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Tobacco use is a public health concern worldwide as well as in India. Tobacco consumption is mainly done in two forms: smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco. The tobacco use without burning is referred to as smokeless tobacco (SLT) use.... more
The purpose was to examine cigarette smoking, use of snus, alcohol, and performance-enhancing illicit drugs among adolescent elite athletes and controls, and possible gender and sport group differences. First-year students at 16 Norwegian... more
Smokeless tobacco (SLT) has long been realized as an important component of the fight for global tobacco control. It still remains a major problem in countries like India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The objective of this study was to estimate... more
Objectives: Tobacco consumption has a significant association with several health problems. Among the eight leading causes of morbidity and mortality, tobacco consumption is the major risk factor for six causes. This study aimed to find... more
Bangladesh, for the first time in history, has fulfilled the eligibility criteria set by the United Nations to be recognized as a developing country, crossing over from the list of least developed countries (LDCs). Bangladesh has reached... more
Team Rose: Amin Karimi, Mohammed Alsuhaimi, Melis Yurtbay, Prangdao Watcharatrakul (JIK), Yasmine Burity
Since the effort to include SLT in tobacco control policies under the WHO FCTC started, there has been considerable progress in its compliance, especially with Article 1(f) in defining SLT by the Parties and in surveillance of SLT use... more
Background Screening and monitoring in pregnancy are strategies used by healthcare providers to identify high-risk pregnancies so that they can provide more targeted and appropriate treatment and follow-up care, and to monitor fetal... more
Smoking is the primary cause of avoidable deaths in developing countries; it is the principal cause of many illnesses and is risk factor or aggravated cause. Cigarettes or smokeless tobacco have a direct or indirect toxicity effect on... more
This paper includes an update of a Cochrane systematic review on tobacco use cessation (TUC) in dental settings as well as narrative reviews of possible approaches to TUC and a more detailed discussion of referral for specialist TUC... more
Athletes are not a typical at-risk group for smoking combustible tobacco products, because they are generally health conscious and desire to remain fit and optimize athletic performance (1). In contrast, smokeless tobacco use historically... more
Nicotine, at the dosage levels smokers seek, is a relatively innocuous drug commonly delivered by a highly harmful device, cigarette smoke. An intensifying pandemic of disease caused or exacerbated by smoking demands more effective policy... more
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the squamous epithelial cells of oral cavity and cervix leading to formation of warts that develops into the cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-16 and 18 encode E6 oncoprotein, which binds to and induces... more
Tobacco use imposes a huge burden of disease in India. Most studies on the use of tobacco among students in India have focused on secondary school students with a few studies investigating younger children and university students. We... more
In a retrospective study, interviews were obtained with 3,716 patients with histologically proven cancer of the lung (Kreyberg types I and II), mouth, larynx, esophagus, or bladder and with over 18,000 controls. For each of these cancers,... more
Globally, India accounts for the highest number of oral cancer cases. The survival rates are about 30% lower than those in developing countries. The main reason for these dismal figures is the late presentation of patients. In order to... more