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1788 Meeting Abstracts revedlsgrowth regulaticm andcelldeusity depem&nt reactials.The cultlxesystem describedfor gzwliIqL929cellsinf~ layerspJmmtescolcmies of hamlogous cells,cultursdcnthe surfaceagarlayer. A celldensityof 0.5x106cellsper ml reach confluencyat24hrand these stationary culturescause a amplete inhibiticmof colony fcxmation.'Ihis Mlibition is exter&dnotcnlytohanologalscalls ix&to p&wyotic cellsas well. streptoaEus grmislcwly and forms tiny colcniescm stationarycultures,ontheamtrarya growingcellculturepmnotesdevelcplK?ntof greatex diffused colonies. such mdel systems of colcny mxphogeuesis cm stationaryand growingfeeder cells may prove more sensitiveest&natingregulatoxy acticnsof phsmacologicaland biological substarcesorcelltocellin~actions. ~~AINRUMANBl0ZDINRELATICN'IC PAWAN -C NRPRRCPATRYANDURINARY sYsm4!mMmRsIN~ T.--(l) axd M.~(Z) purifiedfJmnSanm-freenEdiummti~ by sV40-transformed 3T3cellsseededat high The purificaticnsteps density (W. amsistedofgelpeImsation&ram~ of the acid-soluble (EI fracticm follwedby catim exchmge and reverse-phase high pressureliquidchmnato9mphy. Apartially pvified preparatim of growthfactcrwas fomdcapableofstimlating boulthymidins imxporation as wellas the proliferation rateof quiescent3T3cells. Thisfracticm also anchoragencc-transfarmedcells(NRK)tofoKmcol~es in softagar. Ihepremqtivetrausfonning pmperties associatedwith the growth pramtingactivityas wellas itspossible relatialship WithkmMlmFs or ED@-like factorsare currently uI-&.r investigation. AidedbymandAlRC IGFlREEECRS (IGE'l-R) IN 72 PRIMARYRUMAN BRR?lmc!ANCm.RELATImwrJI-IEsrRAD1CLAND BW (ER,pgR) J.P.Pqyrat, J.W, J&W=(l), B.Bare&n(2),R,Bsmcart(3), B.~-MsrtinaudA&maUle (1)Instituteof Oncology, Sofia 1156, Bulgaria;(Z)IARC,69372 Lycn, Cedex 8, FKance Centre Oscar Iaabret59020 Lille;(1)INRA Jouy-en-Josas; (2)INRA Montpellier; (3)Faculti de M6dicine Lille,Prance In an effcrt topmvidefurth~ evidenceforthehypothesisthataqmtmin is involvedin the aetiologyof Ralksn emdenlic nephropathy(m)andthatthelater isassociatedwithths occuncenceofurinary systmtmrmrs (USP),asurveywasmdeftx theoccurrenceofcchratoxinA(CA) inhuman bloodsanplesoollectedfran people living inanareawithmatxdhighincidencesof USC mnpared with those fran ax&her non-endenucareainBulgaria9In all,312 peoplewereanalyseda.rdCAwasfaundinthe serum of people fmn both emdmic anl non-endemicareas, Rutamchgreater proportionof samplesccntaining QA (26.3%) was famd intheserumofpatientswithmr and/orBmwhweas the propmtionofoAin the serum ofpeoplefran the non-endemic area approximtelyto 7.7%. The highest concentration foundwas 35 rg ochratcucin A lg serllm. IGEI (Insulin-Like Grmth Factor(l) stimulates the proliferationof humanbreast cancer cells. Wehave characterized the R-IG!Tl infour breast cancarcelllines in long-terntissueculture: wefollowedthis workdeteminiq theR-IGE'I cxmcentration in 76primrybreastcaucers. The labeled and Im, 200 uCi/ug (Pr Rumbel-Zurich Amersham-France) wasincubatedfor Shrat 4°cwith400ug of breastcancer mmbrane presemeorabeenceofa -#tithe pztially purifiedIGFIprepsration. Cnly 6.6%of the txmxlrsbcund lessthah1% of the total radioactivity (IGFI-R-);18.4% hound 1 to 2% (IGFR+), 75%of the tmKnlrs bout-d morethau2% (IGF-R+).The rangewas 0 to 16.4%. Thereis a relationbetween IGFI-R+and Rpg+ (Xa=8.6,p=0.003) and betweenIGE'I-R+ and themencpause ($=6.8, of IGF-R is p=O.OOS). The concentration correlated (Gpeamantest) to RR (p=O.O018) and to RPg (p=O.OOll).There is alinem betweenlog IGF-Rand positivecorrelation logRR (n=59,p=O.O25) andbetweenIGF-Rand log RPg (N=54,p=O.O025). These results suggestthat (1) as breast cancers contain IGF-1-Rthey couldbe sensitiveto this gxwth factor,and (2) an IGE'-Rlowering drug could be a beneficialtreatmentfor thesepatients. A?RANSFI3RMINGQMWPHF~PRCMEEDBY sv40-3T3 CEXXS P.G.F+sWmi& LSilvotti,m(l) RF.Bc@etti ilnd Patologia Gsusrale and Istituto di (1)Dipertimento di Fisica,Universitidi Panna,Parma,Italy FCDULWIa A grmth pranoting activity Was CIF THE BONAN Ha-ras-1 QKEl34E EXERESSI~BYDNAMETHYMT~-