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Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was reduced from the role of a global hegemon to that of a regional hegemon. As the regional hegemon, Russia was responsible for creating a regional order that was nested within the... more
An essay about the black and white documentary photographic project by Dmitry Vyshemirsky about Kalinigrad (former Königsberg) city. A town by the sea. Familiar noise and light streaming upon it. Once upon a time a photographer had to... more
ISBN: 9789752975309 The notes and bibliography of the book was distorted during publishing process by the publisher. The author was not given chance to provide a proper bibliography and notes again. Kitabın notları ve bibliografyası... more
For a thousand years the Russian people have suffered under autocratic or totalitarian rule. Despite hardship, they produced significant literature, art, music, and technical advances. After centuries of Czarist neglect, the decimation... more
This study refers to which dynamics should history be built on while structuring a state. In this sense, function of history in building a state has been tried to be determined through historiography that has been carried out in... more
Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 1. Монументальная скульптура. Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 4. С. 55—65. Kotlomanov A.O.... more
It is no accident that the Euromaidan revolution from November 2013 was triggered by President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to postpone signing the Association Agreement with the European Union. This paper traces the connection between a... more
The Soviet vision of a preordained and predestined future has been replaced by a feeling of limitlessness of individual and collec- tive endeavors. Unpredictability of the future was coupled with a sense of vulnerability vis-à-vis... more
20. yüzyılın başlarında ulusçu düşüncenin eyleme dönüşmesiyle yeni bir dünya düzeni kurulmuştur. Bu yeni düzende, tarihe şekil veren büyük imparatorluklar yerlerini kendi içlerinden çıkan ulus-devletlere bırakmak zorunda kalmıştır. Yüzyıl... more
This book considers the process of legal modernization in Russia from the development of the mechanism of complaints addressed to the authorities from the pre-revolutionary period to today. It analyzes wide-ranging data and sources,... more
Unter der "russischen Idee" verstand man ursprünglich einen Kreis von Problemen im geistigen Leben Rußlands, die von den Philosophen zu Anfang des Jahrhunderts, etwa zehn Jahre vor der Oktoberrevolution, aufgeworfen wurden.' Später... more
Resumo: A partir da obra de Svetlana Aleksiévitch, busca-se analisar a sua postura em relação aos testemunhos e a inscrição da escuta enquanto elemento linguístico de hospitalidade e acolhimento em relação ao trauma. Para tanto,... more
Книга вышла в свет в результате крополивого и систематизированного труда двух коллег-соавторов. Она посвящается впервые комплексному историческому анализу динамики демографических процессов, через которые прошли корейцы, начавшие более... more
Azerbaijan’s independence came after seven decades of militant atheism of the Soviet modernisation project and emerged into staunch secularism of Western modernity, two factors that, on a par with the country’s precarious neighbourhood,... more
в: Реабилитация и память. Отношение к жертвам советских политических репрессий  в странах бывшего СССР, М.: "Мемориал" - "Звенья", 2016, с. 127-151.
Котломанов А.О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Современное русское искусство в общественном пространстве. Часть 2. Новые формы // Вестн. С.-Петерб. гос. ун-та. Сер. 15. Искусствоведение. 2016. Вып. 1. С. 68—80. Kotlomanov A.O. Public art:... more
... were also the battles of Glavtorg. The victory of the pro-kontoras forces was welcomed by Glavtorg leader Nikolai Tregubov and his colleagues, who had viewed Khrushchev as their prime enemy. The abolition of the centralized ...
For more than a quarter-century, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been one of the most important factors influencing the political map of the South Caucasus. On 12 May 1994, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, and Azerbaijan signed a cease-fire... more
The Catalogue for solo-exhibition of photographs about Coal Miners done by Maxim Marmur (Russia) in 2017-2018, for 18th International Festival of Photography in Pingyao (China), curator of the exhibition: Irina Chmyreva. Russian / English... more
This chapter discusses strategies of reckoning with the communist past that were adopted in Belarus by the Orthodox Church (BOC), the country’s largest religious denomination. It examines major factors that shaped the process of coming to... more
This volume examines Russian discourses of regionalism as a source of identity construction practices for the country's political and intellectual establishment. The overall purpose of the monograph is to demonstrate that, contrary to... more
The given publication brings to light the transcript of the speech by the Deputy Chairman of the Council for Religious Affairs of the USSR, Peter Makartsev, during the organization’s meeting in Vilnius in 1977. This transcript is of... more
Siyasal ve sosyal bir kavram olarak ulusa dayalı devlet kendine has hususiyetlere sahip olmak durumundadır. Bu aslında bir meşruiyet kazanma uğraşısıdır. Ulusun etnik bileşimi ve ortaya çıkış yeri bu süreçte özel bir önem taşır. Ulusun... more
Аннотация: В статье рассмотрены особенности внешнеполитического курса США в отношении государств Центральной Азии в постбиполярный период. Охарактеризованы императивы и константы, а также трансформация центрально азиатской политики... more
In democracies, elites should be responsive to public opinion. This is especially true in Eastern Europe, where politicians fear electoral sanctions in the process of reform (Roberts and Kim 2011). Public opinion in general in Eastern... more
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia was reduced from the role of a global hegemon to that of a regional hegemon. As the regional hegemon, Russia was responsible for creating a regional order that was nested within the... more
... The New Ukrainian Literature: Between the Postmodern and the Postcolonial. Autores: VitalyChernetsky; Localización: The Soviet and post-Soviet Review, ISSN 1075-1262, Vol. 28, Nº 1-2, 2001 , págs. 29-46. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de... more
On the basis of historical analogies, it was concluded that in 1991 the outlying territories fell away from Russia in the form of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Вестник КРСУ. 2020. Том 20. № 2 41 П.И. Дятленко УДК 94(575.2) ВЛИЯНИЕ РЕАБИЛИТАЦИИ РЕПРЕССИРОВАННЫХ ЧИНОВНИКОВ НА ИСТОРИЧЕСКУЮ И КУЛЬТУРНУЮ ПОЛИТИКУ В КИРГИЗСКОЙ ССР В КОНЦЕ 1950-х-1960-х гг. The article is devoted to analyze of... more
Bushuev A.S., Shafigullina L.R. Sotsiokul'turnoe razvitie postsovetskogo Tatarstana v zerkale istoriografii [Sociocultural Development of the Post-Soviet Tatarstan in the Mirror of Historiography] // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra... more