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Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Formulation and Evaluation of Multi-Herbal Weight Loss Tablet Patel Kesha Sanjaybhai1*, Dr. Siddhi Upadhayay2, Dr. U.M. Upadhyay3 Student1, H.O.D & Assistant Professor2, Principal3 Department of Pharmacy Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, Ajwa-Nimeta Road, Bakrol, Vadodara, Gujarat, 390019 Corresponding Authors’ Email id: keshapatel191@gmail.com1*, siupa.pharma@gmail.com2, Abstract Liver injury due to herbal and dietary supplements is well described in the literature and its incidence has been on the rise in the past decade. Labelling an herbal product as non-medicinal and as a supplement precludes protocols needed for testing, trials and marketing criteria. This has led to rampant use of clinically unproven multi-herb-based drugs use for a myriad of lifestyle diseases. In this report, we discuss a new dietary weight loss supplement, Safe Lean™ that was found to be the cause of liver injury in a young obese woman that resolved after discontinuation and discuss current literature on component, toxicology and chemical analysis of the offending drug. Keywords: - Weight loss tablet for losing fat. INTRODUCTION Social issues: there is a link between social Disease Introduction issues and obesity. Lack of money to Diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin purchase healthy foods or lack of safe resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome and places to walk or exercise can increase the crushing's syndrome are also contributors risk of obesity. A disorder involving to obesity. Some diseases, such as Prader- excessive body fat that increases the risk Willi syndrome, can lead to obesity. of health problems. Obesity may lead to diabetes, hypertension, orthoarteries and many other Cumin diseases. Obesity is the most important nutritional disease in developed countries and has 1 Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 rapidly spread in the past two decades. On growth. Many spices are used for other the other hand, overweight and obesity are purposes, such as medicine, religious among the most important predisposing rituals, cosmetics, perfumery, or for eating factors of morbidity and mortality. Obesity vegetables. Cinnamon is a spice obtained can be accompanied by abnormalities of from the inner bark of several trees from blood glucose and blood lipoproteins, the genus Cinnamomum that is used in which exposes people to many diseases, both sweet and savoury foods. The word including cinnamon diabetes, hyperlipidemia, i hypertension, and cardiovascular disease . comes kinnamomon. from the Greek vi Previous studies have suggested that body fat distribution may play a role in the risk of some diseases ii Flax Seed . Nowadays, many Flaxseed has been used as food and pharmaceutical treatments have been used medicine in both traditional Indian and to control blood lipids and lose weight; Chinese medicines for thousands of years but, they have little effects and often (Patwardhan, induce several side effects iii . Cumin, as Vaidya, and Chorghade 2004). Flaxseed has become popular as an one of these medicinal plants, contains important more chemicals, because of its rich content of alpha- including essential fatty acids and volatile linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid), lignans oils than 100 different iv functional food ingredient . Some studies have shown that (phytoestrogens), and lignin (fiber) that are cumin may have decreasing effects on known to promote cardiovascular health. blood lipids and weight v. In this article, we talk about the potential cholesterol-lowering effect of flaxseed and its components. vii Cinnamon Spices are mainly used for flavouring, and they also have certain medicinal properties Drumstick Leaves and are used in pharmaceutical, perfumery, Drumstick cosmetics and several other industries. A important perennial vegetable crop and is spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or now vegetative substance used in nutritionally subsistence farmers make better use of insignificant quantities as a food additive their land and improve their living for flavour, colour, or as a preservative standards. Since the trees can grow in arid that kills harmful bacteria or prevents their and semi-arid areas and are able to 2 seen (Moringa as one oleifera) way of Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved is an helping Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 withstand temperature up to 40oC, they can conditions lead to substantial economic offer new income-generating opportunities costs in the total health care budget xiv. for people living in areas regarded as agriculturally unproductive. A wide Garlic variety of nutritional and medicinal virtues Rasona is one of the important drugs used have been attributed to its roots, bark, in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds (Kumar et considered best among the Vatashamaka 2010)viii are drugs by Acharya Vagbhat. Rasona is