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A retrospective and prospective look at inclined heterolithic stratification of tidal-fluvial point bars of the middle McMurray Formation of Northeastern Alberta, Canada


Within academia and industry, there is a renaissance occurring, reforming our understanding of point bars and more specifically tidal-fluvial point bars of the fluvial-to-marine transition zone. Though early workers (Jackson 1975; 1976;1981; Bridges and Leeder, 1976; Allen et al.,1980, Reineck and Singh, 1980; Mossop and Flach, 1983; Miall, 1985; Thomas et al., 1987; Smith 1988; Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Hein et al., 2000; Ranger and Gingras, 2001; etc.) of point bars and bars within the fluvial-marine transition provided fundamental insights which guide current thinking, in the past five years, marked advancements have reshaped our understanding of the processes (Willis and Tang, 2010; Dalrymple et al., 2011; Martinius and Van den Berg, 2011; Nittrouer et al., 2012; Ashworth and Lewin, 2012; Sisulak and Dashtgard, 2012; Blum et al., 2013); geomorphological elements (Smith et al.,2009; Hubbard et al., 2011; Musial et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2012); architectural elements (Labre...

Not All IHS Was Created EqualA retrospective and prospective look at inclined heterolithic stratification of tidal-fluvial point bars of the middle McMurray Formation of Northeastern Alberta, Canada Bryce V.J. Jablonski, Rudolph Strobl, Milovan Fustic, Allard W. Martinius Heavy Oil Technology Centre, Statoil Canada Abstract Within academia and industry, there is a renaissance occurring, reforming our understanding of point bars and more specifically tidal-fluvial point bars of the fluvial-to-marine transition zone. Though early workers (Jackson 1975; 1976;1981; Bridges and Leeder, 1976; Allen et al.,1980, Reineck and Singh, 1980; Mossop and Flach, 1983; Miall, 1985; Thomas et al., 1987; Smith 1988; Wightman and Pemberton, 1997; Hein et al., 2000; Ranger and Gingras, 2001; etc.) of point bars and bars within the fluvial-marine transition provided fundamental insights which guide current thinking, in the past five years, marked advancements have reshaped our understanding of the processes (Willis and Tang, 2010; Dalrymple et al., 2011; Martinius and Van den Berg, 2011; Nittrouer et al., 2012; Ashworth and Lewin, 2012; Sisulak and Dashtgard, 2012; Blum et al., 2013); geomorphological elements (Smith et al.,2009; Hubbard et al., 2011; Musial et al., 2011; Fustic et al., 2012); architectural elements (Labreque et al., 2011; Jablonski 2012; Nardin et al., 2012;) and ultimately the deposits of tidal-fluvial point bars. This renaissance in tidal-fluvial understanding has largely been spurred by great interest in the bituminous Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) McMurray Formation which is interpreted to be deposited within the fluvial-marine transition zone. Furthermore, a large proportion of the middle McMurray Formation was deposited within tidal-fluvial point bar environments, which can be dominantly composed of inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS; Thomas et al., 1987). In Situ bitumen extraction techniques (i.e., SAGD) appear to be extremely sensitive to reservoir heterogeneity associated with the distribution of this IHS, particularly the silt beds (Strobl et al., 1997; Nardin et al., 2012; Strobl, 2012). This prompted current and ongoing research into the developing a better understanding of 3-dimensional architecture, spatial distribution and depositional processed related to these IHS packages of tidal-fluvial point bars. During two field campaigns within the Fort McMurray area, insight into seasonal IHS development was established. The Type Section, Abasand, Mackay Gauging Station, Steepbank River outcrops and the CNRL Bridge Section are all areas of current study for their diversity in form and diversity of IHS (Fig. 1). Fustic et al., (2012) synthesized previously established models (Smith, 1985; Wood, 1989, Wightman and Pemberton, 1997) to suggest that tidal-fluvial point bars have a general trend “around the bend” (i.e., sand -dominated to sandy IHS to muddy IHS both laterally and downstream; Fig 2A) and that the proportion of upper point bar versus lower point bar deposits increases in progressively younger point bar layers, resulting in a wedge shaped geometry of the lower GeoConvention 2014: FOCUS 1 point bar deposits. However, analysis of these selected outcrops suggest that, though there is indeed a change in deposition around the bend, there is a variety of different depositional expressions (Fig. 2B-E), dependent on the relative proximity to the ocean, the shape of the bend, the migration history of the bend (i.e., reactivation, rotation, down-valley migration) the variation in channel hydrodynamics (i.e., seasonal discharge variation, susceptibly to chute and neck cut-off; tidal influence variation) and preservation potential. Most mudstone interbeds consist dominantly of silt-sized quartz and chert grains, hence, these are regarded as silt-beds in this paper. Similar to Nardin et al., (2012) first results of a quantitative evaluation of silt-bed length within the IHS, to create a statistical database of horizontal and vertical silt bed parameters. The data-collection method differs from