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Ukraine is an outsider in terms of political values and standards of governance. Transparency, efficiency and accountability, rubber-stamped in official papers and declarations, are superseded by other standards: informal networks,... more
The border relationships between the five countries of Central Asia represent something of a paradox for foreign policy analysts and practitioners. On the one hand these borders are responsible for crippling conflicts between the five... more
There is little research on pastoralists’ responses to new expansion opportunities. We explore how pastoralists in Kazakhstan have responded to rapid, fundamental institutional and macroeconomic changes. We compare use patterns of... more
What happens to informal institutions and practices when political actors decide to implement democratic institutional reforms aimed at relieving formal institutions of informal constraints? Does informality disappear, or do the elites... more
The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought... more
The mass immigration from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) changed both the Israeli and Russian cultures. Since the 1990s, Russian immigrants and their homeland began appearing in Israeli films. Meanwhile, Jewish themes, including... more
Methods We used multivariate longitudinal regression to analyse age-standardised mortality rates in working-age men (15-59 years) in post-communist countries of eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union from 1989 to 2002. We defined mass... more
What the world is now witnessing in Ukraine is the cumulative effect of history and memory in the lives of the people of the region—and this book helps readers to understand those subjects. Centered in Kharkiv, a Russian-speaking city in... more
This is the pre-print working paper version, see the full printed version: The protests that began in Ukraine’s capital of Kyiv on 21 Novem- ber 2013 and became... more
Reflections on Unfinished Revolutions: Proceedings of the IDEE Seminar "25 Years After 1989: Reflections on Unfinished Business" held in Warsaw, Poland in October 1989. Papers, Responses, and Discussion. An invaluable resource on the... more
Навчальний посібник «Історія радянського суспільства. Курс лекцій» пропонує критичний погляд на неполітичну історію держави, в якій заполітизованим був кожен аспект життя й поняття „партія” і „держава” стали тотожними. Ознайомлює з... more
Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukrainians and Russians have been living peacefully in two separate and independent states for nearly a quarter of a century. Much has been said about the cultural and historical links between... more
В сборник включены статьи, раскрывающие различные аспекты истории ударных комсомольских строек в истории XX века, в них характеризуется опыт ударничества и его социально-экономические последствия в разных регионах СССР. Книга адресована... more
In 1962, a checkers-playing program written by Arthur Samuel defeated a self-proclaimed master player, creating a sensation at the time for the fledgling eld of computer science called articial intelligence. The historical record refers... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
გორბაჩოვის პერიოდში (1985-1991) ადგილი ჰქონდა ისეთი დონისა და ხასიათის მოვლენებს, რომელიც საზოგადოებრივ-პოლიტიკური გადმოსახედიდან სრულიად სამართლიანად შეიძლება კონტინენტური შელფის ფილების შეჯახებას შევადაროთ. მსგავსი ეპიზოდები... more
Embedded in a realist worldview, Russia has a " weakness " for hard power and zones of influence. For Moscow the control of the former Soviet republics represent both the guarantee of its security and the condition for the growth of its... more
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Our Memory Is the Future: The Soviet Experience and the Remembrance of the August 1941 Deportation of Volga Germans.” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 34:1 (Spring 2011): pp. 14-23.... more
Russia’s annexation of Crimea and intervention in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 alarmed not only Western-leaning states in Central Europe and the Baltic but also Moscow’s traditional allies. These events signalled that Moscow is now willing and... more
An estimated 35,000 Thai girls are currently held in debt bondage, and tens of thousands of other women from countries such as the Philippines, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ghana, Nigeria, and most recently, the Soviet successor states... more
A quarter century ago, particularly since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the fall of the communist regime in the Soviet Union two years later, much has been written about the end of socialism and the collapse of communist parties... more
Description and discussion of SCO as an international organisation and thorough description of its members, their relations with the West.
The author conducted a comprehensive study of the everyday life of the higher pedagogical schools’ staffs in 1953-1964 on the basis of a wide range of published literature and archival documents. The thesis solves issue of the evolution... more
The monograph summarizes the author's results on the geometry of anholonomic and locally anisotropic interactions, published in J. Math. Phys., Nucl. Phys. B, Ann. Phys. (NY), JHEP, Rep. Math. Phys., Int. J. Theor. Phys. and in some... more
Research suggests that organizational justice (procedural, distributive, and interactional justice) has important impacts on work-related attitudes and behaviors, such as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In this article, we... more