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Particle Swarm Optimization is a popular heuristic search algorithm which is inspired by the social learning of birds or fishes. It is a swarm intelligence technique for optimization developed by Eberhart and Kennedy [1] in 1995. Inertia... more
In Computer Vision tracking of moving object in a real life scene is considered as a very challenging problem. Many factors such as illumination of light, noise, occlusion, sudden start and stop of moving object, shading etc. are... more
La plateforme opensource MyWebIntelligence (ou MyWI,) est un projet de recherche produit par le laboratoire MICA dans le cadre de l’Institut des Humanités Digitales qui vise à fournir un outil stratégique dans l’analyse et l’intelligence... more
Volleyball premier league (VPL) simulating some phenomena of volleyball game has been presented recently. This powerful algorithm uses such racing and interplays between teams within a season. Furthermore, the algorithm imitates the... more
ABSTRACT The knight's tour problem is a sub chess puzzle where the objective of the puzzle is to find combination moves made by a knight so that it visits every square of the chessboard exactly once. This paper proposes a model... more
ABSTRACT Slope stability analysis of soil with a weak layer sandwiched between two strong layers is considered as a complex geotechnical problem. In this problem, the objective function is non-convex and discontinuous with the presence of... more
This paper presents an optimized K-nearest neighbors (KNNs) classification algorithm using the metaheuristic whale optimization to searches for sink node in wireless sensor networks. Sink node aggregate data from all sensor nodes and... more
This paper presents an application of swarm intelligence towards the problem of spatial configuration. The methodology classifies activities as discrete entities, which self-organise topologically through associational parameters: an... more
Many studies have focused in designing a set of good DNA sequences as it is one of the crucial tools in improving the reliability and efficiency of DNA computing. In this paper, an improved model of Ant Colony System is developed in... more
This article describes an Integrated Decision Making Environment modeled after the human anatomy and various naturally occurring phenomena and processes, like swarming, and the human neural decision making process. Observing the natural... more
Structural optimization of Lennard-Jones (LJ) clusters is a classical NP problem. There are many local minima locating near the global minimum, and the local optima number is increased exponentially. Social cognitive optimization... more
Swarm based optimization algorithms are a collection of intelligent techniques in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) were developed for simulating the intelligent behavior of animals. Over the years ago, problems complexity... more
Modernization is the key feature for the development of Society. With the timespan people are making growth with trends in technology. Around the decades, there were many technologies which have been stepped up over the industry and made... more
Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) technique is most recent member in the family of swarm optimization algorithms.SMO algorithm fall in class of Nature Inspired Algorithm (NIA). SMO algorithm is good in exploration and exploitation of local... more
Biologically inspired cognitive systems have successfully been used for various purposes in recent years. There is, however, a considerable amount of work to be done using certain biological organisms to understand cognitions, especially... more
Edge detection is a fundamental procedure in image processing , machine vision, and computer vision. Its application area ranges from astronomy to medicine in which isolating the objects of interest in the image is of a significant... more
– The Android Operating System covers almost 80% of the smartphones market. However, being so successful and popular amongst its users, Android Platform may misbehave in spite of all the rigorous security mechanisms it can afford. In our... more
A swarm is defined as a set of two or more independent heterogeneous or homogeneous agents all acting in a common environment in a coherent fashion. This generates an emergent behaviour, which defines the behaviour of the swarm resulting... more
This paper investigates the research issues in routing protocols of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), since WSNs are becoming increasingly essential technology that would be used in a different type of applications such as home... more
Swarm intelligence (SI), an important aspect of artificial intelligence, is increasingly gaining popularity as more and more high-complexity challenges necessitate solutions that are sub-optimal but still feasible in a fair amount of... more
A sample chapter of the Book on
"Bio-inspired Computation and Applications in Image Processing"
(Elsevier, 2016).
This paper presents an optimization algorithm for tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters in order to achieve a desired transient response. In order to find optimal PID controller parameters, it is rather a... more
Globalization rolls out the speed of market evolution is growing along with the severity of competition. New products appear daily. Retail and distribution are shifting to e-commerce. Changing market conditions impose increasingly... more
Building sustainable and resilient lives in harmony with the ecosystems and local resources requires a bottom up approach as it starts from the analysis of people needs and social-economic trends. Most current social, environmental and... more
This paper simulates the behavior of Cell Rovers, the cell sized bio- nanobots envisioned to be injected into Astronauts, by using a swarm of Kilobots. Alone, each Kilobot is unable to perform any meaningful function, but as a group they... more