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2023, Winner and Losers: an analysis of disparities in the pre-unification kingdoms through the reconstruction of the series of public debt and the fiscal system (15th-19th centuries).

27-28 giugno 2023 presso la Società Geografica Italiana

10.30-11.15 Session 7: Climate Change and Environmental Statisticst 10.30 10.45 11.00 C. Conigliani, V. Costantini, E. Paglialunga, A Tancredi F. Celata, E. Gioia D. Vitale A Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Model for the Climate-Conflict Nexus in Africa Submerged Landscapes: Characterization of the Impacts of Climate Change on Italian Beaches On Time Lag Detection Between Time Series Sampled by Eddy Covariance Systems 11.15 - 11.45 Coffee Break 11.45-13.15 Session 8: Society, Culture and Environment 11.45 12.00 A Quantitative Approach to Environmental Justice in Italy. The Case of ‘Napoli Orientale - SIN’ Measure the Mountain. First Reflections within the MIND Project 12.15 G. Scognamiglio R. Gemmiti, I. Guadagnoli E. Trappolini 12.30 M. Basili Health Differences Between Migrants in the Host Country and Non-Migrants in the Home Country: the Case of Albanians in Italy Literature and Narrative of the Environmental Crisis in German Speaking Countries 12.45 V. Gaballo Cross-cultural Conceptualization of Specialised Terms 13.00 M. Cipolloni Lost & Found in Translation: Alternative Translation of ‘Sustainable Development’ in Spanish 13.15-14.30 Light lunch 14.30-15.30 Session 9: Methods in Finance and Insurance 14.45 15.00 15.15 M.Di Giacinto, D. Mancinelli, M Marino, I. Oliva T. De Angelis, M. Buttarazzi, G. Stabile D. Angelini, S. Bianchi M.G. Bruno, C. Falaguasta, G. Fusco, M.R. Scarpitti Pension Fund with Longevity Risk: An Optimal Portfolio Insurance Approach Optimal Annuitization and Bequest Motives Fractional Stochastic Regularity Model M. Cipolloni, E. Incelli 27 - 28 June 2023 presso la Società Geografica Italiana via della Navicella, 12 - Roma Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana Pay As You Drive Insurance and Chrono-Urbanism 15.30-15.45 Presentation of the book in honour of Rita Salvi 15.30 XIII GIORNATA DELLA RICERCA MEMOTEF The Research-practice interface in English for Specific Purposes, Cambridge 2022 15.45 Closing of the XIII Giornata della Ricerca MEMOTEF 15.45 G. Alleva Closing speech by the head of the Department Interventi di: G.Alleva, D.Angelini, A.Arcagni, M.F.Arezzo, M.Basili, S.Bianchi, G.Bianchi, E.Bruno, M.Bucarelli, M.Buttarazzi, C.Ceci, F.Celata, A.Cinfrignini, M.Cipolloni, L.Collina,A.De Rose, N.Deliu,R.Di Stefano, C. Falaguasta, S.Fontana, B.Foroni, V.Gaballo, E. Gioia, C. Giudici, I. Guadagnoli, E.Incelli, B.Liseo, D.Mancinelli, S.Marconi, A.Palestini, S.Patrì, C.Petrillo, A.M.Radici, F.Ricca, M.Rota, G.Scognamiglio, R.C.Spani, A. Tancredi, E.Trappolini, D.Vitale Comitato Organizzatore delle Giornate della Ricerca 2023: Economia Aziendale Silvia Solimene Geografia Economica Daniela Festa Lingue Marco Cipolloni Matematica Antonio Martire - Imma Oliva Statistica/Statistica economica Nina Deliu - Domenico Vitale Statistica sociale/Demografia Eleonora Trappolini Storia Economica Michele Postigliola immagine di copertina realizzata in A.I. con Deep Dream Generator, inserendo: #methods, #models, #economics, #territory, #finance, #geography, #history, #statistics, #mathematics, #languages graph: 14.30 XIII GIORNATA DELLA RICERCA MEMOTEF 27-28 June 2023 Via della Navicella, 12, Roma Day 1: June 27, 2023 13.45-14.45 Session 3: Statistical Methods and Models 13.45 14.00 9.15-9.35 Opening of the XIII Giornata della Ricerca MEMOTEF 09.15 09.25 09.30 G. Alleva C. Cerreti A. De Rose Welcome speech by the head of the Department Welcome speech by the President of the