nutritious and highly perishable in nature. considered as Rasayan in Ayurveda. This has been one of the major drawbacks Rasayan is very important for promoting for processing. The crop is mainly grown health and longevity, as described in for its tender pods, and very little attention Ayurveda. Various studies on Rasayana has been paid to the development of drugs validated their action, such as processed products from leaves. immunomodulatory, al., Drumstick leaves antioxidant, adaptogenic, nootropic and antistress. Guar Gum Rasona is an annual herb native to Central The number of persons whose body weight Asia, but due to its widespread use as a is greater than their ideal is increasing, medicine, it is cultivated in almost all particularly in developed countries x. For continents. instance, in the United States, more than different variety of garlic depending upon half of the adult population must now be their ecological productivity. There are classified as overweight or obese xi. On the two common species of garlic, namely basis of a normal body mass index (BMI; Allium sativum and Allium tuberosum. in kg/m2) ranging from 18.5 to 24.9, 31% Sativum species of garlic is commonly of the US adult population is obese (BMI used in most parts of India, and tuberosum S 30), and an additional 34% is overweight species is used commonly in north-east (BMI S 25; 1) xii Various cultures used a . Excess body weight is India, south-east Asia and China. The part one of the most important risk factors for used is garlic bulb that contains a wide all-cause morbidity and mortality. The variety likelihood of developing conditions such medicinal properties. The properties are as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, based primarily on the large amount of and osteoarthritis of weight-bearing joints sulphur compounds xv. increases with body weight 3 xiii of active ingredients , and these Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved with Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Tablet sweetening agents, coloring agents Definition: Tablet is defined as a etc. compressed solid dosage form containing medicaments with or without excipients. According to the Indian Pharmacopoeia, Pharmaceutical tablets are solid, flat or biconvex dishes, unit dosage form, prepared by compressing drugs or a mixture of drugs, with or without diluents.  Figure 1: Dosage form of drugs Dosage form (medicines) = API + LITERATURE REVIEW excipients The means (or the form) by which drug Cumin xvi, xvii, xviii, xix molecules are delivered to sites of action within the body.  Drug (active pharmaceutical ingredients) Chemical compound intended for use in diagnosis, treatment prevention, of disease. Figure 2: Cumin Powder OR   The API is the part of any drug that Botanical produces its effects. cyminum Excipients: Genus (xvii): Cuminum  Do not increase or affect the Species (xvii): cyminum name (xvi): Cuminum therapeutic action of the active Family (xvi): Apiaceae ingredient. Common name (xviii): Jiiraa (Jeera),  Inactive ingredients may also be Zeera (zira, ziira), afed ziiraa (Safed zira), referred to as inert ingredients or Safed jiiraa (Safaid jeera) excipients and generally have no Part used (xvi): The medicinal parts were pharmacological effect. the Cumin oil extracted from the ripe fruit  Examples of inactive ingredients and the ripe, dried fruit. include binding materials, dyes, Chemical constituents (xvi): alkaloid, preservatives, and flavoring agents, anthraquinone, 4 coumarin, Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved flavonoid, Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 glycoside, protein, resin, saponin, tannin aromatic oil of cumin seeds is also and steroid. used for flavouring curries, liquor, Habitat (xvii): In India, its production is cordials and has great use in perfumery concentrated mainly in Rajasthan, Gujarat industries. and some parts of Uttar Pradesh states. During 2011-12, 461160 tons of cumin  It has medicinal properties and is used was produced from 842560 hectares area, in many Ayurvedic and veterinary which is 34 % and 43 % of total seed medicines as carminative, stomachic, spices production and area, respectively. astringent Uses (xvii): diarrhea and dyspepsia. Cumin seeds  It is a major ingredient of mixed spices are very useful in digestive disorders powder and curry powder mixes. It is like biliousness, morning sickness, an ingredient of pickles and chutney indigestion, atonic dyspepsia, diarrhea, mixes. Cumin seeds have an aromatic malabsorption syndrome and flatulent fragrance due to alcohol, cuminol. The colic. and is useful against Table 1: Chemical structure (xix) Structure 5 Name Formula Linalool Structure Name Formula C10H18O β-Pinene C10H16 Cuminalde hyde C10H12O Δ3Carene C10H16 Limonene C10H16 pCymene C10H14 Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 α-Pinene αTerpineol C10H16 Cinnamon xx, xxi C10H18 O essential oil. Singh et al. reported that the spicy taste and fragrance are due to the presence of cinnamaldehyde and occur during the absorption