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Abstract. As we migrate from document-centric to subject-centric computing, we are discovering new approaches to the online facilitation of collective sensemaking. Our approach is to federate with a central topic map the many different... more
The advancement of a Semantic Web both entails and promotes new collaborative practices in Web content management, e.g. for e-business applications. These practices involve cognitive interactions which must be taken into account in the... more
Designing a Griotte for the Global Village: Increasing the Evidentiary Value of Oral Histories for Use in Digital Libraries. (August 2011) Rhonda Thayer Dunn, B.S., Xavier University of Louisiana; M.C.S., Howard University; M.U.P., Texas... more
We present an excerpt of the document “Quantum Information Processing and Communication: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe”, which has been recently published in electronic form at the website of... more
L'integrazione delle ICT negli ambienti di formazione ha dato origine negli anni a una rapida evoluzione non solo degli strumenti pedagogici, ma anche dei criteri e dei paradigmi della progettazione didattica.... more
Nowadays, data handled by an institution or company is spread out by more than one database and lots of documents of different types. To extract the information implicit in that data, it is necessary to pick parts from those various... more
Since the advent of blogging, this easy way to publish information has exponentially increased the data volume and its related complexity. Spatial-temporal information, contained inside multimedia postings, need to be better understood by... more
The ISO standard ISO-IEC 13250 – Topic Maps – provide a bridge between the domains of knowledge representation and information management. Topics and topic associations build a structured semantic link network above information resources.... more
The main objective of this work is to exploit the relationship between the information findability problem and a subject-based organization of information. Identification of a subject is involved when one wants to say something about that... more
The purpose of this study was to propose a multi-layer topic map analysis of palliative care research using co-word analysis of informetrics with Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map (GHSOM). The topic map illustrated the delicate... more
This topic map was generated from the 2011 data set of the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS): Dryer, Matthew S. & Haspelmath, Martin (eds.) 2013. The World Atlas of Language Structures Online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for... more
This paper describes a multimedia, multilingual and multimodal research system (CIMWOS) supporting content-based indexing, archiving, retrieval and on-demand delivery of audiovisual content. There are several projects, aiming at... more
Our poster presents some basis which lead us to redesign the Project EA-2003-52 suportted by the Spanish Ministry of Education about subject gateways, and at the same time tries to open a discussion about a new paradigm: Topic Maps, which... more
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Abstract: Indexing languages have traditionally been an essential tool for organizing and retrieving documental information. The inclusion of indexing languages into the digital environment leads to new frontiers, but also new... more
Hoje em dia a presenca na Web e quase mandatoria para todos os intervenientes na sociedade da informacao. Assim, nao e estranho que muitas empresas e instituicoes dediquem uma grande fatia do seu tempo ao desenvolvimento e manutencao de... more