Società Geografica Italiana The Annals of the Department: news and disseminations strategies 14.30 9.35-10.35 Session 1: Energy and Policies 09.35 R.C. Spani 09.50 10.05 S. Fontana, D. Coluccia, S. Solimene G. Bianchi 10.20 M. Bucarelli 14.15 Do Environmental and Emission Disclosure Affect Firms’ Performance? A Quantile Approach Institutional Context and ESG Disclosure: A Comparison Between EU and US Listed Firms Tackling Misclassification in Surveys About Undeclared Work Via the EM Algorithm Spectral Analysis of Highly Oscillating Signals Bayesian Sampling Theory Assessing a Spatially Explicit Zipf ’s Law for Population Density: From Global Econometric Panels to Local Approaches 14.45-15.30 Session 4: Theoretical Economics and Finance 2 14.45 The Energy Strategy of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation from the Energy Crises of the 1970s to the Present Italy’s Energy Governance in the Global Economy and Politics: the Role of Natural Gas in the National Energy Transition Strategy M.F. Arezzo, G Guagnano, D Vitale V. Bruni, S. Marconi, B.Vantaggi, D. Vitulano B. Liseo, M. Di Zio, G. Ranalli A. D’Agata, E. Bruno, L. Salvati 15.00 15.15 10.35-11.00 Coffee break R. Cerqueti, A. Palestini B. Foroni, L. Petrella M. Brachetta, G. Callegaro, C. Ceci, C. Sgarra The Shapley Value and the Banzhaf Value as Instruments for Portfolio Selection Expectile Hidden Markov Regression Models for Analysing Cryptocurrency Returns Optimal Reinsurance Problems for Jump-clusters Models 11.00-11.30 Poster Session N. Deliu B. Liseo A. De Rose R. Di Stefano G. Mellace C. Giudici E. Miaci, C. Giudici, E. Trappolini, M. Attili, C.Castagnaro, A. Guarneri 15.30-16.00 Coffee break Computing Highest-Density Regions with Copulae Age-It Ageing Well in an Ageing Society. Project Overview and Research Challenges The Inclusive Synthetic Control Method Fifteen Years of the UNESCO Chair in “Population, Migrations and Development” Migrants’ Contribution to Fertility in Italy 16.00-16.45 Session 5: Networks and Graphs 16.00 16.15 16.30 11.45 12.00 12.15 C. Petrillo M. Postigliola A. Cinfrignini D. Petturiti, B. Vantaggi D. Angelini, S. Bianchi, M. Frezza, A. Pianese M.G.Bruno, R. De Marchis, A. Palestini, S. Patrì, M.R. Scarpitti Higher Order Assortativity for Directed Weighted Networks Portfolio Diversification Through a Network Approach Respondent Driven Sampling for Estimating Hard to Reach Population 17.30-20.30 Social event Per coloro che hanno aderito all’invito a partecipare: aperitivo presso “Giulia & Sisto” - Via dei SS. Quattro, 93 11.30-12:30 Session 2: Theoretical Economics and Finance 1 11.30 A. Arcagni, R. Cerqueti F. Ricca, A. Scozzari G. Alleva, P. Falorsi, F. Petrarca, P. Righi Winner and Losers: An Analysis of Disparities in the Pre-Unification Kingdoms Through the Reconstruction of the Series of Public Debt and the Fiscal System (15th-19th centuries) Multiplicative Binomial Processes under Ambiguity Regularity of the Volatility Process Using the Lamperti Transform Day 2: June 28, 2023 09.15-10.30 Session 6: Policy Evaluation 09.15 Unidimensional Proof of the Gaussian Integral 09.30 09.45 10.00 12.30-13.45 Light lunch 10.15 R. Di Stefano, A. Cerqua, R. Mattera L. Collina F. Fiore Melacrinis, M. Rota G. Bei F. Celata A.M. Radici Not All Treated Are Alike: Estimating the Proportionality of Interventions with Clustered DoseResponse Functions Measuring the Dose-Response Function of the Common Agricultural Policy Better Safe than Sorry! The Impact of Public Health Policies on Italy in the 1880s Challenges and Effects of Short-Term Rental Regulation: A Counterfactual Assessment of European Cities Knowledge-Seeking M&As from Emerging Towards Advanced Countries: Assessing Targets’ PostAcquisition Innovation Performance