of oxygen. As cinnamon ages, it darkens in color, improving the resinous compounds. Habitat (xx): The production of cinnamon Figure 3: Cinnamon Powder is mostly limited to the wettest low land areas of South East Asia and cultivated up Botanical name (xx): Cinnamomum to an altitude of 500 meters above mean zeylanicum sea level having the mean temperature Family (xx): Lauraceae 270C and annual rainfall 2000-2400mm. It Common name (xx): prefers sandy soil enriched with organic Bengali and Hindi –Dalchini, English:– matter. Cylon Sanskrit-Tamalparta; Uses (xxi): In addition to being used as a Telgu-Lavanagamu; spice and flavoring agent, cinnamon is also German- added to flavor chewing gums due to its cinnamon, Tamil-Ilayangam; Frenche-Cammelle; Ceylonzeimt/kaneel; Spanish-canela. mouth refreshing effects and ability to Part used (xxi): bark, roots, leaves, remove bad breath. Cinnamon can also flowers, fruit stalks, buds. improve the health of the colon, thereby Chemical constituents (xxi): Cinnamon reducing consists resinous Cinnamon is a coagulant and prevents compounds, including cinnamaldehyde, bleeding. Cinnamon also increases the cinnamate, blood circulation of a variety cinnamic of acid, and the risk of in colon the cancer. uterus and numerous essential oils (Table 2), studied advances tissue regeneration. This plant the plays a vital role as a spice, but its qualitative composition 6 of and quantitative cinnamon (bark) essential oils and other constituents also Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 have important activities, including Flax Seeds xxii, xxiii, xxiv antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, and antidiabetic. Cinnamon has been used as an anti-inflammatory, nematicidal, mosquito antitermitic, larvicidal, insecticidal, antimycotic, and anticancer agent. Cinnamon has also been traditionally used as tooth powder and Figure 4: Flax Seed Powder treat toothaches, dental problems, oral microbiota, and bad breath. Botanical name (xxii): Table 2: Chemical constituents of Usitatissimmum different parts of cinnamon (xxi) Family (xxii): Lineaceae Part of the plant Leaves Compound Cinnamaldehyde: 1.00 to 5.00% Eugenol: 70.00 to 95.00% Linum Common name (xxii): Alsi, Jawas, Aksebija Part used: fruit Chemical constituents (xxii): Flaxseed contains a good amount of á-Linolenic Bark Cinnamaldehyde: 65.00 to 80.00% Eugenol: 5.00 to 10.00% Bark root Camphor: 60.00% Fruit trans-Cinnamyl acetate (42.00 to 54.00%) and caryophyllene (9.00 to 14.00%) C. zeylanicum buds C. zeylanicum flowers Terpene hydrocarbons: 78.00% alphaBergamotene: 27.38% alpha-Copaene: 23.05% Oxygenated terpenoids: 9.00% (E)-Cinnamyl acetate: 41.98% trans-alphaBergamotene: 7.97% Caryophyllene oxide: 7.20% Acid (ALA), omega-3 fatty acid, protein, dietary fiber, lignin, specifically Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) Habitat (xxii): An analysis of brown Canadian flaxseed averaged 41% fat, 20% protein, 28% total dietary fibre, 7.7% moisture and 3.4% ash. Uses (xxiii): Flaxseed meal is gluten-free and has a pleasant nutty flavour. The protein content, combined with the gelling/binding properties of the soluble fiber found in flaxseed meal, make it ideal for incorporating into gluten-free baked goods or as a gluten-free thickening agent. 7 Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Figure 5: Nutritional profile of flax seed (xxiv) carbohydrate, Drumstick Leaves xxv, xxvi, xxvii lard (13%), cholesterol (1%), vitamin, and minerals (0.6%) as a percentage of total kcal ad libitum, respectively, were administered every HFD that consists of 58% fat, 25% protein and 17% carbohydrate, lard(13%), cholesterol (1%), vitamin, and minerals Figure 6: Drumstick Leaves Powder (0.6%) as a percentage of total kcal ad libitum, respectively, was administered Botanical name (xxv): Moringa oleifera every day 36. The composition of normal Family: moringaceae diet consists of 58% fat, 25% protein and Common name (xxvi): miracle tree, since 17% carbohydrate, lard (13%), cholesterol various parts of the plant including roots, (0%), vitamin, and minerals (0.6%). leaves, Cholesterol was purchased from Sigma and seeds possess various medicinal as well as nutritional values Chemical Co., USA. Part used: leaves Habitat: moringa oleifera grows best in Chemical constituents (xxv): HFD that the tropical regions of the world that have consists of 58% fat, 25% protein and 17% semi-arid 8 or monsoonal Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved climates. Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 However, it has a wide climatic tolerance Botanical and grows in conditions that range from tetragonolobus humid to arid in tropical and subtropical Family: Leguminosae regions (duke 1983) Common name: cluster bean, guar and Uses: guaran.  Decreased lipid absorption Part used: seed, fruit  Decreased energy intake Chemical constituent: The guar gum  Increased energy expenditure molecule is a linear carbohydrate polymer  Decreased with a molecular weight of the order of  pre-adipocyte name: Cyamopsis differentiation and proliferation, or 2, 20,000. It is having a straight chain of Decreased lipogenesis and increased D-mannose units linked together by β (1- lipolysis. 