very weak compared to our brains. There can be several layers of connections and nodes. Artificial intelligence (AI) neural analogs show addition of input at nodes, followed by a sigmoid function that assigns weight to the result. This is consistent with the color vision model (Appendix 18) above except the sigmoid function is a full probability function. The sensor (retina) is outside the influence of AI because we depend on color vision and our other senses accurately represent light. But the interpretation of the image can be partially understood with an AI analog called graphs can interpret images consisting of many pixels. Cognition in the waking state involves integration and processing of meaningful signals that support survival. The local proton storage would be a huge number of neurons in known X, Y and Z locations. Experiences and learning increased the number of connections. The neurons receive pulse like signals to recall and use the connections selected, designated as 1’s and 0’s above. But there is another feature if the neuron. It can record the strength of the connection. The pulses can be converted to N values. This could work like the cognition of colored light discussed above. Storage and recall of neural network matches. How does our long term memory work? The explanation offered is that neural networks store memory by creating neural network connections. Short term memory is thought to be previous connections. But what about long term memory? Animals like the deer often have more muscular control at birth than humans. Their ability to walk is “genetic.” In humans, muscular control is a class of brain functions that improve with use. How can connections be genetic or unused for years and then function when we remember an old face or experience? It is reasonable to ask if our long term memory goes beyond stored networks. The work above contains many possibilities. “Search like” system access When we use our brain, we are accessing its information system with what can be called “search like” (software) control. Meaningful memories and experiences are stored by network connections and there are a vast number of potential and stored networks. Thoughts are controlling a goal directed search through memory. If there is a vague recollection, the signals and probabilities do not match. But with memory work, your network assembles enough information to clarify the identity and assign meaning. The system is accessed and used by biological systems at several levels. We may not even be aware of “search like software” accessing and controlling cellular processes. Summary We know that we are “late comers” and that our concepts of nature are limited. This paper describes an information correlation with energy. This supports the concept that the universe is information based. We start to understand nature when we learn that creation is based on separations from probability 1 and zero energy by what appears to be an intelligent operation. There is enough information in exp(180) protons to create our energy space and time universe. Nucleon models were described that underlie fundamental laws [13][12]. It is proposed that life began when Schrodinger information waves associated with protons and neutrons evolved into functional networks. It was theorized that DNA protons serve as memory for replication. If the system survives it replicates. Our information-based brain uses senses and networks to gain and process information about energy into reality. A simulation of color vision was presented that proves that our senses and brain use some aspects of quantum mechanics. Remarkably the separation of colors uses the same information value (N=0.0986) that appears in proton model N values. Our brains have evolved neural networks and can create and separate information [2][5][8]. This is a clue regarding creation. The mind/body perception is that we are part of a large space time universe. We experience a property we call consciousness [11][19]. We attempted to understand creation by imagining that the Mind of creation separated information that became energy separations in our time and space. We are late comers able to interact with nature that pre-dates us because everything consists of the same thing. This allows us to participate in ongoing creation. The concept of Mind in mind suggests that we may be an intended, connected sub-set of creation (not a new thought and reminiscent of religious texts). Sir James Jeans said, that “the universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” James Allen said, “Mind is the master power that molds and makes.” We can believe that Mind in mind is fundamental and act accordingly. This is central to many traditional religious beliefs. One way to view religion is the act of seeking fundamental truths and one way to view the purpose of creation is ongoing creation. We can be in awe of nature like the way religions revere personalities and core concepts. References Shannon, Claude. A mathematical Theory of Communication, 1948.  Barbee, Gene H.,  Information and Reality, e-Print archive, viXra:1602.0219 , January 2016.  Barbee, Gene H., Nature, and Information,, December 2016.  