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Some Variables in Relation to Students' Anxiety in Learning Statistics


DOCUMENT RESUME ED 353 334 AUTHOR TITLE PUB DATE NOTE PUB TYPE EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS IDENTIFIERS TM 019 400 Sutarso, Toto Some Variables in Relation to Students' Anxiety in Learning Statistics. Nov 92 17p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association (Knoxville, TN, November 11-13, 1992). For related document, see TM 019 380. Reports Research/Technical (143) -Speeches /Conference Papers (150) MFO1 /PCO1 Plus Postage. Academic Achievement; Attitude Measures; *College Students; Correlation; *Educational Attitudes; Educational Background; Higher Education; *Mathematics Anxiety; Mathematics Education; *Predictor Variables; Prior Learning; Rating Scales; *Statistics; *Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics *Students Attitudes Toward Statistics Inventory ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate some variables that relate to students' anxiety in learning statistics. The variables included sex, class level, students' achievement, school, mathematical background, previous statistics courses, and race. The instrument used was the 24-item Students' Attitudes Toward Statistics (STATS), which was administered to the statistics classes at the College of Education and at the College of Commerce and Business Administration at the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa). The STATS required students to describe themselves based on a 0 to 9 scale, with 0 being "does not describe me" and 9 being "describes me." The sample included 79 male and 97 female students in undergraduate and graduate statistics classes. The data were analyzed in contingency tables using chi square statistics to compute significance of relationships. All data analyses were performed on an IBM miniframe computer. The association analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between students' anxiety in learning statistics and the variables of students' achievement, statistical preknowledge, school, and current class level. However, the results do not provide enough evidence to suggest that there was a relationship between students' anxiety in learning statistics and the other variables (such as college mathematics background, gender, and ethnicity). 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CYZ ceD SOME VARIABLES IN RELATION TO STUDENTS' ANXIETY IN LEARNING STATISTICS r.z4 Toto Sutarso The University of Alabama Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association Knoxville, Tennessee, November 1992 BEST' COPY AVAILABLE Discussion "SOME VARIABLES IN RELATION TO STUDENTS'ANXIETY IN LEARNING STATISTICS" Toto Sutarso, University of Alabama The purpose of the study was to investigate some variables that relate to students' anxiety in learning statistics. The variables included sex, class level, students' achievement, school, mathematical background, previous statistics courses, and race. The instrument used was the Students' Attitude Toward Statistics (STATS) instrument which administered to the statistics classes at the College of Education, and at the College of Commerce and Business Administration, the University of Alabama. The sample consisted of 79 male students, and 97 female students. The data were analyzed in contingency tables using the Chi Square statistics to compute significance of relationships. All data analyses were performed on the IBM 3081-400E (version 4.1). The association analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between students' anxiety in learning statistics and the variables students' achievement, statistical school, and current class level. However, an interesting phenomena, the data showed that there was not enough evidence to say that there was a relationship between students anxiety in learning statistics and the other variables. preknowledge, 1 SOME VARIABLES IN RELATION TO STUDENTS' ANXIETY IN LEARNING STATISTICS Introduction Statistics tools, is considered one of the scientific not only for describing data but also as an inductive method research in methodology. This distinguishes it as a very important subject, especially in higher education. Statistics is offered at every college. It is common, in some colleges, for statistics to be given in series of courses, from°the very basic up to the advanced level. Statistics is also considered a complicated field. Statistics is related to mathematics, probability, calculators, and computers. Previous studies showed that there was a statistics anxiety among college students (Roberts & Bilderback. 1980; Roberts & Saxe. 1982; Frank & Rickard. 1988; Katz & Tomazik. 1988; and Benson. 1989). Moreover, Dillon (1982) reported that there is a statisticophobia in college level statistics classes. Considering the two aspects above, investigating variables which might relate to Students' Toward Statistics (STATS) Attitudes is very important. The main 2 purpose of this study is to investigate some variables that relate to students' anxiety in learning statistics. Literature Review Dillon (1982) reported that there was a statisticophobia in college level statistics classes. Statistics anxiety, even less than statisticophobia, is 'dangerous' not only for the student but also for statistics itself, and for other sciences in general. Students who are anxious about a class will feel the course is more difficult than it should The be. instructional goals will be difficult to achieve. For statistics itself, this situation will lead to an attitvtde of not liking statistics. Many students may try to avoid this class. On the contrary, statistics courses are needed as a research tool. Consequently, since statistics is a scientific tool in the research method, the bad attitudes toward statistics may lead to a bad impact on sciences in general, especially the sciences that are closely related to it such as psychometry, sociometry, biometry, and econometrics. Research tends to show that there is a positive relationship between STATS and student achievement. 