4) glycoside linkage, and D-galactose units are joined to it at each alternate position by Table 3: Comparison of nutrient level of a (1-6) glycosidic linkage. Hence, the guar Moringa leaves with other nutrient-rich gum forms a rod-like polymeric structure fruits, vegetables and products (xxvii) with a mannose backbone linked to Fresh leaves 4 times the Vitamin A in carrots 7 times the Vitamin C in oranges ¾ Iron of Spinach 3 times the Potassium in bananas 4 times the Calcium in Milk 2 times the Protein in Yogurt Guar Gum Dried leaf powder 10 times the Vitamin A in carrots 1/2 the Vitamin C in oranges 25 times the Iron in Spinach 15 times the Potassium in bananas 17 times the Calcium in Milk 9 times the Protein in Yogurt xviii galactose side chains, which are randomly placed on the mannose backbone with an average ratio of 1:2 galactose to mannose. Table 4: Composition of Guar Gum Constituent Percent Present Protein 3.5-4.0 phosphorus 0.06 Ash 1.07 Water soluble polysaccharide Water insoluble fraction 86.50 Alcohol soluble fraction 1.50 7.75 Habitat: Guar bean is principally grown in India and Australia, with smaller crops in United States, China, Pakistan and Africa. Figure 7: Guar Gum Powder 9 India produces 1-1.25 million tonnes of Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 guar annually and responsible for 80 % of Garlic xxix, xxx world guar production. Industrial guar gum accounts for about 45 % of the total demand. Use: Lipids, carbohydrates and proteins are natural polymeric materials widely used in pharmaceuticals. Natural polysaccharides and their derivatives form a large group of polymers that are profoundly used in pharmaceutical formulations as excipients as well as agents for controlling the release rate of the drug from a dosage form. Figure 9: Garlic Powder Botanical name (xxix): Allium sativum Family (xxix): Liliaceae Common name: garlic, lahsun, lahsan, lassan Part used: root, fruit Chemical constituent (xxix): Garlic is rich in trace elements (zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium and iodine), protein Guar gum is a potential candidate for many pharmaceutical applications by virtue of its ability to form viscous dispersions or gel in aqueous media. The increasing popularity of this gum is also assisted by its non-toxic and biodegradable nature. content, dietary fibre, tocopherols, ascorbic acid, polyphenols. Habitat: Allium sativum is cultivated all over the world in a warm, moderate climate and is used largely as a herb and a vegetable. Use (xxx): Garlic is used to treat cardiovascular disease, antiatherosclerotic, used as antimicrobial and many more. Garlic used as antidiabetic and antihypertensive. The garlic has a beneficial role in cancer; it is also used as an anticancer agent. Today, with the evergrowing resistant organisms, the taking of garlic extract remains a powerful antimicrobial agent. Clearly, more studies Figure 8: Chemical structure of guar gum are needed to refine the and improvement of the efficacy of this important medicinal plant. 10 use Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Figure 10: Commercial garlic products and their major organo-sulfur compounds (xxx) AIM many other reasons also make in- This study aims at the development of person obey. weight loss tablet by using selected  The overweight occurs due to the multiple herbs, which gives therapeutic uncontrolled fat storage in various effect without any side effects and which segments of the body, especially at the will be economical in cost. tummy and hips.  This is not an uncommon problem that OBJECTIVES comes at a particular age; every age  In the current scenario of the epidemic, woman suffers from this problem the world is moving toward Ayurveda nowadays due to the lifestyle of and keeping in accordance with it. We modern scenario. have made this tablet with multi herbs   At this time, weight loss is an urgent that can treat various problems of criterion because obesity may lead to weight loss. diabetes, hypertension, orthoarteries In this today’s world, weights more and many other diseases. desk job profiles have been increased.  Current market offers hundreds of pills Lack of exercise and intake of junk for the purpose of weight loss, but it is food has been seen within this two- required to use only herbal products parameters are not only responsible for that provide a permanent cure of the the obesity of a person, along with that problems without any side effects. 11 Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1  Traditionally, people have been found Evaluation Parameters (xxxi) to be using cumin, cinnamon and  Analytical evaluation flaxseed, garlic, drumsticks leave and  Organoleptic guar gum etc., for that weight loss.  or evaluation common  Microscopic evaluation nutraceuticals but due to awareness  Chemical evaluation and laziness, people are not found to  Physical evaluation be using them. If we prepare a tablet,  Biological evaluation Though they are macroscopic there will be huge patient compliance.  