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ISSN No :2231-5063 Vol 5 Issue 8 Feb 2016 ORIGINAL ARTICLE International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Golden Research Thoughts Chief Editor Dr.Tukaram Narayan Shinde Associate Editor Dr.Rajani Dalvi Publisher Mrs.Laxmi Ashok Yakkaldevi Honorary Mr.Ashok Yakkaldevi Welcome to GRT RNI MAHMUL/2011/38595 ISSN No.2231-5063 Golden Research Thoughts Journal is a multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly in English, Hindi & Marathi Language. All research papers submitted to the journal will be double - blind peer reviewed referred by members of the editorial board.Readers will include investigator in universities, research institutes government and industry with research interest in the general subjects. Regional Editor Dr. T. 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I. Cuza University, Iasi ......More Editorial Board Iresh Swami Pratap Vyamktrao Naikwade ASP College Devrukh,Ratnagiri,MS India Ex - VC. Solapur University, Solapur R. R. Patil Head Geology Department Solapur University,Solapur Rama Bhosale Prin. and Jt. Director Higher Education, Panvel Salve R. N. Department of Sociology, Shivaji University,Kolhapur Govind P. Shinde Bharati Vidyapeeth School of Distance Education Center, Navi Mumbai Chakane Sanjay Dnyaneshwar Arts, Science & Commerce College, Indapur, Pune Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya Secretary,Play India Play,Meerut(U.P.) N.S. Dhaygude Ex. Prin. Dayanand College, Solapur Narendra Kadu Jt. Director Higher Education, Pune K. M. Bhandarkar Praful Patel College of Education, Gondia Sonal Singh Vikram University, Ujjain Rajendra Shendge Director, B.C.U.D. Solapur University, Solapur R. R. Yalikar Director Managment Institute, Solapur Umesh Rajderkar Head Humanities & Social Science YCMOU,Nashik S. R. Pandya Head Education Dept. Mumbai University, Mumbai Alka Darshan Shrivastava G. P. Patankar S. D. M. Degree College, Honavar, Karnataka Shaskiya Snatkottar Mahavidyalaya, Dhar Maj. S. Bakhtiar Choudhary Director,Hyderabad AP India. Rahul Shriram Sudke Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore S.Parvathi Devi Ph.D.-University of Allahabad S.KANNAN Annamalai University,TN Sonal Singh, Vikram University, Ujjain Satish Kumar Kalhotra Maulana Azad National Urdu University Address:-Ashok Yakkaldevi 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur - 413 005 Maharashtra, India Cell : 9595 359 435, Ph No: 02172372010 Email: Website: Golden Research Thoughts International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal ISSN: 2231-5063 Impact Factor : 3.4052(UIF) Volume - 5 | Issue - 8 | Feb - 2016 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Dr. Prashant Vaidande1 and Dr. Tajoddin Ladaf2 1 Research Scholar and Consultant, Mumbai. 2 Assistant Professor in Economics, SSA’s Arts and Commerce College, Solapur, India. ABSTRACT The Present article deals with the issue of Indian family, which has its own uniqueness in context of all round social change. With Industrialization, Urbanization, Globalization, Westernization and socio-economic changes, its structure, role and inter relationships within it have altered. Indian Family is in the transitional phase, the processes of socialization and its agents duty who play a vital role in upbringing of human being from childhood to throughout the life has also changing as per time. How youth while passing through this span and kind of values they learn from existing value system today. Through collecting the opinions of 250 postgraduate students on the preferences of values and socialization agents roles in the Youth development, from 5 faculties of Mumbai University, the sample size is 6% taken from total study population. The basic concern of this paper is to discuss the changes that taking place in Indian family and examine their implications for the socialization of young, the nature of structural and functional changes in Indian family and also their implication in socialization process. KEYWORDS: Youth Socialization , agents of Socialization , Indian Family. 1.INTRODUCTION MacIver described Man is cultural animal and had a community life even before the evolution of language. The institution of marriage exists in several forums. In this regard Misra said the impact of time, space and cultural persistence is very much evident. Marriage and family, two institutions with a biological foundation, are complementary to each other by Rao. These are permanent elements of our social system (Singh, R.2005). As depicted by (Sastry, 1985) Family is the basic institution of a society. It is a major responsibility to procreate and provide socialization to offspring. The institution of family in the Indian context has been a subject of several studies by sociologists and anthropologists. Most of the earlier studies in this area were concerned with the structure of the family and the changes over time. These studies examined the family Available online at 1 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION and kinship system within the larger context of the caste system in India. A review of past literature on the Indian family shows that the discussions mostly centre on the transition from joint family to nuclear family. The review of past literature also discussed the causes and effect of this phenomenal change that occur in the family structure. While discussing the causes and effects of these changes all authors have tried to show the vulnerability of situation but no one try to focused on the destruction of existing value system and what kind of new value system are introducing and their impact on generation, that kind of future forecasting though logical thinking and reasoning never happened. Definition on Family: According to Burgess, E.W.and H.J.Locke, Family is “a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption, constituting a single house hold; inter-acting and communicating with each other in respective social roles of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister; and