Barbee, Gene H., Creation and Schrodinger’s Equation, http://viXra:1811.0334v1, January 2018  Barbee, Gene H., Life Processes within the Mind of Creation, Scientific GOD Journal, December 2019, Volume 10, Issue 8. Scientific GOD Journal Volume 10 Issue 8: Life Processes, Time Encoding, & Green New Deal: God Inc., Scientific: 9781655765766: Books Barbee, Gene H., Mind in Mind, Scientific GOD Inc. ( Scientific GOD Journal | September 2019 | Volume 10 | Issue 5 | pp. 446-450 Barbee, G. H., Mind in Mind: Ongoing Creation Barbee, Gene H., (99+) Storage and computation for life processes | Gene H Barbee - October 2020. Barbee, Gene H, (99+) How Nature Computes Reconciliation with Standard model | Gene H Barbee - , Gene H Barbee, May 16 2019,  Wilczek, Frank, A Beautiful Question, Amazon books. Barbee, Gene H., (99+) Biology's underlying information system | Gene H Barbee -, April 2023. Barbee, Gene H., (99+) Zero net energy cosmology | Gene H Barbee - , February 2024. Barbee, Gene H., (99+) A Unified Theory Revised | Gene H Barbee - , May 2024. Barbee, Gene H., (99+) Cosmology viewpoint comparison time and relativity | Gene H Barbee - , June 2024. Levin, Michael, various U Tube Videos circa April 2023. Barbee, Gene H. (99+) How the brain creates three-dimensional reality | Gene H Barbee - , February 2024. Gene H Barbee, How nature stores and retrieves plant and body images ( , August 2024. Barbee, Gene H., Color Vision, . Klingman, Edwin E, The Atheist and the God Particle, August 2008, Amazon. Search “MIT22 Evolution of Function Chap 6”. Richard Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Appendix 1 Alternative neutron and proton model diagrams. The left-hand side of each of the diagrams below is E for mass plus kinetic energy and the right- hand side of each of the diagram is field energy E. The diagrams are models of a33 proton and neutron. The Schrodinger equation and these specific E values are built into nature in a way that they produce the proton and neutron masses, although the overall energy for each is zero. The diagram on the right is the neutron that decays to a proton, electron, and anti-electron neutrino on the left. The masses (in red) are exact models within several significant digits. The total energy is 960.608 MeV because these tables represent these nucleons imbedded in space and time. Neutrons have potential energy, expansion kinetic energy and neutrinos outside their measured mass. As atomic fusion occurs, additional energy moves outside (the arrows). Protons (upon decay) eject the electron, 0.11 MeV of kinetic energy and an anti-electron neutrino. Space time is defined by the gravitational field energy (2.801 MeV (0.687*3+ 0.740) in the RHS of each of diagrams (in red). This field energy also defines gravity. Appendix 2 Cosmology Cosmology cells are defined by equating a large surface area with many small surface areas. This allows cellular cosmology to obey the rule “there can be no gravitational preferred position for mass” because all mass is on the equivalent of a large sphere. The number of cells in large R (representing the universe) is exp(180). Area=4*pi*R^2 Area=4*pi*r^2*exp(180) A/A=1=R^2/(r^2*exp(180) R^2=r^2*exp(180) r=R/exp(90) surface area substitution M=m*exp(180) mass substitution For gravitation and large space, we consider velocity V, radius R and mass M as the variables (capital letters for large space and lower-case r, v, and m for cellular space) that determine the geodesic (the radius with balanced inertial and gravitational force). The mass substitution is M=m*exp(180) and the surface area substitution is R=r*exp(90) for G large space= G cellular space. When measurements are made at the large scale to measure G, the above derivation indicates that we must multiply cellular scale values (r*v^2/m) by 1/exp(90) for equivalent G. Geometric and mass relationships give the cell “cosmological properties”. Velocity V=V for both surfaces. Velocity V is the orbital velocity of a proton around the central small mass. A cell maintains nature’s gravitational constant (G) as cells expand the universe. The Newtonian gravitational constant G originates in the calculation table below [13]. Values are from the neutron/proton model (Appendix 1). The gravitational constant is determined by a neutron (1.675e-27 Kg) with kinetic energy 10.15 MeV (velocity 4.3e7 m/sec) orbiting at radius 7.045e-14 m defined by gravitational field energy 2.801 MeV. The inertial force f=mV^2/r*1/exp(90) = 3.7e-38 Nt. This force agrees with literature reviewed in reference 9. Excerpts are in Appendix 3. The two-dimensional gravitational orbit (called a cell) is shown below. Calculating the gravitational constant G from the proton model The defining relationship for the gravitational constant G uses potential energy value 20.3 MeV from the models above. (Expansion of the universe starts with 10.15 of potential energy and 10.15 of kinetic energy but in the fully expanded condition each proton contains 20.3 MeV of gravitational potential energy.) An equivalent defining relationship for G is included in Appendix 3. It is shown that G is simply potential energy 20.3 MeV*radius 7.045e-14 m. It depends on the small factor 1/exp(90) that comes from relationships in Appendix 3 called cellular cosmology, the conversion constant 1.6e-13 Nt-m/MeV and the mass of two attracting protons (1.675e-27 kg). Cellular cosmology is based on area equivalence r=R/exp(90) as described in Appendix 3 and exp(180) protons [12]. Cells contain protons and they allow us to understand the large universe with principles established at the small scale. This equation can also be written without the small factor 1/exp(90) and a central mass of exp(180)*1.67e-27=2.49e51 kg attracting a proton. G=6.69e-11 Nt m^2/kg^2 The large circle has radius 7.045e-14*exp(90) =8.59e25 meters. Gravity is determined by the large scale and cellular cosmology is the small-scale equivalent. This provides an understanding of gravity and a bridge from the quantum scale. Large scale space and time Again, Et/H=1 converts to R= (1.97e-13 MeV-m)/E. R=1.93e-13/(2.801/exp(90)) =8.59e25 meters defines the range of the gravitational field. The range