No need to worry if you are Analytical Evaluation overweight we will make helpful In general, quality control is based on medicine which can help you many three important pharmacopoeias. It is more in a short time of period. obvious that the content is the most difficult one to assess since in most herbal METHODOLOGY drugs, the active constituents are unknown. Standardization of Herbal Drug Powder Sometimes markers can be used, which xxxi are, by definition, chemically defined constituents that are of interest for a control purpose, independent of whether they have any therapeutic activity or not. To prove identity and purity, criteria such as type of sensory preparation properties, physical constants, adulteration, contaminants, moisture, ash content and solvent residues have to be checked. The correct identity of the cured herbal material, or the botanical quality, is of prime importance in establishing the quality control of herbal drugs. Organoleptic or Macroscopic Evaluation Organic evaluation of drugs by means of Figure 11: Methods of herbal standardization 12 organs of sense (skin, eye, tongue, nose, Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 and ear) or microscopic evaluation, which phloroglucinol and HCl etc. mucilage is include evaluation of drugs by color, odor, stained pink with ruthenium red can be taste, size, shape, and special feature, like used to distinguish cellular structure. The touch, texture, etc. it is the technique of microscopic evaluation also includes the qualitative evaluation based on the study study of constituents in the powdered drug of the morphological and sensory profile by the use of chemical reagents. of whole drugs. The fractured surfaces in cinchona, quillaia, and cascara barks and Quantitative aspects of microscopy include quassia wood are important characteristics. the study of stomata number and index, The aromatic odor of umbelliferous fruits palisade ratio, vein- islet number, size of and the sweet taste of liquorices are starch grains, length of fibers etc., which examples of this type of evaluation where plays a very important role in the the odor of drugs depends upon the type identification of the drug. and quality of odorous principles (volatile oils) present. Chemical Evaluation Most of the drugs have definite chemical Microscopic Evaluation constituents to which their biological or It involves a detailed examination of the drugs, and it can be used to identify the organized drugs by their known histological characters. It is mostly used for qualitative evaluation of organized crude drugs in entire and power forms with the help of microscope tissues, microscopic. detecting trichomes, Using a various cellular stomata, starch granules, calcium oxalate crystals and aleuronic grains are some of the important parameters which play an important role in pharmacological activity is attributed. Qualitative chemical tests are used to identify a certain drug or to test its purity. Isolation, purification, identification of active constituents is based on chemical methods of evaluation. Evaluation test of resins: acid value, sulphated ash Evaluation test of balsams: acid value, saponification value, bester values. Evaluation test of volatile oils: acetyl and ester values the identification of certain crude drugs. Starch and hemicelluloses are identified by blue color with iodine solution. All lignified tissues give pink strain with 13 Physical Evaluation Physical constants are sometimes taken into consideration to evaluate certain Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 drugs. These include moisture content, Primary Goals of Tablet Manufacturing specific Process gravity, optical rotation, refractive, melting point, viscosity and  To formulate tablets that are strong and solubility in different solvents. All these hard to withstand mechanical shock physical properties are useful in the encountered identification and detection of constituents packing, shipping, dispensing and use.  present in plants. during manufacturing, To formulate tablets that are uniform in weight and in drug content. Biological Evaluation Some drugs have a specific biological and  due to a specific type of constituents intact and isolation organs of living tablets that are requirements.  To formulate tablets that are chemically and physically stable over a present in the plant extract. For evaluation, the experiments were carried out on both formulate bioavailable according to indication pharmacological activity that is utilized for their evaluation. Actually, this activity is To long period of time.  To formulate tablets that have an elegant product identity, which is free animals. from any tablet defects. With the help of bioassays, the strength of the drug in its preparation can be Factors that influence the choice of manufacturing process used during tablet evaluated. formulation Formulation Aspect and Method of  Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)/ drug Preparation  We will be taking all the herbal drug powders in separate glassware, followed by extracting them with water as a solvent.  