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Efforts to bridge emotion theory with neurobiology can be facilitated by dynamic systems (DS) modeling. DS principles stipulate higher-order wholes emerging from lower-order constituents through bidirectional causal processes – offering a... more
Long-term potentiation (LTP) is a form of synaptic plasticity that is an excellent model for the molecular mechanisms that underlie memory. LTP, like memory, is persistent, and both are widely believed to be maintained by a coordinated... more
Huperzia saururus (Lam.) Trevis. (Lycopodiaceae) known as cola de quirquincho is used in folk medicine to improve memory. The cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain, including those in the medial septum, and in the vertical limbs of... more
Señalización neural I y II. Membrana celular y concentraciones iónicas Permeabilidad de la membrana Mecanismos de transporte a través de la membrana - Transporte activo - Transporte pasivo - Transporte especializado... more
Review showing the general mechanisms of synaptic plasticity to understand the importance of some treatments for the rehabilitation of the visual system
The adult brain is not as hard-wired as traditionally thought. By modifying their small- or large-scale morphology, neurons can make new synaptic connections or break existing ones (structural plasticity). Structural changes accompany... more
The neuropathological correlates of Alzheimer's disease (AD) include amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. To study the interaction between Aβ and tau and their effect on synaptic function, we derived a triple-transgenic... more
Major depressive disorder (MDD) will affect one out of every five people in their lifetime and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Nevertheless, mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis of MDD have yet to be completely... more
Modifications of neuronal circuits allow the brain to adapt and change with experience. This plasticity manifests during development and throughout life, and can be remarkably long lasting. Evidence has linked activity-regulated gene... more
Mammalian excitatory synapses express diverse types of synaptic plasticity. A major challenge in neuroscience is to understand how a neuron utilizes different types of plasticity to sculpt brain development, function, and behavior.... more
Light & Scent (People Relearn a Heightened Sense of Smell to Enhance Brain Plasticity) We're born smellers. Being enveloped in "womb-waters" means our smell sense is not fully-activated with the mechanisms for breathing air (replete... more
The ability to carry out signal processing, classification, recognition, and computation in artificial spiking neural networks (SNNs) is mediated by their synapses. In particular, through activity-dependent alteration of their efficacies,... more
Sensory systems adapt to environmental change. It has been argued that adaptation should have the effect of optimizing sensitivity to the new environment. Here we consider a framework in which this premise is made concrete using an... more
Interactions between presynaptic and postsynaptic cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) drive synapse maturation during development. These trans-synaptic interactions are regulated by alternative splicing of CAM RNAs, which ultimately... more
Kainate receptors form a family of ionotropic glutamate receptors that appear to play a special role in the regulation of the activity of synaptic networks. This review first describes briefly the molecular and pharmacological properties... more
Taller que apunta hacia tres objetivos: a. Aprender acerca de la etimología de la palabra plasticidad. b. Integrar la noción de plasticidad con la de morfología, cambio y metamorfosis. c. Repasar el concepto de plasticidad que adopta... more
The hippocampal dentate gyrus plays a critical role in learning and memory throughout life, in part by the integration of adult-born neurons into existing circuits. Neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus is regulated by numerous... more
Protein synthesis underlying activity-dependent synaptic plasticity is controlled at the level of mRNA translation. We examined the dynamics and spatial regulation of two key translation factors, eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E)... more