3 Research done by Robert and Saxe (1982), by using the Student Attitude Survey (SAS), indicated that the more positive the STATS the higher the statistics achievement. This finding was supported by Roberts and who Reese (1987) found that regardless of gender grouping, more positive STATS tended to show a higher course grade. Moreover, even though the instruments used were different, the data analysis still revealed the same finding. This statement was verified by Water, Martelli, Zakrajsek & Popovich (1988) when they used both SAS and the Attitudes Toward Statistics (ATS) instrument of Wise (1985) . Benson (1989) used the Statistical Test Anxiety (STA) which he developed to measure a student anxiety in learning statistics. In the issue of the relationship between the STA score and the course grade, he came up with the conclusion that the higher the STA score the lower the course grade. In other words the more anxious the student was in learning statistics the lower the course grade. In addition, a similar finding was also mentioned by Ware and Chastain (1989), the more positive the STATS, the lower their anxiety, and the higher the score achieved. In conclusion, the research showed that 4 there was a positive relationship between STATS and course grade; and that there was a negative relationship between anxiety and both STATS and course grade. Some variables were found related to the STATS. However, others variables were found insignificant or there were inconsistent findings among the previous studies. Research showed that there was between STATS statistics end a relationship preknowledge. The correlation analysis tended to indicate that between the two variables was there a significantly positive correlation (Roberts & Saxe, 1982; Roberts & Reese, 1987; and Collis, Oberg, & Shera, 1989). Their research findings consistently showed the positive relationship between STATS and statistics preknowledge, or negative relationship between students' anxiety and statistics preknowledge. However, regarding the relationship between STATS and a number of previous college mathematics completed, there was an inconsistency among research findings. Some researchers found that there was a positive relationship between the number of previous courses completed anc4 the STATS. college mathematics The more previous 5 college mathematics courses completed the more positive the STATS (Robert & Saxe, 1982; Roberts & Reese, 1987). However, the research done by Benson (1989) showed a tendency but an insignificant correlation between number of college mathematics courses completed and statistics anxiety. His findings were supported by other researchers who mentioned that there was not enough evidence to say that there was a relationship between number of college mathematics completed and STATS (Collis, Oberg, & Shera, 1989; Ware & Chastain, 1989). Sex differences also revealed an inconsistency among the research findings. Roberts and Saxe (1982) concluded that there was a significant association between students' sex and their attitude toward statistics. Male students tended to have more a positive attitude then their female counterparts. Consequently, the male students tended to have a better statistics achievement than their female counterparts. This finding was supported by other researchers. It was found that female students were more anxious than male students (Benson, 1989; and Zeidner & Safir, 1989). In some studies, male students tended to have higher scores in statistics then their female counterparts (Frank & Rickard, 1988; Waters, 8 6 Martelli, Zakrajsek, & Popovich, 1988; Benson, 1989; and Ware & Chastain, 1989). However, Elmore & Vasu (1986) found the contrary. They showed that feminist issues were the significant predictor of statistics achievement. Female students showed better than attitudes male students did. Consequently, female students tended to have achievement higher compared with male their counterparts. This finding was supported by Raiszadeh & Ahmadi (1987). Their data analysis showed that female students had higher statistical achievement than male students had. Other variables which related to the STATS were also found by some researchers. They were material and instructor qualification (Johnson, 1980; Robert & Saxe, 1982; and Reisner, 1985; Katz & 1985), teaching methods Tomazik, 1988), (Reisner, computer use (Ware & Chastain, 1989; and Collis, Oberg, & Shera, 1989), the status of a course whether required or elective, and calculator attitudes (Roberts & Saxe, 1982). However, research showed that ethnicity was not an indicator of significant difference of anxiety 1989) . (Zeidner & Safir, 7 Mpthod of the Study The instrument used in this study was the STATS instrument (Sutarso, 1991). The instrument was a set of statements (24 items) which allowed students to describe themselves based on 0 to 9 scale with 0 = does not describe me and 9 = describe me. Each statement related to attitudes toward statistics. it had In addition, variables which may relate to their attitude in learning statistics such as current class level, major, number of previous college mathematics and statistics had, race/ethnic background, and gender. It was piloted with 20 students who took a statistics class. The purpose of this pilot study, especially, was to try out the instrument made. Based on the pilot study, the instrument was revised. Finally, it was administered to the statistics classes at the College of Education, and the College of University Commerce of & Alabama. Business Administration, The classes consisted the of undergraduate statistics classes (BER 345, ST 250, and ST 251), and the graduate statistics