that used in Nardin et al., (2012) which used light detection and ranging scans (LIDAR). The Challenging Reservoirs team did not find LIDAR to be workable due to the low contrast and light absorbing nature of these bitumen-rich outcrops. Instead, the team used GigaPan™ technology to capture extremely high resolution, scaled photos of the outcrop and later post processed the photos to obtain silt-bed lengths, IHS “facies”, spatial orientation (gridded location vertically and horizontally) and apparent dip of the bedding surfaces (Fig. 3). This horizontal data was then compared to detailed, “bedby-bed” vertical logging of the IHS exposures that were photographed. Integration of vertical and horizontal data was identified as a key necessity in order to make the dataset applicable for comparison with the subsurface. Initial analysis of this quantitative data suggests that individual silt beds (1-10 cm thick; mm laminated to structureless; relatively low permeability compared to the sand beds) at selected outcrops (Type Section particularly) are less continuous (less than 10 m lateral extent) than originally thought before undergoing the study. This discontinuity of individual silt beds is interpreted to be related to erosion during the fluvial-flood stage. During these high velocity, high discharge events, the erratic nature of turbulence causes differential erosion of previously deposited sediments (i.e., silt beds). This process leads to the creation of amalgamated sand beds, and enhanced silt-bed discontinuity. Even though individual silt beds appear to be discontinuous in the outcrops sampled, it appears that there are “zones” within the IHS stratigraphy where silt beds are more abundant. These zones vary in thickness (50- 200 cm in thickness) and are laterally continuous across an entire outcrop bowl, and can often be traced for over 100 metres across numerous outcrop bowls. The abundance of the silt beds, and the resulting complex and tortuous permeability pathways (due to the individual mud beds within the zones being laterally discontinuous) likely indicate that these zones will be barriers to steam chamber development in SAGD over the life of a well-pair. These zones could be another depositional form of MSCs described by Labreque et al., (2011) in the subsurface, and Jablonski (2012) in Steepbank River Outcrops 3 and 4. The ongoing research into tidal-fluvial point bars and the IHS of which they are composed of is a continuously evolving field. As research develops, it is becoming apparent that there is always another order of complexity that can be incorporated into our understanding. Hopefully this surge of tidal-fluvial research will continue into the coming years, which will not only benefit our geological/sedimentological knowledgebase, but also will directly impact recoveries of bitumen from IHS-dominated oil-sands reservoirs. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Statoil Canada Ltd. and the Heavy Oil Technology Centre for funding this research, and for allowing for the presentation of this material at GeoConvention 2014. GeoConvention 2014: FOCUS 2 Figure 1. Regional map of the Fort McMurray Area, showing the major outcrop exposures. The current studies being undertaken by the Challenging Reservoirs team are focused on the outcrops highlighted by the red arrow. Collectively, these outcrops reveal a variety of IHS depositional expressions. Modified from Hein et al., (2001). GeoConvention 2014: FOCUS 3 Figure 2. Theoretical Depositional Models for a variety of tidal-fluvial point bars based on analysis of McMurray Outcrops and developing theories related to the marine-fluvial transition zone. A is from Fustic et al. (2012) showing a transition of depositional facies “around a bend” with corresponding examples of each facies from core. B -F expands on this work, suggesting that there are multiple different facies arrangements, which are dictated by a number of factors which are discussed in the text. From B -F there is a transition from sanddominance to mud dominance. Theoretically, as one moves more seaward towards the turbidity maximum, it might be expected to transition from A - E throughout the fluvial-to-marine transition zone. However, this may not be the case as the type of point bar that forms is dependent on a variety of first order controls. An archetypal tidal-fluvial point bar is represented by (C), although subsurface evaluation suggests that there are is a high frequency of point bars which contain IHS deposits to the base of the channel (D-F). Sand is represented by light yellow, sand-dominated IHS is represented by orange, mud-dominated IHS represented by maroon, fluid mud deposits represented by grey. (C) is modified from Fustic et al., (2012). GeoConvention 2014: FOCUS 4 Figure 3. GigaPan™ Photomosaic and IHS bedding traces of a selected bowl from the McMurray Type Section. (A) The GigaPan ™ method of photomosaic creation allows for extremely high resolution stitching, allowing for the tracing of cm-scale thickness silt beds within outcrop bowls. By first scaling the outcrop (orange spray paint) it is possible to post-process the photo, and get quantitative results from the silt bed tracing, including apparent dip, and lateral bed length. (B) The schematic representation of each individual silt bed. 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