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Introduction in the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. New discoveries and proves of the Atlantic Theory.
Uno studio approfondito su Reitia, la somma dea dei Veneti, scoprendo le analogie con le dee solari del Nord-Europa. Attraverso mito e archeologia nuove concezioni ampliano gli orizzonti dell'antropologia dei Veneti antichi. Nove pagine... more
This work discusses the earliest historical references to Britain. It is part of a series entitled Iron Age Britain. External Relations.
A basic problem concerning the interpretation of the Nebra Sky Disc is the question as to whether Egyptian and Near Eastern influences must be taken into consideration. This arises particularly with regard to the meaning of boats and... more
Update and elaboration on topics discussed in 'Trojans at Totnes and Giants on the Hoe' (2016) see more
SUMMARY: Lecture 11 provides a summary of MB Age Anatolia, including the Assyrian trade with Kultepe-Kanesh (bringing textiles, tin, & other items), and secondary Assyrian merchant trade (especially transporting copper) across Anatolia,... more
The Homeric Island of Tenedos (Tanatus) will be identified with The Isle of Thanet (Tanatus) and appears to be the first destination of Odysseus' second voyage after his visit to Kirke, where he had to pass the first initiation test of... more
This essay aims to give a comprehensive overview of the production, uses and provenance of tin in the Ancient Near East. When discussing the production method of tin, focus is put on the extraction of the main tin ore, cassiterite, and on... more
Phoenicians established a commercial network throughout the Mediterranean and part of the Atlantic which helped to achieve consolidation, especially from the mid-eighth century BC, and paid special attention to the Southwest of the... more