classes were (BER 540, BER 546, and ST 553). The sample consisted of 79 male and 97 female students. There were 8.5% Afro-American, 78.4% White, and 8 23% other ethnic groups variables included background, in the sample. were: score, class level, college/school, Demographic sex, ethnic statistics preknowledge, and mathematics background. The data were analyzed in contingency tables using the Chi Square statistics to compute significance of relationships. All data analyses were performed on the IBM 3081-400E mainframe computer using the SPSS-X (version 4.1). Result and Discussion The first statistical comparison was between the Students' Anxiety in Learning Statistics (SALS) score and variable course score. The data tended to say that there was a significant relationship between the SALS and the course score (p < .002). The relationship between these two variables was negative which means the lower the SALS score the higher the students' achievement. This finding was consistent with the literature review which relationship stated between that there Students' was a Attitudes positive Toward Statistics (STATS) and their achievement (Robert, & Saxe, 1982; Robert, & Reese, 1987; Water, Martelli, Zakrajsek, 11 9 & Popovich, 1988; Benson, 1989; and Were, & Chastain, 1989) . The second statistical analysis was between SALS score and statistics preknowledge. Statistical preknowledge was measured by the number of statistics courses taken before the student entering the class surveyed. The Chi Square test showed that there was a negative relationship between the SALS score and the statistics preknowledge (p < .01). relationship shoWed that the more This significant a student had a statistics preknowledge, the less their anxiety; or the more confident a student is in learning statistics, the more possibility that the student will take other statistics courses. The third investigation was testing the association between SALS score and college mathematical background. The data tended to say that more mathematics background succesfully reduced students' anxiety from the worst level to the medium level. However, the mathematics backgound was not a significant predictor for the SALS (p < .45). This association indicated that mathematics background was not important as preknowledge in relation to the STATS. ji 2 as statistics 10 This finding was supported by the conclusion of the some previous studies (Benson, 1:89; Collis, Oberg, & Shera, 1989; and Ware, & Chastain, 1989). However, it was inconsistent with the result of two other studies which said there was a significant relationship between the STATS and previous mathematics completed (Robert & Saxe, 1982; and Robert & Reese, 1987). The fourth statistical comparison was about the gender differences in SALS score. The Chi Square test revealed insufficient evidence to say that there was a relationship between gender and the SALS score (p < .64). Also, there was insufficient evidence to say that male students had more confident compared with their female in learning counterparts statistics nor female students had better attitude toward statistics. This finding contradicted the inconsistent conclusions of both sides in the literature review. The fifth statistical comparison was the relationship between the SALS score and ethnicity. The data revealed insufficient evidence to say that there was a relationship between an anxiety in learning statistics and ethnic background (p < .42). This statement was consistent with the conclusion of Zeidner & Safir (1989) 11 who reported that ethnicity was not an indicator of significant difference of anxiety. The oixth investigation was testing the association between the SALS score and the students' school. Because of the data distribution consideration, the variable school just divided into three categories: Commerce and Business Administration (C&BA), Education, and others. The Chi Square test indicated there was a significant relationship between the SALS score and the students' school (p < .004). The data tended to show that students from School of Education had more confidence in learning statistics compared with both their C&BA and other counterparts. The final comparison was the relationship between the SALS score and the students' class level. The data tended to show that senior and graduate students had more confidence in learning statistics compared with their junior, sophomore and freshman counterparts. This finding was logical since the probability of statistics preknowledge is higher for seniors and graduate students than for juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. 12 Conclusions The study showed that there was a significant relationship statistics between and some students' variables, anxiety such in as learning students' achievement, statistics preknowledge, school, and current class level. However, interesting phenomena, the data :showed that there was not enough evidence to say that there was a relationship between students' anxiety in learning statistics and the other varia :es, such as college mathematics background, gender, and ethnicity. The study might be useful for statistics instructors to know their students' attitude toward statistics, and realize some variables that relate significantly to their anxiety in learning the subject. Knowing this, they could provide better teaching strategies to overcome the problems in teaching statistics course. It also would be useful for educational researchers to know variables as an indicator in investigating their relationship. However, this study still needs improvement. There is no research without error. Also, the finding here might be restricted to the sample statistics classes in the College of Commerce & Business Administration, and the College of Education, the University of Alabama. REFERENCES Jeri. (1989). 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