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Decision making in social dilemmas is suggested to rely on three factors: the valuation of a choice option; the relative judgment of two or more choice alternatives; and individual factors affecting the ease at which judgments and... more
This article presents a reframing of workforce diversity as a social tragedy. We draw on Hardin’s concept of ‘tragedy of the commons’, which explored the conflicts between individual and collective good. We identify two dilemmas that... more
This editorial introduces a special section of the journal on ecological economics: The next 30 years consisting of 20 different articles from a broad range of contributors. It explores common themes from the articles including... more
How effective are rewards (for cooperation) and punishment (for noncooperation) as tools to promote cooperation in social dilemmas, or situations when immediate self-interest and longer-term collective interest conflict? And what... more
Amongst the most researched solutions to social dilemmas is communication. Since the late 1950’s, it has been well known that communication enhances cooperation in social dilemmas. This paper reports a meta-analysis of this literature (45... more
The central theoretical hypothesis of this paper is that social dynamics underpinning the perpetration of Female Genital Mutilation can be interpreted as a particular kind of social dilemma. Looking at FGM through a set of game... more
Evidencia de juegos experimentales con microempresarios en un campamento en Chile.
The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more
Neil Young, así como la cantante Joni Mitchel, otra icono de la música rock para talluditos como los que escriben artículos de esta guisa, han decidido que no pueden avalar la indecencia de Spotify de permitir el acceso al comediante Joe... more
Several proposals for addressing the “replication crisis” in social psychology have been advanced in the recent literature. In this paper, we argue that the “crisis” be interpreted as a disciplinary social dilemma, with the problem facing... more
Public crisis communication aims to fill and solve very practical crisis management related tasks and issues, but also to uphold core democratic ideas and values. 2 The topic of this chapter, ethical crisis communication, centers on how... more
The study of intragroup dynamics in management studies views conflict as a contingency process that can benefit or harm a group based of characteristics of the group and context. We review five models of intragroup conflict in management... more
Tüketim toplumu sosyal medya ile birlikte herkesin kendi işletmecisi ve ürün haline geldiği yeni bir aşamaya geçti. Aşırı güven, ego ve haz patlamasının yaşandığı günümüzde mutluluk arayışı da çehre değiştirdi. Bu seminerde yeni aşırılık... more
EARS, the European Academy on Religion and Society, is a European network of Departments and/or Faculties of Theology and/or Religious Studies. The 19 participating universities and their theologians aim to interpret and to explain... more
Although cooperation between groups is not unusual, most forms of human cooperation are in-group bounded and, sometimes, motivated by the desire to ward-off and subordinate rivaling out-groups. Building on evolutionary perspectives and... more
To investigate the impact of framing on rule-breaking behavior in social dilemmas, we incorporated a rule in a one-shot resource game with two framing-treatments: One frame was a give-some dilemma (i.e., a variant of a public goods game)... more
Promoting the use of nonviolent action raises a number of seldom-discussed tensions and dilemmas, including the possibility that nonviolence can be used for the wrong cause, the potential for nonviolent action to support violence and vice... more
Social punishment has been suggested as a key approach to ensuring high levels of cooperation and norm compliance in one-shot interactions. However, it has been shown that it only works when punishment is highly cost-efficient. On the... more
В настоящее время довольно трудно определить, в какой степени современные демократические процессы зависят от влияния институциональных факторов, поскольку эти факторы не всегда четко проанализированы общественными интеллектуалами и даже... more
Various measures were undertaken to internalize the state-owned common pool resource (CPR) based public open space’s (POS) externalities which arisen from the perennial commons’ dilemmas, yet, to date, not a single adaptive governance... more
Wyobraźmy sobie sytuację, której wynik zależy od decyzji i działań własnych, ale również od decyzji i działań drugiej osoby. Nie jest to sytuacja do końca komfortowa – nie jesteśmy „władcami własnego losu”, lecz jesteśmy... more
Although theory suggests individuals are more willing to incur a personal cost to benefit in-group members, compared to out-group members, there is inconsistent evidence in support of this perspective. Applying meta-analytic techniques,... more
The present research tests two competing models specifying how two traits (concern with the well-being of others and self-control) interact to predict forgiveness. According to the compensatory model, forgiveness requires being high on... more
Supply chains are beginning to displace firms as the competitive entity in the global marketplace. Managed supply chains offer the promise of added value through proactive cooperative efforts among participating firms. However, as a... more
Life in the classroom is governed by a variety of rules. One typical classroom rule is the rule of silence or low noise. Teachers often deal with students' noise‐making and conversations by hushing them. This article reports an... more
This paper identifies and analyses a specific psychological barrier that plays a crucial role in explaining why the tourism accommodation sector so far has only made a limited contribution to sustainable development. This barrier... more
Across five studies using samples from both Japan and United States (N = 2345), we take a multi-method approach to test the prediction from life history theory that a slow, compared to fast, life history strategy promotes investment in... more
В статье анализируются институциональные процессы в системе высшего образования в России и в Соединенных Штатах. Подчеркивается, что высшее образование необходимо для гражданского развития, поскольку демократическому обществу требуются... more
A social dilemma is a circumstance in which each of an aggregate of people must make an individual decision whether to acquire a short-term benefit for themselves or to forego some of that benefit for the long-term benefit of the... more
Why is there strategy, not just brute force, in cycling competitions? What are the recurring strategic interactions amongst riders? And what can economists learn from riders’ behaviors? Cycling may be one of the most strategically... more
This is the illustrated version of the article "“The Lesser of Evils Versus the Common Good: On the Poverty of Ideology in the Washington Post," a critique of the article “Yes, you do have an obligation to vote for the lesser of two... more
Strategic Supply Chain Management (SCM) creates and maintains collective gains through appropriate alliance relationships, which often require initial investments in an uncertain environment. The development of such relationships may be... more
In the present experiment, we simultaneously examine the effect of personality and situational factors on decisions in a social dilemma game. Our first question is what temperament and character factors would make Machiavellian people... more
Contributions to public goods are premised on the expectation that the collective will realize benefit in excess of the value of required contributions. However, past research has focused on public goods of fixed and known value, for... more