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In order to come up with an overview to statistical analysis of the major deadly corona virus disease, the paper provides a critical assessment of global situation of COVID-19 pandemic. To come up with a perceptive result, a complete... more
The issue – and rejection – of polygamy is deeply rooted in Western history and legal thought. Influenced by religious and civil concerns, the law's outlook on this practice is as clear in its position as its foundations are ambiguous.... more
Niketche: una historia de poligamia / Paulina Chiziane ; prólogo Inocência Mata; traducción Pere Comellas. – Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura, Ediciones Uniandes,... more
South Africa recognizes a multiplicity of marriage forms: common law marriage, customary marriage, and same-sex marriage. The South African Constitution has a high sensibility related to issues of human dignity, equality, and freedom.... more
In Brown v. Buhman, the recent challenge to the Utah law criminalizing polygamy brought by the stars of the reality television show Sister Wives, a federal district court determined both that strict scrutiny was required and that strict... more
The song clearly warns about the wrong kind of love, with the thrice-repeated charge not to stir up love wrongly (2:7; 3:5; 8:4). And the song clearly affirms another kind of love, stronger than death and not acquired with wealth (8:6-7).... more
Communal democracy is shown to be significantly and negatively correlated with polygyny. In turn, communal democracy is demonstrated to be positively correlated with the democracy of supracommunal structures. Consequently, it is suggested... more
The issue of polygamy is considered as a controversial issue in the Arab and Islamic world, although there is a clear counted religious text in the Quran on this issue. The nature of the relationship between the man and women makes this... more
Our new tests have provided additional support to the theory that polygyny, unilineal descent organization and large extended families could be regarded as universal negative predictors of the communal democracy. Our tests have confirmed... more
This article will appear in Law, Culture and the Humanities online in early 2015, and then subsequently in print in the same journal. I have posted a pre-publication 2nd draft in compliance with LCH's author agreement, and I will link to... more
Pionniers dans l’occupation des territoires africains, les missionnaires engagent très tôt dans ces espaces une œuvre d’évangélisation dans la laquelle la réalisation des projets sociaux trouve une expression particulière. Cette... more
This article investigates whether Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark 2015 same-sex marriage decision, supports or undermines a right to polygamous marriage. First, it shows that Obergefell defined marriage as a relationship that provides... more
For the past few decades, Islamic reformists have attempted to reverse patriarchal set-ups in Islamic practices. In light of these efforts, the time is ripe to consider what role women's agency will play in the implementation of such... more
This paper reviews the complex history of plural marriage associated with the Mormon Church, giving consideration to views that are both favorable and unfavorable to the practice of polygamy. Interdisciplinary in nature, this paper delves... more
Polygamy is neglected problem in Indonesia. This happens because Indonesia is one of country that allows polygamy with the certain condition. The goal of this research is to conduct about the view and role of women members of Islamic... more
The story of Roop and Satya, two Sikh women in a polygamous marriage in colonial India 1937-1947,
The (ill) logic of so called MPLB having no constitutional or religious sanction on talaq & polygamy is funny as well as absurd. A band of sadist male chauvinists create their own brand of anti-women Islam and when that's questioned this... more
From the Hebrew text of Sir 37:11, it seems reasonable to suppose that Sira was well aware of polygamous marriages. It should be added that no more than two wives are mentioned in the comparable biblical texts. If one wishes to coin... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims in understanding the term of polygamy in Qur'an according to surah Annisa: 3 through their perspectives and perceptions of the word of khiftum. Methodology:... more
Exact data on the subject is hard to find today, primarily because the 1961 census was the last one to look at marriages by religion and community. That survey, in fact, found that incidence of polygamy was the least among Muslims, with... more
From the perspective of family law, South Africa seems particularly interesting as it recognizes a multiplicity of marriage forms, according to its laws: not only common law marriage, deeply linked with the traditions of Western culture,... more
Cases concerning polygamous households can present difficult challenges for family courts. Though a growing number of Americans practice polygamy, the lifestyle still remains shrouded in mystery. Many polygamists are religious (and... more
"This book examines, through a multi-disciplinary lens, the possibilities offered by relationships and family forms that challenge the nuclear family ideal, and some of the arguments that recommend or disqualify these as legitimate units... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and Malaysian Muslims in understanding the term of polygamy in Qur’an according to surah Annisa: 3 through their perspectives and perceptions of the word of khiftum. Methodology:... more