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Popular science television today is dominated by “infotainment” and undergoes the convergence processes. The number of genres of television travel journalism is increasing due to the emergence of various TV shows and entertainment... more
In recent years, the tourism industry has seen a significant rise in the number of solo travelers. More so, the numbers of female solo travelers have also increased exponentially. So, what makes people attracted to destinations around the... more
Terminological system in the field of Travel Journalism and Travel Blogging is not formed academically, there are differences in writing and understanding of various terms that form the basis of this field. This article is exploring the... more
Actualmente, periodistas, comunicadores, profesionales del turismo, estudiantes y público general, sienten confusión frente a lo qué es y debería ser el periodismo turístico. Existe una visión mercantilista del turismo y a su vez se... more
McGaurr, Lyn 2016, ‘The Photography of Debate and Desire: Image, Environment and the Public Sphere’, Ethical Space, special issue ‘Beyond clickbait and commerce: The ethics, possibilities and challenges of not-for-profit media’, vol. 13,... more
The ‘newsworthiness’ of news continues to be an issue of great importance within the field of journalism studies – as the recent publication of Harcup and O’Neill’s article ‘What is news? News values revisited (again)’ (Journalism... more
While travel journalism studies in Russia focus mostly on press and media, little to none attention has been paid to the emergence of travel blogging and Travel 2.0, that have boomed in the last two decades, allowing regular users to... more
In this article author gives a chronological analyses of the Russian travel journalism, and a genre of travel program in particular. Evolution of television travel journalism in Russia is described in three stages: author depicts... more
The article investigates reaction of Internet users on the documentary travel series «England in general and in particular» by V. Pozner and I. Urgant. Author uses method of content analysis to determine the contribution made by the... more
Anthology with short stories and catalog numbers by the Swiss author Peter K. Wehrli (1939) in English translation. Made with the assistance of the following students: Anna Carlsson, Ann Huang, Adam Nunes and Kevin Russell.
This book is about the research and practical work of students from various parts of the world; and of different professional and academic backgrounds. Taking into account this we can say that its background contains contributions from... more
Показаньева И. В. Погоня за экзотикой на телеэкране, или трэвел-журналистика на практике // Средства массовой информации в современном мире. Петербургские чтения: матер. 52-й междунар. Науч.-практ. Конф. 17-19 апреля 2013 г./ отв.... more
Travel stories form part of a great tradition inside Western Culture which has served historically to describe, to understand and to imagine other cultures and communities, far or near, being constituted into a real narrative genre. This... more
Travel journalism provides unique insights into changing notions of culture, media, and mobility. This study examines ‘Why we travel,’ a New York Times collection of over 2000 reader-submitted photos and captions about travel. To locate... more
The article defines the concept of an ethnic «Other» in the context of television travel journalism. It also depicts the influence of understanding of a conceptual pair «we – they» on a way of author’s presentation of other cultures in... more
David Robie continues his three-part series about travelling in Iran. I stumbled on the scene by chance. Our host family in Iran’s second city Mashhad, a modern and beautiful metropolis that would comfortably fit in New Zealand’s entire... more
There is a noted lack of research regarding how journalists use Instagram. This study attempts to address this gap by investigating travel journalists’ perceptions of how the emergence of Instagram as a social media platform has changed... more
As journalism scholars’ interest in the impact of public relations on hard news has grown in recent years, little attention has been paid to attempts by elite sources to influence soft journalism. In an effort to better understand what... more
The course engages the constructed cultural past and present of the Eastern Mediterranean, in its various iterations existing in Greece and Cyprus. This engagement materializes with onsite fieldwork visits to significant archaeological,... more
This chapter examines the intersection of activism and travel journalism, which is an underexplored area in the existing literature. My theoretical starting point is Lovink's concept of tactical media, as elaborated and adjusted by Lester... more
Travel journalism about natural attractions is environmental communication at the cusp of consumerism and concern. Countries and regions that market forests, rivers and wildlife to international tourists drive place-of-origin brand... more
Like international news, travel journalism draws upon and perpetuates the “home” nation’s collective imagination of different parts of the world (Fursich and Kavoori, 2001). In keeping with the hierarchical nature of news genres and the... more
El periodismo de viajes ha vivido una transformación en la última década con el avance de Internet y la eclosión de blogs dedicados a esta temática, mientras que el mercado de revistas tradicionales se ha contraído. Al mismo tiempo, los... more
Príspevok Tvárou v tvár s „Iným“. Kukučínova cesta do Dalmácie a Čiernej Hory. Medzi udomácnením a odcudzením rieši otázku prvej časti Kukučínovho „balkánskeho“ cestopisu Cestopisné črty v kontexte autorovho stretnutia s „inakosťou“.... more
Although travel journalism can have considerable influence in one of the world’s largest marketplaces, a definition remains elusive and the genre continues to be under-explored. The explanation may be a scholarly ambivalence towards the... more
Показаньева, И. Трэвел-журналистика как явление современного медиапространства / И. Показаньева // Збірник матеріалів Всеукраїнської науково-практичної студентської конференції «Українські мас-медіа: традиції та виклики сьогодення». –... more
It is no secret that the frames of travel journalism tend to be anchored in the world views of its writers and readers. Yet if we expand our interest in cosmopolitanism beyond the mediation of cultural diversity to the media's engagement... more
Экология медиасреды: проблемы безопасности и рационального использования коммуникативных ресурсов. Сборник тезисов Международной научно-практической конференции, 10 декабря 2015 г. — М.: Факультет журналистики МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова,... more
“Out there”: British travel journalism and the negotiation of cultural difference. This chapter examines how British travel journalism provides its readership with cultural frames of reference for a specific touristic experience:... more
This article provides a brief description of the situation while presenting the image of an ethnic «Other» in the media of the modern era. The article indicated the importance of awareness of the problem of cultural alienation while... more
Hilmar Schmundt, Milos Vec, Hildegard Westphal (Hgg.). Angefangen hat alles mit einem Salonspiel zwischen Forschern, Schriftstellern und Journalisten: Was sind die Pilgerstätten der Wissenschaft? Welche Orte laden ein zum Entdecken und... more
Dark tourism, as an established form of tourism, has been implicated by scholars in the commodification of sites that relate to disaster, tragedy, and death. This chapter reviews the literature surrounding dark tourism, recovering a... more
Traveling to sites that relate to disaster, tragedy and death has become an established form of tourism. The aim of this chapter is to explain the conflicted role travel journalism can play in promoting this so-called dark tourism. The... more
Profile of the author Giovanni Comisso and his work during the Thirties. Choice of photo exhibits.
Pendant les années trente, Giovanni Comisso s’affirme comme écrivain en Italie. Cependant, il a toujours été considéré comme un auteur difficile à classer. Ancrée dans la tradition autobiographique italienne des décennies précédentes, sa... more