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Der Band resümiert Diskussionen der Jahrestagung des Theologischen Forums Christentum – Islam, die mitgeprägt waren durch die Aktualität des Themas angesichts der großen Zahl Geflüchteter, die seit 2015 auch Europa und Deutschland... more
El «efecto Francisco» representa un fenómeno que no deja indiferente a casi nadie. Sencillez, diálogo, cercanía a los pobres, coherencia, transparencia, son solo algunos de los elementos que caracterizan al «párroco del mundo», como... more
John Wesley summarised the Methodism’s mission as spreading “scriptural holiness”. This article argues that the praxis of social justice as an expression of holiness is integral to the mission of the church. The following themes from... more
The title of the book is: The Historical Development of Methodism: A North-South Paradigm. The title came into being on the pretext that those who are engaged in the study of Christianity have concluded that the centre of gravity has... more
It is often mistakenly thought that global Pentecostalism is all about emotionalism, fanaticism, narrow biblical literalism, and (Corten and Marshal-Frantani 2001). However, a recent study suggests that there has been a paradigm shift... more
This is the revised and updated 2016 version or the earlier 2008 edition. In this edition we introduce the integrating themes of 'Integration, belonging, and community', a more robust presentation of migrant voices, and a more informative... more
Over the last decades, religious non-governmental organizations or faith-based NGOs were sidelined and undermined by Western scholars, policy-formulators, and policy-implementors (ACT-Alliance, 2016; Brockway and Hertzke, 2015). Today,... more
Flucht, Migration und Vertreibung sind existenzielle menschliche Erfahrungen, die in der christlichen und islamischen Tradition schon immer auch theologisch gedeutet wurden. Im globalen „Zeitalter der Migration“ stehen Christen und... more
Due in large part to the global migration crisis, the last few years have witnessed a veritable explosion in the publication of works on relevant legal matters, the various streams within migration and diaspora research, and reflections... more
Resumo. O cenário da mobilidade humana tem proporcionado amplo espaço para reflexões, debates e elaborações nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, referentes à realidade e demanda da migração forçada e refúgio. Esse artigo propõe-se a... more
Migration scholars Stephen Castles and Mark Miller describe our times as “The Age of Migration.” They report their field increasingly studies three phases of the migratory process: immigration, settlement, and minority formation. U.S.... more
Mass migration and accompanying xenophobia are characteristics of the early 21st century and as such challenge the church to reimagine its identity. This article analyses migration and xenophobia particularly as they impact South Africa... more
This piece suggests that theological ethicists in the United States are turning to virtue ethics in ways that grapple with a sense of strangeness that marks our society and mars the lives of those whose race, language, or religion are... more
This brief paper is a response to Dr. Christine Firer Hinze's insightful paper at the Beyond Trento Interest Group of the Catholic Theological Society of America's 2015 annual meeting. I take up Dr. Hinze's insight--that “through the... more
I delivered this response to Ilsup Ahn's Theology and Migration (Brill Research Perspectives, 2019) at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics. I am grateful to the Asian and Asian-American Working Group of the Society... more
This essay suggests that theological ethicists in the United States are turning to virtue ethics in ways that grapple with a sense of strangeness that marks our society and mars the lives of those whose race, language, or religion are... more
Illegal alien: this is what millions of men, women, and children are called under federal United States immigration law. How should Christian ethics respond to illegal immigration? This book tracks the emergence of the concept of the... more
A realidade migratória, em quanto “sinal dos tempos”, precisa ser apropriada mais profundamente pela reflexão teológica. A Teologia das migrações é uma disciplina que começa a se tematizar nas últimas décadas dentro da reflexão teológica,... more
The 2018 SCE meeting focused on the theme "Retrospect and Prospect" in order to build greater understanding of the discipline of Christian ethics in its varied cultural, methodological, and confessional forms. Latino/a ethics in the... more
Having an identity unconnected to their status is one of the challenges facing refugees. It is a challenge to create an alternative to the definitional context of being and belonging since the refugee phenomenon is arguably the largest... more
Si bien las migraciones humanas no constituyen un fenómeno exclusivamente moderno o posmoderno, el crecimiento abrupto que han tenido en los últimos tiempos ha generado que distintos sociólogos caractericen la condición actual como la era... more
Abstract: If Christianity is to offer a compelling account of its message of hope and redemption in the midst of tragedy, then it must wrestle with the meaning of God’s presence (or lack thereof) in great suffering. This paper discusses... more
This article was published in Liguorian 102 (January, 2014): 28-31, on the occasion of the Vatican’s 100th World Day for Migrants and Refugees. It focuses on an insight offered by John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis (one each) on... more
Esta es una reproducción parcial del reporte del proyecto de diagnóstico que el Departamento para la Pastoral de Migrantes de la Comisión Episcopal para la Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana, Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano llevó a cabo... more
El acercamiento y contenido elegidos para esta presentación tienen el propósito de darle a conocer al participante del taller algunos elementos básicos del sistema migratorio mexicano y de la política migratoria mexicana, con el objetivo... more
By turning to solidarity and lo cotidiano, this chapter tends to the dilemmas that mixed-status families are confronting in daily life to diversify Catholic reflections on family ethics. It is part of an edited volume (Sex, Love, and... more
This article aims to explore the subject of migration within the horizons of imperial unicity by reviewing the historical roots and modern modifications of cosmopolitan ideology. It intends to detect its theoretical foundations and test... more
In 2016 together with SIPCC I organised an international seminar on migration theology and pastoral care and counseling. One of the guest-speakers was prof. Susanna Snyder (London). This article is a review on her work in the theology of... more
Después de ofrecer un breve análisis de la externalización de las fronteras estadounidenses y europeas, este ensayo pasa a identificar algunas implicaciones morales; finalmente, cierra con una breve reflexión ético-teológica. En esa... more
How may one see immigrants through Oblate eyes? Does one who have an Oblate heart serve immigrants in a distinct way? Is there a future for migrant ministry in an Oblate key? In this article, I suggest that the answer is most surely... more
In this essay I want to explore the biblical and Christian thought regarding the virtue of hospitality, and especially the relationships between Christians as hosts, and non Christian people as guests. Due to the different positions... more