is high because energy in the equation is low; only 2.801/exp(90) MeV. The range is consistent with the gravitational field being shared. Shared energy indicates a network. Small scale space and time The value Et/H=1 is the point where conjugates multiply to 1 on a quantum circle according to the Schrodinger equation. It is the only real point. t= 2*pi*R/C (the time for a wave to travel around the quantum circle at velocity C) E (2*pi*R/C)/H=1 (substitute time into Et/H) R=HC/(2*pi)/E (solve for R the radius of quantum circle) Evaluate the constant HC/(2pi) = 1.97e-13 MeV-meters is hC, where h=H/(2pi) is Planck’s reduced constant (6.58e-22 MeV-sec). The gravitational field energy 2.801 MeV from the neutron mass model (diagrams above and Appendix 1) is the source of space and time. The radius of a quantum circle with this field energy is 7.04e-14 meters. The time around the circle at velocity C=1.47e-21 seconds. These values are fundamental to space and time. I believe time advances in increments of 1.47e-21 seconds. cosmology expansion curve One aspect of cosmology is an expansion curve [12] (radius vs time for our universe). The universe is filled with “cosmological cells” described by information in the proton model, which in turn is described by the Schrodinger equation. Proton model information produces the expansion curve for the universe. The curve below is called the zero net energy expansion curve. The initial number of neutrons (that decay to protons, electrons, and neutrinos) is N=exp(180) with exp(60) cosmology cells in each of three dimensions. A cosmology cell is the volume containing a proton orbit with a specific initial kinetic energy. The. The cells expand as they exchange kinetic energy for gravitational potential energy. The current radius =exp(60)*1.09 meters cell diameter=1.25e26 meters radius. This expansion process is on-going at 13.8 billion years. In one view of expansion, everything on the surface is the same age because time points toward the center of the sphere and the surface of the sphere is moving at velocity C. The sphere is “hollow.” Models like this are accepted by the scientific community but there is an equivalent way to view nature that agrees with observations. The way we observe nature is particles that can move in three dimensions and build physical structures like plants and animals. This is consistent with a “filled sphere” cosmology model. Fundamentals of small-scale nature are the same as large-scale structures. In this model, protons (particles with electrons around them) are on the surface of small spheres. They have energy (temperature) that causes the proton to orbit a spherical volume called a cosmological cell. The proton model defines the cell. Two perspectives and instantaneous networks Space (R) is determined by gravitational fields that travel at light-speed C= 3e8 m/sec in the quantum relationship Et/H=E/H*(2pi R/C) =1. Wave functions collapse is probability P=exp(it/H)*exp(-iEt/H)=1. They travel at C and from their perspective the waves collapse in zero time and P=1 is stationary since waves are in opposite directions. The collapse point is in a timeless distance less domain. All P=1 points coincide, meaning they are not in our space time. Recall that P in Schrodinger’s equation is information. It makes sense that they might exist in an information space time analog of our space time. There are two perspectives of the collapse point that intersect. Perspective 1: information fills space and perspective 2: energy ratios and particles fill space. From our below C perspective, we see a large universe with time, space, and many protons. A proton is like a sophisticated pixel in a display. Based on energy/information sharing it appears that these pixels/particles are networked outside our space and time. This would be an information network. Appendix 3: Color vision energy changes Changes in electromagnetic field energy with base 27.2e-5 MeV is associated with absorption and emission of light. This occurs as the electron orbits change by quantum amounts. Color vision [18] is an excellent example of the Schrodinger equation in action. The E=0 and P=1 constraints below show what happens as kinetic energy is changed by 2.02e-5*exp(N), where N is 1,2,3 or 4 times 0.0986. The result is a series of peak wavelengths related to color vision [12]. For example, if 3*0.099 changes to 2*0.099 the E2 change (inside the E= 0 constraint) is the wavelength for green light (485 millimicrons). Appendix 4: Wilczek [10] Standard Model interpretation and dimensions The corresponding proton model entities with the same numbers are rearranged for comparison with the Standard model. The important point for this study is that e and v are interactions that control the proton and make it useful as a network component. As indicated in Reference 10, entities 1,2 and 3 are Up quarks and 4,5 and 6 are Down quarks. The proton model provides energy values. Each entity is an energy 0, probability 1 construct. (The mass+ kinetic energy minus the two fields= zero. Each energy has an N value and p=1/exp(N). Overall P= p*p/(p*p) =1). This means they are entities independent of the proton. This becomes important when analyzing mesons and baryons since they are combinations of entities from the models. Entities without e or v properties and two fields These entities define one point on a circle in the x-y, y-z, or x-z planes. Neutron model comparison with Up quarks and fields. Entities with e or v properties and two fields These entities define one point on a circle in the x–y, y-z, or x-z planes Standard model Appendix 5 Feynman interaction diagrams and the W/Z, e and v control particles.