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Antes de começar qualquer debate sobre o processo de significação que realmente produz sentido para nós, aqui no sul da América em um país chamado hoje "emergente", é interessante levarmos em conta que a noção de avanço não parece querer... more
Ghanaian hand-painted movie posters were a commercial art form that flourished between the mid-1980s and late 1990s designed to advertise films for mobile ‘video clubs’ that developed in the coastal region near Accra. These ‘video... more
In the last fifty years an extensive bibliography has discussed The Hour of the Furnaces (1968) and the inseparable proposal of Third Cinema (1969). In this chapter I will focus on a less explored aspect: the film’s journey in... more
Mi texto escrito para mi ciclo (13 proyecciones) "La Tricontinental. Cine, utopía e internacionalismo" para el Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid). My text written for my film program (13 screenings) "Tricontinental. Cinema, Utopia and... more
For more than three decades after its independence from France in 1956, Tunisia was ruled by Habib Bourguiba, a self-professed secular nationalist who sought to hitch the wagon of the young nation to the train of European modernity both... more
This article traces informal world cinema networks at Soviet film festivals. It argues that the cultural diplomacy approach, where state objectives determine the value of cultural exchange, fails to account for the full range of... more
Abstract: Some of the most important representatives of political cinema from around the world got together at the Rencontres Internationales pour un Nouveau Cinéma (Montreal, June, 1974). The list of participants included: filmmakers,... more
Bu çalışma, Arjantinli yönetmen Lucrecia Martel üzerine yapılan teorik tartışmalar ışığında, sözü edilen teorik literatüre ilişkin mevcut eleştirel perspektifleri geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Özellikle, üçüncü dünya sineması çerçevesinde... more
Shaoib Mansoor is known for his critically acclaimed films like Khuda Ke Liye and Bol. Bol brings out the dilemma of person who is born hermaphrodite. It appeals for the equal rights for all human beings whether men, women or neutral.... more
Photo-Essay included in: Framework 62, No. 1, Spring 2021, pp. 107–133. Copyright © 2021 Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Michigan // Special Issue: DOCUMENTING THIRD CINEMA... more
This article examines the cultural politics of bastardy in the films of Tunisian filmmaker Nouri Bouzid at a time when questions of national and cultural identity have come to the fore in Tunisia in the wake of the Revolution of Freedom... more
Trop souvent mal décrites comme étant des oeuvres de réalisme social, les films d'Ousmane Sembène accordent une attention particulière à l'impact politique des choix esthétiques. Dans Ceddo (1976), Sembène a très largement recours à des... more
Caminati fornisce uno dei più brillanti e fecondi studi sul modo in cui Pasolini interagisce e rappresenta il Terzo Mondo nei suoi film. Annullamento della società antica, sviluppo senza progresso, speculazione edilizia e formazione... more
Abstract The struggle against capitalism was gaining power in the 1960s, both in Europe and in Latin America, and cinema was considered as one of the fields of conflict by the activists. In this context, Fernando Ezequel Solanas and... more
During the 1950–70s, film production in Iraq was relatively prolific. Private industry eventually gave way to nationalization under Ba'th Party rule. Not unlike Iraqi cinema of the colonial era, most post-independence Iraqi cinema had the... more
The amusing aphorism that the Philippines is “a product of 300 years in a Spanish convent and 40 years of Hollywood” evokes audiovisual validation in the enduring presence of a Filipino religious film genre that represents what I would... more
Review of award-winning Cuban film, winner of Best International Doc at Galway Film Fleadh 2015
79 PRIMAVERAS + JULY TRIP Olivier Hadouchi propose : 79 primaveras (79 printemps) de Santiago Àlvarez Pays Cuba / Année 1969 / Durée 24 mn Film audacieux dédié à la figure de Hô Chi Minh qui venait juste de disparaître à l’âge... more
À l’occasion de la sortie de Cinéma et Guerre de Libération. Algérie, les batailles d’images, aux éditions Chihab, et pour sa première contribution à Textures du temps, Olivier Hadouchi a rencontré l’auteur, Ahmed Bedjaoui pour évoquer... more