creating and maintain a common culture. Socialization: The basic concern of this paper is to discuss the changes that taking place in Indian family and examine their implications for the socialization of the young, the nature of structural and functional changes in the Indian family and their implication in the socialization process. Through the conceptual map it tries to show the process of Socialization and role of agents were highlighted. While showing their interlinked in between them and how the different types of Values through informal way these agents tries to inculcate among the all human being’s from Child to adulthood. Concept Map No: 1 Value orientation through Institution’s of Socialization Socialization is the process through which individuals integrate in society through various agencies such as family, peer-group and educational institutions. In the most general sense, socialization is the process through which individuals acquire social knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to interact with others. The process by which an individual develops through interaction with other people, his specific patterns of socially relevant behaviour and experience is called 'socialization'. It is the family's primary responsibility to socialize children in the norms of society. In all human groups, the family is an important agent of socialization. It has flexible human relationships in which family members interact informally and deal with common concerns in an atmosphere of mutual respect and love. The family teaches the child his or her first lessons in social living and helps him or her form basic attitude patterns, ideals and style of life. It Available online at 2 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION creates feelings of social responsibility and teaches the importance of cooperation and mutual respect. The review of studies clearly shows that significant changes are occurring in the Indian family in response to both internal and external forces. There is an increasing nuclearization and the fold of the joint family is decreasing through functionally the kinship obligations and interactions still persist at a relatively low level, significant changes in conjugal role relationships and parent-child relationships are taking place even though these changes are more pronounced in urban settings and among the educated couples. Certain level of conflict, tension and ambivalence in role relationships and socialization processes are evident. There is a great need to strengthen the family in this transition process and also improve the socialization processes. Further, there is a great need for in-depth as well as extensive studies of emerging family and socialization process (Sastry, 1985). Socialization has Its own impact on every body’s life it reflect throughout the life in terms of walking, talking, looking, thinking and acting all this action reflects its socialization. Can Industrialization, Urbanization and Modernization have any great impact on changes and problems that generally we get to seen in development process of the Youth need to study. YOUTH A DEMOGRAPHIC DIVIDEND FOR INDIA: India is a Young Nation and its youth form an integral and essential part of the country’s development process. As per Census of India 2001, the size of youth population in the country is 422.3 Million (219 million males and 203 million females), which is above 41 % of India’s population. The youth population in the age group 15-34 years is expected to increase over the coming years as per population projections. In the 2011 census, the youth population is expected to increase by 77 million. In the period2011-21, this number would increase by a further 34 million (India Youth Development Index 2010). As per 2014 National Youth Policy Document, the youth age-group is defined as 15-29 years and in 2011 census this age group comprises 27.5% of the population. One thing here needs to focus that the power which we have with us it should not be misused by world with their policies and Programme. With this rich resources and power of youth, in the era of revolution whole world is suffering either way of the impact of all events like “Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization, Modernization, Industrialization, Commercialization, Westernization and Urbanization with that coming other side effects and implication will get to seen on the existed patterns, norms and rules etc. If that is the fact then how it is possible that traditional well cultured country like India will not get suffered and affect of this new upcoming changes and its impact on values in our contemporary society. The rising concern on value erosion in India, where culture of our society is being influences by the technology and its advancement. In India today youth have expressed problems with age due to their way of living, behaviour, negative outlook in life and continues criticism towards younger generation. Moreover it is also observed that the relative consideration of society is shifting of younger children and youth who are to settle in future life on this competitive world and not to the elderly who are in the shadow of life and have less value in society. Modern youth rebels or tries to push off from elderly ties reflecting the weakness in family structure or even the upbringing of youth without higher values of tradition and culture. Gulati, K (2008), says that greatest challenges that today’s society is facing and that is “Generation Gap”. Elders feel that there is mental, moral decay and degradation of moral values, crisis of confidence, trust, and character, break down of traditional discipline. At the same time the youngsters say that time has changed now and thus ideologies also need to be changed. The youth are disappointed with the corrupt and discredited authority. Corruption, craziness for power, moral lapses, opportunism, nepotism, discrimination, etc, found among the political and social leader have made the youth to have nothing but contempt for them. Available online