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The present decade has witnessed a huge volume of research revolving around a number of Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques, especially for the fabrication of different metallic materials. However, fabrication of ceramics and cermets... more
Addressing the Yogasūtra योगसूत्र, or 'the point of view' codified in the Patañjali system, is a difficult task. We are faced with an Opera written in a sacred language, to which we approach with due respect. The text is hermetic, as it... more
Swami Paramarthananda discusses Sādhana Catuṣṭaya Saṃpatti (Fourfold Qualifications) , in many classess1. I have compiled this document based on Swamiji’s teachings of these classes. In the Karikas to Mandukya Upanishad,... more
"Mārīcī in the Sādhanamālā" Presentation handout (This handout was partially revised after the conference presentation.) I gave a presentation on Mārīcī in the Sādhanamālā. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number... more
In these times of crisis, while we are immersed in the darkness of Kaliyuga, it is important to remain steadfast, equanimous and find the strength to continue along the Path of Knowledge. The videos we present can be of great help and... more
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad una proliferazione di nuove edizioni degli Yogasūtra, spesso con traduzioni e commenti a cura di studiosi occidentali. Alcune pregevoli, altre meno. Abbiamo scelto di porre al centro dell’attenzione,... more
God realization is the goal of human life, said Sri Ramakrishna, the Guru of Swami Vivekananda. It was Swami Vivekananda's life's work to carve out a path for achieving this goal. This article explores this path.
Le Edizioni Porpora hanno messo a disposizione questo lavoro di Sri Svami KRISHNANANDA. Il testo completo è liberamente scaricabile dal sito indicato in intestazione. Buona lettura ed un ringraziamento alle Edizioni Porpora, che... more
The Tantras selected here give few clues about geographical locations. Of the six short passages, the third alone mentions a place called the “Garlanded” (Mālinī) Mountain and a ravine or cave named Kokila, which may refer to sites in... more
... aquifer. Mathematical modelling of seawater intrusion plays a key role in the development of such optimal operating strategies. Ideally, these mathematical models should be capable of simulating 3-D seawater intrusion cases. ...
"Quello che esiste è Uno senza un secondo. Uno ed Uno soltanto, e non duale è quella grande Realtà, eternamente esistente, sempre presente, infinita. Non c’è nessun secondo, c’è Uno ed Uno soltanto. Qualsiasi cosa esiste è in quell’Uno... more
SONODA, Sayaka. 2019. "Two Types of Pañcarakṣā Maṇḍala in Sādhanamālā.", TOYO UNIVERSITY ORIENTAL STUDIES  vol. 56. 197-212
In questa newsletter Upaniṣad: La scienza della Īśāvāsya Upaniṣad.(traduzione autorizzata dall’autore e corredata da note - dell’opera: Karthikeyan Sreedharan UPANIṢADS - THE TREATISES ON THE SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY) Nella sezione... more
In questa ricerca delle fonti del Sacro mantra non poteva mancare un richiamo al testo originale del Taimni, interamente dedicato alla Gāyatrī. Siamo di fronte ad un insegnamento di particolare rilevanza, sviluppato in modo organico e... more
Mediating the Power of Buddhas offers a fascinating analysis of the seventh-century ritual manual, the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa. This medieval text is intended to reveal the path into a ritual universe where the power of a buddha abides.... more
Among Western scholars and researchers, the opinion that between the thought of Patañjali (Yogasūtra) and that of Śaṅkarācārya (Advaita-Vedānta) there is an irreparable rift. Not believing the formulations to be completely convincing in... more
Anteprima dal testo in corso di redazione: Pātañjala Yogasūtrāṇi, Yama e Niyama, i Doveri (astensioni e osservanze), Il ‘punto di vista’ Yoga Vol II, terza edizione ampliata e rivista. A cura di Fabio Milioni Il testo (IV-XII d.C.) è... more
This presentation concerns Sādhanamālā (SM) No. 134, a meditation on the Mārīcī of three faces and eight arms (an image seen on extant art objects). The traits of the sādhana of SM No. 134 are elucidated via an understanding of its... more
Typically, supply chain members are dependent on each other to manage various resources and information. The conflicting objectives and lack of coordination between supply chain members may often cause uncertainties in supply and demand.... more