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The travel of Marcel Willard for the MOPR in Soviet Union in 1934. Après un premier voyage à titre personnel en 1933, l’avocat Marcel Willard, auréolé du prestige lié à son action en faveur de la libération de Dimitrov, effectue un... more
CONFERENCE "The Church-State relations in the European Colonial Empires (18th-20th centuries)" 5, 6 and 7 October 2017 , Leuven University This paper focuses on the ways in which interrelated forms of political and religious – catholic... more
The paper will discuss the dynamics of the Soviet heritage policy as a reflection complex interplay between cultural elites of national republics, Soviet state and heritage international agencies. Based on the interviews with former key... more
Cet article étudie la genèse du Bureau international de l’enseignement technique, fondé à Paris en 1931 et ses efforts pour constituer un savoir-faire technique destiné à façonner les politiques scolaires européennes. Dans le contexte de... more
“Christian Transnationalists, Nationhood, and the Construction of Civil Society,” in Donald Yerxa, ed., Religion and Innovation: Antagonists or Partners? London: Bloomsbury, 2016:141-156. On the writing of national histories framed by... more
Congreso de ICA, Salamanca 2018 18/24. El internacionalismo comunista en la era de la revolución cubana y el poli-centrismo, 1959-1979 La toma del poder político en Cuba por parte del Ejército Rebelde en enero de 1959 y la veloz... more
Intro in English, three lectures in Spanish, resources in both languages. Lecture outlines: Discursos; Alternativas; Internacionalismos desde Mariategui. Course presented Lima, Peru, April 2015.
Paper presented at 'Practicing Theory - ASCA International Workshop and Conference 2011', Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam, 2nd-4th March 2011... more
This article draws on archival and oral historical sources to provide the first longitudinal portrait of the complex relationship between MARS and CIAM up to the outbreak of the Second World War and, in the process, to interrogate... more
This chapter analyses the position of the Perhimpoenan Indonesia, an Indonesian students’ association in the Netherlands in the interwar era which has been widely recognized as a trailblazing organization within the Indonesian political... more
The aim of this paper is to provide an appreciation of the expatriate connectivity of Italian and the French citizens through their respective elections and how these two communities responded politically in their elections from... more
International Workshop
"International Organizations and Africa: histories, problems, legacies"
Org. Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Hugo Gonçalves Dores and José Pedro Monteiro
Coimbra, 23 March 2018
This paper maps the travel itineraries of several foreign “architects” of Caribbean and Latin American cultural modernity, identifying their direct or indirect relationship to international communist organizations such as the Communist... more
This article examines the significance of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) from the point of view of Brazilian workers in the hemispheric movement against the accord. This movement constituted a moment when workers positioned as... more
... Page 12. 438 / MANU BHAGAVAN The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 46, 3 (2009): 427–456 ... Nehru, 'Towards a World Community', Speech before the 11th Session of UN, 20 Dec. 1956, in Madhavan, India at the... more
"""India and the Quest for One World is the gripping story of India's quest to create a common destiny for all people across the world based on the concept of 'human rights'. In the years leading up to its independence from Great Britain,... more
The series of revolutions across southern Europe which began in 1820 (Spain, then Piedmont and Naples, and lastly the wave of conspiracies in France) might provide grounds for believing in the existence of a revolutionary “Liberal... more
Introduction - Matthew S. Adams and Ruth Kinna Part I: The interventionist debate 1 Saving the future: the roots of Malatesta's anti-militarism - Davide Turcato 2 The Manifesto of the Sixteen: Kropotkin's rejection of anti-war... more
This workshop brings together an international panel of researchers to explore the role of inter-nationalisms in shaping historical narratives and methodologies of academic discourses on scenic arts. The notion of nationalism will be... more
Unreferenced draft of paper presented at the conference ‘Trans-ethnic Coalition-building within and across States’, Uppsala University, 7-9 January 2015
After the First World War, experts cooperated to build a better world. Within the international organization Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), architects aimed to improve society by creating efficient cities. While a... more
An essay length monograph on the life and times of E.V. Elliott (1902-1984), a prominent and militant Australian maritime trade union leader from the 1930s through to the 1970s.
This paper will examine Salcedo’s relationship to internationalism, especially as supported in Colombia by institutions such as the Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá and the Bienal de Arte Coltejer in Medellín. I argue that, particularly in... more
Clara Zetkin was once a renowned figure in the international working class movement; as a Marxist activist and theoretician she became an inspiration for men and women in their struggle against the dual enemies of imperialist war and... more
Post-Olympics reflections have been in full-flight. Yet the British left has managed to respond to a global event, and the opportunity for global empathy, with a remarkable display of inward-lookingness. The centre-left should recognise... more
A synthesis of scholarship on the Asian American movement of the late 1960s and 1970s, this account highlights interracial solidarity and internationalism as two key components of the movement.