at 3 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION RATIONAL: This paper is focusing more on values which are getting eroded, due to this factual change of event a naturally developed socialization agents and Institutions suffers a lot in all stages. Countries one of the important and crucial Pillar of development which is youth, has got fractured and flooded in unexpected flow of revolutionary changes. This row material, unused fabric got trodden by upcoming changes. As change is necessary and it is an part and parcel of life but while accepting this changes all must get in confidence and then implement the changes but in fact country like India it is not happened like that and due that whatever things are been happening whether bad or good which affect and create lot of stress, pressure and tension and upcoming problems, which we never have thought of it. As they are getting more and more exposed by westernized and self indulgent due to that they start losing faith in our old values. This is partly true but on the positive side of youth is that they are better informed and more responsible towards their commitments to life. The younger generation today is subjected to greater pressure and anxiety due to rapid changes and intense competition. The impact of Westernization, Urbanization and Modernization, not only fractured young mind but to overcome out from this the reinforcement of values in the changing society is crucial and important. Teacher-student relationship, parent-child relationship, and role of teachers in the value education have been tried to explain. OBJECTIVES: 1.To study the views of Youth on Importance of Socialization agents in the teaching of values to youth. 2.To find out the Youth preference to the role of socialization agents in their life. 3.To describe the Value Ranking done by Youth as importance of values in their life. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND DATA: The data collected from whole study population by applying disproportionate sample Size method, size of sample which is 250 and to cover it 50 students selected accidentally from each faculty. These postgraduate student’s of Mumbai, and on the basis of their views on the role of agents of socialization in the development of youth which is as follows. From the theories of socialization discussed here, it can be seen how, in the socialization process, human beings form values, behaviours and perceive the difference between right and wrong, good or bad from situations and experiences. The process of learning values is informal. Human beings are constantly learning from others, looking at themselves from others’ perspectives on whether their own behaviour is suitable/ acceptable / expectable in the given situation. Durkheim said that these collective representations or social values directly or indirectly mould the character and the behaviour of the new-born child. Table No 1 Importance of Socialization agents in the teaching of values to youth Socialization agents Educatio nal institute Frequency 23 percent 9.2 Society 32 86 3 9 20 8 68 1 250 12.8 34.4 1.2 3.6 8.0 3.2 27.2 0.4 100.0 Parents Relatives Friends Teachers Media Mo re than o ne of the above Socialization agents No Response Total Available online at 4 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Table No 1: It is the proven truth, 34.4 % of the youth reported that parents were the most important socialization agent in the teaching of values. It is widely accepted that parents are the first and foremost teachers in a child’s life. 27.2 % of the respondents said that the several socializing agents play equally important roles. 12.8 % reported that Society’s role is most important, 9.2 % placed educational institutions’ roles as most important, 8 % gave primacy to the teachers’ role, and 3.6 % thought that their friends play a major role 3.2 % thought that it was the media. Very few (1.2%) acknowledged the socializing role of relatives. 0.4 % did not respond. The ideal process of socialization and practicality all are the same by nature. But in this era of development parents are forgetting to nurture their own child naturally, it may be because several problems. A parent has to fulfil their natural role, not materialistic one. Table 2 shows the youth expressed their views on the role of parents in their development of personality. Table No.2 Youth preference to the role of socialization agents Important Role of Agents Frequency percent Teachers Role Guide 117 46.8 Friends Role as Guide 100 40.0 Parents Role as guide 71 28.4 Role of society Guidance 71 28.4 Role of Media Guide 67 26.8 Elders Guidance is important 187 74.8 Out of total 250 respondents (only selected responses are Summarised here) Table No.2 summarizes the preferences, given by youth to the role of socialization agents. Most (47 %) student preferred that their teachers’ must play the role of guide.40 % youth were expected that their friends must play the role of Guide. Expectedly, a high number (28.4 %) wanted their parents and Society to play the role of guide. 26.8 % of the respondents said that the media must play a guiding role and 75 % considered their elders’ guidance as important and necessary for their personality development and upbringing. This could mean youth were expected that teachers, friends, Parents, Society and media must play the role of Guide, it means that a major number of youth feel that these all agents of socialization were not giving them proper guidance or are not doing their role as guide to youth in proper manner as and when they need. Table No.3 Value Ranking by Youth Value Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 Values Honesty Respect Justice Good Character Family Frequency Percent 44 25 16 22 26 17.6 10.0 6.4 8.8 10.4 Table No.3.Shows the Importance of values to youth (Perception) with background of sex, age, faculty, marital status, family Income, type of family, family culture, for whom values are important or not. Majority of 44 (17.6 %) have ranked 1st Value to Honesty, followed to that 26 (10.4 %) have