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A method is presented for the recovery of optical flow. The key idea is that the local spatial structure of optical flow, with the exception of surface boundaries, is usually rather coherent and can thus be appropriately approximated by a... more
The concept of a digital ecosystem (DE) has been used to explore scenarios in which multiple online services and resources can be accessed by users without there being a single point of control. In previous work we have described how the... more
This paper proposes an original method for video indexing based on a spatio-temporal segmentation scheme. The basic idea is to extract salient regions from the video content and use them as scene descriptors for indexing. The obtained... more
New software security vulnerabilities are discovered on almost daily basis and it is vital to be able to identify and resolve them as early as possible. Fortunately, many software vulnerabilities are recurring or very similar, thus, one... more
Malaria is caused by infection with protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium transmitted by female Anopheles species mosquitoes. Our understanding of the malaria parasites begins in 1880 with the discovery of the parasites in... more
Mathematics knows a several ways the multiplication of two, three or more vectors , all explained here. The two multiplying of the first group are the scalar and vector product – named according to the results, or the dot and a cross... more
... sucessful, it has two main drawbacks: heavy computational load and warping of forgeries. ... of the dynamical system at time , the function represents the state change of dynamical ... generated from input handwriting time series... more
At the point of common coupling (PCC), the summation of two harmonic voltage vectors at same frequency is only certain if their amplitudes and phase angles are well known. Therefore, there are many cases where the phase angle difference... more
ARTICLE INFO Detection of the Distorted Fingerprints major causes to non-match in fingerprint at time matching fingerprint sample. This problem causes all the recognition of fingerprint algorithm application. It is complicated in negative... more
In this paper, we describe a training environment based on multi-functional software system called “Trainer 1149”. It provides simulation and demonstration functionality for learning, research, and development related to IEEE 1149.1... more
Mechanics: Oldest of the Physical Sciences: Archimedes (287-212 BC): Principles of Lever and Buoyancy. Mechanics is a branch of the physical sciences that is concerned with the state of rest or motion of bodies subjected to the action of... more
"Trying to find where pirates buried a treasure leads to a surprising
answer, multiple solutions, and a discussion of problem solving."