Filtrate will be evaporated to dryness to get aqueous extracts of drugs.  All the extracts and pharmaceutical aids are employed to formulate tablets by using a punching machine. 14 Compression properties of the Active substance.  Physical and chemical stability of the API during the manufacturing process.  Particle size of the formulation the necessary ingredients.  Availability of processing equipment.  Cost of the manufacturing/formulation process. Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Personnel requirements during the parameters are not only responsible for manufacture of pharmaceutical tablets the obesity of a person, along with that  Production pharmacists/ supervisors many other reasons also make in-  Manufacturing chemist person obey. In this time, weight loss  Analytical chemist in an urgent criterion because obesity  Quality assurance manager may lead to diabetes, hypertension,  Machine operators orthoarteries and many other diseases.  Mechanics Traditionally, people have been found to be using cumin, cinnamon and flax SUMMARY seed etc., for that weight loss. Though  Developments of weight loss tablet they are common nutraceuticals, but using multi herbs extract for weight due to awareness and laziness, people loss to prevent from reducing body fat. are not found to be using them; if we prepare a tablet, there will be huge  The overweight occurs due to the patient compliance. uncontrolled fat storage in various segments of the body, especially at the tummy and hips. This is not an uncommon problem that comes at a particular age; every age woman suffers from this problem nowadays due to the lifestyle of modern scenario. The current market offers hundreds of pills for the purpose of weight loss, but it is required to use only herbal products that provide a permanent cure of the problems without any side In this today’s world, weights more desk job profiles have been increased. Lack of exercise and intake of junk food has been seen within this two15 As our lifestyle is now getting technosavvy, we are moving away from nature. While we cannot escape from nature because we are part of nature. As herbs are natural products; they are free from side effects, they are comparatively safe, ecofriendly and locally available. Traditionally there are lots of herbs used for ailments related to different seasons. There is a need to promote them to save human lives. effects.  CONCLUSION These herbal products are today are the symbol of safety in contrast to the synthetic drugs that are regarded as unsafe to human beings and the environment. Page 1-20 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2021. All Rights Reserved Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Physiology Volume 3 Issue 1 Although herbs had been priced for their We would like to express our deep medicinal, and aromatic of gratitude to our guide Prof. Dr. Siddhi the synthetic Upadhyay, in Sigma Institute of Pharmacy, products of the modern age surpassed their for his valuable guidance and motivation importance for a while. However, the blind and for his extreme co-operation to dependence on synthetics is over, and complete our project report successfully. qualities flavouring sense for centuries, people are returning to the naturals with the hope of safety and security. It’s time to We would like to express our sincere promote them globally. respect and profound gratitude to DR. U.M. UPADHYAY (M.Pharm and PhD.) FUTURE SCOPE for supporting and providing the facilities If you are one of those who want to reduce for our project work. weight in a herbal way, we have something to help you out. Since I owe the greatest thanks of all to my exercising is not everyone’s cup of tea, family for being such a strong support many people prefer to go for herbal weight network during all such time period. To loss supplements along with a restricted Nate, thank you for being by my side diet to lose weight. Here is a list of most every step of the way unless you were popular herbal weight loss supplements doing the chores while I finished school that will help you lose weight and fit in work. Thank you to my mom for always your old and favourite clothes again. believing in my abilities, whether or not you understood what I was talking about, ACKNOWLEDGMENT and to my dad for always helping me see First and foremost, I thank God for putting the good and lighter side of any obstacle I me in all the right places in all of his was facing. perfect timing, and for the people. He put in my path to act as guides, friends, and Finally, our special thanks to our parents more. It took a little faith and a ton of for work, and I was not always sure it was encouragement. their moral support and going to work out, but I am guessing He did because He never gave up on me, regardless of how I felt about myself. REFERENCES I. 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