ranked 5th value to Family, 25 (10.0 %) have ranked 2nd value to Respect, Majority of 22 (8.8 %) have ranked 4th value to Good Character and which is minor that is 16 (6.4 %) all have ranked 3rd value to Justice. Youth from all strata with Religion, Income, Social, and Educational, Cultural background are in favor of In-formal values which they get to learn and wanted to learn and preserved these all ranked values. Available online at 5 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION Among that they have given more favor to Honesty, Family, Respect, Good Character and Justice. This is now a day does not get to see any were in day to day life, not only in urban city like Mumbai but all over the society. Every were we see only the humiliation of these values by all. Over here we can’t and should not blame to anyone but we all are responsible for this kind of social system that we are living, following, is all about corruption in relations, mind and service, in all strata of society. No were Honesty, Respect, Good Character, Justice get to seen in the actions of elders, and so called role model, ideals Whom to we follow today’s youth are in this dilemma. FINDINGS: 1.The most of youth expected that parents are the crucial agent for child socialization. 2.The majority of youth expected their parents to be guide. Teachers were also expected to play the role of guides. Society, friends (including the peer group) and the media should also play a guiding role. 92 % believed that elders have an important role to play in the upbringing and development of young people. This must be seen as a positive sign of their self-awareness and understanding of their value needs. 3.According to P.G youth, they have given more favor to Honesty, Family, Respect, Good Character and Justice. CONCLUSION: 1.Role of agents of Socialization: The five major agents of socialization i.e. parents, teachers, friends (peer group), society and media must play their role in imparting values. Parents are primarily responsible for laying the foundations for building a sound value system. They are the first, and the most important, teachers in a child’s life. The youths’ responses also validated the general view. 2.The role of elders must be recognized. Most respondents said that elders are needed. They should not be viewed as a burden to their families. Rather, they play an important role in the upbringing of the young people in the family, especially when parents are unable to give them the necessary time and attention. The responses indicate that youth are conscious of this fact. 3.Honesty, Family, Respect, Good Character and Justice are the values most respondents held as important. However, these values are not held in much regard today. There are no role models that youth can look up to and emulate. This is their major dilemma. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.The agents of socialization must realize their responsibilities and play their expected roles. 2.Since parents are the first teachers, their behaviour must always be such that their children should emulate. In view of the constantly changing socio-economic environment, the agents of socialization must adapt to the circumstances and convey values with a positive message to the youth. 3.Teachers must understand that students imitate or copy their actions and tend to emulate them. Accordingly, they must alter their behaviours and attitudes to set a positive example. Values are learnt informally from teachers and their behaviour is the best example for learning values. Educational Institutions must equip themselves with trends of Value loaded knowledge. 4.Society must see the changes that taking place in around and explained the mature meaning and understanding to child and youth as per their age, so that they will learn and understand it clearly with informal way of learning values without any fear and confusion. 5.Media which is one the most important and effective agents, now the time has come to understand their role’s importance in the process of socialization. With equal importance in the every spear of life Media must alter and act according to times demand. Mature behaviour is expected while presenting any kind of facts in front of people. 6.Regarding degradation of value’s Media, Educational Institutions, Teachers must play active role in the Available online at 6 YOUTH SOCIALIZATION IN INDIAN FAMILY: YOUTHS EXPECTATION FROM AGENTS OF SOCIALIZATION preserving the value’s among youth from the time of childhood. 7.Publicity should be done on through posters, cable channels, print media on the issue of Role agents of Socialization, Values Importance and solution on it. REFERENCES: 1.Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development.2011. “India Youth Development Index 2010”, Tamilnadu. RGNIYD.p1. 2.Burgess, E.W.and H.J.Locke. 1960 the Family: From Institution to Companionship IInd Ed. New York. American Book.p8. 3.Kashyap, L.D. 1993. Adolescent/Youth and Family Dynamics and Development Programmes. Indian Journal of Social work Vol.LIV,No.1 (Jan).p.94 4.Sastry, S.R. 1985. Family and Socialization in the Context of Social Change. National Seminar on Youth in India. Mumbai. IIPS.p217 & 203. 5.Singh, R. 2005. Problems of Youth, in Indian youth: Demographic Analysis, Policies and Programmes. New Delhi. Serials Publications.p.22. Available online at 7 Publish Research Article International Level Multidisciplinary Research Journal ForORIGINAL All Subjects ARTICLE Dear Sir/Mam, We invite unpublished Research Paper,Summary of Research Project,Theses,Books and Book Review for publication,you will be pleased to know that our journals are Associated and Indexed,India International Scientific Journal Consortium ¬ ¬ OPEN J-GATE Associated and Indexed,USA EBSCO ? ? Index Copernicus ? Publication Index ? Academic Journal Database ? Contemporary Research Index ? Academic Paper Databse ? Digital Journals Database ? Current Index to Scholarly Journals ? Elite Scientific Journal Archive ? 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